• Published 14th Nov 2020
  • 1,400 Views, 23 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Weapon X - Masterob

Wolverine must protect Fluttershy and his family from an old rival.

  • ...

The Strength of Family

The impending showdown had begun. The trio of Logan, Fluttershy and Laura making their way toward the Ghastly Gorge, where according to Apple Bloom, is where Sabretooth took Rina.

The trio continued down the path, making their way through the gorge, keeping an eye out for Sabretooth, and more importantly, Rina.

"Just where are you..." Logan kept a close eye out. He was ready to absolutely destroy the dastardly villain who took his little girl.

"Sabretooth! Show yourself!" Laura shouted. "Come on! Fight like a man!"

Fluttershy just eyed every corner, hoping to catch a glimpse of Sabretooth or her daughter. While normally opposed to violence, Sabretooth was going to get quite the exception from Fluttershy, no one messes with her little girl.

"I'm starting to lose my patience," Logan said, angrily slicing a rock in half. "SHOW YOURSEF CREED!"

"You don't have to shout," a condescending voice said. From the sides of the gorge, Sabretooth was seen with his claws on one arm lodged into the sides of the canyon while holding a frightened Rina in his other hand. "Glad you could make it, you and your whole family."

"If our whole family were here you'd be even more fucked than you are now," Laura said. "Lightning Dust is still back at our friend's barn, the one you attacked!"

"You mean that Pegasus with the green-ish fur?" Sabretooth asked. "Yes I remember her, it was a pain prying this little girl away from her." Sabretooth held Rina by her head, showing her off to her family. "Quite the adorable kid you have Logan."

"If you hurt her..." Logan looked ready to strike.

"What? You'll kill me?" Sabretooth asked. "You're gonna do it anyway, so maybe it won't matter what I do to this girl."

Laura jumped in, ready to strike but Sabretooth leapt off the wall just before she landed. She immediately launched herself off, aiming at Sabretooth but the villain was quick to back step, barely dodging the incoming claws.

"You won't get away!" She was about to strike again but Sabretooth held Rina in front, causing Laura to pause. That brief pause allowed Sabretooth the moment he needed to strike, punching Laura across her jaw and knocking her across the canyon.

"Laura!" Fluttershy quickly flew over to check on the girl.

"Careful, wouldn't want this little one to get hurt," Sabretooth taunted, holding Rina to her family. "I mean would would want to hurt such an innocent child after all?"

"Creed! This is between us! Leave my daughter out of this!" Logan shouted.

"Come now Logan, think of it like a Family Reunion," Sabretooth said. "I wouldn't want your precious little girl left out of it."

"Yer no family Creed, just a nuisance that I'll be glad to be rid of," Logan said, getting into a stance.

"Is that all? What a shame then," Sabretooth stated, flashing a menacing grin.

"Sabretooth," Fluttershy said, getting his attention. "As much as I don't like the sight of you, I still believe in non-violence and I'd rather try that approach. Please just give us back our daughter and leave this world. If you do that, then that will be the end of it, none of us will find or pursue you." Her demeanor darkened a bit, "But if you don't agree to my terms, well then, I can't be responsible for what my husband does to you. Now what will it be?"

"Tempting offer, but sounds a bit boring," Sabretooth said, keeping their daughter away. "Besides I'm kind of curious how hard Logan here fights when he wants to rescue his pup, call it a science experiment."

"Oh you want science? Then here's an experiment for ya," Logan said. "Let's see how many attacks you can endure before you die!" Logan was about to attack again but Sabretooth had immediately flung Rina towards her father. Thinking quickly, Logan jumped to grab his daughter, but that left him open for a kick to his face.

"That damn coward!" Laura rushed in to attack again but she got elbowed away. Sabretooth turned to grab Rina again but Fluttershy had flown in, getting the mutant with a punch. While the punch wasn't that strong, it still was enough to momentarily daze Sabretooth.

"Logan isn't the only one fighting for their child!" Fluttershy went for a kick but Sabretooth grabbed her hind leg and tossed her toward a rock, the mare hitting head first against it.

"No!" Laura was worried for her big sister figure, but when she saw that Rina was in immediate danger, she quickly rushed in to help by grabbing her before Sabretooth could, creating a distance.

"Quick kid," Sabretooth said, about to pursuit them, but felt two claws jabbing into his back.

"Forget me?" Logan asked, pulling his claws out to jab again, lifting Sabretooth off the ground and holding him in the air for a bit before aggressively throwing him again the cliffside.

Laura had placed Rina down near Fluttershy as the Weapon X clone quickly checked on Fluttershy, "Yo Shy, you alright?"

Fluttershy was very dazed, and she seemed to be bleeding from the side of her head. "I'm fine...I think."

"Looks like you hit your head pretty hard," Laura said, checking the spot she was hit. "You're bleeding, doesn't look like a lot but you're still gonna need that injury examined."

"I'll be fine," Fluttershy insisted. "Sabretooth is still-"

"Logan can handle him, I want to fight as well but you're too hurt and if you stay you might get hurt again, plus Logan will be too distracted making sure you're safe," Laura said.

"I can take care of myself, I've fought baddies before," Fluttershy said, struggling to walk toward Sabretooth. "Get Rina to safety, I'm gonna help my husband."

"But Fluttershy!" Laura tried to persuade the mare but she seems to have made up her mind. "Years of spending time with Logan is starting to take affect, she's developing her stubborn attitude Rainbow Dash would be proud."

