• Published 11th Oct 2022
  • 539 Views, 25 Comments

The Heroes of Bite Apple - Robipony

You're a pegasus stallion, who is now living in the Ashen Wasteland with a monster mare, Runt. After stumbling into the town of Bite Apple, Runt's monstrous identity is exposed and now the two of you must work with the townsfolk from raiders or else.

  • ...


The next morning consisted of your group walking to the base. All of you had stopped on an ashened hill overlooking the raiders' headquarters.

It seemed that the Disk Reapers had made their base around a large crater. The parameter consisted of numerous storage crates and damaged vehicle parts attached together with barbed wire and pieces of metal welded together.

Pulling out his sniper rifle, Midnight set up a position and checked his sights.

"Alright, you two will go in," Midnight instructed, "I'll cover you from here and once you're inside, I'll make sure no reapers follow you inside."

Reaching into his saddlebags, Midnight pulled forth a small rifle and presented it to you.

"This is a close-range rifle," Midnight said, "now there's only about one or two clips in there, so you'll need to find more ammo or a new weapon once you're inside."

Taking the rifle, you quickly examined it. Seemed easy enough to use.

"Is that all?" You asked.

"I mean I guess I could wish you the best of luck," Midnight said, "if I believed in such things."

Well, if that was all the help you were going to get, then you had better make the best use of it. After giving Runt a nod, you began to make your way to the raider base.

While you advanced on the Disk Reaper base, moving from cover to cover, whether it be rock or large pieces of shrapnel, Runt dived into the ash, the only signs of her movement being the bony fin on her back. Upon reaching the makeshift wall, next to the gate into the fort, you pressed yourself against the wall and pulled out the rifle that Midnight had given you. Peaking around the corner, you saw three of the reapers patrolling the main area, with another two raiders guarding a garage, the open door revealing several of the reaper disks sitting inside. However, there was no sign of Bite Apple's tribute within.

So, there were five of them for you to deal with. No big deal... Right?

Oracle's icon popped up. 'I'd advise a stealthy approach to whittle down the enemy before engaging in open combat if that's possible.'

"You wouldn't happen to have a program to help with that would you?"

'There is an app,' Oracle answered, 'however your suit currently lacks the necessary hardware to use it.'

Well, that was disappointing. Looking around, you saw a small, smooth pebble in the ash, an idea formulating in your brain.

Picking up the little rock, you tossed it against a nearby wall. Hearing the clang of stone on metal, the three guards raised their weapons and moved toward the entryway that you were next to.

Carefully you pushed yourself against the wall, trying to avoid detection. Once the first guard was in range, you proceeded to hit him in the face with the butt of your gun. The second Disk Reaper aimed their gun at you, only to yelp as Runt tackled them to the ground. The third raider was about to shoot at her, when you pointed your rifle at him and fired, causing him to fall to the ground dead.

"Over there!" One of the reapers guarding the garage bellowed, before flying backwards as a gunshot rang out.

Seeing his comrade go down, the last raider turned back toward the garage, perhaps seeking cover or maybe to use one of the disk vehicles, only for another shot to ring out as Midnight dispatched him.

Quickly looking around, you observed that the area appeared to be clear of any Disk Reapers, for now. Time was of the essence, seeing the entrance to the base, you ran over to it.

Runt sniffed the air, a suspicious look on her face. "Something smells off."

"Well, this is a raider's base," you said, a foul stench in the air.

"No... this is something different."

"What do you think it is?" you asked.

"I'm not sure," Runt answered, shaking her head.

Stepping inside the Disk Reaper base, you couldn't help but feel uneasy as you were now in a cramped space filled with who knew how many blood thirsty raiders were lingering within.

Aside from the entrance, the entry room had three access points, a door to the left, a door across from you and a stairway that led downwards. Just by looking at these routes, you were pretty confident that the tribute would be down, deeper inside the base.

As you surveyed your surroundings, a disk reaper emerged from the door on the left. For a moment, he was completely oblivious to Runt and your presence, and was about to bite down on a yellow, fluffy pastry, when he finally noticed you both. After a brief moment of silence, with his mouth wide open, both from his original desire to eat the pastry as well as shock, before fleeing back the way he came, nearly dropping his dessert.

"We've got intruders!" You could hear the raider call out. "Quick! Hide the Dinkies! We can't let them have the last Dinky!"

"I have this floor," Runt said, "head below, I'll join you shortly."

While you weren't too thrilled about splitting up, you knew that time was of the essence as a delay could result in the remaining Disk Reapers being able to consolidate their forces.

You nodded. "Alright. See you soon."

As you descended the steps, you could hear Runt pursuing the raider into the other room.

Carefully you delved into the depths of the base, cautiously assuming that there could be a raider around every corner. Your suspicions were confirmed as you made a right and turned into a hallway to see a Disk Reaper walking toward you. Upon seeing you, the raider pulled forth an axe and charged at you.

"With my plus two bronitanium axe, I'm invinci-" Before the raider could finish his exposition, you had fired your gun, causing the raider to collapse dead to the floor.

Upon further examination, you discovered that the Disk Raider's "bronitanium" axe was actually just a normal axe with some aluminium foil wrapped around it. Well, it still might come in handy, after taking the axe and the foil, you continued your exploration.

'If you're able to find a terminal,' Oracle spoke, 'I might be able to formulate a map of this location.'

"That certainly would be useful," you said.

As you walked down the hallway, you peaked through the many doorways, looking for a computer or anything that could indicate where the tribute was located. You were peering into one of the rooms on the right when you saw one of the Disk Reapers looking in your direction with a gun aimed at you.

"I'm going to scribble the names of your ancestors on the wall in your-" Your bullet quickly ended the raider's speech.

'Maybe if they weren't so obsessed with their weird dialogue then they might actually stand a change.'

"I suppose."

Just because you had been VERY fortunate, that didn't mean that you could underestimate your enemies.

Looking around, you noticed two things. First that there was a desk with a computer here and second that aside from the four flashlights duck typed onto the barrel and the tin foil, that the raider's gun was a similar design to your own.

After scavenging the weapon as well as the ammunition which consisted of eleven bullets, you walked over to the terminal. Turning it on, you were pleased to discover that not only was it not password protected but it also used the same user interface that the terminals in your PACS had.

"Alright I found a terminal," you said, "what now?"

'Plug me in and I'll begin my search.'

After plugging your suit into the computer terminal, you watched as lines of code scrolled across the screen.

"So, what are you looking for?"

'A number of things,' Oracle answered, 'in the situation that I can't find a map or blueprint of the facility, I might be able to access any security cameras and make a rough map from what I find. At the very least, I could also disrupt communications between the raiders to increase your odds of survival.'

"That certainly would be useful."

The screen blinked and a loading bar appeared on your HUD.

'I was able to digitize some, old schematics I found,' Oracle said, 'it might be a little rough. Please accept my apologies, sir.'

"It's no trouble," you reassured her.

Once the download was complete, you pulled the map up on your HUD. Quickly looking at the floor plan, you saw that the first level had been the armory as well as the dining area, the second level the sleeping quarters, the third was storage and the fourth was research.

"Research?" What could a bunch of blood crazed raiders be researching?

'Sir, this might seem obvious, but I believe that we'll find Bite Apples' tribute on the third floor.'

You nodded. "That seems like a reasonable assumption."

Leaving the room, you were careful to survey the area for enemies before following the map down to the next level. This floor consisted of a hallway with three doors on the left and one door on the right, with a stairwell at the other end of the hall, leading down to the next level.

Checking the door on the right, you discovered that it was a small office with thankfully nopony inside. With that room clear, you decided to check out the other doors.

Opening the first door, you discovered that all three doors led to a massive room, filled with containers and crates. If the tribute was anywhere, you were pretty sure that it was here.

Stepping inside, you began looking for the crate with Bite Apple's sigil, when you heard somepony's hoofsteps. Quicky, you ducked behind some boxes and held your breath as two Disk Reapers walked past.

"So Skullsnatcher what do you think of this plan the boss has?" One of the raiders asked in a weasley voice.

"KIDNEY STONES FOR THE CHAMBER POT!!!" Skullsnatcher bellowed.

"I know right! It's just so absurd!"


"Yeah, sure the idea of using alien technology to take over the wasteland is cool and all, but what's the point if all the towns we raid end up being killed off by the Scarlet Order?"


While you weren't certain how the one raider was able to understand what Skullsnatcher was saying, what he said made you wonder if perhaps there were tributes from other towns in this room.

"VIPERS RIPPLING THROUGH THE PIT!" Skullsnatcher bellowed again.

"That's a great idea, Skullsnatcher," the weaselly raider said, "we should just sneak out and find another gang, maybe go raid one for those monster temples. I've heard that the priestesses that work at those places are smoking hot! Like that filly that was with the guy the boss was talking with!"


"Wait, what? You smell something!"

Hearing this, you knew that you had been caught. Stepping out, you prepared to open fire on the two raiders.

While one of them was short wearing the standard Disk Reaper uniform, the other raider was HUGE with gigantic muscles rippling below his blue coat, with tubes flowing with green liquid piercing his flesh. His brain was exposed with the only protection being a glass sphere. Green eyes matching the fluid pumping through his veins, glared at you from behind a metal hockey mask.

"Die intruder!" The smaller raider barked as he aimed a small silver pistol at you and fired. A sphere of blue energy, the size of a beach ball, materialized from the gun and rushed toward you... very, very, very slowly.

Not wasting the opportunity, you fired a couple shots at the smaller raider. The Disk Reaper winced as a bullet flew through his chest, causing him to fall to the floor.

"EYEBALLS FOR THE UNSEEING GODDESS!!!" The large raider, who you guessed was Skullsnatcher roared as he charged at you.

"S-Skullsnatcher... w-wait!" The injured Disk Reaper called out.

Ignoring his comrade's pleas, Skullsnatcher continued to charge at you. Quickly you fired three shots into the huge raider, only for Skullsnatcher to continue, completely unphased by your bullets.

The wind escaped your lungs as Skullsnatcher slammed into you and knocked you to the floor. Looking up you watched as the raider raised a large hoof, ready to bring it crashing down onto your skull, before he was hit by the energy orb his buddy had fired moments ago.

"WRUFFLES..." Skullsnatcher whimpered as his body disintegrated into blue ash.

Recovering your breath, you picked yourself off the floor as well as the rifle you had dropped.

Laying on the floor the other raider coughed and glared daggers at you. "Y-you killed S-Skullsnatcher, you ba..."

Before he could finish his statement, the Disk Raider's life faded from his eyes as he breathed his last.

After letting out a sigh of relief, you decided to relieve the dead raider of the strange and deadly weapon, and carefully added it to your inventory. Even if you couldn't think of a clever way to use it, you might be able to sell it for some spoons in Bite Apple.

Still after hearing what the raider had said earlier, you couldn't help but wonder, were they really using alien technology, or was that just another raider's ramblings?

Having scavenged the bodies for anything useful and feeling comfortable that there were no Disk Reapers around, you began examining the crates for Bite Apple's marking. As you looked, you found several with other markings as well.

"Do you recognize any of these symbols?"

'Some of them,' Oracle replied, 'they seem to match the sigils belonging to a few of the other settlements.'

"So, these are all tributes from all the surrounding settlements."

'Yes, sir.'

In that case it might be good to try to retrieve all the tributes as it could potentially strengthen the relationship between Bite Apple and the other settlements while also keeping it out of raiders' hooves.

After a few minutes, you were successful in uncovering the crate with Bite Apple's tribute. Once you had marked the location on your map, you began to make your way to the door, when you heard somepony walking outside. For a moment, you stood still, your heart beating in your chest as the steps drew closer and closer.

Readying your rifle, you took a deep breath and peeked out the door. You were elated to see that it was Runt walking down the hall.

"Oh, Runt, I'm so glad to see you," you said, as you lowered your weapon and walked over to her. Sure, the monster mare's face was covered in blood that probably wasn't her own, but you didn't care. You were just happy to see a friendly face, belonging to a pony who wasn't talking about how they were going to use your spleen as a coat hanger.

"How's it going," Runt asked, "did you find the tribute?"

Pulling out an old piece of cloth, you proceeded to clean the blood off Runt's face. This warranted some grumbling from the monster pony, but aside from that she stood perfectly still as you cleaned her and answered her question.

"I did and I found some tributes for the other settlements as well."

Runt pushed the rag away. "Then let's fetch that Midnight jerk, grab the tribute and get going."

"I'm not sure that's such a good idea," you replied, "apparently there's another level below marked research."


"Well, I heard one of the Disk Reapers say that they were experimenting with alien technology down there."

Runt's eyes went wide at your statement. "Wait... like real aliens?"

"Uh, well theoretically." You still weren't too sure if they were actually real or just the insane ramblings of a mad raider. Runt on the other hoof was suddenly very excited.

"I've heard stories about aliens," Runt said, "like how they resemble green cats and lay eggs inside your stomach that cause your head to explode."

Hearing this, you suddenly weren't too thrilled about coming across these aliens. "Who told you this?"

"Oh, Miss Merrybelle told me."

Well, that certainly bode well, since those words were probably just figments of Runt's imagination. "So, do you want to go explore the next level?"

Runt nodded excitedly. "Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes..."

That certainly took less enticing than you thought it might. "Then I guess let's go."

Reaching the end of the hall, both of you slowly descended to the next floor.

The next level consisted of another hallway, though unlike the previous floors, each of the rooms had glass windows showing the various blueprints and gadgets within, some of which resembled the gun you had scavenged from that one Disk Reaper. Along the ceiling were numerous wires and pipes all leading to the large door on the far end of the hall.

Peeking through some of the windows you saw some dissection tables with what appeared to be other raiders strapped down, the tops of their heads open, revealing an empty cavity within. Seeing this, you had to wonder if perhaps Skullsnatcher had been the result of such an experiment.

As you looked through the windows, you saw what appeared to be a vertical, side map of the base, however there was something resembling a large insect beneath. Another map showed the insect from the top, though with various compartments labeled within.

"What do you think that is?" Runt asked, following your eyes.

"I think that might be a spaceship," you replied.

Runt's eyes went wide at your comment. "Woah..."

Now that you knew about the alien vessel below you, it was clear that the Disk Reapers had built their base over this ship intentionally. Now as for whether the raiders were inspired by the vessel or had perhaps sought the ship out since it aligned with their ideals was uncertain.

Moving along the hallway, you reached the end of the hall and opened the door.

The room was filled with various gadgets and circuitry, with numerous devices, some of which appeared to be of an alien nature. Many of the wires were hooked up to what you'd say appeared to be an insectile spacecraft. In the center of the room was a metal platform, surrounded by various machines.

Once both Runt and you had entered the room, the door sealed shut behind you, trapping you both inside. There was a slight crackling sound as the intercom came on.

"You may have beat my minions, but you won't! Beat! ME!!!" The voice came over the intercom as a mare jumped from the shadows and landed on the central platform. She appeared to be a pink unicorn with a blue mane and crazy blue eyes. A dirty lab coat decorated her scarred body.

Instinctively Runt and you ducked behind some metal boxes for cover. This merely warranted a maniacal laugh from the insane mare.

"Hide all you want! Soon all of you will bow before me! Reaching over to the circular object she placed some sort of metal helmet on her head, wires attaching it to the machine, the metal probes on the helmet glistening in the light. "With this alien technology under my control, I shall enslave your minds, the minds of Bite Apple and then all the world!!!"

The crazed unicorn's horn glowed with blue energy as she flipped a switch on a terminal, causing all the surrounding machines to grow louder as they charged up.

"And there's NOTHING you can do to stop ME!!! Ha! HA! Ha! HA! H-"

The lights in the room flickered as suddenly the Disk Reaper leader's head exploded and her body toppled to the ground.

For a moment, Runt and you stood completely still, waiting for anything to happen. Just complete silence.

Stepping onto the platform, you walked over and examined the new crispy Disk Reaper boss. Upon closer inspection it seemed that her experimental mind control headgear was indeed responsible for her toasted state.

"So, is this it?" Runt asked, seemingly unamused.

"Maybe..." If the base was truly built over the remains of an alien spacecraft then surely there was a way to access it, right?

Looking at the control panel, you examined the buttons for any clues. As you examined it, you saw a button labeled, 'Ship Door.' Pushing the button you heard a mechanical sound as a hatch on the side of the platform opened up.

Seeing the hatch open, Runt squeed with delight while trotting in place for a second or two. "So exciting!!!"

"Okay let's not get too crazy," you said as you approached the hatch.

It seemed that the raiders had cut a hole into the ship and had created some steps so that it would be easier to move in and out of the alien vessel.

You had barely had a chance to examine the entrance before Runt had already dove inside.

"WEEEHHH!!!" Runt screamed happily as she disappeared within.

"Hey, wait!" you called out as you tried to run after her.

After making it a ways into the ship the path slit. The only light being from small circular spheres embedded in the walls that flickered with a pale blue light.

"Runt!!!" you called out, but there was no reply.

Well, this was bad. Despite your efforts, both Rut and you were separated inside an alien spaceship with who knew what was crawling around inside.

With a sigh, you looked up to where the heavens should be, hoping that either the Celestial Twins or the Fates were watching. "Just please let there be no green cats or shrimp people."

After whispering your prayers, you strode deeper into the ship's insides.

The interior of the alien vessel was metallic with supports along the side that made you feel like you were walking inside the ribcage of a long, alien beast.

Moving through the tunnel like hallways, you stumbled upon a mysterious chamber.

Looking inside the room, you saw a familiar blue crystal, with various machines and wires attached to it. Standing around the crystal were four ponies, while two of them were Disk Reapers, the other two were more distinct in their appearance. One was a unicorn mare with a yellow coat and a pink mane, wearing a blue cloak with green and purple symbols sawn into the fabric that resembled eyes. The other was a large pony donned entirely in jagged, black power armor, the symbol of a sturdy shield with two lightning bolts, plastered on with white paint on its shoulder plates.

"What has your research yielded?" the pony in the power armor spoke in a deep, synthesized, masculine tone.

