• Published 8th Mar 2021
  • 6,062 Views, 154 Comments

I'm What?! - DanishDash

It was going to be a normal awesome day for our dear Rainbow Dash. Though except she gets some news that turns her entire world upside down. She's pregnant.. And if we look at how-wait what?? O_O

  • ...

Chapter 7

Okay, this was it, there was no turning back now..

Rainbow stood in the street, looking at Doodle's house in Ponyville. She had decided to tell him about their foal, which was a fair decision, but she had never been so nervous before in her life. Her friends had her back though, which did help a lot. On the other hoof, they also made sure she was going through with this. She knew full well if she tried to run now, that Twilight's magic would be on her even faster than she could get off the ground.

"You can do this." Twilight encouraged.

Applejack nodded. "We'll be right behind ya."

Rainbow just nodded, taking a deep breath as she took her first steps towards the front door. The house itself was nothing special, looked like every other house in Ponyville. Funny enough, Rainbow had actually not been here so often. Mostly it was Doodle who came to her. In fact, most of the time they did what she wanted to do.

Doodle was not a very sporty Pegasus, while he enjoyed flying, he preferred to relax with a book, or play one of his games. He had never been very competitive. Doodle had however never complained when she wanted to race, and while he certainly wasn't as fast as her, he had improved a lot over the years, she even bet he could give an average Pegasus a hard time now.

But all of that hard work she had put him through, it had all been because of her, it had never been something he had wanted to do. As she stopped in front of the door she wondered, was she just dropping him into more work?

The mere thought made her sick to her stomach. She knew Doodle well enough to know he wouldn't see it like that, she knew he would do as Applejack wanted and do what he thought was the right thing to do, marry her. But Rainbow meant what she said, if he was going to ask her, it should be because he wanted to, not because he felt obligated.

That night three months ago, she was the one who initiated everything. Doodle never made a move, she kissed him, and only then did he kiss back. She was the one leading him, not the other way around. But was it because he couldn't say no? Did he even want to be with her?

Suddenly the door flung open with a huge smack, making Rainbow and her friends jump in surprise. In the door stood a figure, dressed in a black cape, a black mask, and a black hat. "Ahah! Fear not noble friends! It is I, Night Wonder, the dashing rogue with a heart of gold! I am here to defend the helpless and stand up to, oh!" He stopped, seeing the group staring at him with wide eyes. "Hey, Rainbow Da-Arg-Ow!" He exclaimed as Rainbow gave a light flick over his snout with her hoof. "What was that for?"

"For scaring my friends, you idiot!" She replied, not factoring in herself. "What was up with that intro anyway?"

Doodle chuckled embarrassed. "Well I was expecting somepony else actually, I thought they had come early." Then he looked past Rainbow, and his smile grew. "Oh hey! You're the elements of harmony!" Then he looked at each of them. "Twilight Sparkle, element of magic. Fluttershy, element of kindness. Rarity, element of generosity. Applejack, element of honesty, oh! And of course Pinkie Pie, element of laughter! Nice to meet you all, I'm Doodle!"

All of them stared at him, not that there was anything wrong with him, he was just very friendly and positive from the get go. Pinkie loved it of course, giggling. "Its nice to meet you, Doodle!"

He chuckled. "So, what brings you girls to my door?"


Doodle tilted his head, looking from Rainbow, to each of her friends, then back at Rainbow. None of them looked very comfortable, and Rainbow didn't even look him in the eyes. Had he done something wrong? Or was there something wrong with Rainbow? Well, whatever it was, he wasn't going to find out by standing around outside, so he moved to the side to let them pass.

"Why don't you come in and make yourself at home?"

The girls nodded. "Thank you, that's mighty kind of you." Applejack thanked, giving Rainbow a little nudge so she would start moving.

Once all inside, Doodle closed the door, taking off his costume in the process. The house was very neat looking, not overly so, but it was clear that Doodle liked to keep things orderly. Like Rainbow Dash he had posters on the walls, but they were framed, and aligned more neatly. Rainbow Dash had a more chaotic way of decorating, this place felt much less chaotic.

In the middle of the living room was a large table. Spread across it was a large map, with tiny figures, models, and cards. Twilight recognized it instantly. "Ogres & Oubliettes?"

Doodle nodded. "It's game night tonight, I'm having guests over later to play."

"Wait, are you the friend Spike visits for game nights?" Twilight asked, a little shocked.

Doodle just looked unsure how to react. "Uhm, yes? I thought you knew that, he, Big Mac, and Time Turner all come over to play once a week."


Doodle smiled. "Oh, the snacks are done! You girls make yourself comfortable, I'll be right back!" Doodle left for the kitchen, leaving Rainbow and her friends alone in the living room.

Rainbow let out a sigh, almost relieved that he was gone. "Are you okay?" Asked Fluttershy in a low tone.

"I don't know, it all seems so much harder now that I'm here." Rainbow admitted, walking to the couch and sat down along with her friends, who either sat down on a chair, on the couch, or remained standing.

"I think you're being very brave," said Applejack. "Good on you, sugarcube."

Rainbow smiled. "Thanks, Aj."

"Yes, we quite understand the difficulty. It mustn't be easy for you to do this, I can't even imagine how I would feel." Added Rarity, looking concerned, yet supportive of Rainbow.

"Well, it isn't fun, I can tell you that." Said Rainbow, taking a few deep breaths, leaning back on the couch and stroked her stomach with her wing. "But I'm not going to run away from this.. Doodle deserves to know, and so does this little featherhead."

Twilight smiled, sitting down on the floor. "I must say, Rainbow, you've really seemed to have settled into the idea of you being pregnant very nicely."


A sound of broken cups and pots caught their attention, and everypony looked in the direction of the kitchen. There at the entrance stood a shocked Doodle, his eyes wide, his mouth slightly open. He didn't speak, nor did he make any sound whatsoever, he only looked at Rainbow Dash. Around his hooves were broken cups, a tray that had been on his back, and spilled tea.

Nobody moved an inch, nobody uttered a single word. Rainbow Dash only stared back at him, her eyes wide like his own. The two of them just stared at one another for several unspoken seconds, until suddenly, without as much as speaking, he took careful steps towards her.

With each step he took towards her, Rainbow seemed to shrink down little by little. Her cheeks were rosy, her eyes flickered about as she couldn't look at him suddenly. It felt like her heart was going a million miles per hour, and instinctively she covered herself slightly with her wings.

Nopony spoke or moved as Doodle came to a stop right before her. His expression had hardly changed as he was still not sure what he had just heard. Swallowing nervously, he gathered his courage and asked. "Rainbow, is it true? Are you pregnant?"

At first she didn't reply, but a few seconds later, her feathers parted just enough for her to peak through her wings and look at him. His face, she noted, was not angry, not sad, not even nervous. She couldn't tell if he was hopeful, or concerned, he wasn't smiling, he just kept looking at her, looking for the truth.

Slowly she let her wings move down and settle themselves to her sides once more, her hooves moving to her stomach as she nodded. "Yes.."

Doodle swallowed again, seeming to hesitate for just a moment, and then he asked. "Is it ours..?" The meaning of that question went beyond if he was the father or not.

She closed her eyes, shutting them tightly as she nodded. "Mhm!"


Rainbow couldn't see what he was doing, neither did she have the courage to open her eyes to see. She was afraid, something she hated to admit, even to herself. Afraid of seeing him walk out the door, afraid of not seeing him be there for her, and their foal. She heard and sensed him moving, but still she didn't dare open her eyes. Then she heard her friends let out small gasps, and her heart felt like exploding.

She did was she was afraid to do, and slowly opened her eyes. There in front of her, on his flank, sat Doodle, his head bowed in front of her, his hoof reaching for hers. Her eyes watered as she knew what this was, and it wasn't good.

"Rainbow Dash, would you do me the honor.."

"No.. Please, no.."

"And marry me?"

He looked up into her eyes, she was crying, shaking. Tears streamed from her eyes and created glistening waterfalls, she knew he would do this, but why would he?? The idiot, always playing the hero. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes, unable to look at him.


None of her friends moved, neither did Doodle, he didn't let go of her hoof, but he was surprised, even hurt. "I.." What could he say? He didn't want to force her, and she shouldn't be with some pony she didn't love. "I'm sorry, I thought.."

"You thought you could save me..?" Rainbow asked, opening her eyes, removing her hoof from his to wipe the worst of her tears away. Doodle was confused, but he didn't know how to get to the core of this. "You're sweet, Doodle, but, you should not marry me."

"Why?" He asked, even more confused.

"Because you don't love me! You should not marry me because of our foal.." More tears appeared, and she looked away, feeling ashamed. "You always go along with whatever I do. You're always there to cheer me up, to do stuff you're even afraid of doing, just to please me.." She let out a long sigh. "You shouldn't have to do this because you felt sorry for me."

Doodle wanted to take a double take on that one, but instead he just gave her a determined look, moving his hoof to her cheek. She wanted to pull away, but Doodle did not stop. "Rainbow.." He said, gently moving her head to look at him. "I didn't come to you because I felt sorry for you, and I don't want to marry you now because I feel like I have to."

Looking into his eyes, those big, hopeful and sincere eyes of his, she knew he was telling the truth. Even so, she couldn't help but utter a small. "Really..?"

Reaching up, he removed some of her mane from her face. "Of course, you silly mare..." He blushed, looking to the side. "Truth is, I've had a crush on you ever since we met in Cloudsdale.. You've always been so dedicated, and you've always been so loyal.."

"And cool.." Rainbow mumbled with a little smile.

"And awesome." Doodle winked. "Rainbow, whatever happens next, I will be there for you." His hoof gently touched her stomach. "And our foal.. I just hope it won't just be as your friend, or as a father, but as your husband.."

Rainbow stared at him, her lower lip quivering, her tears streaming once again. Even so, she couldn't help but smile, this stupid idiot, featherbrain, this massive dork, he actually wanted to get married? She only looked at him, her adorkable hero, the hero who had smashed through her cloud fence many years ago. Could she really see herself as his wife? Making a family with him?


Doodle looked up at her. "What?"

"Yes.." Rainbow repeated, her smile growing as she nodded. "Yes, I'll marry you.. Dork.." Doodle started feeling tears in his eyes.

Meanwhile, forgotten by both of them, her friends were all holding back tears as well. It wasn't until Twilight nudged her friends that they started to trot out of the house. "Let's go girls, I think they have things covered.." Twilight said, removing a happy tear from her eye.

Doodle chuckled, placing a small loving kiss on Rainbow's lips. "I love you, Rainbow Danger Dash.."

Rainbow let out a laugh, still crying, but she was happy. "You're so cheesy, you know that?"

Doodle just laughed, getting up and planting himself next to his soon to be wife. "I've been told that, but you like it."

Looking up at him, she smiled. "Yes, yes I do.." And as a sign of such, she moved in closer, and kissed him. "I love you.."

Author's Note:

Night Wonder is from the second story I posted on this site.