• Published 1st Sep 2012
  • 7,118 Views, 116 Comments

My Little Pony: Masks are Magic - Wuten

After being forced into being a mask salesman, how will Anonymous cope with the new world he's in?

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

“…He’s been out… not wo… leep is be…”

You hear a female’s voice muttering as your mind wanders.

What was it you were doing before falling asleep…?

Yes, now you remember… the mask had gone missing, and you were looking for it.

The mask… the mask…

“You should find that mask, Anonymous. I require my payment one way or another,” you hear the salesman’s voice in your head.

And then, as it fades away, you hear the creepiest chuckle you’ve ever had the displeasure of hearing. Your eyes instantly shoot open, bloodshot red.

“Oh, you’re awake! You gave us quite a scare,” a female’s voice comes from above you.

Your eyes take a few seconds to focus and adjust, however when they do you swear you’re hallucinating. You reach your hand up and touch the strangely colored creature.

It has fur, and is… talking?

This is a weird hallucination.

“Where… am I?”

“You’re in Ponyville!” you hear an even higher-pitched female’s voice call out from the other side of the bed.

You turn your head and, lo and behold, there’s another one bouncing on the other half of the bed.

“Now now, Piña Colada, you shouldn’t do that to our guest, he’s been through quite a lot now,” the larger creature smiles at the smaller one, who obeys and leaps off the bed.

“So, where’re ya from, mister?” the smaller one asks, walking around to your side of the bed now.

“Um… I can’t remember…” You look up at the ceiling, trying your best to remember, but to no avail.

“What? Oh my, I hope you didn’t hit your head too hard,” the larger creature smiles, holding out its… hoof? “I’m Berry Punch, by the way, and this is Piña Colada,” she says, smiling down at the smaller creature.

You slowly reach over and shake the hoof with your hand. The smaller creature looks at the appendage with wide eyes. “So what’re those? They don’t look like any kind of hooves I’ve ever seen before!”

“Well, that’s because they’re not hooves, because I’m a human. Humans have fingers and toes.” You slowly sit up, but quickly regret the decision, due to your head spinning.

Berry Punch quickly moves to help you sit up properly. “I’m terribly sorry about all of this,” she says, smiling a bit awkwardly. “It’s just that you’re new, and well, we’ve never seen anything quite like you before, we weren’t sure what exactly to make of you. After all, you’re definitely not any sort of pony I’ve ever seen before.”

Your eyes widen. ‘Pony?’ Did you hear that right? “Wait… so you’re a… pony?”

She chuckles and looks at her hoof. “Well, I’d hope I’m a pony, otherwise I’m not entirely sure what I would call myself.”

…Great. A world where you’re the alien. Just fucking great.

“Wait, the mask!” You just remembered again, you need to find that mask. Both of the ponies jump a bit at your sudden outburst. “Did either of you happen to see a mask lying out on the road? It was yellow and looked like a fox.” You put your fingers up on your head, imitating the long ears of the mask.

Berry Punch thinks for a moment, but it’s Piña Colada who answers. “Oh! I know that one!” she exclaims, scurrying off. She comes back a few moments later, wearing the fox mask on her face. “Heehee! I thought it looked funny, so I picked it up and took it home with me! It was starting to rain so I didn’t want it to get wet or anything,” she says, walking up to you and leaping up onto the bed. “Don’t I look funny?”

You smile, and chuckle a bit. “Yeah, I guess you do. But I really need that mask back; I’m supposed to find someone to sell it to…”

“Oh! I’ll happily buy it off you,” Berry Punch smiles. “My little sister simply loves it, as you can tell. I’m sure we can work something out.”

Your eyes widen, and your smile grows. “Oh, thank you! He’ll finally leave me alone after I bring him the money…”

Berry Punch raises an eyebrow. “Who will leave you alone?”

“Long story.”

“…And there you go, 12 bits!” she smiles up at you, placing the coins onto the table.

You’re now standing up and realize that these ponies only come up to a little higher than your waist; the smaller ones barely past your knees. “And there you go, that ‘Keaton Mask’ is all yours now.”

