• Published 24th May 2021
  • 713 Views, 8 Comments

Out of the cold - Flash Magnus

in the dark of an alley, a lonely filly hides from the horrors of society, until a mare arrives and lights her way to happiness

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Chapter 1: A filly in the snow

It had been a long day for Raindrops, her boss had given her the task today to prepare a storm for that night... after work, Raindrops said goodbye to her colleagues and headed home...
As she flew in that freezing night, a movement and a sound made her ears prick up...
As she approached the noise site, Raindrops understood... the sound was that of a cry... the cry of a desperate filly…

With a strong heat in her heart, the yellow mare decided that she would find out what had happened and would do what she could to help the filly...

Summer Breeze was huddled under a pile of newspapers as she cried and remembered the last words she had heard... "disappear brat, the next time you show up here, a month in the hospital won't be enough for you to recover!"

She was just hungry... she knew that stealing was wrong, but there was nothing else she could do…

she had no money and the only way to get food was that...
As she held her head in her hooves, a noise made her raise her ears... hoofsteps... "oh no... no no no no no... nopony could have found me... and now what do I do?"
The filly was in a panic... somepony was following her, and when it did it was never for good intentions... for all she knew it could be a murderer, a thug or a rapist, whatever it was, it didn't matter anymore, it was coming...
The filly couldn't move... she was paralyzed with fear... the only thing she managed to do was curl up into a ball and sob even louder...

As Raindrops approached, the volume of sobbing increased...
When she finally reached the source she found a pitiful scene…

The little filly was curled up like a ball under a pile of newspapers and was shivering violently, both from the cold and from the terror...
When the young mare approached her, she began to squeak and stammer in terror... "P-please d-don't hurt me..."

Raindrops came even closer and put down a wing on the shivering filly... "Oh, poor little filly..."
What? Wasn't the older mare here to harm her? "Huh?" The still trembling filly raised her head slowly and looked into the eyes of the intruder she feared so much…

The look she received was one of pure kindness and concern... no one had ever looked at her like this... "Quiet filly, I’m not here to hurt you... I'm Sunshower Raindrops but can you call me Raindrops or Rainy, what's your name?"

The filly was still scared, but a feeling was growing inside her that she hadn't felt for a long time now... a glimmer of hope and trust...
Stammering a bit, the filly answered the question: "M-my name is Summer Breeze, b-but you can only call me Summer..."

Raindrops moved closer to the filly... "Okay Summer, if you don't want to tell me it's okay, but what are you doing in this alley?"
The filly looked at her curiously
"Well, I didn't want to sleep out there so I found a place to stay, even if it's not much..."

Summer started shaking and decided to sit down... maybe she would be able to recover some heat from the newspapers…
Raindrops frowned at the answer… slowly an idea started to make its way into her mind, but it was too horrible to think about… what if the filly was an orphan?

"But why aren't you home? Your parents will be worried..."
At the word parents, the filly's ears went down confirming Raindrops' fears and with a sad look, she began to cry in silence...
"I-I... I..."
Summer could not finish the sentence but it was clear that the subject had brought back bad memories…

As the filly sobbed again, she felt warmed by a gentle presence... the older mare had stretched her wings and she wrapped her in a solid embrace...
"Oh little one, I'm sorry..."
As she hugged the filly, Raindrops slowly started to pass a hoof into her mane... like her mother did when she was little...
The filly opened her eyes... no one had ever done such a thing for her...
Summer began to feel a little warmth in her broken heart after a long time... she decided to trust and hug her back...
after so many years it was the best thing that had ever happened to her... even if for a short time, had someone who cared about her…

While was sobbing, she hugged her back and buried herself in the mare's chest as she was gently rocked...
"Shhh... shhh... Hush little one... I'm here now... let it all go..."
Raindrops began to whisper to calm the filly as he rocked her...
The two remained in that situation for a few minutes when they finally broke away from the embrace…

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't want to cry on you, it's just that you were so kind... no one has ever done it for me..."
Raindrops felt a strange sensation, a voice in her head telling her to hug the filly and never let her go again, as her heart filled with love and concern…

Summer was expecting a look of contempt and disappointment from the mare, but what she got was very different... when she looked at her again, Raindrops had that sweet, worry-filled smile again that had already made her heart warm once...
"Hey don't worry… it's nothing… rather, I seem to understand that you don't have a place to stay for the night, right?"

The filly nodded slightly and bowed her head as her ears dropped...
Once again her loneliness came out and spoiled her good times...
Raindrops placed a hoof under the little girl's chin and made sure to look into her eyes...
"This is not good... I can't let you sleep out here in the cold... would you like to come home with me? I'm sure my partner wouldn't mind having you as a guest..."

The filly lit up as if struck by lightning...
Did she really hear those words or was it all a hallucination of the cold?
Summer couldn't speak for the emotion...
"D-do you mean that r-really? It's not a joke?"
The yellow filly still didn't want to believe it…

"Sure little one... it's not a joke... cross my heart,
Hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"
Summer could no longer contain herself... before Raindrops could say more, the filly jumped on her and hugged her with all the strength she had…

While she was crying for the joy she managed to stammer a thank you to her rescuer...
As they broke away from her hug, Raindrops motioned to the little to get on his back...
"Come on filly, let's get out of here, you’ll sleep in a cozy bed tonight... get on my back"

Summer Breeze climbed onto the back of the older Pegasus and held tight to her neck as they headed for the cloud house...

Author's Note:

Sorry if the grammar and syntax are not very correct but I'm not English and I don't have an editor to help me with the stories ... it's the first time I've published something of my own so if you have any suggestions I gladly accept them