• Published 22nd Mar 2021
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That Particular Instance I Performed Metempsychosis As An Equine Named After A Piece Of Silverware - Yuri Fanatic

Silver Spoon. Derived from the phrase "born with a silver spoon in your mouth," which implies being born into wealth, privilege, and now a pony too apparently.

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"Well, how was your first day of school?" A deep and smooth and reassuring voice resounded within the coach wagon I resided in. I was sitting next to Diamond Tiara while Filthy Rich sat across from us. The wagon itself wasn't as immaculate as my father's coach wagon as it was filled with various décor and toys around the room, cluttering up a fair bit of space. I could see that these toys probably belonged to Diamond Tiara as they were mostly dolls and gem-encrusted toy trains lying around.

"It was great daddy!" Diamond Tiara chirped in response. "Although, I didn't make a lot of friends like I thought I would..."

"We sat alone at recess talking about stuff." I added, half in confirmation and the other half as an excuse for Diamond Tiara.

"Oh? And what kind of stuff were you and my little sugar plum talking about?" The stallion inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"That's a secret daddy!~" The pink filly giddily said.

"Oh, so my little girl is already making secrets with her new friend..." Filthy Rich wiped away a single fake tear. "I'm so proud." I couldn't help but smirk at the stallion's demeanor. Diamond Tiara also giggled at her father's display of fatherly pride. He even brought out a single hoofkerchief to blow his nose... muzzle? Snout.

"Daddyyy that's so gross!" The pink filly giggled in fake disgust.

"Well, I at least don't pick my snout in front of other ponies." Filthy Rich stated.

"I don't pick my snout!" Diamond Tiara protested.

"I never said that you did dear." The stallion grinned as he leaned over to rub his daughter's head playfully. The pink filly puffed out her cheeks in mild contempt but ended up letting it go as she playfully smiled along with him.

"Well, thanks for picking me up Mister Filthy Rich." I said after that was over.

"Oh it's of no problem Silver Spoon," the stallion smiled gently, "and please, call me Rich." The stallion had come to pick up Diamond Tiara once school was over. Filthy Rich insisted on staying to see Silversmith to discuss further playdates between his daughter and I. However, he never showed up. "That Silversmith is only punctual when it comes to business, I swear. It's one thing to ignore my invitations, but to even to forget picking up his own daughter? Remind me to give him an earful when I'm with him."

"Invitations?" I asked, puzzledly.

"Of course. Your father and I have been friends since we were colts." The brown stallion answered. "Every week I send him an invitation to one of our parties and he never comes, the nerve of him."

"Every week!?" I couldn't help but exclaim. Diamond Tiara was startled at my sudden response.

"Well naturally. I always make an effort to make my little princess feel special. From the time my wife was pregnant with her, when little princess was born, when she first spoke, when she first learned to walk, to the time she learned to use the little-filly's room all by herself-"

"DADDY!" Diamond Tiara stood up from her seat cushion to protest, furiously blushing at the last part of the list.

"I would assume that last part was a private affair." I continued.

"Of course! I wouldn't want to embarrass my little angel here." Rich answered, pretending to be oblivious to his daughter's protests.

"But you are embarrassing me!" The pink filly protested again.

"But it can be another secret between the both of you~" Rich teased.

"Urgh! Next time I'll just walk home with Silver Spoon!" Diamond jumped back into her cushion as Filthy Rich clicked his tongue in bemusement.

"So, Father wasn't always..." I held my tongue.

"Giving the cold shoulder?" Rich finished my sentence. "No. He was a fine colt once. We used to do everything together. From the time I've known him, I could tell he was passionate about his work, always finding new ways to improve the lives of ponies." The stallion smiled reminiscently at the memory. "He was so absorbed in his work that I didn't even think he go out of his own volition. It would take some effort to drag him out of the house every time I wanted him to see a bit of sunshine." He chuckled at the memory, then his expression mellowed. "Magic Star changed all that though..."

"Mother?" I questioned.

"Yes, your mother. A fine mare she is." Rich smiled warmly, I could sense a faint underlying stain of bitterness in his tone of voice. His response gave me a weird feeling, but I discarded it quickly. "It was thanks to your mother that colt finally bothered to go out of his house and meet other ponies. It was I who got him to meet higher-class ponies that would listen to him. He sold his ideas and eventually started his own enterprise." He stated proudly before his expression started to falter. "Although looking back on it..." The brown stallion didn't utter anything else.


"Hmm? Oh, don't mind my silly ramblings. Just enjoy your life however you want it. Sometimes it isn't worth spending your life about what other ponies think about you." Rich reassured me with a smile.

"...Okay?" I was left alone to ponder this new knowledge that Filthy Rich was closer to my father than I thought. It never seemed that way whenever he visited the Silver manor. Silversmith was always... apathetic towards everything. Always surrounded by other older ponies, each wearing their own expressions as a guise to their true intentions of earning the backing of an influential powerhouse. Filthy Rich, an honest pony, always seemed to be shoved aside for more important talk rather than discussing his own daughter. I suddenly find myself pitying both of them... in a way.

Yet when mother was around, he always seemed to be much more, alive? At the very least he wasn't a ridged stallion with the personality of a rock. Mother would occasionally show up with merchandise she bought in the local gift shops from the various places she's been to. She would talk to him about her adventures and he would listen attentively, with a glimmer in his eyes as she spoke. The mansion always seemed lighter when she was around, always interacting with the staff and even asking them how I was doing. However, things would go back to the status quo whenever she left. Father would go back to his room and work on various projects, the staff would clean and look after me, and I was not allowed to go outside the manor for whatever reason.

"Ah, looks like we're here." Filthy Rich interrupted my thoughts.

"Oh finally! I thought we were going to wait forever!" Diamond Tiara said, putting on her saddlebag and hopping off of her seat cushion once more. "Come on Sil! I wanna see your mansion!"

"Sil?" I inquired.

"Yeah! It's a nickname I just made up. Like it?" The pink filly smiled at me expectantly.

"So that's why you were so quiet." I said before hopping off the cart with my own saddlebag with Filthy Rich following behind.

"Yeah! I was thinking 'Spoony', but that sounds dumb. Silver is a nice name, but Sil sounds kinda neat yaknow?"

"Can't think of a better nickname Diamond Tiara." I say with assurance. "Speaking of which, I should think of a nickname too then! How about... Dia? For Diamond?"

"That sounds like a wonderful nickname to have." Rich stated from behind.

"Dia. Dia Dia Dia. Dia Dia Dia Dia Dia Dia-"

"Don't wear it out, dear." Rich interrupted Dia's constant flubbing of her name before all of us eventually reached the front of the Silver Estate. The brown stallion scanned the brick columns on either side of the front gate. There was a small silver bell mounted on the left column. Straightening up, he walked past us and over to the bell and rang it with a hoof.

A resounding ping echoed from the bell, followed almost immediately by a firm, clear voice with a slightly haughty tone. "Silver residence. Please state the nature of your visit." One of father's servants arrived on the scene immediately, or perhaps he was just standing there behind the gate the entire time.

"Hello, I am Filthy Rich," the stallion introduced himself, "I believe you've seen me come here often? I'm a long-time friend of Silversmith."

The voice responded instantly. "Is he expecting you?"

Rich winced. "Um...no, not exact--"

"Visitors without a standing appointment are not admitted after sundown."

"Oh for Celestia's sake I have his daughter with me!" On a moment of inspiration, he added. "And I'd like to have a word with him about leaving a young filly like that unattended on school grounds."

There was a brief pause, but then the stallion said, "I shall...see what I can do."

"Good," Filthy Rich said with a sigh somewhere between relief and frustration. A few moments passed before a different servant appeared.

"Cacy!" I shouted, instantaneously recognizing the unicorn. There never was a stallion that was dressed quite so impeccably, or who stood so stiffly, or who exuded quite the same sense of confidence, poise, and purpose. His fur was a startling white, a severe contrast to his crisp black tuxedo and deep blue eyes. His expression was nearly inscrutable, although I could sense a certain indescribable shadow hovering on the edges of his mouth and eyes. "Is there something wrong?"

