• Published 2nd Sep 2021
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Harmony of Light: An Oath to Return season 1. - Xionforgotten

This story takes place between KH 358/2 days and Kingdom Hearts 2, Roxas the keyblade chose one falls into the world of equestria where he is going to find the truth meaning of friendship while he protects his new friends from the heartless.

  • ...

Chapter 15: Linked

Where am I?

What happened to my home? My island?

Riku! Kai-!

Who are You?

They will come at you out of nowhere, as long as you continue to wield the Keyblade.

Hey, why don't you come with us? We can go to other worlds on our vessel.

Sora, go with them. Especially if you want to find your friends.

Donald Duck.

Name's Goofy.

I'm Sora.

I'll go with you, guys.

The Heartless had a great fear of the Keyblade.

That's right. The Keyblade.

So...this is the key.

But the boy is the problem. He found one of the Keyholes.

Day 20: Stare Master Fluttershy.

As the sun rose to the sky Roxas woke up from his dream very fast and abruptly looking at his right hoof.

'' A... keyblade is what the heartless are truly afraid of''. Roxas said clutching his hoof.

Just then Rainbow dash wakes up to find out what's with all that commotion.'' Ugh...Roxas is something wrong? you kinda shook the bed a little when you woke up''

'' Sorry Rainbow it's just another memory, I saw Sora talking to somepony about how the heartless have a massive fear towards the keyblade" Roxas answered her.

'' Really? I didn't think those creepy monsters can even have fear of somepony much less something...so what happens if somepony defeats a heartless without a keyblade?'' Rainbow said.

'' Then the hearts don't come out of the heartless they just disappear alongside them until they find their way into another heartless inside for example: Once you swat a heartless down from something else it'll pop right back up again or pop up again but into a different heartless''. Roxas said.

'' You're kidding me so there isn't any other way to free the hearts from inside them besides your key-shaped sword?'' Rainbow said

'' Not unless you have a magical mystic weapon or magic powers that can allow you to do that after the heartless come into physical contact with''. Roxas said.

'' Then you better make sure to train me than spiky so I can get my Keyblade someday, cast those awesome magic like you, and bam show these heartless not to mess me'' Rainbow said pounding her hooves together.

'' All in good time Dashie you'll get your chance wailing on them with it one day you and others''. Roxas said.

"But for now let's go to see the others"

" Already? 5 more minutes...please" Rainbow asked.

" Fine, just because you said that politely" Roxas said hugging Rainbow dash and giving her a little kiss on her forehead.

Later on, in the town of ponyville, Rarity is in her shop trying to complete an order of twenty robes for Trottingham by the following day.

Her sister Sweetie Belle tried to help her in an attempt to get her cutie mark but she just ended up making a mess.

"Where'd I put that? Ohh, I thought I already... Rarity said.


"Ohh, and I can't forget I've got to... oh, how am I ever gonna get this done?"

"Are you sure I can't help? I could—" Sweetie belle tried to convince her.

Rarity: No!

Sweetie Belle: Maybe just a—

Rarity: No thanks!

Sweetie Belle: How about—

Rarity: Just stand over there.

Sweetie Belle: But—

Rarity: Where you'll be out of the way. Ribbon, ribbon! Where's the ribbon?!

Sweetie Belle: I got it!


Sweetie Belle: Whoa!

Rarity: [gasps]

[clattering noises]

Rarity: Aah!

[crashing noises]

Sweetie Belle: Um, I-I'll just go and stand over there, where I'll be... out of the way.

[zip sound]

Rarity: [sigh]

'' Won't you at least let me help you clean up?'' Sweetie belle asked her sister again.

'' No. You've helped me quite enough''. Rarity said annoyed

'' I'm sorry, sis! I just thought that if I could help, I might find my special gift and finally earn my cutie mark''. Sweetie belle said sadly.

'' I understand. It's just that... I need this time to fill this order without any... complications. Okay, all done. Now, back to work. I've lost a lot of time, and I cannot have any more interruptions''. Rarity said sympathetically.

[doorbell rings]

Rarity: Oh, what now?!

Rarity opened the door just to find out that Fluttershy was there with a cat basket.

'' Oh, sorry. I thought the "open" sign meant you were open, but I must have been mistaken''. Fluttershy said.

'' [gasps] Fluttershy! Forgive me! I was so wrapped up in the work that I forgot you were bringing Opalescence back from her grooming''! Rarity said tiredly.

'' No worries, Rarity. I've left her there in the basket''. Fluttershy said.

Opalescence: [purrs]

'' Oh, she looks great! I just don't understand how you're able to do it! I can't get near her without getting a swipe from her claws''. Rarity said smiling.

Opalescence: [hiss!]

'' Ahh! Did you use... the Stare on her?'' Rarity asked Fluttershy.

'' Oh, no! I wouldn't! I couldn't! I-I don't have any control over when that happens. I-It just happens. No, I'm just good with animals. It's my special gift, you know''? Fluttershy answered Rarity.

'' Ooh, ooh, oh, oh, oh, oh! Maybe I can be good with animals, too''! Sweetie belle said trying to pet Opalescence.


Sweetie Belle: Or not.

Fluttershy and Rarity: [laughs]

'' I'm sorry I can't invite you to stay and chat, Fluttershy. I've bitten off a bit more than I can chew with this order''. Rarity said.

'' But you're not eating anything''. Sweetie belle shouted.

'' No, Sweetie, it's an expression. It means that I've taken on more work than I can handle. I've got twenty of these special robes to make tonight! They're due in Trottingham tomorrow morning''. Rarity explained.


Fluttershy: [gasp]

'' See? I've lined them in a special gold silk. It took so long to make, but I think it adds just the right touch, don't you?'' Rarity said.

'' These are lovely, but twenty by tonight? How will you get it all done?'' Fluttershy said.

Rarity: Well, I, uh...

'' Oh, oh, oh! Maybe I could... just... just stand over here and watch''. Sweetie belle said.

'' I'll manage, unless... wait a minute... yes of course, why didn't I think of this sooner, I'll get Roxas to help me finish this up''. Rarity said and comes up with an idea.

'' Well, maybe I should get out of your mane so you can work''. Fluttershy said.

Moments later, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom arrived for their sleepover at Rarity's house.

Together with Sweetie Belle, the Cutie Mark Crusaders plan on finding their hidden talents to get their cutie marks.

'' Hi, Fluttershy! Hi, Rarity''! Apple Bloom and Scootaloo said greeting the two ponies.

Rarity: Hello, uh, girls...

Applebloom and Scootaloo: Hey, Sweetie Belle!

Sweetie Belle: Scootaloo! Applebloom!

Scootaloo: You ready for tonight?

Sweetie Belle: Yup! Cutie mark planning session is a go!

Applebloom: Tonight is the night we each try to find our special talent.

Scootaloo: Even if it takes us all night!

Applebloom: I'm ready! Are you ready?

Scootaloo: Very ready!

Cutie Mark Crusaders: Cutie Mark

Crusader sleepover at Rarity's house! Yay!

Sweetie Belle: And... look what I made for us!
[trumpet flourish]

Applebloom and Scootaloo: Oh, wow! [laughter, gasps] That's so cool! Oooh!

'' What does that patch on your cape mean?'' Fluttershy asked.

'' The Cutie Mark Crusaders! Yay''! The 3 fillies said with excitement

Scootaloo: We're on a crusade, a mission!

Apple Bloom: To find our cutie marks!

Sweetie Belle: Yup. And look. I lined them with this special gold silk. It took sooo
long to make, but I think it adds just the right touch, don't you?

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo: Oooooh!

'' Sweetie Belle! What have you done? That was the last of the gold silk! Oh, now I'll have to make more! Oh, I hope I can make more. I'm gonna have to work all night! Which means... Sorry, girls, I'm afraid the Crusader's sleepover is canceled''. Rarity said freaking out

Sweetie Belle: What?!

'' I just won't have any time to watch you if I want to get these robes delivered on time''. Rarity stated her reason

Sweetie Belle: But—

'' No buts this time. I'm sorry, Sweetie Belle. It's just the way it has to be''. Rarity persisted.

''Awwww...'' The Cutie Mark Crusaders said.

Fluttershy watched the whole scene, and she felt bad for the 3 filies, so she wanted to help them.

'' I, uh, I suppose I could take them for the night''. Fluttershy said.

Rarity: I couldn't ask you to do that.

Fluttershy: Oh, it's no problem at all.

'' Have you met my sister and her friends? A problem is all it would be''. Rarity argued back.

'' Did I have a problem with Opal? You've seen how well I handle small creatures''! Fluttershy said in her rebuttal.

Rarity: I suppose that's true... and I do have a lot of work to do...

Fluttershy: Come on, it'll be fun.

Rarity: I assure you, they're quite a handful.

Fluttershy: These sweet little angels?

Rarity: Well... all right.

'' Cutie Mark Crusader sleepover at Fluttershy's cottage! Yay''! Apple bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie belle shouted out as they left Rarity's boutique.

Fluttershy: So cute. W-wait for me!

'' Hmmm...I hope things won't go so badly for dear Fluttershy''. Rarity said watching them leave.

'' Wait a minute if they're gone and I'm the only pony here... with Roxas helping me out with my dressing problem then...Ahhhh...that means I'll have another time with him, just the two of us, in private...ohh this has to be a sign of Fate telling me to go after my Sweet Stallion Crush and work hard to make Roxas my lover because He must be The True Love that I have been searching for all these years I must go find him and not waste this opportunity that I have been given to me by Destiny itself''. Rarity realized and went off to find him.

A Few hours later Rainbow and Roxas come out of the house Rainbow is smiling while Roxas is stretching and moving out his neck and wings after the fun time they had together.

'' Well, that was quite the Event we did inside Rainbow Dash''. Roxas said finishing stretching his body.

'' Yeah, It was a Real Blast back there, you were wonderful, hope we can do some more next time Roxas''. Rainbow said

'' Sure, But Rainbow, I got to ask... why are you so determined to get your Keyblade?'' Roxas asked his pegasus friend

'' Sigh...all right here's the thing spiky, it's because I want to help you in a fight and make super cool moves with you.” She said blushing Pink.

“ You’re like, super amazing when you beat up bad guys and stuff... You know…” She rubbed her foreleg feeling his gaze as if she was somewhat speaking from the heart.

" Uh huh?"Roxas said.

“ Seeing you fight… makes me want to always do better too in my life… so I can stand beside you when things get rough especially when you're over your head Roxas, you're... my first favorite spiky-haired Pegasus pony and I want us to be partners .” Her eyes darted to him and away a few times before she cleared her throat.

Roxas gasped at Rainbow's explanation.

" Woah, no one ever told me I was ever someone's favorite before and I'm glad that you want to be there for me, means a lot Dashie". Roxas then gave Rainbow a long kiss on her nose making Rainbow gasp '' Ahh''

Rainbow did everything she could to restrain her need to tackle Roxas back into her house so she can kiss all over his lips right now because she knows she wants her first kissing experience with Roxas to be mutual.

Finally, Roxas let go of her, giving her a big hug.

" Thank you, for everything Rainbow, you make me feel like I'm not alone anymore" Roxas said.

" Oh it's nothing, cheer up, in case anything happens you know where to go, ill be waiting for you" Rainbow said hugging back.

Roxas then moved her head and started kissing Rainbow dash's neck, but he stopped.

" Why...did...you stop?" Rainbow asked.

" I'm running out of time, I completely forgot" Roxas answered.

"Looks like somepony was immersed in muy beauty, hahaha"

After they pull back from each other Rainbow prepared herself for take-off looking at Roxas with half-lidded eyes and a sly smile on her face
'' Maybe next time we should start with that, See you around Handsome''.

Then she flew off leaving a rainbow trail in her path as she left for ponyville.

''[Sigh] These new feelings that I keep on experiencing, what am I supposed to do? Why do I want to be with them so much? Ugh, this only gets me more confused but is it too much to ask wanting a peaceful life here?''. Roxas said with red blushes.

Roxas began flying down towards ponyville and once he arrived at Town Hall somepony was calling his name.

“Ah hah! There you are, Roxas!” It was Rarity, she looked like she was in a rush. “I’ve been looking all over for you, where were you?''

'' I was hanging out with Rainbow Dash at her house, what's up Rarity you need me for something?'' Roxas asked.

'' Oh, boy does I ever dear. I have a job for you that I need your help with.” Rarity said as she trotted behind him and started nudging him in the direction of her boutique.

Roxas was getting a strange feeling about this, “Uh, what is the job exactly?”

Once they arrive Rarity explained to him why she needed his help. Things had been a bit busy for Rarity’s store nowadays. Her Destiny Adventures outfits were gaining more and more attention from the townsfolk, and she was getting requests from places like Canterlot and Manehatten.

" When you and Twilight fought the heartless in the colosseum yesterday, Journalists took pictures of the scene, and well...the attires appeared"

The requests were a welcomed surprise, and making custom orders was what she lived for, but as more and more ponies showed, Rarity's job became so more difficult than before.

For starters, customers that entered the store got a priority, to an extent. If there was a mail order, she’d deal with the customers that arrived at her boutique first before taking on the order. That said, the mail order would be completed before she opened the store the next day. Finding time to sleep or rest was increasingly becoming an issue. So far she could manage it since the brand name was still growing, but she had to face the facts, this wouldn’t last much longer with this kind of popularity.

She might need extra hooves. And that’s when she thought of the perfect pony to help her out. He had more than free time after all. Thus Roxas’s reason to be here. She thought about this as ponies were even requesting her to create black, white, brown, and many different colored cloaks similar to the one that Roxas has.

'' Wow Rarity, looks like my arrival to this place made a lot of changes happen so fast if it will keep you busier than how you normally are. All right Rarity looks like we're gonna be busy for the whole day let's get to work and while we're getting the dresses for Trottingham done we should also finish the dresses for Hoity-toity as well''.

'' Oh right, I almost forgot about that, thank you for reminding me, let's get started right now'' Rarity said.

Many hours later the day went by and sunset arrived in the town.

Roxas was beaten and exhausted from all the work he did helping Rarity create new clothes for her customers, never before did he have to run around so much in one building, without fighting something at the same time. Things were slowing down finally to the point where he could finally collapse on the sofa.

As Rarity floated a glass of limeade in his hoof, which he graciously accepted.

“Finally, we're done, Is this every day for you?” he asked before he started chugging and downing the whole glass.

Rarity walk over to the sofa and sat with him.

“Not exactly, some days it gets really busy while the rest are normal hourly work routines, but ever since you came here and told me what kind of clothes you had before it was like having a new source of inspiration. I had a feeling this new line of fashion would attract ponies, but never did I imagine to this extent, I’m afraid.” She said staring intensely at her drink before taking a sip.

“I will admit this is a bit too much for me to handle, but I enjoy the challenge, despite the hectic atmosphere today, my heart couldn’t help but leap with joy with how popular this new fashion line had become thanks to you''.

"Well, I feel that “Destiny Adventures” should be shared with other designers, for the sake of its growth''. She nodded after finishing her drink

“As great as these designs are, they come from one mind, my own. Which has been inspired by a lot, mostly you, Roxas.” She explained while looking at Roxas. When they locked eyes, Rarity couldn’t help but blush slightly and stare at him with a genuine smile.

However, she pressed on.

“But, if I share this with other ponies. Like-minded designers ... then who knows what will come from that, that's what keeps me more hooked''.

“You must be really into your passion if you would even be willing to share your clothing designs with competition Rarity .” Roxas smiled, after seeing that genuine smile on her face.

“The greatest innovations are often created from a little and healthy competition, it would be a breath of fresh air what with us always gallivanting about Saving the World and all''. Rarity stated

'' Well, I'm glad that you're happy about this Rarity, especially on how talented you are in creating outfits that you can always interpret on what kind it should be for that specific type of Pony just like these new unique adventures outfits that I'm seeing right now''. Roxas said looking at the Mannequins at her front window displays to attract window shoppers.

One of them is wearing a grey jumpsuit with bell sleeves and a lighter grey seam going down the front. Each sleeve has the Nobody emblem printed on them, there is also a dark grey belt-like pattern that wraps around its waist to keep the outfit in place.

The next one is wearing a light grey jumpsuit with thin bell sleeves outlined by a black line and has the Nobody emblem on the back of the Outfit.

Finally, the last one is wearing pink bell-bottom pants with a white Nobody symbol printed on their left leg. They also have pink beanie-like hats on that cover where their eyes would be, with a long, pink, braid-like growth sprouting from under the caps, tied with a white band to make ponies Masquerade themselves as Mystery Dancers. It even has dark, heeled boots as well as brown bracelets on each of the mannequin's wrists, both with a small spike on them. To finish it off a halter top dark gown is covering the body where it even has the Nobody emblem at the Center of the Chest, then it exposes the Pony's shoulders and terminates in a collar.

Which will allow the pony that wears it to move quite gracefully and glide across the ground when he/she is dancing especially when they do it on Ice Figure Skating or Ballet.

'' It's all thanks to your Nobodies that I was able to make these clothes in the first place darling but I have to ask why are their mouths zippers that when they undo themselves to speak they reveal grey, sharp-toothed mouths from underneath it makes them a little scary''.

Rarity said pointing at Roxas's bodyguards putting away and finishing the last remaining outfits for Rarity's Shop

'' That's how my powers wanted to create them, I didn't have control over what form they take except for my Samurais Rarity''. Roxas explained

''Our Liege, the tasks you have assigned for us are done, is there anything else that you require of us?'' Roxas nobodies asked their Creator

'' No that is all, I'll call you if I need further assistance''. Roxas said to his lackeys then his nobodies nodded and vanish away

'' Hmm, no offense Roxas but I'm still getting used to having those things around me''. Rarity said

'' Don't worry about it Rarity, I'm sure that you're not the only pony in our group that feels that way about my companions''. Roxas said

' 'But on the bright side, I'm already getting used to having you around me Roxas''. Rarity said as she lay her head and body down on Roxas's legs.

That act surprised Roxas, seeing Rarity laying down on him like that generate a couple of doubts, but something was making him like what Rarity was doing to him, so he just brought his head down to feel her cheek, wrapping a hoof around her neck to keep her there at that position, and wrapping his other hoof around her waist and rubbing her lower body up and down.

''Rarity, what is that intoxicating fragrance that I'm smelling, It's delicious''. Roxas said cuddling Rarity

'' It's my new shampoo formula and body lotion, Do you like it? it makes my mane look more refined and bright ''. Rarity explains

'' So that's what I been smelling, I like it because it's making you look more attractive than before, it makes me want to hug you even more''. Roxas said deepening his hug and increasing his show of affection towards his unicorn friend

Rarity blushed and giggled “ My, my... Roxas, you do certainly have a way with words on what you say to a lady, darling You’re already becoming quite the Charmer as it is, saying such things would be overdoing it to some but for me, it feels absolutely perfect my love, if you keep doing that maybe someday Ill show you what truly means to be with a mare''.

'' Hehe I'm glad that I'm leaving a very good impression on you along with grateful results''. Roxas said smiling and kissing on the cheek

'' Oh, Roxas... please stay here... with me... like this for a while''. Rarity said tiredly as she starts falling asleep on Roxas's legs

'' I'm not going anywhere Rarity''. Roxas said as he started falling asleep on Rarity's face.

Meanwhile, In Fluttershy's cottage, she asked the Crusaders what they'd like to do first. The fillies suggest going adventuring in the Everfree Forest, but Fluttershy forbids this due to the forest's dangers.

Fluttershy: Oh, won't this be ever so fun? We can have a nice little tea party, and braid each others' tails, and sit quietly and color, and tell each other fairy tales, and—

[Rush of air, clattering hooves].

Cutie Mark Crusaders: [giggling]

Twilight Sparkle: Hello, Fluttershy.

''Oh! Hello, Twilight. Where are you off to?'' Fluttershy asked her friend

'' I'm heading to the Everfree Forest to Zecora's to get some of my favorite tea''. Twilight said

'' Th-The Everfree Forest? Ah, you'll be careful, won't you?'' Fluttershy worries over her unicorn friend

'' Of course! How about you? What are you doing with the girls?'' Twilight asked Fluttershy

'' Rarity has a big order to fill tonight, so I volunteered to take the girls over to my cottage for a sleepover''. Fluttershy explained.

'' Wow. Sounds like everypony has their hooves full today. Taking care of those three fillies all by yourself? Are you sure you can handle it?'' Twilight said

'' What? These sweet little angels? They'll be no problem at all''. Fluttershy said with confidence.

" Alright then, see you later" Twilight said

[crickets chirping quietly, owl hooting]
[door closes]

'' Wow! Look at this place! What's that? Are those chickens?'' Sweetie belle asked Fluttershy

Cutie Mark Crusaders: [unintelligible loud chatter, clattering hooves, zippy sounds]

Fluttershy: [to herself] No... problem at all. [normal] Okay, girls, uh, what should we do?

Scootaloo: I'm gonna get my mark first!

Fluttershy: Girls?

Sweetie Belle: Nuh-uh!

Fluttershy: Should we—

Apple Bloom: I am!

Fluttershy: Girls, okay, now settle—

Scootaloo: I'm staying up all night!

Apple Bloom: Me, too!

Sweetie Belle: Me, three!

Fluttershy: I-I know you're excited, but— girls, oh, oh, careful with the— oh, ah, girls— [huffs] So! What do you wanna do? Play a game?

Scootaloo: We are the Cutie Mark Crusaders!

Apple Bloom: And we want to crusade for our cutie marks!

Sweetie Belle: And, and, and, we, um— yeah! What they said!

Fluttershy: Mmm, I don't know... how about a nice quiet little tea party?

Scootaloo: Or... we could go adventuring in the Everfree Forest!

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle: Yeah!

Fluttershy: Oh, no! The Everfree Forest is much too dangerous. It's filled with far too many strange creatures.

Sweetie Belle: But you could go with us and we could catch those creatures. We could be, umm... creature catchers!

Cutie Mark Crusaders: Yay! Cutie Mark Crusader creature catchers!

Scootaloo: Arrrr! I am a dangerous creature from the Everfree Forest! Rrrarr!

Sweetie Belle: Halt, it's the dangerous creature of the Everfree Forest. I am Sweetie Belle, the creature catcher, and I'm here to catch you!

Scootaloo: You can never catch me! I am far too powerful and dangerous!

Sweetie Belle: You cannot run from me!

Scootaloo: Raaaar!

Sweetie Belle: [giggling]

Scootaloo: Raaaar! [giggling]

Fluttershy: Um, oh, maybe that's not such a— now, girls, how about we do some nice coloring? Doh—

Sweetie Belle: Come back, dangerous creature, so I can catch you!

Scootaloo: Never!

Fluttershy: Careful... you don't...

Fluttershy: ...break anything.

Sweetie Belle: Sorry, Fluttershy.

Scootaloo: Yeah, sorry.

Apple Bloom: I guess we aren't creature catchers.

Fluttershy: Oh, girls, it's okay. I—

Apple Bloom: I know! We could be Cutie Mark Crusader carpenters!

Fluttershy: C-carpenters?

Apple Bloom: Hammer!

Scootaloo: Hammer.

Sweetie Belle: Hammer!

Scootaloo: Hammer. Hammer! ...Hammer.

[thumping, clattering, sawing, jackhammer sounds]
Sweetie Belle: Um ... that doesn't look like a table.

Scootaloo: We were making a table?

Apple Bloom: Somepony needs to put this thing out of its misery.

Scootaloo: We are definitely not Cutie Mark Carpenters.

Sweetie Belle: Who wants a picture of a hammer on their flank anyway?

'' Well, now that we've gotten that out of the way, how about a game?'' Fluttershy suggests to the Cutie Mark Crusaders

Apple Bloom: A game?

Fluttershy: It's called "Shhh!"

Scootaloo: What's that?

'' Well, it's a game about who can be quiet the longest. Sound fun? I'm the world champ, you know. I bet you can't beat me''! Fluttershy instructs the 3 fillies [squee] [deep breath]

Scootaloo: I lose!

Sweetie Belle: Me too!

Apple Bloom: Me three!

Fluttershy: [sigh]

Apple Bloom: Okay, now what can we do? Oooh! How about Cutie Mark Crusader coal miners?

Cutie Mark Crusaders: Yeah!

Fluttershy: No!

Cutie Mark Crusaders: Awwww!

Fluttershy: I mean, it's time for bed, don't you think? Aren't you excited to get all toasty and warm in your snuggly-wuggly widdle beds?

Apple Bloom: Snuggly-wuggly? But we have more crusadin' to do!

Scootaloo: We've got plans!

Sweetie Belle: And capes!

'' Um, okay, um. Maybe the crusading can wait until morning? When it's light? And not so... dark''? Fluttershy said.

Nighttime has fallen over ponyville but the three fillies claim they aren't sleepy yet, so Fluttershy decided to sing them a lullaby. Sweetie Belle recognized the song, and Fluttershy suggests she sing along, prompting Apple Bloom and Scootaloo to cover their ears. Her version of the lullaby, however, is loud enough to wake up the chickens in a nearby chicken coop. The Cutie Mark Crusaders run out of the house to help rustle the flock back to the coop. In the end, Fluttershy can get the chickens back in the coop by giving them an intimidating look
'' How are we gonna find our special talent in our sleep''? Apple bloom asked Fluttershy

Fluttershy: [blows out candle] Maybe you'll have a lovely little dream about your special talent.

Scootaloo: But we're not even tired!

'' How about I sing you a lullaby?'' Fluttershy said

Cutie Mark Crusaders: Mm-hmm, yeah!

Fluttershy: [clears throat]

Hush now, quiet now
It's time to lay your sleepy head
Hush now, quiet now
It's time to go to bed

Sweetie Belle: I know this one!

Fluttershy: Oh, how wonderful! Why don't you sing it with me?
Sweetie Belle: [clears throat]

[Sweetie Belle screaming]
Hush now! Quiet now!
It's time to lay your sleepy head!
Said hush now! Quiet now!
It's time to go to bed!

Fluttershy: Okay Sweetie, that was...

[Sweetie Belle keeps screaming]
Driftin' (driftin') off to sleep!
Exciting day behind you!
Driftin' (driftin') off to sleep!
Let the joy of dreamland find you!

Fluttershy: Thank you, Sweetie, um....

[Sweetie Belle keep going]
Hush now! Quiet now!
Lay your sleepy head!
Said hush now! Quiet now!
It's time to go to bed!

[chickens clucking and flapping]

Scootaloo: What is that?

[chickens squawking]

Fluttershy: [gasp] Girls!

'' Fluttershy, your chickens are on the loose''! Apple bloom point out the window

Sweetie Belle: I wonder what could have caused that...
Scootaloo: Don't worry, Fluttershy, the Cutie Mark Crusaders will handle this!

Sweetie Belle: Cutie Mark Crusader chicken herders! Yay!
[rush of air, more chicken clucking]

Fluttershy: No, I don't think that's a— ah, come back! Please!

[Cutie Mark Crusaders giggling, more chicken flapping and squawking]

Fluttershy: Come on, girls, the chickens are fine— oh, girls, um... girls!
[chickens flapping and clucking]

Fluttershy: Come on, in you go.
[eerie music]

Fluttershy: There are some good chickens. Okay, you three. Isn't it about time you got into bed?

Cutie Mark Crusaders: But—

'' Please?'' Fluttershy insisted

Fluttershy tucks the Crusaders into bed again, but they're still wide awake. They still want to find their talents, and decide to sneak out of the cottage when they notice that one of the chickens has escaped to the Everfree Forest.

'' So, no more crusading for tonight, all right''? Fluttershy said to the Cmcs

Scootaloo: Yes, Fluttershy!

Sweetie Belle: We promise, Fluttershy!

Apple Bloom: Good night, Fluttershy!

'' Okay, good night''. Fluttershy said as she left the room and went downstairs

'' Okay, so what kind of crusading do we do next?'' Sweetie belle asked her two friends

Apple Bloom: There's not much we can do from this room... unless we become Cutie Mark Crusader cottage cleaners.

Sweetie Belle: N-no, thanks.

Applebloom: Well, we have to think of somethin'. We can't just waste this opportunity to find out what our special talents are. Hey, girls! Look! Some of the chickens have escaped!

'' Into the forest''! Sweetie belle finish Applebloom sentence

Cutie Mark Crusaders: [whispering] Cutie Mark Crusaders chicken rescuers are go!

'' [sigh] It wasn't that hard ... I mean, all I needed to do was just show them who's in charge. Nothing's gonna get past Fluttershy! Good with animals, good with kids''. Fluttershy said in her sleep on the couch.

"He he he, if Roxas could have seen me...I bet he would be proud of me"

[quiet galloping]
[tearing fabric]

Scootaloo: [whispering] Wait up!

Back at Rarity's boutique Rarity and Roxas wake up from their slumber.

'' Oh look at that Rarity it's nighttime already''. Roxas said letting go of Rarity

'' Huh?! it is Roxas then we might as well go and call it a night darling''. Rarity said sitting up

'' I'll see you later Rarity good night and thanks for the relaxing evening with you''. Roxas said.

'' Good night my love this experience has helped us both bond even closer than before Roxas''. Rarity said kissing him on the cheek.

After that Roxas left the boutique and started walking home but then, he remember that Rarity told him that Fluttershy is watching over the cmcs and knowing them they might cause a huge mess at Fluttershy's cottage especially since it has lots of animals in it.

'' I better go check up on Fluttershy in case things are hectic right now''. Roxas said and took flight towards Fluttershy's cottage.

Fluttershy is relieved that it's quiet but notices that it's too quiet. She goes to check on the fillies and discovers that they're gone. Looking into the henhouse, she also notices that one of the chickens named Elizabeak is gone too. Seeing hoofprints leading into the Everfree Forest, Fluttershy hesitantly ventures into the forest to find them with Roxas following behind her, While the Crusaders argue amongst themselves.

'' Mmm, peace. [gasps] Too quiet. [gasps] Girls? Girls? Elizabeak! She's missing! Girls?! [gasps] Oh, no! They must have gone looking for my missing chicken! Which means... they must have gone into... [gasp] [gulp] The Everfree Forest''! Fluttershy said.

'' Those girls have done it this time! They've bitten off more than they can chew! Oh, just like me! I never should have offered to watch them''. [deep breath]

'' Fluttershy wait up''. Roxas gets her attention after landing right next to her

'' Roxas what are you doing here?'' Fluttershy asked him.

