• Published 3rd May 2021
  • 5,413 Views, 266 Comments

Spirits of The Elements - Eternal Sunset

The Mane 5 try to help Sunset Shimmer convince the Rainbooms of her innocence

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Quality Time

“So you couldn’t reason with them either,” Sunset said in a said tone, she and her fellow Equestrians are standing in front of the Wondercolt statue, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie had already left before she arrived.

“I’m sorry darling, it turns out convincing our counterparts of your innocence is a lot harder than we thought,” E-Rarity apologized, disappointed in herself for failing to convince the Rainbooms of Sunset’s innocence.

“It’s alright, you tried your best,” Sunset assured the fashionista. “I couldn’t convince them either.”

“The other me is gettin’ on mah nerves,'' E-Applejack complained. “Was ah always that stubborn?”

“For as long as I’ve known you,” E-Rainbow Dash said with a grin. “You’re the most stubborn pony I know.”

“Ah guess now ah know what it’s like when yah girls deal with mah stubbornness,” E-Applejack said with a sigh.

“What do we do now?” E-Fluttershy asked.

“We keep trying,” E-Applejack said. “We heard their side an’ ah know fer sure that they made a mistake.”

“After what you girls have been through together, I can’t believe they wouldn’t listen to you,” E-Rarity said aghast.

“They called yah family and then threw yah away!” E-Applejack said angrily.

“It’s not unfounded though,” Sunset said, her tone soft. “I haven’t always been very nice to them, I am responsible for breaking them up.”

“Do you think they could still be holding a grudge?” E-Fluttershy asked.

“Possibly,” Sunset responded. “They promised Twilight to teach me about friendship, but Applejack wasn’t too keen on having me in their group.”

“Did she tell yah to yer face?” E-Applejack asked.

“No, she simply refused to talk to me,” Sunset answered sadly, remembering how Applejack would always look at her with a scowl.

“Bottling up one's feelings isn’t healthy,” E-Rarity said as she looked at E-Applejack.

“If yah got nothing nice to say to someone then don’t say anything,” E-Applejack said with a sigh.

“She stopped following that,” Sunset said as she recalled the insults that Applejack threw at her just a few moments ago. “Anyway, I should get back to figuring out who Anon-A-Miss is. You girls should head on home for now,”

The Equestrians looked at each other in concern before looking back at Sunset.

“But won’t you be by yourself?” E-Fluttershy asked with concern.

“It’s alright, I’m used to it,” Sunset assured them, smiling sadly at them.

“No yer not,” E-Applejack said as she walked up to Sunset to place her closed fist on her shoulder. “Ah aint going to let you deal with this alone.”

“But what about your families?” Sunset asked in surprise. “Isn’t it Hearths Warming back in Equestria?”

“All the more reason to prove your innocence so we can all enjoy the holidays with our loved ones,” E-Rarity said as she and the rest of her friends gathered around Sunset.

“What about Twilight?” Sunset asked, looking between E-Rainbow and E-Applejack.

“I’m sure Twilight will understand when we tell her,” E-Rainbow Dash answered.

Sunset looked at each of her fellow Equestrians who are smiling at her just like her former friends used to.

“Alright then,” Sunset relented, a grateful smile on her lips.

“Otherworldly Slumber party!” E-Pinkie Pie cheered excitedly.

“If we’re going to have a slumber party I need to pick up a few things from the store,” Sunset said.

“We’d be happy to help,” E-Fluttershy offered with a smile.

“I could use the extra hands,” Sunset commentated which confused her fellow Equestrians. “I’ll tell you later.”

Sunset led her fellow Equestrians to the store where they picked up some food that they could eat, she picked up some vegetarian meals as well as some fruits, vegetables, and sweets. The equestrians exited the store laughing at a joke that Pinkie told, unaware that they were being watched by a wide-eyed Applebloom.

“Is that Sunset hanging out with your sister and her friends?” Diamond Tiara asked in surprise besides Applebloom. “I thought they broke up.”

“They did,” Applebloom whispered as she continued to stare in shock at what appeared to be her sister and her friends laughing with Sunset as they used to.

“Maybe they made up?” Diamond Tiara questioned.

“No, they have no reason too,” Applebloom said, shaking her head.

“Then how do you explain them hanging out together, shopping, and laughing?” Diamond Tiara asked. “Maybe she convinced them that she was innocent after all.”

“She isn't innocent,” Applebloom said bitterly. “She must’ve tricked them again.”

“It had to be a very convincing trick,” Diamond Tiara said, she witnessed the Rainbooms rejection of Sunset and honesty felt bad for her as she was left in tears. She looked to Applebloom to see that she was very unhappy about this, she told her how Applejack wasn’t spending time with her like she usually did during the holidays. “Sorry Applebloom.”

“Why are yah apologizing?” Applebloom questioned.

“It’s just that you won’t be spending time with your sister again,” Diamond Tiara explained. “I know how much you value your time with her this time of year.”

Applebloom blinked before smiling at Diamond Tiara.

“Thanks, fer worrying about me,” Applebloom thanked Diamond Tiara as she squeezed her hand that she is currently holding. “But yah don’t gotta apologize fer that.”

“I’m here if you need anything,” Diamond Tiara said, squeezing Applebloom’s hand.

Applebloom smiled, she appreciated how supportive Diamond Tiara is being. But her smile faltered a little as it appeared that her plan to break up Sunset and her sister has failed.

Sunset, what did yah do to get them back?’ Applebloom thought.

Twilight closed the book she was reading with a sigh, she cast a glance at Spike who was sleeping peacefully at her side, the purple magic dome was doing its job perfectly.

“Oh Spike,” Twilight whispered worriedly as she nuzzled his face, he felt hotter than normal which is another symptom of magic flux. She looked at the portal and worried about her friends, she wondered how they were doing and if they managed to clear Sunset’s name.

She heard a vibrating sound and looked at the journal to see it glowing and vibrating, using her magic she removed the journal from its pedestal and placed it in front of her before flipping it open to see the message.

“Hi, Twilight. Just wanted to let you know that your friends are having a sleepover at my apartment, I hope that’s alright?” Sunset wrote.

That sounds wonderful! I don’t mind at all, so I’m guessing that the girls were successful in convincing our Canterlot High friends?” Twilight asked hopefully.

No, they couldn’t convince them.” Sunset wrote. “But they’re not giving up, after hearing their side of the story they are more determined than ever to make them see the truth.”

I’m sorry to hear that,” Twilight responded, feeling disappointed that the issue wasn’t resolved.

Anyway, how’s Spike doing?” Sunset wrote.

He’s doing fine, though he has a slight fever,” Twilight answered.

Has he been showing any other symptoms of Magic Flux?” Sunset asked, she had Magic Flux when she was a filly and is familiar with the symptoms.

He did have the magical bursts earlier before I administered the treatment,” Twilight answered. “But he’s sleeping peacefully now.”

That’s a relief, Spike’s in good hooves,” Sunset wrote. “Your friends are relieved as well and Pinkie says hi.”

“Tell her high back, tell them we’re doing fine and…” Twilight hesitated a bit before continuing to write. “Tell Rainbow and Applejack I love them.

Will do,” Sunset responded, Twilight could practically see her grinning. “Applejack and Rainbow Dash already told me about you three, congratulations!”

Thanks,” Twilight wrote. “Enjoy the sleepover.”

We will,” Sunset wrote.

Twilight closed the journal and placed it back on the pedestal, she is happy that Sunset is spending time with her friends and fellow Equestrians instead of spending another night alone. She wished she could be there but Spike needs her more.

“Maybe there’s still a way I can help,” Twilight said to herself as she levitated a quill and paper and started writing down the events that Sunset described that took place from the slumber party at Pinkie Pie’s home.

“Sunset slumber party!” E-Pinkie Pie said excitedly as she and the rest of her friends are wearing Sunset’s pajamas.

“I hope you girls don’t mind wearing my pajamas?” Sunset asked as she set a plate with snacks down on the table.

“Not at all,” E-Rarity assured her from her spot on Sunset’s sofa. “Thank you for your generosity, darling.”

“And yer hospitality,” E-Applejack said as she reached for one of the snacks on the table, Sunset had shown them how to use their hands to grab things and the snacks she made are sliced fruit that they can practice with.

“I can’t believe our counterparts would accuse you of betraying them,” E-Rainbow Dash said. “Granted you were not a very nice pony in the past but you’re not that pony anymore."

“You are a very nice pony, Sunset,” E-Fluttershy said next to E-Rarity, taking some sliced apples.

“Thanks, Fluttershy.” Sunset thanked the shy Equestrian, she was just as kind as her human self but she felt more mature and brave.

“Are the things you do in a slumber party the same as in Equestria?” E-Rarity asked.

“Honestly I’m not sure,” Sunset replied. “I’ve never experienced a slumber party in Equestria and I’ve only experienced three here, four with this one.”

“There can’t be much difference,” E-Rainbow Dash said.

“Each slumber party is unique like the one I had with Applejack and Twilight,” E-Rarity brought up.

“It was Twilight’s first slumber party and she used a book to plan out the activities,” Applejack said, smiling at the memory. “We gave each other makeovers, roasted marshmallows, had a pillow fight, and told ghost stories.”

“That’s kind of what we did,” Sunset said, smiling slightly before it disappeared.

“Then let’s get this Sunset slumber party started!” E-Rainbow Dash raised her voice, hoping to raise Sunset’s spirits.

“We could tell scary ghost stories,” E-Pinkie said as she held a flashlight to illuminate her face.