As Sabretooth stood up, ready to continue his fight, Fluttershy had flown over, ready to attack again. "Persistent." Sabretooth back handed Fluttershy right toward Logan, the man quick to catch his wife. "Got yourself a good woman there Logan, even if that woman is a pony."

"Pony or not, I won't tolerate you hurting my wife," Logan said, checking on Fluttershy, noticing the cut on her head. "Yer bleeding."

"It'll heal," Fluttershy said, getting a smirk from Logan.

"Cute, but that ain't a cut to leave untreated," Logan said.

"I'll be fine...we gotta stop Sabretooth," Fluttershy said, getting back on her hooves. "I can't just let him think it's alright to take our daughter hostage!"

"I say let her fight Logan," Sabretooth suggested. "She's got spunk, I like that in a gal. I'm almost jealous, wish I had a girl like her."

"I already have one creep crushing on me, I don't need another," Fluttershy remarked. "Prepare to get thrashed!"

Logan wasn't sure where or how Fluttershy developed this aggressive attitude but he had to admit to himself that it was cute, though somewhat worrying. Fluttershy was clearly in a bad mood considering her daughter was used to bait her and the family to Sabretooth, Logan understood that but he knew first hand what blind rage could do.

"If we're gonna fight then we'll fight together," Logan said. "Just don't do more than what you can do 'Shy."

"That goes for you too," Fluttershy said, turning back to Sabretooth. "Can you take us both?"

"Bring it on!" Sabretooth readied his claws and lunged at the two, aiming for Fluttershy first. The mare anticipated that and flew out the way, giving Logan an opening to slash his sides. Fluttershy then kicked Sabretooth in the head, stunning him long enough for Logan to get in another swipe across his chest.

"Alright! Great start!" Laura said, kneeling beside Rina. "Your parents are pretty cool. Don't tell them I said that though."

Rina had no response, she just turned back to the fight, seeing her parents going against that scary monster.

Sabretooth tried attacking again, this time going for Logan, but his rival parried and delivered a strong punch to the jaw, Fluttershy flying around and going for a kick to the back, giving Logan the chance for a claw uppercut.

"Damn, not good," Sabretooth muttered. Fluttershy was actually providing an advantage, he had to think of something quickly. He looked to the side and saw Laura near Rina. Perhaps he can take another hostage, or two. He lunged quickly at the two, but Laura was quick to get into a protective stance.

"No!" Fluttershy flew quickly at Sabretooth, Logan right behind him. Sabretooth attempted to grab Rina first but Laura was quick to slice kick him back. Logan tried to attack him from the side but Sabretooth elbowed him back, focusing back at Rina. However Fluttershy flew in front of Sabretooth, looking him right in the eyes.

"What are you-" Suddenly Sabretooth felt frozen once Fluttershy widened her eyes, her Stare momentarily paralyzing Sabretooth. Fluttershy flew in closer, getting Sabretoth to back up, this giving Logan another chance to attack, getting Sabretooth in the back while Laura clawed him a few times in the front, finishing with a somersault attack to the brute.

"Nice work on the Stare," Logan commented to his wife.

"Thanks, though I'm a little surprised, I almost thought it wouldn't work," Fluttershy admitted.

"Yeah well...wait seriously?" Logan asked, little surprised by the answer. "Shy, that sounds like something Parker would have said."

Fluttershy laughed nervously, "Sorry, I guess I'm just not myself to...day" Fluttershy started to feel a bit dizzy. "My head."

"Shy? You alright?" Logan went to check on his wife, but Sabretooth had tackled him and dragged him across the ground, then tossed him aside.

"Sabretooth!" Fluttershy tried flying at him but she lost her balance mid-flight, leaving herself open for a strike from Sabretooth, knocking her to the ground.

"You're going down!" Laura jumped at Sabretooth but he grabbed her face and started crushing down, cracking Laura's skull a bit, then reeled back to stab his claws through the brash young clone.

"Laura!" Logan got up, ready to attack again. "Bastard!"

Logan leapt to slash Sabretooth's ankles, dodging another attack and impaling Sabretooth in the sides. He pulled out and punched the villain across his jaw, knocking him further back. He quickly scanned the area, Laura seemed to be in pain for the moment, and Fluttershy was out of it, her head injury making things bad for her. Not too far off, he saw his daughter hiding behind a rock, he really had to move fast to keep everyone safe.

"Gotta say runt, I don't remember the last time you fought this hard," Sabretooth admitted, rubbing his jaw. "Guess having a family to fight for really brings out your full strength. Last time you were this determined to kill me was after my old encounter with Silver-"

"Do NOT-" Logan clawed clawed Sabretooth again. "Mention her!"

"Still sore after al these years?" Sabretooth taunted, taking another claw.

"All I have left in my miserable life are my wife and my two daughters," Logan said, then took a moment to think over his answer. "And the friends I've made along the way. If I can help it, I ain't letting you take any of them away! They're family, both immediate and extended, but all just as important!"

"Family huh? What about Draken?" Sabretooth asked. "Or do you not care for your own son?"

"Shut yer damn trap!" Logan rushed in again, impaling Sabretooth with his claws. He reeled back and stabbed through his chest, dragging the claws across, getting blood on the ground.

