• Published 17th Jan 2021
  • 896 Views, 64 Comments

Catastrophic Adventures - -Pinkamena_Pie-

  • ...

Close Call

Great, so now I have another sister to protect and my apparent 'dad' never bothered to tell me. Goddamn... I can almost tell that this is gonna end badly for me.

I do have to admit, for whatever she is, she is bloody adorable. Very fluffy too. Extremely so. Also, multiple tails? Flutters would go crazy over her.

"Don’t think that Oblivion’s brat saved you from your punishment, Crystal Moonbeam!"

Well, at least I know her name.

Well don't just stand there, get your plot over there and save your sister!

On it, Dad... Oh God this is gonna hurt.

"Ohoho? You’re approaching me? Instead of leaving us to it, you’re coming right to me?"


"Get away from my sister, bitchsune!"

"Oh, how cute! Come and make me get away from her, whelp!"

I hate her damn cockiness. The worst part is she has the power to back it up.

Well, only way to do this is to throw some knives at her... And holy crap, I actually hit her.

"Ouchie! Oh dear, I’ve been defeated! Please, show mercy to this poor and defenceless creature!"

I call bullshit on this one.

You'd be right too, she’sfull of it and full of herself. Has her head shoved so far up her own ass that she may as well become a plumber. Either way, you need to be careful, Mena. She's no joke to fight... It's gonna take a miracle to beat her.

No shit Sherlock.

"Hey, Yandere Simulator wannabe, your acting sucks ass!"

"Yuup, you’re definitely Oblivion’s brat… that mouth of yours can get you into a lot of trouble, squirt."

Guess she's the corrupted Rainbow Dash, heh... That would make too much sense for my liking.

"Ah, fine wine. What? You didn’t really think you could actually hurt me, did you?"

I want to shove this bitch's teeth so far up Calamitas's ass it burns. I think she just made me hate her more than the slave witch.

"Obviously not. But I can certainly try!"

Not one of my best rebukes and... Oh, damn I hit her aga- grkh...

"Hello there, Oblivi-wizzy. It must annoy you to know that all you can do is watch as I beat your little brats, before your very eyes."

Oblivi-wizzy, huh... Stupid nickname... Damn, she’s strong.

When I come back, Cosmos, you are going to be my first victim, you fucking bitch.

"What do you think you’re doing, Cosmos?"

Of course HE'S here... Grrr, let go of me you bucking slut!

"What does it look like? I’m punishing these little abominations!"

"Cosmos, I specifically told you to ‘fetch’ your daughter, yes?"

Oh, shit, you're in trouble.

"NOT, punish your daughter. I’m very particular with my words."

What the buck, did half-sis just... Oh no. Oh crap... He got into her head, didn't he... shit, shit, shit...

YOU MOTHER FUCKER. I'm gonna fucking rip out your damn intestines and feed them to your fucking brother for that! How DARE YOU pretend to care about MY daughter!

Huh? Shiny thing above me? What is that...?Maybe I should wait until daddy finishes healing me... Mom was really mad today...

I should slit her open and see how she feels being abused.

Mmm, bad shadow. No thinking like that.

"Thanks, Daddy!"

"It’s all right, my little fox. Why don’t you go play with your uncle Yharon? I’ve got… business that needs my personal attention."


Mmm... That pony looks familiar. I know her, but where... mrrm...

Why is the shiny thing still there. I don't think Daddy can see it. I should ask him if he can.

"Wait, sis, you gotta listen to me!"

Huh? Sis? But I'm a kitsune, not a pony... I should thank her for her help anyways, mrrr...

"Thanks, but... All I have is my daddy... and hatred."

Bad shadow, mrrrrrrr... Stop being mean.

"Maybe I should give it a chance, though..."

Now to remind 'Mom' about how much I hate her.

"Oh, and by the way, 'Mom'... you can never really hurt me. It just makes me... stronger."

Mmmmrrrr... Shadow, stop making me cry black tears... They don't feel good.

I wonder where Uncle Yharon is!

"You insufferable- I should kill you right now."

Huh? Is Mommy being mean? I should go check. Daddy won't mind if I just have one little teensy-weensy peek...

Why is Mommy hurting the familiar pony? What did she do?

"Cosmos… What exactly did I tell you to do?"

Oh, Daddy saved the strange pony. I hope she's okay...

"As I said before, I specifically told you to ‘fetch’ your daughter, not ‘punish’ her. Punish, fetch, punish, fetch… do those words sound remotely the same?"

"You think you can treat me like a child?! I only joined you in order to achieve my own ends! I do not serve you, mortal!"

You shouldn't talk back to Daddy... He gets mad and punches things. He accidentally stepped on my tails once... It hurt... He said sorry after though. I love Daddy...

He's not my real father though. My real father would never step on my tails or make me hurt people. I only do it because it's fun to make people scream. He wants to make me a monster, though...

Shaaaaadoooow! Stop saying things like that... Daddy loves me, mrrrr...

"Is that so? Look at that... now you’re kneeling to this mortal."

Why is Daddy being mean? She deserves it, but Daddy looks like he's hurting her... Oh no, mrrrlll... I should get Uncle Yharon. Daddy might need help soon... When he does things like this, it means he's not there anymore...

"How dare you! W-what’s going on? My… my powers are-"


"Performance issues? Tell me, Cosmos. Aside from now, has a goddess like you ever experienced true fear before?"

I need to get Uncle Yharon now!

What the hell... I've never seen this guy snap like this. And he can drain power...? I don't like this... Did he do that to my half-sis to make her obedient? That's be just like him, wouldn't it. But she doesn't look mind-controlled...

It's not mind-control, though I sure as hell wish it was. He got to her by giving her a father's love. Something I never could before I got banished. She was born just a few months before, with a single tail. I gave her a necklace I hoped would keep her powers in check so she could live like a normal pup...

Banished? Necklace... Yeah, serious talk time after this, Kay? Anyways...

The damn bastard planned this. I know he did, because he never got over the fact I beat him at his own game... He wants to use MY daughter, my DAUGHTERS for his own sick use, and I will not BUCKING allow it!

Dad, cool it...

Everyone's just pawns for him to use... But even a king can only do so much when the grandmaster controls it... He doesn't realize Xeroc, your grandfather, thinks of him the same way.

I... I think I'm gonna let you stew a bit in peace. You sound mad enough to possess me...

Okay... He's summoning something now... Great, this should be entertaining.

"Wha… what is this… presence?"

Presence. What prese- WHAT THE BUCK IS THAT.

"Your end..."

That thing is like nothing... Okay, cool it, Mena, you've seen and felt worse. Just sit on your haunches and breathe. This thing obviously emits an aura, nothing else. Heavy negative energy. What the buck even IS that?

Oh, for FUCK'S sake...That's Twilight Sparkle, or the Devourer of Gods, as you call it... Fuck me, man, why's he flipping out now?

Ok, so this is that giant-ass worm that everyone keeps saying can kill things in one hit. GREAT, I REALLY feel the love Yharim has for his slaves.

Least Cosmos looks like she's more scared than me. I guess it's cause I'm no God, so my essence wouldn't really be more than a snack for that thing.

"I, I submit! I swear undying loyalty to you! Please, don’t throw me in there with that thing!"

"But, Cosmos… you have me confused here. I thought you said that you refused to serve a mortal? You only joined me to achieve your own goals, no?"

Oh, CAN it, you bastard. You gonna throw her in there or not?! Stop basking in your pride, for once in your damn life.

"I… I… I lied! I was just having some fun! P-please! I won’t disobey you ever again!"

SERIOUSLY?! This, this is what annoys me the most. Whenever a victim begs for their life. It's pointless and bucking annoying, and don't even get me started on the pride of the villain! Do what you bucking say you will for once.

Mena, hold your tongue...

Shut up, Dad! I don't need you chiming in!

"Hmmmm, I don’t know... I’m not convinced. Say, Mena… what would you like to do with her?"


"You SERIOUSLY want me to decide her fate. I don't give a buck! I care about my half-sister, who you bucking decided to Stockholm Syndrome into loving you!"

"That she does, puppet. Your sister sees me as the father that yours never was. Isn’t that right, Oblivion? I know you can hear me in there."

Mena... Hold your tongue, as much as it hurts me to say this... son of a bitch, I hate him...

"You're talking to me, asshole, not him!"


"You know WHY my father wasn't there for her?"

Mena, you're going to lose control.


Shit, shit, shit... Time to put on a show.

"Details, details. Remember this?"

Damnit, I'm out of time. Need to delay for a while. Mena's in no state to do anything right now, I can feel her True GrimDark being unlocked... Alright, Oblivion, you got this. Get those tears going.

"My sister's life force..."

DAMNIT, I need to use my magic here... this is gonna suck the rest of my energy until the GrimDark returns, but I have to make sure that thing doesn't get destroyed... My little Mena would go crazy if Pinkie died... I probably would, too. Damn you, Yharim...

"No! I did everything you asked! Please don't do that to her!"

I'm gonna fucking rip him apart limb from limb and it'll feel great~

"No! Please! No!"

Oh boy, am I gonna deliver the Pain Train to this fuckface... Soon as I take down that worm pet of his, I'll be able to take him down fairly easily.

"I won't talk back to you anymore!"

