• Published 17th May 2021
  • 9,420 Views, 1,864 Comments

And Hell Followed - BaeroRemedy

The sun hangs in the sky and it hasn't moved in nearly a month. The sounds outside are enough to make you want to never figure out why.

  • ...

Cooperation and Commiseration

Two Days Later

Cheerilee made her way down the main staircase as carefully as she could. It was a slow process and she didn’t want to disturb the sensitive and injured filly on her back. They had attempted to eat in their room for the past two days, but the isolation was taking its toll. So they had decided they would instead join the main group for dinner.

The thing that had hurt Scootaloo the hardest was that Applebloom hadn’t come to see her yet. Cheerilee had gone to the youngest Apple’s room to ask if she wanted to see her fellow Crusader, but Applebloom declined. It had hit Scootaloo like a truck and tanked her mood, but at least Elytra had come along to cheer her up instead.

Cheerilee couldn’t help but smile at the thought of the changeling. Somehow she had gotten hold of a deck of cards, saying she had found them somewhere in the castle. Which, thank Celestia, because all of the board games Twilight seemed to have in the castle were overly complicated ones like Settlers of Coltan or Chance. In other words, stuff that Cheerilee couldn’t play with Scootaloo. The three had spent a couple of hours over the last couple of days playing Go Fish and Slapjack and other simple card games to pass the time.

She could already feel the filly wriggling in excitement on her back as they got closer to the dining room. It was infectious as she soon found a smile spreading across her face as well. She had of course been out to get them food and conduct her classes with the other foals, but it hadn’t really been until today when Scootaloo felt good enough to get up and be carried downstairs.

The dining was filled with the usual suspects in their usual spots, save for two missing parties. Where Elytra was supposed to be sitting, there was only an empty seat. There was an off chance that she was sleeping or perhaps fixing her shell, but it was odd not to see her getting food. Sunburst was not present either, but that was less suspicious. The scholarly unicorn seemed to be barricading himself in the library to read some of Twilight’s journals with no regard for his health.

Cheerilee sat Scootaloo in her chair before taking a seat next to her. A cacophony of greetings and well wishes assaulting them as they got comfortable. The little pegasus beamed at the attention and waved to everypony at the table, even Mayor Mare.

Though there was something decidedly different about said politician. Her usually perfectly grey mane started to turn pink near the roots. It was something that most ponies knew about thanks to the Foal Free Press, but it was still odd to see up close. She was also avoiding looking at Scootaloo like doing so would make her burst into flames.

Cheerilee could only pray that one day the mayor would burst into flames.

The meal in front of them was a simple plate of hay fries, courtesy of Spike, and an apple jam sandwich. It wasn’t much and the meals were beginning to feel a bit same-y but it was hard to complain about being fed.

“Y’all can go ahead and eat, Ah’m just gonna talk while you do.” Applejack stood from her seat and looked over her flock. “Couple things, ah wanna say welcome back to the table, Scoots. We all missed you somethin’ fierce down here.”

A cheer went up in the room, ponies stamping their hooves on the table or their chairs as they welcomed back the filly into the fold. Even Flurry Heart banged her little hooves on her highchair’s built-in table. It made Cheerilee light up like she hadn’t in a few days and turned Scootaloo’s face bright red.

“Next up-” Applejack continued once the cheering had died down. “-Rainbow Dash. She still ain’t feelin’ any better, just wanted to update you on that. We’ll...tell y’all if things change.” Cheerilee could tell that Applejack was holding something back. She wasn’t lying, but that wasn’t the whole truth either. “Other’n that, Ah got somethin’ to say on more of a personal level.”

That drew the full attention of the crowd once more. Applejack was passionate and said what she thought often, but ‘personal’ here had another connotation. Applejack usually stated the truth, at least her truth, and this felt like something else.

“Ah’ve heard a lot of talk lately, whisperings and such about how we need to focus more on the ponies in here...and not in the way Ah like to.” Applejack raised up on to her back legs and placed her hooves onto the table. “‘The real monsters are in here.’ Ah heard somepony say that earlier today, ain’t gonna say who but it rustled me up pretty darn good.”

Mutterings went up around the table from the ponies gathered. Cheerilee had been approached by Bon Bon last night, right before bed, about Mayor Mare. The candymaker wanted to force a vote to kick the mayor out of the castle, saying that she already had the backing of at least one of the other Elements. She had also used the phrase that Applejack had just stated her disdain for.

