• Published 7th May 2021
  • 1,249 Views, 73 Comments

What the where? - ARandomLonelyDude

Locally grown, cringy, sort of good that has an Indian guy.

  • ...

1-5: Call of Slumber-party: infinite pain

23/7/1500, Friday, 5:30 PM.

You guys are probably wondering why I skipped the last episode. It’s pretty simple. Luna wanted to buy the car but it had to be customized from her. I was busy adding silencing enchantments and midnight blue paint to the car to help the mane 6 deal with the dragon. If you wanted to know, ‘dragonshy’ took place on the 21/7.

I had to add silencing enchantments, shield enchantments and a flying enchantment for Luna’s new car. Her chariot is probably never going to be used again and I’m never going to enchant something to fly unless I have a good reason because it’s not worth the headache caused by doing such a complex enchantment(unless I get lots of money). The total cost of building the car along with enchantments and paint costed Luna 30,000 bits which is only worth half of her chariot. She had come yesterday and payed me and left with the car.

Right now, I’m at the library, sitting at the round table, reading a book about illusion magic. Twilight had apologized for what she had done yesterday. I forgave her because she had offered me a jar of chocolate chip cookies and not because of her puppy face. Puppy face has never worked on me and it never will. Most of the ponies including Twilight are preparing for a storm. I would have been at home but I was needed here in the library for reasons unknown to me.

The door opened and I turned to see who came in. It was Spike... Followed by Nightmare Moon.

“Hi Gear.”, Spike said as he waved as he went upstairs.

“Hello.”, NMM says.

“Hello to both of you.”, I said. “If I’m correct, you’re is here because Sunbutt wanted to see if you’re is still evil or not.”

“You hit the nail on the head.”, she says as she sits opposite of me.

“And I’m here because I’m your only friend besides Luna and can keep you in check.”, I continue.

“You’re my only friend because Luna is technically my mom.”, she says as she levitates a history book to read. I raise my hoof to object but stop and think.

“Aye, fair enough.”, I say as I continue reading my book. We read in silence for the next few minutes until a thunderclap disturbs us and the sound of heavy rain start coming from outside.

“Heavy rain isn’t it?”, Nightmare says.

“Light in comparison to somepony I know.”, I reply.

“How heavy is this pony?”

“I know five fat ponies and she’s three of them.”, I say, causing Nightmare to giggle.

“Is it Celestia?”, she guesses.

“The pony I’m talking about is not a professional fatty.”, I reply with a smile.

“Luna?”, she says with a smaller smile.

“No. It is someone we both know.”

“Twilight?”, she guesses.


“Rarity.”, she guesses with a smaller smile.


“Rainbow Dash?”, she guesses with a frown.


“Who is it?”, she asked with annoyance.

“You.”, I reply with a grin as I watch her puff up her cheeks in anger.

“What proof do you have?”

“The fact that you didn’t instantly say your name shows how dense you are.”, I reply. It is pretty clear that I am being a troll-asshole hybrid to her. She looks cute when she’s angry.


Wait, where did sh-

“OW!”, I shout as something heavy falls on me and pins me on the floor.

“You were right about me being heavy.”, Nightmare says from above me as she starts cackling. My back hurts like-

“I KNEW THAT YOU WERE STILL EVIL!”, someone shouts as the door bursts open, letting in little bit of rain and a cold breeze. I look towards the door from my position and see Twilight standing there, staring at us with Applejack and Rarity standing behind her.

“Uhhh... We were uhh...”, Nightmare tries to explain why she was sitting on me and cackling.

“I called her fat and she proved herself right.”, I say quickly as I put my hooves underneath me.

“Uhh... Okay, I guess. You both can come inside.”, Twilight says as she lets Applejack and Rarity in. I get up with causing Nightmare to almost fall off of me. Almost. She regains her balance and gets off with a flap of her wings.

“We are most grateful for your invitation.”, Rarity says as she gets in.

“Thank ya kindly for yer hospitality.”, Applejack says as she almost walks in.

“Please clean your hooves before coming in.”, I say as I look at Applejack. She looks at me angrily before going outside to clean them. Rarity looks at me approvingly.

“Where’s Spike?”, Twilight asks Nightmare.

“He went upstairs. Probably tired after royal business.”, Nightmare replies as she goes to sit at the table and continue her book. I do the same. Twilight nods and looks outside through the window.

“I don’t think you’ll be able to go home in such a storm.”, she says as she continues looking. “I know what we can do! We can have a slumber party!”, she says happily as she goes to bookshelf and pulls out a book. I look like this at the mention of a slumber party.

“Oh! Uh, goodness. Uh, I do believe I have another engagement scheduled for this evening that completely slipped my mind until just now. Ah, silly me, I can’t possibly stay here all night”, Rarity lies. ”With these three.”

Nightmare and I heard her say that last line. I can tell that she heard because her frown became bigger.

“I’ll read books while you guys have fun.”, I say in an effort to destroy all chances of me being a part of the slumber party.

“Same.”, Nightmare says.

