• Published 3rd May 2021
  • 5,412 Views, 266 Comments

Spirits of The Elements - Eternal Sunset

The Mane 5 try to help Sunset Shimmer convince the Rainbooms of her innocence

  • ...

Call To The Spirits

Rainbow Dash tossed and turned on her bed as she was taking her afternoon nap but over the past several days she had been having this weird dream. Instead of dreaming about the Wonderbolts or her marefriend Twilight, she dreamt of this strange creature that was crying, she felt something very wrong, almost like this strange creature was betrayed in the most horrible way possible and she had something to do with it. Rainbow's eyes snapped open as she bolted up, sweat pouring down her face.

"What was that?" Rainbow questioned as she swiped the sweat with her hoof, the nightmares about this strange creature kept getting worse, she looked out of her bedroom window and spotted Twilight's castle in the distance. A warm feeling filled her as she thought of her marefriend, causing her to smile.

She suddenly felt an odd sensation on her flank, just before catching something flashing in her peripheral vision. She turns her head to see that it was her cutie mark, she raises an eyebrow as she wonders what this could mean, she turns her attention back to Twilight's castle.

"Maybe Twilight might know."

With that decided, Rainbow Dash jumps off her bed and shakes off any remaining tiredness. She flies down towards her front door, putting on her hat, scarf, and winter boots before opening the door and flying towards Twilight's house.

Rarity is busy working on her Hearths Warming gifts for her friends and family, she hadn’t been sleeping well these last few days as she kept having this dream about a strange creature with red and yellow hair crying and being laughed at and mocked by other strange creatures like her. Rarity shivered at the memory, she felt bad for this creature and couldn’t shake the feeling that this was her fault but how can it be if she never met a creature like her.

She was broken out of her thoughts when her cutie mark started flashing.

"Oh my, I wonder what this could mean?"

Rarity observed her cutie mark closely before deciding that it would be best to talk to Twilight about this.

"And while I'm there, I might as well drop off her and Spikey-wikey's gifts."

Rarity levitated her winter clothes towards herself and placed them on before she levitated Twilight and Spike's gifts, she opened the door to the carousel boutique, flipped the open sign to close, and began trotting through the snow towards Twilight's castle.

Fluttershy is in her cottage, enjoying a cup of hot chocolate while being surrounded by her animal friends. she along with the other animals is wearing turtleneck sweaters that she hoofmade herself. Fluttershy sighs contently, she always enjoyed moments like these. It especially helped ease her mind from the horrible nightmare she had been having these last few days. She had been dreaming about this strange creature that was in tears as it pleaded with her but she refused to listen and yelled angrily at her before she turned and walked away, leaving the creature to collapse on the floor and cry in despair.

“Why would I hurt somepony like that?” Fluttershy asked no one, she felt so sad for the creature and horrified at herself for doing such a mean thing.

She felt a tugging from the hem of her sweater and looked down to see her pet bunny, Angel.

"What is it, Angel?"

Angel pointed toward her flank where her cutie mark is glowing.

"Oh my, I wonder what this could mean?" Fluttershy looks at her glowing cutie mark worriedly. "I better go see Twilight."

Fluttershy got up from her sofa and headed towards her front door, her bird friends flew towards her carrying her winter clothes in their beaks.

"Thank you." Fluttershy thanked them as she put on her winter clothes. "I'll be back soon, stay warm okay?"

The animals nodded and waved goodbye as Fluttershy left her cottage.

Pinkie Pie is in Applejack’s kitchen helping her make some delicious holiday treats, the two also discussed the odd dream they’ve been having and are surprised how eerily similar they are.

“And then I called this creature a secret stealer and made her cry!” Pinkie Pie explained her dream as she was on the verge of tears.

“It seemed so real, it felt like ah knew her and the way ah left her crying on the floor…” Applejack trailed off as she remembered the look of devastation on the creature’s face, how could she do such a cruel thing?

"Oooh, Applejack your cutie mark is glowing!" Pinkie Pie bounced excitedly as she pointed to Applejack's flank.

"Yers is too." Applejack motioned to Pinkie's glowing flank. "Ah wonder what it could mean?"

"I bet Twilight would know!" Pinkie Pie suggested.

"Yeah, ah reckon Twilight probably knows what's going on." Applejack agreed, her marefriend who she shared with Rainbow Dash might have the answers they need.

"Then what're we waiting for?! let’s go!" Pinkie said as she grabbed Applejack and bolted out of the Apple house. Applejack barely managed to tell her family that she was going to visit Twilight.

All five friends reached Twilight's castle and upon seeing each other’s cutie marks, they knew that something very important must be going on. They entered Twilight's castle and started calling for their friend, when they received no response they ventured further inside.

"Maybe she's in the library?" Rainbow Dash suggested. "That's the most likely place she'd be."

The girls head towards the library and true to Rainbow's word, Twilight Sparkle was teleporting around the room looking for something.

"Hey, Twi!" Rainbow Dash greeted, smiling cheekily.

Upon hearing her name, Twilight quickly turned her head and smiled upon seeing her friends. "Girls!"

Twilight teleported to them and they all engaged in a group hug, she gave Applejack and Rainbow Dash a quick kiss on the lips.

"What brings you all here?" Twilight asks as she backs up from them, she then notices their glowing flanks. "And what's with your cutie marks?!"

"We were hoping you could tell us, darling." Rarity spoke up.

"Hmmm I would love to find out, but I can't right now." Twilight looks towards a mirror that is connected by complicated devices. "I just received a message from Sunset and she needs my help."

"It's alright darling," Rarity assures her while flashing her a gentle smile.

"We completely understand," Fluttershy adds.

"We'll just wait till you get back." Rainbow shrugs.

"Say hi to the other me for me!" Pinkie says in her usual excited tone.

"Be careful sugarcube." Applejack tells her, a hint of worry in her tone.

"I will, and thank you. all of you." Twilight thanks them, smiling gratefully as she goes to collect the last of the things she needs and depositing them in her saddlebags.

They all gather by the mirror portal and as Twilight prepares to step through, a weak-sounding voice stops her.


The girls turn around and their eyes widen upon seeing a very ill-looking Spike.

"I don't feel so good," Spike utters weakly, his scales look dull, he has bags under his eyes and there are glowing light purple veins throughout his body. He starts coughing violently as electricity dances around his body before dispersing outward. knocking several books out of their shelves.

"Spike!" Twilight shouts in worry as she teleports in front of the young dragon just as he was about to collapse and incased him in her magic. She brought Spike closer to her and felt his forehead, he was burning up. "Oh, Spike."

The rest of the mane six came rushing towards them.

"Twilight, what's wrong with Spikey-wikey?" Rarity asks in a worried tone.

Twilight lights up her horn as she casts a diagnostic spell, the tip of her horn lit up as it scans Spike's body. her eyes widen and she goes pale upon realizing what's wrong with him.

"Magic flux."

"Oh no." Rarity mutters as her ears drop.

"What's the matter? what does Spike have?" Rainbow Dash asks as she looks between Rarity and Twilight.

"Magic flux..is an illness that young unicorns get. it disrupts their magic causing it to go out of control." Twilight begins to explain as she uses her magic to lift Spike onto her back and runs out of the library. "Their horn flares wildly with magic for several days, straining their mental and physical health."

Twilight arrives in her bedroom and jumps onto her bed, laying down on her stomach, she places Spike in between her front hooves and begins casting a spell.

"By the time the illness passes, the young unicorn is left exhausted and bedridden for several weeks." Rarity finishes. " I had it when I was younger and Sweetie Bell too, it is a very dreadful illness. But poor Spike seems to be having it far worse than either of us."

"But why did Spike get it, isn't he a dragon and not a unicorn." Rainbow questions.

"It's because of me," Twilight mutters sadly.

"What do yah mean sugarcube?" Applejack asks.

"My magic hatched Spike, my magic courses through his body. That's why he contracted the illness...that's why I can do this." Twilight's horn radiates a dome that covers her and Spike.

"What are you doing Twilight?" Rainbow asks.

"She's administering the only known effective treatment of magic flux." Rarity explains. "The only way to treat this is for the foals parent to siphon the magic into themselves to help stabilize them and at the same time pour their stable magic into the foal to heal their bodies and the familiarity of the magic helps keep the foal calm, therefore stabilizing their mind."

"Wait doesn't that make Twilight his mother then?" Rainbow Dash pointed out.

The room was silent as they thought over this revelation, but it was broken when Fluttershy spoke up.

"Look, it's working."

Indeed, Spike's facial expression looked calm as his heavy breathing began to lighten. Twilight sighed in relief as she lowered her head to gently nuzzle Spike. But now a bigger problem presented itself, with her treating Spike's illness, she won't be able to help Sunset.

Suddenly Twilight's friends’ cutie marks emerged from their flanks in astral form and flew outside Twilight's room.

"What're they doing now?" Rainbow Dash mutters as she glances between the door to Twilight's room and Twilight.

"It's okay girls, go ahead," Twilight says as she locks eyes with Rainbow Dash.

"We'll be right back as soon as we find out what's going on with our cutie marks." Rarity promise as she and the girls' race after their cutie marks.

Strangely enough, their cutie marks led them right back in the library and were circling the mirror portal.

"Why are they circling aroun' the mirror." Applejack questions.

"Maybe something is happening on the other side that requires us to help solve it." Rarity states.

"I think it may have something to do with Twilight's friend," Fluttershy adds.

"How do yah figure shy?" Applejack ass as she looks at her friend.

"Because our cutie marks are also circling the journal." Fluttershy points out.

The girls look back to the portal and sure enough, their cutie are circling the mirror and Sunset's journal.

"We better tell Twilight."

The girls race back to Twilight's bedroom and tell her what they had found.

"Hmm, you may be right. your cutie marks did lead you to the portal and I think I may know what you're meant to do," Twilight says as her eyes widen in realization.

"What?" all the girls ask in unison.

Twilight tells them about what's been happening on the other side, the girls are shocked to learn what their counterparts did to Sunset.

"H-how could they do such a thing?!" Rarity was aghast.

"Poor Sunset!" Pinkie Pie blows her nose on a tissue.

Applejack and Rainbow Dash were speechless, not just because of what they heard but because it sounded very similar to what they did to Twilight.

"We have to help her," Fluttershy speaks up, her eyes flare with determination.

"And we will." Rainbow grits her teeth.

"Twi, yah gotta let us go in yer place." Applejack pleaded with her marefriend.

Twilight watches all her friends look at her expectantly, she smiles before responding. "Sure, I'll message Sunset and tell her that you'll be going instead of me."

The girls cheered as they quickly made their way towards the library that housed the portal, several minutes later, Twilight managed to make a makeshift bed in the library to be closer to the portal. She had messaged Sunset about the change in plans and although she sounded a little nervous through her writing, Twilight assured her that it would be fine and that they wanted to help her. Not to mention that who better to convince her Canterlot High friends of her innocence than themselves. she also sent a letter to her parents, informing them of Spike's condition and that she might need their help. Their reply was quick and they were already on their way to Ponyville.

Twilight looks over her friends who are standing in front of the portal, checking their saddles bags to make sure they have everything they might need on their trip.

"You girls ready?"

They all gave her a firm nod in response.

"Then good luck."

"Try not to miss me too much babe." Rainbow Dash says as she winks at Twilight, before stepping through the portal.

"See yah soon Twilight, well be sure to keep in touch using the journals." Applejack bid her marefriend goodbye as she too enters through the portal.

"Take care of Spike Twilight, and try not to overdo it with the spell." Rarity speaks next, casting a worried look at the sleeping dragon resting on her friend's hooves before turning around and entering the portal herself.

"Bye Twilight" Fluttershy bids her goodbye and enters the portal.

"We'll bring you back a souvenir." Pinkie assures her as she hops into the mirror.

"Good luck girls." Twilight whispers, as she lays her head next to Spike. She can feel the unstable magic from Spike as she drains it into her body before it becomes stable. She prays to Celestia that everything would turn out okay.

Author's Note:

This is my new story, I hope you like the first chapter and I will be posting 1 chapter every week until it's done. I look forward to your comments.