“Ah wanna be real clear about this: ain’t no monsters in here. None.” Applejack narrowed her eyes into a glare as she looked around the room. “Ah don’t care about the disagreements we’ve had here. All of us think differently, all of us have different opinions about everythin’ that happens. Just because somepony thinks somethin’ should’ve been handled differently doesn’t mean they’re evil.”

“She pushed Scootaloo off of a balcony, Applejack!” Bon Bon pushed her chair away and glared right back at the farmpony. “This is ridiculous! You’re apologizing for somepony who wanted to throw out one of your best friends! Who pushed a child off of a building!”

“Alright, let’s set the record straight here.” Applejack reached for her hat to tip it forward, but only to find that it was still missing. “Y’all are only doin’ this because Ah was right. Imagine if Rarity or Elytra had turned into one of them things in here, y’all would be sayin’ I was a fool for bein’ on their side! If Elytra really was some sorta spy, y’all would’ve wanted to toss Scootaloo to the wolves!” The farmpony was legitimately upset as she raised her voice even higher.

Cheerilee had to admit that Applejack had a point. In another world where the castle didn’t stop the change but slowed it, Mayor Mare would be the one in charge because she would’ve been in the right. It had been a flip of a cosmic coin that let Applejack be correct.

“As for Scootaloo fallin’, that was an accident. Elytra said so, the Mayor said it too.” She looked around the table, her accusatory glare burning down the ponies in front of her. “It was an accident, a mistake. Was it a bad one? Yeah, it was downright awful but we ain’t got the time or ponies to hold grudges like this. If she tells Scoots sorry right here right now and Scoots accepts it, will y’all drop this nonsense?” Before anypony could answer, she spoke again. “And Ah mean all y’all.”

There were murmurs from the group, they were grumpy but they were all in agreement. Cheerilee didn’t like the thought of letting that slide so easily. If it was up to her, Mayor Mare would spend her days cleaning the bathrooms of the castle.

“First-” The mayor started, drawing a prolonged groan from a few ponies. “-oh stop being dramatic. I just want to say, I want you all to call me by my actual name from now on. Drop the Mayor Mare, just call me Meriwether. Please.”

Cheerilee blinked and looked to Scootaloo, who was looking right back at her with confusion filling her eyes. They both had lived in Ponyville for their entire lives and neither knew that Mayor Mare had a real name.

“Second-” Meriwether continued. “-Scootaloo…” She looked straight into the eyes of the filly. For the first time in memory the lifelong politician had something genuine behind her words and in her eyes. “...I am sorry. I overreacted and I did something I shouldn’t have. I-I let my anger get the better of me. I apologize.”

“Apology accepted, May-Meriwether.” Scootaloo’s smile returned, a bit softer but she meant it. “I’m sorry for what I said too. Just maybe give ponies a chance more? Elytra’s different, but she’s good. I promise.”

“I’ll do my best Scootaloo.”

The conversation died with a whimper after that. Too many feelings and thoughts were being suppressed due to the promise they made with AJ. Bon Bon wasn’t happy about it and neither was Rarity obviously, but there was nothing more to do about it. It was time to let it go and work together.

“Ponies are the real monsters.” Applejack mumbled in a mocking tone, rolling her eyes as she sat back down. “Dumbest thing Ah ever heard.” That pretty much slammed the door on that train of thought for anypony else.


Sunburst sat in the library and stared at a singular page of the book currently splayed open in front of him. He had been staring at it for what seemed like hours now, but still he knew nothing. It was driving his brain wild and eating away at any other idea that dare enter his mind.

It was nothing special, just a mostly blank page save for one thing in the middle. It was a circle, maybe three or four inches in diameter, and in plain black ink. No words joined it on the page. There was no context on the opposite page either, it was completely blank.

It was here for a reason. He knew it.

He had found it in the second volume of Twilight’s notes on the castle. Every single page contained some sort of useful information like the chemical composition of the crystals that the monumental structure was made of, it was a unique gem that was related to sapphire. It also made it clear what every room was for and what it already contained when the castle first sprouted up. There was even a detailed explanation on how she thought the cutie map worked!

But this circle.

This damned circle.

He had studied every millimeter of it. There was nothing special or unique about it other than it was a nearly perfect circle with even ink displacement throughout on an otherwise blank parchment. Like every other word and image that was written down in the pages, it was meant to be here.

But why?

What did it mean? A circle typically represented perfection in the spiritual, the unending flow of something. This, alone on a page with no context, meant nothing. It was a circle. It couldn’t be simple. It just couldn’t.

It was driving him mad.