“Yay!” Piña Colada exclaims happily, running up to you, hugging your leg. “Thank you, I’m so happy now!”

You smile and reach down, patting her on the back of the head.


Was this what the salesman was talking about? It felt good; knowing that behind that fox mask there was a happy young filly.

And you helped make it happen.

Suddenly, there’s a knock at the door and it breaks your train of thought.

Berry Punch turns to look at you. “You should probably hide, Mr. Anonymous; at least until it’s safe to come out.”

You nod, and quickly make yourself hidden inside the pantry as she goes to the door, opening it.

You watch the door as it opens through the crack in the door.

Inside, come 6 more ponies of different colors.

“Hello Berry, we were wondering if you’ve seen that creature around here somewhere,” the purple one turns to look at her, and Berry gives a nervous smile.

“No, nope! Haven’t seen him here!” she exclaims rather quickly.

”Right…” the purple one turns around and closes her eyes. The horn on her head begins to glow.

…Wait. Horn?

The door hiding you is swung open, revealing you in your entirety to the ponies in the room.

There’s a moment of silence between all of you, nothing even being spoken.

After a few moments, you raise your hand up. “Um… hi-”

“GET HIM!” the purple one exclaims, tightening her eyes shut as the orange pony steps up, rope in teeth, and lassos you, trapping your arms and slamming you to the ground.

“Gah, what the-!”

“I’LL BE ASKING THE QUESTIONS HERE!” the pink one with the curly hair yells, pulling out a lamp from seemingly nowhere and shining the light directly onto your face.

You close your eyes tight, shielding them from it; damn, that lamp is bright…

“Now who are you?” the pink one asks, peering right at you, the rest of the ponies in the room gathering around.

“I’m… Anonymous.”

”Uh huh. And where are you from, ‘Anon-e-moose?’”

“…Anonymous. And I’m not sure where I came from.”

“A likely story!” the orange one growls, tightening the rope.

“Gah- I’m serious!”

You fight against the bindings, but it’s no use, she has your arms pinned.

“I’ve not any idea how I got here! I’ve been wandering through a forest for three days, for crying out loud!”

The ponies stop, and the pink one pulls the light away.

“Three days? Inside the Everfree Forest?”

“If that’s the forest that’s over on the outskirts of the town, then yes!”

You look up at the ponies, all of which seem to have different expressions now.


”Oh, you poor thing…” the yellow one with wings floats over to you, rubbing a hoof on your head. “It must have been terrible for you…”

…A winged pony?

“Fluttershy, what do you think you’re-!” the blue, winged one exclaims, flying over, but is stopped by the white… unicorn?

“He’s obviously been through much, Rainbow Dash,” the white one turns and looks at the floating blue pony. “He wouldn’t hurt a fly, especially with everypony here with eyes on him. Applejack, if you would,” she smiles at the orange pony.

She nods, and releases the ropes holding you down.

You slowly and cautiously stand up, stretching your limbs a bit. “Ugh… damn, that was uncomfortable…”

Berry Punch gasps a bit, and covers Piña Colada’s ears behind her masked face with her hooves.


“Er, sorry…” You scratch the back of your head, embarrassed.

“Well, what’re we gonna do with ‘im?” the orange pony turns to look at the purple one. “Can’t jus’ leave ‘im here, right?”

“Oh, that’s quite alright. I was already on my way out of town anyway; I did what I came here to do.”

The yellow pony looks up at you. “Are you sure, Mr. Anonymous? I mean, if you need a place to stay somewhere in Ponyville for the night, you’re more than welcome-”

You shake your head, smiling. “No thanks; I’ve had enough adventures for one lifetime. Now then, to find that salesman…”

You begin walking towards the door, when you’re stopped by something tugging on your leg. You turn and look down; it’s Piña Colada.

”Thanks again for the super cool mask, mister!” she exclaims.

You smile and nod, kneeling down to give her a proper hug, before standing once again. “Thank you all; but for now, I’m off to meet with the salesman and return to my home.”

They all wave; you smile and wave back before walking out of the house, and out into the open air.

Seems like the rain’s stopped. Things are looking good so far.