• Published 20th Jan 2012
  • 19,341 Views, 478 Comments

Silent Ponyville 2 - SamRose

Fluttershy has been having horrible nightmares and goes to see Twilight for help.

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Ending: And That's When the Meteor Hit

Ending: And That’s When the Meteor Hit

Unlock Condition: You must find several unusual items during your second playthrough of the game.

-The Book of Basics in the Tunnel Labyrinth
-The Ninja Mask in the Abandoned House
-The Odd Shaped Red Shirt in the Hospital before finding the Second Eye
-The Broken Sword Handle in the burning house where Rainbow Dash was
-A Playing Card with a Brown Haired Colts Head in The Study of Fluttershy’s Old Home

She carefully pushed the door open and walked through the door.

On the otherside was a large open room, almost like a small gymnasium. She walked forward to the middle of the room, when she stopped.

A black fire was burning on the opposite side of the court. The fire slowly grew, rising up into the shape of a pony, before red eyes appeared on its face, a white mouth opening. It was the dark creature.

Fluttershy stared at the creature. She didn't feel a heavy, overbearing presence this time. The creature was still drawing fear from her heart, but it wasn't overwhelming her now. She could stand before this creature now.

However, before either of them could move or speak, a light burst forth from her saddlebag.

Fluttershy jumped back in surprise as from her bag rose up the five seemingly random objects, each glowing in a white light as they began to circle the worried mare.

Then, in a second surprise, the five objects burst up to the ceiling of the room, combining together in a magnificent bright light. Fluttershy tried her best to follow it, but the ball of light came shooting towards the ground with a blinding speed.

With a large explosion the object crashed between Fluttershy and the Dark Creature, sending dust, debris and a huge blast of wind around the gym. Fluttershy was amazed she somehow had stayed on her feet through the ordeal.

Through the clouds of smoke and dust, a loud cough could be heard.

“Agh! Dammit Brad! You’re supposed to warn me when these things happen!” Came a strange voice.

“Hey, I had to get in here myself!” Came a separate voice. With a second burst of wind from seemingly nowhere, the dust and smoke cleared. There before Fluttershy stood a brown coat and haired earth pony standing next to a green pony in black and green ninja gear.

“But…but…my story!” The brown pony groaned putting a hoof to his face.

“We’ve got plenty of time to fix it later Sam; I need to have my fun!” Brad grinned, “But its time for this guy to meet my secret weapon!” Brad reached into his outfit before pulling out a master ball. He gave it a quick toss, as from it appeared a large humanoid, wearing torn white rags, wielding a gigantic metal sword and a large metallic pyramid on his head.

“…Didn’t someone more famous make this joke?” Sam raised an eyebrow at Brad.

“Yea, but he didn’t do this! Pyramid Head! Use ultimate distraction!”

The Pyramid head seemed to move slowly before the Dark Creature. The Dark Creature raised its eyebrow curiously.

Then, the Pyramid Head reached to the ground, picking up a top hat and cane. He placed the top hat gently against his head, before suddenly, from out of nowhere; music began to play as he danced.

“Hello, my baby
Hello, my honey
Hello, my ragtime gal

Send me a kiss by wire
Baby, my hearts on fire

If you refuse me
Honey, you'll lose me
Then you'll be left alone

Oh baby, telephone
And tell me I'm your own”

The dark creature seemed to open its eyes wide in shock as it watched the horrendous creature dance before it. There was no describing what it was that was before him

“Gotcha now!” Brad cried out, appeared above the dark creature, before rushing downwards and slamming down onto the dark creature, the creature letting out a loud roar as an explosion seemed to rock his being.

“Ugh…” Sam groaned as he got up and walked over to Fluttershy who was just staring at the spectacle with her mouth agape, “My apologies Fluttershy, I’ll get this story back on track as soon as my editor is done having his moment.”

“Wha…” was the only word that escaped Fluttershy’s mouth. Then in a weird sensation, she felt a warm, gentle pulse fill her body as her wounds seemed to escape her. The brown haired pony was unwrapping her bandages before she could realize it. However, when the bandages fell to the floor, she felt fine. Whatever he had done, he had fixed her body.

“You feel alright?” Sam asked curiously.

“Uh…y-yea…” Fluttershy looked at Sam, blinking again.

“Again, sorry, my editor Brad there…he refused to let me get away without him having his fun.” Sam rolled his eyes a little when another explosion was heard from the other-side of the gymnasium. Suddenly, before the two of them a Brad appeared.

“Hey, this is all non-canon anyways, let me have my fun!” Brad laughed.

“Non…canon?” Fluttershy was in shock.

“Brad…I think we’ve put Fluttershy into catatonic shock now.” Sam said poking the young mare before him, which didn’t seem to generate a response.

“That’s alright, we’ll fix her up as soon as we’re finished here, and I thought you’d be the most appropriate to deal the final blow to this blob.” Brad seemed to grin behind his mask.

