• Published 1st Sep 2012
  • 7,119 Views, 116 Comments

My Little Pony: Masks are Magic - Wuten

After being forced into being a mask salesman, how will Anonymous cope with the new world he's in?

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Chapter 14

Chapter 14

“Majora. You deal with me, now.”

Even from your out-of-body position, you can feel the power of that evil mask radiating from Princess Luna.

Wait… He wasn’t going to hurt Luna in the process, was he?

“Do not worry. The pony will not be harmed,” the voice says, as the deity raises his arm outward to his side.

“You will not bring harm to this land any longer.”

His hand begins to glow, and from it, a long, glowing beam of pure light began to form into the shape of a sword. As the glow dissipates, it reveals a double-helix shaped sword, one blade a light blue, the other a teal green. The deity takes this sword in hand, and presses the tip of the blade to the ground.

“You forget your place, you scum!” the masked Luna growls angrily, before her horn glows a much darker, almost completely black color mixed with her normal cobalt aura, and fires a large, concentrated beam at the deity.

His eyes flare open, and the blast is dispersed around him, dissolving into the air. “In your mayhem you have grown weak. You do not have the power you had during our last encounter.”

Incredible… he didn’t even flinch!

“I will not be mocked by you!” the masked Luna floats into the air. “I’ll destroy this whole town and all of the creatures in it!” she yells, raising her hooves to the sky. “Swallow everything and leave nothing left!”

“That is enough out of you.”

She looks down at the deity, and he picks up the sword out of the ground.

“All of my vengeance. All of my fury. All of my power will be used to protect these creatures. I will not allow the events of the past to repeat themselves!”

He lets out a loud roar, before leaping up into the air with his sword, taking the masked Luna by surprise and slamming the sword into the mask in a downward cleave, sending both the mask and Luna plummeting to the ground with a loud crash.

…Did he do it?

Both of you are looking at the crater he made; the dust cloud was still lingering.

You see a silhouette of Luna as she stands, though you can tell that she’s having trouble keeping herself up.

“Ke he he… Alright then, but know this; if you kill me, you will kill this helpless pony in the process as well!” she laughs, floating once again into the air.

“I’m not going to kill you, Majora.”

Luna tilts her head a bit, puzzled by this.

“I’m just going to keep beating you until I can rip that mask off myself.”

You can visibly see her shaking in anger, before letting out a shrill cry and charging at the deity.

He scowls, bringing his sword around once again for a second cleave, this time in an upwards motion. It smacks Luna square in the chin, and sends her flying once again; this time, into the side of the moon itself.

“No! No! No!” she shouts angrily, raising her hooves into the air, “I will NOT be humiliated like this again! I’ll kill all of us if I have to!”

The deity grunts, before his sword begins to glow.

“Burn in the fiery pits of hell, you worthless ing-” she begins, but is cut off when she looks down at the deity. “No, not again!” she exclaims, stopping her speech and holding her hooves out in front of her.

He lets out a loud roar, before quickly slashing his glowing sword through the open air, sending blades of pure light through it and slamming them into Luna, crushing her against the moon’s surface with each strike.

In her dazed state, she is unable to defend herself against the attacks, and the deity uses this opportunity to leap up into the air and onto the moon, standing upside-down on the surface of the moon while watching as the blades hit Luna’s helpless form, weakening the mask’s power.

After the final strike, the deity reaches down quickly, gripping his gloved hand on the mask and pulling on it with a force that could break the gates of Tartarus down in one move.

This succeeds, and he quickly lurches back and slings the mask as far from Luna as his arm can throw.

It doesn’t go very far, however; it recovers quickly and after a few moments is back on course with the deity and Luna.

Despite her injuries, Luna manages to stand, and her gaze when she sees the deity is one of both shock and horror.

“Can you fly down to the ground?”

She snaps out of her fearful state, and nods. “Yes, we can. But do you expect to fight against that power alone?”

“Yes. Go.”


“I will not say it again. Go.”

She looks down at the ground a final time, and nods. “Very well. And… thank you,” she says, as she levitates down slowly, making sure not to strain her already injured body any further. She lands, and a group of nearby ponies quickly tend to her, bringing her a safe distance away from the battle, into the refuge of one of the untouched buildings.

The deity and the mask both levitate to the ground now, a standoff between two god-like beings sending crackles of pure energy through the air. “Burn to ashes.”

He holds his hand up to his right shoulder, and from it a small, red gem begins to glow. Almost instantaneously, fire erupts in all directions, engulfing both deity and mask in an inferno orb.

The shrill cries of the mask’s spirit can be heard even through the intense swirling flames, and as the inferno dissipates, you can see the mask, charred and tattered, begin to pulsate with energy.

“No… no, you don’t play fair!” it yells, and long, red tendrils once again flow from the back of the mask as it expands in size, nearly double the size of the deity’s torso. “Fine! I won’t play fair either!” its voice echoes, and suddenly you see three more masks appear in the air.

Wait… those are the masks that you sold to the ponies!

The Captain’s Hat, the Keaton Mask, and the All-Night Mask!

They’re levitating around Majora’s Mask, a single bolt of lightning connecting the three of them. “I can be just as unfair as you can!” Majora cackles, and the three masks charge for the deity, spinning quickly around him, the electricity building in the air.

“Freeze in eternal cold.” He raises his hand now to his left shoulder, and a light blue gem engraved on his other shoulderguard begins to glow. This time, rather than fire, it is a blizzard-like spell, freezing everything it touches in solid ice.

It has a shorter range than the fire, however, and only engulfs two of the three masks before the last one breaks off from the others, floating alongside Majora’s Mask.

He raises his sword and plunges it downward, splitting the frozen Pirate’s Hat in two, before picking the Keaton Mask up and crushing it in his hand. “Using other masks for your own disgusting purposes… you’ll pay dearly for this.”

Majora laughs. “If you feel so bad for them, then why not join them and find out for yourself!” it says, and the red tendrils lash out at the deity.

He holds his hands forward to deflect them, but they manage to wrap around his arms, trapping him.

“After all, it’s like what they say… if you can’t beat them, join them!” The final remaining mask charges at the deity in a suicide-like attempt to weaken him, charged with electricity. It strikes him square in the chest, and he lets out a loud roar of pain as the electricity courses through him, destroying the remaining mask in the process.

Majora lets out a maniacal laugh as more tendrils lash out and trap his arms, causing him to drop the double-helix sword to the ground.

After the pain subsides, the deity falls to his knees.

Oh no… he can’t be done… not now…

He grins, grabbing any tendrils he can get ahold of.

“Just kidding.”

That sly motherfucker.

“What?! What do you mean? That attack should have brought you down for sure, I saw it hit you head-on myself!” Majora exclaims, trembling.

“Exactly. It hit me head-on, all right. Head-on, right into my chest armor. Didn’t feel a thing.”

“You… you don’t play fair at all!” Majora exclaims, letting out another frustrated scream. “No! No! No!! You can’t win, this is MY game!”

“That’s just it; it’s all a game to you. You toy with living beings for your own amusement. But the second you’re up against something you can’t handle, you run with your tail tucked between your legs.”

He chuckles. “Though, in your case that metaphor doesn’t really apply, now does it?” He puts his hands together, gripping any of the tendrils he can get ahold of, pulling Majora’s Mask slowly but surely to him. “Now… it’s time I make you pay for all that you’ve done to this world. All of the pain you’ve caused.”

The mask is visibly struggling now, trying to get away.

“Everything you’ve done… it just BURNS me up inside…”

“No… no no no! Not again!” the mask pleads, struggling even harder but to no avail.

“SO much that I will not stand for any more of it!”


The red gem on his shoulder begins to glow much more intensely this time, and from it flames erupt, the gem acting as a kind of flamethrower as the mask becomes engulfed in it.

You hear its shrieks and cries of pain as the deity once again puts the mask through the inferno spell, and as the fires die down, the cries only get louder.

“No! I won’t let you get away with this!” the mask exclaims, and it retracts all of its tendrils back into the mask.

You see the mask begin to pulsate once again with power and vibrate intensely.

Suddenly, two long, slender legs sprout out of the bottom of it.

Then, two arms.

And finally, a small head with one large, bulging eye and two horns.

It stretches its legs before speeding off around the town square, almost untrackable to the naked eye.

Holy shit, it’s fast…

The deity seems unphased by this, and picks up his sword once again, charging into the fray.

As the new form of Majora runs, it makes a sound you can only describe as a chicken’s cuckoo-ing…

Fucking weird, man.

“What’s the matter? Come on, catch me if you can! Hya ha ha!!” Majora taunts the deity, before stopping and firing off a barrage of energy balls at him, and then sprinting off again.

The deity absorbs these attacks, though you can tell that they do affect him much more than the previous attack did.

“You can’t run very far… when you have no legs to run with.”

He holds his sword with both of his hands now, closing his eyes and sensing his surroundings.

“Come on, you’re boring! So slow!” Majora exclaims, stopping and firing off another barrage of attacks at the deity, trying to catch his attention.

The deity flares his eyes open, and with a swift strike, blows through the energy blasts and cleaves deeply into Majora’s leg.

It takes a few moments for Majora to register that it had been hit, but by then it was too late. With another clean swipe of his sword, Majora’s legs were now gone.

It falls over, shrieking in pain, and the deity slams his foot down on one of the eyes of the mask.

“And now, your chaotic streak will end.” The deity raises his sword high above his head, the shadow above them blocking out all traces of light.

Oh right, the moon…

Oh fuck, the moon!

How the hell is he going to stop it in time?!

Majora lets out another frenzied wail, and its body begins to pulsate again under the deity’s foot. “I like playing games…” it mutters, and swiftly tendrils begin to lash out of the bottom of the mask once again, reforming the legs. “Everyone does…” The limbs begin to glow red as Majora’s power skyrockets once again, and the deity jumps back a few meters as Majora transforms a second time.

“Everyone…” its mutter turns into a low, menacing growl, as a head sprouts from under the eye. The head has various horns lining its face, and its eyes are a swirled green with a purple-colored sclera, in addition to the bulging eye on the top of its head. Its mouth was locked in a constantly open state, with jagged sharp teeth and what seemed like a bottomless pit beyond them.

”Except you!” it roared, lashing its hands out, and two whip-like tendrils extended to un-natural lengths, easily enough to reach any point in the town square with ease.

“No more games, then.”

The two charge at each other, a final bout deciding the fate of all of Equestria…

…No. The world.

You watch as the two god-like beings duke it out like nothing before.

However, you can tell that the deity is easily keeping the upper hand in this fight. Despite that, Majora continues lashing out with its whip tendrils, even managing to cut the deity’s cheek and tear some of the cloth on his outfit.

It doesn’t even faze him; it just makes him even angrier. “The nightmare ends here, Majora!” The deity brings his sword up and cleaves it down, the shockwave tearing through Majora causing a blinding flash of light as it rips the demon apart piece by piece, until nothing remains but the mask itself, landing on the ground with a loud, clanking noise.

It’s finally over. The deity has won.

“I knew that one day I would face against him once again,” the deity’s voice echoes around you, and suddenly you’re sucked from the real world into a strange, calmer world.

There’s a field. You look off, and it seems to go on for miles.

You turn your head and see a massive tree, as well as two figures under it. One standing, the other sitting, curled up into a ball.

You walk over to them, and as their features come into view, you see it was the deity standing, and a small child crouched under the tree, wearing a mask.

Majora’s Mask.

“What?! Aren’t you going to finish him off?”

“There is no need. He is already broken, both in mind and spirit,” the deity says, scowling down at the child. “It was all a game to him. But when innocent lives were brought into it, he went too far.”

“So… you’ve faced off against him before?”

“Yes. But that was… a long time ago. It was a darker period. A similar bout to this one…” he says, turning to look at you, “With the same result.”

You’re a bit puzzled by this. “So doesn’t this mean that he’ll just try this again?”

“Possibly. But it will take a lot longer for his spirit to gain the confidence needed to pull a stunt like this again,” the deity says, walking over to you and placing a hand on your shoulder. “Thank you, Anonymous. You provided a means for our bout to at last be finished.”

“Yes, and at last I can finally get my mask back…”

Fuck. He’s standing right behind you, isn’t he?

You turn your head slowly, into that same creepy grin you know him oh-so-well for.

You jump back a few steps, away from the salesman.

“I’m so proud of you, Anonymous! To think you would be the one to use the mask’s power to stop the evil contained within Majora’s Mask… I couldn’t be happier!”

He walks over to the masked boy, and begins to reach out for the mask…

When a sword plunges down in front of him, inches from his finger and nearly sends him into shock.

He looks up, the grin still on his face, while the deity glares down at him. “Get out of here, troublemaker! It is because of your carelessness that the events of the past repeated themselves!” the deity growls angrily at the salesman. “You do not have the right to carry these masks with you if you cannot perform your roles as a salesman and keep them from those who would use them to do harm!”

The salesman steps back a few steps, giving a final bow as his body dissipates into the air, his chuckle echoing as he fades away.

The deity turns to you and nods, smiling. “Thank you.”

You feel your entire body collapse upon itself as you are sucked back into the real world, and you open your eyes.

You’re back.