• Published 3rd Jan 2021
  • 5,333 Views, 176 Comments

Friendship is absolute chaos - Aether Spark

Discord decides to make his friends more... chaotic.

  • ...

A concerned sister = lots of yelling

Discord was in his dimension getting packed for his trip. He gathered only the essentials for both him and the little dragon.

“I can’t wait to see his face when he sees all the crystals there. This way I can claim I already got him his birthday present and get away with not getting one for his actual birthday.” Discord chuckled when he suddenly felt a massive burst of chaos magic in Ponyville with an audible voice that was so loud he heard it from in his dimension.

“DISCOOORD! WHERE ARE YOU?!” The horrible noise was the unmistakable voice of Twilight Sparkle probably panicking about her little brother being carted off to a different dimension.

“Oooh boy…” Discord groaned, grabbed his belongings, and teleported back to Ponyville. Much to his amusement, the town looked like some kind of theme park, centered mainly around books, while ponies were all legged books, trotting around as if nothing changed.

“Perhaps winning this bet will be easier than I thought.” Discord chuckled before sensing a chaotic signature darting around town centering on his position. “And here we go…” Discord sighed as he saw Twilight barreling [more like stumble/running] in his direction.

“DISCORD! I need a word with you! And no distracting me this time!” Twilight growled as she got up close to him.

“Is it about Spike?” Discord asked.

“YES! I heard your plan and I'm telling you no! Spike is too young to go off to possibly dangerous alternate realms with you!” Twilight growled, her anger more amplified than usual for some reason.

“Technically he’s twenty in dragon years.” Discord stated knowingly.

“Yes, but in pony years and by physical definition he’s only ten!” Twilight snarled.

“Easy there, Twilight. It’s rather easy for an inexperienced draconequus to lose control of their temper when dealing with what annoys them, and in your case, that couldn’t be more true.” Discord casually watched Twilight's expression grow madder.

"I CAN TELL!" Twilight bellowed at the top of her voice. Her face was so red that flames had begun to flicker on the top of her horn and were burning down like a fizzing fuze on a bomb. “I’M NOT LETTING YOU TAKE HIM! YOU’RE JUST GOING TO GET HIM IN TROUBLE AND WHO KNOWS HOW CHANGED HE’LL BE WHEN HE GETS BACK! YOUR GOING ON THIS TRIP ALONE AND THAT IS FINA-” Twilight paused her rant when a tub of ice cream was launched into her face.

“Cool down there, Twilight,” Discord said with a chuckle.

Twilight pulled the ice cream tub off of her face and looked at Discord with surprise. Her anger was gone, completely. In fact, she actually felt happy now. The happiness quickly faded to annoyance as she looked at Discord questioningly.

“What? So ice cream can calm an enraged draconequus?” Twilight guessed.

“Yes indeed, it’s a good treat and stress reliever,” Discord said

“How much about draconeqquses don't I know?” Twilight said tossing the ice cream aside.

“What you don’t know about draconquuses can fill an ocean, literally!” Discord said laughing.

“This doesn’t change my opinion, Discord! Spike still isn’t going with you,” Twilight said.

“Oh come now, is me treating the boy to a vacation and an early-” Discord glanced around “-birthday present, so wrong?”

“I just…” Twilight faltered a little as she thought of her little brother being in danger in some bizarre dimension. The worry she felt for him created a knot in her stomach.

“You're worried about his safety, I get it. You don’t need to worry though. He couldn’t be more protected with any other sitter,” Discord said gesturing to himself.

“That’s such a relief,” Twilight deadpanned.

“Well then, let's let him decide.” Discord snapped his fingers.

“I don’t think-” Twilight attempted to say before Spike suddenly appeared in front of the two draconeqqus’s... soaking wet and covered in soap suds…... singing into a scrub brush.

“Oh Rarity! Oh Rarity! How you are so pretty, your eyes glitter like the diamonds on your flanks! Your mane is so soft to the one who gave it to you, I give thanks! One day I hope you grace me with your lips, as I kiss you ba-” Spike’s song was interrupted by joined sounds of laughter from Discord and stifled giggles from Twilight.

“Huh? Discord!? Twilight?! What are you doing here in the bathroom? I'm taking a shower- wait a sec… WHY AM I OUTSIDE?!” Spike looked around frantically and saw everypony as walking books, as weird as this is, he was more concerned about how many heard him right now. Spike turned his blushing red face to Twilight and Discord who were still laughing.

“I don’t mean to laugh, Spike, but were you just singing about Rarity?” Twilight tried to contain her giggles, honestly, she wanted to stop seeing how embarrassed Spike was, but it seemed her new draconequus nature was preventing that.

“Oh, man! That was a real gut-buster right there! The lyrics and the way you were singing! Gotta record that!” Discord gasped in between guffaws.

“H-how much did you hear…?” Spike said looking red as a tomato

“From ‘Oh Rarity’ onward,” Discord said through his laughter.