He's a sick bastard. He's gonna burn in the flames of the Underworld just like he should've all those years ago and I'm gonna put him there myself.

"Too late, puppet."

Call my favorite daughter that again, I dare you.

Whoops... wasn't supposed to pick faves. Oh well. I love them all anyways.

Let's just hope this is convincing enough to delay until...

"Yharim! You’ve made your point, so stop!"

And there we go. Mission complete. Way too close to true GrimDark though... I think those bloody fangs are there to stay... And the sharp hooves... And Dash's phantom Cutie Mark... you get the point.

Thank Terra for empathetic dragons.

I knew it! I knew father was just as bad as mother! I knew it! Tried to fool me, but couldn't... LIAR!

Shadow is right...

I'm not sure if Daddy actually loves me... If that was me, would he.... Mrrrr...

Would he hurt me too?

"Yharon… What do you think you’re doing?"

Uncle Yharon is gonna bring you back, Daddy... I know he is...

"Stopping you from performing this action. Especially when there’s no need to do it. I care not for The Kitsune Tyrant, kill her if you must, but Pinkamena hasn’t earned your ire, nor has her sister. You are being unfair, brother."

Yeah! Uncle Yharon is right! You're being unfair!

As if... You're just being sadistic, father... Sadistic and cruel. You probably didn't even want to take care of me.

No, no... Daddy did. Bad shadow, rrrrrmmmm...

"Fair? You want to talk about fairness?! Have you forgotten about what this world did to us?!"

Yes, because that gives you full permission to beat me just like mother. The personality you're used to doesn't know, but I do, Father. When I'm like this... I do. And you do it more than her.... So let's talk about fairness again.

Shadow, what are you saying? Daddy only stepped on my tail once and he apologized, mrrr... He... He wouldn't do it on purpose, Mrrrrlllp...

"I will never forget, brother. And I will always beckon to your call, I will always be at your side. But, this, I can not just stand by and watch you torture Pinkamena, and her sister."

"And why do you care If I do this to them?!"

Oh, Uncle Yharon, please help Daddy... I don't like seeing him like this... I want my real Daddy back.

If only you knew how close you were to having him back, my little foxtail... When I return, I will show you how much I care.

Dad, you're being weird. Can you read minds or something?

In a way, Mena. In a way.

"That expression on Pinkamena’s face… it’s what we had that day when he betrayed us… and killed mom."

Huh? Kill? I don't like that word... It sounds mean... But I think Daddy is back, so Uncle Yharon did it!

"Thank you, Yharon..."

That pony sounds like she's crying... Should I lick her tears? It usually works for Daddy when he's sad...

"...You have one more chance, you useless ‘Goddess’."

Aw, he didn't kill her. But maybe Mommy will be nicer now!

Oh, Daddy's coming. I should hide.

Damn bitch... I don't know what happened the last few minutes, but Oblivion's telling me I shouldn't worry about it. Sounds like I should be worried about it. Anyway...

Hope my hoof going through your side feels good, bitchsune. Don't know why it's so sharp, though. Less bloody than I thought it would be.

Ask her how it feels getting close to something that would be instadeath for her and not for me.

Okay... Sure. I guess.

"Dad wants to know how you like getting one-shotted, bitch."

Not exactly what I meant, but sure, that'll work.

She just whimpered. Pathetic piece of fluff... DAMN, I need to stop talking like that. Almost sounding like Yharim now.

Least that motherbucker is leaving.

"I want you in my throne room, Yharon. We need to talk."

"Very well, brother… but I must take care of matters here first."

Dragon's hiding something. I can tell, even with the emotionless scales.

"I… apologize for my brother’s actions. However, there is something we must discuss."

Does that something happen to be against the rules, cause you're looking a bit shady there, Drago.

"I can not allow this to go on any longer. With you and your sister, that is."

How sweet. He's concerned. This what you all expect to end in that Valentine's Day chapter, people? Well, I mean... He is pretty hot. Get it? Hot? Cause he's a dragon? Ugh, nevermind, it was a bad joke anyways.

"Don’t apologize for something you didn’t have a hand in… or claw, as it were."

Heh... Finally. I got some Bitchsune blood. Collect some of that 'fine wine'. Maybe it'll cheer me up.

I'd rather drink it from the vein, heheh. A couple quick sips... Delicious. Okay, may have drank a bit more than a few sips, but you get it. And yes, I collected some for later. Pretty good shit. Can't kill her yet, though... Soon.

"Something on your mind, Drago?"

Buck, that was good. Addictive, almost... That's weird. I haven't felt this way since my last snap... Is Oblivion not telling me something? Because now I have the temptation to rip her open and bathe in-

Jesus Fucking Christ, Mena, that's enough. Usually I'd be fine with it, but I'm edge, alright? Cool down the torture talk.

Ugh, fine. I have enough blood to drink later anyways.

"As the terrarians say: Let me give it to you simply, I wish to train you. I mean no disrespect… but your performance was… laughable."

O H T H A N K S.

"Sure, tell me more about how badly I got my ass kicked, why don’t you."

"You didn’t let me finish. Your performance was bad… but I admire your courage. As such, I wish to hone your skills in both combat and, well… to take a hit better."

I was being strangled. How the buck do you take that better?

"Um… Don’t feel bad. I may not know you, like… at all, but you still tried helping me… It’s just… She’s really strong…"

Ohgodshe'sadorable. Damniiiiit, I thought I left the 'motherly protectiveness' back with Veno. Stop being cute, you adorable.... grrrrrrrrr.... Fine. I can't stay grumpy with you being here.

"Ugh… I never really was the strongest in the GrimDark… Silent Ponyville never bothered teaching me anything. So… sure, I guess. My self-confidence is nearly zero right now, may as well drop it down to the negatives, right?"

"Consider that the start to your training, my faithful student."


"So you’re Celestia now, gotcha."

"Are you referring to Yharim’s former student?"

No, you idiotic scaly... No, no. Getting angry at my ally is not what I should be doing right now... ugh...

"...Y’know what, forget it. Let’s just do whatever dragons do to train."

"I… I want to train too, Uncle Yharon."

Don't squee, don't squee, don't squee... Goddamnit, I squeed. She reminds me too much of Venomous when he was just a young colt.

"Of course, little one. You will always be welcomed."

Don't start giving me looks or comments about him being a good father, my plot belongs to Silence and Silence only.
Okay, maybe I wouldn't mind if he were a little less, y'know, dragony. Shut up about it now.

"So now that we got the touchy-feely stuff out of the way, you wanna tell me how exactly you’re going to train us without your lovely brother finding out? I get the feeling you’re not supposed to do this kind of thing."

"I’m not… but I believe you have a sort of, heist, coming up… yes?"

Okay, who the buck told him.

"Who the buck told the dragon, that could've ended badly. Seriously guys..."

Shit, I actually spoke out loud. Damnit.

"That would be us, Mena. I hope you still remember me? Also, who were you speaking to just now?"

Uh, uh...

"Oh. Ignore my staring up at something you can’t see. Braelor, right?"

"Yes, and my friend here."

Okay, before you start complaining, Tori, I'm gonna let you know that I saw your comment and edited this sentence as a response, okay? Don't scream at me.

"And that would be uh… um… the Ninja rogue dude?"

There, see, happy? No complaining now.

"Hah! I like your humor. But you’re not exactly wrong, either."

"Uh… No, seriously, I can’t remember your name. Kinda went through a bit of ‘Crisis a la Sister-nearly-dying’."

Wait, what? My sister nearly died? Oblivion...

Eheheh... uh... Mental flashbang!

What was I talking about? My head hurts now... Damnit.

"I’m Statis, and I believe we promised to tell you who we were before our little heist started? I’ll give you the T.L.D.R version: We once served Twilight Sparkle. The REAL Twilight."

"Reality is a bit of a mixed bag, you talking about Princess Sparks, EXE Sparks, or Worm Sparks?"

"The one who scares the shit out of your dad, Sparkle."


"Hah! I can’t hear him, but I know for a fact he’s somewhat pissed about what Braelor just said."

OW. You mind, I dunno, not screaming, Dad?

Sorry, Braelor always made this joke to me. And I told him! Every time I told him I would be the one to stand against her, but NOOOOOOO, HE HAS TO TEASE ME STILL!

DAD SHUT THE BUCK UP. I have an adorable kitsune to cudd- GAH. I did NOT almost say that. Buck no.

"Maybe we should get back to the point…?"

"Thank you, Moonbeam. Your ‘heist’ will give me the opportunity to take your sister’s life force from my brother, and stall our forces from attacking Camelot."

Okay, one major missing hole here.

"How do you plan on getting that when Yharim hides it somewhere?"

"Simple, my soon to be student: His inventory. I am connected to it."

Author's Note:

The adventure will pick up in Cataclysmic Adventures! Thanks for reading!

Comments ( 7 )

Why is this marked complete?

I will be continuing it in a new book!

Why is there a human in the cover art when there's no actual human tag?

Because that's the Party Girl from Terraria. Please do go read Pomp's story if you haven't already, it's quite good!

Hmm... seems I'm on the right track. But this is only half the story. I'll need the full picture if I'm going to be of any help.

Sorry it took me so long to find your trail, Pinkamena. I'm on my way.

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