"It's one of the mistress's crystals," the mare said; "however I can't seem to unlock the knowledge hidden within."

"Can it be used as a weapon?"

The mare looked up from the crystal to the armored pony. The jingling of chains alerted you to the metal collar around her neck, the other end of the chain attached to the power armor. The mare glared at her captor. "No."

"I see. In that case..."

Before either of the two Disk Reapers could react, the armored pony turned to the raider to his left, his visor glowing with blue energy as three beams shot forth, the reaper letting out a terrified scream as his body was disintegrated to ash.

As the other raider tried to respond, they were hurled against the wall as the armored pony kicked him in the sternum with a mighty hoof. Dazed and coughing up blood, the Disk Reaper was barely able to let out a wheeze as the pony in the cruel power armor turned their gaze on the raider and three more beams of energy lashed out. Now all that remained in the room was the armored pony, the cloaked mare and the crystal.

"We're done here," that dreadful, mechanical voice spoke, "let's get going."

With a tug, the mare was pulled to her hooves and the two of them began walking toward the door that you were peeking through. Seeing what had happened to the two Disk Reapers, you knew that you didn't want to be on the receiving end of that beam. Instinctively, you looked around for someplace to hide and seeing a small alcove between two alien machines, you scurried inside.

The space was cramped, but you remained as silent as possible as the sound of heavy, mechanical hooves on the metal flooring echoed through the room. Despite your suit's filtration systems being active, the air around you felt heavy.

Seeing the heavily armored pony pass by, you held your breath. Oblivious to your presence, the armored pony moved past, however as the mare passed, she looked into the alcove, her sky-blue eyes looking directly at you. Your heart raced in your ears as the sound of heavy hoofsteps stopped.

"Is something the matter?" the mechanical voice inquired.

Blinking the unicorn looked back to her captor. "No, it's nothing."

With a tug on the chain, the mare followed her captor, the sound of metal hooves gradually fading into the distance. Once you were certain that he was gone, you let out a pent-up breath.

Leaving the alcove, you wandered into the room with the crystal.

'It's another crystal,' Oracle said.

"It looks a lot like the one you were inside."

'Technically because it is, sir.'

"Wait! Does that mean you're in all of these crystals?"

'Not exactly,' Oracle replied, 'I'm linked to them but I don't reside within them.'

You stepped closer to the crystal. "What are they?"

'Crystalized memories.'

"Memories? From who?"

'They belong to an entity from another timeline, another world.'

"So when I touched it in the past did I absorb its memory?" You asked as you examined the crystal more closely.

'Yes, though I'm not too sure how, sir,' Oracle replied, 'I think your suit might have aided in the conversion process.'

"Is it safe?"

'I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you sure.'

Taking a deep breath, you reached out and touched the crystal.

As your vision returned, you found yourself or rather the you whose eyes you were peering through, opening a door with your magic, before stepping inside.

"Note Niche, I'm h-!" Suddenly your voice caught in your throat as something painful rippled through your chest. With a sniffle, you took a deep breath and closed the door behind you.

The house was divided into two floors, with the entryway connecting them with a stairwell ascending and one descending. As you stood in the entryway, you found yourself looking down the steps to the lower level, your heart immediately pulsed with sorrow once more.

Shaking your head, you went up the steps and made your way to the kitchen. Walking up to the counter, you pulled out a list from your satchel and read it.

  1. Don't open the blue door in the basement.
  2. There is a secret slot behind the bread box, which will be revealed by preying open a loose tile. Make sure to push some food through the slot whenever you hear the scratching.
  3. Save her when the time comes.
  4. Live your life.

Another ripple of emotional pain hits you as you read the last item on your brother's list. What could it all mean?

Your thoughts were interrupted as you heard something coming from the wall. It was a scratching noise, like jagged metal scraping along ceramic tiles. There was something in the walls.

Following your brother's instructions, you went over to the refrigerator and pulled it open, looking for anything that might serve as food for whatever this thing was.

As the memory flashed before your eyes, you suddenly found Runt in front of you, a concerned look on her face. "Pet! Are you okay?"

After blinking a few times, you felt your body adjusting back to yourself.

"Uh, yeah..." You said, seeing the last embers of the memory shard evaporate.

Runt took a deep breath of relief, before giving you a flustered scowl. "You scared me! I was worried that maybe you were possessed by an alien worm or something!"

Well, you certainly hoped that wasn't what was happening.

"No, no, just caught... Thinking about something." Shaking your head, you collected your thoughts and focused back on reality. It was then that you saw Runt walking out of the chamber.

"Come with me," Runt said, "let me show you what I found."

You followed Runt through the halls of the alien vessel, still feeling concerned that the armored pony might still be around.

"You know I was worried about you," you said.

"Hm... why?" Runt asked, giving you a quizzical look.

Hearing this, you couldn't help but facehoof. "We're inside an alien spaceship. What could have happened if we got lost? If you got lost?"

"I wasn't lost," Runt replied, "the smell down here is different from the air above, so I can sniff my way out and I know your scent, so I can track you easily."

While that was a relief and maybe a little concerning that Runt could always find you, that didn't change how anxious you had been for her wellbeing. "Still I was very worried about you."

"Well... I'm sorry."

The two of you were silent for what felt like minutes, but was probably seconds, before Runt's mood returned to its normal cheerful nature.

"It's here!" Runt said as both of you walked up to an alien doorway, which appeared to have been jammed open.

Following Runt, you found yourself inside a small circular room. The chamber was split in half with the far section being a pool filled with a disgusting briny liquid, while the half closest to the door was a seating area with dust covered cushions. Lying on one of the cushions was the skeletal remains of some sort of alien creature.

It was a dry, pale exoskeleton, its shape vaguely like that of a pony. A large abdomen attached to its flank and on its head were two antennae as well as two large limbs that resembled insectile legs.

"You see..." Runt pointed at the alien skeleton with excitement.

"It's not a green cat," you said.

"No, but it's still an alien."

As you examined the body, you noticed a faint blue glow coming from underneath one of its insectile hooves. Carefully you reached underneath and pulled out a small device that appeared to be a metal disk with a red light and a piece of blue glass that pulsed a pale blue light.

"What is that?" Runt asked.

"I have no idea."

'From a quick analysis, I believe that it might be some sort of recording device,' Oracle said in your ear. 'However, I will need specialized hardware to further analyze it as well as extract any data it might contain.'

That was unfortunate, but at least you had something to show for your venture into this dark, alien vessel.

With Runt and your help, the base was cleared of raiders.

As you emerged from the raider base, you noticed a flash from a scope, which you were sure belonged to Midnight. You raised a hoof, planning to wave to your bounty hunter companion, when suddenly a shot rang out. A cloud of ash erupted from the ground just behind Runt.

"Shoot!" you yelled as you ducked for cover. Instinctively, Runt dived into the ash.

Seeing this you had to wonder if perhaps Midnight had seen this as an opportunity to dispatch the ash lurker out of some vendetta.

"Midnight, what are you doing?" you barked.

You watched as Runt's bony fin emerged from the ash, only to go back under as another shot went off, flinging ash into the air. As you observed this, you thought you saw something shimmer nearby.

After readying your rifle, you took a deep breath. While you probably wouldn't be able to snipe Midnight back, you might be able to pull the hunter's attention away from Runt.

"Midnight, you need to stop this!" You were answered by another gunshot.

Peeking out from your cover, you aimed the rifle in Midnight's direction and as you did, you noticed two things. One the flash of the sniper scope and also something shimmering right next to you. Suddenly there was a splash of crimson as another gunshot rang out and something next to your collapsed.

For a moment, fear and dread filled you as you turned toward the body that lay next to you. Had Runt tried emerging from the ash to protect you only to take the bullet?

Next to you was the corpse of a creature covered in dark green, reflective scales. It resembled an earth pony stallion cover in scales, instead of a mane, spines moving down the center of its back, a mouth full of razor-sharp teeth and its eyes like a mirror made of dark glass. On its body was a black leather harness holding various cruel looking daggers. Such a blade lay on the ground next to the corpse.

As you examined the monster pony next to you, you understood what that shimmering had been and what Midnight had actually been shooting at.

Another gunshot rang out and looking back to where Midnight hadn't been you didn't see the sniper glare there, meaning Midnight was either fighting more of these things or that he was now defending himself from Runt who thought he was attacking her.

Wanting to aid both Runt and Midnight and to prevent any unnecessary bloodshed, you attempted to fly to their position. You did manage to make it ten feet before you crashed down into the ash, so that was some progress.

"Oh, come on!" You growled, as you picked yourself up and ran toward Midnight's position.

As you came over the top of the hill, you could see Midnight as he was in hoof to hoof combat with an invisible foe, the occasional shimmer being the only sigh of the actual threat. Holding a machete in his mouth, Midnight swung the blade before it collided with another piece of metal.

Moving through the ash, you could see Runt's fin circling the two combatants.

Midnight hissed as a blade cut deep into his right forehoof, knocking off his balance, causing him to fall backwards. It was then that there was a splash of ash as Runt emerged, mouth opened wide as she bit down on the invisible monster pony. The shocked monster let out a yelp, their body decloaking for a brief moment, just long enough for Midnight to tilt his head and fling his machete at his assailant. Spinning through the air, the blade piercing the scaly monster's shoulder.

Before the assailant could counterattack, they were pushed to the ground by Runt who retracted her teeth only to bite down on the monster's neck. The assailant let out a pained gasp, their body twitched and moved no more.

For a moment it seemed like maybe things were over, until Runt looked up from the monster's corpse, her focus turned on Midnight, her stance a mingling of anger and a predatory instinct. Laying there wounded, all Midnight could do was watch.

"Aw, buck!" Midnight grumbled.

Runt was about to lunge at Midnight when you called out. "Runt! Stop!"

As you did, Runt froze stiff. The only sign of life from her being her breathing. Slowly and cautiously, you approached Runt. While her attention was still on Midnight, it was clear that she had heard you. Drawing close, you could see that her eyes were still wide and predatory and slowly you reached out and touched Runt on the back of the neck.

"Hey," you spoke soothingly, "it's okay. It's over."

Runt blinked a couple of times, her eyes returning to normal. "Huh... What?"

You patted her on the back. "It's okay."

"H-how?" Midnight spoke, surprised that he was still alive. You decided that it might be best to just change the subject.

"We found the tributes," you said as you walked over to help him up.

"Tributes?" Midnight looked at you quizzically.

"Yeah, apparently they've been robbing a few of the other surrounding settlements," you explained, "they have them all horded away in their base."

"I see." Midnight groaned as he stood on three of his four hooves. "In that case, we should fetch the Grime Piercer and load them all up. No sense letting a roaming raider gang find them and take the tributes for themselves."

"Then let's hurry up and get this over with," Runt grumbled as she started walking in the direction of Midnight's ash hopper.

You were about to follow her, when Midnight stopped you. Looking into his eyes, you saw within that he had a newfound respect for you.

"Thank you." Was all Midnight said, clearly very appreciative not to be Runt's new chewtoy, as he hobbled toward his vehicle.

As Midnight's ash hopper drew closer and closer to Bite Apple, you could see what appeared to be a crowd waiting. No doubt somepony had spotted you and had called the town together.

Slowly pulling up to the gates, you saw Apple Crisp and her cousin waiting for you. As the vehicle came to a halt, Cirtland Core stepped forward.

"So, did you do it?" Cirtland said suspiciously.

"We did," Midnight answered, "we retrieved the tribute and then some. Though if you wouldn't mind, I could really use some medical assistance."

"Sure, can," Apple Crisp said, as she helped support the limping bounty hunter into town.

Still looking suspicious, Cirtland looked at you with slitted eyes. "Show me."

Runt grumbled, but you heeded it no mind and showed Cirtland the back of the Grime Piercer. Cirtland motioned with a hoof and two of his guards followed.

Reaching the back, you opened the compartment and presented its contents. "It's all here."

It took about a half hour for Cirtland Core to look over the contents of Bite Apple's tribute as well as the other tributes we found. Once he had finished, Cirtland gave both Runt and you an amazed look. "It's... really all here."

