• Published 17th Jan 2021
  • 897 Views, 64 Comments

Catastrophic Adventures - -Pinkamena_Pie-

  • ...

A Talk With a Frenemy

Y'know, I should've gotten some popcorn for this. Snowflake just ran into Storm King and kicked his ass. Matter of fact, I may as well. Think I have some in my mane somewhere... There we go. Ooh, freshly-popped.

Mmm, tasty. Lots of butter on this. And salt. Delicious.

"A-are you seriously eating popcorn?!"

"What? I was enjoying the show and decided to get refreshments."

He seems to be thinking. It's popcorn. What is there to think about?

"...Does that have extra butter?"

"Get your hands away from my popcorn!"

Maybe your missing finger'll remind you I'm not your friend, ass-hat.


Uh-oh, looks like I pissed him o- OW!

"You motherbucking dung-licking excuse for a bastard! I'LL SHOW YOU WHY YOU DON'TBUCK AROUND WITH THE BUTCHER!"

Ha.... hah.... heheheh... heheheheh...

I don't know if he's dead or not, but I made sure that he'll be out of commission for a while... On the other hand, I feel great! Like, seriously, it's almost like I ate his soul or something... What are these vampire knives...? I just crushed a piece of cement with my hoof... I'm sure it'll pass.

He doesn't have a right arm anymore, and I think I ate his heart... I should leave before Yharim finds out.

Alright... Snowflake seems to have gotten himself attacked by that 'kitsune tyrant'. I should make sure he's alright... Cause Leinfors sure as hell isn't...

"The following action isn’t suited for idiotic leopard/wolf werebeast hybrids who should’ve been running away by now. Viewer discretion is advised."

I... Wha... No...

Pinkie? Please... No, this can't be real. I've got to be seeing things. He wouldn't...

I've done everything he asked! Why would he do that to her? She doesn't deserve this!

No... no... No, I'm imagining things, just like I always do when I'm away from her too long. That's not Yharim. Yharim would have dragged me out and forced me to watch.

That's what scares me... That I know he's capable of that. I'm not the one trapped by him... you are, sis. I need to change that...

I need to go for a walk.

Well, this is as good a spot as any, I suppose. Great view of my prison... Sorry about earlier. You may not have found out, but I behave differently away from Pinkie. Y'know, the old instincts from the GrimDark coming back and all. When I'm alone, it just makes me wanna bake some treats, if you catch my meaning.

I hate not knowing if she's okay. She's got to have realized I'm gone now... Is she crying, do you think? Is she fighting to find me? Is she... Could she be dead?

...I don't even want to think about that.

Huh? I hear wings. Is it that dragon? Yeah, yeah it is. Wonder what he wants.

"May I join you?"

That... wasn't what I expected. At all.

"Your kingdom too, isn't it? I don't hold authority over you. Do what you want."

"Be that as it is, would you believe that I am a dragon of culture?"

Apparently I amuse him. Great. More all-powerful gods laughing at me, ugh...

"If by 'culture' you mean burning everything and everyone and being a slave of Yharim's, then yeah, I can."

Might have gone a little far there. I should brace myself.

Huh? Weird... I can't read scales very well, but it almost looks like he regrets... something? Weird... might as well learn more about that.

"Whatever. It's fine, go ahead."

"I thank you...

Sure, get real nice and close... What, you got the hots for me or something? Heh... heheh... Nice one, me. Brohoof.

"I… I don’t take pleasure in doing any of that."

Coulda fooled me...

"Then why do it at all? Y'know you're a free dragon, right?”

"Yes, I understand that... But, I love my brother more than anything else. I’d go forth and win his war, if he were to but ask me. I’d fight the entire world just to defend him. And If I should die in doing so… my final dying roar would be for him and him alone."

Sibling loyalty, huh... I guess I can relate.

"You remind me of myself. I respect anyone who’d go to great lengths in order to protect their family, their loved ones. I can see that your sister means the absolute world to you… that is what Yharim is to me. He is my only family that I have left in this world and without him, I’d be lost. Alone. Despite all that he has done and all that he has wronged, what he has become, I still… I still see the brother that I once knew deep inside."

So he wasn't always like this, huh. Kidnapping family, forcing ponies into his servitude... I suppose I should pity him.

But I can't... Pinkie means too much to me. I can't forgive him for that, no matter what he used to be like.

"I get it... I get you. But... your brother has wronged me so badly that I can't even bring myself to forgive him the tiniest bit. I will kill him when and if I can. You said it yourself, after all... my sis means everything to me and I’d do anything for her. Yharim will reap what he's sewn. I can't rest well otherwise."

You're just misunderstood, huh, Yharon. You really are the only one here I can stand. Hell... I might even respect you a bit. Heh...

"On the other hoof... when it comes to you, I actually get where you’re coming from. I guess I'm sorry for what you're dealing with."

Oh God, that word makes me gag... In the GrimDark, if you're sorry, you're dead. Tough place, not fun.

I can't believe the only creature I can relate to here happens to be a bloody dragon. But then again, I'm happy that somecreature can understand my position.

Not that I like it here because of that, though. One positive in an ocean of negatives... I always was a realist.

Aaaaaand, of course, the asshole of the hour arrives. What do you want, Yharim...

"Pinkamena, get your flank ready and be prepared to leave in ten minutes. You get to visit Camelot today."

GREAT. More shit to deal with... Can't get a break for five minutes, but I suppose that's not allowed for slaves... Well, better not keep the asshat waiting...

Hope I can talk to Drago 2.0 again... Might be nice.

Better than nothing, after all.

Author's Note:

A lot late, but I will not skip another upload! Also, sauce for a pic of sad Mena.

Sad Mena :(