“Everypony heard that didn’t they?...” Spike said looking like he wanted to sink into the ground in embarrassment.

“I...Eh… well” Twilight attempted after managing to calm down.

“They didn’t” Discord stated out of the blue.

“They didn’t?” Spike said hopefully.

“How do you know?” Twilight asked.

“Books don’t have ears. Trust me. I'm a master of chaos, remember?” Discord said pointing to the books who seemed to go about their day not paying them any mind. “You lucked out kiddo.”

“Whew… thank goodness…” Spike sighed in relief, before looking to the two with an annoyed expression. “This couldn’t have waited until after I was out of the shower?” Spike said irritably.

“Forgive us for intruding on your personal symphony about your crush, but I was looking to know if you wanted to come with me on a trip,” Discord asked

“Ummm… No offense, Discord, but I'm not sure that’s safe,” Spike deadpanned

“Thank you!” Twilight said, happy that Spike was agreeing with her for a change.

“Oh come now, Spike. I think you’ll enjoy coming with me to-” Discord began

“Really, I'm good,” Spike said, eager to get back to finish his shower

“To a crystal dimension,” Discord finished

“Discord, I said I'm-... Crystal dimension?” Spike looked at him surprised.

“Yep, thought I’d treat you to some tantalizing gems that dragons haven’t even seen yet and show you some of my friends. It’s what friends do, right?” Discord said with a hint of smugness to Twilight, who glared at him.

“I don’t know… doesn’t that mean Twilight won’t have my help for a whi-” Spike began.

“You’d rather stay here for the week and experience the chaos they might accidentally unleash?” Discord asked with a raised brow.

“.............I’ll pack!” Spike yelled as he ran off towards the castle.

“Hold on, Spike!” Twilight cried trying to run after him but he was indoors before she could catch up and she wound up tripping over her feet.

“Guess that’s a yes,” Discord said smugly. Twilight sighed, sounding irritable, and stood, looking towards Discord resignedly.

“Alright fine… “ Twilight managed from between gritted teeth “Do you promise to watch over him?”

“Like he was my own,” Discord assured

“You're not going to let him get hurt?”


“He comes back with you the same way he is now?”

“Perhaps with a greater understanding of the universe.” Twilight gave Discord a look. “Come on where’s the trust?”

“Pinkie promise me he won’t come back altered or traumatized,” Twilight demanded.

“Ok ok fine, cross my heart, cupcakes in eyes, all that jazz, can I go now?” Twilight still looked upset but she turned and walked into the castle.

“My my, this story is taking quite the turn isn’t it?” Discord chuckled before disappearing in a flash.

---one hour later---

“Toothbrush?” Twilight asked

“Check,” Spike responded

“Med kit?”


“Books as well as comic books to keep you stimulated?”


“Spare towels?”

“Yeah, check.” Spike groaned, already knowing that Twilight was going to have him go over the entire stock again.

“More importantly do you have-”

“Twilight, I triple checked everything. I think I’m ready for my trip with Discord” Spike said, tapping his foot.

“It wouldn’t hurt to quadruple check,” Twilight suggested.

“No, Twilight. I think that's enough checking,” Spike said, not wanting to rehash the supply list anymore.

“Just one more thing,” Twilight said, cutting him off.

“What’s that?” Spike sighed.

“This.” Twilight handed Spike a golden-colored parchment.

“What’s this?” Spike asked curiously, taking the parchment from Twilight.

“It’s called a tracker parchment. I was saving it for a special occasion since I learned how to make them a month ago. Just use your messenger fire on it and no matter where you are, I’ll be able to find you,” Twilight said with a smile.

“It’s a little creepy how you put that…” Spike said with a little shiver.

“Alright Spike, just be careful, listen to Discord unless he’s sounding like he’s up to something, then ignore him, and stay safe,” Twilight said, giving him a hug, which Spike returned.

“I will, Twilight. Good luck with the whole chaos thing,” Spike said back.

“I will do my best.” Twilight and Spike went outside to see Discord standing by the portal to another dimension with vacation gear.

“There you are, my scaly little friend!” Discord said picking Spike up and giving him a noogie.

“Ow! Hey!” Spike said, trying to wiggle out of his grip.

“By the end of the week, Discord. No more no less,” Twilight said sternly as Discord put Spike down.

“Sure thing, and remember, if I come back to a chaotic Equestria, then I win,” Discord said smugly.

“You won’t win. I’ll show you that chaos magic can be tamed!” Twilight said with determination.

“Sure you will.” Discord chuckled. “Well! We best be off, my little buddy.” Discord walked through the portal, with Spike walking in after him once he had given Twilight a cheerful wave. The portal blipped out of view and Twilight released a long sigh filled with dread for the coming week.

“A day ago I never would have expected this could happen at all… Well time to call another meeting.” Twilight said walking back into the castle.

Author's Note:

One more chapter to go.

(P.S no dragons were harmed in the making of this film.... much) :rainbowwild: