• Published 4th Jul 2021
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Sisters of Willowbrook - Starscribe

After decades of preparation, an ancient cult finally manages to summon two of their dark gods into Equestria. Instead of almighty Alicorns, they arrive as a pair of helpless fillies. To get home, they'll have to play the part...

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Chapter 51: Dark Probe

It took over a week for Firefly to hear from the members of the expedition again. They didn't visit, but instead their communication came in a letter she found waiting on her balcony by morning. She tried not to feel too much resentment that they didn't bother talking to her in person.

The letter obviously hadn't been written by Rainbow, judging by the precise hoofwriting on stationary paper from a library she'd never heard of.

"Miss Firefly,

I have some dark news to share with you. I would ordinarily not wish to burden someone of your age with this information, but you were so helpful to our investigation that we simply cannot leave you in the dark.

We found evidence of a powerful sorcerer living in Willowbrook, one with just enough knowledge and power to be a danger to themselves and everypony else. We were not able to identify who they might be, only determine that they certainly escaped the accident alive.

As I said, I don't wish to cause you anxiety. Do not turn this letter over if you think your mental health might be in doubt. If you decide to stop here, know that we didn't communicate with you again to avoid any connection between you and our investigation.

Living in Willowbrook is dangerous, and we don't want to make it worse."

Firefly stared at the page, suppressing a giggle. Did she actually think that would stop any young pony from reading? Something so scary she wasn't supposed to turn the letter over. Of course, she'd stop right away.

"Everypony in Willowbrook is in danger. There exists an ancient organization, one that is known to Canterlot but thus far has avoided conviction in any crimes. They are called the Lightless Star, the strange religion you mentioned to us.

We believe the sorcerer we're looking for is either a member or former member of this organization. They possess knowledge long restricted and thought destroyed. So long as they remain at large, everypony in your city is at risk.

Equestria will take steps to cement greater control of the region, and one day we hope to completely root them out. But in the meantime, remember this one important rule:

If you ever hear anything happening in your city—if there are fires, or screams, or the sound of fighting—fly away as fast as you can, and do not look back. If you even see what follows, your sanity will be compromised, and you will not be able to flee. If something like what happened in Cyan Mines ever happens again, I fear many ponies will die.

If you ever discover information that you believe might lead us to the sorcerer responsible for this, please write back to me at this address. I have included a thaumic cypher based on the alphabet you invented.

-Twilight Sparkle

PS. Sorry about copying your code, I couldn't help trying to solve it. I just love puzzles."

There was another sheet included, which had an incomplete table of the English alphabet, mapping to Equestrian glyphs. She giggled in spite of herself at the associations Twilight had chosen. She had tried to solve this puzzle, but this code was nowhere near correct. Writing Equestrian words this way would make unpronounceable salad in English.

Firefly tucked the letter away in her journal, at about the same moment she noticed another letter slipped under her door.

This one had a proper stamp and everything, and came from an entirely different writer.

Firefly tore it open eagerly, unsurprised to find English writing waiting for her inside. She read it over quickly, and found its contents entirely predictable. Lilac had been kidnapped without a chance to say goodbye, she was trapped on a ship and didn't know when she would get back.

Her friend had tried to warn her about the coming investigation, and the threat to her life if they discovered her.

Just like Dusty. Except they were both wrong. I spent a whole night with them. They think I'm on their side!

Wasn't she? Firefly had spent years in Willowbrook now, surrounded by mysteries and dangers. Her room had a pinboard of rules, updated whenever new dangers were discovered. She had to remember all the right holidays, who not to offend, and where not to go.

If that wasn't enough, there was an evil cult hanging over her head, promising that Equestria wanted her dead. Only total loyalty would guarantee her survival.

Nopony she ever asked told her anything new. They just repeated the same stories, reiterated the same dangers. Should I have told Rainbow the truth? Would Twilight Sparkle have really killed her, if she knew? They hadn't done anything wrong!

Well Lilac had, technically. Her failed summoning was the reason Equestria had investigated Willowbrook in the first place. All to find a way to return home.

Charlie had once longed to return to that life—back when her girlfriend might still remember her, when she still had pets and a home and a job to go back to.

It had been years. Her family certainly thought she was dead; her girlfriend would've moved on. There were no children waiting tearfully for their father.

Firefly missed that life. She wanted to tell those people how much she loved them. But did she really want to go back? She could imagine the awkward return to a world that had long-since moved on, like the ending of Castaway.

Lilac had more to lose. She was a doctor; she had a practice she worked for. But that office would be gone, her loans would be forgotten and not need to be paid. Her clients would've all found other psychiatrists. She didn't even have a significant other. Her secret passion, magic, was easier in Equestria than it would ever be on Earth.

