> The Lost Gem in High School > by Sacred Sky Heart > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Name is Sky. Sky Lazuli > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A groan is heard as I find my eyes being hit by a bright light and the loud sound of traffic. "Nnnnngh. Did anyone catch the license of that monster truck that apparently knocked me out?" I mumble out, but found that my voice sounded...younger? Almost like it was back when I was 13? That can't be right. I must have a concussion that's affecting my hearing. That's it. "HIYA!" Yells a hyper high pitched voice that makes me shoot my eyes open and shout in surprise. I look to my side and see....a pink skinned girl with darker pink cotton candy-styled hair? I did one thing I never thought I'd do at all right then and there. I screamed until I passed out once again. ************************ One hour earlier... "I hope this does good. I put a lot of effort into making this costume for you, my friend." One of my friends who has a hobby in cosplay had just finished fitting my costume onto me. While I am a massive fan of the Steven Universe series, I felt that there was a lack in male characters having a spotlight moment besides the main character, Steven Universe (of course). I look over my costume, noting the teardrop shaped blue gem of a Lapis Lazuli on my left shoulder and that the clothes were styled from the Gem Homeworld look. I shake my head and chuckle at my friend. "You worry too much Al. Even if I don't grab eyes, I am happy with this costume. It's totally awesome!" Al just smiles and chuckles as I praise his work once again. "Well, it's for a friend and I was happy to help. Wow... I'm starting to sound like that one chick my little sister likes on her favorite cartoon." He laughs at this, shrugging off his surprise at this. "You mean the one with the multicolored horses that seem more girl product than for guys, even through there are men who enjoy it?" I ask. I won't admit it but I do enjoy that show My Little Pony as well. I heard that there was going to be a movie sometime where there are human versions, but so far I hadn't heard anything new on it. My friends don't know this, as I prefer to keep it to myself. "Yeah. Sheesh, I feel I could almost lose my lunch if I watched too much." "Heheh... Yeah, me too....." I soon change the subject. "I best get going then. See you later, Al." As I was about to leave, I see something tossed to me. I grab it suddenly, and see it's a similar katana to that of what was used by Rose Quartz (aka Pink Diamond at the end of the series before Future began). I smile as Al gives a mock diamond salute, and I can't help but chuckle as I leave for my car. In half an hour, I arrive at the convention and see it's stocked full of cosplayers. Many of the costumes came from old animes like Rurori Kenshin or even shows like the Gen 1 Transformers series. I clearly could see the detail was down to the deepest levels on many, and I gulped at this. "Well, doesn't look like I'll be making the top 10..." I sigh in defeat, but soon notice one stand that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. I passed the area earlier and nothing was there, but now there is? I could tell red flags were flying up in my head saying don't go towards it, but being the curious individual I am I ignored them. "Hello young gem! How may I assist you in your conquest?" Said an old yet humoring voice. I look to see a man in a cloak similar to the Rare Hunters from YU-GI-OH, except it seemed to have some age to it. I play along as my character and chuckle. "Sorry, but my interest isn't for conquest of any planets in the universe. I'm human. Well... Half human and half gem. The name is Sky Lazuli." I extend to shake hands, and the merchant smiles and accepted it. "Ah! A pleasure to meet a hybrid child. As for your unique costume, I'll let you pick one of my wares I have to have no charge." I instantly could tell something was fishy, but then I noticed a sphere nearby. I pick it up and see what appears to be a rock inside. But on closer inspection I see it's not any ordinary rock. It was a replica of a Ruby, Sapphire, Pearl, and Amethyst gem. Ironically, there was also a Pink Diamond in there somehow. But how they seemed to float made me confused. As I picked it up, I thought I saw a shimmer inside each gem, reflecting emotions of each individual. The pink diamond gem however didn't seem to give a reflection of the original host, but that of a young boy with star struck eyes. I chuckle as I recall how Steven in the show always became shocked and excited from new things. I felt a need to get this item. "I'll take this, my good sir!" I exclaim, and suddenly I regret it as a light blinds me. "Take care now, son of a Lapis Lazuli and a human. May you find the other Crystal Gems to assist you in the future." ************ Back to the present I open my eyes slowly, taking in the sight of the room I was in. Apparently I was on the floor, but what caught my attention the most was the fact I was in apparently a music room and surrounded by seven individuals I didn't expect to see. There was also the girl who surprised me, and I soon realize where in the universe I was. In response, I couldn't think of anything to say but introductions. "Um, hi? The name's Sky Lazuli?" I say as all 14 eyes kept their gaze on me. > When The Song Rises to the Challenge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As all seven pairs of eyes stared, I could only feel a bead of sweat run down my cheek. However, the first one to break the silence was of course who I knew would ask que. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Sky. I'm Twilight Sparkle. I am curious as to why you were apparently in front of the statue earlier?" Before I could reply, a certain rainbow style haired tomboy crosses her arms and glares. "And don't try to give fibs. You somehow fell out of the mirror at the statue right after Twilight got here! So either you snuck through or your an alien here to cause trouble!" I go wide eyed, but a southern drawl speaks out. "Now Rainbow, ya know that makin' accusations won't get us 'nywhere." Spoke a girl wearing a tetson hat. While I didn't speak, I knew these two were Rainbow Dash and Applejack. However I didn't want to make it clear I already knew who they were. "I-I am just as confused about how I'm here, and I don't recall falling through a mirror or whatever." Applejack stared at me, but then smiled and nodded. "He's tellin' the truth." She said simply. I smile, at least knowing I proved myself. However, Rarity in her fashion designer aura came close and eyed my clothes until she comes across a certain area of my arm. "I'm sorry Darling, but why is there a Lapis Lazuli gem on your arm? While I approve creativity, it seems illy placed." Before I could explain, Sunset steps forward. "I was curious about that as well. As well as why it seemed to glow briefly when you passes out." All eyes were on me and I decided to explain. Going into detail of what the gems were, I followed up to how "my mother" was a Lapis Lazuli who defected from the ways of the Gems Authority and joined the Crystal Gems to defend Earth. I then went into detail as to how she met "my dad", a human guitarist who enjoyed playing music for entertaining more than money. As I then explained that he passed from cancer and that Lapis had given up her form so I could exist, I see almost everyone in the room were saddened. Rainbow was looking away to not show she was affected as well, but I smile and shake my head to the girls. "As long as I at least know they did their best for the world, I will carry their feelings onward." I exclaim. However, I see in the corner of the music room a dusty instrument case. I walk over and pick it up, opening it to see a navy blue guitar inside. As I took out the guitar, I sit down and adjust the strings to where it makes a melodious sound as I rung my fingers along them. I then take a breath and begin to sing. "If I could begin to be Half of what you think of me I could do about anything I could even learn how to love" The girls were not expecting this, but they listened intently as if a spell held them in place. "When I see the way you act Wondering when I'm coming back I could do about anything I could even learn how to love like you" I had my eyes closed, but could almost feel like an aura of peace surrounded me with each line I sung. "I always thought I might be bad Now I'm sure that it's true 'Cause I think you're so good And I'm nothing like you Look at you go I just adore you I wish that I knew What makes you think I'm so special If I could begin to do Something that does right by you I would do about anything I would even learn how to love When I see the way you look Shaken by how long it took I could do about anything I could even learn how to love like you Love like you Love me like you" I breathe out, opening my eyes and seeing all seven girls smiling and even teary eyed. Rainbow rubbed her eyes as she tried to hide her smile, wanting to not seem uncool apparently. I chuckle and smile at all the girls. "I think I want to join this contest you all are doing." I say, chuckling as I notice the Battle of the Bands poster on the door. The girls seemed hesitant, but didn't say no. However, Sunset asked something I had a feeling would come up. "If you join, who will you have for band members?" ****************** "This isn't what we should sing!" Shouted a squeaky yet young voice. Rarity sighed as the owner of the voice stared down a girl with a pink bow in her hair and a messy hair cut tomboy next to her. "Why not? It isn't like yer doing any better at pickin' a song!" Said the bow wearing girl. "I for once agree with Applebloom, Sweetie. Even if her choices aren't awesome, I agree on that." Both girls stared at the tomboy and yelled. "CAN IT SCOOTALOO!" I sigh and suddenly jump down from the steep hill over them, my decent slowed as I create water wings to help me. As I land behind Scootaloo, Sweetie and Applebloom stare in surprise. "What?" Asked Scootaloo, turning to find me standing there with arms crossed. "Sounds like you three are entering the contest?" I ask, getting awkward nods from two while Scootaloo seemed arrogant. "Of course! We are going to win, also!" However, I laugh at this and this makes her angry. I soon calm myself to chuckles and smile. "If you can't be organized in even choosing a song, how can you get past round one?" They couldn't reply, only stare as I go reach around and pull out the guitar I played on earlier. I strummed on the strings once more, my gem slightly glowing as I focus on the song. "No one Is holding you back now No one Can push you around" As I sing, I begin to hover, which causes the HuMane 7 and the CMC to stare. However, an aura surrounds the young trio as I continue to sing. "What do you wanna do? You're the master of you And isn't the thought enough to lift you off of the ground" As the music continues, realization hits the trio and they seem to lurch. But then they look to each other, smiling. My water wings expand and I fly up a little more, and the girls giggle as I do a flip. "Nothing Is holding us back now No one Can push us around" The trio seemed in sync, and I couldn't help but give a thumbs up. "What do we wanna be? We're the master of us And isn't the thought enough to lift off of the ground" At this, I strum more and all four of us begin to fly around. "We could be independent together Independent together, we can fly" As we flew up, Rarity and Applejack watch in shock, but Rainbow Dash had a look of amazement. I flew higher with the CMC, noticing we were drawing some attention. "Independent together Independent together Independent together, you and I" As we fly by several students, they seemed to break out of a trance filled with anger and smiled as we went by. I knew now the song was somehow breaking whatever was making them hate each other, and I smiled and waved. However, I soon fly straight up, followed by Sweetie Belle, Applebloom, and Scootaloo who all let out squeals of joy. But soon we halt our ascent as I reach around ten feet over the school. "High above an endless sea No one brought us here but me Every step and every choice" The trio that flew with me, doing elegant flips and dances in the air. I soon lean back, preparing to descend at speeds unexpected. "It's my fault, it's my thought It's my words, it's my voice" As we descended, everyone below watched in awe and shock. The CMC somehow felt what I was planning and smiled, eager to do this. Once we reached the front of the statue, I land hard enough for a shockwaves aura to launch from me, while the trio flew up and circled the horse statue. "Independent together Independent together if we try Independent together Independent together Independent together, you and I" The girls continue to sing, all clinging to each other's hands as they spun in air. "Independent together Independent together, we can fly" I slowly flap my water wings and hover with the trio, smiling as Sweetie and Applebloom get around Scootaloo and toss her up into the air. "Independent together Independent together Independent together, you and I" I smile as this all happened, but then felt a stare that seemed to pierce my very being. Looking for the source, I soon sight the eyes of a certain yellow skinned siren. If looks could kill, I felt I would shatter under the stare. Slowly I and the CMC descend, my wings disappearing as I made contact with the ground and the trio smile and hug. "Independent together, you and I" > The Calm Before the Storm. Arrival of Allies. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I look around, seeing that everyone wasn't arguing. It was like everyone was washed of whatever had influenced them. I knew that three individuals wouldn't allow this to last though, as a slight hum of music from inside the school followed by a green mist ends that moment of peace. I get between the mist and the CMC, wishing to keep that mist away. "You will be ours, now give yourself to us." The words echoed through the mist, but my gem shines a brilliant blue and a sphere surrounds me and the young trio. Almost like sunlight to a vampire, the mist reacted to the shield like it burned, followed by the sound of what would be compared to a horrendous monster's scream. I look back, and I notice the three young girls stiffen and cringe at it. "You three heard that?" I ask in surprise, only to get a nod. I am surprised as in the movie, they easily were influenced by the Dazzlings without effort. As this processes, I notice the mist not do the same around the HuMane 7, but it seemed to seep only into some of them. Sunset and Twilight being unaffected from what I could see. How can I see this mist when everyone else couldn't? While this did bother me, I couldn't help but feel pleased. That is until Twilight ran up to me suddenly with one hundred questions in a minute. "Sky! How did you fly with water as wings!? How did the girls even fly!? What was that aura you let off as you flew!? Did you even know you could do that!? Can you tell me what you felt as you washed out the magic the sirens-" "While I am certain your curious, I have to say I have no idea myself how I did all that." I cut her off. I notice this seemed to make her sigh as she was clearly struggling for a counter spell to the Sirens magic still. "For now, though..." I look to the three young girls, all staring at me as I kneel before then. "What will our band name be?" My question was enough to make then squeal in delight, stars practically becoming their eyes as they hugged me instantly. I couldn't help but laugh as they knocked me off balance. "Hahaha! Okay! Okay! I'm happy to be in the band. But I do want to bounce ideas for a band name." Scootaloo smirked and replies with an idea. "The Scooters." She replied. "How about the Twinkling Belles?" Suggested Sweetie. "Nah, why not the Groundshakers?" Voices Applebloom. I think over the names, but shake my head no. "We need something that defines us as a team. Not as one person. Why not..... Universe Crusaders?" I suggest. While I took some inspiration from Equestria's trio, I wanted to mix in a bit of my own self to it. The three seemed to ponder, but then smile and nod. "Sounds reasonable." Says Sweetie. "And crusading sounds like we go on adventures." Remarks Applebloom. "And the idea of going through the universe sounds awesome!" Shouts Scootaloo. I couldn't help but chuckle and ruffle all their heads. "Then it's decided." I extend my hand to them, and the three out theirs on top. "Universe Crusaders! We will crusade through the vastness of space of music!" "YAY!" We all shout as I finish. As the four of us cheered, I noticed my gem glow a little. Out of confusion, I gesture to the three new friends of mine to follow. They seemed confused as well from the gesture, but at least they seemed to trust me. I wave over to the HuMane 7 also. After a small walk to a deserted classroom and everyone was inside, Scootaloo was to confused. "Uh, why did we go to the classroom if we're hanging out?" I couldn't help but chuckle. Before I could answer her though, my gem shines and blinds us all. "What the!?" Yells Rainbow Dash. "Ooooo! Light show!" Laughs Pinkie Pie. "Where'd that light come from!?" Screams Applebloom. Practically everyone screamed, but soon the blinding light dimmer down. When we could see again, everyone was shocked. However, I was speechless as to who now stood before us. ************ Thirty minutes earlier Deep in a space of dark blue, five stones floated in a translucent bubble of pink. However, a voice echoes from the space, speaking to the gems. "Be reformed, Crystal Gems. You're time to defend the world from a new threat is at hand." As the voice suddenly fades, the sphere the gems floated in pops and a faint glow is seen in each gem. Though two got closer to one another, it was clear that they would be helping the world once more. ***************** I feel my gem pulse, a feeling like something was jumping out erupting four times. Before I could try and understand what was going on, the light dims. Everyone seemed blinded, but I could make out four very distinct kneeling figures I recognized. The first to stand was a box haired tall woman, her glasses hiding more than just wisdom and battle experience. The next to stand was a slender and petite figure that you'd see on a ballerina, her complexion clearly paler than snow. Next was a very short stacked woman who seemed to be more goth than anything, yet carried an aura of loyalty and ego that could rival Rainbow Dash. And last was a tall woman with massive cloud-like hair, her pale pink complexion and rose pink hair not what I was expecting. As I took in their appearance, I mutter the title of their group which catches the ears of only two. "The Crystal Gems?"