Cacy gave a curt reassuring smile to me before responding. "Miss Spoon. Mister Rich. It's good to see both of you, and thank you for the trouble of bringing Miss Spoon to us. I must apologize on Master Smith's behalf-"

"I'd rather hear it from the stallion himself if you don't mind." Filthy Rich curtly said with a tempered, but fierce-looking expression glinting in his eyes.

"I apologize once again, however, Mister Smith isn't here at the moment." The butler answered as Rich furrowed his brows in contempt.

"Oh of course. The one day he's out of the mansion is the day he forgets to pick up her daughter after school-"

"There has been an emergency," the unicorn interrupted the stallion while focusing his stoic gaze locked in with Rich, "Miss Star has been sent to Emergency Room in the Ponyville Hospital and Master Smith is currently overseeing her."

"Magic Star?"

Both Filthy Rich and I replied in unison with shocked expressions. Diamond Tiara stood there confused, but equally concerned. "I see, then I'll go there to meet him immediately." Rich responded before turning to his daughter. "Princess, could you stay here with your friend while daddy goes to make sure everypony is okay? I'll come to pick you up later."

"Okay daddy." The pink filly nodded in understanding. The brown stallion quickly trotted off to his coach wagon and left in a hurry. The sounds of crunching stone resounded across the street as the wagon sped past us, leaving Diamond Tiara and me alone with Cacy. The gate was suddenly enveloped with a shimmering pearl-colored aura of magic and the lock within clicked open. The gates began to slide apart and walked between them and up the front path towards the entrance. They closed immediately again behind us, latching together with a startlingly resonant clang. My thoughts lingered on my mother, my pony mother. She was fine until just moments ago earlier today... What on earth happened?

"Hmm... so, your name is Cacy, right? That sounds like a filly's name!" Dia giggled at the butler.

The butler hardened his gaze and then let out a large sigh. "It's Intricacy," he clarified, "Cacy is a name reserved for Miss Spoon's use only."

"Aww... Okay. Well I'm Diamond Tiara!" The filly squeaked.

"A pleasure Miss Tiara."

"Well, come on Sil! Show me your room!" The pink filly ran off in excitement.

She forced me out of my idle stupor and quickly forced me to run after her. "W-Wait hold up!"

The unicorn paused halfway to the end of the hallway. He glanced over his shoulder at us. "Welcome to Miss Spoon's private chambers. May I bring refreshments, Miss Spoon?"

"I'd like watermelon soda." I answered nonchalantly. Turning to my friend I asked, "You want anything?"

"Do you have any strawberry lemonade?" Dia asked the unicorn.

"Of course. I will have one of us prepare it shortly. Enjoy your stay, Miss Tiara." Cacy then made his leave and I entered my bedroom.

The room was huge. Well, comparatively speaking, anyway. Like everything else in the manor, my bedroom was incredible in its scale. One whole wall was studded with giant windows, each with a long, flowing set of pink velvet patterned drapes drawn across them. Unlike the hallway, the floor here was covered in a thick carpet, like the entryway, although the carpet here was a light rose color, paler than the drapes, with a short pile that was comfortable but didn't catch on my hooves.

I glanced at the opposite wall where I could see two wardrobes flanking an ornate white vanity, the mirror of which had several photos and notes taped to it. Another wall had a heavy dark mahogany desk pushed against it, with a tall bookshelf nearby. The shelves were mostly bare, with only a few visibly untouched novels on the lower shelves, and some mythical bestiaries lying on higher ones. The rest of the room was filled with many of the items a rich filly like Diamond Tiara wouldn't have expected to find in another rich filly's bedroom, from long shelves full of origami and papier-mâché sculptures; to pinned rough drawings of creatures likely never seen before; to a tall curio cabinet with brightly illuminated treasures, jeweled dolls, and intricately worked metal toys.

I looked behind me to see Diamond Tiara gaze in awe at my room's display. "Well, don't just stand there. Close the door and come inside already." I said.

"Your room is so different than mine. You have a lot of books and paper everywhere, you must read a lot!" The pink filly exclaimed as her eyes scanned more of the room. As was the case in the rest of the house, the walls were adorned with artwork and a few photographs. "Hey, Sil?"

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Who are all these ponies? They don't look like your family." She pointed to the various photographs.

"Keen eye," I complimented her, "yeah you're right, but also wrong. All of these pictures are ones I took of our household servants. I wanted to know each and everypony." I said truthfully. Sure identifying ponies by their color pallete and cutie marks was easy enough, but telling the subtle difference between muzzles was a problem I wanted to overcome.

"That's a lot. My daddy just hires old people. They can barely do their jobs." Dia complained, but I shared a different sentiment.

"Well, that's awfully nice of him." I replied.

"Huh, how so?" My friend inquired, perplexed at my response.

"Just think about it. You got a bunch of old ponies who can barely work anymore, but still want to work either because they have no money or they don't want to spend the rest of their lives in an elderly home where ponies babysit them. Not only that your dad pays them, but they probably even have their own quarters to live in while still maintaining a sense of fulfillment of raising a filly like you." I finished my explanation.

"I-I never even thought of that," Dia was stunned out of her frustration. "but why would daddy do that?"

"Probably because he obviously cares about other ponies." I stated. "Helping ponies when they're in need, it's what nobles should do. To help the common pony who can't help themselves. My father inherits high morals and ideals and applies it to everything he does, at least when it comes to his work. And from what I've noticed so far, your father seems to be both honest and charitable, even to the point of being furious on my behalf." I finished before adding, "Your dad is amazing Dia."

Diamond Tiara blushed at this compliment to her father, before shyly averting her gaze. "Yeah, I guess he is," she admitted, "but my mommy says we shouldn't talk to poor ponies. They only see us for our money and being friends with them would hurt our family image."

"Urgh, forget about 'family image'. Silversmith is so deep in politics he can't even see me when I'm in his own house!" I stated with a bit more venom in my voice than I intended. "Do you really want to be somepony like that?"

"I guess not..." Dia admitted again, but still a little taken back at my earlier proclamation. Yet her eyes were hardened in thought, like for the first time in her life really thinking about things from a fresh perspective. "Then what kind of pony should I be? Kind and charitable like daddy?"

"Just be yourself." I advised. "Do what you want to do. Be the pony that you want to be. Who cares what any other stuck-up pony thinks? It's none of their business anyways."

"Then... what do I want to do?" Dia asked, mostly to herself as I could tell.

"Well, let's start with practicing writing your name down. That's what you came here for right?"

"Oh yeah! Sure let's do it!" The pink filly chirped brightly with a renewed vigor.

Soon enough I taught Diamond Tiara to write her name properly. It was a bit tough at first using our mouths to trace each letter, but we eventually got it. We were drinking our beverages after one of the staff came in with them. It was at that time we both unanimously decided to take a break. I was lying on top of the comforter of a huge four-poster bed pushed up against the wall opposite the windows. Strewn across the bedspread in front of me was a large collection of books and papers, which I was scanning absently as I sipped my Watermelon Soda.

It was delicious, but not your normal type of delicious. It was delectable in a way you wouldn't really find in a normal soda back in the human world and I've grown addicted to it. I didn't know if it was just magic at play or simply because of my foalish-like body really liked the substance. As a human, I was mildly allergic to all kinds of fruits: watermelons, bananas, pineapples, all of which caused a slight irritation in my throat. There were only a few fruits that I haven't had an allergic reaction to, such as strawberries, mangos, and apples. It was strange, it seemed that one of the fruits I long despised became one of my most favorite foods.

I also couldn't help but feel that the rest of my sense of taste changed as well. Oatmeal used to be plain and uninviting, yet now it's a staple to my every breakfast. I have even grown a liking to eating raw celery sticks. Yet the only downside was that I wasn't able to eat meat anymore. I know that horses are opportunistic carnivores, but apparently, all living things aside from plants exhibit some sort of limited sapience. As a result, ponies have adopted the culture to where every life is sacred. I had to include salted nuts in my meals to get the protein I need. Thank God that ponies still consume animal products like eggs and milk. Despite it all, it was a nice journey to find out what foods I liked and didn't like now.

"Hey Sil, your drink is already empty." Dia interrupted my thoughts.

"Huh?" I found myself sipping away at air through a straw, only slurping whatever remnants of water the ice melted with making obscene noises. "Oh."

"You really don't pay attention to stuff." The pink filly said with an innocent expression.

"I just like to think a lot." I say defensively, placing my emptied drink on top of a nearby cabinet.

"Well, thanks for teaching me how to write my name. I can't wait to show the class how ahead I am! They're gonna be so jealous!" Dia giggled in anticipation.

"Just wait until Miss Cheerilee gives us homework." I smile in bemusement, "Being smart is nice and all, but the moment she gets wind of it she'll give us harder homework. Maybe even have us skip some grades."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Dia continued sipping on her nearly emptied lemonade.

"Do you want to be surrounded by bigger ponies who are as smart as you?"

Dia was picturing the idea in her mind before coming to a grimace. "No, that doesn't sound very nice."

"Yeah, exactly." I waved a hoof.

"But, if being too smart is a bad thing, then why are you so smart?" Dia pointed out, finishing her drink.

"Hmm? Oh, no. Being smart isn't a bad thing. As long as Miss Cheerilee doesn't find out." I answered nonchalantly.

"Oh! I won't tell!" The pink filly exclaimed, sitting up.

I smiled. "Thanks."

Soon once we were done with our drinks we went back to writing. My eyes were drawn to the leftover scrap paper on my bed. All of them were filled with badly traced letters Diamond Tiara wrote while I was teaching her. Out of sheer boredom, I picked up one of them with my hoof and started folding.

"Hmm? What are you doing Sil?" Dia tilted her head in question.

"Origami." I answered.


"Yeah, it's when you fold paper to make a specific shape. Here look, I'm making a ninja star right now." I showed her, taking two pieces of split paper and folding them correctly to make two components. I then combined them to make all four edges in a small compact shuriken.

"Oh, that's so cool! It's like the ones ninjas use in The Pony of Shadows!" Dia admired my work with sparkling eyes. In a way, I was actually kind of glad that Diamond Tiara was actually a huge nerd in person, in pony? I gave a small chuckle before tossing it into her mane.

"Hey!" My friend protested, hardening her gaze at me with a dead serious look in her eyes.

I instinctively apologized. "Sorry-"

"Teach me how to do that."

Soon a myriad of ninja stars was being thrown across my bedroom. All the scrap paper we had lying around have been transformed into harmless projectiles scattered across the carpet.

"You'll never defeat me, Pink Diamond! I have The Tome of Ethereal Shadows in my hooves! With this, nopony will be able to touch me!" I haughtily laughed as I held a random book in hoof while standing on my bed.

"You dummy! Everypony knows you need the Amulet of True-seeing to understand the words in that book!" Diamond Tiara had a crumpled up piece of paper colored in green crayon taped with string around her neck while defiantly standing below me.

"Then I'll just have to take it from you!" I leaped over the bed while tossing three paper shuriken at her.

Dia rolled away from the attack, my projectiles missing by a hair as I landed next to her. She threw some projectiles of her own, but I quickly ducked under the way. Luckily I had another array of shuriken in my other hoof and I tossed it as soon as I regained my footing.

Yet my projectiles were deflected with a series of Diamond Tiara's own ninja stars. I gasped in shock, "What?! How?!"

"The Amulet allows me to see your every move, Dark Silver! You should have gotten the Amulet first!" She declared as she leaped to the side and threw a series of more ninja stars at me.

The fight continued until a servant knocked on our door. "Miss Tiara, your father is here to pick you up." We pause mid-action to see ourselves with our manes completely unfurled and littered with paper stars tangled with it.

"Aww... but I wanted to play some more." Diamond Tiara complained.

"We can play tomorrow. I bet Miss Cheerilee would let us borrow some paper for arts and crafts." I said confidently.

"Great idea!" The untidy pink filly gleefully exclaimed, shoving a hooful of paper stars into her saddlebag. "Wanna bring all our ninja stars during recess?"