"Of course, it is," Runt scoffed, "my subjects and I are always true to our word."

Giving a nod, Cirtland turned to you. "I'll admit it, I was wrong about ya two. Yer not as bad as I thought ya were."

"Uh... thank you," you replied, "so what are you planning to do with the other tributes?"

"We're going to try to return them to their respective owners as soon as possible."

"So, does that mean we're allowed to leave?" Runt mumbled.

"I mean ya certainly could," Cirtland said, "though ya might want to stick around fer a while."

"Why's that?" you asked.

"Well, the fact is that all three of ya have not only fought to protect Bite Apple but also managed to retrieve the tribute that was stolen from us. So, the very least we can do is feed ya."

"Food?" Runt asked, her eyes wide open and her annoyance from earlier seemingly forgotten.

Cirtland nodded. "Yes, we'll have ash apple pie, butter fried thorn root, marinated twirl pickles and more."

Just watching Runt, you could see her mouth water as Cirtland named off the various foods.

"Would you like to do that?" you asked Runt, even though you were pretty certain you already knew the answer.

"Y-yes! I ahem-" Runt coughed, exchanging her excitement for a more professional, regal stance. "I mean, of course, it would be foolish for somepony of my stature not to attend such an extravagant event."

"O... kay?" Cirtland gave you a confused look.

"I'd take that as a yes," you said with a chuckle.

The town was a bustle with celebration as the citizens of Bite Apple recognized your achievements Runt, Midnight and you were in the barn, seated at a long table. At the head of the table was Apple Bloom as she was being tended to by Apple Crisp.

"So tell us again how you defeated the Disk Reapers!" One of the townsfolk asked.

"Well, like I said it really wasn't anything spectacular," you said, your feathers shivering in response to all the attention.

As enthused as the townsfolk were by the story, you weren't really interested in embellishing. Runt on the other hoof...

"So then I gnawed his face off!!!" Runt roared, eliciting cheers and a few glass raises from the townsfolk.

Midnight mostly kept to himself, nursing his injury while enjoying a slice of ash apple pie.

As you sat there, enjoying your pie and cider, you thought back to your adventure in the Disk Reaper base. Of all the strange mysteries you had uncovered within, the one that loomed most on your mind was that ominous pony in the power armor and the mare that accompanied them.

"So, I've been meaning to ask you," you inquired, "what did you do with the guy in the power armor?"

Midnight gave you a confused look. "Power armor?"

"Yeah, there was this stallion wearing some high-tech power armor in the base, dragging along a mare in robes."

Despite your explanation, Midnight shook his head. "I saw everypony that left that base and none of them matched that description."

But how could that be? You had seen those two ponies and it was unlikely that the big, menacing pony could have left the Disk Reaper facility stealthily while wearing that armor. Was there perhaps another entrance?

"Hey Runt, did you by any chance see-" you were cut off as Runt let out a happy howl, holding a tankard high in the air.

"This... *hic* is the best day... *hic* ever," Runt said, her body swaying a little bit.

"Yeah... *hic* ya said it," Cirtland said, raising his own tankard.

"Runt, how many of those have you had?" you asked.

"Four... *hic* teen!"

"Yeah!" Cirtland bellowed, before slamming his own face into the table, a barely audible snoring followed shortly after.

"It would probably be good if you took her someplace to sleep it off," Midnight suggested.

You nodded and nudged Runt. "Hey, it's time to go."

"What, but it's... *hic* starting to get fun," Runt grumbled.

Seeing that Runt wasn't going to budge, you realized that you might need to resort to some trickery.

"Yeah, but... we need to go someplae that's... even more fun."

"Oh," Runt giggled, "you don't... *hic* say."

Carefully you pulled Runt's left foreleg over your shoulder as you pulled her from her seat. As you helped Runt to the door, you saw Apple Crisp tending to a sleeping Cirtland Core.

"Hey Crisp, could I get a key for one of the rooms?" you asked.

"Uh, sure," Apple Crisp pulled forth a key ring and gave you a brass key that had the tag of a red heart with a ten written on it.

"Thank you," you said as you walked Runt out of the barn to Apple Crisp's saloon.

Runt giggled as you walked her up the steps, the creaking wood groaning in tandem with her happy little noises. Eventually you reached the top floor with the door with the matching heart and number. The door clicked as you turned the key and unlocked it.

It wasn't until you had opened the door and had stepped inside, that you realized that this was the honeymoon suite. Red bedsheets adorned the bed, the walls were painted red and the scent of lavender filled the air.

"Well, it's a bedroom I guess," you mumbled as you dragged Runt to the bed.

After setting Runt down on the bed, you looked around the room and noticed another door. Peaking inside you saw that it was an old, renovated bathroom with a bathtub.

Well, it had been a while since you had bathed and sure your suit kept you from smelling too horribly atrocious, but it would be nice to clean yourself off. So, after turning on the water to fill the tub, you peeled off your suit. Strangely enough it felt as if you were pulling off a layer of skin and while you felt lighter, you also felt very exposed like that one time when Blue Cheese caught you singing in the shower.

As you took off the suit you did catch a faint whiff of yourself and you couldn't help but wonder if maybe that was what Skullsnatcher had sniffed when he smelled you behind those boxes. It certainly wouldn't have been surprising.

The water was cold when you stepped into the tub and after a few minutes your body adjusted to the temperature. As you used the soap provided to clean yourself, you began to ponder about your old home, PACS-039. Were they okay? Did they miss you?

Looking back, you had always thought growing up that you might get married, have kids and grow old in the PACS just like Scootaloo had.

After you finished cleaning yourself, you drained the water from the tub and dried yourself off with a towel. Stepping back out into the bedroom you noticed something... Runt wasn't on the bed.

Suddenly you felt yourself being pushed and found yourself laying face up on the bed with Runt on top of you, her yellow eyes looking into your own. Runt was breathing heavily with a slight blush.

"Wow... *hic* I don't know you... *hic* liked me like this," Runt wheezed her breath smelling of alcohol.

"Runt, you're drunk!"

"Playing... *hic* hard to get I... *hic* see." Runt shot you a toothy grin, her cheeks growing pinker.

