• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 6,763 Views, 132 Comments

Homeless Sunset Shimmer - Sunny Solaire

  • ...


You and Sunset walk out into the hallway, holding hands with each other and smiling.

After your lovemaking session in the shower, you both moved to the bed, where you made love again. They were both absolutely incredible. Afterwards, you figured it was time to face the public again though, so you both got dressed, fixed yourselves up, and got ready.

The day has only just begun, and already, you're tired. Both of you are. The fact that the Thanksgiving turkey is already cooking isn't helping with that either. It smells amazing in the house.

You yawn and head downstairs to the living room with Sunset. Applejack is sitting on a chair watching the Thanksgiving football game. Or maybe it's the pre-game. Whatever. Teams are playing sports.

"Hey, AJ." You greet.

She looks over to you and smiles. "Hey, you two. 'Bout time y'all got up."

You and Sunset look at each other and grin. "We were... Talking... About stuff." Sunset says.

You nod. "Yeah... Talking."

Applejack scoffs and looks back at the tv. "Sounded pretty loud for talkin'."

You both freeze and look at each other. Your smiles fade and you feel yourself turning red with embarrassment.

You look at Applejack, who isn't looking directly at you, but you can see she's got a little shit-eating grin on her face.

"Heh... I forgot you're good at detecting bullshit..." You chuckle nervously.

She laughs and looks back at you. "Well, its pretty easy when y'all make it that obvious."

Oh, shit. Sunset was being kinda loud in there. You have only yourself to blame, you dog.

Applejack looks at her and winks. "Glad to know he's treatin' you right, Sugarcube."

Sunset gets a nervous grin and looks up at her, blushing hard and looking mortified. "Heheh... Thanks... Sorry about that..."

Applejack waves her hand nonchalantly. "Don't you worry none. Luckily, Applebloom left with Mac well before it happened, so she didn't hear anything. They should be back soon though."

You decide to go along with the change in the topic. Anything to try and get Sunset more comfortable.

You walk over to the couch and sit down. "Where did they go?"

"They went to pick up cousin Braeburn and put signs up showing directions to our house." She says. "The rest of the Apples are comin' here for our annual Thanksgiving hoedown, so we needed to make sure they could find the place."

Oh yeah, you forgot about that little tradition.

"Hoedown?" Sunset asks.

Applejack looks over at her. "Every year, we have a huge Thanksgiving hoedown at one of the relatives' place. This year, it's our turn. We've got a huge openin' out back with big lights and heated pavement, so we won't have to worry about slippin' on ice or gettin' too cold."

You nod in agreement. "They've got dancing, tons of food, a band, it's really fun. I've been to only one before, and I had a blast."

She looks to you and smiles. "Well okay. I've always wanted to try dancing."

Applejack smiles. "Well, you picked the perfect time to try it out then, Sugarcube."

You smile and give Sunset a quick kiss on the head. "Applejack doesn't lie, Sunny."

She smiles and looks to Applejack again. "Thank you again for letting us stay here, Applejack."

Applejack waves her hand, like it's nothing and smiles. "Hey, that's what family's for! Think nothin' of it, darlin'."

She turns back to the tv for a bit and there's a silence among you all for a few more moments.

"Oh by the way Anon..." Applejack turns back and looks at you. "Soon as Big Mac, Applebloom and Braeburn get back, would you mind helpin' us get everything set up out back?"

"Oh, of course. I'd love to help." You say.

Sunset perks up. "Anything I can do to help out too?"

Applejack shakes her head. "Nah, don't you worry about helpin'. As a matter of fact, Rarity texted earlier and said she wanted to come by and talk to you a bit."

She looks a bit nervous at that. "About what?"

"Knowin' her? Probably girl stuff." Applejack says. "I bet she just wants to get to know you a bit more. No need to be nervous."

She nods and leans on you, looking down. "Okay."

Applejack turns back to the tv.

"Hey." You put a finger under Sunset's chin and make her look up at you. "You okay?"

She grins. "Yeah. I'm just tired."

You smile back at her and give her a quick kiss before relaxing on the couch together and watching TV with Applejack.

After a few more minutes, the front door opens and Applebloom walks inside.

She shakes her head and rubs some snow out of her hair. "Hey Anon!"

"Hey Applebloom." You reply. She walks over to you and gives you a hug.

"Applebloom, where're Big Mac and Braeburn?" Applejack asks.

"They already went out back." Applebloom replies.

Applejack nods and gets up before grabbing her coat. Looks like that's your cue.

You get up and stretch a little before turning back to face Sunset. "Alright, you. Have a good time with Rarity, okay?"

She smiles and nods. "Alright, be careful."

"I will." You give each other a kiss and hug. "Love you."


"Love you too." You reply.

You release the hug and Anon goes outside with Applejack, leaving you on the couch. You sit there awkwardly while Applebloom stares at you.

She clears her throat. "So, I'm sorry I forgot, what was your name again?"

You smile. "Sunset. Sunset Shimmer."

She nods. "So you and Anon, huh?"

You smile and give a little giggle. "Yep."

She scoffs and crosses her arms. "Lucky..."

You raise your eyebrows. "You like Anon?"

She widens her eyes and blushes. "W- Well, no! N- Not like that, I mean... I was just-" She sighs and slumps her shoulders. "Alright, you got me... He's cute, okay?"

You giggle again. "He sure is."

She slouches and sits down on a chair. "It just ain't fair... He's way older than me, I know, but still. You're just so lucky that you're as old as he is and you can kiss him and stuff."

You grin at her. That's cute.

"Well I'm sorry, Applebloom... I wasn't trying to make you jealous or anything." You say.

She nods. "I know. It's okay."

You hate to admit it, but this is kind of funny. You've got to tell her something, though.

