• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 1,606 Views, 82 Comments

Sunset's Bizarre Adventure: Friendship is Unbreakable - StardustSprinkle

After her defeat in the prom, Sunset discovers an amazing power called a [STAND].

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I wanted nothing but a normal life. However, [IT] entered my life. A spirit, looms over me. It doesn't speak, doesn't respond to anything, and it doesn't seem to have a mind. I am either cursed or possessed. I am different, but no one would ever understand. I met a few others who are also cursed with this spirit-unknown. However, they wanted nothing but my destruction. I tried to communicate but to no avail. I was a peaceful person, but then I was forced to fight (and I have yet to lose). Now, finally, I can ride myself off of this nightmare.

"Nice to meet you all!" Sunset greets, making her way towards the three guests: "Class was running late, sorry about that!"

"Don't worry about that, we understand!" the girl with blonde hair says politely: "By the way, I'm Adagio."

"Name's Aria."

"And I am Sonata!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you all," Sunset says with a smile on her face: "So, shall we start? Canterlot High isn't a big place, so we can spend some extra time on places you are interested in."

"Actually," Adagio replies: "Can we spend some time in the garden?"

"Yeah," Sunset replies: "It was completed just two weeks ago; where did you get the news?"

"From a friend," Adagio says: "So, why don't we get started?"

"And this is called a drosera capensis," Sunset says, with all her attention focused on the plant: "And it..."

Unfortunately, her trip to the garden is cut short as she feels immense pain from her back through her torso. She wanted to scream, but the scent of blood had flooded her throat, and her legs could no longer support her.

"Oh, what a pity," Adagio says sarcastically: "Do you need a hand there?"

"Be nice, Adagio," Aria says with the same satiric tone: "Give her a break, ok?"

The three laughed and turns around as Sunset lies on the ground lifelessly. As her consciousness fades, Sunset activated her stand and recovered from a fatal injury instantly. Perhaps, it's best to play dead until she's safe. After all, facing three stand users alone without knowing their ability means inevitable defeat. Yet, her heart is filled with intense emotion, so strong that her mind is clouded enough to delude its' own master.

"Hi! The three of you!" Sunset shouts on top of her lungs before throwing a handful of dirt at them: "Eat this!'

"What...Ah!" Adagio around, only to be greeted by nothing but mud.

"You are so dead," Aria smirks as her stand attacks, simultaneous, with Adagio's.

Overwhelmed by the rain of fists, Sunset could do nothing but block. As a result, both her arms are broken.

"You poor fool," Aria says: "A stand is connected to its' master, don't you know that? Why are you even blocking? I would have attacked if I were you."

"Yeah?" Sunset answers: "My arms are doomed either way, so what's the point?"

"Of course they are," Aria rolls her eyes: "Now, time to..."

"Get out of my way!" Adagio pushes Aria aside: "I will end her myself."

"Wow, chill," Sunset says with a sarcastic tone: "First time?"

"With mud in my eyes? Yes," Adagio replies as her stand launches a mighty blow.

I can't feel my arms; Sunset thought: If I go to a hospital now, the doctors would have amputated. Although my stand can fix it, I still need to be careful. I can only record one [Cause] and [Result] and reverse them. In other words, I can only reverse one event before creating an alternate timeline for that one event. If chosen correctly, I should be able to cancel a series of events that followed, all thanks to Domino's effect. If I erase the [Cause], in which I threw dirt at them, then I can cancel the [Result] where they both attacked.
Moreover, their attack is the [Cause] of my injury. By canceling the [Cause] where I threw dirt at them, I indirectly canceled the [Cause] for my injury. However, what would I do next? There are three of them, after all.

"Dora!" Sunset cries out as her stand, Days Gone By, intercept Adagio's attack and breaking her arm.

"Ah! What the..." Shouts out in pain before retreating: "How?"

"First time?" Sunset smirks while moving her arm: "Come on, cheer up! I cleaned your dress for free!"

"What have we here?' Aria pushes Adagio aside: "Now, aren't you just a special cookie."

"Sorry, ladies," Sunset swings her arms even more as a mockery to Adagio: "But I am kind of busy."

Before Aria launches another attack, Sunset starts to throw flower pots at the three sirens. With the help of her stand, Sunset can win herself some time as Aria struggles to protect herself and her kins from the rain of flower pots.

"You are so dead!' Aria shouts as Sunset sprints out of the garden.

She's struggling, Sunset thinks: I've seen her stand before in the dining hall! Thankfully it's a remote one and hence less precise, while Adagio has a broken arm.

"But just in case..." Sunset mumbles. With a snap of her finger, the broken flower pots start to reconstruct before latching onto the siren's body.

"Ah! Get it off! Get it off!"

Hearing their scream from a distance, Sunset decides to get out of this nightmare of a garden before they catch up to her.

"Days Gone By!" Sunset shouts as her stand launch her onto a speeding train. With the help of her stand, Sunset is able to clutch onto its' metal skin and climb on top of it. While her stand buries its' fingers into its' roof, Sunset takes out her phone and sends Celestia a warning: Danger in the Garden. Three stand users, blurry face. Ruby, broken arm. Don't go alone.