• Published 23rd Dec 2020
  • 1,470 Views, 32 Comments

Evening Crown - Onyourleft

An orphaned Twilight must struggle to survive amidst the tides of war, the knife of heartbreaking betrayal, and the concealed plan that threatens to end it all.

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Chapter 3: Family First

The stars had risen to their peak, and shined down upon the sleeping children, blessing them with beautiful and distant light. The huddled groups of orphans subconsciously smiled, rolling in the graceful visage that was the night.

Under the same sky, a single pen wove in the air, crafting a sickening signature. Enormous bags of filthy bits were dumped upon the ground, and Slim’s eyes seemed to swim in their abhorrent gleam.

A twisted grin crept onto his face and punctured his round cheeks. Slim’s mouth watered at the fortune before him, pure greed and unholy desire fueling the fire within. A hoof reached out and grabbed the parchment, dragging its souls into his vortex of a cloak. The stallion gave a blood-curdling chuckle and swept out of the room. Slim, once alone, dove upon the sacks of gold. He was finally free, and soon he would have his revenge as well.

Meanwhile, the hooded stallion held his parchment close and began his trek home. The covetous halfwit had served his purpose, and once the deed was done, would return his money. He licked his parched lips, imagining the sweet sound of Slim’s dying squeal. The unicorn allowed himself another heartless laugh. Slim would never see it coming, and neither would the Diarchy.

The figure glanced towards the direction of Canterlot Castle. His mind focused on his desire so vividly, that he felt like the crown was in his hooves. The glory, the power, the fame, it would all be his. Or ‘theirs’. Everypony was just a means to an end, and once he had what he wanted, none of them would be necessary anymore. But for the time being, he had to act in the best interest of the organization. Using dark magic, he conjured a portal and strutted through.


Canterlot stood silent and serene. The ponies slept in peace, unaware of the dark and impending future. Luna, the Princess Of Darkness, hovered above it all. Her ethereal mane shimmered with stars and glided behind her in the silent whispering wind. Her attuned cat-like eyes surveyed the city, searching for an enemy unbeknownst to all but her.

In a wisp of shadow, a bat pony appeared. She was dressed in pitch-black armor that melted into her grey coat, providing the moonstruck mare with practical invisibility. She swooped down until she was level with Luna. “Your majesty, we found traces of dark magic around the Noble sector. Do you wish to investigate?” The mare stared emotionless at her goddess, ever thankful for her place at Luna’s side.

“We shall. And If it is as we feared, then we must take bold action to ensure the kingdom's safety.” Luna gave a curt nod and then seemed to evaporate into thin air. The Captain, also known as Crescent Shock, followed Luna’s lead. By the ten minute mark, both had reappeared at their desired location. With another regal nod from Princess Luna, the Captain and her platoon launched into action.

The reconnaissance took over two hours, an efficient time, and not a single innocent stirred. While her personal guard thoroughly examined the area, Luna took time to rearrange her ever-expanding puzzle of corruption. Equestria had remained safe and prosperous for well over two hundred years, making the sudden discovery ever so terrifying.

Dark magic was alive. It was thriving in the shadows, and weakening her ponies from within. Celestia herself had been, and still remained, blind to this fact. Luna would not pretend to fully understand the circumstances or how serious the threat was. But what she was sure of, was that she would crush this enemy, with no mercy nor consideration. Luna opened her previously shut eyes and glanced at the last piece of the puzzle. One stallion, he was the key to understanding the truth.

Once this confounded mystery was solved, Luna could finally see the threat for what it really was, and therefore, properly address it. “Your Majesty, we have searched the area and identified our target,” a young, armored pegasus stallion stated. “We have our troops surrounding his estate. Do you have our orders?” He stayed completely still a salute frozen on his forehead.

“No. Tell the platoon to back off. We must move with the utmost secrecy and tact. If we wish to catch the true villain, we will have to remain patient.” Luna paused and slowly rose from her seated position. Her gentle ascension was smooth and embodied perfection in every way. The night guard fought the urge to glance at his Princess, even after countless years of service, she still took his breath away.

“At ease, soldier.” The stallion slumped from his previously rigid posture and stood at loose attention. “I want you to take these orders directly to the Captain. She will understand my orders in their entirety.” The pegasus gave a deep bow before flying off into the night. His departure, like all of Luna’s guard, was noiseless. Luna watched his flight till he had disappeared above the clouds.

With a deep sigh, the Princess of the Night prepared for her own launch. She ruffled her feathers and released her folded wings. They spread out in a majestic arch, sweeping the cool night air beneath them. She lifted her head and immersed herself in the Moon’s powerful light. Her mane shimmered and crackled with distant stars, each glowing and beating in time with their creator's heart.

Luna smiled a deep and rich smile, its warm emotion consuming her face. She lived for the night and it lived for her. If only she could have more moments like this. The moment passed as a dark cloud blocked out the moon, bringing the alicorn back to reality. She gave her head a slight shake and then launched into the lively night sky.


“Athena. Athena, please wake up. Athena, I’m scared!” A crying filly shook Athena’s right shoulder, whispering her desperate pleas.

“Alright, alright! I’m up now.” Athena yawned and rolled over to get a look at the filly. This was completely unnecessary because she knew all the children’s voices by heart, and this particular filly happened to do this quite often. “Rhyme, how about you and I go get some water and talk about it.” Athena gently used her magic to lift the small earth pony onto her back. No doubt, she had been plagued by a nightmare.

While nightmares were common among the orphans, none had it worse than poor Rhyme. She was only seven and had consecutively woken up Athena for the past three years at least every other night. Sure, it was a lot of lost sleep. But Athena didn’t mind. She loved her family more than anything and was more than willing to give up her precious z’s to help any and all who needed her.

“Okay. But it’s different this time.” Rhyme curled herself tightly around Athena’s torso and squeezed the life out of her. Athena didn’t seem to notice and continued her bleary-eyed trudge to the good ole rusty sink. On the way, she glanced through the last surviving window. Like always, Wagon sat on the curb of the street, listening to somepony. She squinted her eyes, it looked like Seven. Huh, she hadn’t expected him of all ponies.

She reached the sink and casually filled up two glasses of water. The filly clinging to her back didn’t budge. “Rhyme. You can tell me about it.”

“I know… but this time it was different.” The filly shook on Athena’s back, sending a chill up the unicorn’s spine.

It had been months since she had refused to speak. Athena internally groaned. So much progress down the drain. “I know you’re scared, but what have I told you before?” Athena carefully removed the orange filly, brushing her sea blue mane out of her moist eyes.

“I know… don’t let the fear win.” Rhyme wiped her slightly teary face.

“Yes. Do you remember how you beat the fear?” Athena gained a scholarly tone and gave the adorable filly an expectant look.

“We remember what we have, and why nopony can take it away.” The filly seemed to begin her recovery with that statement. Her tone shifted from terrified to determined.

“That’s right! No matter where we are, or what they do.” Athena took a deep breath and handed Rhyme a wooden cup of water. “We will always have each other. And that’s all that matters.”

Rhyme guzzled her water as she explained her nightmare. Athena nodded and added a supportive comment on occasion. After a couple of minutes, the routine was over, and the mission complete. Athena took Rhyme’s hoof and guided her back to the sleeping section of the kitchen. Like always, the little filly took her position next to Athena, cuddling close for warmth and the ever so needed comfort. The magenta mare stroked her friend's mane till she was sound asleep.

The gentle rise of Rhyme’s chest confirmed Athena’s sneaking suspicion. With practiced finesse, she rose from her position and gently levitated the filly to her own cot. Once she had been tucked in and kissed lightly on the head, Athena took her leave. It only took her a matter of seconds to scan the room for any other stragglers. Her bright eyes swept over every nook and cranny, and all were accounted for. She was finally content, and stealthy exited the room. There was one pony still awaiting her.


Dragon Fruit rested her head upon the broken windowsill, gazing longingly into the stunning night. It was clear and cool, just the way he liked it. She subconsciously twirled her marble flower, memories of Alpha flashing before her eyes. She missed him more than anything, that was a fact. His departure and final words still rung in her hollow head...

“I have to do this. Not just for me, but for all of us.” Alpha shifted the bag on his back, attempting to free his wings from their uncomfortable position. “Slim has taken advantage of orphans for longer than we have been alive, and it has to stop.” The conviction and determination in his voice could be denied by none, he was a colt on a mission.

“This evidence is more than enough to have him put away for good. And if I played this right, he won’t know I’ve left till it's too late.”

“Alpha. We all understand why you are doing this. But we also agree that it’s too risky! If Slim finds out… who knows what he will do.” Athena’s voice of reason cut through Alpha’s speech.

He gave her a lopsided grin. “I am far too smart to get caught by that moron. Also, even if he does know, I'll pull a fast one! Back me up Wagon!” Alpha leaned on his friend’s shoulder, giving him the same confident smile.

Wagon in response frowned and pushed his friend off. Before Alpha could lose his balance, Wagon grabbed him by the shoulders and held him in place. The friend’s eyes met, and more was said in that silence than any speech could have. Alpha was beginning to break when the final blow landed.

Dragon Fruit pulled him out of Wagon’s hold and wrapped him in a tearful embrace. “Please don’t go… we can’t lose you… I can’t lose you.” She cried into his silky mane, pleading for the impossible.

“Hey, don’t cry.” He lifted her chin and looked into her eyes and promised, “I told you I would come back, didn’t I?” Fruity gave a pitiful nod. “Then trust me. I know how dangerous this mission is, and I have worked very hard to make sure he doesn't know.” Dragon Fruit rested her head on his shoulder and continued to hold on. She felt the tears rolling down her cheeks, but she didn’t care.

After a full minute of depressing tears, from all of the four, Alpha stepped back. He reached into his bag and removed two beautiful marble necklaces. “Fruity. This is for you.” Alpha gently tied one around her neck, and then the second upon his own. Dragon Fruit after a blurry examination of the handcrafted flower, kissed Alpha on his lips. They both wished the kiss could have lasted forever, but it wouldn’t. Their love for one another was like that of a fairytale, and like so, could be so tragically broken.

Next, Alpha removed a small knife from his bag. He silently handed it to Athena, lacking the strength to speak. Athena held it close to her heart, and proceeded to give her friend a short and fearful hug.

Last was Wagon, he received a battered scroll. The lime colt didn’t need to open it to know what it was. A single tear streamed down his face as he gave Alpha his own bone crushing hug.

Alpha stepped back. His own face was wet with his own tears, accompanying those of his closest friends, his love, and his family. He knew if he delayed any longer that he would lose the will to leave. Alpha turned on the heel of his hooves and slowly trotted away. He was turned towards Canterlot Castle, but his heart remained behind him.

Alpha never returned.

The tears would have flowed a year or so ago, but it had been so long that her eyes had no despair left to release. Dragon Fruit removed the memories from the forefront of her mind, and instead examined the twinkling stars. Every so often, she would glance down the street, hoping without reason, that a handsome pegasus would strut down its center.

“Well, I didn’t expect to find you here.” Athena jabbed with playful sarcasm, drowning Fruity’s previous sadness.

“Oh. Look who finally decided to show up.” Dragon Fruit lazily turned from her window and gave her friend a playful poke.

“Ow! You know, you should really treat your friends better. Or they might just leave you on the roof... by your lonesome.” Athena trotted past her friend and took her seat in the corner.

“You know, I say it every time, but you don’t have to come up here with me,” Fruity stated.

Athena just rolled her eyes. “Just get over here. There are only a couple hours left till sunrise.”

The two friends sat and admired the stars, casually talking about life and their hopes for the future. Fruity was tempted to bring up the ominous subject of how they were going to use the money to escape, and hopefully, live out the rest of their lives. The night was still young, so Dragon Fruit flipped her red-purple mane out of her eyes and opened her mouth to speak… when she saw him.


Athena wasn’t sure why she was running into the woods, at night, with no explanation. But Dragon Fruit and Wagon seemed to have fire on their tails. She had never seen either of them run so fast. If Athena hadn’t been an athlete, there was no way in Tartarus that she could have caught up.

Athena had finally regained enough oxygen to speak when she slammed right into a very strong and very green colt. “Wagon! What is going on?! I’ve been chasing both of you for ten minutes, and neither of you cared to stop and fill me in!” Athena breathed hard as she rounded on Wagon and Dragon Fruit. “Why don’t you both give me a damn good explanation or I’m going to….” Athena was abruptly stopped by Wagon’s hoof. She was prepared to release her frustrated wrath, when he turned her head.

Athena joined her gaping friends, and stared unbelievingly at the distant form… of Alpha. Tears of joy were blossoming in Fruity’s eyes as she began to drift forward. Wagon and Athena who were too dazed to move, remained still, as if they were trapped in stone.

Dragon Fruit had been waiting for so long, but she could recognize him anywhere. Her hoofsteps were loud, even when landing upon the thick grass and dewy moss. Not a creature moved. The form came closer and closer, and her hopes rose with every step. If she had been remotely aware of her surroundings, a great tragedy could have been avoided.

Dragon Fruit took one step too far. In her heart, she had known that it wasn't him, but her hope was too strong. Her strangled and broken love was pulled out of the depths, and given a candle to light its way. But the candle burned out, and so did the vision of Alpha. Dragon Fruit’s hoof landed, and the trap was sprung.


“Heh, foolish foal. She knows he’s gone but still follows.” Slim stood under a tree, smoking an overpriced cigar, and flaunting a new watch and suit. “The smartest and most successful thieves I have ever employed, yet, the most naïve and destined for self-destruction.” He chuckled at his own terrible attempt at poetic speech. His mob of thugs only laughed when Slim shot them a nasty glare.

He glanced through the brush and watched as the green mare approached the trap. Any second now. “The others are in position?” Slim questioned. An athletic unicorn henchman nodded. “Good. I don’t want any screw ups… and you.” Slim motioned at a cloaked earth pony. “Double check the cages. These three are a handful, and my employer needs them alive.” Slim doused his cigar, and stomped it into the dirt. He checked his holster, and confirmed that his crossbow was indeed loaded.

He only had to wait a second more for his final moment of triumph. The trap went off. In the blink of an eye, Dragon Fruit was lifted into the air, caught in a net. A large mob of thugs leapt out from the brush around Athena and Wagon, surrounding them. And finally, Slim strode out from his hiding place, flanked by more menacing henchmen.

Athena and Wagon had quick reflexes, and were able to maneuver into a back to back defensive stance. Their resistance didn’t last long.

“Oh dear, Athena. It appears your friend is in quite the predicament.” Slim held his crossbow up to the suspended Dragon Fruit’s neck. He shot his longtime enemy and subordinate a cruel smirk. “I would hate for something awful to happen to her.”

Athena lowered her head in defeat and snuffed out her glowing horn. Wagon relaxed from his stance. Both in unison glared pure hatred at Slim. Never before had they wanted to murder somepony so much. Their collective anger could have fed the fires of Tartarus for a thousand years.

In one swift motion, both Athena and Wagon were taken to the ground. The urge to struggle and fight were overpowering, but they were not willing to lose another. “Pity. I have always wanted to complete the set.” Slim reached within his expensive suit and brought forth a necklace, identical to Dragon Fruit’s. She stared blankly at the swinging flower, watching its motions in a state of pure shock. Then she lost it.

With a primal screech that struck fear into all who heard it, Dragon Fruit flapped her wings and struck Slim through the net. The strike, while powerful, was hindered by the thick ropes. Slim stumbled back and touched his face, revealing a streak of crimson blood. Dragon Fruit continued to struggle, thrashing wildly at any who approached. Her eyes and painful cries screamed pure rage.

A unicorn thug let loose a sloppy stun spell, dropping the struggling mare in an instant. Slim growled and attempted to dab the oozing mark on his face. “You. Will. Die for this.” Athena’s cold threat was almost more chilling than Dragon Fruit’s primal assault. Slim turned and snorted in disgust.

“I would pity you and your friend’s sad existence. But some dogs are meant to be put down.” He motioned with his hoof to the dark north, and in response, cages appeared.

Athena, who had been too caught up to analyze the situation, finally understood. The panic in her eye’s was enough to rekindle Slim’s joy. “Put them in chains, and lock 'em up tight.” He gave a careless wave of his hoof and turned away. Within the next few seconds, all of the orphans were burdened with an iron mask, hoove chains, and for Athena, an inhibitor ring. At this point, there was seemingly no escape. But Athena was enraged, and that is all that mattered.

Something was off, and Slim knew it. He had been moments away from leaving the clearing and allowing his goons to finish the job, when he felt a cold and empty feeling arise in his stomach. Never before had he endured something so terrible. His eyes felt like they were being ripped out of their sockets and his body was releasing sweat in such amounts that his new suit was practically soaked. He slowly rotated and dropped his jaw at the terror before him.

Athena was floating in the air, completely still, and surrounded by blazing magenta light. Bolts of black lightning and pure soul energy ripped throughout the clearing, pulverizing any that she struck. The wind howled and time froze in respect of this grand feat of magic. The cages and chains holding her friends were turned into ash, and flew off in the violent current. Slim squinted at the light and was finally able to meet his doom, nose to nose. Athena’s eyes were a brilliant white, brimmed with purple and black. They burned with heavenly intensity and seared into his very soul.

Slim was dead, and he himself knew it. Athena grabbed him in levitation magic and brought him before her terrible might, and for the first time since her crazy evolution, she spoke. “You.”

Slim was shaking out of control and glanced around frantically for help, but there was no one left. His mercenaries lay stunned on the ground, dead or alive? He didn’t know.

Athena glared down upon her mortal enemy. She saw what she wanted, fear, uncontrollable and out of check. She wanted to kill him… yes… that was it. Athena looked upon Slim. He deserved eternal damnation and nothing less. Nopony else was going to bring him to justice, so she had to do it herself. With an exhale of finality, Athena snapped Slim’s thick neck and threw his limp form to the side. His body skidded to a halt, laying motionless.

The magenta unicorn lowered herself to the ground, keeping her eyes glued to his body. Sure enough, he never moved. Her second glance was to her friends. Wagon sat eyes wide, cradling the head of Dragon Fruit. Yes, she had finally done it. They were safe. Athena had a split second of calm, and then reality struck. She had… killed somepony. At that moment, the fire burned out.


Luna didn’t know what to think. On the one hoof, she could intervene and save these poor children from that disgusting disgrace of a Noble, on the other, she could wait it out and potentially arrest her mysterious target. The Princess gave an audible groan as she watched the sad trap unfold. It had been obvious to her from the start that this Slim character was nothing but a pawn, but he was a terrible pawn at that.

If Luna was to give in to her emotions, she would have killed Slim the instant his illusion had begun. The list was endless. Using children, working with dark mages, hiring thugs, slavery, it went on forever. Her righteous fury was an inch away from overpowering her better judgment. The children were in no real danger, but the torture they had to endure was driving a stake into Luna’s heart.

She looked through her magic matrix again, checking and double checking. Her complex shield spells would protect the children from any serious injuries or deathly blows, but they could still be struck. Luna brought herself back to the present and refocused her enhanced eyes upon the clearing.

Everything was awful, which was unfortunately, exactly what she needed. “Come out coward. Show your repulsive face.” Luna muttered. Her night guards glanced her direction, it had been hundreds of years since her last true battle. So Luna was out for blood, and she wanted to bring the stars down upon these villains.

In a sudden flash of light, everything changed. The magenta unicorn had somehow created a Power Matrix, and was now releasing unstable and high power energy bolts. This feat of magical prowess was not only extremely rare, but was considered impossible for anypony who was not a grand mage. Luna for the first time in hundreds of years, was surprised.

This was the worst possible scenario. Her target was not a simple dark magic user, he was a mage, and he had a plan. This young unicorn was using dark and light magic simultaneously, and somehow remaining in control. She was the goal, and somehow, her enemy had known of her power while the Diarchy did not.

Fifteen seconds passed, and all the mercenaries were down. Luna had to act, but a sixth sense warned her otherwise. Luna motioned silently to her guards to surround the clearing, they acted instantly.

She pressed the gem upon her crown, and was instantly covered in her enchanted armor. Her target would appear, of that, she was sure. Her wings formed a perfect v-shape behind her as she glided elegantly to the forest floor. Once on the ground, she joined her troops, awaiting the true battle.

Author's Note:

Hope you liked it! I appreciate everyone who has supported this story. :twilightsmile:

Shoutout to my mentor ArthurPaige. This story wouldn't be the same without him!

Final Note: If anyone is interested in creating cover art for this story, send me a PM! I know I'm not the most popular author, but I would really appreciate it!