"Crazy crushes happen with everyone, Applebloom. It's just a little phase we all go through." You say. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll find someone your own age someday."

"That's what Applejack says. 'It's just a phase! You'll get over it someday!'" She says.

You smile. "Well, she's right. It is just a phase."

"I'm not sure if I believe her on that one though." She says. "Applejack has had a crush on him too ever since she's known him! What kind of phase runs that long?!"

Your smile vanishes immediately. "...What?"

Applebloom's eyes widen and she covers her mouth with her hands as fast as possible. She looks like she knows she's in trouble.

You scoot closer to her. "Applebloom, what did you just say?"

She slowly removes her hands from across her mouth. "Uh..."

She's trying to think of something, anything than what you thought you just heard, when suddenly, the doorbell rings.

"I'LL GET IT! I'LL GET IT!" Applebloom scrambles up from the chair and runs to the front door as fast as she can.

Saved by the bell...

She opens the door and Rarity greets her. "Hello, Applebloom! Is Sunse-"

Applebloom yanks Rarity inside. "WELL SHOOT, IF IT AIN'T RARITY! HI RARITY! WHAT'S THAT GRANNY?! YOU NEED ME?! OKAY! I'M GONNA GO HELP HER OUT! YOU TWO HAVE FUN! BYE!" She runs out of the room in a yellow blur.

Granny Smith didn't say anything from the other room...

Rarity stares after her after straightening herself out.

She looks at you. "What was that about?"

You stare after Applebloom. "I'm not sure... But I don't like it."

You stay there for a moment longer, unmoving. You knew there was something you didn't like about Applejack from the moment you first saw her. You just knew it.

According to her sister, she likes Anon, and has liked him for years. You don't blame her by any means, but you aren't too comfortable with leaving her here with him. He's yours.

"Darling?" You snap out of it and turn to Rarity. She looks a bit worried. "Are you alright?"

You look down at your feet and contemplate a moment. "I don't know..."

Rarity stays there a moment longer and straightens up. "Well, go on and grab your coat and let's have us a little 'girl talk', alright? You can tell me all about your issues."

You nod, grab your coat and walk outside with Rarity.

As you leave, you look back at the Apples' home with worry. You have a really bad feeling about leaving Anon alone with Applejack. You trust Anon with all your heart, but you don't trust her.

You look to your feet and continue down the driveway next to Rarity.

"So? What's on your mind? You seem down." Rarity asks.

You sigh. "I'm not sure, really... Applebloom just accidentally told me that Applejack has a crush on Anon, and I'm just a little paranoid, I guess..."

"Oh dear. Still?" Rarity asks.

You look at her. "Still?"

Rarity nods. "Applejack and Anonymous grew up together. Ever since I first met them, they were the best of friends, but Applejack has always liked him a little bit more."

You blink. "And you knew about this? The whole time?"

She laughs. "Well of course, darling! We all did! It was just so obvious! Applejack is not the best liar, mind you, so she was never too good at hiding her feelings."

That doesn't help ease your worries.

"Then how does Anon not know about this?" You ask.

Rarity shakes her head. "I have absolutely no idea. Applejack has always gone the extra mile for him, and it is painfully obvious that she has feelings for him, but for some reason, he refuses to see it. He always thought of her as a sister. Maybe the idea of them being anything more than just friends is just absurd to him. Whatever the reason, as far as I know, he has not reciprocated any of her romantic feelings."

Well, that helps a little, you suppose.

She gives you a half-hug and pats your back. "Sunset, you have nothing to worry about. Applejack would never try to take him from you. She may be a tad stubborn, but she isn't selfish, by any means. It's clear that you love him and he loves you. She won't do anything to jeopardize your relationship with him."

You smile and blush at her words. You really do love Anon.

"Thanks Rarity." You say. "I do feel a lot better now that I know that."

Rarity smiles. "That's what friends are for, darling! I'm happy to help you out if I can."

You both round the corner and continue down the sidewalk.

You sigh. "I guess I just didn't know how to deal with it all at once. Applejack was very nice to let us stay with her for a while, and I do want to like her, but... I don't know... Everything happened pretty fast this morning..." You smirk. "Well...heh... More like, after we left our room this morning is when things got hectic..."

Rarity cocks her head at you.

You grin and blush again and start twirling your hair nervously. "Anon and I, uh, heh... We consummated... our physical relationship this morning..."

She gasps. "Oh goodness! Sunset, look at you! How was he?! How did it start?! Tell me absolutely everything!"

You giggle happily. "Ooh he was wonderful! I've never felt like that before in my whole life. I just wanted to kiss him, and hold him, and have him never let me go for as long as I lived. It was like being in a dream..."

"Awwww, that's so sweet!" She whips out her phone and starts tapping on the screen. "We must let the rest of the girls know! Don't say anything else until they're all on the line!"

You let out another girly giggle and continue down the sidewalk with her.

She speaks into her phone a moment later, smiling wide. "Twilight! It's Rarity! Get Rainbow and Pinkie on! I'll get Fluttershy! Sunset has some big news!"

You giggle again and the rest of the girls eventually get on the phone, except for Applejack, of course. Rarity didn't include her, which makes sense. She probably didn't want to twist the knife of you and Anon in her stomach any more.

Twilight's voice comes on the speaker. "Okay we're all here! Now what's the big news, Sunset?"

You smile and proceed to tell all the girls all about your first time making love with your man.


You, Mac, and Braeburn are in the backyard, silently drinking some apple cider while taking a break from setting up for the hoedown.

You turn to them all. "Oh, guess what guys? Sunset and I had shower sex this morning."

Braeburn and Mac look at you and nod, impressed.

"Nice." Braeburn comments.

"Eeyup." Mac adds with a grin.

You smirk and take another swig of cider before returning your attention to the silence of the outdoors.