• Published 3rd Jan 2021
  • 5,340 Views, 176 Comments

Friendship is absolute chaos - Aether Spark

Discord decides to make his friends more... chaotic.

  • ...

Three + Three = Chaos

When Twilight and Rarity made their way outside, they saw that things had only gotten worse. Because now there were flying chickens and walking bushes and the clowns were putting on a circus act while the living ponyquins acted as the audience.

“Things are only getting worse,” said Twilight Sparkle, hesitating briefly at the feeling of déjà vu before continuing, "We need to gather up the other girls, and... Rarity. Why are you hiding behind that bush?"

The bush was struggling to keep walking, but four strong claws were holding it in place, and Rarity's voice hissed out from behind the temporary concealment.

"I'm not here!"

Twilight looked up at the sign floating above the bush that said 'Rarity's Hiding Place - Go Away!' Then she took a deep breath, tried to keep her calm, and waved her hands until the sign broke up into peppermint-scented clouds and drifted away.

“Rarity...” Twilight sighed, realizing Rarity was still stuck on the same subject as before.

“Nopony will see me in this abhorrent form. I’d sooner date that cur Blueblood than be seen like this!” Rarity whispered harshly.

“Rarity, get out from behind the bush, please,” Twilight said feeling annoyed


“How are we going to find Discord when you're too busy hiding behind a-” Twilight stopped her lecture to Rarity when suddenly a loud ACHOO sounded and a gout of flame blasted the bush Rarity was hiding behind, burning all the leaves off of it.

“Hwah?!” Rarity yelped, jumping back as the bush covered itself up in embarrassment and ran off. “Spikey-Wikey, be careful. You nearly burnt my coiffure!” Rarity scolded, turning to her left only to find herself face to face with a draconequus Pinkie Pie.

“HIYA!” Pinkie squeed.

“AAAH!” Rarity cried, stumbling over her mismatched feet until she fell onto her back.

“Pinkie?! When did you get out here?” Twilight cried

“Y'all really want to ask that to Pinkie of all ponies when she's a draconequus?” Applejack said in a bemused tone as she walked into view.

“...Point taken…” Twilight helped Rarity pick herself off the ground, then looked around at her friends. "I don't see any more ponies like us, " she offered cautiously.

"Please tell me we're the only creatures that Discord twisted and perverted to his own evil ways," wailed Rarity. "If the whole town is like this... I don't know how many 'Discords' Equestria can handle!"

“Why so grumpy? This could be fun! I bet if we pool our draconequusy powers we could conjure a brownie the size of the sun! OH OH or how about an ice cream sundae big enough to see from space! OOOOOH! I KNOW! LET’S THROW A PARTY SO BIG WE CAN INVITE EVERY CREATURE ON THE PLANET!” Pinkie cheered, already dreaming up the possibilities with her new powers.

“NO!” Twilight vehemently denied, which surprised everypony present, herself included. Coughing awkwardly into her hand she resumed, “It wouldn’t be wise to tamper with these powers when we’ve already accidentally triggered this much chaos.” Twilight’s friends nodded understandingly. Pinkie, however, wilted at the suggestion.

“Our main focus should be watin until Rainbow comes back with Shy,” Applejack said sitting on the ground.

“Then why are you just sitting there? Shouldn’t we be getting to a safe location just in case six draconequuses being in such close vicinity could cause more damage?” Rarity implored

“Ah ain’t moving until Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy get here. Sides if ah do nothing then nothing will happen, right?” Applejack reasoned

“I suppose that could make sense, however, I sneezed earlier and it triggered several chaotic events. We should avoid doing anything that would suddenly trigger chaos while we wait,” Twilight said to her friends. Pinkie however wouldn’t sit still and Rarity was still looking for a place to hide herself. Before Twilight could insist on Rarity calming down she noticed Pinkie was talking to herself.

“Quit arguing, I know we can agree on something eventually,” Pinkie mumbled to herself.

“Pinkie? Who are you talking-” Twilight began before being cut off by Applejack.

“Well that took less time than ah thought,” Applejack mused outloud and stood up. Twilight turned to see what she was talking about and saw Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy walking over to them.

