• Published 23rd Dec 2020
  • 1,469 Views, 32 Comments

Evening Crown - Onyourleft

An orphaned Twilight must struggle to survive amidst the tides of war, the knife of heartbreaking betrayal, and the concealed plan that threatens to end it all.

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Chapter 2: The Singing Stone

“Wagon, we have a problem.” Dragon Fruit dropped her cheap binoculars and turned to face her large friend. “The security team appears to have finished their lunch break,” she peered down at a battered watch, “a whopping ten minutes early.” Wagon showed no signs of panic excluding a low and annoyed ‘hmm’. He then lifted his own binoculars and watched the four security guards enter the bank.

“Athena is a natural-born thief, we both know that, but when a plan goes completely to Tartarus...” Fruity paused and nervously rubbed the back of her head. “Somepony will end up getting hurt.” Wagon gave a solemn nod as he continued to observe the front entrance. Dragon Fruit took this as an invitation to continue her rant. “She relies on her plans more than any of us do, and right now, she’s a sitting duck... I don't know what I would do if she got caught.” While Fruity shook in panic, Wagon rolled his eyes and resumed his job.

While Wagon was worried for Athena, he knew there was no circumstance that would end with her caught. She had led the Brigade for four years, and done a great job. He glanced at his sheathed knife, praying that he wouldn’t have to use it. Never before had brute force been required, the Brigade was too skilled for that, but one can never be too sure. Wagon also adjusted the large burlap bag to his left, checking the contents one last time.

Dragon Fruit habitually fidgeted with her stone necklace, twirling it around her hoof. Wagon was used to this mannerism by now, but no matter how hard he tried, that small reminder would bring the emotions right back. His eyes shed silent tears as the memories resurfaced. It had been over two years now, and it still stung like a thorn in his hoof. He couldn’t comprehend how Fruity dealt with it so well. Wagon suddenly remembered the present circumstances and resumed his vigilant observations.

A couple of minutes passed, and there was nothing but blissful peace. The two thieves sat and waited for the signal. The kind spring breeze accompanied by the open sky coated the orphans in a sleepy daze. They had remained on the abandoned roof for well over two hours, and to say they were enjoying it would be a grand understatement. The feeling of fresh and free air was not something either of them were used to.

Dragon Fruit, after her thirty-second panic attack, regained composure and took her place once again. She glanced at Wagon, hoping for some sort of update, but he remained glued to his task. She gave a deep sigh, everything would turn out fine. This wasn’t their first heist after all. Well, technically this was their first high-level robbery, but what's the difference? A cynical voice in her head roared to life, and Fruity was prepared to babble to Wagon when the explosion went off.


Athena was in an immense amount of trouble. First off, her genius and extremely well-crafted plan was now a pile of rubble, never to be used again. Second, after pulling off the greatest improvised con in history, the security detail had returned. This left Athena trapped in a single exit vent, whose only opening was inside the vault. So, she was trapped with two bags of gold coins inside a cramped vent with no exit. The situation was just fantastic.

Athena for what was likely the one-hundredth time that day gave a frustrated and muffled scream. She had watched in horror as the door to the vault was locked, and sealed tight. Her window had officially ended, and she was all alone. No doubt her partners in crime had realized this complication, but there was nothing they could do.

Athena wiggled her midsection, allowing the bags of gold to fall into a more comfortable position. She then scooched forward till her eye was on the edge of the opening. She stopped to ponder how she had turned herself around, no matter, she would have time in prison to consider such trivial things.

After a brief sweep of the white room, Athena deemed it ‘temporarily safe’. The vault was by no standard high-security. The bank was middle class, so its defenses were not for the lighthearted, but it was also not impossible to beat. Athena used her magic to silently lower her belt and stolen goods to the floor. She then gracefully descended from the ceiling, allowing her cloak to billow in the passing air. Her landing was softer than that of a predatory cat, only creating the lightest thud that carried no farther than a couple of echoing feet.

Once her knife and gadgets were re-secured, Athena hastily grabbed the money and shot towards the door. There was no doubt in her mind that there would be guards on the other side, but the question remained, could she escape without them noticing? If her recon team was correct, the guard ponies were the stereotypical level of lazy. They left early for lunch and returned late. Their temporary replacements, who only worked for an hour day shift, would arrive ten minutes late. This created a roughly fifteen-minute strike zone, which was a generous amount. If only they could be consistent.

Athena wasted no time in engaging the door. Her magenta aura surrounded the locks and gears, twisting and turning in an expert fashion that would impress any professional. She worked on an intricate level and was sweating by the minute mark. She had broken in using her prized, and incredibly old, lock picking kit. However, from the inside, she had no other option than Magical Override. This form of lockpicking was designed for the few and far in-between. Little to no unicorns had ever mastered the art.

A lifetime passed in that moment. Beads of sticky sweat seeped through her mask. Each sizzled on contact with the cold and conditioned floor. The drop of a flower petal could have disrupted her delicate trance. Athena’s closed eyes and tight lips quivered with stress, she was close, but close would not be enough. With a final expert push, the final gear clicked into place.

Athena opened up her eyes in a daze. Her magical reserves were now half drained, due to her previous endeavor. She touched the circular door and watched a sliver of light emerge from the side. Ever so carefully, Athena inched it open. Luckily for her, the hinges were brand new and deathly silent.

A pony-head-sized gap was finally created, and Athena slipped her head right in. She peered left then right, judging spaces, time frames, and possible obstacles. She also identified the two tragically unprepared guards. The first was a pegasus mare, this meant running was not an option. The second was a half-asleep unicorn stallion, so her half depleted magic would not be enough for a scrappy duel. She had already expected such an outcome, but acknowledging it as the only option, was ever so depressing.

The only way out was the extensive, sweltering hot, and insanely difficult, Fake Ace maneuver. Athena cursed Celestia for leaving her in this situation, but she quickly regretted it and apologized to the Sun Princess. She chose instead to thank her for providing Crime 101.

Many of the orphans held deep resentment and hatred towards the Diarchy, but Athena couldn’t bring herself to harbor such bitterness. While she found it hard to understand why she had such an awful life and others could live happily under the same ‘just’ rulers, she had to believe in somepony, right?

The Fake Ace maneuver was simple in theory but hard to execute. A pony using a Fake Ace would stealthily create a distraction in one direction and then go the opposite way. The strategy was quite simple, but only an amateur would overlook the fact that this movement was designed for an ‘in-house’ escape. That simple and sad fact was the problem facing Athena. Fortunately, like always, she had a devious plan.

After finalizing her vision, complete with diagrams, charts and the likes, she could execute the plan. The plan in question followed four simple steps. Step one, slip through the vault door without being noticed. Step two, make her way into the ceiling gap. Step three, create a distraction, or False Ace. Step four, waltz out the side door.

At this point, Athena would have scrutinized her plan and re-done it a thousand times. Not today. She was on the clock, so the present was for action. Athena slid on her belly like a snake through the miniscule crevice, not creating a sound. She then leapt at a ninety-degree angle towards the backside of a stone pillar. She wrapped her cloak tight around her body, hoping it would conceal her movements.

Athena held her breath as she stood on her hind legs against the cold surface, praying that the guard mirroring her would not move from their leisurely place. The unicorn guard, who was not asleep, stared at the carpet. He had done so every day for the past ten years, daydreaming about his retirement. He grumbled as his beautiful vision was trampled by an accountant. “Damn money pushers.” He whispered under his breath.

Athena’s mane stood on end as an unknown pony walked by. She did everything in her power to prevent the cold sweat that was threatening to break on her forehead. The obstacle passed, and it was time for step two. The plan was to use her rope and climb the pillar up into the ceiling. This part of the act was easier said than done.

The bank itself was unusually open. It had tall hallways and an extensive layout that gave the whole building a sort of noble feel. Ponies would often joke that there were birds living in the halls, they were just too high to see. Unfortunately, this made Athena's job that much harder. Using her magic, she gently flew the rope up towards the ceiling, concealing the brown line with the pillar. Once at the top, she tied it neatly around a support beam. Now, it was time to climb.

Athena wasn’t afraid of heights. She had climbed countless walls and some buildings over the past few years, each more daunting than the last. But there was something about climbing straight up, in the middle of enemy territory, in broad daylight, that made it more terrifying. With a calming breath and a vigorous head shake, the ascension began. One hoof at a time, the purple unicorn made her way to the top. The guard below remained clueless to this heinous insult on his reputation.

Once she reached the top, Athena efficiently took down the rope, opened the ceiling boards, and disappeared. Temporarily alone, she removed her thin mask. In the safety of darkness, she could breathe again, though she didn’t enjoy it very much. The cramped and dusty ceiling did not contain ideal breathing air. The dank and musty aroma was almost enough to knock somepony out. Athena coughed for a moment, waving her left hoof in front of her face. The dust settled, and Athena took ten seconds to refocus.

She looked down at her watch, and just like that, ten seconds over. Back to work. Step three, she would scurry through the rafters to the west side of the bank, there, she would drop one of her two homemade smoke bombs and control the public's attention. Athena wove in and out of the ancient boards, dancing through one section, and then tiptoeing through the next.

After about a minute of expert maneuvering, she arrived at her destination. “Sorry about this. It’s nothing personal.” Athena muttered as she removed her smoke bomb. She pulled out the pin and shifted a board slightly to the side, creating an invisible gap. “Good luck cleaning this up!” She dropped it. Now at this point, any normal thief would have turned on their wheels and ran for the high heavens, but Athena wasn’t your average thief.

As soon as the bomb hit, chaos reigned. The explosion was not large, but the thick cloud of smoke that seeped into the air seemed to cause quite some panic. Meanwhile, Athena had returned to the vault. The two disoriented guards shifted towards the commotion, and Athena waltzed right back in. She walked in with her two bags and strutted out with six. She had considered leaving with just the two, but what fun was that?

Athena stealthy snuck through the disoriented crowd, clinging to the walls and intelligently avoiding the few obstacles still in her path. Before long, she had reached the east side and using her cloak to cover the money, danced out the side door.


Wagon stared wide-eyed as the west side windows were blown to bits. Smoke followed immediately after, shrouding the entire side of the building in a living black beast. It caught the colt off guard, that was for sure, but it only took him a moment to connect the dots. Fruity, who had leapt sky high at the boom, crowded close to her lime friend. “Do you think that was her? I really hope she is okay!” Her left wing whacked the annoyed colt in the face. He responded to the foolish comment and the unfortunate assault like he always did, a single bushy eyebrow.

“Oh stop it! How am I supposed to know who set the bomb off… well... I guess she is the only logical answer.” Dragon Fruit fiddled with her necklace again, blushing at her own lack of common sense. Wagon gave her a forgiving smile before shuffling towards his burlap bag. He reached inside and carefully removed the contents. A load of cheap fireworks now lay before him.

Dragon Fruit analyzed the situation and knelt down to help. For the next few seconds, the two carefully set up their fireworks, lining them along the rooftop towards the main street. After the weapons were fully prepped, Wagon took his leave, quickly making his way down the fire-escape and into the alleyway. Fruity removed the lighter from its spot on her belt, and watched the bank, waiting for… there!

On the far side of the building, an oversized mare wearing a cheap cloak was hobbling down the thin path. It wouldn’t take a Princess to figure out something was off with that mare, hence, the surprise firework show. Athena had been skeptical of using them as a distraction, but honestly, the surprise explosions would be more shocking than she anticipated.

Fruity ran along the edge of the roof, lighting the fuses in rapid procession. The result was beautiful. Everypony who was not already in a state of panic or fleeing from the smoking bank joined with the fireworks. Not a single soul paid any attention to the jingling bag of pony that waddled over to an inconspicuous alleyway.

The moment Athena arrived, Wagon took over the loot. He hurriedly hoisted the score onto his back and practically dragged the slumping form of Athena onto the far street. Dragon Fruit, after gathering her own supplies, joined the mad rush, or trudge, back to safety. They flashed smiles at one another, each relishing the moment of sweaty victory! Yet again the Badass Brigade would reign victorious.


A dilapidated rock stood regal and alone, proclaiming its strength among the green lively trees. Four names were carved into its surface, hastily crafted, but important nonetheless. Three of the names entered the small clearing, heavy laden with smiles and treasure alike.

The first to arrive was a leafy green pegasus mare, whose beautiful unkempt mane hung to her side. It’s dark and rich purply red, blending with the flowers and blooming trees. She glided over to the rock and daintily rested her hoof upon its surface. With her other hoof, she held a flower necklace, made of smooth marble. Dragon Fruit smiled sadly at the names before removing her hoof and settling in the shade.

The second to approach was a burly lime colt. His shaggy short cut mane flew in the wind and mirrored his calm nature. The earth pony nodded at the rock, a million emotions shining in his light blue eyes. He then sat down to loosen his heavy luggage. Wagon gave the relaxing Fruity a kind and understanding smile, before continuing his work.

The final to arrive was a stunning unicorn mare. Her purple coat and dark mane waved in time with her midnight cloak. Laying on her neck was a mask, and adorning her midsection was a sheathed dagger, accompanied by other dangerous contraptions. She approached the rock and placed a freshly picked flower on its top. Athena then joined her friends under the trees.

Wagon, who had completely removed the six bags of gold, was inspecting the goods, eyes the size of planets. He lifted a pile of coins into the crisp air and watched in astonishment as they tumbled to the ground. Yep, they were smooth, cold, valuable, real, and very much theirs. Wagon had formed a goofy smile and inhaled the crispest and rich air he had in his entire life. The two mares giggled at his foalish joy, but they were both feeling the exact same.

“They are real Wagon. All six bags worth. We’re rich!” Athena was on her hooves and dancing with Dragon Fruit. They swung back and forth till they were rolling on the ground in laughter. Wagon clapped to an unknown beat as he adored his best friends. They had suffered and fought for so long and they were finally going to be free!

Tears of joy had bloomed in the corners of Fruity’s eyes, magnifying her deep brown irises. She rolled in the grass with her friend, not a care in the world. The three of them had considered running away a long time ago, but they were too pure for their cruel world. A decision had been made, from the beginning of their family, it was everypony or nopony. The other orphans deserved freedom as much as they did, and so the quest was born.

For years they had stolen, knelt in the dirt, and fought for every last cent. They had cried in anguish and laughed in exultation. They had found joy, friendship, and family in one another. Even amidst such atrocious circumstances as living under Slim, they could find hope and happiness and they’d somehow keep fighting to the next day.

Wagon was forced to his hooves by a laughing Athena, who began twirling him around. “C’mon, Wagon! Dance with me!” Wagon had playfully rolled his eyes and instantly given in. Who was he to deny such an offer?

Meanwhile, Dragon Fruit lay upon the Singing Stone. Tracing her hoof along the grooves of Alpha’s name. She continued to cry, but no longer noticed. She allowed her mind to wander back to simpler days as she began to sing. Wagon and Athena stopped for a moment, pure shock written across their features. She had not sung a note since… that day. Yet here she was, her melodic voice ringing across the tall trees, and soaring with the wind.

Athena, after a moment of reverent silence and quite a few tears, pulled Wagon back into a dance. They swayed together as their friend sang. Though they would not admit it till later, they could all feel his presence. Dancing, smiling, and singing without fear.

The first true party lasted until the sun had set. The three eventually hid their treasure and reluctantly left the clearing. They walked and laughed in rhythm with their rejoicing hearts, gradually fading into the distance. Behind, their names remained on the Singing Stone, carrying on the song of freedom, desperately hoping for a brighter future.

Author's Note:

This chapter is now edited. I hope you enjoyed it!

Clarifying Info: I believe most people can figure it out, but I want to make sure everyone is on the same page. In the second chapter, Fruity is 10 years old, Athena is 11 years old, Wagon is 12 years old, and Alpha is 14 years old. The orphanage kicks them out at the age of 16. Four years passed since Chapter 1. Nobody really knows how old they are, its estimation.

Let me know if you get confused or if the plot becomes too much. It is meant to be mysterious and complicated, but I don't want to go over the top! :twilightblush: