• Published 4th Jul 2021
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Sisters of Willowbrook - Starscribe

After decades of preparation, an ancient cult finally manages to summon two of their dark gods into Equestria. Instead of almighty Alicorns, they arrive as a pair of helpless fillies. To get home, they'll have to play the part...

  • ...

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Chapter 48: Behind the Line

Firefly rode the rest of the way into town on the royal carriage, doing her best to keep from squirming. The longer she was there, the greater her sense of profound danger grew. These visiting ponies had come all the way from the royal court. What did that all mean?

It felt like everything was happening at once in Willowbrook. First the failed portal-spell, then the castle in the sky, now this. Maybe it was all connected, somehow? I wonder if there was anypony waiting in the castle.

The carriage received the expected reaction as they walked into the city—townsponies pulled in close to each other, lowered their voices, and pretended not to see it. If they went to the wrong side of town, they might get themselves some actual violence. Whoever attacked Rainbow Dash would probably wish they hadn't, given how strong she was in the air.

"Listen, sweetheart," Twilight said, after a few more minutes. "We're about to begin a dangerous search through the city. It wouldn't be responsible to bring a pony your age along. But we might need to find you to ask you more questions. Where could we find you again?"

"Probably up there, Twi," Rainbow Dash pointed through one of the windows, up out of sight. Firefly couldn't see what she was looking at, but she didn't have to. The city's few cloud-houses would be up there, tethered to the cliffside. Otherwise, they would get drawn into the gyre, and eventually crash upon Refuse Cenotaph like all the others. "There's only two houses. Not a lot of pegasus ponies here."

"I'm, uh..." She pointed a different direction. "Live on the ground. My dad and I work salvaging old cloud-buildings, so I think he doesn't trust 'em much. We're in that apartment there. Top floor."

Twilight repeated her instructions to the driver, and soon they were moving that direction again. "Do you know any other ponies who might be—" Twilight hesitated, glancing to Rainbow Dash. "You sure we should be involving a filly in this?"

The pony sized her up again, then nodded. "Honestly, we could probably bring her into the mine. What we did today was way crazier than looking at ugly old rocks."

It seemed like an extremely bad idea, one that would get the entire Lightless Star furious with her. Unless being near these ponies could somehow help keep critical information from falling into the wrong hooves.

"I don't like being underground much," she admitted. "But if there's anything you need, I'll try to help. I'd rather do stuff in the sky, though—I know everypony on the Junior Weather Brigade! Do you want us to change the schedule for you? Or... help find more interesting sky-ruins? I can do that stuff awesome."

"I can't imagine why Rainbow took in this particular stray," Rarity muttered. "No resemblance whatsoever."

Was that an insult, or a compliment? It felt like something she might've understood before. But all this time living with ponies had changed what mattered to Firefly. She was only interested in what Rainbow Dash thought.

"Well, do you know if there are any ponies in town we can trust?" Twilight asked. "Anywhere safe for us to stay, while we're investigating?"

"Well, uh—probably not in Old Town, unless you want to stay with me. My father and I have a whole floor of the apartment. Mostly he collects furniture, but we could make room! Otherwise, you should go to Brookside. Ponies are moving in from Los Pegasus all the time. They have this really expensive hotel. Probably just right for city ponies. I don't think anyone in town works there, so you should be safe."

"See, what did I tell you?" Rainbow Dash reached over, mussing Firefly's mane affectionately. "Where could we get better information than that? She practically knows the whole town."

If I'm useful, maybe she'll teach me more of her tricks. "I do!" she exclaimed. "I mean, I've flown over it so many times. If you gave me a map, I could probably tell you where to avoid. There's a long list. All kinds of dangerous things live around here."

The carriage came to a stop, right in front of Firefly's building. Local ponies scattered at the sight. A group of other children playing on the steps fled over the fence. Ponies approaching the building from the other side turned away, finding they had sudden other business. Anywhere the carriage went, the street emptied.

Twilight looked out the window, scratching her chin with one hoof. "I do have a few survey maps. Do you think we could... come inside? I would like to get your parents' permission before we involve you in any official Canterlot business."

"And if there's anything to eat in there, that would be awesome too," Rainbow said. "With the way some of these ponies look, I'm afraid they'd try to poison me."

Rarity turned to glare in her direction, hissing under her breath. "Rainbow, that's a filly you're talking to! You're going to terrify her!"

Firefly just nodded. Thinking about townspeople just attacking these visitors like that did seem a bit extreme. Maybe playing cruel jokes on them, trying to make them feel unwelcome. Anything to get them out of town as quickly as possible.

"It's all the way at the top. I uh—I'll have to cook for you if you're hungry. My dad's so bad he'd poison all of us without even meaning to."

She made her way to the door, glancing back to see that the pegasus at least was following. She did, shouldering a light satchel with her as she went. It had her cutie-mark sewn into the side—her suitcase?

"We're actually doing this? That building doesn't seem structurally sound, Twilight dear. Maybe we should investigate this ‘hotel’ she mentioned. The filly has already given more than enough."

Twilight Sparkle levitated the door open, onto Firefly's street. The gloom of deep cloud and the drizzle of rain did little to make it seem less intimidating. She eyed the ponies looming in nearby alleys, the broken buildings, then stuck her head back inside and shut the door again.

"I have another idea. Rainbow, you found her. Why don't you fly up with her, and see if her family minds if we borrow her for the night. She can give us that map, and explain anything else we ought to know before investigating."

Rainbow tossed her pack to the side, then nodded. "Wish Applejack was here—she'd be brave enough to go up with me." She turned. "That balcony up there, is that yours?"

Firefly nodded. Before she could even open her mouth to suggest a race—Rainbow was already up. She blurred right through the door, then up into the sky like a living rocket. Firefly limped up behind her, settling onto the balcony. "This one goes right into my bedroom," she explained, going for the door. It was unlocked of course, every pegasus who might visit her here she would just want to come right inside.

The room beyond was dark, but she flipped the switch as she walked inside. She felt suddenly self-conscious about all the mess—flight books and posters scattered everywhere, and one of her journals open on the desk.

The pegasus glanced down at it, then her eyes settled on the posters. "I thought I saw you trying that one up there. The old Current spiral. But what it should say is that you've got to tuck in your tailfeathers right here, as you turn over. Otherwise, the drag makes you turn way too wide..."

A single pair of nervous hoofsteps sounded from beyond the door, then her father's voice. "Firefly? Is that you? I don't know that friend."

Firefly opened the door, grinning sheepishly at him. "That's because, uh—Dad, this is Rainbow Dash. She's here with..."

"An official investigation into Willowbrook," Rainbow said, extending one polite hoof. "You're her dad?"

Dusty froze. In all her years living with him, Firefly had never seen Dusty afraid. Even while they raced through collapsing clouds, dodging debris that could kill them if they misjudged. Even when they faced down rain and thunder. Even when he left to attend rituals with the Lightless Star.

But she saw it now. His ears flipped back, his wings opened, body tensed. For a second, she wasn't sure if he was going to fly right out the window, or attack.

"Dad?" She nudged his shoulder. "We met while I was flying after school. She taught me amazing things. I've never seen a pony fly like her in my whole life!"

At her prompting, he relaxed. He took the offered hoof, though he held it for only a second. Barely enough to be polite. "Did my daughter do something wrong, Miss Dash?" he asked. "Is she... under arrest for a crime?"

Rainbow blanched. "What? No!" She took one step back. "We've had some trouble finding anypony willing to talk to us. Your daughter offered to help us find somewhere safe to stay, and give us directions around Willowbrook. We were hoping you would let her stay the night, to fill in the gaps for us about the city."

Now Dusty's face was back to the way she remembered it—a proper mask, as neutral as his voice. "Do you mind if I have a private word with my daughter for a moment?"

He didn't actually wait for her to reply, just yanked Firefly by the foreleg, and dragged her right out the door. He went all the way down the hall, then into one of his chair rooms.

He shut that door too, so they stood together in a single dark space, without windows. There was nothing at all inside it in fact, except for chairs. They were stacked up on every surface, so that she had to fly if she wanted to get to the light switch. But Dusty seemed not to care about the dark.

"Do you have any idea who that is, Firefly? The pony you brought?"

"Rainbow Dash," she repeated. "I mean, she's really good in the air. Best flier I've ever seen."

"That is one of the Elements of Harmony," Dusty whispered. The terror was back in his voice. "Firefly, they work directly with the Princesses. If they knew what you were, they would kill you without remorse." He shook his head, backing away from her. "I feared they might find you by chance. But you've led them right here on the first day of their investigation."

She flushed, ears pressing flat to her head. "They seemed so nice," she whispered. "I met the others. Two unicorns. Rarity and... Twilight Sparkle. Those were their names. They asked about Cyan Mines."

He let go of her leg, releasing her. "We need a way to distract them. I might know something, but I'm not sure—she's seen it before. She might know the signs."

Firefly didn't have a clue what that meant. But she wouldn't ask. Instead, she took one step to the door. "Maybe I should just—go with them anyway?" she said. "They're afraid of Willowbrook, think everypony is out to get them. But if I'm leading them around—they won't look at me, would they? They'll be too focused on everypony else."

Dusty stopped pacing, falling silent.

"Is everything okay in there?" Rainbow asked, from just down the hall. "I didn't mean to get your daughter in trouble. I can just go, Firefly."

And if she did, Firefly would never get to learn from her again. Whatever the danger the Lightless Star claimed she was in, Firefly couldn't let that happen.

"Wait!" She shoved the door open, hurrying into the hall. "I want to go with you! Just let me grab something—what do ponies usually bring to hotels again? Toothbrush, uh..."

"I dunno." Rainbow stopped in the hall, looking skeptical. "We couldn't bring you without your parents' permission, kid."

Dusty emerged from the door another second later, expression totally changed. It was some of the best acting she'd ever seen from another pony, a sudden look of intensity and fear. He hurried down the hall towards them. "The ponies of Willowbrook will be frightened and angry with you," he began. "If you bring my daughter, it's important that you make it seem as though she's helping you against her will. Claim that you've taken her for questioning, that she's your prisoner."

He lowered his voice conspiratorially. "Whatever is rotten in the city, I hope she can help you find it. But we're not strong enough to fight on our own, not like you."

Rainbow Dash nodded confidently. She answered in a similar whisper. "Have no fear, brave citizen. We'll make sure no one knows her true loyalty."

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