• Published 7th May 2021
  • 1,248 Views, 73 Comments

What the where? - ARandomLonelyDude

Locally grown, cringy, sort of good that has an Indian guy.

  • ...

1-8: Three princesses walk into a dream

Author's Note:

Yay new low effort chapter.

3/11/2021, Wednesday, ----

Let's play a game Mario. You will have to choose between eating this pineapple pizza or eating this red chili. The choice is you-
Wait, is this a dream? Let me check. Okay so it is a dream because I imagined a flying spaghetti monster in front of me and a flying spaghetti monster appeared there. This is cool so far. Probably my first lucid dream. I look around me to find a void which is pretty unoriginal. Time to replace it with something even more unoriginal. With a thought the void slowly gets replaced with a generic minecraft world. This is pretty nice so far.

"Nice place you got there.", A familiar voice says from behind me. I turn around and see Human me. "Wouldn't it be a shame if three alicorns were to come here in fifteen minutes to spy on you. Anyway, you should learn how to make a mental block to stop intruders.", he finishes and disappear.

Okay, so I have a problem. No wait, I have two problems. Alicorns using the dreamscape to mess with my head and the fact that I am not sure who the three alicorns could be. Luna is going to be there for sure and Celsetia will probably be there and the third alicorn might be either NMM or Cadance but NMM can probably dream walk so that means that Luna might not be there at all and- FOCUS!

Okay, I don't have to care about who is entering my brain. I just have to make sure that they don't try to mess with it and I have a plan.

10 minutes later, 3rd pov.

"You can open your eyes now.", Luna said to Celestia. Celestia prepared herself for whatever she was about to see and opened her eyes. She did not see what she expected to. Instead of a chaotic mess, she found herself in a clearing within a fir forest. The time of the day within the dream seemed to be around evening and the weather was a bit foggy.

"This is unusually calm for a pony like Gear.", Nightmare Moon said from her left as she looked around.

"Why is that so?", Luna asked as she admired the calm scene.

"He's different.", Nightmare Moon answered. "He's kind of rude and doesn't really care much about what a stranger thinks but he's also friendly somehow. The things he does are chaotic and his sense of humor is probably the most bizarre thing to exist. I could go on and on about him."

"Seems like someone has a crush.", Celestia joked. Nightmare Moon was not amused.

"Enough talk, we should start searching for Gear.", Luna said as she started casting a spell.

"Can't you teleport us to him?", Celestia asked.

"I can teleport myself only. You have to either fly or walk to him.", Luna answered as she finished casting the spell. "This way.", Luna said as she turned towards the setting sun and started flying.

They had been flying for two minutes and had already spotted some objects of interest. The first was a well and the second was an empty sign.

"I feel like Gear is making us go this far on purpose.", Celestia said as she looked at the trees below for anything.

"If Gear had been lucid dreaming then I'm pretty sure he would have noticed us and shook himself awake the second we entered the dream.", Nightmare said.

"Look over there.", Luna said as she pointed to the left. She had spotted a house that resembled Gear's house in the waking world, within a clearing. The three alicorns banked left and landed in front of the house within a minute. Celestia walked up to the front door and opened it. Instead of finding Gear, she found a hallway that stretched as far as her eyes could see.

"Should we go in?", Celestia asked as she moved away from the door so that Luna could see.

"Yes, we have to if you want to enter his mind.", Luna answered as she entered the hallway. Celestia and Nightmare Moon followed her in. Within the hallway, there was no sound except the hoofsteps of the alicorns.

"Wait. Do you hear that?", Nightmare said as she stopped. The other two alicorns stopped and tried to hear what she was hearing.

"I don't hear anything.", Celestia answered.

"But I heard a fourth set of hoofsteps."

"It is best to ignore them. This is a dream after all.", Luna said as she continued walking. The other two continued following her. Soon they came across a door. Luna who was leading the group opened it and stepped outside into another clearing in the forest with the others behind her. Outside in the forest, the sun had set and a moonless night had replaced the sky while the fog had become thicker.

"This will take all night if we continue going like this.", Nightmare complained. "At least the dream could have been intere-"
She was cut off by the sound of a loud horn coming from the forest. They could see a white light coming towards them from the direction from which the horn sounded.

"What's happening?!", Celestia asked as the wind started picking up.

"Tis probably a night terror! Nightmare, get ready!", Luna answered as she charged up a spell to dispel the supposed night terror. As the light got closer, they could hear the sound of heavy footsteps and machinery. The horn sounded again as a mechanical leg landed in the clearing, breaking a tree in the process. The three looked up to find three lights that seemed to be connected to a main body staring back at them. Without wasting time, Luna shot the spell that would destroy the night terror at the machine only for it to not work.

"This isn't a night terror.", Luna said as she realized what was going on. However, she could not do anything as a heat ray came down and hit her, causing her to seemingly be vaporized. The moment Luna disappeared, the dream walking spell broke and Celestia and Luna found themselves in Luna's room in the Canterlot castle.

Luna turned to Nightmare who was still levitating with glowing, white eyes , indicating that she was dream walking. A second later, Nightmare's dream walking spell also broke and she fell to the floor. Instead of expressing discomfort or pain she expressed anger.

"That Motherbucker was messing with us the whole time and we didn't even know!"