“No scary stories please!” E-Fluttershy pleaded, she hated scary stories.

“I would love to hear about the adventures you girls had in Equestria,” Sunset said, glancing at Fluttershy and smiling.

“That sounds like a great idea!” E-Rarity said. “But where to start?”

“I can tell you about the time I saved Rarity in the Cloudsdale Best Young Flyers competition!” E-Rainbow Dash said with an excited smile as she glanced at Rarity to see her blushing in embarrassment.

“Or how about that time I made clones of myself!” E-Pinkie said excitedly. “Or that time Twilight beat Rainbow Dash and Applejack in the Ponyville running of the leaves! Or maybe when we beat Tirek! Or maybe even-“

“Calm down Pinkie,” Sunset said as she calmed down her fellow Equestrian. “I know you’re excited to tell me about your adventures but let’s take a deep breath, okay?”

“Okay!” E-Pinkie said with a smile.

“Where should we start?” E-Applejack asked as they all sat in a circle, some were on the couch while others sat on the floor.

“How about our first adventure against Nightmare Moon?” E-Rarity suggested.

“Great idea Rarity!” Applejack said, her face lit up at the suggestion. “It’s also when we all met Twilight for the first time.”

“You girls faced off against Nightmare Moon?!” Sunset was shocked to hear this. “I thought she was just a legend.”

“Nope, she’s very real and she’s Princess Celestia’s younger sister,” E-Applejack explained.

“Her sister?!” Sunset raised her voice. “Princess Celestia has a sister?!”

The Mane Five explained the story of the first villain they all faced, how that adventure solidified their friendship. They told Sunset about their adventures and how they helped them grow and prepare them to face the next big threat to Equestria. Sunset listened with great interest, the way they talked about their adventures made her realize how much different they are from her former friends. She learned how their friendship has been tested and how much stronger it has become, she couldn’t help but compare their experiences with that of herself and her former friends. They only faced one major threat together and it helped them become true friends, at least she had thought they did.

They told her about the Canterlot wedding and how they made the worst decision of their lives and abandoned their friend Twilight, Sunset immediately saw parallels to her dilemma. She empathizes with Twilight and felt hope that her friendship with the Rainbooms can be saved as the Mane six told her how they spend every day after the incident making it up to Twilight. Sunset, Rarity, Pinkie, and Fluttershy gushed when Applejack and Rainbow Dash explained how they fell in love with Twilight.

“Wow, you girls sure had some interesting adventures,” Sunset commented.

“We sure did,” E-Rainbow Dash agreed as she took a bite of an apple.

“We had an amazing time and the best part was that we got to do it together!” E-Pinkie Pie cheered as she brought Applejack and Rarity close for a hug.

“What adventures have you had with your friends?” E-Fluttershy asked.

“Hmm, the only adventure we went through together was The Battle of The Bands against the Sirens,” Sunset air quoted as she told them the story.

“What a touching story,” E-Fluttershy said, smiling as she placed her hand over her heart.

“Sounds like you saved the day,” E-Rainbow Dash said with a smile.

“It wasn’t just me, we all defeated the Sirens,” Sunset humbly corrected Rainbow Dash.

“But without yah, our counterparts would still be arguing with each other,” E-Applejack pointed out.

“Thanks,” Sunset thanked Applejack. “You know I just realized something.”

“What is it?” E-Rarity asked.

“When I stopped my frie-former friends from arguing I told them that if they don’t work out even the smallest problems then the magic of friendship can be turned into something else,” Sunset explained, looking dejected. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to see Rarity.

“I know this may sound odd coming from us but we would like to be your friends,” E-Rarity said with honesty.

“Me too, you’re an awesome pony Sunset!” E-Rainbow Dash said.

“Count me in too!” E-Pinkie Pie said with excitement.

“I would also love to be your friend,” E-Fluttershy said, smiling kindly.

“What do yah say sugarcube, can we be yer friends?” E-Applejack asked, smiling at Sunset.

Sunset felt very happy to the Equestrian counterparts of her formers friends wanted to be her friends.

“Thank you, this means so much to me,” Sunset thanked her fellow Equestrians. “But I don’t think I’m ready to make new friends yet. Sorry.”

“You have nothing to apologize for, darling,” E-Rarity assured Sunset.

“We understand that yer still feeling hurt fer what yer former friends did,” E-Appleajck said in understanding.

“We’re here for you if you ever need us,” E-Rainbow Dash promised.

“Thank you girls, you have no idea how much I needed to hear that,” Sunset thanked the girls, wiping away a stray tear.

“Do you need a hug?” E-Fluttershy asked shyly.

Sunset merely nodded as the Mane 5 enveloped her in a hug, Sunset returned the hug as a few tears ran down the sides of her face.

Author's Note:

Despite the setback, Sunset is having fun with her fellow Equestrians. I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to your comments.