• Published 2nd Sep 2012
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Fallout Equestria: Wings of Steel - TicTac

A small group of Vertibuck pilots in a race against time to stop a Zebra plot.

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Chapter 1: Orders

Chapter 1: Orders

January 10th, 2077, 13:30 Luna Needle, Seaddle.

The Luna Needle was a swarm of activity along with the rest of Equestria today, for the Equestrian forces had just routed the Zebra invaders in Flankorage a few hours earlier, with the help of Steel Rangers with a new model of power armor, the T-51b.

There was one area, however, that was in a flurry of activity for an entirely different reason. The Equestrian Intelligence Service, or EIS, offices had just received the reports from the raid on a Zebra compound last night, and as they sifted through them, they had uncovered something disturbing.

“Sir, you might want to come take a look at this.” A young unicorn mare said.

An older earth pony stallion with a blue coat and forest green mane came trotting over. “What is it?” He asked.

The mare pointed at the screen of her terminal, which displayed a 3D model of what looked like a large anti-material rifle. “The reports the team recovered detailed the production of this rifle, a 20mm anti-material rifle with repair, incendiary, and explosive talismans. It has an effective range of just over four and a half kilometers. There are a very limited number of things we have that can stand up to that sort of firepower, but there is some good news. It isn’t scheduled to begin production until September, and the first shipment will be transported in bulk to the coast.” She said.

The stallion nodded. “Keep an eye on it. I want to know when production begins, and when the first shipment is scheduled to be shipped out to the coast. We’re not letting that kind of firepower get in the hooves of the Zebra troops over here.”

The mare nodded. “Yes sir.”


September 20th, 2077, 06:00 Shadow Field, Seaddle

16 pegasi filed into a small briefing room, most of them grabbing cups of pitch black EAF coffee from the counter just inside the door. Each wore the black EAF pilot barding, with the Steel Wings unit patch sewn onto the side.

“Please, take your seats.” The rainbow maned pegasus standing at the front of the room said.

The pegasi took their seats, pulling out notebooks and pencils as the mare began the briefing.

“Good morning mares and gentlecolts. I know you have all heard the rumors floating around the base about an upcoming ‘secret mission.’ Well, this is that mission. Earlier this year, back in January, the EIS received information pertaining to the development of a new Zebra weapon. The first shipment of this weapon was completed sometime last week, and is scheduled to be transported via convoy to the coast over the next two days, after which it would be flown over here and issued to Zebra troops. Your mission, is to not let that convoy reach the coast.” She said, pulling down a diagram of the weapon. “The weapon is a large anti-material rifle chambered in 20mm. The Zebras have put incendiary, repair, and explosive talismans on it, and on top of that, it has an effective range of just over 4.5 kilometers. We cannot let that kind of firepower fall into the hooves of Zebra troops here, so you are to intercept and destroy this convoy at all costs.” She pauses, giving a small grin. “Something which I know your squad is renowned for doing.” She pulled down a map of Zebrica over the diagram. “Now, your intercept point will be between the towns of Gao and Kiffa, where these two highways intersect. The target will be there between 01:30 and 01:40.” She indicated the location, which was marked with a yellow tack, on the map. “You will land in Hoofington to refuel, as per normal, and then continue on to Zebrica. An escort will be waiting for you there. Are there any questions?”

When nopony raised their hoof, she nodded. “You sixteen were hoofpicked by Princess Luna herself for this mission because you’re the best damn Vertibuck pilots the EAF has, so good luck, and Goddess-speed. You are dismissed.”

The 16 pilots filed out of the briefing room, heading for the Vertibuck hangar on the other end of base.

Swept Wing trotted along next to his co-pilot, Golden Star, a yellow mare with a cybernetic right foreleg. Next to them was a pair of orange stallions, Tail ‘20/20’ Feather, who wore a pair of thick glasses, and Dark Cloud, who had a pitch black mane.

The pilots trotted into the open-roof hangar, eight Vertibucks silently awaiting them. The Steel Wings’ Vertibucks were slightly different from the standard EAF ones, sporting several modifications that made them more versatile in combat. The most obvious ones being the external fuel tanks, mounted underneath the aircraft, and the addition of a rear ramp, eliminating the two side doors normally used for entrance. The slightly less obvious modifications were the two .50 caliber machine guns mounted on the sides of the Vertibuck, two rocket pods mounted under each of the wings, and a full windshield like the transport Vertibucks had.

The pilots all trotted into their Vertibucks, finishing the last of the pre-flight checks before giving the ready signal to Swept Wing.

Once Swept Wing had completed his pre-flight and gotten the ready signal from the others, he spoke into his mic. “This is Steel Wing One, we are wheels up and engines hot. Leave the light on for us Command.” He said.

“Roger that Steel Wing One, good luck.” Came the reply.

“Thanks Command, Steel Wing One out.” Swept replied, powering up the Vertibuck. “Man, I’d hate to have that buck’s job.”

Eight pairs of rotors began to spin up to full rev, and the eight Vertibucks lifted out of the hanger into the air, the sun glinting off their sides as it rose over the horizon. The flight formed into two ‘V’s, and sped off towards Hoofington.


September 20th, 2077, 13:00 Macintosh Air Force Base, Hoofington.

The eight Vertibucks sat on the runway of the Macintosh Air Force Base, fuel trucks sitting beside them and pumping fuel into the internal, as well as the two external fuel tanks.

Six Interceptors pulled onto the runway behind the Vertibucks as the fuel trucks finished fueling and pulled away.

Swept Wing’s earpiece crackled. “Steel One, this is Red One. We are ready and standing by, over.”

“Roger that Red One, standby for takeoff. Steel One out.”

The Vertibucks’ turboshaft engines spun up to speed, blowing bits of dust and loose tarmac up into a big cloud around them as they took off, moving into formation before speeding off towards Zebrica. The flight of Interceptors rocketed off the runway shortly afterwards, forming up above the flight of Vertibucks.


September 21st, 2077, 01:30 Somewhere over Zebrica.

The ground raced by below, the Steel Wings employing their signature tactic as they flew mere yards above the Zebra plains, below the radar. Their escorts flew several thousand feet above and behind them, drawing attention away from the Steel Wings.

They were racing along above a highway, towards the intersection where there target would be, and sure enough, the highway light up with headlights as the convoy crested the hill before the intersection.

“01:35, right on time.” Swept said, grinning. “Alright, Steel 2 through 4, you’re with me on the first pass. Use your fifties and gatling lasers. Steel 5 through 8, you come in behind us with rockets, and then we switch. Engage on my mark.”

Swept Wing watched at the distance between him and the convoy closed to barley 100 yards. “Mark!”

The sky was suddenly ablaze with white streaks of tracer fire, and red bolts of laser energy as the Steel Wings opened fire on the convoy.

The convoy came grinding to a halt, the three lead trucks wrecked and on fire, others simply shot to pieces as Swept’s group of Vertibucks pulled up and around, the second group coming in for their pass.

Rockets streaked out from the pods mounted beneath the Vertibucks’ wings, blowing about half the convoy sky high, giant fireballs scorching the night air.

“Now that’s what I’m talkin’ about!” Swept yelled, leading his group around for their pass with the rockets, rendering the rest of the trucks into giant burning hulks of twisted metal.

“Steel 3 through 8, you keep on circling. Steel 2, you land with me and check for survivors.” Swept Wing said, coming to a hover next to the burning convoy. He set the Vertibuck on the ground, the engines spinning down as he and Golden unstrapped and trotted out the back ramp, Dark Cloud and 20/20 of Steel 2 landing and trotting after them.

Each of the pilots carried a standard issue 9mm pistol, with the exception of Swept Wing with his Dan Wesson PPC revolver, chambered in .357 Magnum. 20/20 had grabbed the .32 Survival Rifle from the side panel of his Vertibuck as well.

The four pegasi searched the wrecks, finding no survivors in any of the escort trucks, most of which were burning quietly. When they approached the first of the transport trucks though, they found the driver still clinging to life.

“Hey, buddy, you speak Equestrian?” Swept Wing asked.

The zebra nodded weakly. “I speak little.” He rasped.

“Alright then, we’re gonna get you outta there.” He turned to Cloud and Golden. “Pull him out and get him on my Vertibuck. Make sure he doesn't die. I’ll finish checking the rest of the trucks with 20/20.”

They nodded, and Swept trotted off with 20/20, checking the other trucks. They found no survivors, but they did find something else. Whatever these trucks were carrying, it sure as hell wasn’t rifles.