Sabretooth then clawed Logan back, stumbling him backwards and then rushed in to punch Logan across the jaw, knocking him across the ground. "It'll all be over soon, at least you might die before your family does, maybe I'll do that much for ya."

"Sabretooth!" Fluttershy said, angrily stumbling over. "Stop hurting my husband!"

"Or not, this one seems really eager to die," Sabretooth said. "If you don't want to end up like the other girls Logan's loved...eh, you're gonna end up like them anyway!"

"How cruel can you be, to brag about taking away a loved one," Fluttershy stumbled over. "For you to torment my husband, for you to have taken so much from him, for you to cause him so much grief." Fluttershy slightly chuckled to herself. "Wow, now I fully understood how Twilight felt when she encountered the Green Goblin. To stand before the one responsible for causing the man I love so much pain, it just makes me so mad!"

"Fluttershy, yer in no condition to fight!" Logan warned. "Just stand aside!"

"Best do as your husband says, unless you want him to see someone else he loves die right in front of him," Sabretooth warned.

"Well, if I may borrow my husband's phrasing," Fluttershy smugly grinned at Sabretooth. "Go fuck yourself, bub!"

That surprised both Logan, who couldn't believe his ears, and Laura, who just recovered. Even Sabretooth couldn't believe this, but he was not happy. "That's it, you're dead!" Sabretooth ran at Fluttershy, ready to strike her down.

"No! Fluttershy" Logan rushed in to shield her.

"I got ya!" Laura rushed in as well, standing beside her two family members, shielding Fluttershy from this villain.

Sabretooth had struck down but Logan had blocked his strike with his claws while Laura had claw kicked him across the chest and Logan swiped at him. During this, Fluttershy quickly started to fly up, doing her best to stay focused on the task she had in mind.

Laura rushed in again, attacking Sabretooth with a few more strikes, cutting him at intense speeds, then ended with a speeding kick and claw combo that stunned him.

"Go for it Logan!" Laura called.

"Brace yerself fer the power of Weapon X!" Logan shouted, rushing in to claw Sabretooth a few times, then did a drill claw to do further damage. He ended with a rush in double claw attack that finally knocked Sabretooth back.

The villain was down, but still not done. "I won't be beaten yet..." He struggled to stand, ready for revenge against the two. Suddenly he was struck with lightning, falling down onto his knees. He tried standing again, looking into the air to see where the attack came from and took another lightning strike.

"Did Storm show up?" Laura wondered, looking into the sky. "Oh, even better! Fluttershy!"

Logan looked up as well and saw his wife on a cloud, hitting it to strike Sabretooth a third time, finally knocking him completely off his feet. "Wow, nice thinking."

"Not bad considering she took a blow to her head," Laura said. "Speaking of which, we really should get her to the hospital soon, for all we know her skull is cracked."

"Let's not think that way," Logan said, then called to his wife. "Fluttershy! Come down, I think you got him!"

"That's good to know!" Fluttershy said, gently lowering herself down, however she got dizzy mid flight and began to fall, but fortunately her husband had caught her in his forelegs. "That was close."

"I'm here fer ya darling," Logan said, gently placing his wife down. "Gotta say, what you did out there, that took some guts."

"Yeah, you were a total badass!" Laura said. "Fighting Sabretooth, using clever tactics, that potty mouth of yours."

"I really don't know what came over me," Fluttershy sheepishly said, chuckling a bit but stopping once her head started hurting again.

"How much does it hurt?" Logan asked, rubbing her head.

"It's nothing really, nothing I can't...oh boy," Fluttershy then keeled over, trying to keep herself conscious.

"Hey! Fluttershy!" Laura quickly checked on her. "Come on, answer me!"

"I'm fine, don't..." Fluttershy finally passed out, the injury and blood loss taking a toll.

"Fluttershy!" Laura shouted in worry.

"Mama!?" Rina finally ran out of her hiding spot to check on her mother. "Mama!" Seeing her mother out cold and really hurt was enough to bring tears to Rina's eyes.

"Hey don't cry now Rina," Laura said, bringing the girl in for a hug. "Your mommy will be fine, she just has a boo-boo and needs a nap."

Logan checked Fluttershy's pulse, it was there at least but he still worried for how much longer. "I'll get her to the hospital, you take Rina home."

"What about Sabretooth?" Laura said, gesturing to the villain. "We can't just leave him here."

"Right, think you can take Fluttershy as well then?" Logan asked.

"Uh, I can carry both if you want," Laura said. "But what if he wakes up, think you can handle him alone?"

"I have fer a few decades," Logan said. "A few more minutes wouldn't hurt."

"Oh, yes...it would," Sabretooth said, slowly starting to stand, much to the disbelief of Logan and Laura. "I will make it hurt, and then you'll-"

Suddenly another blast came Sabretooth's direction, knocking him against a wall. Soon some royal guards had the beast surrounded, with Scott Lang by their side.

"You ain't going nowhere pal!" Scott boasted.

"Ant Man? Where did he come from?" Laura asked. "And who attacked Sabretooth?"

"Twilight," Logan said, gesturing to the Princess of Friendship, who was descending before them.

"I'm so glad I got here in time," Twilight said, then noticed Fluttershy. Seeing her friend hurt did bring out a great deal of worry, "Did I speak to soon!?" She immediately checked on her friend, wanting to see if she was even alive. "Fluttershy!?"

"She's fine," Logan reassured. "She just took one hell of a bump to the head, we just need to get her to the hospital."

"I'll take care of that personally," Twilight said, using her magic to lift Fluttershy. "What about you and Laura? Are you two feeling alright after this?"

"You know us Twilight, we'll heal," Logan reassured.

"Yes, your physical wounds will heal," Twilight placed Fluttershy gently on her back. "But I'm more concerned about your emotional state."

"...I just care that Fluttershy's safe," Logan said, then felt a nudge against him. It was Rina, who desperately wanted her father's attention. Of course Logan wouldn't turn his baby girl down, he lifted her up and held her in his forelegs. "And Rina too. I can take a beating, but nothing would heal the pain on losing my little girl."

"Daddy," Rina nuzzled against her father, Logan gently rubbing her hair, very relieved she's safe and unhurt. He could never forgive himself if he allowed even the slightest injury.

"Well, as long as you're gonna be alright Logan, as long as both of you are," Twilight said.

"Don't worry about us right now, just make sure Fluttershy's safe," Laura stated. "The safety of Fluttershy, Rina and Lightning Dust are all that matter to me." Twilight didn't seem too fond of that answer and was seen gesturing her eyes toward Logan. It took a moment but Laura got the hint, groaning in annoyance. "Ugh, and Logan too."

"You don't have to feel obligated to worry about me Laura, I'm more worried about the four of you than myself anyway," Logan said.

That also didn't please Twilight, "Logan, I know you care about others and you want to put their safety first, but part of loving your family is by taking care of yourself. You may not care if you get hurt, but they will. Please take that under consideration when you're being a hero." Fluttershy groaned in pain, Twilight realizing she shouldn't dawdle too long and immediately took off, "We'll talk more later at the Hospital."

As Twilight flew away, Scott took the moment to approach the Howlett Family, "Sabretoth is being transported to Canterlot, where Celestia will decide what to do with him."

"There should be more in town," Logan said. "Three others in fact."

"Some guards are there too, Johnny caught our attention and told us about the remaining three," Scott said. "Though one I'm surprised she was even alive since...well, I thought you needed your head."

"If she reattaches, can I do it again?" Laura asked, grinning deviously.

"Once is enough," Logan said. "Let's just get back into town, I'm worried about Fluttershy."

"And I'm worried about Lightning Dust," Laura said. "And the Apple Family."

"Oh right," Logan remembered that Apple Bloom told him about Sabretooth attacking the farm. He hoped it was nothing serious, for them to die because of his enemy was not a guilt Logan wanted, not again at least.

"Speaking of Apples, I hope Gambit's still alive," Laura said. "He took a really bad attack."

"He's tough, I think he'll be fine," Logan said, again mostly hoping, but he does have faith in Gambit, he's come back from tough scrapes before.

Time passed by, all the villains had been apprehended by the guards and taken to Canterlot Castle. Anyone injured had been admitted to Ponyville Hospital, given the stakes, Canterlot doctors were sent over, even Capcom doctor Rebecca Chambers. There were many injuries, fortunately none of them fatal, a miracle in Logan's eyes.

Fluttershy would be fine, though the doctors deduced that she had a hairline fracture in her skull and would need to take it easy for a few days. Remy would also need to take some time to recover due to the deep gashes in his back.

Logan sat in the same room as the two alongside Laura, Applejack and Apple Bloom. Big Macintosh was also in the room, joined by Cherilee while the young ones were waiting with Granny Smith in the lobby. The farmer pony was doing fine, though his injury was quite painful to him, he's not as used to the battle injuries as the others in the room.

"How is your shoulder?" Cherilee asked. "Does it hurt a lot?"

"Eeyup," Big Macintosh replied.

"You're so brave, if I were in that bed I'd be so worried," Cherilee said. "But at least you kept me safe."

"Of course," Big Macintosh said.

"You're a tough dude Big Mac!" Laura called from across the room.

"That he is," Cherilee said. "Brave too."

"I'm just glad yer not hurt, when Sabretooth showed up at the farm..." Big Mac didn't want to think of the repercussions.

"Let's be thankful most injuries were minimal," Cherilee said.

"Sorry my enemies caused this much trouble," Logan said. "I never thought they'd find me here."

"Don't worry about it, not like you called them over," Applejack said. "Wouldn't be the first time villains came here looking fer one of yall. Peter's had a bunch of villains show up after all."

"That's how you came to this world Logan," Apple Bloom said. "Back when Wesker and his pals came after Peter you and Johnny came to save him and then you became our friends."

"Wouldn't be the first time I've had to save Parker," Logan said. "But this is starting to get a bit out of hand, all these villains showing up and causing this much chaos. Speaking of chaos I think I know who might be behind this."

"Discord?" Applejack said. "Would he really want to get mixed up with these villains though? Last time it nearly resulted in all his magic getting drained. Ah don't think he'd want that."

"Something about that guy strikes me as strange though," Logan said, bringing out his claws. "Still, I gotta find that guy soon, I'll hunt him down myself if I have to. No way these villains are getting here without help."

"Just don't do anything too reckless," Applejack said.

"Telling Logan not to be reckless is like telling a baby not to cry," Laura joked.

Logan was bemused by the comment, "Cute..."

"Logan," Fluttershy weakly said, getting her husband's attention.

"Need something darling?" Logan asked.

"I know you're prideful, and I know you want to help," Fluttershy began. "But remember, you're not alone, I want to be able to help you."

"You already got hurt once Fluttershy, just let me handle this part," Logan said.

"If you're worried about me getting hurt, then train me," Fluttershy said. "Train me...to fight. I want to fight like you can."

"Huh?" Logan was a bit surprised, Fluttershy has always been the most pacifistic of her friends, always preferring not to fight unless absolutely necessary. "You sure you want that?"

"I do," Fluttershy confirmed. "I know I'm not really that strong, and sometimes I get in the way. If I can at least learn some basics, maybe I can be more help. Teach me to fight Logan."

"That sounds fun," Laura said. "We should totally do it."

"I don't know," Logan said. "Applejack, you've known Fluttershy longer than me, you think she can handle it?"

"No, not really," Applejack said, much to Fluttershy's annoyance. "But if she really wants this, no harm in trying."

"Hell yeah, I'll help too," Laura said. "Maybe we can even bring in Elektra."

"Huh? What for?" Logan asked.

"I always thought Fluttershy would look badass uses Sais," Laura said.

Logan shook his head, "Out of the question, if you and Lightning Dust want to help, that's fine, but let's leave it at just us."

"Fine, have it your way," Laura said. "Still, she could use a pair of blades since she can't grow them."

"Talk about it later," Logan said. "Last time I'll say it."

"I can teach her to use a staff," Remy offered.

"No weapons!" Logan shouted. "Start with the basics."

"Dude don't shout, you're gonna give Fluttershy a headache," Laura said.

Logan groaned in annoyance, at least things are back to normal if everyone can be annoying again. "I hope you know what you're doing with this idea Fluttershy."

"Have faith in me Logan," Fluttershy said. "I got this under control."

"Can I be taught to use a staff?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Apple Bloom, don't you have to go see Rumble?" Applejack asked.

"Oh right, ah think he's ready to be seen now, he's sharing a room with Silversteam," Apple Bloom said, making her way out of the room. "Feel better Fluttershy, you too Remy, and you Big Mac!"

"See ya Apple Bloom!" Remy called.

"Mind that boy!" Big Macintosh warned.

"Big Mac..." Cherilee said, a little surprised.

"Sorry, something about that boy seems strange to me these days," Big Macintosh said.

"You worry too much, Rumble's a nice boy," Cherilee said, even if she had her own worries. "Maybe a little rambunctious but his heart's in the right place."

Big Macintosh still had some doubts, he'll be keeping a close eye on that boy, and if he did anything disgraceful to his little sister, then he'll understand the wrath of a protective older brother.

Moments later, Lightning Dust came into the room, her hindleg properly bandaged, along with a foreleg, and she felt so much better, "Sup everypony?"

"Hey Dust, surprised to see you up and about already," Laura said.

"It was just a bullet wound, and a scratch I got at the farm," Lightning Dust said. "I've had worse, I mean Peter did break my wing a few years ago."

"Oh yeah, they you were traumatized by the mere sight of him for a few months," Laura said.

"Yeah let's not talk about that," Lightning Dust suggested, not proud of those moments. "By the way, I overheard from Pinkie Pie that Limestone was coming with Marble."

"Wait really?" Laura asked.

"Yeah, apparently since Pinkie's going into labor soon, all her sisters are gonna stay with her at Sugarcube Corner," Lightning Dust said. "So you get to spend more time with your mare."

"That would be nice," Laura said. "You won't get jealous though, will you?"

"I got my own mare I'm after, so while you two catch up, I'll be wooing Trixie," Lightning Dust said. "I could start now since she should be in the Hospital as well, apparently she's going through 'shock' from being attacked by Omega Red."

"Drama queen," Logan muttered.

Laura glanced briefly at Logan, smirking to herself and turned back to Lightning Dust, "Well good luck on that, especially since you might have competition in Scott Lang."

"Uh, excuse me?" Lightning Dust said. "There's nothing going on between them, Trixie says they're just friends."

"For now, but he spends more time with her than you do, better watch out," Laura warned.

"Laura, I am very much positive that it's nothing, you're worrying about nothing," Lightning Dust said, though started to worry. "But maybe I'll go check on Trixie anyway, just to be safe."

"Sure, have fun," Laura said as Lightning Dust left the room. "Poor girl."

"Hey, ease up, don't want her heart broken," Logan said.

"Don't worry, if that happens I'll be there for her, because I love her and that's what friends do," Laura said. "It'll all be fine."

In Silversteam's room, she was surrounded by her friends and classmates, while Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Cozy Glow checked on Rumble.

"Stupid Sabretooth," Rumble muttered, checking on his scratch. "Stupid Zero guy." Rumble checked on his wing. "Stupid villains!"

"Want me to kiss it and make it better?" Cozy Glow asked.

"Cozy, that's Apple Bloom's job," Sweetie Belle joked. "Lucky filly."

"You're a tough kid Rumble, seeing that you've been taking on villains lately," Scootaloo said. "Even if you do seem to get hurt."

"At least I got the guts to try," Rumble said.

"Yeah! Guts!" Silverstream called. "We got guts Rumble!"

"Yeah..." Rumble said, not sure what to make of her peppiness. "Guess I should be glad I'm alive."

"I'm weally glad you're alive," Cozy Glow said, batting her eyes at Rumble. "That Sabretooth guy was scary. Luckily my best friend Ocellus saved me."

"It's nothing Cozy Glow, really," Ocellus insisted.