You tried to struggle but unsurprisingly you were incapable of escaping Runt's monstrous grasp. While you didn't know the mating habits of ash lurkers, having seen Runt's ferocity in combat, you weren't sure that you'd be capable off surviving such an ordeal.

"Oh, don't worry my little... *hic* pet," Runt purred, "I'll be... *hic* gentle."

Seeing that there was no escape from this predicament, you closed your eyes, bracing your mind and body for the drunk ash lurker to ravish your poor, helpless body. You winced as you felt the massive weight of Runt's body atop your own... and felt immense confusion when nothing else happened. You began to ponder what might have happened as the sound of snoring filled your ears. Opening your eyes you could confirm that Runt had fallen asleep and likely wouldn't remember this in the morning.

After some wriggling and finagling, you were able to pull yourself out from under Runt's slumbering form.

Now that you were free, you took a sigh of relief. While you were sure that Runt's drunken intentions weren't of ill intent and you didn't think that she was a bad pony, you just weren't sure that such a union would be such a good idea. Maybe once you had repaired the ash hopper and were more comfortable with your survival skills, you might feel differently.

Leaving the bedroom, you walked downstairs to see Apple Crisp wrapping a blanket around a sleeping Cirtland that was sitting slumped onto the counter. Hearing you descend the steps, Apple Crisp turned toward you.

"You're still up," Apple Crisp said, "did the two of you enjoy your room?"

"Umm... I'm sure we will," you replied.

"I'm glad." Apple Crisp rubbed Cirtland's shoulder, her cousin mumbling something in his sleep. "Today's been a very good day."

Watching Apple Crisp tend to Cirtland, you could have sworn that they were siblings.

"You both seem really close."

Apple Crisp nodded. "When we were younger, both of us lost our parents to a monster raid, after which grandma took us in. Ever since then, we've looked after each other."

That certainly matched up with your observations. Earlier when Runt's true nature was revealed, Cirtland was trying to ensure the safety of both Bite Apple and his cousin.

"So, why did you stand up for us?" you asked.

"A few reasons," Apple Crisp answered, "before the battle happened, I could see that you cared for her and watching you both fight for this town, I couldn't help but admire that. And while a part of me was upset that another monster had infiltrated our walls, I couldn't just sit by and let you both hang."

"Thank you. I'm very grateful."

"Really it should be me thanking you," Apple Crisp said, "both of you saved this town after all. If we didn't have our tribute then we'd..."

Apple Crisp just stood there looking down at her slumbering cousin, but judging by the slight quiver in her lips, the consequences for not having their tribute would have been catastrophic. Clearly this Scarlet Order was a group not to be trifled with.

After recollecting herself, Apple Crisp turned and smiled at you. "Ya know, you and Runt look pretty close too."

"I suppose we are. She's the first pony I came across that didn't try to kill or eat me."

Chuckling Apple Crisp shook her head. "No, I think there's more to it than that. I can tell by the way that she looks at you, that Runt really likes you."

That would certainly coincide with what had happened just moments ago.

"Maybe, but I'm not sure that it's such a good idea."

"Perhaps not," Apple Crisp said, "but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't look into it."

While you did like Runt and you might entertain the idea of maybe asking her to be your special somepony in the future, right now wasn't the time. Still, just because it didn't fit into the present, that didn't mean you had to burn that bridge and keep it from happening in the future. Assuming she didn't eat you before then.

You gave Apple Crisp a nod. "Fair enough."

You looked out the window, watching Bite Apple's representatives as they met the Scarlet Order with their tribute. As you watched, Runt lay on the bed grumbling.

"I can't believe we're still stuck here!" Runt pouted.

Much to Runt's chagrin, you had chosen to stay in town and observe the exchange from afar. You had not seen any members of the order and you had hoped that seeing them from a distance might give you an upper hoof in the wasteland.

"I'm just trying to see what we're dealing with," you said, turning back to Runt.

Runt continued to grumble, while practically strangling the pillow she was holding onto.

Looking back out the window, you watched as the priestess of the Scarlet Order approached the town representatives and their tribute. She appeared to be a pony, her body completely covered in red fabric with gold and silver trinkets resembling hourglasses hanging off of her garb. Peeking out from under her scarlet hood was a ceramic mask adorned with an eerily wide smile. The lips stretching from ear to ear.

As you watched you saw the priestess turn their attention to the tribute, your saw the fabric shift and stretch as her head and neck extended like a serpent, more closely examining the offering. After a moment of examination, the priestess's neck withdrew back to her body and after giving a nod, her guards approached Bite Apple's tribute and collected it.

The townsfolk stood still as the Scarlet Order took the offering and began their march back to New Ponyvile. It wasn't until the priestess and her entourage were specks in the distance that the town stirred once more.

While watching the event from a distance did help familiarize you with what the members of the Scarlet Order looked like, it did little to settle the uneasiness their presence brought. If anything, it made you all the more wary of ever stumbling upon them.

A smile stretched across your lips as the terminal you had requested was loaded onto a cart that you had purchased to carry it as well as a few of the other supplies that Runt and you had bought.

"So yer headin' out," Apple Crisp said, resting a hoof on the wooden wagon.

Looking around, you noticed that the expressions of the townsfolk had changed since your first arrival in this town. Instead of suspicion and anger, they now looked at both Runt and you with admiration and respect. Some appeared to be even a little sad that you were leaving.

"Yes," you answered, "but I'm sure we'll be back."

Apple Crisp smiled. "Well, we'll be lookin' forward to your return."

"So shall we," you replied, Runt merely shrugging in response.

"Hey Runt, I have a present fer ya," Crisp said, pulling forth a small stuffed animal.

Looking over to Crisp, Runt's face lit up once she saw the orange and green bat plushie that Apple Crisp was holding. There was a smile on the toy's face and small red apples were stitched into the wings.

"Is... is this for me?" Runt asked.

Apple Crisp nodded. "Yep."

"I love it!" Immediately Runt took the stuffed animal and pulled it into a hug. "I'll call him Mister Apple Pants."

A name that would have been very fitting... if Mister Apple Pants actually had pants. Well, at least Runt was happy with the gift and judging from Apple Crisp's smile, she was pleased with the results.

After a nod, Apple Crisp withdrew her hoof so that you might proceed. Attaching the harness to your suit, you began to pull the cart and leave town. While you had tried convincing Runt to be the one to pull the cart, she had refused, saying that a mistress shouldn't carry the burdens of her pet. So, the task was left up to you.

As you approached the gate to the settlement, you spotted Midnight leaning against the archway, his hat pulled over his eyes. Grinning, Midnight looked up at the two of you as you drew near.

"Looks like you're ready to leave," Midnight said.

"Yeah, I think so," you replied.

"Well maybe our paths will cross again someday."

"You won't be joining us?"

Midnight shook his head. "No, I must be off. The Ivory Maw isn't going to hunt itself."

You remembered Midnight's goals to avenge his sister and understood that for the time being. Nodding you raised your hoof for a hoofbump.

"I hope your journey goes well for you."

Midnight gave you a hoofbump. "And to you as well."

"Well, are we going to just stand around talking or are we going to leave?" Runt grumbled as she walked through the gates, eliciting a slight chuckle from Midnight. It was clear that Runt wasn't used to other ponies liking her and was ready to vacate the area.

You were about to leave, when you felt Midnight's hoof on your shoulder. Looking back at him, you noticed that the stallion's attitude had transitioned from jovial to serious. "Before you go there is something I must tell you."


"Most Ash Lurkers don't have horns like that," Midnight said, "In fact, I know of only one bloodline that does. The Empress bloodline."

"Empress bloodline? Do you mean that Runt is actually royalty?"

Midnight nodded. "Through blood, yes. And because of that you need to be very careful."


"Because if she's out here without a royal entourage, then she's in exile. That means she's a potential threat to the monstrous hierarchy and there will probably be bounty hunters or assassins out there looking for her. There are probably also ponies like me who would hunt her either for sport or vengeance. If you wish to remain by her side, then you will need to keep an eye out for both yourself and her."

Midnight's words made it clear that if you chose to stay with Runt that you'd be painting a big target on your back.

You gave Midnight a nod. "I'll keep that in mind."

"I don't get why you're doing this," Runt grumbled.

You were standing on the top of the ash hopper with your tools out, carefully removing the old damaged terminal and replacing it with the new one you had purchased.

After attaching the wires, you slid the new terminal into place. "Well, once we've cleaned this ship up, we can use it as a quick transport around the wasteland."

"I can move through the ash just fine, thank you." Runt growled.

"Yes, you can," you replied, "but I can't and I'm sure that even you need time to rest."

Runt scrunched her nose and glared at the ash hopper still not pleased with it. You know that if you were going to convince Runt to go along with this, that you'd have to do so tactfully. It was then that an idea came to mind.

Jumping down from the vehicle, you gave Runt a smile. "I know you're not a fan of these vehicles."

Runt shook her head, confirming what you said.

"However, try not to look at this as some noisy contraption," you continued, "instead think of it as... a mobile fortress..."

The Ash Lurker's eyebrow raised.

"A castle that your highness and your loyalist of subjects can reside as we explore the world and the expanse of your domain."

As you fed Runt's ego, her face lit up with excitement. "You mean like Fluffybottom and General Armorshine?"

"Yes, they can join us on our journeys once I have finished fixing and cleaning up this vehicle."

Now that you had proposed this concept to her, Runt's eyes were now wide with wonder and excitement.

"I-I guess I can stand a little noise..." Runt blushed slightly.

"Thank you."

"You'll be coming along too... right?"

"Well of course," you answered matter-of-factly, "I'm probably going to be the one piloting the vehicle after all. Why?"

In response to your inquiry, Runt's face flushed bright red. Her expression changed from surprised nervousness to complete annoyance. "I-it's nothing! J-just fix the machine you dumb pet!"

With a harrumph, Runt sat down in the ash and tilted her head away from you.

You couldn't help but chuckle at her response. "Very well, I'll get to work."

Comments ( 14 )

that was something. It went a bit faster than what I expected but I still liked it. Would like to see more in the future

Good story! I got my kicks and laughs from the twists sprinkled throughout the tale.

is the continuation of this going to be it's own mini-story aswell or after this will you continue with a full novel?

11397954 Probably another short story. What I've learned is that when I try to write long fics, unless I write it all and then release it, after a while I have difficulty finishing it. However, longfics take a really long time to write, so when I do get around to continuing this it would take much longer... if it wasn't a shortfic. If that makes sense.

Now if you want to see some stories that take place in the base MLP universe, there are some other stories as well that I've written that you can look at. :pinkiesmile:

What is the equivalent of the Ash Hopper? I keep imagining it is a motorbike with a passenger pod.

I'd imagine Runt would want to own all kinds of mobile fortress, land, sea, and air! A train, a blimp, that spaceship, maybe even a Tardis if you decide to sprinkle a bit of Doctor Who!

11398245 Well, it's basically supposed to be a boat like vehicle that uses technology to fly over the ash.

I always forget that all your stories are kinda interconnected and every time I see it I lose my shit.
Anyway I do enjoy these 2 and the setting
would always love to see more.


11398806 Yeah, I like linking things together and making references. It's fun. :pinkiesmile:

god this story is really cute and i love it. keep up the good work

I've been eagerly waiting to see more of Runt since I first read Waiving Wanderer (and hoping that she wasn't a one-off), so I was thrilled to find this fic in your library. And I thoroughly enjoyed it! I was a little disappointed at the relative lack of interaction with Runt, especially in the first chapter, and how robotic the protagonist was behaving were at the end, but it was still super fun to read. Great job, as always.

11420362 I didn't realize that the protagonist felt that robotic. Could you provide me with some insight on the matter?

Hey, sorry for the late reply, but I'd say the part where Apple Crisp was talking about Runt felt... a bit impersonal? It just feels odd that the protag doesn't have much reaction to what she's saying, given the immediate circumstances. I can't describe exactly why it feels that way, unfortunately. In any case, can't wait for the next Runt fic :)

I'm a simple guy, I see a good story. I like and fave it.

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