• Published 2nd Sep 2021
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Harmony of Light: An Oath to Return season 1. - Xionforgotten

This story takes place between KH 358/2 days and Kingdom Hearts 2, Roxas the keyblade chose one falls into the world of equestria where he is going to find the truth meaning of friendship while he protects his new friends from the heartless.

  • ...

Chapter 18: Illusions Part 1.

The Old Mansion Underground Laboratory.

''Bleep...whir...Bleep.'' The computer finished processing the archives about the female Organization XIII member.

"Finally, the computer finished searching for information about her. Now it's time to get some answers," Namine said, looking at the computer screen filled with documents containing Organization XIII symbols.

"Huh? This can't be right." Namine said in disbelief as she viewed the documents she had accessed from the organization's monitoring network.

"Two months of gathering information about that girl, and there's nothing about her. No battle reports, no status regarding the type of powers she uses, no records of her appearances in the Organization XIII ranks, and no footage of her ever being seen in any other worlds. How can that be possible?"

Desperately, Namine continued searching for something among all the documents about the secret member, but she made no progress whatsoever.

"Wait a minute, what's this?" Namine then spotted one last document with an intriguing name.

"The Replica Program? Now, that seems promising. What are you hiding, Xemnas?" Namine pressed the file, hoping to find the answers she was looking for within that archive.

Meanwhile, in the conference room of The World That Never Was...

(Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days Organization XIII theme starts)

"What? Are you serious, Xemnas? Roxas is hiding out on a planet where he's a horse." an organization member said, tuning his sitar weapon.

"Actually, Demyx, Xemnas said that Roxas became a pony. Although that is a clever disguise and cover to prevent us from finding him easily," Luxord said, observing his desk of cards held in both hands.

"Living his life as an inferior animal. How absurd. What would make Roxas want to become a four-legged creature instead of being in his original form?" Another member had his sharp, blue wind lances floating around him.

"Heh, isn't it obvious, Xaldin? He knows that we would easily find him in a world where he's human. Therefore, becoming an animal decreases the risk of us recognizing him," Xigbar said, locking and loading his arrow guns.

"This clearly shows that Roxas is desperate to stay away from coming back to the Organization." Axel said, with his hands touching each other's elbows.

"Axel and Xigbar are right, but what I don't understand is how he knew about that world before us," Saix said in distress.

"I cannot say, my comrades, but this surprising event has given us a unique outcome," Xemnas said with his usual sinister smile.

"You mean Roxas's six pony companions? Xemnas, how are they beneficial to our cause?" Saix asked.

"Why don't you all see for yourselves?" Xemnas moved his arm across and created black and white vines that appeared around his hand before poofing away, revealing holographic, life-like images of the Mane Six.

In front of them stood a beautiful yellow pony with feathered wings attached to her back, making her a pegasus. She had a long tail and a mane of light pink color, with huge green calypso eyes and three pink butterflies on her sides.

Next was a young earth pony mare with an orange coat and a blond mane tied with a red holder at the end. Her face was adorned with beautiful emerald green eyes and a few freckles on her left and right cheeks. She wore a brown Stetson hat on her head and had three red apples on her sides.

Another pegasus mare they saw had cyan-blue skin and violet-red eyes. Her most striking feature was her mane and tail, which had all the colors of the rainbow along with a white cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt jutting out from its bottom on her sides.

An earth pony mare with a pink coat had a fuzzy, curly, fluffy mane and tail, both of which had a slightly darker pink color. Her eyes were light cerulean, and she had three balloons, two blue and one yellow, on her sides.

The other mare had a horn on her forehead, a white coat, and blue eyes. She had a purple mane and tail, both neatly combed, and on her flanks rested three sky-blue gem diamonds.

Finally, the last pony they saw was another unicorn mare with a lavender coat and dark purple eyes. She had a deep dark sapphire blue mane and tail, both with one pink and one violet highlight streak on the left side of her horn. On her flanks, there were big six-pointed pink stars surrounded by five smaller, white-pointed stars.

"Say, they look kinda cute. Imagine what they would look like if they were human like us." Demyx said, whistling at their appearances.

"Heh, as if. But should we leave you and the holograms alone for a moment so you can wash them away with your tunes once you rock out?" Xigbar mocked Demyx.

"Enough! We need to stay focused on the task at hand. Care to indulge us, Xemnas?" Xaldin spoke.

"But of course. As you see, these ponies, especially Twilight Sparkle, seem to be very close to Roxas for some reason. She has a certain interest and attachment to our dark comrade. Not only that, but she is trying to stop him from completely embracing his darkness," Xemnas explained.

"What's so important about that peculiar pony?" Xigbar examined Twilight Sparkle with one eye.

"This pony emits a special wavelength, similar to the Seventh Princess of Hearts. She shares an affinity wave pattern and has a connection to the power of darkness. We'll wait and see how this develops, as they continue to bond with Roxas. If they persist in keeping his darkness at bay, maybe Roxas will deal with them himself. Otherwise, once they have no more use to us, I'll dispose of her and her little gang myself," Xemnas said menacingly.

"Won't that infuriate Roxas even more and make him not want to come back and fight us?" Axel said, slamming his hands on the arms of his seat.

"You won't have to worry about that, Axel. The lives of his new friends will be our bargaining chip to convince Roxas to stand down and come back peacefully. If he resists, they all will lose their lives," Xemnas declared.

