• Published 22nd Mar 2021
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That Particular Instance I Performed Metempsychosis As An Equine Named After A Piece Of Silverware - Yuri Fanatic

Silver Spoon. Derived from the phrase "born with a silver spoon in your mouth," which implies being born into wealth, privilege, and now a pony too apparently.

  • ...

Hidden Revelations

"Well, that was a bust." I say to myself as I popped another piece of unwrapped candy into my mouth.

"Hmm? What do you mean?" Dia asked as she walked alongside me.

"Oh, it's nothing." I replied as I continued pondering in thought.

"Hmph," the pink filly huffed before walking ahead, "well while you were off thinking by yourself, I made another friend!" She raised her head high, seemingly proud of herself.

"Twist huh? You sure are a social butterfly." I say with unequal enthusiasm before furrowing my brows. I wonder if she knows about Sweetie Drops... The train of thought prolonged in my mind at the mere mention of the dorky filly. Would she know that her older sister is a secret agent? Is she even her real sister? Is she brainwashed to be Sweetie Drop's cover? I shook my head, knowing full well that the possibility of that being the case is extremely unlikely. Probably.

"You don't look impressed." Dia remarked, biting her lip with a frown on her brows.

"It's very impressive Dia," I consoled my friend's thoughts, "it's just that it hurts my ears whenever I'm around Twist."

"Huh? You do?" The pink filly asked with an incredulous expression.

"Well yeah, years of social etiquette can do that to a filly. Harsh accents like those, it's like clawing on the chalkboard." I trotted further on while chewing more hard candy.

"Whafs... sofial efekit?"

"What?" I turned around to see a befuddled Dia with a mouthful of more candy.

"I saif, whafs sofial efikit." She repeated while chewing through her candy with her mouth open. The chewing released an unsettling amount of smacks from the gum combined with the sounds of saliva.

Immediately the display irked me, forcing me to take a couple of steps back. "Dia! Don't chew with your mouth open or talk while eating."

"Whai nof?" Dia tilted her head innocently, before taking another sweet drop and popping it into her mouth.

I reeled back, almost choking on my shock. It wasn't the fact that she continued doing what she was doing or the fact that she added another piece of candy before she was even done consuming the ones already in her mouth. It was the fact that she ate the candy whole. Wrapper and everything. I stared into her mouth as the hard candy crunched and soft chewy insides melted into the seems of her teeth. Multiple wrappers that were stuck inside were slowly integrating with the chewy mass, all before Dia swallowed the thing whole with an audible gulp.

A period of silence passed us as I continued staring wide-eyed at what transpired. "I no longer want to live."

"Huh?" The pink atrocity that existed in the body of a filly was startled by my sudden statement.

"This is my punishment for the life I had before." I quietly lamented.

"What are you talking about?"

"This is how I atone for the sins I've committed in the past. Through torture and tribulations, I must endure this if my current life will ever bring me the peace I desire. May God have mercy on this weary soul." I prayed in utter vain.

"I don't know what you're saying, but you're probably overreacting." Dia then presumed to pop yet another piece of wrapped candy into her mouth.

"You're not supposed to eat candy with the wrapper!" I yelled in abject horror.

Dia could only stare at me with pure confusion. "Why nof?"

"It's not edible!"

"Whaf's... efible?" The pink filly's confusion only further progressed.

"It's not meant to be eaten. It's unhealthy!" I elaborated further.

Dia simply swallowed and deadpanned. "You totally can Sil. Just put one in your mouth and see."

"What?" I exclaimed incredulously.

"I said put one in your mouth- oh just hold still." Before I got the chance to object, Diamond Tiara's quick movements already popped one of her wrapped candies in my mouth. I was alarmed momentarily, before realizing something. As the saliva in my mouth covered the foreign sweetie drop, the wrapper started to disintegrate. The taste of sugar hitting my taste buds and letting me know I wasn't in any immediate danger.

"...What the." I muttered, slowly chewing the sweet hard candy.

"See?" Dia said with the most 'I'm done with your shit' look I've seen her have.

Naturally, my only response was being slightly embarrassed at being proven wrong for once. "Oh."

"You should calm down Sil and stop overthinking things. That might be even more unhealthy than whatever you think I'm doing." My friend said with a bemused look on her muzzle.

I was at a loss for a couple of seconds, only to accept the scenario by saying, "Alright." I was a little put off by how calm Dia was being in comparison to me, but after thinking about it some more it made sense that she had a bit more common sense than me. I never left my mansion and this filly probably explored all of Ponyville dozens of times by now. "Sorry."

The pink filly then giggled as she booped me on my snout, causing me to scrunch my nose before looking away to hide my embarrassment. "You're really silly sometimes Sil."

"I-I just... didn't know wrappers could do that." I meekly defended myself.

"You're just a filly like me Sil, you still don't know a lot of things." Dia cheerfully told me.

I snorted before crossing my foreleg. "Well, that's a given. I just don't go out much."

"Well luckily for you, there's an easy way to fix that. Where do you want to go next?" Dia chirped.

I paused once again, really thinking now about what prospects I have due to Diamond Tiara's help. "Actually, there's this one place I always wanted to see."

"This is where you want to go?"

