• Published 11th Oct 2022
  • 538 Views, 25 Comments

The Heroes of Bite Apple - Robipony

You're a pegasus stallion, who is now living in the Ashen Wasteland with a monster mare, Runt. After stumbling into the town of Bite Apple, Runt's monstrous identity is exposed and now the two of you must work with the townsfolk from raiders or else.

  • ...


It wasn't long before the two of you saw the town in the distance. As you drew near, an icon popped up on your HUD. Looking at your digital map, you saw that the location was none other than the town of Bite Apple.

As you walked toward the town, you noticed various items scattered in the ash, damaged power armor, discorded or destroyed weaponry and occasionally you thought you might have seen bone peeking out of the ash.

"Well, this is comforting," you mumbled.

"We can always turn back if you want," Runt said.

While that was tempting, you had been informed by Oracle that this was the nearest settlement with civilized ponies. Perhaps there was more to this area than met the eye. Then again, they could all be raiders and this place could be one big nest for the crazed ponies. Still, if this was a civilized location, then it would be very good for you to investigate it.

"Let's take a closer look," you said, as you resumed your walk toward town. Runt followed, pulling her cloak closer.

Approaching the gate, you saw that the archway on top served as a rampart with two earth ponies standing on top, their attention completely focused on the two of you, their rifles aimed in your direction.

"State yer business!" One of the guards called. He was a red earth pony with a green mane and a dusty, wide brimmed hat on his brow.

Well, at least they didn't seem too hostile.

It was about then that Oracle's icon appeared on your HUD. 'I don't think they'll be too keen on your bringing a monster pony into town. I'd suggest just saying that you're here to trade.'

"We're here to trade," you said, following Oracle's advice.

The guard nodded before raising his gun. "Then welcome ta Bite Apple."

Now that your path was unbarred, Runt and you entered the town. As the two of you wandered the streets of Bite Apple, you observed numerous stalls possessing various items, some of which you recognized from books or your time in the PACS, as well as strange trinkets from this bizarre world. One such item was what appeared to be a pulsing sphere made of wet, bumpy skin. The thing's pulsations increased as you walked past it. Another was what appeared to be a small bonsai tree, its leaves consisting of azure blue tendrils.

As you looked around the town, you spotted what appeared to be a tavern with a sign over the entrance, calling the place, the Broken Wheel Tavern. Seeing the place, you recalled a few stories you had read about bars and taverns being meeting places in sections of Equestria prior to the war.

"Let's go check that out," you said, pointing to the tavern.

Runt merely nodded, still clearly suspicious of this place.

Entering the tavern, you were greeted by the hustle and bustle of the various patrons inside, eating, drinking or playing cards.

While a few of the ponies in the tavern appeared to be observing you nonchalantly, only one of them seemed to overtly have their eyes fixed on you. He was a pegasus stallion with a blue coat, spiky dark blue mane and green eyes. He wore a gray wide brimmed hat and a gray poncho.

Upon reaching the front counter, Runt and you were greeted by a charming looking earth pony mare with a green coat and a golden yellow mane. Her red eyes seemed to sparkle as she greeted you.

"Hello, welcome to the Broken Wheel Tavern," the mare said, "my name's Apple Crisp, how may I be of service to ya?"

"A drink and a room would be nice," you said.

"Very good, is this fine lady with ya?" Apple Crisp asked, pointing to Runt. While Crisp was smiling it was very clear that Runt's scowl made her uneasy.

"Uh, yes, she's with me."

With a nod, Apple Crisp pulled out a couple tankards, filled with a golden, yellow fluid, before setting them down on the counter in front of you. "Here's two hard ciders, that'll be six spoons."

"Spoons?" What was she talking about?

Apple Crisp looked you over suspiciously, before her eyes brightened and she smiled. "You're not from around her are ya?"

"How could you tell?"

"Because if you were local, you'd know that spoons are the currency in this region," Crisp answered.

"Oh, I see."

"So, if you have six spoons or maybe something for trade, we can probably work something out."

