• Member Since 21st May, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I read. I write. I edit. I Twidash. But above all else, I'm just a regular guy. Shoot me a PM if you have a question.


Short series of one-word prompts given to me by a friend. Most are under 3000 words, and are unrelated to one another unless specifically stated. All of them will be Twidash. Tags will update depending on the chapters I add. This story will update infrequently, as in whenever I have time to write something that isn't one of my main fics.

(If you have any prompts you want me to write, post 'em in the comments.)

Chapters (33)
Comments ( 232 )

The fluff... It's suffocating me with its awesomeness! But I can't help wanting more!

Why is this shipping so popular?

<<33 the fluff.

Honestly, no clue.

Hey more one-shots for TwiDash! D'aawwww, that was nothing short of adorable.

I pronounce thee the king of fluff one-shots! That's two way too adorable pieces in a row.

Give yourself some credit, most of my inspiration for doing this came from your 'Jukebox Scribbles' (which is awesome, by the way)

:rainbowderp: I..wha..bulh..huh? Thanks, really. That means a lot. Regardless I still pronounce thee the King of Fluff One-Shots. Seriously, this is really well written (and way too adorable, it should come with a warning).

:twilightblush: thanks... Also, I have one more chapter pre-written to be released later today, stay tuned for that.

I'm getting a vague sense that this may be more than just one part? If not, we'll all be left wondering what could have been :rainbowhuh:

Either way a great chapter as usual!

Yeah, I think it definitely needs a second part...
Still, so far so great.

Debating writing a part two to this. There is a very real possibility I wont, and just leave it with this, but I may, depending on the next prompt I use.

2275254 Sounds like a plan to me. Regardless I look forward to the next chapter :twilightsmile:

HAHA! I found my next prompt that I can use for a part two: Plan. Thanks!

Good second part, It would be a third one? :pinkiehappy:

Twilight runs off after Rainbow confesses her love for her without saying a word to figure out when she'd be free for a date not realizing the social implications of her actions...

...yeah that seems like something Twilight would do. Also rather hilarious. :moustache:

I thought so, at least. Glad someone else does too!

The King of Fluff returns with another diabetes inducing chapter! :pinkiehappy:

The best part for me is that it's currently snowing and really cold outside right now where I am. A good day to stay in and write papers :rainbowwild:

That was hilariously adorable.

I have to say that the whole awkward egress that the rest made immediately made me think of:

2280163 I always love how Peter reaches back for his bear at the end

Yes! This is just what I was looking for!
After reading 'Building Bridges'; a TwiDash fan fic, I have loved nothing better than a good TwiDash-Hay-I'd even take a semi-acceptable one-and would not accept any other shipping.

“Of course! Now come in and close the door, your letting all the heat out.”
Should be you're letting all the heat out.
On another note: how adorably fuffly.

I am sending this to my editor, thanks.

That was simply adorable. I'd say more, but it's way too early for me to think-with-the-making-words thing yet

Did you really expect anything else from this story? Because if so, I'm not doing my job right.

2280395 Well leaving bears in bars is pretty impolite. They get rowdy when drunk.

2286647:derpytongue2: spelt bear rather than beer

2273391 It became popular after Read It and Weep and there has been a slight resurgence with the Twilicorn thing. They both have great personalities that I feel go well together. And heck, being a TwiDash shipper since before Season 2, knowing how bad a shipping drought can be, I'm not gonna complain at all :P

Great start on the fic, Kodeake. This is going to be a great read.

This was a nice chapter. I was glad to see it getting past the asking each other out phase in this chapter.

Small semantics thing, ponies have coats of hair, not fur.

Comment posted by Late Registrator deleted Mar 19th, 2013

Finally got around to reading this. Yay! More fluff! There were a couple minor grammar errors, but nothing major.

Is it also bad that I'm reveling in the fact that someone else is having trouble with this contest fic? I swear the only person entered who isn't having much trouble is Subsolar :derpytongue2:

Still snowing here as I type.

Yeah, I haven't been keeping tabs on the other guys who entered apart from taking a brief look at what they've written (I like knowing my competition) but for the first couple days I scrapped idea after idea, I don't like having to work within boundaries, and a starting date of Mare Do Well isn't the easiest thing to work with, though I think I've gotten something solid now. Best of luck to your fic, by the way.

More fluff is good fluff! :twilightsmile:

Oh, and "tuff" -> tough.

I'm so lazy sometimes, thanks for that. That was actually a last minute eddit before posting this chapter. I actually originally forgot to post this chapter, I had gone to bed, was lying there for like ten minutes, then I'm like "Shit, I forgot to post that!" Ran back to my computer, read over it, made that eddit, and posted it... I need to stop doing that.....

the large, soft looking bet calling to them
bed not bet
The separated for mere seconds

2454994 Fixed!
Thanks for that, got lazy with my editing towards the end of this.

Awww... I liked the last chapter. Oh well This was still good.

The errased chapter was good, but this is better.

2456279 2456640

I may find the time to revise that last chapter, if I do it'll be back and better then before.

Wait, are those tacos vegetarian?

You're the first person to spot that, good job! And I think it's safe to assume they are.

OOC! Everypony is OOC! YOU'RE OOC! Okay, perhaps not. While I'd like to think Pinkie Pie wouldn't really care (and perhaps she doesn't, all she did was assume it was Dash's prank), you're right in that we can only guess as to how the characters would act in this situation. A good read much like previous chapters, Twilight's attitude at the end was brilliant, because while it may hurt, it truly doesn't matter what others think. I was also happy to see a understanding Celestia for once. Normally these fics end up as a Twidash vs Equestria kinda deal. So yay for that.

2473198 Kind of like mine did? :derpytongue2:

Nice work as always Kodeake! Mine was so much more depressing than this, so it's good to see something lighter to lift my mood after writing it. Hopefully I can actually continue onwards now and write up that dang contest fic. Speaking of, how's yours doing so far?

I thought so, as I said, this was largly based on another chapter for a fic like this one. In his it is that, so I decided to change a few things up. I like the result.

Well, as far as the contest fic goes, I'm a little under half way done it, and my eitor has only seen this first 5K words. I have it planned out to break it into three chapters, and I'm working on the second chapter as we speak. I don't think it's the best writing I've ever done, there are a few majors edits I need to go back and do, that honour belongs to one of the chapters in this fic, but I like how it's going so far.

Hint: Ever read "Shut the Blinds"? That's what inspired my contest entry.

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