• Member Since 9th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen 19 hours ago

Prince Polaris

[COMMISSIONS OPEN] I've written stuff with ponies, I've written stuff with Pokémon, I've written stuff with SCP-1471, and you can find my big dumb self at Prince_Polaris on nearly everything! 💙


Comments ( 74 )

if I do another one 80% chance it's gonna be about charizard

In terms of breeding. We have no breeding.


You mean vaporeon without the n. But yes, it is the Water Type Version of Eevee.



Did I fuken spell it wrong D:



maybe I'll add another chapter or something


he thicc af


No, Vaperoen is correct. Your fine. I was talking to PRINCESS CADENCE with the misspelling. Also WHY did I have 3 dislikes in my last comment??!! 😤

Edit: And two more dislikes in this one? :ajbemused:

And he's cute!
He looks like he'd give good hugs.

It's cause you couldn't spot a pun... :T


Seriously, the dislikes is all because of me missing a "pun" by PRINCESS CADENCE? Vaperoen = vaporneon?! Oh!!! I get it! Porn. :applejackconfused: :facehoof:

The rest of you could have told me like Heidao here, that PRINCESS CADENCE was making a Sex Joke way earlier, and wasn't misspelling the Pokemon word. INSTEAD of the unnecessary dislikes for a silly reason. 😒

Congratz, you got featured. 12/6/2020


I'd snuggle dragonite so much


Thank you :D

T-Thank you? I guess? Should I add a second chapter with actual breeding? What would a dragonpony/vaporeon kid actually look like?

Do it. Bring on the breeding. I DEMAND BREEDING.

If it were a 'she', I'd do more than snuggle... provided she passes the Harkness Test.

I'm conflicted on what to feel about finding this copypasta here of all places. In summary -.- I applaud your bravado for all else it brings

Is it possible you can make a little series out of this or even a sequel because I really think it should it’s very well written short but still sweet

"Oh, fuck yes... I've never seen one like this~"

Am i the only one curious about how different a DS pony's dick is?
(Edit)nvm, he's a dragon hybrid, okay then

It had taken the Tree of Harmony a little while to realize that somepony had gotten trapped in an electronic device again.

Uh... You know what, okay then

A male Charizard with a female pony, I suspect.

Cause the "typo" was seemingly intentional and a pun. Va-PORN-eon.

That was a great story i would love another chapter where Vaporeon was bred by Tinker i'd love the idea of an eevee getting dragon type attributes and lead to a new eeveelution with the Dragon typing stats. Since nintendo won't do it


I already got the pun hours ago. Besides the main issue is this:


*Over 30 Dislikes. * Seriously, WHAT THE F*** IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!!! You dislike me all because I only miss a harmless sex pun by PRINCESS CADENCE the first time??!! WTF!!!!!

Prince Prolaris? Please help me, by telling them to stop being FRICKIN Trolls against me.

There might be a couple of reasons why they downvoted you.
1. They don't like that you take what could be seen as a self-aggrandizing grammarnazi.
2. They wanted to troll someone, and you were the easiest to justify their reasons against.
3. They did it to hopefully get a reaction out of you. Which you gave them.
4. They downvoted your comments because they love puns a bit too much.

Might be one of those. Might be all of those. Might be none of those.


1. By "Self- Aggrandizing ". I hope it is not about my cool name. Or it is just about me being accused as "Grammar Nazi". I guess it's the latter hopefully. Anyway, I will address anyone here that I'm NOT a Grammar Nazi!!!! I'm not even in the group anyway. And I don't want to be in something that makes the terrible Nazi Germany and Hitler in the past, as a "Internet joke". No thank you!

I may be an "unofficial" Grammar Nazi? But, I'm not even that either. I have only just miss a joke the first time, and thought PRINCESS CADENCE was misspelling Eevee's Water Type Form wrong. And it seems I'm in the Wrong here by only missing a joke by a second. NOT everyone can see a little confusing joke/pun by a second, okay!

Besides, I even don't know every word or the correct spelling in the dictionary. And even misspelled some hard words the first time in my comments. Even though I fix them right away. It still makes me not perfect, and I can accidentally make simple spelling or grammar mistakes. Heck, I even help some Authors/Writers to fix some misspelling in their stories because I'm A nice guy. And I do even see a lot of readers do the same thing to help them with the misspelling. So, this sounds like A little hypocrisy for you guys to do this.

Sure this is different. Since PRINCESS CADENCE is intentional and was just a harmless sex pun. And I only misread it and made a simple mistake. At least Heidao and 112mag221 tell me on what the heck is going on. ANny one of you could have told it was just a harmless prank. Instead of being terrible trolls and dislike me for no god damn reason. You'll should be ashamed. :ajbemused:

2. Trolling someone with dislikes is not cool. If it was a meme, joke, or a pun that wasn't confusing the first time. Then it is fine. But, putting so many dislikes, like I'm the most hated person over a simple mistake of misreading a sex joke. Is a pure dick move on everybody here that dislike me.

3. Anyone could be upset or piss off to get so Many Down votes or Dislikes for some silly and dumb reasons.

You're going to keep getting downvoted until you learn not to feed the trolls. That's just facts.


That's it, I'm gonna do it


He has a pony dong with a knot, and... yeah, I had to figure out some method of getting him back out the DS lol


That sounds like fun :3c

Perhaps even mare Tinker!


I don't know how to help, exactly... though you kinda remind me of myself when I was new to the internet, so I know that feel lol

Also I wouldn't feel too bad about downvotes, a lot of the time people see a downvoted post and add one to the list without even thinking about it, happens a lot on reddit, heh


Actually I'm not new to the internet nor in this MLP Fanfiction Website. I been here for a long time, and set up my User Name and everything back in April of this year. But, thanks for trying to help me with the unjustified down votes. :derpytongue2:

After reading this chapter which is really by the way I think you should put Romance in the tags

I got nothing.


I have to make a confession I just looked up dragon type Eevee and I snatched most of my ideas from there

I really do wish we had a derg Eevee tho :(

I wuv those cute lil bastards and we still got no dragon type

I just wish they'd stop making new ones that look like cats, and do more like the original three Eeveelutions that look more canine.

Also, Jolteon is best Eeveelution.

I do hope you make more stories like this because this was really good


B-But Sylveon! D:


Well thank you :D

And maybe I'll try the opposite of this, a Pokémon ends up in Equestria, befriends a pony, and then they take 'em home with 'em.... I dunno

This was a great way to end your story. I laughed when you re-used my comment and put a spin on it. I too look forward to any potential sequels or side stories with this idea of pokemon finding romance with ponies. I'm curious what you'll do next. Keep up the great work

Here’s an idea for a story continue on the story by giving him a Pokémon harem

If there's only two drakeons, how do they know which is the shiny? :duck:
loved the story!


I loved the story, if you do a pony landing in the world of Pokémon like you said 10570974 perhaps it could end up making another new Eveelution, idk what, maybe some kind of Eeveeon?

I know this isn't something one normally takes in consideration in a clopfic, but what is this Equestria's tech age?



no I will not lewd his daughters, they are cute

Fair nuff, fluff is good too

Aand another one bites the finished folder
T'was a pleasure reading this

no I will not lewd his daughters, they are cute

N...no lewds? :(

It's the one that sparkles, obviously. Do shinies not do that anymore? It's literally the whole reason they're called that instead of just "alternate colors".

It's not bad but kinda bugged me that there was pretty much no description of Tinker. If you don't know who he is it's very difficult to get an idea of what he's supposed to be like. I spent most of the first chapter scratching my head where he's shown to have claws but was kept being referred to as a pony, until it emerged that he was a pony/dragon hybrid.


Heh, one proposed idea is Polaris finding a Dragonite...


okay yes the shock dog is a QT


The sparkles! :D


What would a changeling Eevee look like 🤔


I need to actually write all of this down, but it's like... Equestria, except with modern tech in most cases?

I'm too attached to my planepony and tankpony OCs to change it now...


Thank you <3



at least not now?


Aw heck I forgot to show what he looks like D:

This is he


The tree doubles back after noticing it had created a "last of its kind" scenario...

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