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The Ancestor

Rus | Man is the warmest place to hide.

Comments ( 80 )


Little Paragraph mistake

"Marzec, Murdoch weapons free on my command. " "Got it covered.", came a reply from Adam Marzec, accompanied by a "Got it, come get some you bastards." from Courtney Murdoch, the infantry of the squad is now ready.

"Van Beek, if the capture is unsuccesful, the target's on you. If the VIP's confirmed subdued, weapon's free. " "I'm on it.", the second squad sniper, Mark Van Beek replied.

Can you please explain the mistake to me? I fail to see it.

For every sentence, a new Paragraph. Like with the "got it" of the sniper. Does this make it clear?

Yes, thanks for explaining it.

Youre welcome. Eager to see how this Story goes, i am a fan of xcom

You have my attention Commander.
Here's hoping you address the rescue of Fluttershy in the series.

I' m consulting the official Negotiation - verse timeline as i'm writing this, so expect my fic to stay mostly true to the timeline, notable exeptions due to the whole "alien invasion" thing notwithstanding.

Nice job! Loved the Detail with the Detail of the horn not working due to being damaged

I guess you could say he won't get horny any time soon, eh?

Good joke!

You know, i always found it odd how the conventional militaries failed. I mean , xcom used conventional weapons at the start,so techically, they were not different

The conventional military is busy dealing with general alien shenanigans: regular alien attacks, bomb disposal e.t.c. , XCOM is called when the military has something they can't deal with, either due to personell shortages or equipment shortages. Let's not forget that the invaders probably attacked Earth's military bases first, before concentrating their attention on the civilian populace.

XCOM's soldiers are the cream of the crop from the militaries all around the world, and their funding allows them to have the best weapons the world could offer. The base Interceptor is described as a " heavily modified and augmented attack fighter", and the Avalanche Missiles are the product of "a crash program and a couple of lucky experiments" that is "upgraded with Earth's best targeting software", and it represents " the pinnacle of terrestrial guided missle technology". And the XCOM project is still struggling to pull through during the first months, especially with the "Long war mod".

It's safe to assume that the regular military is in a much worse position than us.

Sure, just wondered, given how xcom is infantry mostly, you know?

By the way, ever thought about a pony sympathing with the humans, similar to that recent xcom game?

There are ponies working with humans in the NegotiationVerse, and i did think about the possibility of a captive soldier sympathising with humans, but i definently won't be Shining Armor.

If you need ponies, i might have some OCs you could use

Sure, DM me and i might see them in a later chapter.

Stardust influenced I take it?
An oldie but a good one. Keep it up.

Stardust was one of the first mlp fics i ever read, and it inspired me to write this story. Thanks for the kind words!

It was Stardust that cemented me to the Fandom, oddly enough.

Well damn, this definitely has my attention, seems good and makes sense.

i did enjoy it, nice work! could stun the unicorn though, instead of killing.

"Regret? Regret!? Humans don't have regets! You monsters killed my husband!" The unicorn screamed, and shot a beam towards the group. Just when the beam was conjured up, a laser pierced her head, and she dropped like a puppet with it's strings cut.

And you monsters mindrape with "body horror" sprinkled on top. Every Newfoal should be dragged out into the street and put down; then drive a nail for each one into the unicorns who did it and make sure they last as long as possible...

Arc Thrower has limited charges due to a relatively weak battery, and requires CLOSE RANGE to be effective. The outsider was far more valuable than that pony ever would.

With enough scientific advancement and cooperation from equestrian scientists, the newfoals could very well be saved.

could have aimed for the horn instead. say, if civilian ponies are present, how about foals? Surely, xcom would not want to harm kids

That one attacked the squad, and a laser shot to anywhere near the horn would kill the target. Foals are unlikely to cause any harm, and their presense is only possible on iether abductor UFOs, such as this one, or during infiltration missions on Equestrian soil.

of course, just thought could be a interesting scene how they would handle foals

Great chapter and I really liked this.
Alicorns being able to heavily (ish) a huge UFO, damn XCOM is gonna have one hell of a day trying to beat that.
Oh also I want to thank you fot actually making this story have common sense and not just a XCOM but ponies what with Nations not being able to do much, no weird "SHOT WIDE" and gave the bloody skyrangers actual purpose then just dropping off the team and fucking off

Thank you for your kind words! It makes me happy to know people are enjoying this story! My general idea for the story is to include more human on pony action, with the inclusion of aliens here and there as well.

