• Published 26th Apr 2021
  • 741 Views, 15 Comments

The Lost Gem in High School - Sacred Sky Heart

When going as an Crystal Gem OC I thought up to a comic-con, I meet the merchant and end up somewhere in Rainbow Rocks. Welp, at least I wasn't shattered instantly.

  • ...

The Calm Before the Storm. Arrival of Allies.

Author's Note:

Apparently Sky caused a disturbance in the Dazzlings brainwashing. How will this go down? Also, what will the CMC and Sky go by in the Battle of the Bands? Let's find out here. The calm has begun to recede, and the fury of the storm is coming.

(I will admit I may stray from the original storyline of Rainbow Rocks. I'll try to stick to it as best I can, but this is a fanfic after all. Anything can change. Hope you're enjoying!)

I look around, seeing that everyone wasn't arguing. It was like everyone was washed of whatever had influenced them. I knew that three individuals wouldn't allow this to last though, as a slight hum of music from inside the school followed by a green mist ends that moment of peace. I get between the mist and the CMC, wishing to keep that mist away.

"You will be ours, now give yourself to us."

The words echoed through the mist, but my gem shines a brilliant blue and a sphere surrounds me and the young trio. Almost like sunlight to a vampire, the mist reacted to the shield like it burned, followed by the sound of what would be compared to a horrendous monster's scream. I look back, and I notice the three young girls stiffen and cringe at it.

"You three heard that?" I ask in surprise, only to get a nod. I am surprised as in the movie, they easily were influenced by the Dazzlings without effort.

As this processes, I notice the mist not do the same around the HuMane 7, but it seemed to seep only into some of them. Sunset and Twilight being unaffected from what I could see. How can I see this mist when everyone else couldn't?

While this did bother me, I couldn't help but feel pleased. That is until Twilight ran up to me suddenly with one hundred questions in a minute.

"Sky! How did you fly with water as wings!? How did the girls even fly!? What was that aura you let off as you flew!? Did you even know you could do that!? Can you tell me what you felt as you washed out the magic the sirens-"

"While I am certain your curious, I have to say I have no idea myself how I did all that." I cut her off. I notice this seemed to make her sigh as she was clearly struggling for a counter spell to the Sirens magic still.

"For now, though..." I look to the three young girls, all staring at me as I kneel before then. "What will our band name be?"

My question was enough to make then squeal in delight, stars practically becoming their eyes as they hugged me instantly. I couldn't help but laugh as they knocked me off balance.

"Hahaha! Okay! Okay! I'm happy to be in the band. But I do want to bounce ideas for a band name."

Scootaloo smirked and replies with an idea.

"The Scooters." She replied.

"How about the Twinkling Belles?" Suggested Sweetie.

"Nah, why not the Groundshakers?" Voices Applebloom.

I think over the names, but shake my head no.

"We need something that defines us as a team. Not as one person. Why not..... Universe Crusaders?" I suggest. While I took some inspiration from Equestria's trio, I wanted to mix in a bit of my own self to it. The three seemed to ponder, but then smile and nod.

"Sounds reasonable." Says Sweetie.

"And crusading sounds like we go on adventures." Remarks Applebloom.

"And the idea of going through the universe sounds awesome!" Shouts Scootaloo.

I couldn't help but chuckle and ruffle all their heads.

"Then it's decided." I extend my hand to them, and the three out theirs on top. "Universe Crusaders! We will crusade through the vastness of space of music!"

"YAY!" We all shout as I finish.

As the four of us cheered, I noticed my gem glow a little. Out of confusion, I gesture to the three new friends of mine to follow. They seemed confused as well from the gesture, but at least they seemed to trust me. I wave over to the HuMane 7 also.

After a small walk to a deserted classroom and everyone was inside, Scootaloo was to confused.

"Uh, why did we go to the classroom if we're hanging out?"

I couldn't help but chuckle. Before I could answer her though, my gem shines and blinds us all.

"What the!?" Yells Rainbow Dash.

"Ooooo! Light show!" Laughs Pinkie Pie.

"Where'd that light come from!?" Screams Applebloom.

Practically everyone screamed, but soon the blinding light dimmer down. When we could see again, everyone was shocked. However, I was speechless as to who now stood before us.


Thirty minutes earlier

Deep in a space of dark blue, five stones floated in a translucent bubble of pink. However, a voice echoes from the space, speaking to the gems.

"Be reformed, Crystal Gems. You're time to defend the world from a new threat is at hand."

As the voice suddenly fades, the sphere the gems floated in pops and a faint glow is seen in each gem. Though two got closer to one another, it was clear that they would be helping the world once more.


I feel my gem pulse, a feeling like something was jumping out erupting four times. Before I could try and understand what was going on, the light dims. Everyone seemed blinded, but I could make out four very distinct kneeling figures I recognized. The first to stand was a box haired tall woman, her glasses hiding more than just wisdom and battle experience. The next to stand was a slender and petite figure that you'd see on a ballerina, her complexion clearly paler than snow. Next was a very short stacked woman who seemed to be more goth than anything, yet carried an aura of loyalty and ego that could rival Rainbow Dash. And last was a tall woman with massive cloud-like hair, her pale pink complexion and rose pink hair not what I was expecting. As I took in their appearance, I mutter the title of their group which catches the ears of only two.

"The Crystal Gems?"

Comments ( 5 )

This is pretty cool but what is with the bots in the comment with those sussy links.

No idea. I am ignoring them, but I have no idea why I'm getting bot comments.


In the future, please report these. I can delete their accounts so there's no trace of them at all.

Thanks. Honestly didn't know who to go to, but thank you for letting me know.

Pretty interesting

Where's Spike though? Twilight brought him with her in the movie and yet he's absent

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