“…What did you have in mind?” Sam asked raising an eyebrow at Brad.

“Use an old trick of yours!” Brad said before suddenly moving quickly. Sam wasn’t sure what he did, but suddenly his hoof felt very hot. He lifted it up and looked at it, to find that Brad had set it on fire.

“Oh…I get it…” Sam said, as the searing hot pain began to tear at his nerves.

The bloody mess of the dark creature was crawling forward as best it could, letting out horrifying whines at the damage Brad had done. Sam suddenly appeared before it, as the creature looked up at the fire burning on Sam’s hoof.

“I’m doing this for Brad. So now!” Sam held his hoof over his head, “Here I go! This hoof of mine is BURNING RED! Its loud roar tells me to GRASP VICTORY!” He pulled his hoof back, “ERUPTING…BURNING…HOOF!” Sam thrust his hoof down onto the head of the Dark Creature, “AND NOW…THE END!” The Dark Creature roared out as it suddenly erupted in a huge explosion. The fire on Sam’s hand extinguished at this.

“Excellent Sam!” Brad laughed happily.

“Are we done now?” Sam said looking at Fluttershy, who seemed to have become a white statue, “I think we need to get back to the computer and fix this trauma.”

“Hold on! There’s ONE LAST THING I need to do while we’re here!” Brad laughed.

“…Oh no…what’re you doing Brad?” Sam winced a little, not ready for what Brad had in mind.

“Oh, something that’ll make the fans VERY happy!” He said standing up on his hind hooves before clapping his hooves together.

Lance was busy writing down notes in his office about his latest patient. He was going to have to remember to increase her medication by about 50 milligrams for it provide better results, though he’d have to add a liquid portion to her diet to substitute the increase nausea the medicine would add as a side effect.

Suddenly there was a knock at his office door and he groaned softly to himself.

“Come in.” He called out.

“I can’t.” Said the voice behind the door.

“Why not?” Lance growled, displeased with having to break from his studies.

“I have something for you that I can’t get through the door at the moment; I need you to open it.”

“…Fine.” Lance grunted as he got up from his desk. He carefully maneuvered around the piles of books that lay stacked around his office as he approached the door. He lifted his hoof up and opened it, looking down into what seemed to be a black hole.

“Hey, yea, I couldn’t stop by here without dropping you a visit. And I figured what better way to show you how I feel about your ‘canon’ then by showing you my cannon?” Brad sat atop a huge cannon that somehow he had managed to fit into the hallway.

A loud explosion rang out, rocking the whole hospital at its very foundation as the cannon was fired at point blank range.

“…Yea…I apologize for this again.” Sam said looking at Fluttershy who stood next to him in the hallway looking at the cannon as best they could through the wrecked hallway, filled with smoke and debris. Though admittedly the floor was now given a good view of the sky.

“…What…” Fluttershy mumbled.

“Uhm…this is all a bad dream?” Sam smiled awkwardly.

“…Yes…yes this was all a bad dream.” Fluttershy murmured to herself.

"And so, once again, the day was saved. The ponies Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy can go on living happily, with none of the trauma, cause I said so, Lance Strongshy got torn to pieces by a cannonball, And everything was better forever, thanks to that dashing editor Brad"

"Are you done ruining my story yet?"

Comments ( 131 )

Finally it's available on FIMFic! Big hug for you :pinkiehappy:

Its gonna be Hilarious.. yet at the same time.. tragic.. and or horrific.. with a pinch of happiness... thumbs up!!!:twilightblush:

O_O its on fimfic now SWEET

Hey @ the author, are there any plans for a third one?

This is how you're supposed to do grimdark. One of my favorite fics, you auto-get five stars.

HA! The UFO ending... awesome:rainbowkiss:...

great, i can say this is my favorite fic of all time, im feeling great to see silent ponyville here in fimfiction


Oooh, it has been a long time since I have read this one. I must say that I love your fics! Take my 5 stars and keep up the great work!

Could someone please explain how the endings work?

I enjoyed this. Although I must admit I wish the main story had been longer. Anyway, TAKE MY STARS. TAKE THEM.


Yesh Yesh Yesh probably everybody waited for the moment it came on fimfic

Dear Celestia... I need to read these long fics so I can understand the comments! I'll read it tomorrow in my spare time.

you do that, TROLLESTIA!

........................................What?.................................... :rainbowhuh:

Brad is now officially MY FAVORITE PERSON!!!!!!! :pinkiehappy: THIS IS MY FAVORITE ENDING!!!!!! :rainbowkiss: Brad should be paired up with Fluttershy for this, he deserves one date with her since hes so awesome!!!!! :rainbowlaugh: THANKS FOR BLOWING THAT MOTHERBUCKER UP IT PLEASES FLUTTERSHY!!!!! FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :yay:

terrible grammar here and there, but i don't give a fuck

Was that a Gundam reference I sensed in this ending? Because that fire fist seemed awfully familiar...

I find it odd that I absolutely cannot get into or play the silent hill games, yet the silent ponyville's got me hook, line and sinker. :twilightsmile:

And I don't remember the alternate endings being quite this awesome, but they are awesome.

Finally on FimFiction! :yay: Now there's no excuse for people not to know this story. Its one beautiful work of art.

The last ending is so.....so. XD
I hope you keep writing, you are great. :heart:

Original ending is original

Brad ending is best ending. Fantastic story, by the way. It deserved 5 stars, and I gave it 5 stars. Somehow this decreased it to a 4.9 rating, but that doesn't need to make sense, does it? :twilightsheepish:

Hey i know this story. What with the ponies and the silent hill atmosphere and the blahblahblah.

Nice work. But i've adulated you before on it, so no ego boosting for you.

OMG, I seriously need to play the games again. After this, though, I don't think they can compare! Love your work, man!

again, what.

:heart: That is all.

I dont like the bad endings, the twists on some are awesome.
But hey, you captured silent hill, and hurting the mane cast in a way that I DON'T hate you for! So, yea! Good emotional roller coaster.

Now if only Lance getting torn to pieces by a cannon was the canon ending...


Yes, please. Fucking bastard. Or maybe send him on a date with "that" Pinkie Pie... :pinkiecrazy:

What if Silent Ponyville was really Twilight's psyche, tweaked slightly by the spell to help her friends?:rainbowhuh:

Tracking for now, back to read later. You can thank Azekahh on youtube for sending me this way. He's read a chunk of your stuff in dramatic readings. :pinkiehappy:

342522 I wouldn't reccomend the ROM and Emulator strategy unless you're sufficiently experienced. PS1 and PS2 emulators aren't particularly stable, and the inherent multitasking that happens when you pc game kind of ruins the effect. There's a 10$ copy of 2 on amazon, and a 20$ copy of 1. Play in the dark alone in a creaky older house like mine, and you'll be scared stiff for a good month. I haven't been scared since except by Amnesia The Dark Descent. Which is sufficiently terrifying no matter where you play it or what you play it on.

342678 bah, i've been doing emulators for years, everything from nes to... well PS2 is pretty sluggish on my laptop but i can even get those to play correctly, ps1 has its problems too but overall works fine for me (what emulator do you use, epsxe?)

342759 *shrugs* I tried emulating a ps2 about two years back. Forgot which ones I tried, but they were all horribly sluggish, and didn't feel right even with the controller attached. I ended up just buying another copy of SH2, and then another in case I lost this one. The games atmosphere is terrifying and crushing, but the lag from the emulator killed it, making me more frustrated at my computer than I was at the puzzles and monsters.


The School of the Undefeated of the East!

So Jake did in fact post these stories on Fimfiction?

Also...the Dark Creature in the new picture looks less like he's about to hurt Fluttershy and more like he's getting very

frustrated playing Megaman 1.



*Withholds dubious amounts of maniacal laughter with failing results.* :pinkiecrazy:

:pinkiecrazy: *joins the evil cackling*

Don't know if that means I hit the nail on the head or not, but hey, there's never a bad time to laugh manically.

This was the best ending possible. We've got the top hat and cane dancing Pryamid head, and we've got Lance getting blown apart with a cannon. I highly approve of this.

I can't believe though you actually wrote that one bad ending. That is quite possibly the most horrible ending to any game or fic I have ever read. Grim-Dark does not begin to even cover it.

362388 I don't know what you're trying to tell me with that statement. I'd really like for you to clarify. I know it's supposed to be depressing. :rainbowhuh:


Which is why I tried to withhold my maniacal laughter. Its always great to hear/see what emotions my fans go through as they read my work.

And honestly its comments like your that really make me just love writing. Getting my fans invested in the story, so emotionally getting into what's going on. It's why I write. Thank you for all the wonderful comments, I love reading them~

I would, but I can't seem to figure out where your comment that I was replying to was.

Thats the sign of a good writer, when you can pull that off. And you, my good sir, have pulled it off fantastically.

I have to wonder, what sort of trauma's could the others theoretically have gone through, were you to do one for each of the mane six. Rainbow's problem seems to be abandonment, so it wouldn't be too hard to say that she was either abandoned by her parents or one died and THEN she was abandoned, or something or other like that. I'm having trouble coming up with something for Rarity or Applejack though.

wait, it says this is a game... is it :rainbowhuh:

Click here! This is what I now Imagine!! :pinkiecrazy:

363847 If you click the name in your comment it should take you to it automatically. Actually come to think of it it's my only other comment on the story besides the two in regards to one Mr. RainbowSparkle. Did you try clicking the first page of comments, it took me a while to realize that there can be more pages myself.:twilightblush:

DABUQ happened to the names?!?!?!?!

I love you for making the Linkara (AT4W) and the G Gundam references!

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