"Oh it's everything, if I died, I would never get to see Rumble again, or Peter, or any of my friends," Cozy Glow said. "Including you!"

"She's adorable," Silversteam said. "You made quite a good friend Ocellus."

"She's a bit too...cutesy though," Gallus said.

"Yeah, not a fan of cutesy," Smolder added.

"Don't be sourpusses," Silversteam said. "Cozy Glow's just a bit excited right now, plus her cuteness is what makes her so likable."

"Yeah, she is cute I admit," Ocellus said, much to Cozy's appreciation. "By the way, how's your wing?"

"Oh it's doing much better," Silverstream said, extending it. "I wasn't that hurt from it, the doctor's said it's most of a scratch and I should be fine in a couple of days."

"That's a relief," Ocellus said.

"I'm just hoping my family won't find out, they'll pull me back to Mount Aris if they did," Silverstream said.

"Oh right, King Thorax would be worried about me too since I actually tried fighting one of those villains off," Ocellus said.

"But you saved somepony's life, so he shouldn't be too mad," Silverstream said.

"You don't know how protective he is of us," Ocellus said. "My father got injured in a villain attack, he doesn't want that happening to me as well, he takes his role as protector seriously."

"Wasn't your dad attacked before King Thorax took over?" Gallus asked.

"It was still a bad moment for him, I mean someone did target Queen Chrysalis and all the Changelings present, he's still worried that rebel group is gonna return," Ocellus said.

"Well if they do, we'll be more prepared," Silverstream said. At that moment a new visitor had arrived. "Hey Apple Bloom!"

"Oh, hi Silversteam, glad yer doing better," Apple Bloom said.

"Hi Apple Bloom, yeah I totally lucked out," Silverstream said.

"Apple Bloom!" Rumble said, getting her attention. "It's a relief that you're safe."

"Thanks to you," Apple Bloom said, going to Rumble's side. "Ah was worried about you."

"Hey I spent three months living with Peter and Twilight, their heroic nature was absorbed into my very being," Rumble said.

"That's...not how it works dude," Scootaloo said.

"Oh hush, you once tried absorbing Peter's power through 'Osmosis'," Apple Bloom said.

"Hey I was a kid when I tried that, give me a break!" Scootaloo said.

Cozy Glow started giggling, "You're so funny Scootaloo."

"Wasn't trying to be funny," Scootaloo said.

Ocellus walked over to Cozy Glow, patting her back a moment, "Why don't you give Rumble and Apple Bloom some privacy?"

"Aw, alright, if you say so best friend," Cozy Glow said, then turned back to Rumble. "Don't forget about me."

"I won't...you're not that far away," Rumble said.

"Let's go Sweetie Belle," Scootaloo said, the three fillies and Ocellus giving some room for Apple Bloom and Rumble.

"So, we're alone, what do you want to-" Rumble's question was interrupted by a kiss from Apple Bloom, not that he minded of course.

"That's fer saving me, and I'm sorry," Apple Bloom said.

"For what?" Rumble asked.

"Well, we were arguing before this happened, made me realize that those words could have been the last thing between us," Apple Bloom said. "Ah don't want to take that risk again."

"Hey couples have spats, nothing to worry about," Rumble said.

"Ah just wish you'd tone down yer antics, you act kind of...well, jock-ish sometimes," Apple Bloom said.

"Well it kind of runs in the family," Rumble said. "My brother is a bit of a jock."

"He also rebelled against Equestria because he hated Peter," Apple Bloom said.

"He doesn't hate Peter, he just doesn't like him much," Rumble said. "Not sure why, Peter's pretty awesome, and after today Logan has some points for fending off a monster like that. Oh, and Remy too, he took an injury and was still willing to fight."

"Just try to tone it down, and don't' get so jealous when ah talk about Tender Taps," Apple Bloom said. "Nothing's happening between us."

"Well, I do want to believe you, I mean you are trying to be like your sister, and she's the most Honest Pony in probably all of Equestria," Rumble said. "But can you blame me for getting a bit jealous? You're a pretty filly that most colts would be after, I gotta make sure they know you're mine."

"Just let me handle that, alright?" Apple Bloom said.

"Alright, I'll trust you then," Rumble replied, hoping for the best.

Later at Celestia's castle, Peter, Twilight and Logan had granted an audience with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, the two sisters wanting an update on what happened. Tony Stark happened to be there as well, along with Sunset Shimmer.

"First, I wish to thank you all for capturing these villains so swiftly," Celestia said. "Of course I am concerned as to how they got into this world in the first place, nonetheless what matters is that they're under out custody."

"Be careful with Sabretooth, he's a hard guy to keep locked up," Logan warned.

"Do not worry, I have plans for him," Celestia said. "I did try getting answers out of him but he was not being cooperative. Fortunately his ally, the one who calls himself Zero, did give us something to go off, saying something about Discord and a woman who can change shape."

"Must be talking about Mystique," Logan deduced. "So she probably helped them into this world with that Discord guy's help." Logan focused on Celestia, "With your permission, I want to track down Discord and gets answers from him."

"I will not stop you, but he is a very tricky being to find," Celestia said. "Even my sister and I struggle with keeping tabs, especially since he can shift through dimensions."

"I can help," Sunset said. "If I can access more dimensions then-"

"I'd rather not do that just yet," Celestia said.

"But how can we find him if we don't!?" Sunset asked.

"The less dimensions active, the less Discord or whoever else is behind this can pull from," Celestia said.

"But what if Discord can pull from other Dimensions!?" Sunset asked. "Capcom has access to other dimensions, and Discord can access their world! What if-"

"Actually, and sorry to interrupt, but you just gave me an idea," Stark said. "Celestia doesn't want more portals open here, but if you can talk to Chun-Li then you can explore through the Capcom Dimension. I mean I think she mentioned that she's looking into things in her end, maybe this can be that much more of a potential lead. Explore through her dimension, that way you can access even more worlds without linking them here."

"That is a brilliant plan Tony," Celestia said. "Sunset Shimmer, you have my permission to go through with that idea, if Chun-Li is willing to assist."

"She should be," a voice said. Ryu had made his presence known, joined by Cloud Strife.

"What are you two doing here?" Luna asked.

"Forgive our presence, I was just concerned when I heard that one of Wolverine's old enemies Sabretooth had come," Ryu said.

"I was already here, Sunset wanted to study some more Materia," Cloud said. "And I came to get back some she was done with."

"To think you can summon God-Like beings from them," Sunset said, levitating a couple. "There you go Cloud."

"Thanks," Cloud said, taking the Materia. "Wolverine, I'm sorry to hear that an enemy of yours showed up and nearly destroyed the life you were trying to make here."

"Same, no man should have to suffer through that," Ryu said. "Your family is unharmed?"

"My wife took a blow to the head but she's gonna recover, our daughter's fine too," Logan said. "Laura and Lightning Dust are also doing fine, Laura's got my healing and Lightning Dust is all patched up from her injuries."

"That's good to know," Ryu said. "To have your nemesis hunt you down like that though, I know that feeling."

"You mean Akuma?" Logan asked, Ryu nodding in confirmation. "He still wants that battle to the death?"

"Right now he still wants me to get a bit stronger, and fully master the Anatsuken ," Ryu said, checking his fists. "He hopes I can use it to it's full potential."

"Is it hard to reach that potential?" Twilight asked.

"In a way, see this fighting style was originally meant for killing, but I mastered it in a way so that I wouldn't have to take a life," Ryu said. "Akuma however uses it to it's fullest extent, having used it to kill his sensei upon mastering it, then he used that same technique against his brother, who happened to be my sensei. He intends to use it against me, but I will not fall to him. My only worry is that the only way I can stop him, is if I have to kill him myself. I'd rather not take that route but..."

"It ain't easy," Logan said. "Yer an honorable man Ryu, I know whatever path you take is an honorable one."

"Thank you Logan," Ryu said, bowing to his old rival. "May both of us overcome our struggles."

Sunset walked over, patting Ryu on the back, "If you need help, we're here for you as well."

"I'm aware, I won't drag anyone into my problems but...having friends is reassuring nonetheless," Ryu said.

"I...have an idea of what you're both feeling," Cloud said.

"You do?" Sunset asked.

"To have an enemy who's sole purpose is to torment you at every turn," Cloud trailed off a bit. "Enemies who refuse to stay as just a memory."

"Is this about that Sephiroth guy?" Sunset asked. Cloud's grimace seemed to answer her question. Not wanting to bring up too many painful memories, she decided to leave it at that. "I guess everyone has that stubborn enemy of theirs."

"I wonder how many of my enemies think that of me?" Peter wondered. "Since I always show up to thwart them."

"Well you had six guys show up in Equestria to do damage, one even escaping and trying again," Logan said.

"Talking about Mysterio right? Whatever happened to him again?" Peter asked.

"I took care of it, no need to worry," Celestia said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to carry out some punishments for our invaders. Sunset you may contact Chun-Li and see if you can assist her in any way."

"Chun-Li has a head start, having more of your help would be greatly beneficial," Ryu said.

"My friends can help too, especially Tifa, she's quite fond of this world," Cloud said.

"Sounds great, come on boys," Sunset said, heading towards a Capcom portal with Ryu and Cloud right behind her.

Celestia focused back on Logan, "Thank you for your help, I'm sorry this happened to you and your family. It would be disheartening if we lost any of you."

"If you truly want to find Discord, well I can assist you as well," Luna said. "Anything to prevent more potential tragedy."

"Thanks, I'll keep that in mind," Logan said, then began making his way out the castle.

"We should go too, Mayday's in the other room with Franklin, we'll grab her and go," Twilight said. "Plus I want to see if there's any damage that can be cleaned up."

"And check on everyone who got hurt," Peter said, then turned to the Princesses and Tony. "Bye everyone."

"See ya kid," Tony said. Just as Peter and Twilight left, he turned his attention to the Princesses. "So what now?"

"Like I said, I have some punishments to carry out," Celestia said. "Tony, I suggest you hurry with those Accords of yours, I may have given you a deadline but if things get too bad, I will have no choice but to leave it null and void."

"You got it," Stark said, somewhat worried that his plans may go down the drain too fast.

As Celestia left the room, Luna turned her attention to Tony. "Is this plan of yours even gonna work?"

"Of course it will, it has to," Stark said. "For the happiness of everyone. I can keep my business running, my hero buddies can stay here with their families, my other hero buddies can keep visiting, no one has to stay away from Equestria and we can have access to more worlds, they have some impressive technology, Sunset let me see the Materia from that Square world and boy is it some pretty impressive stuff. I might have a few of them attached to my suit of armor."