Quickly you considered what you had in your inventory. You did have a mess kit, which had a spoon. Perhaps she'd be willing to take the spoon as well as the mess kit for the drinks and room.

"Okay, might this be acceptable?" you inquired as you reached into your suit inventory and pulled forth the mess kit.

As Apple Crisp looked over the mess kit, her eyes went wide upon noticing the spoon.

"Oh my, I haven't ever seen a spoon in such good condition." Apple Crisp gawked.

"Would this be an acceptable trade?"

The bartender shook her head. "A scumbag might accept it for a few drinks, but I'm no such mare... Tell you want, I'll give you both lodging for a week along with a complimentary meal and drink for each day."

"Just for the spoon?"

Apple Crisp nodded, looking over to Runt, Crisp gave you a sly grin. "I'll even make it the honeymoon suite for you and your mare."

As you heard what Apple Crisp said, you realized what she was implying. "Oh, we're not together."

Suddenly Runt looked at you with a shocked, almost betrayed expression.

"No, no, I mean we are together, just not like that..."

Unfortunately, it seemed that Runt didn't understand what you had meant and was still hurt by it.

Apple Crisp looked between the two of you, a slight smile on her face. Giving a shrug, Crisp chuckled. "In any case, the room is available if yer inter-"

She was cut off as the sound of explosion erupted outside, followed by the sound of alarm bells resonating around the town. Seconds later a stallion with a hat that appeared to be recently singed burst into the tavern.

"DISK REAPERS!!!" the stallion yelled as he leaned against the door post.

Immediately everypony began to rush to the door, some out of panic, others with weapons ready to fend off whatever threat was assailing the town. After many of the ponies had left, Runt and you made your way to the door.

Stepping outside, you watched as a chaotic scene unfolded. The townsfolk carried firearms or local farming equipment as weapons as the invading raiders flew through the streets on circular disk-like machines, spinning blades cutting down anypony that stood in their way. The sound of swirling metal slicing through the air could be heard.

As you watched the chaos unfold, one of the Disk Reapers flew by, hurling a spear that would have pierced right through you, if not for Runt pushing you to the ground. Runt was above you, her eyes filled with fear and concern, before transitioning to anger and rage, revealing her razor-sharp teeth as she turned toward the direction that the attack had come from. With a growl, Runt launched herself into the fray.

"Runt, wait!" you called out, but Runt ignored you.

Leaping into the air, Runt lunged at one of the raiders and latched onto the Disk Reaper with her fangs, eliciting a surprised scream from the raider as he was yanked to the ground by the neck, the disk he was riding flew off and crashed into a nearby building. For a moment the raider tried to struggle in Runt's jaws even as her teeth dug deeper into his throat.

As you were observing this, you saw another Disk Reaper surging toward Runt, the blades on his disk spinning violently. Quickly looking around, you spotted the spear that had nearly shish kebabbed you mere seconds ago. Picking up the spear, you lifted it, took aim and hurled it butt end first into the ground in front of the incoming Disk Reaper. Hitting the ground with the blunt end, it bounced up and into the rotors of the raider's vehicle. The machine exploded, launching the raider into the air, before landing face down onto the ground in front of you.

"Why you..." the raider growled as he picked himself off the ground before leveling a shotgun at you.

Your blood ran cold as you realized that at point blank range, that weapon would probably rend both your suit and your body.

The reaper gave you a twisted smile through his cracked visor. "Say goodbye, you son of a b-"

A gunshot cut off the raider's words as he toppled to the ground. Turning around, I saw the blue pegasus from the tavern, the barrel of his gun still smoking.

As the dust cleared, it seemed judging from the faint hum in the distance, that the remaining Disk Reapers had fled. For a moment, you felt relief that the conflict was over until you heard the sound of something crunching.

Turning toward the sound, you saw Runt tearing into the neck of the reaper she had slain. Quickly you looked around and noticed that you weren't the only pony that saw this. Now everypony in town was staring at Runt and judging from the looks of disdain they were giving her; they definitely weren't happy.

As you watched you saw the stallion that was at the gate emerge from the crowd, aiming what appeared to be a four barreled shotgun at Runt. "Show yerself monster!"

Instinctively Runt looked up from the slain raider, a primal intelligence peering from behind her eyes. Judging from the hatred in the villager's eyes and the predatory growl in Runt's throat, if somepony didn't step in, there would be a bloodbath.

"It's okay," you said, stepping between Runt and the encroaching mob, "She's with me."

"So, you're a monster sympathizer!" the guard stallion barked.

"To the gallows with them!" Another pony from the crowd bellowed.

Well, so much for defusing the situation. Well, if the jig was up, there was no reason for your cloak to get in the way, so you pulled it aside and had your helmet activate, the protective visor covering your head.

Things were about to look grim when Apple Crisp stepped forward. "Cirtland Core enough of this!"

"But cuz, it's a monster pony and sympathizer," Cirtland Core said.

"I understand that," Apple Crisp replied, "but he's a paying customer. On top of that he's wearing a PACS suit."


Apple Crisp narrowed her eyes. "So, you know the rules. If somepony from a PACS comes to Bite Apple, they're supposed to be brought to the Elder Apple immediately."

"You're going to waste grandma's time on a traitor like this!" Cirtland barked.

"It's tradition, cousin," Apple Crisp answered, "it's tradition that's kept us and this whole town thriving."

The crowd mumbled reluctantly in agreement.

It was about that time that a stallion wearing a straw hat with three smoking bullet holes in it, ran into the group, struggling to breath. "It's... it's gone!"

A whisper came over the crowd. Cirtland turned to the stallion, clearly irritated at the interruption. "What's gone?"

"T-the tribute for... for the Scarlet Order... it's gone!"

Upon hearing this the crowd grumbled loudly and stirred. Whatever this tribute was, it was clearly a big deal.

"Crap!" Cirtland growled, "the reapers must've used the attack on the town as a distraction so they could raid the storehouses!"

"I saw these two fighting the reapers," Apple Crisp spoke up, "we need to take them to the Elder Apple."

Gritting his teeth, Cirtland turned to Apple Crisp, anger burning in his eyes. "Fine! However, if the Elder Apple demands their execution, then that's it. Understood?"

Apple Crisp nodded. "Understood."

Runt and you were escorted to a large red barn house in the center of town, with Apple Crisp leading the way and Cirtland taking up the rear with three of his guard ponies, their weapons trained on you. As you approached the structure, you saw two large earth pony stallions standing guard by the sliding door.

"We're here to see the Elder Apple," Apple Crisp said as she approached the guards.

After looking the group over, one of the stallions nodded, before both of them pulled the sliding doors apart, unbarring the way for entry. As soon as the whole group was inside, the doors were closed and sealed.

The interior consisted of a wooden floor with rows of wooden benches facing a stage with wooden steps leading up to it on both the right and left sides of the room. On the stage there was a wooden table and off to the left there were some steps leading up to another floor. Attached to these steps was a sort of metal railing. On the table was a bowl with what appeared to be apples inside. A large orange banner was mounted on the wall with the emblem of three red apples in a triangular formation.

"Wait here," Apple Crisp instructed, "I'll go fetch grandma."

Apple Crisp stepped onto the platform before ascending the steps to the next floor.

"Mark my words," Cirtland growled, "try anything funny and we'll fill you both with so much lead that... that there won't be much left of ya!"

A few minutes later, the sound of machinery could be heard and Apple Crisp returned with an elderly mare who was sitting in a wheelchair that was attached to the rail. Reaching the bottom of the steps, Apple Crisp detached the wheelchair from the railing and wheeled the mare to the center of the stage.

"Thank you dear," the elderly mare said graciously.

The mare was an earth pony with a yellow coat and a red mane with a white streak down the center. On her flank was a cutie mark with a unique looking pink shield. Her orange eyes widened as she saw you.

"Well, howdy," the mare spoke, "my name is Apple Bloom and I take it that yer both responsible for the mob outside."

Cirtland stepped forward. "This monster sympathizer snuck this monster into our town!"

In all fairness, he wasn't exactly wrong.

"Yes," Apple Crisp said, "but when the Disk Reapers attacked, both of them helped in defending the town."

While you were standing there, you noticed that while Apple Bloom was listening that her eyes were focused on you.

"Tell me," Apple Bloom spoke, "are you familiar with a mare named Scootaloo?"

That was a name you were very familiar with. On more than a few occasions you had been called to assist the elderly mare with some machine that she had been tinkering with. That was until a couple years ago.

"Yes, I... was familiar with her," you replied, "she passed away about two years ago."

Upon hearing this Apple Bloom gave a sullen smile and nodded. "That's a shame."

Both Apple Crisp and Cirtland Core seemed surprised by this exchange. Admittedly it did seem a little out of the ordinary that this outsider knew one of the mares within your PACS.

"I take it that you knew Scootaloo," you said.

Apple Bloom nodded. "Yes, long ago before the Bone Walls appeared and the world was shrouded in white."

Bone walls?

"Grandma, I understand you want ta talk 'bout the past," Cirtland interjected, "but we've got more serious matters ta discuss. These two intruders snuck into town and the Reapers have run off with our tribute!"

The elderly mare turned to her grandson. "I understand Cirtland, but killing these two won't bring back the tribute, will it?"

Cirtland's ears drooped. "S'pose not."

"Now, my grandson is right in sayin' that you've broken our trust," Apple Bloom continued, "however, that isn't to say that trust can't be rebuilt."

That seemed perfectly reasonable. Plus, it was much better than being executed.

"Alright, so what do you have in mind?" you asked.

"Well, we're short our yearly tribute thanks to today's raid," Apple Bloom explained, "while we could try to scrounge things up and dig into our winter rations... we could also send a couple ponies to try to retrieve the tribute that the Reapers took from us."

"And you want us to do it," Runt grumbled.

Apple Bloom gave a nod. "It would go a long way to regaining our trust."

That did seem pretty dangerous. While Runt was always prepared for a fight due to her sharp teeth, aside from your wrench, you didn't have anything that could really be used as a weapon. Plus, you were more than one hundred percent positive that the only reason you had survived outside of the PACS for so long was a combination of Runt's survival skills and sheer luck.

Runt grumbled, clearly not too pleased by the idea either.

Seeming to sense your apprehension, Apple Crisp spoke up. "If you succeed, we'd also reward you for your effort."

Well, that certainly made it a bit more appealing. Plus, it wasn't like they were just going to let Runt and you walk out of town unscathed otherwise.

"How should we know that we've found the tribute," you asked.

"It will be a large crate," Apple Crisp answered, "with the symbol of Bite Apple on it."

Apple Bloom motioned to the banner behind her.

"Then I guess we have an agreement," you said.

"Now wait just a minute!" Cirtland Core barked, "how do we know that they'll hold up their end of the bargain? Who's to say they won't just go on their merry way and leave us ta die!"

"Then might I suggest that I tag along then!" A voice called out from the shadows of the chamber. Everypony turned to where the voice had come from to see a pony leaning up against the corner.

Stepping forth, the stallion emerged from the shadows, revealing himself as the stallion you had spied watching you in the saloon earlier. A slight smile stretched across his lips.

"My name is Midnight Blitzer, but you can just call me Midnight," the stallion spoke, "and I'd gladly serve as the enforcer and overseer of this stallion and his... companion."

You detected a tinge of venom in the way Midnight said companion.

Core squinted as he observed Midnight. "How do we know we can trust you?"

Midnight shrugged. "I'm a bounty hunter. Offer me a deal for returning with the town's tribute."

"And your skills?" Core asked, clearly still suspicious of Midnight.

A smile graced Midnight's lips. "Throw an apple."


Midnight motioned to the bowl of apples in the center of the table. "Pick up an apple... or two and toss them into the air as high as you can."

Hearing this, a cunning smile stretched across Core's face as he picked up not one, not two but three apples from the bowl and threw them into the air. In a flash, Midnight pulled a rifle from his shoulder and in quick succession three shots rang out. As bits of apple toppled to the floor, Midnight raised the smoking barrel, blowing the smoke away, before holstering the weapon on his back.

"Good enough?"

Wide eyed, Core looked a little shocked by the elegant display, before smiling. "Yes, that'll do nicely. How does a hundred spoons sound?"

Midnight adjusted his hat. "I think that'll work just fine."

"No," Apple Bloom spoke up, "two hundred spoons. Eighty for the tribute and the remainder for bringing these two back alive."

The room was silent in response to the elderly mare's words. As you thought about this, you realized what Apple Bloom had done. Based on the prior arrangement, there was no guarantee that Midnight would keep Runt or you alive to fulfill this mission. This way the bounty hunter had more of an incentive to ensure your survival.

While Midnight briefly looked surprised by this turn of events, his expression quickly changed back to his calm demeanor. "If that is what you wish."

Runt and you followed Midnight to the edge of town.

"It's going to take too long to walk there," Midnight explained, "so we're going to use some transport to get us there."

He escorted you into a stable like structure, however you realized that the stalls were much bigger as each of the stall's possessed a vehicle of sorts. After showing some sort of card to a stallion that was overseeing the vehicles in his care, Midnight walked over to one of the stalls. Inside appeared to be a vehicle that was completely covered with a protective blanket. After entering the stall, Midnight motioned for Runt and you to follow.

"Alright, come on in," Midnight instructed.

While you didn't hesitate to obey, Runt was a bit more reluctant.

"You too." Midnight motioned with his head toward his weapon.

"Stupid pony," Runt grumbled under her breath, before stepping inside.

Now that both of you were in the stall, Midnight pulled off the blanket revealing the vehicle underneath.

The vessel was a quarter of the size of the ash hopper you had seen when you first emerged into the wasteland. The vehicle was painted gray with various splotches to aid in camouflaging it in the ashen landscape.

"This is the Grime Piercer," Midnight said, "we will be using this to travel two thirds of the way to the Disk Reaper's base."

"Wait! We're riding that!" Runt protested.

Midnight looked at her with slitted eyes. "Yes... why do you ask?"

Runt merely grumbled and looked down at the ground.

"She's... Not a fan of ash hoppers," you explained.

"Well, as much as I'd love to sympathize," Midnight said sarcastically, "unless she can fly us there, then we'll be taking the Grime Piercer."

It wasn't like you had much of a choice in the matter. After letting out a sigh, you nodded. "Very well."

As the three of you were preparing to ride the vehicle, you saw Apple Crisp approach. With a hoof, she motioned for you to walk over.

"What is it?" you asked.

"Before you go, there's something I need to ask you?" Apple Crisp said.

"Uh, sure, what is it?"

Apple Crisp looked a little uneasy. "Is there... anything that Runt might like... if you both return of course?"

It didn't take you long to come up with an answer. "Well, she does like collecting dolls and plushies."

"Okay." Apple Crisp nodded. "Thank you."

"Hey, come on!" Midnight called out. "We're burning daylight!"

Waving farewell to Apple Crisp, you boarded the Grime Piercer and began your journey into the wasteland.

Runt lay on the deck of the ship grumbling to herself, though whether it was due to annoyance or some other reason, you couldn't tell. Was she upset because you had agreed to go along with Midnight's plan?

"Are you okay?" you asked.

"I'm fine, pet!" Runt grumbled. Yeah, she clearly wasn't too happy about this.

As you pondered this, the sound of static filled your ears. Turning you saw Midnight adjusting the dial on an old transistor radio.

"What are you doing?" you inquired.

"Trying to liven the mood," Midnight answered, "it's going to be a while before we reach the drop off point and it'll be boring with a grump like her dulling the mood."

"Won't that give away our location?"

"It would, if we were to pull right up to their base," Midnight replied, "but I'll be turning it off long before then."

After a few more twists of the dial, a voice came over the radio. The voice was gruff and very masculine sounding, just the way he spoke made him sound like he could charge through three PACS bunker walls unharmed and unphased.

"Hey everypony, it's me, Raider Joe Joe Fry!" The stallion on the other side of the speaker spoke, "and welcome back to the SHOW!!!"