The clattering hoofsteps of two fillies reached the front of the Golden Oak Library. "I mean, this library isn't in use and there's a lot of interesting books in there I think." I reply to Diamond Tiara, gazing up at the large structure. The tree has a beehive hanging from a branch, a candlestick sign on the front door, a sign of an open book outside the door, and two balconies, one of which has a telescope. It was one thing to see it in the show, but actually seeing it in person was damn impressive in its own right. Constructing a hospitable and functioning three-story library by hollowing a giant oak tree must have taken decades to nurture and plan. Opening the front door, we both heard a resounding creek that echoed to the rest of the main building. Peering in, I could see the sunlight pierce through various glass panes and windows. Dust floated visibly within the streaks of light. The door allowed air to flow in, disturbing the settled dust around us. I suddenly break a loud cough upon inhaling the stale air.

"Isn't in use? This place looks like it's been abandoned." My pink companion remarked skeptically, following me in while taking care not to disturb too much dust.

"That's what, not being in use means..." I deadpanned, placing my saddlebag on the nearby wall. "Anyways it shouldn't be occupied for a while, so I decided that we should make this our hangout spot while we have the chance."

"Really? What's so special about this place?" Diamond Tiara retained her skepticism, pacing herself against the wood floor.

"The fact that's really old. And old things have secrets!" I gleefully answer.

"Like Curse of the Castle!" The pink filly shared my excitement.

"Exactly like Curse of the Castle!" I confirmed, recalling the events within that small fiction where the protagonist found secret passageways and hidden treasures in an old castle.

"So you think there's like, secret entrances and buttons around here?" Diamond Tiara asked while scanning the room for every detail, completely enraptured by the library in a whole new light.

"Most likely. I think I recall one button being around here somewhere." I scanned the room along the empty bookshelves. Unlike the show, it seems that this library wasn't all that populated with books before Twilight came along. However, I can still see the lamps and tables arranged across the room while a set of stairs is laid along the far back. The ceiling had the image of a yellow sun painted on it and the walls had flower patterns engraved on their wooden surface. Overall, this building really was impressive from an architectural standpoint.

My gaze eventually landed on a curious Diamond Tiara. I see her sliding a hoof upon the center table with a pedestal holding a wooden equine head. Dust gathered beneath her hoof and she looked at it curiously, before giving it a taste. "Pfftew! Yuck! Blegh!"

"Why would you taste that?" I exclaimed in mild disgust.

"I was curious! There wasn't any dust back at home," The innocent pink filly explained, before wiping her hoof on a hoofkerchief she kept on her saddlebag. "and maids usually clean the mansion before Daddy and I come back."

"That's still pretty gross." I remarked.

"Oh, you be quiet. I'm looking for secret buttons here." She said as she looked under the center table. "Find anything yet?"

"Yeah, just need to find where I last saw it in my dreams..." I answered before carefully looking inside the bookshelves. Cobwebs and dust littered the area with only a few books to spare. I'd have to look at those tomes later, but my primary focus was finding this one button that Spike once found. "Ahah! I found it!"

"Found what?!" Dia instantaneously looked in my direction with keen interest.

"The horseshoe button!" I revealed while wiping away the various dust and cobwebs. Dia looked over my shoulder to see the very button I described. "Now if I recall correctly, this button should open a secret compartment for a special tome." I excitedly pressed the indentation. A low rumble vibrated from the shelf as a small wooden panel slid upwards and revealed a red book with a golden title plate on the front cover. Dia was enraptured by it all as I carefully retrieved the book from its hiding place.

"I can't believe that just happened!" Dia screamed in pure delight as she galloped in place. "Quickly! What does it say?! Does it have anything cool about this place? A story?!"

Before she could even finish that sentence I was already scanning the title. "Legends of Equestria." I read out loud to Diamond Tiara, flipping over to the table of contents to see what this ancient tome is really about. The number of titles listed was fascinating; all of them arranged alphabetically from the nature of the Elements of Harmony to even of course the Legend of the Mirror Pool. There was even a small bestiary for various monsters such as the cockatrice to... what the hell is a Bushwoolie?

"See anything interesting?" Dia begged.

Shaking away my initial thoughts, I looked over the table of contents again. "Sure hold on, let me get a good read of this." As I went through each line, it grew more obvious that I wasn't familiar with many of these titles. One line, however, causes me to pause completely.

"Oh! Anything good?" The pink filly took my solid expression as confirmation.

I didn't respond. For a couple of seconds, I just stood there staring at one line in the middle of the tables of contents. A line that was blotted out with black ink. A line between 'Hippogriff' and 'Hydra' within the bestiary. I then instantaneously flipped the pages to the number the missing contents were recorded, and when it was flipped I was met with an alarming sight.

Nothing. The pages were completely torn out of the book. Clear streaks of leftover pages being torn out of its binder, and an extensive amount of pages too. I heard Diamond Tiara calling out my name, but all my senses eluded me. Only the muffled sounds of her voice reached my ears as I internalized all this and what this meant. Before I could come to a solid conclusion, I closed the book promptly.


I finally heard my name called out to me and blinked. "S-Sorry... what?" I returned to my current reality to see Diamond Tiara staring at me with a concern I didn't see her have before.

"Are you ok?" Dia asked, with worry in her voice.

"I-I... I'm fine Dia. It's just... can I have this book to myself for a while?"

My pink companion was clearly about to object, but when she met my gaze she remained silent. "If you think that's for the best."

"Thanks," I said before walking over to my saddlebag to store the book in, "we'll hang out later. There are a lot more secrets in this library than this one book."

Diamond Tiara didn't really know what to make of my response, but when she locked eyes with me she held out her hoof. "Pinkie Promise?"

I couldn't help but smile at her as I reenacted the motions she made on the first day we met. "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye."

Author's Note:

Sorry about the lack of updates. I had to move suddenly and find a job. If I could I would stab the very concept of unemployment in the liver and twist it painfully. Anyways, enjoy!