"The boy is finally releasing his true power. It's about time he did it," Xaldin said sinisterly.

"Well, well, well, this new power of his looks similar to my Luna Diviner berserk form," Saix said smugly.

"We're going to achieve our objectives much sooner than we thought, thanks to them, but there's something else that caught my eye" Xemnas said, smiling deviously as he pointed at Twilight Sparkle.

" There are 2 more ponies that we need to examine in more detail" Xemnas said Showing an image of both Celestia and Luna.

One had a blue cosmic mane and black fur, while the other had white fur and a light rainbow mane.

" Who are they?" Xigbar asked.

"They are the sovereigns of the world, both of them have extreme magic, but they do not compare with us...although this one has something special inside her" Xemnas said pointing at Luna.

" She uses the power of the moon just like you Saix, but if you remember correctly...Roxas's dark powers started developing not so long ago when I came to visit him. I could sense that his darkness came from another source...she has to be this source" Xemnas said.

" Interesting, I would like to compare her control over the moon over mine, but what do we do with them, Xemnas" Saix replied.

" When the time comes, we will eliminate the white one, as for the other...we will try to use her dark powers to our advantage, hehe" Xemnas said.

'' I get it, but why is also the purple one important? I wasn't paying attention'' Xigbar examined her through his one eye.

'' This pony wants to be very close to Roxas for some reason. She has a certain interest and attachment to our friend. Not only that, but she is trying to stop him from completely awakening his darkness,'' Xemnas explained.

'' You want us to take care of her?'' Xaldin said, sharpening his lances by making them clash together.

'' No, we'll wait and see how this turns out for her and her friends as they continue to bond with Roxas. Who knows, maybe Roxas will deal with them himself if they persist in keeping his darkness at bay,'' Xemnas said in a menacing tone.

'' So we stick to the plan, work behind the scenes in the shadows, and use them to our advantage. Once they have no more use to us, they either willingly return Roxas to us, or I'll dispose of her and her little gang myself,'' Xemnas continued.

'' What about the other five ponies here? Do they have the same wavelengths as her?'' Saix asked.

'' I'm not sure yet. They have their unique wavelengths, but only time will tell if they are also connected to the other Seven Princesses of Heart,'' Xemnas replied.

'' Just how is this Twilight pony capable of having these mystical powers?'' Luxord wondered.

'' The world that Roxas is hiding in is a magical one, right? That would explain her having powers,'' Demyx suggested.

'' And if it's magical, then there is a good chance that the ponies there can talk like us,'' Xigbar added.

'' I can't believe this. With all that dark power under Roxas's control, he chose to live in a fairytale land. This is an embarrassment to the Organization,'' Xaldin said, putting a hand on his forehead and shaking his head.

'' You could say that Roxas brought shame to the Organization by mocking us, taking their form to insult us. One of our great warriors leaves behind a cause that we all worked so hard to achieve, now living out the rest of his life in a children's storybook,'' Saix commented with a disappointed look on his face.

'' That girl is making a big mistake. I think this Twilight girl is trying to fall in love with Roxas,'' Axel said, expressing his concern.

'' Fall in love with him? Hah, are you kidding me, Flamesilocks? That's the silliest thing I have ever heard. A pony in love with a half-dead human being. Hee hee heh heh,'' Xigbar laughed uncontrollably.

''Now, I would love to see how that's going between them. Baa-bam bob-boom,'' Demyx said, playing his sitar.

''Utterly pointless, I say. This...Twilight is wasting her time bonding with someone who can't fully understand the meaning of love without having a heart himself,'' Xaldin expressed his disgust.

''Why in the world would she do that? She must be trying to obtain something from him,'' Saix said in disbelief, rubbing his chin slightly.

'' Well, if you all think about it, Roxas left us because we told him vague information about his past for six months. He got sick of waiting for us to tell him, especially since recent strange activities made him suspicious of how we were operating our missions. That's what drove him away, everybody,'' Axel explained Roxas's reasons for leaving the Organization.

''Therefore, what's to stop him from not only seeking answers from his past but also experiencing what it's like for living beings with emotions to act on feelings in their everyday lives? As a result, these pony girls are going to be very influential in persuading Roxas to try these new events and outcomes in his new life away from the Organization,'' Axel concluded.

''Roxas is a very skilled warrior with many other different talents. He must have shown them the things that he can do, and because of that, they are making a lot of attempts to bond with him to know more about him. But no matter, all of this is a temporary setback. We'll soon have him back within our grasp. Once we find him, we let these ponies draw out more of his powers for us, and then we strike,'' Xemnas said, smiling with confidence.

''Once we find his location, let the Nobodies do some reconnaissance to gather more information about the world he's hiding on. After that, we'll move in and we will retrieve Roxas at all cost. Do I make myself clear, everyone?'' Xemnas concluded, his tone turning angry towards the end.

They all nodded in unison, indicating their understanding of everything Xemnas expected them to do when the time came.

''Excellent, this meeting is adjourned,'' Xemnas declared and teleported away.

After their leader left, the remaining members disappeared into the darkness, except for Axel.

''[Sigh] Roxas, please, when we find you, don't drag your new friends into these off-worlding problems of ours. I don't want to get rough with living beings. It's not right to involve them in something that they have no business being in. Otherwise, their lives are over before they can finish them on their terms,'' Axel said, expressing his concern, before leaving the rounded room through a dark corridor.

