• Published 28th Nov 2020
  • 6,765 Views, 132 Comments

Homeless Sunset Shimmer - Sunny Solaire

  • ...

Make Yourself at Home

After what was probably the best pre-thanksgiving dinner you've ever had, followed by the best pre-thanksgiving party you've ever been to, everything began to die down and people are starting to leave.

You insist to stay behind to help clean up, even after Applejack and Granny Smith insisted you go. They eventually relented though, because you're holding open a garbage bag while Sunset is gathering some garbage and throwing them into it.

She insisted to help clean up, even after you insisted she let you do the work.

You eventually relented though...

Once it's full, you head outside into the snow to throw it into the dumpster. You head back inside and plop on the couch.

You're tired. Turkey does that to you.

Luckily, you managed to play a few rounds of Smash Bros with Big Mac, Rainbow Dash, and Scootaloo. Your boy Kirby managed to hold his own against Big Mac's Donkey Kong for a little bit, but Rainbow came in with Captain Falcon and tore it up. Scootaloo was right behind her double-teaming you with Toon Link.

They got good since the last time you played against them. You're a little jealous.

You laugh as you lose another match and look over at Sunset, Rarity and Fluttershy. Sunset's smiling and laughing with Rarity as she's about to leave. You can tell they're gonna be good friends.

She waves goodbye to you, ushers Sweetie Belle along, and they both leave. Fluttershy grabs her coat and exchanges a few more words with Sunset before giving her a hug and leaving as well.

Sunset comes skipping over to you and plops down beside you. "Hey there, loverboy!"

You chuckle and wrap your arm around her. "Hi, gorgeous!" She giggles and you kiss each other. "Making friends, huh?"

Sunset nods happily. "Oh yeah! Rarity's really fun. Fluttershy is too. All of your friends are!"

You smile and give a victory laugh. "See? I told you so!"

She giggles and nuzzles you. "Yeah, you did. You were right. I just needed to calm down."

You chuckle and cuddle with each other for a little while longer in front of the television. Applejack comes walking out of the kitchen and looks at you two.

A smile comes to her face. "Aww, ain't that the sweetest thing you ever did see?"

You both give a little laugh. "Well, we try our best to be sweet." You pretend to block out Sunset and loudly whisper to Applejack. "But she doesn't have to try as hard to be sweet."

Sunset playfully smacks your arm and smiles. "Oh stop it, you!"

"No! You cant make me!" You smile.

You both giggle and start poking and tickling each other.

Applejack just stands there and laughs a little as she watches you. "You two are just too cute."

You both stop and look at her with smiles on your faces. "Thanks, AJ."

She nods. "No problem."

You sit up a little. "Need anymore help?"

She shakes her head. "Nah, we've got it under control. Just was curious about your sleepin' situation though."

You cock your head a little. "Sleeping situation?"

She nods. "Yeah, like, where are ya gonna stay for the next little bit with your place... unavailable."

"Oh." You reply. "Well, I just figured we'd go to my parents' place and crash there."

A look of concern comes across her face. "Did your parents not tell you? They're outta town."

Your smile fades. "They are?"

Applejack nods. "Yeah, they're on a cruise or somethin'. They're gonna spend the whole holiday season in the Caribbean, I think."

"And they didn't tell me..." You sigh and rub a hand down your face. "Typical..."

It's like you don't exist to them anymore since you disowned your fancy-shmancy rich lifestyle. Just one more thing to add to your list of burdens.

"Well then..." You stand up and look at Applejack. "...in that case, we have no sleeping situation."

She holds up a hand and cuts you off. "Yeah you do, Anon. We've got more than a few spare rooms for you to stay in and you're more than welcome to stay here for as long as you need."

Oh, Applejack. She's saved your ass so many times before, you've lost count. You'd probably be dead if it wasn't for her. On the inside, that is. Humility has taught you much.

You sigh. "Applejack, if there was any other option, I'd take it. I owe you so much already."