Cheerilee and Applejack were doing the dishes as it was their turn in the chore rotation. Bon Bon, Rarity and Meriwether were out in the dining room cleaning up after the foals were done with their various arts and crafts activities. It was just what Applejack had wanted, cooperation.

It was Cheerilee’s job to actually wash the dishes, then give them to AJ to dry and put away. She had to admit, it was probably her least favorite job besides bathroom duty. The feeling of the frogs of her hooves becoming soggy always made her squirm, a little pet peeve of hers.

“Cheerilee? Applejack?” Both ponies turned to see Elytra standing in the doorway, a rather large bottle in the grasp of her green magic. The changeling wore a grin that would put Pinkie to shame as she shook the bottle. “Look what I got.”

Applejack put the dish she was drying down and rushed over to the bug, taking the bottle from her and studying it. The amount of wonder and astonishment in AJ’s eyes only increased as she turned the bottle over in her hooves. That alone made Cheerilee dry off her own hooves and join her earth pony compatriot.

“Where in the wide world of Equestria did y’all find this?” Another spin of the bottle revealed a ‘Sweet Apple Acres Hard Cider’ logo and a date of about fourteen months ago. “Sweet Celesita Ah never thought Ah’d taste cider again…”

“It was in the cellar.” Elytra shrugged, her smile never once fading. “I do a lot of skulking and searching to keep me busy and I found it in a corner.” The changeling let go of the bottle and the green glow left her partially repaired horn. “There was also a mouse or two...in case you were curious.”

“Gosh I love your cider, Applejack. Do you think we could crack it open?” Cheerilee missed the taste of it as well. She had skipped the last cider season because two years ago she went a little overboard, but looking at the bottle now she was craving it. “Applejack?” The farmpony seemed too engrossed in the bottle to respond.

“This was...this was Granny’s last round of cider makin’.” The shot of pain that ran through Applejack’s voice was not lost on either creature in the room. “Yeah...yeah, we’ll crack it open. We deserve it, right?” There was no need to convince Cheerilee. Getting a little buzzed sounded like a proper reward in these times. “Ah’ll go get Mac.” The bottle was set gently down on the counter before AJ galloped away.

While Applejack went to go get her brother, Cheerilee and Elytra decided to prepare. The foals were ushered to their rooms and Pinkie offered to watch over them while the other adults drank. So the party pony carried Scootaloo while Applebloom and Rumble handled Pound Cake and Flurry Heart. Once the young ones were gone, glasses were placed for everypony and the bottle of cider was placed in front of Applejack’s seat.

“No…” Big Mac groaned in disbelief as he came closer and took the bottle in his hooves. He turned it over, same as AJ had done, and inspected it. “Great year. Good age. No.” The mix of joy and surprise that flashed across the burly stallion’s face was a true sight to behold.

“Eeeyup.” Applejack answered.

Big Mac grabbed the cork in his teeth and pulled it off with a satisfying ‘thunk’. Both of the apple farmers took a deep inhale before practically melting in their fur. They looked at each other, their mouths watering after just a sniff.

“They...really like cider.” Elytra leaned into Cheerilee and whispered into her ear with a giggle. She could only nod and nudge the changeling back with a grin. There was something heartwarming about watching all of this unfold.

The Apples went around the table and filled every glass together. They made sure to only fill the glasses about half full as they didn’t want to waste the whole bottle in one sitting. It was no sooner than the final cup was filled that everypony was in their seats and waiting. Applejack grabbed her cup and raised it as high as she could.

“It’s customary in the Apple household that every round of cider be accompanied with a toast.” Big Mac was right with her, hefting his glass right up to hers. Slowly everypony raised their own cups of cider. “Ah know this ain’t technically an Apple house, but we got Apples here.” The siblings clinked their glasses together lightly. “Maybe the last Apples if we’re honest.”

A somber silence overtook the dining hall. A rumination on the events outside of the walls of the castle wordlessly echoed around the room. It weighed the air down and pressed down on every heart like a vice.

“To Granny.” Big Mac broke the silence as his usually monotone voice cracked ever so slightly.

“To Lyra.” Bon Bon closed her eyes as she spoke, a tear running down her cheek.

“To Mom and Dad.” Rarity’s magic held her glass aloft, which was good because the seamstress was shaking gently. “...and Sweetie Belle…”

“To everypony lost.” Meriwether spoke softly with her eyes cast downward.

“To the foals who are alone now.” Cheerilee couldn’t keep her thoughts from her students, at least the ones she still had.

“To us.” Elytra nodded as she clinked her glass against Cheerilee’s. “We’ve made it this far and lasted this long.”