Firefly copied Twilight's address into her journal, then shredded the letter along with Lilac's, placing them both into the fireplace along with some kindling. While they burned, she saw the solution that should've been obvious to her, dancing in the smoke and flame.

There was an easy way to prevent the "sorceress" from endangering Willowbrook again. There might even be a way for the two of them to escape the Lightless Star's influence, and become ordinary citizens.

Years ago, she never could've imagined it, let alone accepted what it meant. But now—now it was inevitable. All it would take them to escape now was letting go of lives they couldn't have anyway. How hard could that be?

There was only one more consequence of the investigation, one she should've seen coming the instant she agreed to help. The Lightless Star sent somepony to talk to her.

It wasn't a group of armed thugs, the way townsponies always whispered. Instead, it was Lady Iris Vale, who arrived after school the following day, and sent a servant to collect her.

Firefly climbed into the familiar carriage, half-expecting Lilac to be waiting for her. Her hope was instantly dashed when she saw the mare settled elegantly into the other side, sipping from a little tray of tea. "We speak for the honor of the gods," she said.

Firefly fell instantly still in her seat, ears flattening. That phrase was a code, one everypony in Willowbrook knew. It meant she was talking to a member of the cult, and they expected religious obedience. They were the real authority in Willowbrook.

Despite her role as a summoned, embodied god, those expectations were not lower for her. She just didn't know what they would do if she failed to measure up. "And I listen," she repeated, staring fixedly on the floor. She fidgeted her wings to either side, but otherwise remained entirely still, volunteering nothing.

"You might not be aware, but the Equestrian expedition left yesterday," she said. "The danger to you is over, for now."

She looked up. Iris didn't seem angry or judgmental—and she wasn't wearing one of those silly ritual masks. This might be official business, but maybe she was wrong to worry. "That's... good. I'm glad I'm safe."

Vale chuckled. "Don't mistake me, filly. We're all in terrible danger. Our ears in Canterlot listen, and what they hear is... danger. Celestia knows of the Lightless Star. We don't know how much she understands—whether she knows who we worship, or just thinks we're a strange group of extremists."

Twilight never said anything about the 'True Gods'. But maybe she didn't want to scare me. She didn't volunteer very much.

The mare was watching her expectantly. "She, uh—I don't know either."

Vale reached across the carriage, touching her on the shoulder. "I know they had you a full day for questioning, Firefly. We need to know anything you told them about us. I know you're probably afraid of the consequences right now, but know that they will be much worse if you lie to me. It is better to prepare for the danger than to be unable to expect or react when it arrives."

She should've known something like this would happen. Even if they thought she had been captured against her will, they would want to know what she said.

"I didn't tell them anything about where the Lightless Star hides," she began. “I don't... even know, really. Other than the old part of the mines. But Equestria was searching those anyway."

She explained what she had shared—the dangers of Willowbrook, and the various requirements to live safely in town. The places that might be friendly to Equestrians, and the ones they should avoid.

By the time she finished, they were a little way outside of town, on the same road she took when she was going to ride home with Lilac. "You made the... only wise choice I could imagine, in circumstances like yours," Iris said, when she was finished. "Enough to make them believe you were cooperative, without compromising your own safety.

"But know this, Firefly—Equestria has survived these many years with a veneer of friendship and kindness. They weave a careful net, erasing the true history while smoothing over what they can't hide. As friendly as they might've seemed to you, know that the one they work for is not.

"The one they call Princess Celestia—we call her the Great Usurper, Betrayer, Kinslayer. Do you know why?"

Firefly shook her head, avoiding Iris's eyes again.

"She killed you, once. Long ago, in memories lost to you and Lilac—you were there in the ancient days of Equus. You ruled the world in a golden kingdom of science and culture. She and her sister—destroyed it. Exiled your entire race, except for themselves. Not just fighting ponies, but mares and foals as well. She consigned them all to the void."

She leaned in, lifting Firefly's face with magic, forcing her to meet her eyes. "That terrible creature you saw—imagine what its home must be like. Imagine your friends and family trapped there, tormented forever. If she finds you here, Celestia will send you back without a thought, and without remorse.

"They may speak with you again, one day. When that comes, remember this conversation. Remember that our safety is your survival as well. Your only chance is to hope for our victory, so that one day you can rule in glory with your kin."

She snapped one hoof against the floor, and a servant appeared, opening the door for her.

Firefly hurried out. She stopped a few steps from the carriage, turning back as it started to roll forward again. "What about Lilac?” she asked, taking off and flying along it. "Is she coming back soon?"

Iris appeared by the window, watching her. Firefly thought she seemed sympathetic, or at least friendly. Maybe that was just another of the cult's lies. "Soon. Weather across the Strait was prohibitive of a Griffonstone expedition. They should return within the week."

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