• Published 8th Mar 2021
  • 6,039 Views, 154 Comments

I'm What?! - DanishDash

It was going to be a normal awesome day for our dear Rainbow Dash. Though except she gets some news that turns her entire world upside down. She's pregnant.. And if we look at how-wait what?? O_O

  • ...

Chapter 5

I met Doodle when I was just a filly, and I-

Oh, so we are starting that far back?

Yes? Where did you think I would start?

Well, I thought you would start from when you and he started to... You know what? Never mind, darling, please continue.

As I was saying, I met Doodle when I was just a filly. Believe it or not, I haven't always been the winning cool fast mare you know today! No, there was a time when I barely got to third or second place. On the day that I met Doodle, I had just lost my second race in a month, I was pretty down about it, despite my parents encouragements.

After we returned home, my mom wanted to cheer me up, so she went to the kitchen to make me my favorite sandwich, a pasta and potato salad sandwich on sourdough. My dad had to go to work, so I didn't really have anything else to do, but to go out in our back garden.

Now, I'm not a sore loser.


But I was maybe, kinda, having a hard time..

"..It's not fair.. Sniff.. I worked so hard... Sniff.. But I still came in third.."

"A fair maiden is crying, fear not my lady, I, sir Doodle, will come to your aid!"

A voice suddenly called out from behind the cloud fence, separating my back garden to the neighbor's. Before I could even think about who had just called out to me, some crazy pony tried to run through the fence, but got stuck, so only a head poked through.

It was a colt in three different shades of blue. His coat was, hmm, dark azure, with a blue mane and light blue eyes. His mane was all spikey, and it stuck out from under his tinfoil homemade helmet. He looked confused at first, but that made two of us, and after a few tries, he realized he was stuck.

"Oops, not again..." He said pretty casually, like this was a common thing. Then his eyes met mine, and he grinned. "Fear not my lady, I might have gotten captured, but I shall soon be free to help thee!"


"Uhm, I'm Doodle, what's your name?" He asked that so casually, like he wasn't even stuck in the cloud fence.

"Rainbow Dash.."

"That's a pretty cute name!"

He didn't know any better, so I gave him some sla-

"I'm not cute! I'm super cool, and awesome!"

He tilted his head, his smile reducing in size, but only into a small confused one. "Then why are you crying?"

"I didn't cry!" I insisted, though it was pretty clear he didn't buy it.

"Are you sure?" Asked Doodle. "It's okay if you were, I won't tell."

"I wasn't!" I almost yelled. A few more tears came down my cheeks, and he started to look concerned, which annoyed me. "It's just, at the race in the park, I came in third."

His eyes widened, sparkling even. "Wow, you were in the race and came in third? That's so cool!"

I stomped my hoof into the cloud beneath me. "No it's not, I came in third!"

"That's not so bad. I usually fall behind so much that many ponies have already gone home when I cross the finish line!"

I snorted, about to call him on his bluff, but the way he smiled at me told me he was being dead serious, and yet it didn't seem to bother him. "Nopony is that slow, and if you were, why would you even finish?"

Doodle just shrugged, or so I imagined, it was kind of hard to tell with most of his body stuck in a cloud. "Well, it would be a waste if I didn't finish the race. You must be pretty fast to come in third though, I could never be that fast."

"But I wasn't number one!"

He just shrugged, again, I imagined he did. Then he looked at me with such kind eyes, pretty cute, for a colt. "Maybe not today, but maybe tomorrow? You weren't the last one, and you did complete the race. Not only that, but the one you got was the one you earned, fair and square."

It was hard to argue with that, and I realized he had a point. Sure, I may not have won that race, but it just meant there was more that I could do, new goals to be reached. I felt my tears vanish, and for the first time since the race, I smiled. Maybe that should be his special talent, because no matter what, he always made me smile.

"So you like flying?" He asked, still smiling, and still stuck.

I struck an awesome pose! "Yes, I'm going to be a Wonderbolt one day!"

"Wow, a wonderbolt? That's so cool!"

"I know, right?" I grinned, trotting closer to him. "So, what do you like?"

"Oh me? Well, lots of things! I like card games, comics, uhm, drawing, books, and cheesecake!" He sounded like a total egghead, but he really just liked whatever he thought was fun, which meant he was at least not an egghead like Twilight.


I'm just messing with you. Anyway, we talked for a bit, and before he lost feeling with his hooves, my mom came out and pulled him out. He was very happy, and he looked really cool in his tinfoil armor and red cape.

But that was how we met, him being stuck and yet cheering me up. We became friends.

Out of pity? Are you sure about that, sugarcube?

Well, okay, it wasn't really out of pity..

Anyway, as time went on we became closer and closer. Being the new foal on the block, I showed him around, while trying to teach him how to really fly. Trust me, he wasn't kidding when he said he was a slow flyer.

He got better, and it was fun to teach another how to really fly, his form was really bad.

We had good times, and bad times.

"It's going to be okay Doodle.." I said calmly, holding a wet cold cloth to his forehead. "Those big bullies will get what's coming to them when I get my hooves on them."

Doodle was never really the popular colt in class, so he got picked on a lot.

"It's okay, it happens.." He said, wincing a little.

"No, it's not okay, Doodle. Those three idiots keeps beating you up, and I'm sick of it!"

He just smiled, as he always does, even when life gave him a hard time. "But, you saved me, so everything is going to be oka-Ow!"

"Sit still, you dork!"

"Sorry, and you know, thanks.."


Then what happened?


Then why are you blushing?

I'm not blushing!

Yes you are! Come now darling, what happened?

Erggh, fine!

"Sorry, and you know, thanks.." He looked into my eyes with his big blue ones.

I don't know, I felt all fuzzy for a moment, and I felt bad for him. So, to make him feel better, I leaned in and planted a small peck on his cheek.


Shut up...

So anyway, our friendship has a long history, but to make a long story short, after we both got old enough, we got jobs, and moved around. I moved to Ponyville first, working at the weather factory, Doodle moved a few months after, getting a job at the local newspaper.

We would meet up once in a while, but becoming an element of harmony, and his career taking off, we didn't have as much time for each other as we used to. That was okay, we still had fun when we hung out, and there were never any bad feelings about it.

We had both grown, you know? Gotten new friends, new responsibilities, and all that fluff. He didn't mind, he loved hearing stories about our adventures, and thought it was pretty cool and awesome, which it is, that I'm an element of harmony.

Anyway, so about three months ago, during hearts and hooves day.. Well, you remember how I acted like it didn't bother me? Well it did, no one had even attempted to ask me out. You would think after so many years of trying it, I would be used to it.

So I was at home, trying to find some way to deal with my frustration. Then, somepony knocked on my door. Maybe I should have seen it coming, but I still found myself surprised as I opened the door, and there stood Doodle, all smiling and cheerful, holding flowers, and two bottles of cider.

I couldn't believe it, well, I could, but I was just so overcome I just started to.. Ergh... To cry..

Doodle was of course confused, the featherbrain, but he did what he did best, made me smile. I was so happy to see him, and he took care of me.


No, not like that!

We spent the whole afternoon, and evening just hanging out. During that time, he made me feel special, like in a way I had never tried before. I won't say he tried to flirt with me, or that his intentions were other than simply friendly, but it ended with me kissing him, and with, well, it ended with us in my bedroom.

Author's Note:

If anyone wants to know, I basically used Star Hunter as my Doodle model. I'm not good with color combinations I like. :twilightsheepish: