• Published 2nd Sep 2012
  • 4,098 Views, 25 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Wings of Steel - TicTac

A small group of Vertibuck pilots in a race against time to stop a Zebra plot.

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October 23rd, 2077, 10:00 Somewhere over Northern Equestria

"Hey Lieutenant, where are we going?" Golden asked, looking over at Swept Wing.

"A military base up in Moosecow. There's a cryo room there that we can ride out this shitstorm in." Swept replied.

"I see. Are you sure we'll have clearance for that sir?"

"Private, the world as we know it is coming to an end. I don't give a damn about clearance."

The rest of the flight continued in silence, and soon Moosecow was below them, the air tinged green.

Swept Wing hit the console with his hoof. "Damnit! Zebras hit here too!" He groaned, but suddenly his radio crackled to life.

"Unidentified aircraft, this is Moosecow Control. You have 10 seconds to identify yourself before we blow you out of the air."

"Moosecow Control, this is Second Lieutenant Swept Wing of the E.A.F., 109th Vertibuck Squadron, call sign Steel One."

"Acknowledged Steel One. Maintain a holding pattern and stand by for further instruction."

"Roger that, standing by."

A few minutes later, the radio came to life again. "Steel One, you and your squad have been cleared to land in Hangar 1B. Be advised, the air is toxic, so don't exit your Vertibucks until the hangar doors have closed. Moosecow Control out."

"Roger that, Steel One out."

Swept Wing lead his squadron to the specified hangar. The roof swung open, and they descended down a large shaft into an underground hangar. As instructed, they waited for the hangar doors above to swing closed before exiting their Vertibucks.

Swept Wing lead his squad over to where a large green earth pony stallion, with a single Brigadier General star on his uniform, waited for them.

Swept Wing saluted. "Sir."

"At ease Lieutenant. I am Brigadier General Challenger, commander of this base. What is your business here?"

"The cryo chambers sir. It's gone way past FUBAR out there, and I'd like-"

Swept Wing was cut off as the base shook, sounds of artillery fire being exchanged coming from above.

The General swore. "Take your squad inside, the cryo chambers are two floors down. I've heard about your squad Lieutenant, and we can't afford to lose you."

Swept Wing saluted. "Thank you sir." He turned, nodding to his squad and leading them out of the hangar, 20/20 trotting up next to him.

"Lieutenant, how will anypony know when to wake us up?" He asked.

Swept Wing looked over at his friend and wingmate. "We'll leave a message on one of the terminals Sergeant." He replied.

20/20 nodded. "Of course sir, but what if there's no pony left to get it?"

Swept didn't reply, and the squad continued in silence, eventually reaching the cryo room.

"Alright, choose a pod and get in. I'll seal them for you."

The fifteen other pilots obeyed, all clambering into one of the various pods. Swept Wing going around and sealing them in turn, having a brief word with each of them. When he got to Swoop, he hugged her. "See you when you wake up sis." He said.

Swoop smiled, climbing into her pod. "You too bro, you too." It closed, sealing with a hiss.

Swept Wing went over to the control terminal, making the final entry on it.

>October 23rd, 2077, 10:39

>Second Lieutenant Swept Wing, E.A.F., 109th Vertibuck Squadron.

>Today the world as we know it ended. My squadron and I managed to survive as the world around us plunged into an abyss of balefire and dark magic. The details are trivial and pointless, but what matters is that my squadron are sealed away in these cryo pods. If somepony reads this in the future, after this shitstorm has blown over, please wake us.
Swept Wing out.

Swept Wing stepped into his own pod, looking over his squad one last time, their pods already starting to ice over, before hitting the button to seal it. The front slid closed, and he became drowsy very quickly, and with one final sigh, sleep took him.

As the Steel Wings were consumed by cryo sleep, the world around them continued on. More battles were fought over what was now the Equestrian Wasteland for the next 200 years and beyond, the 16 pegasi sealed away within the depths of the military base fading quickly from memory. When will they wake? Well dear reader, that is a tale yet to be told, for war, war never changes, and once you’ve known it, it doesn’t forget you.

Fallout Equestria: Wings of Steel