• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 19,341 Views, 478 Comments

Silent Ponyville 2 - SamRose

Fluttershy has been having horrible nightmares and goes to see Twilight for help.

  • ...

Ending: Something's Not Right Here

Ending: Something’s Not Right Here

Unlock Condition: Avoid viewing memories and don’t encounter Pinkie Pie in the Otherworld (avoiding the Pinkie Pie scene also causes the Rainbow Dash scene to not occur as well).

Fluttershy stared at the dark creature before her. She gulped a little, trying to swallow her fear. She knew what this creature was now, but somehow it didn’t help that much.

“Listen…” Fluttershy said trying to think of what she needed to say, “I…I know who you are…and…” What was she to say? She racked her brain for the answer, but none seemed to come. The dark creature made slow steps towards her, as she slowly stepped backwards.

“LEAVER HER ALONE!” Suddenly came a loud cry. Fluttershy turned her head to see a pink blur rush in from out of nowhere, before striking the dark creature.

The dark creature let out a loud roar as it stumbled backwards, before twisting its head to quickly look at the pink mare that stood triumphantly before it.

“P-Pinkie Pie!” Fluttershy cried in astonishment, not having expected to see her friend.

“No one hurts Fluttershy while I can do something about it!” Pinkie huffed at the dark creature.

“Pinkie Pie! Get away from it! It won’t hesitate to hurt you!” Fluttershy cried out, trying to warn her friend.

“Don’t worry about me!” Pinkie said turning her head with a grin to Fluttershy, “I can handle this guy.”

The dark creature roared once more, charging straight for Pinkie Pie. It’s mouth white opened as it brought down its mouth to tear into her.

The dark creature only bit down on air. Pinkie avoided the strike easily, dashing around the creature’s side. With a loud battle cry she swung her body around and struck at the side of the creature with her hind hooves.get her friend out of harm’s way.

The creature didn’t even seem fazed by her attack, only turning its head to glare at her.

“…Uh oh.” Pinkie said, quickly hopping out of the way as the roaring figure brought its white mouth crashing down where Pinkie had just been. Pinkie looked at the monster seriously, blowing her hair out of her line of sight, as she grinned at the creature. “Well, I guess I’ll just have to call in the air support! NOW DASHIE!”

“TAKE THIS!” Came the frantic cry of the rainbow haired Pegasus as she seemed to swoop out of the rafters from nowhere at break neck speed, her front hooves striking into the side of the creature before taking off into the air.

The dark creature let out a roar of pain as it skidded to a stop, never toppling off of its legs.

“We can’t let up! This thing was going to hurt Fluttershy!” Pinkie stomped a hoof, preparing another charge at the creature.

“Right!” Rainbow Dash said circling above, preparing herself for another strike.

Fluttershy couldn’t help but stare in amazement. Not only had her two friends come to her aid from out of nowhere, they were actually winning. The dark creature didn’t seem able to match the two of her friends. It was if…

As if they had a power she couldn’t wield. A power that could only be wielded by someone else yet was drawn upon by her.

More hooves collided, the creature yelled and roared, thrashing about as it struggled to catch the mares fighting it. It couldn’t seem to move fast enough to catch the agile creatures, yet it wouldn’t topple. The creature stood firm against the two. Regardless of what they did, it didn’t seem to be going down.

“Man, we’re hitting this thing with everything we got! Why won’t it go down!?” Rainbow Dash cried out to Pinkie, circling near the cieling above the creature.

“I don’t know…maybe we have to try something else!” Pinkie searched her brain for an idea as she stared intently at the creature.

Fluttershy couldn’t help but smile at this. Her friends really had come to help her. Once they saw she was in trouble, they came to rescue her without a second thought.

“Wait…Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash.” Fluttershy called out to the two of them. The two turned their heads to look at their friend, “Let me try something.” She smiled happily as she walked closer to the dark creature.

“Careful Fluttershy! This thing could hurt you easily if it wanted!” Rainbow called out her warning.

“I know.” Fluttershy nodded her head slowly, “But…listen to me...” Fluttershy said turning her attention to the dark creature, “Everything is over now. I may not have been strong enough to face my troubles before, but I have my friends by my side now.”

“That’s right!” Pinkie Pie said jumping next to Fluttershy with a smile on her face, “So long as we’re together, we’ll face any danger! Climb any obstacle! Eat any ice cream!” She giggled at herself, “No pony can stop us when we work together! Not even a meany mean mcDarky pants like you!” The pink mare laughed happily.

“Yea! And though things may not go the way we would like them to, we’ll always be friends!” Dash said landing next to Fluttershy with a grin, “We can find a way to make everything work out if we just put our minds to it!”

The creature let out a roar at the three mares, when suddenly an orb of bright light appeared between all of them. It slowly began to float towards eye view as the three mares stared at it.

“Hey, that’s one of the Elements of Harmony!” Rainbow said amazed.

“But…whose is it?” Fluttershy blinked confused.

“I don’t know, but I bet that’s our way home! Quick! Everypony try to use it!” Pinkie explained quickly. Each of the three ponies reached out to grab the element with their hoof. As the three touched it, the light of the orb began to expand rapidly. The light ensnared the entire arena as the dark creature roared in pain, vanishing amongst the light.

It was a mixed torrent, rushing wind, blinding light. Everypony caught in it lost track of what was happening around them. They felt tossed around, almost as if they were in a blender. Nothing made sense till the light faded away and reality hit.

“Gah!” Twilight cried out as she felt her body forcibly pushed away, rolling herself a few feet away from where she had been. She shook her head, trying to get the fuzzy feeling in it to go away. She soon put a hoof to her forehead before sitting up, groaning slightly, “What just happened?”

“Hey, I think we made it out!” Came Fluttershy’s excited voice.

“Hey, you’re right! Awesome, we did it!” Came Pinkie’s boasting voice.

“That was…increadible.” Came Rainbow’s shy voice.

“…Huh!?” Three mares cried out suddenly.

Twilight opened her eyes to see her three friends staring, open mouthed, in shock at each other.

“What am I doing over THERE when I’m HERE!?” Pinkie Pie cried out pointing to Rainbow Dash.

“What’re you doing there? You mean what am I doing THERE!” Fluttershy said quickly pointing to Pinkie Pie, “Clearly I’m right here, but I’m also here! And you’re not that OTHER Pinkie Pie who wants to play mean party games! I mean you could be, but that’s not likely since you’re not wearing the dress…though I suppose dresses can be taken off.” Fluttershy put a hoof to her chin in thought.

“What…how…” Rainbow Dash just looked back and forth in shock.

Then, each of the mares looked down at their own bodies.

“AAAAUGH! I’M PINKIE PIE!” Pinkie Pie jumped into the air and a few feet away from the other two, “Then…then that means!” Pinkie Pie desperately reached back with her hooves to a spot on her back where wings on a pegasus would be. Her whole face sunk as the normally curly hair burst, deflating into straight hair. “I CAN’T FLY ANYMORE!” Pinkie threw her head up into the air wailing.

“Oh come on, being me isn’t THAT bad.” Fluttershy said tilting her head in a way she wouldn’t normally twist it, “I mean I’ve got so many good things going for me! I can party, I can run as fast as Rainbow Dash, I can eat all the sugary treats I want, everypony knows who I am~” Fluttershy happily began to list off the reasons it was good to be Pinkie Pie.

“…I…I don’t know…being…R-Rainbow Dash…doesn’t seem right…” Rainbow Dash blushed as she spoke quietly, “I…I feel like I’m violating her privacy.”

“Come on!” Pinkie Pie grunted as she had now taken to jumping around in the air, stretching her back up as if trying to force wings to grow out of her back, “Come on! Come on! ComeoncomeoncomeonCOMEON!” Her voice grew more strained with each attempt at flight by jumping, even with a series of hoof flailing, only to be met by the ground once more.

“-And knowledge of how to back cakes, and the perfect way to set up streamers, and OH, how to get Gummy his supper-favoritist-special-food! That’s a doozy of a meal to make!” Fluttershy giggled happily.

“Oh my…I hope my animal friends will be okay seeing me like this…” Rainbow rubbed a hoof carefully against her leg.

Twilight could only stare in shock at the scene before her. Her mind refused to put the pieces together for a moment, but once everything they said and did began to click into place in her mind, a feeling of dread washed over her.

“Y-You…you three…switched bodies?” Twilight asked hesitantly.

The three mares stopped what they were doing as they turned to look at Twilight.

“…It seems that way.” Fluttershy looking at Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, “I mean, I’m Pinkie Pie but I’m clearly Fluttershy as well…well, I mean I am me, as in Pinkie, but not me as in Fluttershy, but I am Fluttershy…wait I-“

“Yes, she gets it Pinkie.” Pinkie groaned at Fluttershy, “And…yea…I’m Rainbow Dash…inside Pinkie’s body.” Rainbow didn’t sound thrilled at all.

“And…I’m Fluttershy…in…Rainbow’s body.” Rainbow Dash blushed again.

“Oh…oh my…” Twilight said rubbing her head, “I’m…I’m so sorry! I’m sure I can fix this! I don’t know how I messed up on the spell this badly but I’m sure I can fix it! Maybe if we try the spell again?” Twilight let out a little squeak as she gave an awkward smile to her friends.

Each of the mare’s eyes widened at Twilight’s suggestion, before looking at each other.

“…You know…maybe not being able to fly isn’t so bad. Yea, I won’t be able to join the Wonderbolt’s…but with Pinkie’s speed, maybe I can join a ground racing team!” Rainbow said quickly thinking off the top of her head.

“Y-Yea! That’s good thinking! And I can come up with even more awesome ways to decorate for parties! I don’t have to rely on balloons that hit the ceiling now, I can just fly up to it!” Futtershy quickly replied herself, point her hoof at Pinkie Pie.

“And…And I can finally be a strong flyer! I’ll be able to do things I never could before, even help my animal friends better!” Fluttershy awkwardly replied just as quickly.

“Yup, we’re all happy the way we are Twilight, and sorry we can’t stay but we should totally go figure out how our new lives are going to work!” Pinkie Pie quickly explained as she practically ran to the front door.

“Yea, we’ve got a lot of talking to do! Wait for me Dashie!” Fluttershy said quickly following after Pinkie Pie.

“Y-Yea…a-and I can’t just let my marefriend deal with this alone! Wait for me girls!” Rainbow Dash said quickly following after the two, closing the door behind them.

Twilight just sat in stunned silence for a good long while. The wheels in her head were having a hard time turning, processing what just happened.

“Oh Celestia…what have I done?” Twilight rubbed her head in agony.