Hearing the radio announcer's name, you couldn't help but wonder if this Joe Joe Fry was an actual raider. As Raider Joe finished introducing himself, the sound of a car horn followed by an explosion, echoed over the speaker.

"Now it's time for some n-n-n-NEWS!!!" The sound of an electric guitar being strummed could be heard as Raider Joe made laser blasting sounds with his mouth. "Apparently those Disk Reapers have gotten even crazier and are now robbing towns of their tributes! Can you believe that! They're either really brave OR A BUNCH OF NUTJOBS!!!"

Judging from his tone, Raider Joe was either very impressed or really perturbed with the Disk Reapers.

"I hope for your sake Reapers," Raider Joe continued, "that the Scarlet Order doesn't come after you! On other news, one of those scorpion ponies has been seen wandering the Ashen Wastes! Stay away from her raiders! If that monster mare stings you, you'll be choking on your own blood for WEEKSSS!!!"

The sound of somepony coughing before toppling to the floor came over the speaker.

Scorpion pony? So, there were other types of monster ponies out there. While you were certain of that back when you lived in your PACS, you hadn't really put too much thought into the different forms that they might have.

"And now it's time for a song! Here's Last Dance of the Sun Knights, by Funky Fiddle!"

In a bizarre almost contrary twist, an elegant tune that sounded like the combination of a battle ballad and a sorrowful symphony came from the radio. As the music went on, a couple questions came to mind.

"So, is he a raider?" I asked.

"Sounds like it," Midnight answered.

"Aren't they... well, bad?"

Midnight scowled for a moment as if pondering your inquiry, before giving a shrug. "It depends. Some raiders are bloodthirsty freaks, some pillage the weak like the Disk Reapers and some seek out and plunder only monster settlements. So, really it depends upon who they raid."

That was an interesting perspective. Up to this point all of the raiders you had encountered had sought to kill you and turn you into a fleshy button up suit, or something like that. So, hearing that not all raiders were evil was an interesting prospect, even if you had no intention of testing it out.

You also were intrigued by the fact that there were still radio stations active in the wasteland. Stepping off to the side, you attempted to speak with Oracle.

"Oracle are you there?" you whispered.

'I am here, sir.'

"It has recently come to my attention that there are some radio stations active," you said, "is there a program that will allow me to listen to them?"

'Affirmative, sir. I do have an application that will allow you to pick up and listen to nearby broadcast signals. Would you like for me to download and install it into your suit?'

"Yes, please."

The rest of the ride was pretty uneventful, with Runt not moving from her spot, while you listened to the radio and watched Midnight pilot the Grime Piercer.

As you glided over the wasteland, the sun gradually began to descend the horizon. The gray sky giving way to the darkness.

"We'll be stopping to camp soon," Midnight said.

Finding a small stretch of rock in the ash, Midnight adjusted the controls, causing the ash hopper to slowly come to a stop. After activating the landing gear, Midnight went to the back and pulled forth some blankets.

"Set up your blankets how you like," Midnight instructed, "I'll start a fire."

As Runt and you tended to your bedding, Midnight pulled out some kindling and after striking some flint, started a campfire. Once the fire was started, Midnight sat next to the fire.

"Have you made everything to your liking?" Midnight asked.

"I think so," you answered.

"I guess," Runt grumbled.

Midnight looked at our bedding and nodded.

"In that case, I'll keep watch," Midnight said, "I wouldn't want my two... Comrades sleepwalking away in the middle of the night."

Runt eyed Midnight suspiciously, clearly not trusting him.

"Why don't you go ahead and sleep, Runt," you said, "I'll keep an eye on things."

Runt looked to you, then to Midnight and then back to you. After giving you a nod, Runt pulled up a blanket and after curling up into a ball, she laid down to rest. Perhaps it was the fact that you had reassured her that you were going to protect her, because it wasn't long before Runt's eyes slowly closed shut.

As Runt drifted off to sleep, you observed Midnight continually watching her with suspicion. Now it felt like a good time to address the bounty hunter's distrust for your friend.

"Alright, let's get this out of the way." You groaned as you stretched and sat in a more relaxed position. "What's your problem?"

Midnight blinked, his gaze pulled from Runt and centered on you. "What?"

You nodded your head toward the ash lurker. "I'm not blind. I can tell that you don't trust Runt. I just want to know why."

"She's a monster, why shouldn't I despise her?" Even as Midnight spoke you could see the anger in his eyes and for a brief moment you had to question if the flames in his eyes were merely a reflection of the campfire or not.

That warranted an eyebrow raise on your part. "Despise you say."

Midnight's muscles tensed almost as if he was going to lash out at you with his words, but instead he relaxed and his eyes focused on the campfire. Aside from the sound of the crackling fire, the area was silent and for a moment you thought that your discussion with the other stallion might be over, until Midnight spoke up.

"When I was younger, my sister and I grew up on a crab potato farm," Midnight said, "sure they were a little tart but when that's all you have, then you make do. Yet even then Lightning and I dreamed of leaving the farm and making a name for ourselves in the outside world, despite our parent's protest."

"It sounds kind of nice."

The bounty hunter nodded. "As we grew older, we thought that our claim to fame would be to hunt the ash lurkers ravaging the land. So, after doing some research and buying some supplies we moved forward with our plan."

As Midnight looked into the fire, the hatred in his eyes gradually melted away to sorrow. "So, we went out to a desolate place where an ash lurker had been spotted and thinking we were ready, Lightning cut her hoof and spilled some of her blood in the ash to lure the monster. It wasn't long before our prey came, speeding through the ash toward us. Erupting from the ground, an ash lurker not quite Runt's size arose and latched onto my sister's leg. While we were able to slay the creature, Lightning's leg had been torn to shreds and her blood had mingled with the ash. We were preparing to return to the village, our prize in tow when we heard the ash shift."

Looking up from the campfire, Midnight gazed into your eyes. "Have you heard of the Ivory Maw?"

"No, I haven't," you replied, shaking your head.

Midnight nodded, a look of understanding as he looked at your suit. "The Ivory Maw is an infamous ash lurker. It is a beast of great size, its mouth the size of an ash hopper, able to swallow such vessels and ponies whole. Its bony armor is bleached white and even though it's half blind, its sense of smell is unfathomable. While many ponies say it's only a myth, I know the Ivory Maw is real, because I saw it that day."

Pulling out a flask, Midnight opened it and swallowed some fluid before capping the container and resuming his story.

"Seeing this monstrosity, Lightning and I took to the skies, fleeing as fast as we could. Despite this, the Ivory Maw wouldn't relent, its speed matching our own. After what felt like several minutes, the sound of it gliding through the ash grew quieter and I thought that maybe we had managed to outmaneuver it... until I realized that I could no longer hear my sister's wings flapping..."'

Once more Midnight pulled forth the flask and drank from it, almost as if it were the one thing giving him strength to continue. Judging from his mannerisms, you had a bad feeling that you knew how the stallion's story would unfold.

"Turning around, I saw that Lightning had veered off course, drawing the monster away. I called out to her, but she didn't listen..."

As Midnight swallowed more of the flask's contents. Even though the bounty hunter didn't complete his story, it wasn't hard for you to put the pieces together. Midnight's sister had died, sacrificing herself to save her brother and he had to live with that fact for the rest of his life.

"I'm sorry," you said, "that must be hard."

Putting away his flask, Midnight's gaze turning back to you, his stern eyes looking into your own. "That's why I hate ash lurkers! That's why I don't trust Runt over there and that's why I can't understand why you do!"

You looked over at Runt, who snored softly on the ground. While you could remember the ferocity that she exhibited when dispatching various raiders, you also recalled how she had saved your life and had given you your freedom, despite the large possibility that she'd be left alone again.

"Different circumstances I guess," you answered, "while the Ivory Maw may have taken your sister's life, it was Runt that saved mine."

"So, it's out of a sense of honor."

"Hmm... No, maybe at first, but really, it's just that we're... friends. I guess."

Midnight gave you a quizzical look, with one eyebrow slightly raised, before taking another swig from the flask. "You're a weird one."