“No, you both are invited as well!”, Twilight says with a big smile. I don’t want to ruin her mood. I look to Nightmare and can see that she’s thinking the same thing as me. We make eye contact and decide what to do.

“Fine.”, we both say at the same time. “Could Spike join us?”, I ask, hoping that I’m not all alone.

“I’ll go see if he wants to join. You could do makeovers while I’m gone!”, she says as she runs upstairs. I look to Rarity and she already has the mud mask stuff in her magic.

“Which one of you two wants to go first?”, she asks with a grin. We remain silent. Rarity’s grin is wiped off of her face.

“I wish that it didn’t have to come to this.”, she says as she suddenly grabs me in her magic and pulls me to her. I teleport behind Nightmare before she could put the stuff on me. Not today.

“Take Nightmare! I want to stay ugly!”, I say as I push Nightmare to her. She didn’t even fight back.

“Spike has already fallen asleep and won’t be joining us but that’s fine.”, Twilight says as she comes down the stairs. “Do it for me too.”, she says as she sits down near Rarity. I go back to reading my book while they do makeovers. The door opens as Applejack comes in.

“What in tarnation... Now wait just a minute. Ya make me wash the mud off my hooves, but it’s okay for y’all to have mud all over yer faces?”, she says angrily.

“They’re giving each other makeovers because it helps you become less ugly and also because Twilight’s book says that you should do it.”, I say. Twilight levitates the book to her.

She reads the title and says, “Oh hey, would’ja look at the time. I gotta skidaddle on home quick. I’m powerful late for, uh, fer somethin’. Uh, g’night.” She opens the door and takes one step outside and almost gets struck by lightning. “Or maybe I’ll sit here for a spell.”, she says quickly and comes back in.

“Hurray slumber party!”

“I’m sorry that I sacrificed you to Rarity to save myself.”, I say to Nightmare as I draw a sketch of the inside of the library. She’s currently lying on the floor on her stomach. She doesn’t have curlers in her hair like the other three.

“It’s nothing really. Besides, I liked the mud mask. Maybe you should get it done.”, she replies as she grabs a pillow and puts it under her.

“This is so awesome! Makeovers, check. Ooh, it says here we have to tell ghost stories. Who wants to go first?”, Twilight says as she removes the curlers from her hair and checks a box in her book.

“M-”, Applejack tries to say but the lights go out and Twilight, Applejack and Rarity scream. Suddenly, a firefly lamp lights up with Nightmare holding it.

“I’ll go first. I’ll be telling you the story of the skeleton pony.”, Nightmare says with a smile. I continue drawing in the dim light of the lamp.

“And when she looked behind her, she saw... The skeleton pony!”, Nightmare finishes the story.

“I finished my sketch.”, I say as I hold up the sketch. The four looked at me and at that exact second, lightning struck outside. They all screamed so loud that I had to cover my ears. Someone turned on the light switch and they stopped screaming.

“By the moon, I thought the skeleton pony actually came here.”, Nightmare says as she sat up straight. “But it was just you.”, she continues as she points at me.

“I also thought that you were a skeleton for a moment.”, Twilight says with a giggle. I keep a neutral expression as I look down at my body and examine it.

100 days to HalloweenNightmare Night and I already know what I’ll be.

“Ghost story, Check. Who wants s’mores?”, Twilight says as she heads to the kitchen.

“I’m going to have the best spooktober.”, I whisper to myself as I get up and follow her.

“Then you place one marshmallow on the top of the chocolate and be sure it’s centered--that’s critical--and then carefully put another perfectly square graham cracker on the top. And done. Ta-da!”, Rarity said as she taught Twilight how to make a s’more.


“Nah, you just eat ‘em.”, Applejack say as she throws some in her mouth and eats them. Only Twilight was not disgusted by the fact that Applejack did not close her mouth and chew. She then let out a loud burp.

“You are okay to be around most of the time but today, it seems like you want to offend me. Please explain why?”, I say before Rarity could say her line.

“What do ya mean by that?”, Applejack asks with confusion.

“I know that you have basic manners and etiquette but you are going out of your way to be disgusting.”, I say.

“I ‘ave been on my best behavior since Ah entered this house so Ah dunno what you’re talkin’ about.”, she says angrily.

“No one on their best behavior chews with their mouth open unless it is on purpose.”

“Ah didn’t chew with my mouth open!”, she lies.

“Raise your hoof if you saw Applejack chew with her mouth open.”, I say as I raise my hoof. Everyone else raises their hoof.

Applejack huffed and said, “Fine. Ah will try to be better.”

“Good.”, I say.

“Uhh... So with that out of the way, who wants to play truth or dare?”, Twilight says.

“I’m out.”, I say immediately and exit the kitchen and walk back into the main room. Too bad that they also came into the room a few moments. I place a bubble of silence around me to not hear them. A minute passes and Twilight approaches the bubble. I pop the bubble to listen to what she says.


“Why are Rarity and Applejack arguing so much?”, she asks.

“Lifestyle choices. One is a farmer who gets everything dirty and the other is a wannabe noble.”, I say loudly so that both of them could hear. They stop fighting and glare at me.

“How dare you!”, we three say. They were momentarily confused.

“Jinx! Both you can’t speak until someone says your names!”, I say with a smile. They look angry and Rarity opens her mouth to say something. “Also, if you speak when you are jinxed, anyone around you can punch you and the jinx stays.”, I add quickly. They don’t believe me until Nightmare speaks up.

“Will I be held responsible for the pain I cause them?”, she asks with a smile.

“No, they are responsible.”, I answer. Both of them look unsure about speaking. A moment of awkward silence follows.

“Uhhh.. We can do pillow fights?”, Twilight says as she looks at her book.

“Where are pillows?”, I ask. A pile of pillows is teleported into view. “Applejack versus Rarity.”, I say as I quickly grab a pillow.

“I’ll never participate in such brutish activities!”, Rarity says as she points her muzzle upwards. A pillow is thrown by Applejack and the decision changes. I move to the sidelines as the battle starts.

“You won’t join them?”, Nightmare says from my left.

“No, I’m using a tactic that has been used many times in real life warfare.”, I reply as she sits down to watch.

“What is this tactic?”, she asks. I’m pretty sure she knows but I’ll tell anyway.

“Divide and conquer. Let them fight each other and both are weak, rush them.”, I answer as Twilight gets another pillow thrown at her face.


“Let me just make it worse for them.”, I say as I levitate two random books from one of the bookshelves that line the wall. I levitate one to Rarity’s pile of pillows and the other to Applejack’s pile and leave them there. As expected, they throw the books at each other at the same time without realizing that they threw the books. The books collide mid-air and fall to the ground. One of the book has a torn page. They continue their battle.

“They will not survive this.”, I say as I watch Twilight. She looks [ANGERY]. She levitates a dozen pillows and starts throwing them really fast at the other two and surprises them. Both Applejack and Rarity start concentrating their fire onto Twilight but still throw an occasional pillow at each other. The three become tired after five minutes of throwing pillows and stop to catch their breath.

“Now watch.”, I say as I get up, grab three pillows and throw them at the tired fighters. They are too tired to dodge and are quickly defeated. “I win.”, I say as I walk to stand on top of a pile of pillows. I stand there for a moment, basking in the glory before I am suddenly hit by something soft and thrown off the pile. Luckily, I land on a pillow.

“Nay, you don’t.”, Nightmare says from atop of the pile. I turn to lie on my back and see that she is holding multiple pillows in her magic. “Do you surrender?”, she asks with a smirk.

“Yes.”, I say. All the pillows fall down as magic no longer holds them. I get up as the other three recover from the fight.

“I think we should call it a night and get some sleep.”, Twilight says. The other two give sounds of agreement. Twilight then looks at me.

“I think I’ve got an extra mattress somewhere.”

24/7/1500, Saturday, 1:00 AM.

I’m not able to go to sleep. Not because of Applejack and Rarity fighting over a blanket. It’s because of the situation I am in. Twilight had an extra mattress and I thought that I’ll be alone on the mattress but I was wrong. I have to share the mattress with Nightmare because Twilight’s bed didn’t have enough space for two ponies and she didn’t want to leave her bed. I swear that she had an evil smile when she said no to my request of her sharing the mattress with Nightmare.

Nightmare had fallen asleep with ease while I’m just gettin-

She just pulled me into a wing hug. Help what do I do?
(Internal confused screaming for unknown amount of time)

“I hope you’re happy, both of you. You’ve ruined my very first slumber party. The makeover, the s’mores, Truth or Dare, the pillow fight... I mean, is there anything else that could possibly go wrong?”, Twilight said sadly and I’m pulled out of my internal confusion. Lightning strikes a tree outside and suddenly I remember where the mattress is placed. It’s right next to the window. I try to get out of the way but it is too late. Applejack lassoed the tree and pulled it in the time it took me to think and my world turns to black as something hits my head.

I groan as I wake up. My body is paining but my head is paining more. I open my eyes and see the blurry faces of Applejack, Rarity and Twilight. I try getting up but a hoof stops me.

“Don’t try to get up yet.”, Nightmare’s voice says. I comply and lie down on the... Whatever I’m on.

“What happened after the tree came in through the window?”, I ask.

“You and Nightmare were hit by the tree. Rarity and Applejack quickly removed the branch and I did first aid for you because you got a large cut on your forehead because of a branch. You’ve been unconscious for an hour.”, Twilight answers. I brought my left forehoof to my forehead and felt the bandage below my horn.

“I don’t think I can call my first slumber party fun.”, Twilight says sadly.

“You can still make it fun.”, I say.

“How?! Applejack and Rarity were fighting all the time and now you’re hurt!”

“Are they fighting now?”


“Then go do something fun and maybe it will heal my soul.”

“How is that supposed to work?”

“Do not question the elevated one.”

“...Fine.”, Twilight says as she and other three exit the room. I am left alone. I’ll get some sleep.

*tries to use magic but gets pain*

Author's Note:

I accidentally used curly quotes :\ I don't think I'm keeping Nightmare Moon's personality consistent. Please tell how you feel.

Like always, please comment.