[song ends]

Day 63: Visions

(Kingdom Hearts 2 Treasured memories plays)

Back in the World of Equestria, Roxas's dreams were taking a different turn now.

"It's up to me. Only the Keyblade master can open the secret door and change the world."

"But I'm not gonna betray Sora, either. All for one and One for all."

"My friends are my power!"

"So, your heart won this battle."


"Is that--"

"Yes. A Keyblade. But unlike yours, this keyblade holds the power to unlock people's hearts. Allow me to demonstrate...Behold!"


"Now, open your heart, surrender it to the darkness! become darkness itself!"

"This is it! This power hahahaha! Darkness... The true darkness!"

"It is I, Ansem, the seeker of darkness!"


"Forget it! There's no way you're taking Kairi's heart!


"Sora! Sora, look!"

"The...The Keyhole!"

It won't work! The Keyhole's not finished yet!

What can we do?

Maybe we've gotta go wake Kairi up.

"I think you're right. If we can free her heart...But...But how? A Keyblade that unlocks people's hearts... I wonder."


"Sora, hold on!"

"No, wait!"

"Sora...Sora! Sora!"


"Come back, Sora!"

"What's... what's happening to me Falling...falling...into darkness."

"Sora? Is that you? This time, I'll protect you. Sora!"

"Kairi, thank you."

"Sora... Sora!"!

"We may never meet again, but we'll never forget each other."

"No matter where we are, our hearts will bring us together again."

"Take this. It's my lucky charm. Be sure to bring it back to me."

"Don't worry. I will."

"Promise? Don't ever forget. Wherever you go, I'm always with you"

Roxas began to shake and sweat in the bed, It looked like something was changing inside him. The dream he just witnessed began to be replaced. He saw Sora falling into the darkness, he tried to reach him but when he did he woke up in Twilight Town outside a Mansion.

" What's happening? huh? who's there?" Roxas shouted then he started hearing all of his friends crying for him.

''Roxas, I know you're in there somewhere!'' Twilight said

''Don't you dare quit on us Spiky you're a fighter and survivor, not a coward''! Rainbow said.

''Come on Sugarcube, remember the type of pony that you want to be''! Applejack said.

''Roxy fight your inner turmoil I know that you can beat it''! Pinkie said.

''Don't let your chaotic past decide who you are Darling make your own decisions''! Rarity said.

''You shouldn't let anger cloud your judgment Roxas think about it you won't get good results only more bad ones''! Fluttershy said.

" Girls! where are you?" Roxas shouted.

Then, the place went black, but instead of Roxas falling down the void he was walking on an invisible floor. In the distance he saw the silhouette of 2 boys, when he got closer he identify one of them as Sora. But the other...

" Who are you...? You look a lot like me" Roxas thought.

The boy smiled but then darkness appeared surrounding and engulfing him. Then the silhouette of this boy change into Nightmare's face and then it changed again into a boy with a strange mask.

" We all...are the...same" A distorted voice said and then the darkness began swallowing Roxas too.

" What is the meaning of this?!" Roxas shouted.

The distorted voice answered. " This...is your origin...your story...brother" After hearing that Roxas woke up.

(Song ends and changes into Roxas theme Kingdom hearts 2)

''Ahhhhh [gasping and panting]!'' Roxas said shaking his whole body trying to "remove" the darkness he felt in the dream.

" Woah, hold yer horses, Sugarcube, wake up Roxas you're having a nightmare" Applejack said trying to wake up her stallion friend.

"Applejack?! Is that you? what happened?" Roxas said.

" Yeah, it´s me, looks like ya were having a nightmare and a bad one. " Applejack replied.

"I couldn´t help it..." Roxas said.

" Ya know ya can tell me anythin´" Applejack said.

"Every time Applejack... every time I try to control a negative feeling this "being" wants to take control and use that to gain more power" Roxas explained.

"Being? you mean that somethin is living inside ya?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah...and every time I get angry or sad, he shows up, I thought I could hold it back, but now it just keeps getting worse" Roxas explained. "He can see all of my memories and read all of my thoughts, darn it... he even exposed some lies to Twilight, and now she doesn't want to talk to me anymore. "

"How terrible, but ya said ya can't control it?" Applejack asked.

Roxas shake his head, he wasn't sure why he couldn't control it.

" Well...I'm not an expert on the darkness, I think Princess Luna could help you, but...if that feeling or negative being strikes again... breathe in and out, and after that try to remember everypony you care about and love."

" But how can I prevent him from using that in his favor, he knows all about me, hell, he even turn my dream into a nightmare" Roxas said.

" Roxas...he might know all of your memories but a feeling is secret and personal it doesn't matter if you both share minds, just let him know that you are in charge and hang on to your happy moments" Applejack said.

" Thank you Applejack, for the advice" Roxas said grabbing Applejack´s hoove.

" Don't worry Roxas, I'm here for you...do ya have anything else to tell me?" The orange mare asked.

" Actually...yes, It's about my nightmare" Roxas replied. " I think is related to my connection with Sora."

" This Sora...I wonder if we will meet him someday...but ya were sayin´..." Applejack said.

"For some reason, I had a dream about Sora going through a castle to rescue his two best friends, Riku, and the other one was Kairi. I believe." Roxas said. " But when he finally arrived, he found out that his friend Riku was possessed by a dark entity and Kairi had lost her heart."

" Oh no, what a horrible scenario, what happened after?" Applejack replied.

" Well, Sora used a special keyblade to release his own heart and give it to Kairi, what I remember after that is seeing Sora falling into eternal darkness, I tried to save him, but when I touch him. The scenario changed into the first memory I had." Roxas explained.

" So you are sayin´ that when ya tried to touch Sora, ya wake up as yourself?" Applejack said.

" If you put it that way then yeah, that happened. And after that, the last thing I remember was seeing Sora and another boy that looked exactly like me, then another guy with a mask appeared and we all got engulfed by the darkness."

" Hmmm, quite interesting your dream clearly has a meaning, If I had to guess I would say that you soon will meet somepony that is going to change you forever, but, that's just a guess, we should go to Luna for aid. She's the expert on the dream stuff" Applejack said.

" But what about Twilight, I feel bad for her. Nightmare had no right on being that cruel to her" Roxas said.

" The best thing to do is that you go with her later and talk to her directly" Applejack suggested.

" You're right but for now...I just want to spend time here on the farm" Roxas said.

" Ya are always welcome here Roxas, ya are part of the family now" Applejack said blushing.

" Thank you Applejack" Roxas said hugging her, when they both stop holding they both stare into each other's eyes. Was that the perfect moment Applejack was waiting for?

" I need to tell him now" She thought.

" Roxas...I..." Applejack tried to speak but she couldn't bring herself to say it. " Would you like to help me with Bloomberg?"

" Bloomberg? Who is that?" Roxas asked.

" Follow me...I show you" She replied. Sadly Applejack was really angry at herself. " Ugh Again, Why I Can't tell him how I feel? I'm supposed to represent the element of honesty and all of this time I Just keep lying to myself. I must tell him the next time" Applejack thought.

" What's wrong AJ? you look like you want to tell me something" Roxas asked.

" Oh it's nothing, I'll tell you later" The orange mare replied blushing out.

Applejack led Roxas to the backyard of the house, where an apple tree was planted on a pot.

'' I am a little confused though, I suppose this is Bloomberg but, why is "he" so special?''. Roxas asked.

'' Well here's the thing Roxas about a year ago, some members of the Apple family founded a town in the southern plains, called Appleloosa." Applejack explained to Roxas.

"They have their apple orchard, but they don't have an apple tree of as good a quality as the ones we have here at Sweet Apple Acres. So Braeburn wrote me a letter asking me to take one of my apple trees for his new town."

"And that tree is Bloomberg...funny name I gotta say" Roxas replied questioning Applejack´s naming skills.

" Says the stallion who was name ROXAS" Applejack answered.

"Hehehe, you have a very good point," Roxas chuckled, acknowledging the irony in their exchange. The conversation had taken a playful turn, fostering a sense of camaraderie between the two.

"Hey, why don't you guys come with me? I'll appreciate some help," Applejack proposed, her eyes glimmering with a mixture of determination and a hidden motive. There was something else on her mind, a reason behind her invitation that she hadn't fully revealed.

"Uh, sure let me ask the other girls about this" Roxas said.

"All right I see y'all later at the train station" Applejack said.

"Fine, I´ll be there, this is going to be awesome, see you later Applejack." Roxas said.

The next day in the morning, the train to Appleloosa was already at the station and the whole group was getting ready to board.

Since Appleloosa was a new town, the train that went there was not one of the most modern designs. In fact, it was one of the old trains that were pulled by a dozen strong stallions. But although this train didn't depend on magic or steam to function, its driver wanted to have the same punctuality as the other trains, so the first whistle was given, announcing that in a few minutes, they would leave.

At the train station, there were very few ponies at that time in the morning, only those that had to board the express to Appleloosa, and all of them were already inside the train. The last warning whistle sounded at the station, indicating that they were only one minute from leaving.

Once Applejack arrived at the train station with her apple tree Bloomberg while she waited for Roxas and the others to catch up, she passed her time by getting Bloomberg into one of the train cars

"This may actually be a great opportunity!" Applejack muttered with a smile, talking to herself.

"I will be embarking on a field trip with Roxas," Applejack exclaimed, her cheeks turning a rosy shade as she envisioned a potential blossoming romance. "During this excursion, we'll have the chance to deepen our connection and, who knows, perhaps even share a genuine romantic kiss!" Her mind wandered to the possibility of a tender and intimate moment with Roxas, fueling her blush and filling her thoughts with dreams of a true romantic encounter.

"Many of the other girls have already had their private moments with Roxas, and it's something I haven't experienced yet," Applejack expressed with unwavering determination. She wore a confident smile, brimming with self-assurance, as she eagerly anticipated this trip with the charismatic Pegasus stallion. Applejack recognized the significance of the opportunity before her and was resolved not to let it slip away.

Upon arrival, Roxas spot the train station to be a large brown wood building that has a stable wood floor plain filled with a few black stands holding brochures and pamphlets to various locations across Equestria.

"We're here girls and it looks like Applejack's already on board''. Roxas said pointing to one of the train car's windows showing Applejack placing Bloomberg in

'' Then let's go everyone, another adventure awaits us in a whole new land''. Rainbow Dash said smirking at the idea.

Roxas and his group embarked on a train bound for the newly constructed western town of Appleloosa, where Applejack intended to transplant her prized tree, Bloomberg, into her relatives' orchard.