Deep down, Twilight had hoped at least Fluttershy had been spared this fate but it seems Discord was willing to go far enough to even play this horrible prank on his ‘Flutterbuddy.’

“Wow, Pinkie, Rarity. You two really messed up the place,” Rainbow Dash said looking around.

“I-it wasn’t our fault! I woke up this morning and found myself like this and I began panicking. How was I supposed to know this would happen?”

While the two bickered Applejack walked over to Fluttershy who seemed oddly calm despite today's events.

“You alright sugarcube?” Applejack asked.

“Yes, I’m fine, a little stressed but fine,” Fluttershy responded.

“Ah imagine you were panicking a whole ton when you woke up this morning,” Applejack said comfortingly.

“Well, actually I wasn’t too bothered,” Fluttershy responded.

“What?” Applejack said a little surprised.

“Yeah, you two would be surprised what went down at Shy’s.” Rainbow Dash walked over to the group, ignoring a still-fuming Rarity.

---An hour earlier---

“Fluttershy! Listen I’m sure you're scared right now and you're probably going to be alarmed when you open the door but before you do, just know that I'm just like you right now, but I'm still me. We’re going to get Discord to fix this if you just don’t freak out, ok?” Rainbow Dash called out to Fluttershy through her front door. Rainbow waited a few minutes before hearing steps approaching and then the front door opening revealing a draconeqqus Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash expected a number of things, Fluttershy panicking, a disheveled look, chaos (literal and magical) around her house.

Instead, Fluttershy looked unusually serene despite the events of today. Her eyes widened a little when she saw Rainbow Dash at the door but then her expression shifted into an understanding one.

“Hello, Rainbow Dash. I see we both got pranked today, didn’t we?” Fluttershy said with a chuckle. Rainbow just stared in shock, because she didn’t expect her to be taking it this well. It made Rainbow ashamed of the panic she had when she woke up.

“You're... not scared of what’s happened to you?” Rainbow Dash said with a gaping mouth.

“Oh, I am, but I'm also used to waking up transformed into something else. Discord lives with me sometimes, remember?” Fluttershy responded with a casual wave of the hand.

“So then… how did that happen?” Rainbow pointed outside to all the chaotic animals.

“Well, the land mammals wanted to know what flying felt like, the fishes wanted to walk on land and the birds wanted to swim so I decided to reverse their roles, at least until this is all fixed,” Fluttershy said giggling a little and a few legged goldfish scampered about around her feet, while Rainbow Dash gagged a little at the sight and looked like she wished she could be flying off the ground right now.

“Would you like to come inside?” Fluttershy offered.

“Actually we need to find the others, now,” Rainbow pointed out.

“Oh ok, Angel!” Fluttershy called out to her bunny companion, who flew in next to her.

“What? What’s with all the yelling? I’m trying to sleep here!” Angel complained.

“Angel dear, could you watch the others until I get back?” Fluttershy cooed to the winged rabbit.

“Can I get some shut-eye and quiet time if I do?” Angel asked, tapping his foot.

“Of course,” Fluttershy smiled

“And I want a salad in return! Extra carrots, less broccoli,” Angel demanded

“Wow… talk about taking her for granted…” Rainbow thought bitterly towards the ironically named rabbit.

“Only if you’re good,” Fluttershy replied.

“Alright, deal.” Angel nodded and padded off into the house. Fluttershy then closed and locked the door before turning to Rainbow Dash.

“Shall we Rainbow?” Fluttershy gestured and Rainbow nodded, following her.

“I didn’t expect this…” Rainbow Dash mumbled.

---Back to now---

“And that’s what happened,” Rainbow finished while Applejack looked surprised.

“Wow, mah hats off to you, Shy. Seems you took it better than we did,” Applejack said smiling.

Fluttershy blushed at the praise “Thanks, AJ.”


The six were walking back to the castle, finally reunited and ready to find Discord. Upon entering, there was surprise and shock from the castle's inhabitants, but ultimately the hysteria calmed enough that the group could gather their thoughts.

“This is startin’ to become a daily occurrence,” Applejack wryly commented as she and the girls were seated at the table.

“He’s gone too far this time! Stealing my mane is one thing but transforming me into this horrid hybrid state? He has some nerve!” Rarity spoke out bitterly.

“Not to mention the town is all messed up now,” Rainbow Dash added in.

Fluttershy watched the other draconeqquses nervously, knowing full well her input wouldn't help Discord this time considering the severity of his actions.

"Then we all know what we have to do. We need to find Discord and have him turn us back," Twilight reasoned.

"Yeah, then kick his flank!" Rainbow added.

"Rainbow!" Fluttershy moved into the conversation to protect her friend.

"Fluttershy, even you've got to admit this is over the top. I can't train like this, none of us can do anything like this! I get he's very close to you but he can't pull something like this and get away with it," Rainbow shot back irritably.

"Still, planning to hurt him isn't right," Fluttershy meekly said

"Ah gotta side with Rainbow on this. Ah can't work like this, and ah can't risk doin so when ah could be one sneeze away from blowin the farm off the map," Applejack reasoned.

"But these powers could be fun! We just need to find out how to control them!" Pinkie tried to reason with her friends as to the positives of the situation.

"Pinkie Pie, we can't take any risks like that. We need him to fix this so we can use our elements to fix the damage," Twilight said as calmly as she could.

"But not on Discord, right?" Fluttershy said worriedly

Twilight smiled comfortingly to Fluttershy. "Of course not, but unless Discord does the clean-up, we're going to have to."

"Why can't we just use them now?" Rarity asked. Meanwhile, Spike entered the room with some refreshments.

"Spike and I tried that earlier, but when I touched my element it burned me," Twilight replied.

“It makes sense ah suppose. Discord can’t touch the elements so ah guess we can’t right now,” Applejack reasoned.

Spike was handing out drinks to everypony when he saw how miserable Rarity was. Approaching the distressed draconequus, he put a comforting claw on her shoulder.

"It's alright, Rarity,” Spike said reassuringly.

“No, it isn’t, Spikey-Wikey. I look terrible…” Rarity pouted.

“Come on, it’s not that bad. I still think you're pretty.” Spike said, then he blushed at what he had blurted out.

Rarity managed a smile at his attempts to cheer her up. “Thank you, Spikey dear, but I won’t be happy until I’m me again.” Spike nodded in understanding.

Twilight stood and got everypony’s attention. “Alright girls, we need to find out where Discord is, which is why I had Starlight run a cursory scan for chaos signatures besides ours in the vicinity.” As Twilight spoke, Starlight trotted up to the map and lit her horn, causing an indicator to pop up on the map.

“The widespread chaos you all caused made it difficult to pinpoint him but my magical scans have detected his magical wavelengths in this area right here,” Starlight informed everypony as the indicator hovered over a spot just outside of town.

“That’s where we found him yesterday,” Rarity pointed out.

“And we know where that is, now let’s get him!” Rainbow Dash said eagerly.

“Once again Rainbow, we’re not picking a fight. We’ll demand he change us back and maybe discuss why doing this was wrong,” Twilight said sternly.

“Oh come on! Like he’s going to listen to us. I mean yesterday we told him to give the pranks a rest and he turns around and makes us into his species!” Rainbow Dash snapped at Twilight.

“I wonder if he’ll let me stay like this as long as I want,” Pinkie mused.

“You’re not staying in that form and that’s final Pinkie. It’s too dangerous,” Twilight stated in a tone that forbade argument.

“Aww…” Pinkie said with a pout.

“Let’s get goin’ fore he knows we’re coming and decides to include a ‘hide and seek’ game like that one time,” Applejack said while getting up.

“Agreed. The day just started and I’m already feeling exhausted.”

“Should Spike and I come? In case you need backup?” Starlight asked.

Twilight winced at the thought of putting her student and little brother in trouble. “No, you two should stay here. I don’t want to risk either of you with seven draconeqquses being in one location.”

“No arguments here, I've dealt with enough chaos for one day,” Spike said nonchalantly.

Twilight smiled. “Thanks for understanding. Alright, girls! Let’s go fix yet another mess.” Twilight said as she and the girls walked out the front door.

Author's Note:

Sorry for being late, work held me up.