“To friends.” Applejack finished off the round and choked back a crack in her own voice. “Still here and gone.”

“Cheers.” The word rang out through the dining hall as every creature spoke in unison. They all took a moment before taking a long swig in time with each other.

Cheerilee closed her eyes as the cider passed over her tongue and hit the back of her throat. It tasted like a chilly fall evening in front of a fire with somepony you cared about. It tasted like a world that no longer was but only existed in memories, warm and rich. The perfectly aged beverage sent shivers across her entire body as it enveloped her senses. It was just as good as she needed it to be.

The looks on the faces of the others told Cheerilee that they felt the same way. Looks of longing and distant comfort visibly etched on their features. Even Elytra seemed to be taking her time in appreciating the taste.

“Queens below this is good. It reminds me of…” Elytra mumbled softly. The changeling opened her eyes and looked around, seeing everypony’s eyes focused on her. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to-”

“No no.” Applejack nodded to her with a small smile. “Go on. Drinkin’ is a social affair, it’s made for talkin’ and reminiscin’.” Big Mac nodded along as his sister spoke and took another drink of his cider. “We’re all plenty sad and there ain’t much you can do to bring us down any more.”

“It-” Elytra bit her lip and looked down into her drink, looking for an answer at the bottom of the glass. “It reminds me of somepony I knew once. Cider was a favorite of hers…” The creature trailed off as she took another drink. “I like it.”

“Y’know what it reminds me of?” Applejack asked of the group. “There was this one time Rainbow Dash broke into our house to get some of our cider.” She let out a hearty laugh at the memory. “Celestia, Ah almost bucked her head clean off and Ah ain’t lyin. That pony is some kinda cider fiend.”


Sunburst looked up at the clock he kept by his mattress. Eleven at night. He had been staring at this damned circle for almost six hours now. He was no closer than he was at the start, either.

He had skimmed through every other book that Spike had provided him. None of them had anything remotely similar. He had found the alchemical symbol for gold in the notes about the physical Elements of Harmony but that was it.

There was a train of thought that it was a simplified ouroboros, but it was short-lived. There was nothing in any of the notes that even backed up the theory. Nothing was cyclical in any of this except for his train of thought.

He looked to the glass of water that was beside him and found it empty. It was probably for the best as a little walk would do him good. Celestia knew that just laying here and staying in his own head was getting him nowhere.

With a sigh the unicorn picked up the glass with his mouth and stood up. It was times like this when he missed his magic the most. Doing things like an earth pony was more difficult than he cared for and made him appreciate just how useful a horn was with the mundanities of everyday life.

He meandered through the castle and let his eyes wander as he went. The construction of the castle came back to mind and he mentally recited everything he had learned. The blend of gemstones that made up the body of the castle was surprising, as it wasn’t the standard mix of quartz and amethyst that he was used to up in the Crystal Empire. Being so closely related to sapphire made it have a lot of interesting qualities now that he had the time to think about it. If the chemical makeup was to be trusted, it was highly conducive to magic.

If he had a horn he could probably make this place resonate like a windchime. The hardest part would be getting to a chamber where he could access the narrowest point to send a charge throughout. It would either be the very top or some sort of root below ground, but other than that? Easy.

As he passed through the dining room he saw almost every adult except Pinkie and Rainbow Dash were at the table and drinking what looked to be cider. They were laughing and talking, all red in the face from what he guessed was a slight buzz.

Sunburst could only roll his eyes. How could they think of drinking at a time like this? The world ended and they were telling stories over glasses of liquor. They could be spending this time doing something productive. He sighed and trudged to the kitchen, ignoring the raucous laughter that came from the table. The conversation continued as he went to the faucet and began to fill up his glass with cool water.

“-a-and Thunderlane jumped his cart over the barrier into the road.” Cheerilee’s voice rose above all else and drew yet another sigh from the stallion. “He crashed into Granny Smith’s apple stand and she picked him up and told him-” Cheerilee cleared her throat and put on a sub-par elderly mare voice. “‘Don’tcha know that there’s a closed course, sweetie?’” The laughter that came from the room filled up the entire castle, but that’s not what Sunburst focused on.

That last phrase ignited something in his brain as he connected so many dots all at once. Closed course? A circle without an exit. No, not a circle.

It wasn’t a circle!


Author's Note:

So after a bout of not being at work due to an illness, I'm back. If I do slip and not publish a chapter, that's probably why. The last two chapters I finished like within an hour of midnight when I have to wake up at 6 AM lol.

Either way, we go agane tomorrow. No excuses. Creativity waits for nothing and no one.