'' I heard everything from up high and I want to help that's why I'm here''. Roxas said

'' Thank you Roxas I feel much safer going with you knowing that you will be there to help me stay safe from any kind of danger let's go''. Fluttershy said walking into the deep dark forest.

Apple Bloom: Here, chick-chick-chick-chick-chick! Brawck, bawk-bawk-bawk, brawck!

Scootaloo: What are you doing?

Apple Bloom: Callin' for the chicken!

Scootaloo: That is not how you call a chicken.

Apple Bloom: Oh, and you know how to call a chicken?

Scootaloo: I know that's not the way.

Apple Bloom: Then show me.

Scootaloo: I don't have to show you!

Apple Bloom: You're just chicken!

Scootaloo: Am not!

Apple Bloom: Oh, wait, now I know how to call a chicken! Scootaloo! Scoot-scootalooooo!

Scootaloo: That's so funny I forgot to laugh.

Apple Bloom: You also forgot how to call a chicken!

Scootaloo: Why you...

Apple Bloom: [blows raspberry]

Sweetie Belle: Come on, guys, we're not gonna find the chicken or our cutie marks by arguing.

Apple Bloom: Maybe that's our special talent. Arguin'!

Scootaloo: Is not!

Apple Bloom: Is too!

Scootaloo: Is not!

Apple Bloom: Is too! Anything yet?

Scootaloo: Nope.

Apple Bloom: Darn.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom: [giggle]

[wind blows]
Apple Bloom: Heeeere, chick-chick-chick-chick, baaawk, bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk-bawk, b-baaaaawk!

Meanwhile, Roxas and Fluttershy walked across the everfree forest searching for the little girls.

Fluttershy: [whispering] Girls? [gulp] Girls? [tiny terrified squeak] Oh! Get a hold of yourself, Fluttershy. Just put one hoof in front of the other.

[twig snaps]

'' Ahh! What was that?'' Fluttershy said freaking out.

'' Relax Fluttershy it's only a stick you step on, that broke in half''. Roxas said walking right next to her.


Fluttershy: [scream]

[rush of air, clattering hooves]

'' Fluttershy calm down, just stay by my side and all will be well I promise you I got your back''. Roxas said to calm down his Pegasus friend

''Sorry Roxas when I bump into something from a very dangerous place I freak out very quickly... wait Twilight? I-Is that you?'' Fluttershy said while examining the object she had just collided with.

'' Oh, Twilight, it is you. Thank goodness you're here. I need your help. The girls are out here somewhere, and I'm afraid that they're— [gasps] Oh! What's happened to you''? [scream]


''[gasp] This can't be real''. Roxas said in shock seeing a statue version of Twilight

'' Oh, no! If you've been turned to stone, it must mean— oh! Oh no, the girls! Don't move. we'll be back for you. Girls!!! Come on Roxas''!

'' Ahh''. Roxas felt a dark familiar pulse coming from his body which made him fall to his knees and is having his hooves on top of his head

" Ugh not this again" Roxas said.

" Seems like someone is wanting to chat with me"

'' Roxas what's wrong''? Fluttershy asked Roxas

'' My...my head''! Roxas said with a struggling pain.

'' Wh...what's happening?''

" Dont you see it? Seeing your friends getting hurt activates your dark power, you can't resist this Roxas" Nightmare Roxas said.

'' Roxas! are you okay?'' Fluttershy said putting her hooves on Roxas's shoulder worrying about something bad was happening to her secret crush.

'' There are so many...memories...rushing back into... my head''.

'' Maybe I should get you out of here first''. Fluttershy suggested.

'' No, wait...There's something...I can almost see it...Fluttershy you have to...go find... the Cutie Mark Crusaders... Now I'll stay here with twilight... maybe... I can help her... be free from her stone prison''.

'' Wha?! but Roxas I don't feel comfortable leaving you here like this you could get hurt in this state''.

'' I'll be fine...the cmcs won't... they're too young to be out here all alone... hurry before something... in this forest gets to them first... I know you'll... find a way... to help them...get to safety Fluttershy...I trust and believe in you''. Roxas finishes with a smile

'' All right make sure you both stay safe I'll be back as soon as I can okay''. Fluttershy said while reluctantly agreeing to leave Roxas behind to find Apple bloom, Sweetie belle, and Scootaloo.

" This is going to be a fun ride" Nightmare Roxas replied.

Inside Roxas's mind, he was back at the Organization's Castle.

'' Roxas, How has the game been treating you?'' An organization member said holding a deck of cards filled with the Nobody emblems on each one in his left hand

'' Uhh...fine I guess, why'd you ask Luxord?''

'' Saix has shuffled us together for today's mission. I wager we'll make a good enough team''. Luxord commented.

'' I don't see why not''. Roxas responds

'' Splendid, and by the way, did you hear about what happened to $%%#%?''

Roxas's memory started to glitch out just by hearing that name.

'' No, what?!''

'' She bungled her last mission and has been in a deep sleep ever since. Can't win them all, I suppose''. Luxord replied.

'' $%%#%''! Roxas said rushing towards his companion room. But Saix, another organization member stopped him.

'' And where do you think you're going, Roxas?'' Saix asks his fellow member as he blocks his path

'' I need to see $%%#%!!''. Roxas said

'' But you have a mission that needs taken care of''. Saix calmly ordered.

'' Don't worry I'll still have time, Luxord is finishing the preparations''. Roxas replied.

'' You cannot do anything $%%#% will not wake up''. Saix said.

'' What do you know? I should still be with her''.

'' Why do you care? That creature is broken. Defective''. Saix commented

'' Don't call her that''. Roxas angrily replied

'' I'll call that thing whatever I want. How we deal with $%%#% is no concern of yours''. Saix said

'' I DIDN'T ASK YOU IF IT WAS!'' Roxas commented

'' What has gotten into you boy? Look at you, Roxas. Up in arms over a nobody''.


''Settle down. $%%#% failings won't affect your standing with us. You've nothing to worry about''. Saix replied

''Won't affect my- What is Wrong with you? Look, I'll do my mission--later''.
Roxas said leaving Saix behind a heading to $%%#% room.

Once he arrived, Roxas saw Xion sleeping in peace.

''X%%#% I'm so sorry that I wasn't there for you if I did you wouldn't be in this state in the first place''. He then placed a blue seashell right next to her.'' I know you couldn't come with us to the beach, but here...I bring you a little gift as a reminder that you still have people who care about you...I'll check you up later, and when you wake up, I'll tell you everything, I promise ''. Roxas then left her room and went to continue on with the mission with Luxord.

After completing his mission Roxas met Axel in the clock tower of Twilight Town to talk, just as usual.

'' Axel, about X%%#%...'' He said.

'' Saix told me what happened this morning''. Axel replied

'' Why does he hate her so much?'' Roxas asked.

Not wanting to dig up in the subject, Axel tried to switch the topic.

'' Listen to you. How come you do that? Talking like you're a real person''. Axel said

''Why? What did I say?''

'' I don't know how real people talk''. Roxas replied confused about Axel question.

'' I mean, sometimes you sound like you really are heartsick or something''. Axel answered.

'' When I saw her lying there...I couldn't stop thinking that she'll never wake up, I was...afraid''. Roxas said lowering his head.

'' She will''.

After a little silence, Roxas asked something else.

'' Saix called her''broken'' why?''

'' Hmm...'' Axel thought an appropriate answer for the question but Roxas interrupt him.

'' Saix knows something about her''.

''Why me and her are special Nobodies?''. Roxas asked.

''Well...If it's gonna keep you up at night, I could ask him for you '' Axel replied.

" Really?" Roxas said surprisingly.

" Don't worry Buddy, just relax and leave it to me" Axel replied.

'' Thanks Axel, I just hope she wakes up soon''.

20 days later.

Roxas was leaving another seashell in her bed, one per day she didn't wake up. Until...

'' Uhh...Ahh!''

'' WHOA!!'' Roxas said

'' Uh...Good morning, Xi%#%''.

'' Oh...Morning...''. The girl said.

'' You woke up so suddenly, you just startled me''. Roxas replied.

'' S-sorry...''.

'' Oh...''. The girl turned to her right side and saw things that Roxas had left beside her bed

'' Did you bring me these seashells?'' She asked.

'' Do you hear it?'' Roxas asked referring to the sound of the ocean.

'' Yeah, the sound of the waves''.

'' How long was I asleep?'' She asked

''About twenty days''. Roxas replied.

''That long!?''

The girl couldn't believe Roxas's statement.

''Yeah. You were sleeping so much that Me and Axel were getting worried''.

''I'm sorry about that''.

'' Kind of weird that we can feel anything at all. Without having hearts to feel with''. She said placing her hand on her chest.

'' Uhh...''. Roxas thought about what she said.

'' Hey, Roxas. Don't you have work today?''

'' Huh? Oh, I'm about to head out''.

'' I'd like to tag along''. she asked

'' But don't you need some more rest?''

'' I'll be fine. C'mon, take me with you''.

'' All right...Sure''.

Roxas and his comrade were off and headed straight into the Observation room of the Castle to find Saix and ask him to start a mission together.

'' Well... Well. It lives. There's just no keeping you down''. Saix said

'' Saix I want to go with Roxas on today's mission''. She commented.

'' Tsk, you belong to your room''. Saix said angrily, fortunately Axel arrived to calm down the situation.

'' Oh, hey, X#$$! About time you crawled out of bed''.

'' Morning, Axel''. She replied.

'' Roxas will team up with Axel today, as scheduled. #$##, I'm afraid I neglected to pencil you in''. Saix ordered.

'' Don't keep me pent up in here. I need the exercise''.

'' I'll look after her. I promise not to let her out of my sight''. Axel said trying to convince his partner.

'' Hmm...''. Saix thought about it until he finally accepted it.

'' Fine. Go, if that's what suits you''.

'' Thank you, Axel''. The girl replied.

''No problem''.

'' Well, what are we waiting for? let's go''. Roxas said

The group arrived to Twilight town in order to begin their mission.

'' This should be fun, Huh? Tripling up like this''. The girl said.

'' Yeah, I think this is my first three-man mission''. Roxas added.

'' Just remember its still a mission. We're not on a field trip, guys''. Axel said

'' Yeah, Yeah we know Axel. It sure is nice to be back on my feet again''. The girl replied.

'' Just don't push it, you here me? We'll pick up the slack''.

'' I hear you. Thanks''. The girl said.

After some investigation, the group finally got enough clues to find the main enemy whereabout. It was on the train station.

But as soon as they arrived the hooded girl collapsed

'' Huh...Uh Xi%%#%!'' Roxas shouted.

The girl started screaming, it seemed that she was experiencing some memories flashes, just like Roxas did.

'' It's my lucky charm. Be sure to bring it back to me!'' A red haired girl said.

'' Not again''. Roxas said.

'' Huh? Roxas in front of us!!''. Axel shouted.

A Giant Mechanical Heartless funnel-diamond-shaped, Red-colored Surveillance Robot appeared and shot a huge laser beam at them.

'' Whoa''. Roxas dodged the attack

'' Leave Xi%%#% to me''.

'' Got it''!

After the battle, Roxas went back to check up on his friends.

'' Sora...''. The girl said.

'' Xi%%#%''! Roxas said.

'' It's okay. She's not hurt''. Axel said calming his friend.

'' But Axel-?''

'' Let's just Return to the Castle, all right?'' Axel said.

Roxas nodded, after that he created a dark portal leading to the castle.

When Roxas and Axel returned to the castle with their unconscious team member. Saix walked up towards them and spoke dead-panned.

'' Well , that didn't take long. Did it break again?'' Saix commented.

'' She not an''it''! Roxas angrily replied.

Axel walked towards him and whispered something to him.

'' Keep your mouth shut''. Axel said leaving the room with the girl on his arms.

Saix watched the scene, and started to ponder about the situation and Axel.

'' You have changed...What happened at Castle Oblivion?''

'' Does the past mean nothing to you?''

After that, the memory finally stops and Roxas is back on the everfree forest.

" Darn, I wanted to see more" Nightmare Roxas said.

" Ugh, no... I'm not planning to show you that" Roxas said.

" Don't bother, sooner or later I will end up seeing all of your memories, but I got to say, that girl...it intrigues me" Nightmare commented.

" I don't know why all of your memories related to her, are corrupted...yet what caught my attention was the strength of your companions, the blue haired guy and the orange haired, they are strong, I Want them, HEHEHE HA HA HA" Nightmare said.

" I Won't let you..." Roxas said suppressing his dark powers.

" I'll wait for them, don't worry...I'm planning to go to that world. Nightmare Roxas said disappearing in Roxas subconscious.

''Ahh... that hurt but that girl... at least I'm starting... to remember on who she is... someday I will know the truth about everything...''. Roxas said while panting and coughing from his ordeal

'' Twilight...Nrrgh...hold on, I'm coming''. Roxas said dragging his body towards his frozen friend

'' Esuna''! Roxas said casting out the status negating spell but it didn't help Twilight absolutely.

'' Why the spell didn't work? it supposed to heal every negative effect on someone''. Roxas said.

Roxas started thinking a possible explanation to the problem but he got nothing.

'' I can't be this useless, how can I not be able to help my friends''. Roxas started growing frustration as he softly pound on Twilight's stone body with his hoof.

" No... There must be a way, maybe some of this worlds magic isn't harmonious with mine, in that case Fluttershy most defeat the source of the spell" Roxas thought.

" Don't worry Twilight, ill protect you until Fluttershy comes up with a solution" Roxas said.

Meanwhile, the Cutie Mark Crusaders were venturing deeper into the Everfree Forest not knowing the terrible danger that was hunting them.

Scootaloo: Is not!

Apple Bloom: Is too!

Scootaloo: Is not!

Apple Bloom: Is too!

'' Girls! Our special talent is not arguing. Besides, what would the cutie mark of somepony whose talent is arguing even look like?'' Sweetie belle said to break off the tension between her two filly friends.

Luckily Fluttershy arrived to warn about the creature.

'' Girls? Girls''? Fluttershy called out the 3 fillies

Sweetie Belle: Fluttershy?

Fluttershy: Girls! Thank goodness I found you!

Apple Bloom: Fluttershy, what—

Fluttershy: Girls, we have to leave the forest at once!

Sweetie Belle: But... we haven't found the chicken yet!

Fluttershy: There's no time for that. There's a cockatrice on the loose!

Apple Bloom: A cocka-what now?

'' A cockatrice! It's a frightening creature with the head of a chicken and the body of a snake. Now, come on''! Fluttershy explained to them

Scootaloo: The head of a chicken and the body of a snake? That doesn't sound scary, that sounds silly!

Apple Bloom: Why, if I ever saw one of them cockathingies face-to-face, I'd laugh at how silly it was.

'' No! Never look one in the eye''! Fluttershy persisted in warning them of the type of danger they are in.

But the girls didn't listen to her because as soon as she was finishing explaining everything about the cockatrice, the chicken they were searching for appear in front of them.

[brush rustling, a chicken cluck]

Fluttershy: If you look a cockatrice in the eye—

Apple Bloom: The chicken!

Fluttershy: Girls! Wait!

Cutie Mark Crusaders: Here, chick-chick-chick-chick-chick!
[chicken clucking]

[growling] They then notice a second chicken hiding in the bushes, one with a long reptilian body: the cockatrice. Its stare causes Elizabeak to turn to stone.

Sweetie Belle: There he is!

Scootaloo: Two chickens?

Apple Bloom: I thought only one escaped!

Sweetie Belle: Grab them both!

[chicken clucking]
[brush rustling]
[chicken clucking]

Cutie Mark Crusaders: [scream]


Cutie Mark Crusaders: [gasp]

The Crusader's panic at the sight of this, and Fluttershy tells them to stand behind her. When she sees how scared the fillies are, Fluttershy confronts the cockatrice face-to-face. She counters the cockatrice's gaze with her intimidating stare.

Fluttershy: See? Now we have to—

Cutie Mark Crusaders: [screaming]

Fluttershy: Girls, please. Girls— now listen to me, girls, I— please!
[cockatrice squawking]

'' Girls! Behind me, now''! Fluttershy said with a serious frown
[cockatrice squawking and roaring]

'' You! Just who do you think you are, going around turning others into stone?'' Fluttershy said asserting her authority.

Cockatrice: [dismayed squawk]

'' You should be ashamed of yourself. I have a mind to find your mother and tell her what you've been up to, young man''. Fluttershy continued her scolding the Cockatrice.

She then ordered it to change Elizabeak and Twilight back to normal.

''Now you go over there, and turn Elizabeak and my friend Twilight back to normal, and don't ever let me catch you doing this again. Do you understand me''? Fluttershy said finishing her command to the chicken.

Cockatrice: [dismayed squawking]

Fluttershy: Are you girls all right? I was so worried!

Scootaloo: Yeah, fine!

Sweetie Belle: Thanks to that stare of yours.

Scootaloo: You're like the queen of stares. You're the—

Cutie Mark Crusaders: Stare Master!

Sweetie Belle: We're sorry we snuck out of the house and into the forest.

Apple Bloom: Yeah. We'll listen to you from now on.

Scootaloo: We promise.

Fluttershy: Oh, you do, do you? Well, you better, or I'll give you... the Stare!

The group headed back to Twilight's location and the Cmcs became surprised to see Roxas there with the stone Twilight sparkle.

''Roxas what are you doing here?'' The 3 fillies ask

''Oh Thank goodness you're all okay, I was looking after Twilight's body''. Roxas said.

'' Well, you don't have to worry about anything now I have brought us the solution to our problem Roxas''. Fluttershy said showing him the hybrid chicken which then walks up to Twilight and unfreezes her stone prison

''Argh... What... what happened?'' Twilight asks herself
[chicken squawking]

'' Uhh... it's a long story Twilight''. Roxas said

Cutie Mark Crusaders: [giggling]

" I'll give you the details later, for now, let's go back home, I've had enough of this forest" Roxas said.

30 minutes later.

''And that's when it brought you back from stone''. Fluttershy and Roxas said finishing their story.

'' Wow, this is gonna make quite a letter to the princess. I was wrong about you. You certainly do know how to handle those girls Fluttershy''. Twilight said

Fluttershy: Oh, I wouldn't go that far.

'' Hmm? How so?'' Twilight asked Fluttershy

'' I assumed that I'd be just as good with kids as I am with animals. Boy, was I wrong. I really learned the hard way not to bite off more than I could chew''. Fluttershy said

Twilight Sparkle: You and Rarity both.

'' Well now that we're all caught up with everything, shouldn't we be concerned about What The Hay Is Going On with Roxas Here after hearing his side of the story?!'' Scootaloo said with concern on her face as pointed a hoof at him to the side

'' I still don't believe Roxas talks to a somepony that comes from inside his body''. Apple bloom said skeptically

'' Well, it's more like a part of Roxas is talking to himself, much like an alter-ego''. Sweetie belle said

''Girls I know this is a lot to take but don't worry too much about it, me and my friends are helping Roxas take care of this situation before it gets worse for anypony else''. Twilight said

'' Twilight's right, we don't want to get you 3 involve in this problem it's dangerous and you'll get hurt if you do so leave it to us and let's head home we already overstay our welcome in this dark forest''. Roxas said.

The 3 fillies nodded and were about to head out of the forest with Twilight, Fluttershy, and Roxas until they heard a twig snap nearby from their location.

'' Who's there?!''. Roxas said looking at the woods from behind him

After a few seconds of silence something stepped into their view from some shrubs. It was pitch black all over, bipedal, very short, and came with its own pairs of antennas, claws, and big soulless yellow eyes. It seemed that the creature fidget around a bit, jerking its head left and right as if every second something different would catch its attention. Though it seemed to quickly calm and focus its sight on the 6 ponies in front of it.

“W-what IS that?” The Cmcs were the first to speak. They felt like they should definitely want to keep their distance from that creature.

“I… don’t know… I don’t recall seeing it in any books.” Twilight replied before her eyes looked toward Fluttershy, who looked at the creature curiously for a moment, before shaking her head to confirm that she had no clue either. Twilight decided to carefully move over to it. “H-hey, little guy… Are you lost?”

''Twilight Don't!'' Roxas warn her, but the creature jumped directly to her swiping it's claws into her face, making Twilight fall back and shriek.

After the attack, the whole group shouted Twilight's name, Roxas was the first to respond by using his speed to fly at it and then slice his keyblade on it, making the creature disperse into formless dark mist, which vanished as if it was never there. “Back Off!” He then turned to the purple Unicorn. “Twi, you ok?” All the others gathered around her to check for any wounds.

“I-I’m fine, everyone. Just a little startled.” She moved to get back on her hooves. “What was that?”

''A Shadow Heartless, I remember that Celestia told me about these guys appearing in a city of this world''. Roxas said

'' Uhm Roxas?! it seems like that thing didn't come alone.” Apple bloom said pointing and looking around to the sight of many yellow glowing eyes appearing around them.

A lot of Shadow heartless appeared, they seemed to swim through the ground and rise in front of our heroes, as well as a two new bipedal foes that just pop out of thin air. One of them had a metal helmet that looked like a chrome bird skull, with swirly eyes, and a single antenna-like protrusion at the top that curled up in a slightly angular fashion. The other one was flying, It's body was mostly blue with purple designs that went from its knees down to its shins. It had black curled boots, four-fingered hands that ended with red-tipped claws, metal wrist cuffs on both arms, and, to finish it all, a black-heart like symbol on its chest outlined in red and crossed out with that very red outline. It looked somewhat more capable than its smaller comrades.

" Soldiers and air soldiers?" Roxas said.

“We’re surrounded!” Fluttershy and the Crusaders said hiding behind Twilight, keeping as low as possible.

“ You don’t say?” Roxas quipped as he got into a ready stance with his keyblade in his mouth.

“ Twilight you're on defense, protect Apple bloom, Sweetie belle, Scootaloo, and Fluttershy from the heartless reaching to them and provide me cover support while I'll be on Offense getting their attention and search and destroying all enemies in the vicinity, got it?”.

'' I like that idea Roxas''. Scootaloo said

“ Seems like that’s our only option here, let's do this Roxas,” Twilight agreed. Her horn started to glow as she would telekinetically fling the creatures around, hurl rocks and such at them, or fire magic beams at them directly.

Roxas ran right through them and started doing a spinning slash like a top with his blade held out as he charge through his enemies like a Buzzsaw. He mowed them down before skidding to a stop with a rather confident smirk on his face. In the place of some of those creatures were reddish, sparkling, crystal-like hearts that started drifting up into the sky before vanishing. This was definitely new to Apple bloom and her friends since they never saw those before happening in their lives.

'' Whoa, those hearts look so pretty''. Sweetie belle said admiring the floating crystal hearts

'' You can say that again Sweetie belle, they're like magical fireflies''. Apple bloom said

Roxas swiped through a tall shadow heartless, then pivoted on his hoof and swung his blade vertically to knock a group of smaller ones high into the air. He then leaped into the air and flew in between them reaching them easily. The shadows were helplessly caught up in the flurry of attacks that he made by spinning wildly in mid-air and were destroyed on the spot. A soldier heartless began to leap at him, ready to swipe at him, but this only aided his enemy as he needed to string up a combo.

He was already defying gravity as he gave the creature a flurry of swipes as if each swing was what kept him floating in place ''Aerial Sweep'' he unleashed his next move a powerful leaping attack on the targets in midair. Roxas then used ''Aerial Spiral'' to close in on his targets in midair unleashing spinning attacks all around him as if he's trapped inside of a Sphere trying to break out through force.

With his enemies stunned from his assaults, He smirked as he deliver them the finish blow ''Aerial Finish'' he vertically twirled around his keybalde in the air and Unleashes a powerful finishing combo move to the Heartless in midair, slapping it onto the creature’s head and bodies, some of them were destroyed on impact, while the others were spiking it back to the ground, causing one of the soldiers to disperse upon impact, and releasing the heart held within it.

Roxas landed where it once was on three hooves, his right forehoof held out and holding his blade. “Alright, Who else wants some I'm right here heh heh.” He tried to stand upright, but that proved to be difficult. ''Whoa Guess I still need a bit more time practicing in this body on how to fight on my hind legs like I used to back where I came from''. However, he did notice that he could stand up long enough to get a few hits on a foe before either going back on all fours or leaping into the air.

He took that knowledge to heart as his attacks could randomly shift gears from four-legged to brief two-legged combat. This in turn made aerial combat a common easy thing for him to do especially since he now got wings attached to his back as for his ground combat he had to change and learn how to adapt his fighting moves with different ones in his new form if he's gonna be able to fight the enemies on solid ground.

At one point, he saw a group of shadows and soldiers lined up unintentionally and grinned as he stood on his hind legs once more. He took the blade from his mouth and into his hoof before hurling it with all his might at the line up giving them a heavy swipe ''Hah yah''. A wave of black mist and red hearts were all that was left of those creatures ''And you're Gone''. as Roxas summoned his weapon back to his mouth and rapidly spun in place to K.O. the creatures that tried to surround him ''Oh so you guys want some too well by all means then I'll let you have it, take this''.

The creatures were completely distracted by the Keyblade wielder and seemed to mindlessly go after him instead now. Fluttershy and her friends were at a loss for words as they watched the stallion cut down the creatures like they were nothing.

Twilight’s mind was constantly shelling out questions, and every new thing she observed just added another load of them about how skilled is Roxas and that he can handle taking a whole platoon of the heartless single handily. While the Cmcs are marveling at the amazing feats the pegasus stallion had been making. Scootaloo seemed to be trying to mimic each of Roxas’s swings as best as she could every time he cut down a foe, and Apple bloom and Sweetie belle were cheering on and enjoying the show.

'' Roxas is so cool it's like He's a Knight from the fairy tales stories but he's a Super Knight !” Sweetie belle said as she watched him teach those meanies a lesson. Applebloom stood there, jaws dropped at the sudden display of fighting happening around her, and couldn't form any words as the fighting is getting more intense and interesting.

Not too far off from the battle an entity is watching the battle from a distance, which is the silhouette of the same dark brown pony that attacked Roxas yesterday, he wasn't liking the direction of the battle as he shaked its head to the side left and right so he decided to intervene on the situation by giving Roxas and his pony friends a new target to face which will give them a challenge and force Roxas to use some of his dark powers.

The pony lifted a hoof upward and summoned a dark portal right next to him and summoned out a New Heartless for them to fight A tarantula resembling a giant spider with a heartless emblem on its white head and four silver jointed legs. It's back is dark brown while its front body is tilted green.

The Tarantula was equipped with laser cannons on the tips of their front legs that can shoot lasers. Unlike the last two heartless that Twilight and Roxas fought at Cloudsdale, this one didn't need to charge its lasers beforehand.

It can, however, charge it's lasers for shots that increase their damage per hit. The Tarantula's twin laser cannon set-up allows it to fire from each leg in succession, creating a nearly-continuous endless stream of laser fire and allotting it a nearly 180-degree field of fire. However, it can only fight effectively while resting on its hind legs, limiting its movement in battle and effectively keeping it from escaping. It can run on its hind legs to take long-distance shots, though it can only fire at a maximum of 4 times before falling back onto all fours.

Compared to the other heartless, they can run fairly fast due to their long legs, but cannot balance well nor climb due to the cannons on the tips of their legs, limiting their movement to relatively flat surfaces. But they are quite difficult to destroy due to their body and skin having heavy armor making them highly durable and one of the Heartless deadliest elite monsters ever created they achieve excellent shots and can wipe out a whole team single-handedly.

The dark being then pointed its hoof at the ponies ahead of them and when the monster saw it emitted a sound through their various battle cries made of grunts and roars and headed straight for them to assassinate its assigned targets while the dark pony gave a wicked smile from his Evil move.

Back to the battle Twilight was doing her best to give Roxas backup in battle while defending Fluttershy and the Cmcs from the heartless.

''Fireball'' Twilight said casting out the spell fire on the group of shadows that were crawling along the floor but her attack didn't destroy them "That's not normal." they suddenly began peeling themselves off of the floor and transitioning from 2-D to 3-D ''Oh I get it, when they dissolve into the ground, attacks can't hurt them unless they peel themselves off the ground and back up now I know one of there strengths''.

''I'm gonna make sure that you all can't get away from this Freeze''. Twilight said casting multiple shards of blizzard at her targets freezing them on impact ''Ha I have you now, Thunder''. She launches bolts of electricity at her immobilized enemies and shatters them into little pieces.

Next, six soldiers heartless were converging at Twilight's location, she prepare herself for their oncoming attacks as the soldiers got her surrounded at all sides they all jump simultaneously to attack her with their claws ready to take her and the 4 mares behind her hearts away. As Fluttershy and the Cmcs cry out in fear for their lives, Twilight activated a new spell from her horn that Roxas taught her two days ago ''Reflect'' she said conjuring out some white sparks of light from her horn.

Then a small dome of transparent white hexagons surrounded Twilight and the girls, blocking all the soldiers attacks she smirked, and then that same spell launch the 2nd part of it Countless explosions of light surrounded the group and damaging the Heartless making them all disappear and leaving behind much pink crystal-like hearts.

As the Heartless forces were finally dwindling Twilight cast her levitation spell and kept the last few remaining heartless in place and lifted them into the air so Roxas can finish them off. ''I got them in Stasis do it now Go Roxas let them have it''.

'' Right, thanks Twilight here I go'' The battle finally ended when Roxas did a leaping strike at the last creatures cutting them in half and freeing the hearts from inside that Twilight lifted up into the air for him. “Alright! That should do it!” Roxas made his keyblade vanish as he sat on his haunches and stretched. “Everypony Ok?

''Yeah, we are thanks to you Roxas''. Fluttershy said

''That...was Amazing. I mean we did almost get ourselves killed in the process but still amazing''. Apple bloom shouts out excitingly

''That was so cool you were so Awesome out there you were like Pow and they were like Ahh we're melting''. Scootaloo expresses her experiences

''Hey you two don't forget about Twilight she also fought great too you know, she cast magic spells we never heard of before so give her some credit to you guys''. Sweetie belle said.

''Whoops, sorry Twilight you were fantastic out there yourself not bad skills for a book reader''. Apple bloom and Scootaloo said to the purple unicorn

''Hehe, no offense taken, but thank you though I'm just glad that it's all over''. Twilight said with relieve.

And then suddenly something big jumped out of nowhere from the bushes and surprised the entire group when it landed on the ground, it was Tarantula creature that the dark shadowy pony had summoned to fight the group. Roxas and the others were shocked by this new threat.

[Sinister Shadows Kingdom hearts ll]

''Careful, here it comes''. Roxas said alerting the group.

The heartless looked towards Roxas and started blasting him with a fast endless stream of blue lasers bullets. ''Guard'' Roxas got onto his hind legs and turn his blade broadside and lifting it a little above his head and placing his left hoof on the broadside of the opposite end of the Keyblade as well as he hold his position to stand against the heartless assault.

As the lasers come into contact with the blade Roxas is slowly being pushed back from the Tarantula's attack ''Gah this thing is unlike any other heartless I fought in my life, just how strong is this thing?!!''. As the Tarantula kept its onslaught at the Pegasus, Twilight channeled magic into her horn to help Roxas by combining her natural magic with the new off-world magic Roxas was teaching to her ''I hope this works Go'' she cast out her combination spell a purple magic bolt infuse with the fire spell making it into an arrow with scorching fire that increased the power and speed of the projectile in order to attack the tarantula in the back.

Just like a power drill the spell began digging into its body and then it exploded a few seconds later making the heartless stop his barrage of attacks on Roxas. ''Yes that stop it, I can't believe that actually work''.

Roxas then break free from his guard and went for a magic attack “Firaga!” Roxas yelled out in the howling winds. A glowing orange spark appeared at the tip of his Keyblade which quickly grew into a huge sphere of flame and fire and It blasted off like a bullet guided to the Heartless, causing the creature's head and body to burst into flame.

Roxas then started sprinting around it in circles on all fours at the burning Heartless, getting in at point-blank range. He then pointed his Keyblade at the face of the creature and shouted... “Blizzaga!” A shotgun blast of ice shot out, jerking the head back and encasing the Tarantula on the spot. “Let’s see you if you block this!” Roxas yelled as he lifted his Keyblade over him in his mouth as sparks of electricity surged around the tip. “Thundaga!” And just like that, bolts of lightning crashed down from above onto the frozen body, finally shattering it and making the target become paralyzed, “Now's my chance!” Roxas gave it a three-hit combo then he flipped the Keyblade so the teeth could hook onto the heartless neck, then with pure force he slingshot-ed it into a tall tree.

Afterward he ran towards it, jumped up, and thrust his Keyblade down below him “thunk-ing it“ running and piercing it through the body and head causing the enemy to scream out in terrifying roars and grunts, as Roxas saw the creature moving around wildly being desperate to get the keyblade wielder off of him ''So the head with the heartless symbol is the weak spot, I got it woooooahhh''. The tarantula had enough of him on his head so it crash its body into the nearby trees making Roxas lose his grip on his keyblade and hold on the heartless.

After doing that several times Roxas lost his hold on them and then the creature used this opportunity to shake Roxas off and send him tumbling around the battlefield until he crashed into a tree hard enough that it made it fall atop of him ''Ahhh'' due to the amount of force it received from the crash, trapping Roxas underneath it.

''Roxas'' the 5 mares called out for him. As the wielder is trapped beneath the fallen tree the heartless ran towards him on its hind legs and take 4 long-distance shots at him before falling back onto all fours. Injuring and breaking one of his foreleg hoofs ''Ahhhh my hoof, urgh, I can't move it anymore''. Roxas cried out in agony from the attack and is seeing his red blood coming out of his broken hoof.
With the warrior pegasus immobilized the tarantula began charging its lasers to create 2 overload shots at Roxas's head but before it can take its shot a purple energy bolt hit its head causing it to cringe and shake its head from the impact after it felt the attack the heartless look towards the being that dares challenges it.

''Leave him alone he's not your only opponent, I am here as well'' Twilight said with an angry frown. The Tarantula moved his twin cannons at the unicorn and blasts it's overload-charged lasers at her, making Twilight go on the defensive, the mare cast a magical lavender bubble around her and her friends she then reinforced it as much as she could with her magic. The barrier was holding for about two minutes, but cracks were gradually forming on it due to how strong the attack was on it... so in the end… the heartless began blasting out more of its supercharge lasers at the unicorn until it was just too much for the barrier to withstand even further.

“I… I can’t hold it! AAAH!” the pain that Twilight suffered in her head was unbearable and the bubble shattered.. making the unicorn mare fall to the ground.''Twilight'' Fluttershy and the cmcs called out and went her side by side.

''C'mon get up don't give up now Twilight you need to keep fighting we need you, Roxas needs you''. Fluttershy and the Cmcs said putting their hooves on her to help her get up

The Heartless prepared it's final attack making Twilight and her friends gasp in worry, but instead of shooting at them the creature turned towards Roxas and combined it's twin laser cannons together to create a mega beam attack hoping to completely eradicate the keyblade wielder. As Roxas and the others saw this, Twilight got back up on all fours and ran towards Roxas in order to protect him from the incoming attack.

''NO I WON'T LET YOU'' before the tarantula could hit Roxas, Twilight jumped between him and the laser receiving the attack directly. " KYAAAAA!!!" Twilight shouted in pain. The unicorn mare got knocked across the whole battlefield landing into a small dirt pit. Fluttershy, Apple bloom, Sweetie belle and Scootaloo went to check up on her.

" Twilight!!! Twlight!!! Open your eyes" Fluttershy said but she didn't get any response.

The girls were shocked, they couldn't believe that Twilight was gone, Fluttershy started crying laying her head on top of Twilight's chest, miraculously she felt a little pulse coming from the unicorn's body, Twilight was gravely hurt but not dead.
Unfortunately for the creature, Roxas thought that her friend just sacrificed herself for him, and, in an angry breakdown he summoned his dark powers again.

''TWILIGHT?! I...I....Rgggghhhhhhaaaaaaa''. Roxas re-summoned his keyblade in his mouth and used it to cut off the fallen tree in half with intense anger and break free from his captivity. After he got loose Roxas was still having trouble standing up on his hind legs due to his past injured, but he didn't give up. ''Aw, darn you! YOU...YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT''! Roxas shouted out in fury with darkness coming out of his body.

''HAHAHAHA!! You see? now you're begging for my help, you're pathetic''. Nightmare Roxas said.

''Please, I just need you to help me defeat this thing, and help me curing Twilight''. Roxas said asking for help.

''Well I could give you enough power to save your friend, but why should I? You ask me for things but you don't expect anything in exchange''. Nightmare Roxas said.

''Please, I'll do anything'' Roxas said in shock

''That's what I wanted to hear, if you want my help, then let me see more memories of yours Im very curious''. Nightmare Roxas said.

Roxas didn't want to accept the deal, but seeing no other option, he was forced to accept.

" Fine...ill do it" Roxas said

"Good boy, now...let me take over your body for a second" Nightmare replied.

Roxas then close his eyes and felt darkness was surrounding his body specially his broken leg, encasing it. His eyes turned into snake ones , his fur became black and his mane became dark blue.

" AGHHHH, it's great to have physical form again" Nightmare Roxas said healing up his broken hoof. Nightmare then turned to see Fluttershy and the CMCs and got closer to them.


" You four! move" Nightmare asked politely.

The four mares did what Roxas ordered and got away from Twilight, Nightmare put his hoof into Twilight's forehead healing her in the process. " There, she should wake up in a couple of minutes" Nightmare then moved towards the creature.

" And now, for the main event..." Nightmare said trying to summon the Keyblade, but the weapon didn't appear. " Interesting, it seems that in this form I can't summon Roxas weapon, probably because I'm not him entirely"

As the Heartless prepares to shoot him again Nightmare extended both hooves and started channeling darkness to prepare a powerful attack ''Lets see if you survive this...Phantom Wave!!!'' Nightmare shoot out an energy wave of dark fire heading towards the tarantula, once it hit the target the heartless stood still while being burning alive crying out in painful agony.

''Roxas? Are you okay? this isn't like you'' Fluttershy couldn't believe on what she just saw.

''Now give it everything you got Roxas and end this madness right now you can do it we believe in you''. The Cutie Mark Crusaders shouted out in exciting determination.

''Pitiful creature'' Nightmare said charging straight at the target " I can't use Roxas's Keyblade but I can use his abilities" . Nightmare then activate Roxas limit break Event Horizon but with subtle changes. Nightmare threw darts around the field with his hoofs enveloped in darkness "Nice try!" punching away the tarantula with great strength. He then summoned four thin pillars of darkness to quickly move in straight paths to the end of the field. As Nightmare is wailing the target like crazy the CMCs were in utter surprise that he could do all of that and wonder about just how powerful is their new pegasus friend. After using his limit break the heartless collapsed down into the ground giving him the opportunity to finish the fight for good.

Nightmare flew up so high he was basically out of the forest until he then starts diving back down with a strong wing flap back to the battle. The dark pegasus began to held his stance in mid air as he was dropping hard like a missile. Though he kept staring at his target, his muscles in his forelegs tensed and was being filled with immense potential energy of rushing darkness into his body while his left eye was now changing back to normal. But right when the moment presented itself, he didn’t hesitate to give the finishing blow.


The sound of Tarantula's skull breaking rang throughout the Everfree forest, immediately followed by something impacting the ground that kicked up a plume of dark smoke. Not a word was spoken as everything went silent. Fluttershy had her hooves on the three fillies ready to pick them up and fly out of there in case the battle gets too rough for them to stick around as they stared intently into the cloud waiting for something to happen.

Once the dust started to settle. Everypony could finally see what had happened. Nightmare Roxas was in front of the beast, standing bipedal but crouched in the same position he was in when he impacted the ground. His head lowered hiding his eyes with his spiky mane… but not the small smile on his muzzle and the darkness that was around his body was gone. Immediately something fell to the ground right next to him at that moment. It turned out to be the Tarantula's head chopped literally clean off from its body. The monster was stumbling back wobbling all over the place after losing its head, pawing at where it’s head used to be, as darkness gushed out of the opening, with no intention to stop.

Nightmare Roxas stood up straight, and walked towards the creature ''Lets see you try to get back up from that attack''. he then watched the Heartless’ futile attempts to keep its gaseous insides where it belonged, until it tensed up and stop moving as it started fading as well, all that remained was a large blue crystal heart that soon rose to the sky and vanished.

[End Sinister Shadows song]

With the Heartless gone, Roxas left eye suddenly change back into his normal blue color, he grabbed his head and ran towards Twilight.''Twilight, please hold on''. Roxas said watching the horrible state his friend was.

“Oh no…” Roxas saw that Twilight was struggling and fighting with the death, but he also noticed the presence of Nightmare magic helping her to wake up.

Twilight Sparkle lay there with her hind legs and upper body covered in dirt, with multiple scorch marks from the Tarantula's supercharged laser cannon. " He fulfill his part of the deal, I think she's recovering"

Roxas, leaned down and put an ear against her mouth to see if she was breathing. He was relieved to find out she had a small and weak breath.

“Come on, Twilight… stay with me…fight!” He mumbled in a trembling voice as he lift her up in his hooves and turn around to face his friends.

''Is Twilight going to be all right?'' Fluttershy and the Cutie Mark Crusaders asked worried

''Yeah she just need some rest I'm gonna take her back home we should get out of here now before more things appeared and start trying to kill us''. Roxas said

'' I agree with you Roxas, let's leave we been out here for so long its almost becoming too dark for us to see anything out here''. Fluttershy said

'' You'll get no arguments from us, right Cmcs?''. Apple bloom said

The other two fillies nodded and headed back home. As the group was heading out of the forest the dark pony had watched all that from afar and was quite pleased from the results of the outcome.

''Good, Very Good, soon one day Roxas you will accept your fate and join me so we can complete what we were meant to be in the first place, HAHAHA'' the dark pony said with a wicked smile on his face and summon a dark corridor around him to disappear from the scene.

Once they were out of the Everfree forest Fluttershy guide the fillies to her house so they could finish with their sleepover.
''Thank you for saving us Roxas''. Fluttershy said

''Yeah the way on how you use your powers to beat those things and that big monster was the best thing we have ever saw in our lives, you have to teach to us some of those moves sometimes who knows maybe our cutie marks might be something that requires us to do some fighting''. The Cmcs said

''Sure when I have the time girls it will even be a great workout experiences for you all to stay in shape''. Roxas said.

''Goodbye Roxas see you tomorrow''. The 3 fillies and Fluttershy said waving to him

''Goodbye guys, me and Twilight will come by and see on how you're doing tomorrow, see ya''. Roxas said waving at them before he took off on his wings

Moments later Roxas arrived at Twilight's home, he placed her on the couch, with Spikes help they both prepared a First aid Kit to help Twilight recover. After they did that Roxas saw that Twilight stomach was growling, so he chuckled a little and headed straight into the Kitchen to make Dinner.

Sometime later, Twilight began to show signs of waking up for a while, slipping in and out of consciousness periodically and she gave a low groan through her dry throat as she began to fully wake up. She shifted slightly, wincing as her still very tender skin moved. “Gah, mother bucker…that Heartless really pack quite a punch” she tried to exclaim, though it only came out in a weak murmur as she finally sat up. Twilight then saw that she was back at home in her house and covered in bandages, she also started smelling something coming in her kitchen which is the unmistakable smell of cooking food, something that instantly set her mouth to watering and triggered a rather loud growl from her stomach.

Obviously, it was food. But it smelled… surprisingly good. And it had the unmistakable scent of her favorite Bitalian dish. When she went in she saw that Roxas was humming something to himself, as he had his back turned to her as he hoof-stirred something in a rather large pot that was simmering on her stove, as though he hadn’t a care in the world. He simply brought a tiny spoon up from her drawer, dipped it in the pot, drew it up to his lips for a sip, savored it for a moment, and then started shutting everything down.

“Roxas what are doing here?” she asked as he pulled the pot off of the stove with his wings and started carrying it over to a large nearby pot that was filled to the brim with fettuccine noodles, and dumped the contents of his pot into it.

''Making us Dinner it's nearly ready''. Roxas says grunting as he set to scraping out the leftover alfredo sauce with his stirring spoon until every last drop had been extracted before he carried it back to the sink to fill and soak.

“What happened out there? is everypony all right?” Twilight asked

“In a moment” Roxas said in an even voice, as he used his hoof to turn on the sink faucet and filled the sauce pot with water and soap. “I’m not finished yet, we'll talk at the dinner table.” With that, he finished shutting down her stovetop and wing carried the pot with the sauce and a large pot full of noodles toward a large bowl he had set up on a counter, and then mixed the two together.

Once finished, he retrieved two bowls from her cabinet, which he filled with pasta, and forks. Once he had both of those, he took them both out into the kitchen table of the library and set them down on the table he had set up, with her following him ''Dinner is served Twilight, you can thank Applejack and Granny smith for that they teach me how to cook''.

“...Thank you, Roxas” she capitulated, sitting down, stabbing her fork into the pasta with her magic, and jamming it into her mouth.

To her surprise, the pasta was actually as good as it smelled so she gives him the satisfaction of knowing that.''Mmm, wow Roxas you cook my favorite dish so perfectly you should become a Chef someday''. Her bowl was emptied in only a few moments. After she was done her stomach let out another loud growl.

“Heh heh heh Eat as much as you’d like Twilight,” Roxas said, from his position sitting across from her munching and slurping on his food “I made plenty.”

Her face went slightly red from having Roxas hear her stomach growling, so she filled her bowl with more pasta and once again set to jamming it into her mouth, chewing no more than she needed to, and taking her time swallowing. During their time eating dinner together Roxas told her all that had transpired when she was out of commission during the fight against the Heartless Boss. When he was done Twilight was halfway through her fourth bowl when she decided she was done while he only had it three times in a row. Finishing her last bite, she practically drop her fork into the bowl and shoved it back, and waited for him to be done“I’m done” Twilight said drinking her glass of water .

Once she waited for him to finish he grab both their bowls, glasses, and the empty pasta pot and clean them in the sink.
''How did you know that was my favorite Equestrian dish, Roxas?'' Twilight said.

''I found a little note written inside your cookbook saying that this meal is your favorite's''. Roxas said finishing the cleaning and trotted towards her.

''Oh I see that explains it''. Twilight said

Roxas then did something that surprised Twilight which was lifting her up in his hooves and carried her bridal style as he walked up to her room.'' Ohhoho, Roxas this is a little embarrassing and well this is the first time anypony has ever carried me this way I'm not sure what to think and feel about this?'' Twilight said blushing red from this shocking development. Roxas then nuzzles her face ''It happens unexpected chains of events can occurred in life so you got to learn how to quickly adapt to them and contain the situation all right Twilight''. Twilight wrapped her hooves around his neck and nuzzle his face back in response ''Yeah okay I'll try to do better next time Roxas''.

When they arrived at her bedroom Roxas set her down on her bed, he asked her if he could remove the bandages on her body “Do you mind?” Roxas asked carefully, wrapping his wings around the edges of Twilight’s bandages. She felt her face flush harder. She curled her hooves together nervously; Roxas was making sure she was okay, making sure she was happy.

Before it had been so rough out there from that spider heartless that they had fought, so only a few words have been spoken…''I… Yes I want you to…” She mumbled softly and slowly nodded her head, letting him know it was okay to proceed as she's feeling her face heating up once more, looking down into his chest. “Just… just go slow, okay?”

“Sure.” He smiled, letting her know everything would be okay. He gently lifted her chin to look at him in his eyes while his wings get to work on her, Roxas’s smile grew as a small blush started forming on his face. Using his wings to tightened around her bandage's edges and slowly drew them upwards and carefully untying them. She raised her arms, letting the fabric slip past her delicate skin.

The bandages were removed entirely. "There." He said before tossing it in the small trashcan she kept in her room to the side of the bed. Roxas then looked down at her precious body where her leftover scorch marks were on her are all gone. Twilight’s face was red, looking down as she held her arm, embarrassed at having Roxas exposing her body this way after receiving injuries from a Fight.

''The battle marks are all gone but, Are you okay twilight how are you feeling?'' Roxas asks Twilight about her condition

''I'm fine Roxas I don't feel any more pain thanks to you for looking after me, I'm grateful for what you have done for me''. Twilight said

“ Good, You’re more beautiful this way Twilight.” Roxas smiled, pressing his hoof against her burning cheek. Twilight softly lifted her head to look up into his eyes again, seeing the sincerity of his words. She gulped nervously, trying to push back the hesitation in her mind and carefully ask him''Roxas why are you always so sweet to me I need to know?'' Roxas pulled his hoof back but before he could answer more, memories came to him where both he and Axel were in their companion's room after completing their mission in Twilight town and scolding Saix for belittling their 14th member.

''Are you worried about her, Axel?''

''Of course I am''.

''It just doesn't seems like you''. Roxas commented

''What do you mean?'' Axel asked confusedly

''I mean, you don't like things to be complicated''.

''You know, Roxas''.

''Each day the three of us meet up there for ice cream. Now, why do you think that is?'' Axel added.


''I mean, if you think about it, I don't need to go out of my way to meet you guys, right''?

''I don't know...''. Roxas replied.

''You want me to tell you why''? Axel asked.

''Its because you guys are my best friends''.

''We are''.

''Get it memorized, alright? We are best friends''.

''Oh yeah...Guess we are''.

''Heh heh heh''.

Suddenly the girl woke up again.

''Thanks, Axel. You're sweet''. She replied

''Uhh...heh heh''.

''Heh Are you feeling better''? Axel asked his friend.

''I just got a little dizzy, that's all. Sorry to worry you guys''. She said.

''Don't scare us like that anymore''. Roxas said.


''Just take it easy today''. Axel suggested.

''I will. Thanks. Both of you''. The girl replied.

''Glad to hear it, we're leave you to rest up now come on Axel''.

The memory then changes to Beast's Castle where an organization member and Roxas watched an injured bear-like beast being cared for by a woman in a white and blue skirt.

''Hmph, Love, from a beast? How utterly ridiculous.'' A guy with 6 spears commented.

''Love? What's that?'' Roxas asked.

''It's an emotion. The one deluding those two as we speak''.


''They think the power of love will save them? That's the stuff of poetry, not practicality''. The guy added.

''Love is a power?''

''Neither you nor I will ever grasp''. Roxas commented.

''Nor will they, for long, the love between them will wither and die. Love never lasts''. The guy said.

''But you don't have a heart. How would you know?''

''I have eyes and a brain. We have no further business here try not to dawdle''. The organization member said grabbing his spears then walks away leaving Roxas alone

''That still doesn't explain what love is...''. Roxas thought.

''Is love fighting to protect what's important to you''?

''Where does its power come from?''

Roxas then left the world and went to his favorite hangout.

''Axel do you know what love is?'' Roxas asked.

''Scuse me?''

''I found out about love on today's mission...that it's something powerful''.

''That's true it is. But I'll never get to experience it''. Axel said.

''Nobodies can't love?'' Roxas asked.

''You need a heart, man is not that simple'' Axel replied.


''Love is what happens if there's something really special between two people''.

''You mean, like, if they're best friends?'' Roxas asked.

''Well, you can care about your friends, I guess, but that's not what I'm talking about''.

''So then...love is like a step above friends?'' Roxas thought outloud.

''Yes...well,no. There aren't steps''.

''I don't get it''.

''What does it matter? We'll never know the difference''.

''If I had a heart, you think I could love somebody?''

''Once Kingdom Hearts is complete, you'll be able to do all kinds of things''. Axel commented.

''That's good''. Roxas said

The last memory then switch to Roxas and the girl on top of the station's clock tower.

''You're here early''. The girl said

''My mission wasn't that hard''. Roxas replied.

''So, how are you feeling?'' He then asked.

''I think I'll be okay now''. The girl replied.

''That's good''.

''Hey, where's Axel?'' Roxas asked.

'' I haven't seen him''. After she said that the clock tower suddenly started ringing indicating that night time has fallen

''Roxas it's getting late...I don't think he's coming''. The girl said.

''You wanna wait a little longer?'' Roxas asked.

''Okay''. she answered

''You and he are always there for me''.

''Aw, I didn't do any special. Axel's the one who sticks up for us''.

''Well, I'm just glad the two of you are in the Organization with me''. Roxas replied.

''I'm right there with you pal''. the girl said.

After witnessing more of his lost memories Roxas opens his eyes with tears falling down and is panting heavily a lot causing Twilight to fidget sitting there, wondering if what she had asked of him had caused him to remember a painful memory again.

''I'm sorry Roxas I didn't mean to upset you I just wanted to know why you...''. before she could finish Roxas crawl towards her and sat on her lap. ''Roxas'' was all she could say after seeing the stallion being this up close to her and she felt his warm hooves wrap around her neck, his face on her face, his wings and hind legs around her body, and suddenly his chest press against her chest.

She let out a gasp as she practically feel her heart jumping in her spot, her chest pushing up into his chest as he did. Roxas's hooves gently squeezed down her neck while he nuzzled her face with tears as he held her tightly with his legs and wings, Twilight closed her eyes as sparks of pleasure coursed through her brain.''It's because you girls make me feel this emotion...love, just like... her once did''. Roxas answered trying to remember.

His words continued to play through her head sending electric sparks flying inside her brain cells.''Roxas… he...he loves me? he wants to love me?"

''Back when I used to work for the Organization they told me that we nobodies can't fall in love with somebody due to not having a Heart since its an emotion that we can never fully grasp in our lives I once beat myself up in the middle of what kind of power is love supposed to be for those I cared about, so I sat there tearing myself apart about how I was nothing special without having my own heart and did what they ordered me to do. I was a mediocre, wanderer, and an emotionless machine. I didn’t deserve anything I had gotten, and it was only given to me when I was able to prove my usefulness”.

He pulled back to look at Twilight to make sure she got the message.

“But then I met this girl, you don't know her but,” the corners of his mouth turned upward in the faintest of smiles as more tears of joy fell. “She had faith in me when I had no faith in myself. She gave me confidence in my magical ability when I had none. She showed me my moments of kindness when all I could ever focus on were my moments of weakness. She inspired-- and continues to inspire-- me to be the best boy I can be when all I could do was wallow in self-loathing not only that but you, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow dash, Pinkie pie, and Fluttershy...all six of you remind me so much of her like she is actually here with me on this world”.

'' I don't care what the organization says, heart or no heart I want to make my own decisions for myself for once in my life And I don't want to lose you twilight I want to know and experience the things that living beings with hearts do in their lives and I want to have a special connection with you and the rest of my new friends one with love''. Roxas said his testimony to Twilight.

Twilight couldn't believe what Roxas had told her so she just broke down wrapping her hooves and hind legs tightly around him and sobbing on his face a lot “Wh-what did I d-do to deserve you?” she mumbled, feeling her eyes squeeze shut and a few extra tears leak out, an eternity later. Roxas squeezed her back and waist even tighter “It's alright Twilight I'm here for you” Roxas reassured her nuzzling, along with using his forehoof to stroke at her mane while the other is stroking her back as she cried.

“Can you…stay here for the rest of the night Roxas? I want you here with me” she asked her pegasus crush slightly loud with her tear-stained puppy-dog gaze.''Hehe, never thought you would ask, fine Ill keep you company for the rest of the night.'' Roxas said in tearful surprise.

''Good cause I like feeling your body Roxas your the first stallion that I have ever been this close in my life to want to give him this much loving affection''. Twilight said stroking his mane and back as well with her forehooves.

With their bodies still bound to each other Roxas used his wings to snuff out the candles around the room, blanketing them in darkness, before he and Twilight lay down together into her bed, the scent of fresh lavender in her mane also assaulted his sense of smell after that he covers them with her stars and moon blanket and fell asleep together.

''I...I really like you Twilight sparkle'' Roxas said in a soft mumbling tone with red blushes, ''I really like you too Roxas''Twilight said in a soft mumbling tone with red blushes too.

At the Betwixt and Between inside Roxas's mind.

''This place can't be real it must be an illusion created by Xemnas's powers''. Roxas said observing his surroundings

''Oh, I assured you Roxas, this place is definitely real for its a transdimensional plane between the realm of darkness and the realm of light. I'm just making sure to show you an image of what it's like out there if you ever manage to find it roxas and besides it does make it a great place for us to have our private conversations''. Xemnas said behind him

[KH2 Organization Xlll theme starts playing]

Roxas turned around ''How do you keep on getting inside my dreams Xemnas?'' The leader of the organization started to chuckled ''Heh heh it's because we came from the same cloth you and I Roxas along with the rest of her our fellow members for we are creatures of pure darkness so it makes sense that we all have a special connection to each other won't we''.

''Roxas you can't keep your darkness at bay forever your body will soon completely be devour by your darkness and you will be a major threat to your new friends so why take the take chance of having them witness your terrifying dark form''? Xemnas asks his fellow member

''Because they promised me that they're there for me and help me regain my lost memories''. Roxas answers his leader

''Ohhh...I see but don't you feel guilty about putting them in danger when you become out of control do you really want to put them through these Roxas, cause if you do, their blood will be on your hands and you have shown signs to cared about them so why risk it these friends of yours have nothing to do with our mission to complete Kingdom Hearts so don't get them anymore involved than they're already are you're putting them in danger why else did we teach you to limited conversations when being seen by the world's denizens and being very stealthy when your outgoing on missions to other worlds''.

''I trust that you know...what you need to do Roxas you know where you belong and it's not with them! You can't have a life with them if you aren't a fully living being especially since you have the heartless and any other new rare occasionally enemies constantly going after you to destroy you and having those 6 ponies around will ultimately get them caught in the crossfire along with any other of their kind in the middle Do you want to scream that badly? Lose everything just like you did before when you left the organization? Stop this foolish resistance...all the resistances in the world won't change the fact that you have no future Roxas''. Xemnas said finishing his testimony

Roxas gasped, then gritting his teeth as he slightly growled then he heard his dark counterpart's voice speaking to him in his head.

'' So we finally meet, let me have a chat with him''. The voice then started to unleashed its power onto Roxas so he can could made a switch. ''What are you doing to me?'' Roxas says to his dark self in his mind as his body feels the darkness surrounding and affecting him. ''What has to be done Roxas, I need to see what he's capable''.

''Hmm... how fascinating Roxas, looks like you catch a strange but useful disease'' Xemnas said amused by Roxas's darkness appearing around him

''Disease?! I'll show you!!!'' Nightmare Roxas said attacking Xemnas with a Dark pulse.

Seeing this puny attack Xemnas couldn't help it but just to laugh at it.

''HEHEHE, pitiful attack'' he said summoning a barrier. Then Xemnas teleported behind Nightmare and grabbed him from the neck.

''What a joke, I thought you could make this puny servant of mine more...capable'' Xemnas said.

''Damn, Roxas is just a conscience in this real, I can't use my full power, who is this guy, not even when I was fused with Luna thought about that somepony could be stronger than me''. Nightmare thought.

''Come on Roxas, I need your help on this'' Nightmare asked for help but got no response.

" He's not going to answer, now rest in the void you pathetic symbiotic creature" Xemnas said summoning one his ethereal blade.

" A shame, you could have been more useful with us instead with him" Xemnas said stabbing Nightmare and Roxas.

''UGHH ROXAS!! Stop doubting yourself Join with me so we can have a chance finally kill this coldless freak of a leader once and for all'' Nightmare Roxas shouted while being heavily damaged from the stab.

''DAMN IT, IM NOT RISKING MYSELF, ILL FOUND A WAY''. Roxas shouted in anger

" YOU IDIOT, you want both of us death!!!" Nightmare said.

" SHUT UP" Roxas said as he swiftly turns around to strike him with his keyblade in half but instead he struck a glass mirror and when he did Roxas scan around his surroundings left and right and saw that he's inside of Twilight's bedroom

Roxas then heard a sudden smack from behind him causing him to turn around. ''I Don't Like You''. Xemnas said knocking Twilight sparkle down to the ground.''Stupid animal, You're bothering Roxas my most important value member in my Organization, the way you try to Flirt with him just makes me sick''.

''Say something, you mannequin''! Xemnas spoke in an even more aggressive tone and ran towards her body to hurt her even more.''What are you doing? Stop it Xemnas I'm the one you want not her''. Roxas said with a worried face for Twilight's well-being.

''I never thought that this simple magical creature could have a chance of ruining all the hard work we have done''. Xemnas says " It's time I'll give her an eternal rest in the nothingness" Xemnas then stabbed Twilight with his ethereal blade.

''NOOOOO!!!!'' Roxas shouted.

''What?!'' Xemnas says as he turn towards to Roxas

''You are becoming an annoyance boy, look...this world... this interactions just made you more susceptible''. Xemnas said.

''So snap out of it, and return to us, you don't deserve to live in a place like this filled with so much weak emotions''.

''THAT'S ENOUGH, LET GO OF TWILIGHT ARGHAHHHHH...Smack''! Roxas punched Xemnas hard in the face and knock him into Twilight's drawers causing him to knock Twiight's lamp down to the ground unintentionally

''Argh''. Xemnas says from the shocking impact.

Then all of a sudden when Roxas look at Twilight, her body change from a pony to the girl that he's been seeing in his visions only this time he can actually see her face, she look very similar to Kairi , Sora's childhood friend from Destiny Islands from that flashback he had yesterday being with Rainbow dash she has blue eyes and virtually the same haircut as Kairi, though her hair is black and her bangs part on a different side, as for her Organization coat its similar to the one Roxas wears, just with slightly pointed shoulders and closer-fitting sleeves. She also wears the more feminine, heeled boots that Larxene wears and the basic black gloves.

''You...you're that girl I keep seeing in my memories''. Roxas says in surprise.

" Remember Roxas, I'm always with you" The she disappear again.

''Well...Well this is a surprising turn of events isn't it Roxas? that girl right there has the power to imitate someone familiar to your life or perhaps I should say from Sora's life''. Xemnas said getting his body back up into a sitting position atop of Twilight's drawers

''You're such a pitiful man, Roxas''.

''To think, you have to satisfy yourself with this toy''! Xemnas commented pointing at Twilight.

''You piece of-''.Roxas tries to talk back but his leader interrupted him

''Is this rag doll important to you?''

''I'm afraid that It's too late for her''

''Shut up! Don't you dare say any more''! Roxas said.

''I know every single member in our organization and this girl right here, I have no regulation of her ever having to enter into our ranks before but here you are showing signs of her in your dreams this is an interesting development''. Xemnas commented.

''If you are having memories of her and we don't, then something terrible must had happen to her when you went MIA and you may had witness an event that must had took place where she either met her end by someone or something during her time in the Organization hmm... this makes me wonder what kind of ties you had with this person Roxas and why you are the only member within our ranks to have any knowledge of this girl in your mind while your dark comrades don't for we have no data or information in our database about her history and identify but no matter we'll find out about who is she someday for another time''.

''Now why don't you look at your animal friend, I think she's starting to lose her glare in her eyes''.

''I told you to SHUT UP''! Roxas had enough of this and tried to punch his face again but he quickly vanish in a dark corridor leaving Roxas to punch a wall instead.

''Come on Roxas, both you and I Know that if you lend me your strength we could have ended this a long time ago''! Nightmare Roxas says in his mind once again.

" NO, I CANT TRUST YOU!!! Roxas said.

" Then he was right, you are too scared to risk yourself, you are afraid..."

(music switches to KH2 Friends in my Heart)

Back in the Real world roxas body was acting up like crazy alerting twilight to this predicament.

''Hnnn H..EL...P''. Roxas mumbleb

''Hmm...Roxas?'' Twilight slightly look up to him

''No! No Stop get away from me! Help T-Twilight!''

''WAAAAHAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHA''! Roxas screams out in tearful agony knocking away the blanket as his body starts glowing black from the dark aura surrounding him.

''Roxas hold on you have to keep it together''. Twilight said struggling to keep him restrain with her magic so she quickly crawl ontop of him holding and pinning his hooves and legs down with her body so she can place her horn on his forehead and cast a mind calming spell to help relieve Roxas's Pain and snap him out of his nightmare.''Mental Relaxation''. Once she cast it on Roxas's forehead Roxas's body was reacting to it.

Back inside Roxas's dream the area around him soon started to become engulf in a bright light blinding Xemnas

''Argh...where did this light come from''? While Xemnas was still preoccupied, Roxas was losing control of himself until the black hooded girl appeared again from within the light behind Roxas and wrap her hands around him in a deep tight hug.''Roxas...Don't be afraid. I...I believe in you, Roxas you can overcome this pain that you are in just like I did when you free me from my suffering that day at Twilight town do not give up on yourself so easily from your raging darkness for you have others waiting for you don't keep them waiting My Friend''.

After she did that to calm Roxas she disappear shortly after, he then put a hand to his chest and breathe in and out.''I am...me''. Roxas then starts to slowly rise up''I won't...give in to it''. As soon as he has risen up the light dimmer down a little for Xemnas resulting in Roxas summoning his keyblade channeling light into it and point it to the ground '' You Get Out of My Head...Hah''.

The light from his keyblade intensify the surround white light around them and is causing the dark aura surrounding Roxas to dissipate and change into a glowing white aura making Xemnas push back from it while it also gives them inflicting pain to their bodies weaken they're presences inside Roxas's mind.

''What kind of power is this...could it be Sora's?'' Xemnas says in awe

(music stops) After receiving this sudden comeback from Roxas's attack Xemnas was launched out of the realm with a powerful force as his body came into contact to the blue side of the betwixt and between really hard giving Xemnas enough concussion to wake his body up from the telepathic mind trance connection he was doing to get inside of Roxas's dreams. ''Ahh...Urgh''.

''Lord Xemnas what seems to be the problem? you look like you're in distress'' Saix asked his leader being the only person in the rounded room with him

''Hmm... nothing to worry about Saix, I just uncover more hidden secrets about Roxas that we didn't know about, he managed to unlock new abilities while he is in another world ''. Xemnas says in his usual devious manner.

''I see... then what should be our next move'' Saix asked.

''Nothing, as of this moment except for informing the rest of our members about this newest development about Roxas's progress, for now we would continue with our original plan on finding where Roxas is hiding, we would let him spend more time on that world in order to get more data about his new powers and those he's bonding with from whatever planet he's on''.

''So you're giving the keyblade wielder a small rest from you entering into his mind and messing up his subconscious domain are you sure that is wise Xemnas?'' Saix ask being unsure about this type of action

''Yes this is actually what we need if we're going to get roxas to come back to us besides a warrior does not always rely on attacking full brutal force he or she must learn how to be cunning on the battlefield and know how to use the knowledge of your opponent's behavior and area surroundings to your Advantage Saix''.

''Moreover, one more thing, when Roxas push me out of his mind his new powers has somewhat weaken me so I need some time to recover before I can enter his mind again''. Xemnas finished explaining his reason to his companion.

''I understand completely, thank you for clarify that for me''. Saix said smiling at his Superior.

The scene changes back to the world of Equestria with Twilight and Roxas at the Golden Oak library.

[Kh2 Missing you plays]

Twilight sparkle led her power to Roxas causing him to relax and making his pain ease. This made her rejoice in a smile over her victory to suppress the dark powers growing within the stallion.

''Whew, I manage to stop it just in time , I better get off of him now''. Twilight said moving her body but as soon as she did Roxas grabs her with quick movement keeping her bound atop of him with his hooves and wings wrapping tightly around her

''Please...don't go...''. Roxas says in his sleep

''Roxas...''. Twilight said in a surprise smile

Roxas then started rubbing her body and mane with his hooves and wings for a while until he then move them down towards her flanks feeling her cutie marks and plot in the process and giving them a gently firm squeeze he took in their size and exploring her whole body with extreme precision, caressing and smoothing squeezing perfectly.

Furthermore, Roxas leaned in slowly and pressed his lips against her neck. Twilight’s mouth gasped open, gasping in pleasure as soft moans began to escape ''Ahh...Roxas you''. She moaned softly, feeling his hooves and wings pressing down against her body and flanks, gently massaging them in circles and up and down. She could feel her body responding to his touch, making her breathing grow heavy and red blushes appeared.

Although, little did Twilight know that the real reason Roxas was tasting her neck is due to him being lost inside his dream after Twilight cast that mental relaxation spell on him where he is imagining himself on top of Twilight town's Station Clock tower in his real form eating Sea-Salt ice cream with Axel and the Girl in the black hooded.

''Never before have I felt like this with anypony ever in my life until I met you Roxas I'm starting to think our meeting wasn't just a coincidence we're so much alike, you and I hardly had any friends where we once came from, we both endure loneliness in our way, and we both want to discover our life's purpose and know exactly where we belong at. Maybe... just maybe you might be my special somepony who can understand what I went through my entire life just like I can be with you''. Twilight said with sighing pleasure

Twilight's chest felt like it might explode from how loudly her heart was beating being this close to him and about the fact she realize that she is the first female pony to not only have her flanks touched by the stallion in their group but also to be the very first pony to be sleeping atop of him. Roxas's lips began to travel down her neck as he continues to nibble on Twilight.

"This feeling I had for Roxas when he first held me after the Ursa Minor incident is back again but it feels stronger than the last time could this outcome be what I think it is...I think I'm actually falling in love with, Roxas." Twilight whispered giving Roxas a kiss on his forehead as her blushes turn pink, then her body began shaking as she gripped him tightly while rubbing his mane, wings, body, and flanks the same caressing way he's been doing to her causing Roxas to blush pink on his cheeks and shuddering in delight and increase his biting on her neck with moaning satisfaction. ''gasp...uhh waaa ahh''. Twilight cry out in pleasure.

It took several minutes before their breathing calmed down and they both grew quiet by each other's side. The two of them just laid there atop of another in their loving embrace for several minutes, before they both gently drifted off to sleep.

Day 21: Another brief aftermath.

Morning has arrived at the Golden Oak Library some of the sunlight is shining into Roxas's eyes feeling the heat from it made his drowsy eyes wake him up and he felt something furry inside of his mouth which had an odd unique favor so he continue to savor the taste a little more before he took a bite into it which he enjoys until he also felt someone's skin making him move his half-lidded eyes down and slightly saw that the thing he was chewing on was his Unicorn friend Twilight sparkle's neck.

“NO!” he exclaimed, suddenly breaking away.

Twilight recoiled from her sleep atop him, startled by Roxas’s action.


“N-no...Twilight I.”

Twilight found Roxas, who had covered his face with his hooves while he is trembling from head to hoof. Without even pausing to consider the situation, she reached a hoof out.

“Roxas, are you--”

One of his hooves lashed out and knocked hers away, before returning to covering his face. She recoiled again, surprised and a little hurt by his reaction.''Why… why would he do this''?

“I’m s-sorry,” he mumbled, shaking his head and dropping his hooves.

“What… sorry about what Roxas?” asked Twilight, smiling a little

When Roxas heard it he immediately looked her straight in the eye, an anguished expression on his face, and said, “Don’t blame yourself, Twi.”

She blinked, noticing the stinging feeling that preceded crying in the corners of her eyes.

Roxas shook his head again as he put his hooves on her cheekbones. “It wasn’t your fault. It was all me,” he said in a voice that sounded like he was trying to hold completely steady but was failing. “I was…I was eating you last night and I didn't even know that I had been doing that in my sleep I invaded your privacy again just like I did the first time when I touch your flanks with wings without knowing it I let it go too far look feel your neck there so many bite marks that I made on it.”

“I'm so sorry twilight I shouldn’t have--” Roxas said with tears appearing while slightly rubbing her neck so Twilight can feel the bite marks on her

“NO!” She interrupted him, making him a surprise. “Sorry, no,” she apologized. “I'm not angry at you Roxas it's okay yes it did hurt me when you did that but it was only for a brief moment and don't worry the marks aren't very deep so they won't stay there for too long only for a short while”. she says while also touching and feeling the bite marks on her neck with roxas

“Roxas, did you have fun last night being with me?” she asked.

“Yes. Before what just happened, yes.”

“Then you didn’t ruin anything I never expected you to do something like that to me tasting my neck like I was some sort of candy treat but it's all right, in fact, I actually like it when you did that to me while the rest of the time it was tickling and enjoyable” Twilight assured him.

''But it wasn't on purpose though when I was doing that, I thought I was eating sea-salt ice cream at my favorite hangout spot with my old friends back in the Organization''.


Roxas glanced over to Twilight, who had a hoof on his left cheek

“Something on your mind?” he asked.

Her head bowed slightly before she pull his face towards her a little and gave him a gentle kiss on the left cheek.

“Thank you for last night,” she said sincerely.

“Even though it didn’t end the way how each of us thought it would end I’m sure either of us would have liked it, I still had a wonderful time with you, especially since this time when touching my body, you used your whole body to touch my cutie marks and my butt, you make me feel wanted and relaxed and to be honest part of me wanted this, I guess...''. Twilight finish saying with pink blushes.

Roxas felt his hoof reach up and touch the spot where her lips met his cheek completely on its own. After a moment, he smiled warmly at her words and form the same blushes as hers with his own tears falling down.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it Twilight” he responded

''So tell me how did I taste Roxas?'' Twilight asked the pegasus pony

''You tasted like a very sweet juicy purple fruit along with you smelling like one too''. Roxas says without hesitation

''[giggling] I had a feeling you would have a Grape flavor in your taste buds due to my fur and skin being purple you know makes me wonder what you would taste like Roxas?'' Twilight said

''Well...if you want to take a bite of me I won't object'' Roxas said

''Seriously? why?'' Twilight said in a shocking surprise

''Because I care about you Twilight and we are exploring more about what friendship can offer us so I want us to do more things that can bring us closer than ever before especially about this Love subject I've been rather curious about and the type of Power it posses so I can know whether or not a Nobody like me can even wield its power for my benefits on my quest for a new life and to discover the truth about who I really am''. Roxas comments his reason

''Okay...thank you Roxas I really appreciated it''. Twilight said with a tearful smile as she slowly move her face to his neck to taste Roxas

Twilight couldn't believe what she was about to do right now she was going to kinda eat her friend's fur and skin just to satisfy her curiosity about what flavor will he taste as well as knowing his white-grey color his flavor scent might be an unknown mystery but as long as she can find more valid ways and reasons to get closer to Roxas the stallion that she took interested on getting to know of and had made her develop special feelings for the Colt that she has yet to fully understand what they are for him.

As the persistent brainiac booking learning mare she is She'll do whatever it takes to get the results she needs from these new experiences she is trying out with her friends, especially with the stallion of her dreams.

Twilight eventually put her mouth on Roxas's neck ''Nrgh...do it quickly''. Roxas said to her putting a hoof around her mane with her back neck while the other around her back to keep her in place so she can continue the taste testing experiment on her friend's body.

No words for given out by Twilight she took her chance and started biting, nibbling, and sucking down Roxas's neck causing him to moan and groan for Twilight's actions.''Mmm Roxas tastes so good and something else add onto him''. Twilight said in her mind while tasting her Crush scent

A few minutes later, Twilight let him go and pull back from his neck ''So...how was I... what did you think after tasting me Twilight?'' he asked almost timidly.

She simply smiled more softly and affectionately, reaching a foreleg out in a ‘come hug me’ gesture. Roxas didn’t hesitate, coming in and hugging her once more with his wings keeping their bodies bound atop of one another stroking, caressing, and rubbing each other's bodies and flanks as they did last night. After a moment, Twilight leaned back just enough to tell him ''O-Oh my Celestia, that was my first time doing that to a stallion Roxas especially what we did to each other when I was on top of you the first unicorn mare in our group to have her body on top of a stallion hehehe. Mmmm, you taste and smell like Sea-Salt Ice cream along with a small sample of some kind of tropical fruit that I never try before do you know what could that be Roxas?''

Hearing say that made him have another flashback ''Argh...another memory is returning to me''.

The memory shows Sora and Riku at Destiny Islands where its at the sunset and they are walking away on the bridge that leads to the small island with the star-shaped fruit towards the wooden shack so they can go down the stairs and go home back to the mainland with their paddle boats.

''Sora''. Riku said to get his best friend's attention to toss him a star-shaped fruit

''You wanted one, didn't you?''

''A Paopu Fruit...''. Sora said looking down at the star-shaped fruit

''If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They'll remain a part of each other's lives no matter what''. Riku said walking past his Rival

''C'mon, I know you want to try it''. Riku says teasing his friend.

''What are you talking--''. Before Sora can continue Riku starts laughing at him

''Hehe hahah''!

Seeing that Riku is just trying to mess with him Sora kept glancing back and forth between his friend and the paopu fruit unsure about what to do so he ended up tossing the fruit away and chasing after him in a quick race to the docks where their paddle boats are to return home.

When the memory ended, Roxas began telling Twilight what tropical fruit it was, she tasted off from a little.''It was a Paopu fruit Twilight, it's a special type of fruit that only grows in one place The Destiny Islands''.

''The Destiny Islands?'' She asked.

''Yes, it's a beach from a faraway tropical island that has beautiful scenery, hidden secret mysteries, many fun activities you can do with your friends, and delicious out-of-this-world's unique food cuisines''. Roxas explain to her

''Wow I never heard of that place you have got to take us there sometime Roxas me and the others could have a great time there with you''. Twilight says with a whole lot of enthusiasm

''Hehe I would like that very much Twilight...urgh''. Roxas says still feeling some pain from the memory experience

''Looks like the spell I cast out on you is wearing off Roxas, it's called Mental Relaxation it channels the magic into the mind when the mind is very tired or very stressed, making the pony falls instantly into a dream to avoid any unnecessary stress for eight hours. But here are the side effects once it wears off the pony will feel some migraines in their brain causing the individual to be slightly off-balance aka a little unstable having some headaches and hard thinking although it only lasts for 3 minutes so you'll be okay shortly after that''. Twilight explains to Roxas

''Thanks for that Twilight and all the other help you gave me to help my broken state last night, but this is only the beginning I will have more of these soon and eventually they're getting worse when the time comes''.

''And I'll make sure to be there to help you deal with them when that happens Roxas, you really mean a lot to me''. Twilight said smiling at him

''Heh I'm starting to like seeing you smile, it makes you more adorable Twilight''. Roxas said putting his hooves on her face

''Tee he you really are somepony special Roxas and I can't wait to figure out what and who that is''. Twilight said reciprocating the touching feeling on her face with her hooves on his face

While still atop of one another the two ponies just stare into each others eyes and couldn't figure out what other things to say to each other so they just made there foreheads collide together with one another, breathing in and out as they sigh-fully bliss from each other's presences, having their noses touch each other until they started rubbing them together left and right along with up and down making each other feel more warm than usual resulting in them blushing pink very strongly on their faces, sniffing out each others aroma scent, and finally they held each other tightly as they hug, snuggle, and cuddle their bodies together one last time before they headed off to Fluttershy's cottage to check up on how she and the cutie mark crusaders are doing.

''I missed so much on what else is there to life Twilight but thanks to you and the others, I can experience them and I really enjoyed them, especially doing things like this that allow me to be this close to you girls and having you all around me more often I don't think I'll ever get annoyed by it but I will say I'm sorry if I have been bothering you guys for clinging onto your bodies too much its just I never get this much close interaction with somepony I cared about in the organization better yet I haven't even hug someone in the organization before until you girls taught it to me and for that I'm grateful for showing this new experience to me''. Roxas said with a sorrowful expression

''Roxas it doesn't bother me that you want to be this close to me I liked this feeling and I know I can trust you you're my first real pony friend I have ever made in my life besides my family, my old foal sitter, and my mentor princess Celestia, you make me so happy and you are allowing me to pursue and discover new strange things that are happening to you and this small quiet little town here so I can expand my knowledge on how to be a better unicorn pony and use that information I learned to help better Equestria''. Twilight said tearfully sympathetically

''Thank you Twilight, that means so much to me and I got to ask last night when I was injured and my hoof was broken there were some red liquid coming out of it what was it?''

''The red liquid is called Blood, it circulates in the arteries and veins of many different vertebrate animals and different creatures, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body to the cells and transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells. In vertebrates, it is composed of blood cells suspended in blood plasma and you need a huge amount of them inside your body at all times to help keep you alive''.

''So that was that was back there in the everfree forest''.

''Roxas last night you were having another nightmare right do you want to tell me what happen I'm all ears for you''. Twilight ask Roxas

''[Sigh] Well Twilight what happen was this...''. Roxas said inhaling and exhaling some air out of his mouth

After some detailed explanation to Twilight, she was in utter shock and worry fear for her Pegasus stallion.

''Oh Roxas you're suffering too much and your powers are getting worse for you, I'm so sorry this trauma is killing you from the inside out''. Her worries then change to anger shortly after ''Argh...who does that Xemnas guy think he is trying to control you like a puppet doesn't he have better things to do besides harassing you every chance he gets. Not only that but killing a dream version of myself inside of a dream version of my own house just to get you to lose control of yourself so the darkness can get to you and make it easy to capture you is crossing a line right there. Good thing I use that spell to help calm your mind like I said Roxas I'm going to make sure that we take the necessary safety precautions and immediate first-aid procedures for when it gets too dangerous for you to continue handling your dark side and physiological trauma on your own''.

''But you also said that I turn into a different girl from within your subconscious somepony you once knew in the organization she must've been somebody close to you if I seem to have the likeliness that reminds you of her''. Twilight said with curiosity

''Yeah, you do, along with our friends in our group Twilight, it makes me wonder who exactly is she and why am I having trouble remembering her''.

''In time you will discover why Roxas just like how we will soon discover what kind of past you once had and what is your relationship and connection to Sora and that girl you saw from within your subconscious''. Twilight says reassuringly

''I know we will someday Twilight but I'm worried about how much hurting I will be in when that happens it could break me and lose confidence in myself''. Roxas says with a concerned expression on his face

''If your Past does hurt you too much then make sure to come to me or one of the others or heck probably get all of us together so we can help you get through and endure the pain together Roxas we want to help you and be a part of your mess up life so you can finally get closure from it one day my friend''.

''Thanks Twilight, I'm so glad to have met you come on we been laying on top of each other long enough we should go check on Fluttershy and the Cmcs''. Roxas said then let his hooves go off of her

''[giggling] Yeah we probably should let's go but first I need to send a letter to Princess Celestia about these things that had happened to us it will only take a few moments''. Twilight said getting off of the stallion

''Hey Twilight a little heads up, after that terrible nightmare I had last night you probably be seeing me staying real close and clinging to you and/or the others from time to time so I can feel safe and relax around ya'll until I can feel safe on my own once again I don't want to feel too lonely and I want to spend more time being close to each of you, is that alright?'' Roxas suggested to Twilight after she finished writing and sending her letter to the Princess

''Mmm-hmm it is and I couldn't agree with you more I like that proposal Roxas''. Twilight said nuzzling Roxas's face

''Good''. Roxas said nuzzling Twilight's face back.

(music stops)

Roxas and Twilight left the Golden Oak Library and headed towards Fluttershy's home once they arrive they greeted her and the Cmcs playing outside of her front yard and were glad that all is well over here and there have been no sign of trouble happening here since last night so they all began having Breakfast and Tea together.

Once they were done the cmcs went off to play with the animals while Fluttershy asked Twilight and Roxas to stay with them so she can ask if any had happen to them once Roxas had took her home unconscious last night.

''Umm Twilight...if its not too much trouble... can you tell me why Roxas is still holding onto you he hasn't let you go ever since you two got here?'' Fluttershy said seeing Roxas having his hooves wrap around her neck and his wings covering her body with his eyes closed.

Hearing that made Roxas strengthen his hold on twilight and nuzzle her even more closer ''Its best that you tell her your side of the story first Twilight and then I'll tell mine okay''. He then gave twilight a five-second kiss on her right cheek as tears of joy falls down from his closed eyes

Making Twilight blush pink a little ''Okay Roxas''she then gives him a five-second kiss on his right cheek as well seeing that made Fluttershy say ''Awww'' in one part of her mind while another part saying ''Oh butterscotch I'm losing him to Twilight I better figure out something that will get Roxas to like me more than her'' then she sees her unicorn friend turn back towards her getting her attention ''Ok Fluttershy here's the thing''. Once she started explaining roxas jumps in every now and in to fill the missing gaps in twilight's story so fluttershy can get the whole picture about what went on last night between the two of them.

''[gasping] Oh my...Roxas I can't believe that happen to you, that Xemnas is a really bad pony who won't stop at nothing until he gets what he wants and he probably won't hesitate using force if necessary, somepony needs to give him a stern talking, as for your dark powers, that's Princess Luna's development but ill give you all of my help''. Fluttershy said with worries which soon turn into a serious determination.

''Heh thanks Fluttershy glad you agree and on board as well I got to take all the help I can get on dealing with this issue if I have any hope of survive this''. Roxas said smiling

After they got that whole thing sorted out with Fluttershy. Rarity then returned, surprised at how well her sister and her friends behave. She tries to get the Crusaders to collect their things to no avail. Fluttershy, however, gets their attention easily, and the Crusaders run inside to get their bags. An impressed Rarity then asks Fluttershy to help her with a new problem with her cat Opal, who is clinging tightly to her body.

''Good morning, Rarity''. Twilight said greeting the fashionista

''Did you finish all those capes?'' Fluttershy asks the white unicorn

'' [sigh] I just delivered them. I have to admit, if you and roxas hadn't come along, I might not have. Thanks again you two''. Rarity said showing her appreciation to two Pegasus friends

''Won't you stay for some tea?'' Fluttershy threw an offer.

''I appreciate the offer, but I really must get back to my shop and clean up. Girls! Get your things. Time to go. Girls''! Rarity said

Cutie Mark Crusaders: [giggling, calling to each other]

'' Girls! Time to— Girls! Your things! Girls! It's time to— Girls''! Rarity persisted on the matter with the 3 little fillies

''Allow me. [clears throat] Girls?!'' Fluttershy said getting the fillies attentions

Apple Bloom: Yes, Fluttershy.

Scootaloo: You called?

''Go and get your things. Rarity is here to see you home''. Fluttershy said looking straight into their eyes

Sweetie Belle: Of course, Fluttershy, right away!

''Ah, huh, ah, how did you... how did you do that?'' Rarity said in surprise awe

''I guess I'm just as good with kids as I am with animals''. Fluttershy state her claim

''Thank you, Fluttershy! Bye! Thank you, Stare Master''! The Cutie Mark Crusaders said in union

Rarity: Ah, uh, speaking of which, I could use your help with Opal.

Fluttershy: Of course. How about later today?

Opalescence: [yowls]

Rarity: How about now? [strains]

Opalescence: [yowls]

Twilight Sparkle,Roxas, and Fluttershy: [giggling]

(KH ReCOM Namine's theme)

Back at the secret underground laboratory of Twilight Town. Namine is seen having trouble with the Computer on getting it to continue restoring Sora's Memories.

''C'mon, C'mon why won't you work''! Namine said with frustration typing on the computer console

''Memory Restoration Connection with Sora and Roxas has halted due to an Anomaly detected inside of Roxas's Subconscious Domain''. The Al computer responded

''An anomaly inside of Roxas, hmm... Computer, run a system scan on that Anomaly and determine it's origin''. Namine said touching the computer screen and spreading out her hand wide enough to zooming into the holographic image of Roxas to find where the anomaly is coming form.

After waiting for a while "Warning! scan is incomplete, the strange anomaly is located in Roxas's central area of the brain and on the left side of his chest, the data about the anomaly is scarce we can't fully determine the cause of it, system requires a connection link with the anomaly to get more accurate data''. The computer said

''Do it right now, set up a connection link between the mystery anomaly with Roxas's subconscious domain at once''. Namine said typing onto the keyboard creating a program to establish a link between them

''Program established, the anomaly is ready for diagnostic. Do you wish to continue with the procedure?'' The Al asked Namine to confirm.

''[sigh] Looks like I don't have much of a choice, no risk no gain, if we're going to get to the bottom of this problem then I have to take this chance, begin with the starting procedure of the program now''. Namine pressing the Enter key to activate the Program

Once she initiated the program the anomaly started reacting to the computerize connection and began showing a video. Roxas was covered up in darkness and his appeareance was slightly different from the usual.

"That place, it's the Betwixt and Between" Namine said.

"Hmm...if Roxas can access to that place while he's falling into the darkness, maybe if I track down the dark trace he produces and then I ask Riku, maybe we could be able to connect a dark portal between dimensions..." Namine thought.

As the video progress she saw Xemnas teasing Roxas for a lot of things he did in the past, but then the whole area was suddenly engulfed in light...blinding him, and then, a organization member appeared behind Roxas hugging him and telling him some nice words, she had a female appearance, but when Namine tried to zoom at her face to recognize her the camera was glitched and the image was distorted.

''What did I just witness?? and who was that Girl? that voice it's almost identical and very similar to Kairi...just like mine" Namine thought.

"But why did I feel like I met her before, the feeling its so...familiar. Could it be that my memories were rearranged after my encounter with her? I'm not exactly sure right now but one thing for certain is that I need to find out more about her and see how is she connected to all of this and Roxas''. Namine says with surprising concerns about this new shocking development about Roxas's conditions

''Ping new data obtained on the Unknown Anomaly but its information has been broken, dispersed and fractured into many different playback memories which are locked inside Sora's Nobody's subconscious domain until further notice''. The computer said after analyzing the data it recovered from experiencing the memory's playback connection link with its Database

''Hmm...that memory I saw shows that it happened last night in his dreams, so until Roxas experiences more outcomes in his life to trigger more of these new memories, I can't access the rest of the hidden memories about that Girl that had saved Roxas from the Organization and himself. Oh boy looks like our problem to revive Sora has just got more complicated."

''Computer bring up all the files about the Organization Xlll and search everything related to that mystery girl in the black hooded that saved Roxas from Xemnas, immediately''. Namine told the computer while she was also searching for any line of information about the girl.

" Also try to upload all the documents of DiZ computer in Hollow bastion and see if you can data mine any of the Organization reports" She said.

''Affirmative, beginning Data transmission from the Organization's Database and beginning the download of DiZ documents''. The computer Al said connecting to the Organization Computer Mainframe

''Great this is excellent, I hope that with this new information, I would be able to draw a plan to rescue Roxas and finally wake up Sora." Namine said.

"Good the download is almost complete, and I was able to datamine two Organization reports"

"Oh... I should do a little draw of the girl, in case I forget about her" Namine said going for her notebook while the download is still finishing.

''I can't let this happen, I came so far and did too much work to rescue Sora, I promised him that I will restore his memories back to the way they were before and that is what I am going to do. Looks like I'm gonna have my work cutout for me after all of this, better get started right away''. Namine says putting her hands together and cracking them out with a confident smile on her face being filled with determination to solve this little memory puzzling game in order to help Sora and his friends wake up from their Slumber

(music ends)