She holds her hand up again. "Anon, I insist. You've been the greatest... my closest friend since we met, and I'm more than willing to help y'all out as much as I can."

"I j... I'm just..." You stammer.

You can't think of what to say. Applejack is just too sweet, you love her.

You smile. "Thank you, Applejack."

"Anything for you, Sugarcube." She smiles and you hug each other real quick. She squeezes you tight before releasing you. "Alright then! I'll get Applebloom to show y'all to where you're gonna be stayin', then I suggest y'all go to bed. We've got us another thanksgiving tomorrow!"

You smile at her. "Oh I can hardly wait!"

She chuckles and heads into the kitchen.

Sunset stands up next to you. "That was really nice of her."

"Yeah, it really was." You hold her hand and smile.

Applebloom comes out of the kitchen. "Alright, you two! Follow me!"

You both follow the little girl through the house, going upstairs and down a hallway. You ask her about what's been going on with her and her life recently. She's in middle school now with her two friends, but none of them know what they want to do when they grow up. She's searching high and low for her calling in life with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo, but none of them have found one that clicks yet.

Kids are so silly.

You reach the second to last door on the right and Applebloom opens it. "Alright y'all! Here we are!"

You usher Sunset inside before you, because you're a gentleman, and follow behind Applebloom. Inside the room, you see a large queen-sized bed with a comfy-looking knit quilt spread on top. Granny Smith must've knit it herself.

Looking around, you also notice a bathroom, a couch in front of the bed, a closet, a large TV, and a large windowsill looking outside to the beautiful snowy world. It looks better than any hotel you've ever seen in your life.

As expected, everything has an apple-theme to it. The quilt, pillows, wallpaper, everything in the room has something to do with apples.

You and Sunset stand next to each other, admiring your new living space.

Applebloom steps in front of you, looking at you both and smiling. "So? What do y'all think?"

"Not bad at all." You nod. "I like it."

"Good!" She smiles again and walks over to the closet. "Now, there're towels and extra blankets 'n stuff in here. There should be some spare toothbrushes in the bathroom too if you need 'em."

You nod. "We've got some, but thanks."

"Well okay then!" She says. "If you guys need anythin' else, let any of us know, okay?"

You follow her as she heads to the door and steps into the hallway. "You got it. Thank you so much again, Applebloom."

"No problem, Anon! You're family! Applejack says that family always needs to look out for each other!"

You smile at her. "You've got a good sister, Bloom."

She grins and scuffs at the floor with her shoe. "Yeah, I know I do."

You chuckle and bend down to give her a hug. "Alright, kiddo. We're gonna get some shuteye."

"Yeah, me too. Goodnight, Anon!" She releases you and looks past you. "Goodnight, Sunset!"

Sunset grins and waves at her. "Goodnight, Applebloom. It was nice to meet you."

"You too!" She smiles and happily walks back down the hallway.

You shut the door and turn around. Sunset surprises you and lightly presses you against the door, kissing you. She wraps her arms around your waist and pulls herself closer to you, deepening the kiss.

You close your eyes and place your hand on her waist, running your fingers through her hair. The two of you slowly move away from the door and eventually make your way to the bed. You let yourselves fall on top of the bed, still in each others' arms, and still kissing. You're on your side, holding the girl you love and kissing her lovingly.

She stops and slowly opens her eyes. Those gorgeous, big, cyan eyes. The both of you just stare at each other for the longest time.

You move a strand of her hair out of her face and give her a small smile. She smiles back at you.

"I love you, Sunset." You say softly.

Her cheeks get a little red. "I love you too, Anon."

You can't bring yourself to do anything else except just stare at her. She's so beautiful. You can't even imagine how she ever wound up homeless, alone, and unloved. Your mind refuses to believe that she was as bad as she said she was.

This girl, right here, is the sweetest thing you've ever had the privilege to know, and your heart belongs to her. No way it could ever belong to anyone else. You are completely and totally in love with her.

Your Sunset Shimmer.

She leans forward and rests her head on your chest. You take her in your arms and hug her tight, letting her know that she's safe. You don't ever want this moment to end.

