• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 1,606 Views, 82 Comments

Sunset's Bizarre Adventure: Friendship is Unbreakable - StardustSprinkle

After her defeat in the prom, Sunset discovers an amazing power called a [STAND].

  • ...

Before Dawn

"So that's your plan?" The woman asks, putting a square-shaped machine on the ground.

"Yes," Twilight says, holding a monitor next to the portal to Equestria: "If we can harvest Equestrian magic directly, then we may not even need to confront Sunset and her friends."

"While it is true that their power originated from Equestria," The woman explains: "Directly collecting this power may be proven impossible."

"Whatever you say," Twilight examines the stone: "Honestly, you are not contributing much to this effort."

"Oh?" The woman raises an eyebrow.

"During our meeting, you said that no one loves me," Twilight explains: "And that you can help me to resolve this situation. Yet, I've done it myself."

"There is a difference between what could be real and what is real," The woman smiles: "Consider this, is 3.14 the same as π? In other words, do they have the same value?"

"No, what's your point?" Twilight asks, her attention diverted from the stone.

"My point being," The woman says: "Programmed emotions are different from genuine emotions."

"Fair point," Twilight sighs: "By the way, do you even have a name?"

"You may call me," The woman stops a moment: "Glomung."

"It's not your real name, is it?" Twilight studies the stone further: "I'm afraid you are right; we need a catalyst to activate the power locked inside."

"My name doesn't matter," Glomung says: "So, now what?"

"Guess we will go with your plan for now," Twilight lied: "If only we have a medium to channel magic."

"The six girls," Glomung says: "Their stand abilities may be useful."

Their conversation was cut short as a humanoid figure was launched from the portal, crashing onto the ground.

"Twilight Sparkle!" The person groans, standing on the ground on all fours: "You took everything away from me!"

"I don't even know who you are!" Twilight says, summoning her stand.

The person unleashed an inhuman screech, her glowing green eyes burning with hatred. She tilted her head slightly forward with gritted teeth.

"What?" Twilight raises an eyebrow.

"Forget about it!" The woman smashes the ground with her fists, much like how a horse would stump the ground. She then lunging at Twilight like an animal.

"Let me deal with this," Glomung rolls her eyes as a golden hand of a stand decorated with strips of crimson emerges from her hand.

The woman freezes in the air as soon as she gets in contact with Glomung's stand.

"It's peculiar," Twilight says: "I thought stands are the materialization of your spirit?"

"Yes," Glomung replies: "Your point?"

"Your stand seems like a flashy one," Twilight walks towards the woman frozen in the flow of time while observing the different shades of grey on Glomung’s skin and hair: "Unlike yourself."

"Indeed, "Glomung sighs, looking at her hand: "I was like that once, but a certain event turned me into this."

"Is that why you want to do this?" Twilight asks as the robotic-looking stand reaches both hands into the woman's body, who is now under the influence of Glomung's power.

"I thought you could only extract one book at a time?" Glomung says as Twilight has two books in hands, one titled Queen Chrysalis, the other The Flight of the Bumblebee: "I practiced. None stand users only have one book, that is their memory and personality. Stand users, however, has another."

"The other book is their stand, right?" Glomung asks.

"Not exactly," Twilight put the book named Queen Chrysalis back into her backpack: "I can't take one's stand away, but I can take the special ability away."

"The more you know," Glomung says, putting an arm in front of Chrysalis' head. With a snap of a finger, Chrysalis's was unfrozen. However, unable to stop her motion forward, Chrysalis first crushed into Glomung's arm before landing on the hard cement floor with the back of her head: "We may need her help."

"Most impressive," Twilight mumble, her eyes on the pages: "Her stand will be quite useful."

"And her stand being?" Glomung picks up Chrysalis' unconscious body on her shoulders.

"Countless tiny bug-like beings with the abilities to create monsters, sucking emotions and transforming the victim into a different form. Also, the little bug and its' victim share vision with the user."

"That would be useful," Glomung comments: "We need to get going before the Sun's up."

"Whatever," Twilight put her books and gears away, picking up the box-shaped device: "What do you plan to do exactly? Sunset and her friends are rather tough."

"Say, did you see the face of that Sunset?" Glomung asks.

"No, why does that matter?"

"Nevermind, we will need to take out either Celestia and Luna." Glomung answers, walking towards her car.

"Why not both?" Twilight follows behind.

"They may be clowns," Glomung tosses Chrysalis into the backseat: "But together they are indescribable."

"Why don't we separate them and then destroy them both?" Twilight gets into the front seat.

"They are too powerful for you to deal with," Glomung gets into the driver's seat as Twilight buckles up: "Plus if one of them is incapacitated, the other will relieve themselves of all duties just to take care of their counterpart."

"That is sweet," Twilight mumbles.

"What, do you feel bad for them?" Glomung asks: "Don't forget that once you have the power of Sunset and her friends, you will be able to do anything, including fixing all damage we did and will do."

"I hope so," Twilight sighs: "And a better life for you, me, and everyone else."

"Indeed, my friend, indeed," The two drive off as the sun rises.

"Good morning," Glomung whispers as Chrysalis opens her eyes.

"You," Chrysalis jumps out of bed: "Twilight's friend!"

"Wow, chill!" Glomung holds her hands up: "You've stumbled into a magic portal and was teleported into another world! That Twilight is not the same Twilight who took everything from you!"

"Why should I trust you?" Chrysalis asks, marveling that she can stand on two legs.

"We will help you," Glomung says: "If you help us."

"Again, why should I trust you?" Chrysalis questions.

"It's alright," Glomung shrugs: "Not everyone has the guts to revenge."

"Trying to provoke me, eh?" Chrysalis chuckles, knowing that she will need the help of others if she wants to recover the magic she lost after being blasted away from Canterlot: "I'm in, what do you want?"

"I'm not asking you to get alone with Twilight," Glomung inhales as Twilight walks in: "But we will be working together an awful lot."

"Fine," Chrysalis sighs: "I'm sorry for what happened. It was quite unbecoming of me. You look like a certain someone whom...I had a history with."

"It's alright," Surprised by such polite display, Twilight slightly bows: "It's nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine," Chrysalis returns the favor.

"Now," Glomung asks Chrysalis: "What do we call you?"

"Just call me Chrissy," Chrysalis says: "My mother used to call me that. If we are to work together as equals, then we will need to know each other."

"Now, Chrissy," Glomung says: "You may call me Shiny."

"Sorry, but I'm not comfortable with nicknames," Twilight apologizes to the older ladies: "You may call me Twily if needed, but I'm not sure if I'm comfortable calling by nicknames."

"It's alright, Twilight," Chrysalis says: "There's no need to stress."

"Chrissy," Glomung says: "Do you know what a stand is?"

"No, what is it?"

"Are you familiar with the idea of Potens?" Twilight adds.

"Yes," Chrysalis replies: "Unfortunately, I don't have the power that is called Potentia."

"Why don't you try?" Glomung summons part of her stand.

"You are a Potens?" Chrysalis' jaw almost dropped.

"The power known as Potentia to your people is called a stand in this world, and individuals in possession of such power are called stand users."

"What a crude name," Chrysalis facepalms: "Alright, stand it is."

"You are rather good at this," Twilight comments as countless little bug creatures emerge from Chrysalis' body: "Do you know of their powers?"

"Let me see," Chrysalis closes her eyes as the creatures fly around her: "Hmmm, splendid. Shared vision, a transformation of the possessed, power and memory extraction?"

"That is certainly useful," Glomung gives Twilight a look: "Are you sure you don't know what a stand is before?"

"I never said that," Twilight shakes her head as the creatures disappear slowly and Chrysalis open her eyes: "I know the principles of Pot...I mean stands and how they work, but I was never in possession of such power."

"Is that so," Glomung hands Chrysalis a map with a red circle on it: "We need to find a man called Discord, but he's now in a nursing home."

"Discord?" Chrysalis gasps: "He is here?"

"Yes, but senile," Glomung explains: "Celestia and Luna destroyed his mind, rendering him...broken."

"So they are here as well, eh?" Chrysalis says as two bug-like creatures emerging from her hands: "I'll get in and..."

"We will go with you," Glomung says: "So we might need more than that."

"Fine," Chrysalis sighs as four more crawled out of her sleeves: "Then I hope you are ready."

"Oh, I thought you three are taking tonight off?" Nurse Jovial asks as three others entered the doors of the Nursing home.

"Really?" One of the three nurses, named Breezy, frowns: "I'm pretty sure we are supposed to take care of Mr. Discord tonight."

"Huh," Jovial frowns, reaching for the phone: "There must be a mix-up, let me call real quick."

"That would be great," Breezy chuckles: "Right, Windy?"

"Right!" Windy lifts a finger, and a purple robotic arm reaches into Jovial's body, taking a book out, quickly writing some information on the pages before putting the book back.

"Nevermind," Jovial says: "It's supposed to be you guys, sorry about that; it has been a long day!"

"It's alright," Breezy chuckles: "We've got to go, say hello to your sister for me tomorrow!"

"Of course!" Jovial waves her friend's goodbye.

"Alright, you two," The third nurse murmurs to Breezy and Windy: "You only have 2 minutes, and don't call each other by real names!"

Breezy then enters Discord's room, with Windy following behind. As soon as the door closes, the third nurse snapped her fingers, and time outside of Discord's room stopped flowing: Be quick, Twilight, Chrissy, the nurse thinks: I can only hold my breath for so long!

"Alright," Breezy says, looking to the old man snoring on the sofa, his body wrapped by life-support system: "Do it."

"Right," Windy exhales as a purple robotic stand emerges, reaching its' hands into Discord's body, pulling out two books.

"Luna!" Suddenly, the decaying body, which remained unconscious for ages, kicked into motion and grabbed the shoulder of Twilight's stand.

"Let go!" Twilight says with a panicked voice.

"Luna..." Due to old age and extraction of his life force, that is, the unique ability of his stand, Discord drew his last breath, ending the terror that once plagued Celestia and Luna.

"Compose yourself!" Chrysalis, Breezy, scolded Twilight, who is disguising as Windy and is hyperventilating: "The books are invisible to others!"

"Right, right, right, right, right..." Twilight tries to control her breath while trying to rationalize this situation: I can fix this! Once I have the power of Sunset and her friends! I will resolve all of this! This is for the greater goods! It's only a small sacrifice! I will fix everything! This is part of the plan! I can fix it!

"Just relax," Breezy sighs: "Now, quick, we have little time."

"Indeed," Having stabilized her breath, Twilight's stand holds both books in one arm while knocking on the door with the other, notify Glomung, disguising as the third nurse, that all is down.

With a snap of fingers, time outside of the room resumes.

"No!" Breezy screams: "Someone, help!"

The third then barges into the room, only to storm out seconds later screaming for help. All is an act.

Author's Note:

Stand Name: Flight of the Bumblebee
Special Ability: The countless bug-like beings that is Chrysalis' stand share a vision with its' owner. Due to the number Chrysalis can summon, the destruction of one or even several of them would have little affect on the user. The bugs can suck energy from others and directly share it with the owner. They can also copy the memories of the victims and share it with others. The bugs can latch onto a person's neck, and transform them into individuals that the bugs has previously encountered.
Power: E
Speed: A
Range: A
Durability: A
Precision: A
Potential: A