• Published 24th May 2021
  • 713 Views, 8 Comments

Out of the cold - Flash Magnus

in the dark of an alley, a lonely filly hides from the horrors of society, until a mare arrives and lights her way to happiness

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Chapter 6: Red Hearts and Frozen Wings

A few days after the great storm, Summer and her two mothers, Raindrops and Cloud Kicker, decided to take advantage of the snowy weather and go for a walk. As they strolled along, the filly frolicked and played, reveling in the cold, crisp air.

Suddenly, they came upon a frozen lake, its surface glittering invitingly in the sunlight. "Look, moms, can we skate on the lake?" Summer asked eagerly.

Raindrops and Cloud Kicker exchanged a glance. "I don't know, Summer…" Raindrops said hesitantly. "It looks pretty cold and slippery. Maybe it's not safe…"

"But I wanna try!" Summer protested…

Cloud Kicker smiled. "Well, we could at least test the ice to see if it's thick enough…" she suggested. "But we'll have to be careful… very careful…"

They cautiously stepped out onto the ice, testing each step as they went. Summer giggled and spun around, her hooves sliding across the slick surface.

But as they neared the center of the lake, there was a sudden cracking sound. The ice beneath Summer's hooves gave way, and she plunged into the icy water with a shriek.

"Summer!" Raindrops cried, her heart in her throat. Without hesitation, she dove into the water after her daughter, struggling to keep her head above the freezing water.

Cloud Kicker watched in horror as the two of them flailed and splashed, unable to get a grip on the slippery, icy surface.

It was a terrifying few moments before Raindrops finally managed to grab onto Summer's coat and haul her out of the water. The filly was unconscious and barely breathing, her body limp and cold.

"We have to get her to the hospital" Cloud Kicker said, her voice shaking. "Now."

They raced through the snow, their hearts pounding with fear, until they finally arrived at the hospital. Nurse Scarlett RedHeart was waiting for them, her gentle face filled with concern.

As soon as they arrived at the hospital, Raindrops quickly carried Summer into the emergency room, with Cloud Kicker right behind her. A nurse rushed over and quickly took over, asking them a series of questions about what happened.

Raindrops explained that their filly had fallen into the frozen lake and had been underwater for several minutes before she was able to pull her out. The nurse nodded sympathetically and assured them that their daughter was in good hooves.

Cloud Kicker felt tears welling up in her eyes as they were escorted to the waiting room. "What if we lose her?" she whispered to Raindrops, unable to control her emotions.

Raindrops put a comforting wing around her. "We won't lose her," she said firmly. "She's a fighter, just like her moms."

They sat in silence for what felt like hours, waiting for any news about Summer's condition. Eventually, a doctor came out and called their names. They jumped up, ready to hear what he had to say.

"Your daughter is stable, but she's still in critical condition" the doctor said gravely. "She's breathing on her own, but we have her on oxygen just in case. We're monitoring her closely and doing everything we can to keep her comfortable."

Raindrops and Cloud Kicker felt a small sense of relief knowing that their daughter was still alive, but they couldn't shake the feeling of fear and anxiety. They were led to Summer's room, where she was hooked up to various machines and monitors.

Nurse RedHeart entered the room, a warm smile on her face. "Hello there, I'm Nurse RedHeart," she said kindly. "I'll be taking care of your daughter while she's here."

Raindrops and Cloud Kicker introduced themselves and thanked her for her care. They sat by Summer's side, holding her hooves and talking to her softly, hoping she could hear them. Nurse RedHeart brought them blankets and pillows and told them to get some rest, assuring them that she would keep a close eye on their daughter.

As they settled in for the night, Raindrops couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt wash over her. If only they had been more careful, if only she had paid closer attention, maybe they wouldn't be in this situation. She looked over at Summer, who was still unconscious, and promised to do everything in her power to make sure she recovered

The following morning, Summer stirred in her hospital bed, her eyes fluttering open. She groaned as she tried to sit up, but Raindrops was there in an instant, placing a hoof on her shoulder.

"Take it easy, honey. You've been through a lot," Raindrops said softly.

Summer looked around, noticing for the first time the sterile hospital room she was in. "Mommy? What happened?" she asked, her voice raspy.

"You fell through the ice on the lake…" Cloud Kicker explained, her eyes filled with tears. "You were unconscious when we found you, but Raindrops pulled you out of the water and saved your life…"

Summer's eyes widened, and she turned to Raindrops, a look of gratitude on her face. "Thank you… it’s the second time that you save my life…" she whispered.

Raindrops smiled, brushing a strand of hair from Summer's face. "Of course, kiddo. I'll always be here to protect you."

As Summer continued to recover, Nurse RedHeart became a familiar face, checking on her condition regularly and adjusting her treatment as needed. She quickly became a source of comfort for the worried mothers, too.

"How's she doing?" Raindrops asked the nurse one morning as she came in to check Summer's vitals.

"She's making good progress," Nurse RedHeart replied, smiling. "Her body is responding well to the treatment, and we're optimistic about her recovery."

Raindrops breathed a sigh of relief, feeling some of the tension in her body release. "Thank you for taking such good care of her," she said gratefully.

"It's my pleasure," Nurse RedHeart replied, patting Raindrops' shoulder. "I can see how much you and Cloud Kicker care for her, and I want to make sure she's well taken care of."

As the days passed, Summer's condition continued to improve, much to the relief of her mothers. They were overjoyed to see their daughter returning to her usual self and were grateful for Nurse RedHeart's excellent care. They had created a makeshift home in the small hospital room, bringing in a few of Summer's favorite things from home to make her feel more comfortable.

One day, as they sat by Summer's bed, Cloud Kicker turned to Raindrops and said, "I can't believe how lucky we are. We almost lost her."

Raindrops nodded in agreement. "I know. It's a miracle she's even here with us."

Summer, who had been dozing, stirred at the sound of their voices. She blinked her eyes open and smiled weakly at her mothers. "Hey, you guys," she said softly.

Raindrops leaned over to give her a kiss on the forehead. "How are you feeling, kiddo?"

"I'm okay," Summer said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Just a little tired."

Cloud Kicker stroked her daughter's hair gently. "You rest now. We're not going anywhere."

As Summer drifted off to sleep once again, Nurse RedHeart entered the room, carrying a tray of food. "Good news, ladies," she said cheerfully. "Summer's vitals are looking great, and we may be able to release her in a few days."

Raindrops and Cloud Kicker exchanged a look of relief and gratitude. "Thank you, Nurse RedHeart," Cloud Kicker said. "You've been amazing."

Nurse RedHeart smiled warmly. "It's my pleasure. You three have been the highlight of my week. It's not often we get to see such a strong, loving family bond like yours."

As the days passed, Raindrops and Cloud Kicker remained by Summer's side, taking turns to watch over her and making sure she had everything she needed. It was a difficult time, but they were grateful for each other's company and the comfort of their small but cozy hospital room.

On the fourth day, Summer was finally cleared to go home. She had made a full recovery, and Nurse RedHeart was pleased with her progress. Raindrops and Cloud Kicker were grateful for the care their daughter had received and thanked Nurse RedHeart for all her help.

As they prepared to leave, Nurse RedHeart gave Summer a special gift - a small, stuffed pony toy to remind her of her time at the hospital. Summer hugged the toy close and promised to take good care of it.

"Thank you so much, Nurse RedHeart," Cloud Kicker said, smiling warmly at the nurse. "You've been so kind and patient with us."

"It was my pleasure," Nurse RedHeart replied. "You're a wonderful family, and I'm glad I could help."

Raindrops and Cloud Kicker helped Summer into her jacket and made sure she was comfortable for the trip home. As they walked out of the hospital, Summer clung to her new toy and looked up at her mothers with a big smile.

"I'm so glad to be going home," she said, her voice filled with relief. "But I'm also going to miss Nurse RedHeart. She was really nice to me."

"I know, sweetie," Raindrops said, nuzzling her daughter's mane. "But you can always come back and visit her. And we'll make sure to thank her properly with a nice card and some flowers."

As they stepped out of the hospital, the warm sun of the early afternoon greeted them. Summer took a deep breath of fresh air, relishing the feeling of freedom after being confined to a hospital room for four long days. She stretched her legs and let out a contented sigh.

Raindrops and Cloud Kicker looked at each other with a mix of relief and joy. They couldn't believe they were finally leaving the hospital with their daughter. The weight that had been crushing their hearts since the accident slowly lifted off their shoulders, replaced by a newfound sense of hope and gratitude.

"Let's go home," Cloud Kicker said, nudging her wife's shoulder.

Raindrops smiled back, taking Summer's hoof in hers. "Yes, let's go home."

As they walked towards their home, they talked about everything they would do to make Summer feel better. They would bake her favorite cookies, make her hot cocoa, and watch her favorite movies together. They couldn't wait to see her smile again.

When they arrived home, Summer was welcomed with a big surprise. Her friends had come over to cheer her up and celebrate her return. Pinkie Pie had organized a small party in her honor, complete with balloons, streamers, and a cake with Summer's name written in big letters on top.

"Surprise!" Pinkie Pie shouted, bouncing up and down.

Summer's eyes widened, and a huge smile spread across her face. "You guys! What are you doing here?"

"We came to celebrate your return, silly!" Rainbow Dash said, flying over to give her a hug.

Applejack and Fluttershy followed, both with small gifts for her. Rarity had brought a new dress for her to wear, and Twilight Sparkle had brought a stack of books to read together.

Summer was touched by their kindness and felt grateful for their friendship. She hugged each of her friends, thanking them for coming to see her.

After the party was over and her friends had left, Summer felt tired and went to bed early. Raindrops and Cloud Kicker tucked her in, kissing her on the forehead before leaving the room.

As Summer drifted off to sleep, she thought about everything that had happened in the past few days. She felt lucky to have such amazing mothers who had stayed by her side every moment of the day. She felt grateful for Nurse RedHeart's care and kindness, and for her friends' support.

The next few days were filled with recovery and therapy. Summer had to undergo physical therapy to help her regain her strength and coordination. Nurse RedHeart came over every day to check on her progress and make sure she was comfortable.

Raindrops and Cloud Kicker spent most of their time with her, reading books, playing board games, and watching movies. They wanted to make sure she didn't feel alone or bored during her recovery.

One day, while they were playing a board game, Summer spoke up. "Mom, mom, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, sweetie," Raindrops said, putting down her game piece.

"I was thinking," Summer said, looking down at the board. "What would have happened if you weren't there to save me?"

Raindrops and Cloud Kicker exchanged a glance, both knowing what was going through their daughter's mind. "Well," Cloud Kicker said, sitting down next to her. "We would have done everything in our power to find you."

"And even if we couldn't," Raindrops continued, "we would never stop loving you. You're our daughter, no matter what happens."

Summer nodded, feeling reassured by her mother's words. She hugged them tightly, feeling grateful for their love and support.

Over the next few days, Summer continued to make progress. She started walking on her own, and
even though she was still a little shaky, her mothers were proud of her. They encouraged her every step of the way and made sure she was taking her medication and following the doctor's instructions.

Despite Summer's physical progress, her mothers noticed that she was still struggling emotionally. She seemed quieter than usual and would often retreat to her room, not wanting to talk or play with her toys. Raindrops and Cloud Kicker were concerned and wondered if their filly was experiencing any trauma from the accident.

One day, while they were all in the living room, Raindrops gently broached the subject. "Sweetheart, we've noticed that you haven't been yourself lately. Is there anything you want to talk about?" she asked.

Summer hesitated for a moment before finally nodding her head. "I'm scared," she admitted. "I don't want to go near any water, and I keep having nightmares about falling through the ice again."

Raindrops and Cloud Kicker exchanged a look of concern before Cloud Kicker spoke up. "It's okay to be scared, honey. But we don't want you to let your fear control you. We're here for you, and we'll help you overcome it."

Summer looked up at her mothers, tears in her eyes. "But how?" she asked.

Raindrops sat down next to her daughter and put a comforting hoof around her. "Well, we could start by talking to Nurse RedHeart. She's a wonderful therapist, and she might be able to help you work through your fear."

Summer nodded, and the three of them made an appointment with Nurse RedHeart for the following week.

During their therapy session, Nurse RedHeart helped Summer identify her feelings and understand why she was feeling scared. They also worked on relaxation techniques to help her cope with her fear, such as deep breathing and visualization.

After several sessions, Summer began to feel more in control of her fear. She still felt a little uneasy around water, but she was able to face her fear and even went on a short boat ride with her mothers.

Raindrops and Cloud Kicker were proud of their daughter and grateful for Nurse RedHeart's help. They knew that Summer still had a long way to go, but they were confident that with time and support, she would be able to overcome her fear and enjoy life again.

As they cuddled up together that night, Summer looked up at her mothers and smiled. "Thank you for being here for me," she said.

Raindrops and Cloud Kicker smiled back at their filly. "We'll always be here for you, no matter what," they said in unison.

Summer closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep, feeling safe and loved in the embrace of her two mothers.

Comments ( 1 )

Forgot to comment. Happy to see two of my favorite pegasi getting some love. I adore Raindrops and Cloudkicker.

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