She moves her legs a little and kick off her shoes. She curls up in a ball in your arms and takes a deep breath.

"I love you... Anon..." She whispers again.

It's your favorite thing that she has ever said to you.

You rub her hair and kiss her on the head, "I love you too... Sunset."

You stay there, silently rubbing her gorgeous hair. Your eyelids get heavier and heavier until finally, they shut over your eyes.

You drift off to sleep with your love cradled in your arms.


The next morning, you groan softly as you awaken. You're in the Apples' guest bedroom, alone. The shower in the bathroom is running, so Anon must be in there.

You yawn and rub your eyes as you look around the room. Now that the sun is up, you can get a better look at just how cute it is. There's a big, fluffy rug in the shape of a red apple on the light hardwood floor at the foot of the bed. The walls are made of wood too. It reminds you of a cabin in the forest.

On the bed beside you is a folded red shirt and some blue jeans. You pick them up to inspect them and find out they're your size. Where did they come from though?

You set them back down and sit there in bed, giving a content sigh. It's officially Thanksgiving. Your first Thanksgiving with Anon.

Technically, it's your first Thanksgiving ever. Equestria doesn't have a Thanksgiving. Even if it did though, you wouldn't be very good at celebrating it. You were way too selfish and arrogant to give thanks for anything. You took everything for granted when you were in Equestria.

You sigh again and lay back down, looking up at the ceiling. Thank Heaven that part of your life is behind you. Nothing like being homeless and completely on your own to humble you out, Sunset. You've changed since being here, and it has been for the better.

The bathroom door opens and Anon steps out. He's only wearing a towel around his waist. It is now that you get your first real look at him.

Some of the water left from the shower makes him look shiny. His arms are bulky too, and he's in good shape. It's apparent that he works out. He isn't shredded, by any means, but he still looks good. Really good.

...Is it getting hot in here?


You shake your head and snap yourself out of your trance.

You look up at him and smile. "Uh... Hehe... Good morning."

He smirks. "You okay?"

Never been better...

"Y- Yeah, I'm fine..." You give him a fake yawn and stretch. "Just not awake yet."

You give a little giggle.

He grins and grabs some clothes on the table next to him. "Applejack came by this morning and brought us some extra clothes they had. Yours are on the bed there."

You look at the clothes you picked up earlier. "Where did they get them?"

"I assume that they're either hand-me-downs, or you and Applejack are the same size." He holds up a plaid-red button down collared shirt. "I'm pretty sure I got Mac's hand-me-downs. They're kind of big."

You grin at him, still checking him out from afar. "Well that's awful nice of her."

"Yeah, the Apples are good people. Very hospitable." He says.

Damn he's hot.

"You gonna shower now?" He turns back to you.

You quickly meet his eyes. "Sure."

He stays still, the gears turning in his head as he looks at you. You look at him back, your blush intensifying.

He slowly grins at you. "What?"

He either knows exactly what he's doing and he's just playing dumb, or he actually is too dumb to realize what he's doing. Either way, you think it would be fun to help him out.

You stand up as you look at him. "Well, honestly, I'm a little bummed..."

He faces you completely. "How come?"

You slowly walk towards him. "I was... kind of hoping that... maybe... we could shower... together."


Sunset stops right in front of you and stares up at your eyes. Her cheeks are turning red as you look back at her.

You're an idiot, Anon. Why didn't you wait? Why did you already take a shower?

You look her up and down once before reaching out and gently taking her hand in yours.

"We can do that..." You reply. "Nothing wrong with... showering twice."

Her breathing is now audible as she stares up at you. "Okay." She says.

Holy shit, this is about to happen...

You both stare at each other for a long moment before she abruptly grabs your hands and leads you into the bathroom, breathing hard already, and almost seeming desperate. You follow right behind her without a moment's hesitation and close the door. As you turn the shower back on again, you both melt into each other's arms as you passionately kiss each other...

Author's Note:

Ooh la la...