(Laughter and Merriment theme starts)

Excitement filled the air as everyone eagerly anticipated their arrival in Appleloosa. However, amidst the journey, Spike and Rarity displayed different degrees of discomfort. Rarity voiced her dissatisfaction with the arrangement of Applejack's tree being placed in a separate private cart at the back, which meant she had to share sleeping quarters with her friends. On the other hand, Spike felt weary from exerting his fire breath to cook snacks along the way.

'' And that's when the yellow birdie thought to himself, Hmm. My favorite little tree isn't such a little tree anymore. So she sang her song, big and strong, and they all lived in that great, big tree happily ever after. The... end''. Applejack said finishing reading a bedtime story to her apple tree

''Applejack! Were you reading a bedtime story to... an apple tree''? Rarity spoke unamused as she suddenly came into the private room

'' Heh... uh... Well, ya know, bein' replanted in a whole new place is very upsettin' for a tree... and Bloomberg here is one of my favorites''. Applejack tried to explain herself.

''No fair, Applejack! You've got a luxurious, private sleeper car for a tree, while I am crowded and cramped in the same car with all the other ponies. How am I supposed to get my beauty sleep''?! Rarity said complaining in frustration

''But Bloomberg's the whole reason we're makin' this trip. He needs his rest so we can give him as a gift to my relatives in Appleloosa''. She answered.

''Hmph! You talk about it as if it's your baby or something''. Rarity responded.

''Who you callin' a baby?! Bloomberg's no baby! Don't wet widdle Rarity make you all saddy-waddy. Bloomberg's a big and strong apple tree. Yes, he is. A-coochie-coochie-coo-coo-coo''! Applejack cooed said to her tree as she rub her hoof on it up and down while also nuzzling in its leaves

'' It's widdle Rarity who's all "saddy-waddy"! Urgh''! Rarity complained once more before turning around to leave.

Then suddenly a light bulb appear to flicker in her head and made her turn towards Applejack's direction.

'' Wait a minute, you wouldn't happen to be acting like this to court a certain white-grey pegasus stallion would you?''

''Umm... So what if I am, Roxas isn't your property as far I know''. Applejack said with a smug smile while also having one of her eyebrows lift to make her point.

'' Ah-ha I knew it you admit it to having to practice caring for an apple tree just so you can do it for real on Roxas and when you have a baby foal with him aren't you!'' Rarity says in an accusing revelation look on her face as she points a hoof toward her farmer friend

'' I didn't admit anything Rarity I just base this on a what if''. Applejack said in her rebuttal.

'' You didn't have to that smug expression on your face says it all from that comment of yours you're planning a loving attempt to get Roxas all to yourself''! Rarity said angrily getting closer to Applejack's face.

'' "I'm attempting to forge a connection with him, Rarity," Applejack asserted, nudging her head against Rarity's in a display of affectionate camaraderie. " And if Roxas and I truly establish a deep bond, I can offer him something he's never had before— a sense of family. What exactly do you have to offer him?"

'' Well I'm glad you ask darling. I can give him a life of romance he so dearly deserves since he wants somepony to love him with all her heart which I can provide to him since I know the subject about love more than you who spends almost all her time working on a farm instead of finding time to meet a young stallion to get to know of''. Rarity said with a smug smile.

'' Don't push your luck Rarity or you and I are going to have a problem''. Applejack said agitated

'' Fine but only because this is Roxas's first time riding on a Train and I'm not going to ruin it for him by having a brawl with you darling but the rest for Roxas's love will be mine to win''. Rarity added, looking defiantly at her friend as she pull herself back from Applejack

Hearing the latter, Applejack forgot her friend's noble gesture and put on the same challenging look as the unicorn. Now she understood, she was self-confident that no one could overcome her romantic moment with Roxas that she was even challenging her. And worst of all, Rarity had hit the spot, because Applejack continued to doubt if any of the moments lived between her and Roxas had become even half as romantic as those of her other friends.

"I will not lose." Applejack finally said, giving Rarity a fierce, defiant look, just like the ones they had on every time they competed against each other.

"Heh... good luck darling. You'll need it." Rarity said winking at her with an arrogant smile.

Applejack kept thinking about the challenge and pressed her lips tight as she made up her mind. This trip was no longer just to have a good time alone with Roxas, now she had a new goal. Before that trip was over, Applejack would make sure to have the most romantic kiss of all with Roxas.

'' Good and not so fast Sugarcube I'm not going to let you win his heart that easily you know cause I will fight as hard as I can to have Roxas in my life!'' Applejack said with a determined smile on her face

''Then the game continues Applejack ta-ta!'' Rarity said smirking and left the room.

''Oh no you don't I'm coming too!'' Applejack said following Rarity.

In the remaining train compartments, a myriad of conversations unfolded, each unique in its nature and participants.

'' Wow this is incredible!'' Roxas said in happy awe seeing the tree-hill tops, rounded grassy mounds, plain fields fill with many different kinds of flowers, rocky landscapes, and the orange-yellow desert wildlife fields. Seconds later Twilight arrived with him.

[Song ends]

" Have you got time to talk Roxas?" Twilight asked.

" Actually I wanted to talk with all of you, let me get the rest" Roxas said.

" Wait, first I want to talk with you about yesterday" Twilight replied.

" [sigh] Twilight...just forget about it...now is not the time" Roxas said.

" But--" Twilight said but was interrupted by Roxas.

" Look maybe later we can discuss that, for now, let's help Applejack with her problem"

" Fine" Twilight replied following Roxas to get the rest of the girls.

'' Alright guys listen, there's something I need to talk to all of you, about something dire''. Roxas said with a serious frown

''What is it Spiky?'' Rainbow dash said sitting right beside Fluttershy

''We're all open ears here Roxy!'' Pinkie said sitting behind Roxas's seat.

'' What is it that you want to tell us, Roxas?'' Spike asked

'' Don't forget about us Sugarcube, Darling''. Applejack and Rarity said sitting with Pinkie behind him

''Okay here goes''. Roxas mentality prepares him to tell his friends what he wants them to know

'' Girls do you all still want to continue this journey with me?'' Roxas said to the Mane 6 '' Because If you do get keyblades, the heartless and nobodies will start coming for you''.

''Huh, How Roxas?'' Fluttershy asked with a concerned eyebrow lifted up.

'' The Heartless are drawn to the Keyblades powers, they won't stop until the keyblade is destroyed or the wielder is killed, if the wielder is too old he will need to find a worthy successor to continue the fight or simply put his/her keyblade to rest ''. Roxas continued.

"To avoid drawing attention from the heartless, it is crucial to keep the keyblade concealed, unless it is necessary" Roxas advised. he emphasized the importance of not openly displaying the weapon for extended periods, as it would act as a magnetic force, continually attracting unwanted attention.

" And how exactly somepony is chosen to be a worthy successor?" Rainbow Dash asked.

" You must have a strong heart and will to fight for something" Roxas replied. " But for me. I still don't know why the keyblade choose me...

" Maybe...No! it has to be related to Sora that's all I know" Roxas said.

Brand new music starts playing in the background. Roxas first starts as a soft sad melody which he then later turns into a loud rocking melody.

In the distant past, fear consumed my soul
Yet now I realize, ignorance took its toll
Times have grown complex, and sadness prevails
Longing for the days when joy never failed
But I won't seek to return to what's gone
Today brings challenges, from which I'll learn and grow strong
My heart knows its truth, and I'll trust its song
It declares I was right all along

Now is the moment our destinies entwine
With shared hopes, our futures align
The tears shed in the past, let's dry them away
Embrace today's smiles, and let them forever stay
We stand united, in both pain and care
Through hardships, our bond strengthens, always there
As long as you're by my side, unwaveringly
I'll find strength for tomorrow, just wait and see

I've battled tirelessly, never to retreat
Chasing my passions, with the purpose to meet
My past shaped the person I am today
You won't witness me faltering or astray
Lately, I questioned if I should still persist
Wouldn't it be easier to say farewell and desist?
But I'll remain resolute, never forget
Ready to face my past, no longer beset

The freedom we once knew may fade away
Yet we march forward, undeterred on this pathway
Innocence may not return, nor carefree days
Yearning for happiness that no longer stays
But we press onward, growing stronger each dawn
No time for prayers or staying withdrawn
As long as belief thrives within our souls
Our bonds will strengthen, never breaking their hold

Now, after journeying so far and wide
Discover who you truly are, with unwavering pride
Together, we'll conquer every dream in sight
Forever united, an unstoppable might

The fading echoes of bygone freedom's reign
Won't hinder our progress, we'll persist and sustain
Innocence may be lost, but we won't surrender
Transforming pain into joy, striving for a better tomorrow

Woah, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, yeah

(Roxas theme starts)

'' Sniff ...That's was beautiful Roxas''. Twilight said smiling with a single tear in her eyes.

'' You have a voice of an Angel Roxas''. Rarity said tearing up ''Darling you're so aaahh!'' Rarity expressing her delight in his singing nearing passing out

''Impressive Sugarcube, my heart just skipped a bit''. Applejack can't hold back her tears.

'' Are you trying to get me all sappy Spiky'' Rainbow Dash having trouble staying her cool and confident self.

'' Hearing that song just makes me want to hug you, Roxas''. Pinkie Pie struggling to wipe away her tears

'' That music and singing were unlike anything we ever heard of in Equestria it was like it's from out of this world'' Fluttershy said trying to understand the wonderful musical melody in her happy sadness.

'' Now you're getting me all sad too Roxas but Bravo man that song was so cool'' Spike crying in Twilight's hooves.

Seeing Spike being in Twilight's embrace like that made Roxas hold his head with a hoof upon feeling a subatomic vibration, confused when he suddenly felt a realization that made him think he had always taken something for granted, but he can't determine what that is he is having a hard time remembering.

''Arrrahh Gah Why am I feeling pain''? Roxas finally said, feeling more and more unsure if this is another memory or his powers is acting up again, but what he couldn't deny was that this experience is bring back strong emotions.

''Roxas are you all right? You look kinda Pale right now''. The mane 6 and Spike said being worried over their Pegasus friend

As the migraines in his head continue. Roxas mind then shows him quick flashes of the fourteenth organization member during his time in the Organization helping him with missions, bonding with him, and trying to get away from him multiple times for some reason.''Augh huh What''?

The effect of the visions/memories he's seeing is causing the background around him on the Train to feel like it's becoming static and warping itself left and right causing him to stand up to look at them left and right. Until he then spotted the Girl in the black hood the same one as the one he saw in his flashes appeared right next to him and started walking towards one of the train doors at the end of the hall leading to a different car.

But after the song something happened to the grey stallion, Roxas hold his head with a hoof upon feeling a subatomic vibration, confused when he suddenly felt a realization that made him think he had always taken something for granted, but he can't determine what that is he is having a hard time remembering.

'' Arrrahh, Gah. Why am I feeling pain?'' Roxas finally said, feeling more and more unsure if this is another memory or his powers is acting up again, but what he couldn't deny was that this experience is bring back strong emotions.

''Roxas are you all right? You look kinda Pale right now''. The mane 6 and Spike said being worried over their Pegasus friend.

As the migraines in his head continue. Roxas mind then shows him quick flashes of the fourteenth organization member during his time in the Organization helping him with missions, bonding with him, and trying to get away from him multiple times for some reason.

''Augh, huh, What''?

The effect of the visions/memories he's seeing is causing the background around him on the Train to feel like it's becoming static and warping itself left and right causing him to stand up to look at them left and right. Until he then spotted the Girl in the black hood the same one as the one he saw in his flashes appeared right next to him and started walking towards one of the train doors at the end of the hall leading to a different car.

''No wait''. Roxas left his hoof on his head go and start limping walking on his hind legs to follow the XIV organization member

'' Ah...Ugh...ngh...arrk....Xi....Oh''. Roxas struggles to breathe and speak as he pants in and out air chasing after the girl in front of him.

As Roxas gets near and near to the hooded girl's back he lifts a hoof towards her and tries to get her attention by touching one of her shoulders but the moment he came into contact with her he sees an image of 3 boys at Destiny Islands sitting on the tree looking at out towards the Ocean with the Sun high up with clear blue skies.

" Ri....ku....Ka....iri...." Roxas said before passing out.

[Song ends]

Moments later Applejack and the others put Roxas in the same room as Bloomberg to sleep after checking his condition and went back to their car to talk about this.

'' Could someone tell me what happened to him?'' Spike walks back and forward in the train car thinking about the situation.

'' I'm not sure spike our examination on him didn't show any signs of pain on his body''. Fluttershy spoking moving a hoof up and down.

''Maybe he was just exhausted or something?'' Pinkie pie said

'' No, I don't think so darlings, Roxas was in distress trying to remember something''. Rarity argues with the group.

'' It was more like he didn't understand where he was at that time''. Applejack said her theory.

'' He was even trying to call out somepony's name as he limp towards the train's car door''. Rainbow Dash said.

'' Don't forget Roxas was also reaching out to that pony. Then afterward he said Riku and Kairi. I think he had another memory return about these two''. Twilight continues to probe and understand the situation

(Kingdom Hearts 1 End of the world theme starts)

Out of nowhere, an ominous portal materializes right within the confines of the wagon. Emerging from the mysterious gateway is none other than the sinister pony that had previously assailed Cloudsale.

'' Better hurry, Everypony...Or you'll never see Roxas again''. A voice said right next to them on the left side of the train car seats across from them.

'' Hey, I remember you you're the dark pony that attacked Roxas out of nowhere during the Best Young Flyer Competition in Cloudsdale''. Rainbow Dash said.

All they could see was that the dark pony was wearing a black cloak that looked exactly like Roxas's but the main difference was the strange helmet that covered all his face.

" Y...Your cloak is exactly the same as Roxas's...who are you? are you with the organization?"

'' You're very sharp I'll give you that, but no''. The dark pony said.

'' And replying to what your blue pegasus said...Heh...Guilty as charged I won't deny that''. The dark brown admits his actions by looking at them.

''What do you mean that we'll never see him again?'' All in the room spoke.

'' You all saw what's happening to him, right?''

'' His mind is starting to split up, the memories of who he was before and the memories of who he is now are colliding, is just a matter of time before he collapses entirely''.

'' Look-whoever you are- you don't know the first thing about Roxas''.

''All of us are a team. Are you trying to pick a fight with us or what?'' Rainbow Dash said these things with an attitude look towards the mysterious pony as she ready her fighting position

''Oh, grow up all of you''. The mysterious dark pony got up and look directly at them

'' Is that what you call friendship?'' He continued ''Nothing of you will ever know the full truth about him unless you go out and look for it yourselves''.

'' Come on, what could you all possibly learn when you're stuck here, looking at nothing but what's in your tiny little magical world''. The dark pony said while a corridor of darkness appear right next to him and after that, he turn to it and walk right into it vanishing from sight.

[Song ends]

Twilight stood up from her seat '' I'm going back to check on Roxas!'' She then starts running to the train's car door but Applejack blocked her way.

'' Whoa hold on there Twilight you can't just do that''.

''What! what are talking about Applejack? I'm just making sure that he's okay'' Twilight having a very confused look at the apple farmer.

'' That's what that guy wants us to do so we can act paranoid and then boom we won't have any energy to help Roxas when he's in danger from that guy, we should plan this up first''. Applejack explained her reasons.

''But he could be in there with him right now; doing celestia's who knows what to him!'' Twilight argue with applejack.

'' If we make any rash decisions we'll only make the situation worse''. Applejack insist on getting Twilight to let what that mystery pony said go.

'' Applejack! How can you of all ponies be so laid-back at a time like this?!'' Twilight said grinding her teeth.

The orange mare breathes some air out of her and looked at the unicorn mare neutrally. And trying to suppress the need to expose what Roxas told her about Twilight.

'' Twilight it's not like I don't care about Roxas if we're going to protect somepony important to us. Then think about what would be the best course of action right now''.

Twilight thought about the matter for a bit and realize something

'' I get it if I go in now I'll be playing right into his hooves and put Roxas in a dangerous situation that he won't be able to get out of...But I am worried about him Applejack how am I supposed to let this go?'' Twilight looks at the earth pony farmer

'' Focus on putting your trust in Roxas and besides if the guy wanted to hurt him he could be done it sooner when we got on the train or this whole time while we were talking but so far we heard nothing else coming out of the train after he spoke to us''.

''He's just trying to mess with our heads we can't give him that leverage and opportunity to tear us apart''. Applejack finished her statements.

'' All right I won't play his little game we'll check on him tomorrow morning''. Twilight sighed in defeat as she is finally giving in to Applejack's plan

Applejack walks towards Twilight and put a hoof on her right shoulder. ''Twilight he needs some space for him to make sense of everything he saw in his head and we wait for him to tell us so we can sort it out with him''.

" Yeah you're right he needs some rest after all that happen, let's go to sleep night is arriving" Twilight said while everypony returned to the bedroom wagons.

'' Oh man, we're going fast! This is so exciting, I can't even wait! Rainbow Dash can barely contain her excitement about going to another town in the countryside.

Twilight Sparkle: Oh my goodness...

''[sigh] For crying out loud in the morning''! Rarity said while trying to cover her ears with a pillow to conceal the noise.

Fluttershy: I can't wait! Rainbow Dash: Yeah, yeah! Oh, my gosh!]

'' [groan] Do you guys mind? I was up early fire-roasting those snacks you're all eating, and I'm pooped!'' Spike lashes out at his friends when he's trying to get some shut eyes.

Rainbow Dash: Uh, speaking of it, some of these popcorn kernels didn't get popped.

'' Okay, fine...'' Spike then breathes out his green flames but he burns her popcorn making it turn black.

'' Ghk...'' Was all Rainbow Dash said as one of the burning popcorn popped and exploded into her eye

''Good night!'' Spike said and turn towards the opposite side to fall asleep.

'' Uhh... maybe it's time we all got a little shut-eye. We've got a big day ahead of us tomorrow''. Twilight said and then starts to turn off the fire lamp in their train car.

''Awwww''! Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie all said together

Spike: [snoring]

Rainbow Dash: [whispering] Psst! Pinkie Pie, are you asleep yet?

Pinkie Pie: [whispering] No, are you asleep yet?

'' [whispering] If I was sleeping, how could I have asked you if you were asleep?'' Rainbow said after lighting up a candle and trotting toward Pinkie's bed

Pinkie Pie: [whispering] Oh yeah! [giggle]

Rainbow Dash: [whispering] When we get to Appleloosa, you think we'll have to carry that heavy tree from the train to the orchard?

Pinkie Pie: [whispering] What tree? Do you mean Bloomberg?

Rainbow Dash: [whispering and sarcastically] ...No, Fluttershy.

Pinkie Pie: [whispering] Fluttershy's not a tree, silly.

Twilight Sparkle: What's going on?

Pinkie Pie: Rainbow Dash thinks Fluttershy's a tree.

Rainbow Dash: [whispering] I do not think she's a tree! I was just–

Twilight Sparkle: Did you say she was a tree?

Rainbow Dash: [whispering] No. Well... Yes. But not exactly–

Twilight Sparkle: Ya know she's not a tree, right?

Pinkie Pie: She's not a tree, Dashie!

Fluttershy: I'd like to be a tree...

'' Oh come on!! [door opens and slams]'' Spike, frustrated with his inability to fall asleep, makes his way to the private cart to bunk with Bloomberg and Roxas.

Twilight Sparkle: Well that was kind of huffy.

Fluttershy: Huffy the magic dragon!

All except Rarity: [giggles]

'' Would you all be quiet... Now?!'' Rarity, frustrated herself, demands they be quiet, and all of them go to sleep.

''Aaaaaah''! [ they all shouted out and blow out the candle together and rush to each of their beds after seeing Rarity yelling at them with her face covered in a mud mask and cucumber slices]

''Bloomberg...? Roxas? Sorry, but I tend to snore a bit. Good night. [sigh]'' Spike said sleeping right in between Roxas and the apple tree.

Roxas didn't respond, he was struggling with something in his mind all this time.

" Ghh, KRGH" Roxas struggled, it looked like he couldn't move but it was just an illusion created in his mind. Moments later Nightmare came by.

" What do we have here ¿who is this new fella? " he said referring to the pony with the mask.

" I can sense it, but for some reason, he is close to you, some memories...unknown memories that I saw deep inside you...I felt something similar, hahahaha HAHHAHAHA" Nightmare said starting to lose his mind.

" What are you talking about? I never saw him in my life, I don't even know why he has the organization cloak" Roxas said.

" I don't care, what I want is to be part of him, he is just like you but he's not afraid of use the darkness, the possibilities... are never-ending" Nightmare replied.

" Ha, and do you think he's going to accept you just like that? " Roxas said.

" Don't you see it? he's interested in you and I know everything about you...I read your mind idiot, when the time comes I will make an exchange with him...he will be forced to accept it, HAHAHAHA"

" Will see about that, once I talk with Luna you will be gone forever, is just a matter of time" Roxas replied mocking Nightmare out.

" Tsk " Nightmare said disappearing enraged with Roxas plan.

Roxas open one of his eyes just to see Bloomberg and Spike sleeping alongside him.

" This peace...I need to find Luna quick before all of this comes to an end" Roxas thought going back to sleep again.

--To be continued--