• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen 8 hours ago

Player 4

Writing days are probably over...


Cover art by Little Tigress

Applejack and Rainbow Dash enter a period of struggle featuring reconsideration, confusion, evidence-checking, embarrassment, and more. Now, what's causing all that?

In short, what these two ponies remember about their experiences with tickling is that they don't like it. They don't want to be tickled.

But now... they do. They question if the memory sources they draw their dislike of being tickled from are reliable to how it would feel in a different setting.

No use not trying, right? Well, they agree, but it's not like they can just ask anypony to tickle them... right? No, that's too embarrassing. It's too sappy for these tough tomboys...

...but they want to be tickled.

I wrote a blog in which I quoted several parts of this story and made comments about them. I sure do have a lot of post-writing process thoughts on this story. I'd love to see you guys there! :twilightsmile:

This story is the first part of the series Adventures in Tickling. (Series title suggested by Captain_Cosmos). Full series table of contents:

1. Tickling Try-Out - complete
2. ?????????

Will be updated as series continues!

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 22 )

How is this an anthology?

Because the Applejack and Rainbow Dash sides of the story are independent of each other. Neither pony, as all this happens to them, has any idea that the other is going through it as well. It's two stories in one.

Wow, just today, on the 10-th of February I stumbled upon this, gave a brief look and then left. And it was incomplete! I return now for closer examination -- and it's been completed just today!

Yep! I got the last chapter done really fast. Very unusually fast for me.

I also find it interesting that you saw the story as incomplete on Feb. 10 (today). When I released the last chapter, it was February 9 for me; perhaps you're in a farther ahead time zone?

Apparently, midnight passed, so the date was 10.02... Then later it was nearing midnight as well (10? 11 at night?), and it had been completed by then.

After having read this I must say: though highly amusing, it is as much highly unlikely someone would like being tickled. Everyone confessed they didn't much like it, when I did it to them :raritywink:. Plus, is it fun to tickle someone for their enjoyment :rainbowhuh:? I don't think anyone would enjoy being helpless -- and is that not the beauty of tickling?

But here we are: ponies offering tickling-services and ponies questioning their affinity to being tickled... And reasonability kicks in: not everyone is so accepting... However... for what reasons? Both Applejack and Rainbow try to banish thoughts on how they'd very much rather not... and convince themselves. Strange thoughts, at that: "too girly", "too sappy". It's not too sappy! They should get it right! They are convinced it is and think of the only reasonable conclusion: apparently, being sappy must be acceptable??? But it is called "sappy" to accentuate, that this is pushing the limits! Rainbow would on occasions refer to something heart-warming as to "sappy" -- but we know it's not! If we accepted it were, we'd have also to accept it was not what "cool ponies should do". Are we "uncool"? Heck no! But, since it is not sappy, it's OK. Calling something "sappy" or "girly" is done as to point at how "uncool" that something is. If it's not, other words should be chosen.

If it is, however, then... why would they push their limits, suffer from awkwardness and anxiety?.. Are they really so set on getting tickled?

Must also say: the ticklers are unlikely too. If I heard someone ask me to tickle them -- the poor soul dying of embarrassment -- I'd be amused. I don't think I'd object to the idea -- but would I try to put them at ease? I'd not lie to them; they were going to get tickled and to learn what it felt like; they were going to submit to my will. I would promise to them I'd go gentle on them, but as much, as convincing them they had nothing to fear or to be nervous about?? They should be nervous! What they were about to do was beyond ordinary -- and that was exciting! They'd probably not like it, and the price they were going to bet? Torture of their life! All for finding out, if it'd be torture in actuality! Nerve-racking!.. Treating that exciting experiment as something they should be relaxed about!.. I can't believe you, Rarity and Pinkie!

Who told you, ponies, that tickling was a great way to bond :rainbowhuh:? Tickle fights? Well, sure. That's cool. Taking things to the next level, though?.. Are we talking about the terror that is tickling?

Thus are my thoughts. They are not to disregard the fun that can be had with tickling. Do rest assured, I'd like to tickle them :rainbowkiss:! Tickling others is much more fun, than being tickled by others :raritywink:! Of course, it could be, they were only gentle tickles, for those, who don't like others going rough on them. But one, who sets deadly traps, should beware those traps. Otherwise getting trapped serves one right! And who bewares has nothing to fear!

If it is too much, however... Gentle tickles are the way to go :raritywink:! In the end laughter is what matters most, am I right or what :pinkiehappy:?


Strange thoughts, at that: "too girly", "too sappy". It's not too sappy! They should get it right! They are convinced it is and think of the only reasonable conclusion: apparently, being sappy must be acceptable??? But it is called "sappy" to accentuate, that this is pushing the limits! Rainbow would on occasions refer to something heart-warming as to "sappy" -- but we know it's not! If we accepted it were, we'd have also to accept it was not what "cool ponies should do". Are we "uncool"? Heck no! But, since it is not sappy, it's OK. Calling something "sappy" or "girly" is done as to point at how "uncool" that something is. If it's not, other words should be chosen.