Xcom enemy unknown/within never made sense. The opening tutorial broke suspension of disbelief.

XCOM was created to deal with aliens... okay. First mission with tutorial; OMG! Alien life! What an unprecedented event! hold on now; you work at Xcom lady (who is our head of science stuff)... did no one tell you? And if aliens have never been noticed... then who's Skyranger am i using? If Xcom isn't active until after this fact then why are they already mobilized? Which country am i before xcom? Why are westealing soldiers from countries who have no knowledge of aliens or the not yet existing xcom? Why are all these cabinet members not trying to get their own satellites up and more skyrangers made?

Why can't I have CAS support? You got aircraft, plus the skyranger with its own big gun

Why can't i deploy multiple Strike teams? Why can't i send squadrons of jets to intercept UFOS?

Why am i so sad that she died?

And the answers? None
besides weird and otherwise game balancing



Why am I the last line of defense? I can see it if was just founded but tutorial screams conspiracy inside our top secret organization. We knew aliens were here for a long time.

Why is no other line built? Xcom2 gives the impression one never was...

i agree, things get interesting

I can see stardust in this chapter, and I love it.
Always loved the idea of this is how they worked and the one that spoke to you was the leader, or head of the Council

2:Current projections indicate a working prototype in two months and a streamlined production shortly thereafter. Keep in mind that the project will supply itself with a sizable amount of gear before even considering lending the Council nation the weapons.

Possible typo... it just doesn't read right to me. Should there be nations or is a whole word missing?

Whoops, that's definently a typo. Thanks for notifying me!

“Sweet Celestia, what have you done Cadance?”

02:22, 18/07/2050, UNKNOWN LOCATION

Appears to be missing a break. Normally i would not mention it (largely because most who don't do not know how) but... you used one the last time you switched PoV.

It's a tiny nitpick.

With tutorial in mind Vahlen's surprise is wierd, but we can chalk it up to a developer oversight. If it is the first contact, then her surprise is understandable.

As to why XCOM exists before the alien presence was confirmed, i have an answer. Xcom is a contingency plan. From my understanding, the direct invasion was preceded by alien abductions, although more stealthier than the one's we know.

A great deal of people dissapear every year and are never found. So much of them dissaper in fact, that the abductees would get lost in the sea of missing people.

There's probably been an increase in reported UFO sightings, although these are met with general sceptecism. Due to these and several other factors, XCOM has been put on high alert, and is quick to respond to any reports of supposed alien activity.

Skyrangers are probably hard and expensive to manufacture, being a VTOL aircraft and all.

The soldiers are actually hired, seeing as we pay for their initial recruitment.

interesting. though you seem to have a few mistakes

As you may have heard, my sister and i were seen attaking an unknown vessel that has been abducting ponies from all over Equestria

A static image of the ship appeared and began trning around its axis, as Celestia continued.

Tthese 'monsters' attacked indiscriminately, although they prioritised human targets

The Princess of the Night took a step forward, her hor glowing a dark blue color.

She was walking dow the street, when a wierd sound caught her attention.

Fixed! Sorry, it's kinda late and i just finished my finals, sorry for any typos.

no harm done, i just like to help

Alright... one question;

Two green hulking figure bust through the door, and fired their weapons towards the pony squad as the magical screen flickered and died.

two mutons with singular figure...

And what about the green brute at the end?

now this is partially excusable... only one (of two) fired so only one (of two) are discussed but word choice makes me want to confirm if there were one or two... So, how many? :rainbowhuh:


Two question:
a) Why are the aliens more focused on human specimens that ponies? One would day the later have a repertory of more interesting abilities, specially the alicorns.
b) What did the ponies to Dr. Vahlen to hold so much hatred toward them?

a) If you don't like spoilers or haven't played the latest XCOM games, then it's a mystery. If you don't care about spoilers: the whole invasion is a test for humanity to prepare them for the greater threat that was too dangerous even for the Ethereals. They search the universe for the perfect species that is both psionically gifted and physically fit. As to why they don't target Equestrians much, just wait and see :raritywink:.

b) Trying to exterminate one's species tends to sour one's opinions of the exterminators. An eye for an eye, eh?

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