You're right; those things aren't sappy at all! That's why I put the words in quotation marks, or at least I think I did. If I didn't at any point, please let me know! I was trying to use the quotation marks to point out that those things aren't sappy; it's that the voices in AJ and Dash's minds were trying to tell them they were. If I didn't come across that way and it sounds like I do think they're sappy, well, that's bad :twilightoops: They're not! As the Rainbow Dash chapter points out with the "20% cooler" line, it's cool!

I'd not lie to them; they were going to get tickled and to learn what it felt like; they were going to submit to my will. I would promise to them I'd go gentle on them, but as much, as convincing them they had nothing to fear or to be nervous about?? They should be nervous! What they were about to do was beyond ordinary -- and that was exciting!

You do have a good point here. I guess I wanted to avoid the ticklers pointing out how their ticklees are submitting to their will in order to keep the story rated E. Maybe pointing out submission doesn't necessitate a T rating, but, the link in the author's note of the first chapter reveals that I had quite a bit of a hard time with wondering if I could rate this story E.

After having read this I must say: though highly amusing, it is as much highly unlikely someone would like being tickled. Everyone confessed they didn't much like it, when I did it to them :raritywink:. Plus, is it fun to tickle someone for their enjoyment :rainbowhuh:? I don't think anyone would enjoy being helpless -- and is that not the beauty of tickling?

Who told you, ponies, that tickling was a great way to bond :rainbowhuh:? Tickle fights? Well, sure. That's cool. Taking things to the next level, though?.. Are we talking about the terror that is tickling?

I can totally see why it is hard to believe. But it is the truth in my headcanoned MLP universe; Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow, and Twilight (as far as I know), do enjoy being tickled, in a non-fight setting! They find that the sensation feels good and they like the playfulness of it, which includes the helplessness. Hard to believe, but they are not scared by it.

They are not to disregard the fun that can be had with tickling. Do rest assured, I'd like to tickle them :rainbowkiss:!

Thanks for being understanding! :twilightsmile:

In the end laughter is what matters most, am I right or what :pinkiehappy:?


Thanks so much for your comment! It means a lot!

When’s the next story coming out? Soon, I hope.
I’m interested to see where this goes, and who else joins them.

Happy to hear you're interested! :pinkiehappy:

Sadly, probably not for a while, as this story's sequel had to move down to the #14 spot on my story list from previously being #12 after I accepted a request for a different tickling story and didn't want to keep a request waiting for too long.

I'm currently working on stories #7 and #9 in conjunction, and also a collab story on the other user's account, so that's a long way to go.

The story list placements are also because there are stories I am slightly more excited to get to than this story's sequel. Can't work on too many at once, so I do have to create a hierarchy. It's not very fun; I wish I could give all my ideas attention now. :applejackunsure:

But hey, the list could change. It has before.

Thanks again for the read and your interest in this series! :pinkiehappy:

Any chance you could DM me through the site (or just respond to one of my comments here) when you post it? Also, what other plans do you have? I’m kinda interested to see what other gems you got. (Just make sure Spike doesn’t get carried away. 😉)


Any chance you could DM me through the site (or just respond to one of my comments here) when you post it?

Sure thing! 👍

I’m kinda interested to see what other gems you got.

For only tickling stories or in general?

A little of both (for future reference).

Okay! I'll send you a DM.

Very Noice story so far!:pinkiehappy:
10/10 from me!

Player 4? I mean, sure, he'd understand, but I don't think this is in his range...

Player 4 speaking: She's totally right there. I don't know jack about what it's like to want to be tickled or how to overcome embarrassment, nor can I tickle somepony properly, so I wouldn't be much help. In fact, I already know I'll have nothing to do with the activities of this story...

That’s why I’m not tagged.

That’s my favorite part :rainbowlaugh:

I just want to make it very clear that I think this story is so dang ADORABLE, SWEET, HILARIOUS and I just LOVE IT!

Thank you so much! :heart:

:rainbowlaugh: That might be my favorite part too

Dawwww, this was so sweet to read! After you commented on my blog I had to check out one of your stories and I was not disappointed. This is the kind of thing I aim to write as well.
Nice work, buddy! Heartwarmingly adorable~

:heart: Thank you! A lot! I, uh, did not expect to receive this kind of comment. Lol

Well... self-doubt is common when I write. Thinking that I may be a subpar author, not skilled enough to be considered worthy, don't stop, even though I've been writing on this site for nearly 2 years and went a ton of writing lessons + assignments in my school days.

Aw, I think you can write well! I like how your OC pops in, only to casually remove himself awkwardly lmao. Little things like that make me happy.

Well, thanks! Your comment really does mean a lot.

As for my OC in this story, well, I wouldn't use the term OC, as that is very much me. "Player 4" is what I call myself these days. As to why there's no self-insert tag on the story, well, you've seen that part of Chapter 1 :rainbowlaugh:

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