"If you say so, but I do have my worries," Luna said.

"It's natural I guess, but I'm giving you my Tony Stark guarantee that things are gonna turn out A-OK," Stark insisted. "Now, I gotta meet up with Reed and discuss more plans."

"Very well, try not to work too hard though, you seem to pull a few all-nighters," Luna said.

"You're one to talk," Stark joked. "Isn't your job an all-nighter?"

"Yes, and I know how stressful it can be, not that I would trade it away, I do enjoy watching over the night, and seeing the dreams of ponies, including the foals," Luna said.

"Like Mayday?" Stark asked.

"She has some interesting dreams, including ones where she has your suit of armor," Luna said. "My guess is she wants to build one."

"That kid and her love of techs, she's got potential though," Stark said. "Thank God she was here during Sabretooth's attack, even if she was bored. Poor Franklin, couldn't even get her attention."

"I noticed that as well, seems like a nice boy, its a shame Mayday won't befriend him," Luna said. "Maybe I can help with that."

"That'd be great, get them close together and you'll have two happy foals," Stark said. "Plus suppose something blooms with them? Something romantic."

Luna giggled a bit, "Love may be Cadance's forte but I won't oppose to seeing Mayday experience the joy of romance. Perhaps that can be my calling, I may have failed for myself, but if I can help a child so dear to me, then all will feel right."

"Exactly, she's like a daughter to you, so be a second mother to her, just like your sister is a second mother to Twilight," Stark said.

"You're correct!" Luna said. "I shall help her, thank you Tony."

As Luna quickly made her way out the room to make plans, Stark had brought out his notepad and started jotting down, "Mayday and Franklin are the two brightest kids I know, they have so much potential. If they can come together, the future may look bright as far as scientific and technological advancements go. If Luna can pull that off, the heights those two would achieve would be astronomical. If that happens, I just might hire them myself someday, and let them take care of the company until my own kid is ready to inherit it."

On the train back home, Peter and Twilight are waiting patiently while Mayday continued working on a gizmo she had brought with her.

"So, what do you think's gonna happen with Sabretooth?" Peter asked. "Think it has to do with The Elements of Harmony?"

"I'm not sure, I was surprised when Celestia asked me to bring them," Twilight said. "Scott really had her worried when he mentioned how dangerous he was."

"Maybe she'll turn him into stone or something," Peter theorized. "Imagine that, Sabretooth as a statue."

"Yeah...not a pleasant looking one though," Twilight added.

Meanwhile Celestia had entered the courtyard where the guards along with Scott and Cap were keeping a close watch on the Weapon X villains. "I'll take it from here."

"Stand aside everyone!" Cap ordered, the soldiers obeying.

Celestia stood before Sabretooth, glaring down at him, "I'll offer you one more chance to talk, why did Discord send you? And what does Mystique want?"

"Got her name huh?" Sabretooth asked. "Honestly, there ain't much I can tell you. She asked me to do something, and I did, mostly to get revenge on Logan."

"All this over revenge? All that damage you caused was for some petty grudge?" Celestia asked.

"Yeah, pretty much," Sabretooth said. "And if given the chance, I would do it all again."

Celestia shook her head as the Elements of Harmony surrounded her, "I will not allow that." In a quick flash, she sent a beam at Sabretooth, lifting him into the air as electricity zapped around him and in an instant, he was sent right into the sun, much to the surprise of his teammates.

"What did...what the hell did she do!?" Agent Zero asked.

"The same that will happen to all of you if you don't tell me what I want to know!" Celestia demanded. "What are Discord and Mystique planning!?"

Cap looked a bit weirded out, to see Celestia using the Elements for something so harsh, while he's heard tale of her using them to trap Discord in Stone and send Luna to the Moon, to see her use them right before him was a shock, especially since it seemed to wear her out a bit. She really wasn't happy right now, he could only hope whatever Tony had planned would work out, these villain invasions are starting to get to Celestia, he does not want to see her acting this way. This isn't the Princess he's grown to deeply care about.

"So I was under the impression that only Twilight and her friends can use those things now," Scott said.

"Scott, read the room!" Cap said.

Scott looked around, "But we're outsi-" Celestia's glare was enough to get him to stop talking. "Never mind!"

Cap shook his head in annoyance, his worries remaining however.

Back on Earth, Mystique had been alerted to Sabretooth's failure, the mutant of course quite bothered by this. "I can't believe it, Sabretooth calls himself better than Wolverine yet he and his team couldn't get the job done. I knew it was a mistake asking him."

"Well he put up a good fight, but he was outmatched by Wolverine and his family," Discord said.

"Guess it's back to square one for me," Mystique said.

"Remember, there is room for you in my group," Discord suggested. "Nothing wrong with more Shapeshifters, and you seem to have talents beyond that."

"I'll think about it, I'm not too eager to trust another team right now," Mystique said. "If only I had Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver on my side, bratty as they can be, their powers do have their uses."

"I mean, they're off wandering Equestria, maybe I can take you to them and see if you can convince them," Discord said. "Of course, they may not want to side against Twilight, especially after Magneto put Toad in that coma, but it's worth a try if you want."

"I doubt it, something tells me they're done listening to the proper authority," Mystique said. "I'll consider your offer but I have other contacts, not just in this world either."

"Ooh, interesting," Discord said. "I'd love to hear more about it."

"I bet you would," Mystique said, getting ready to set off. "I'm going, what will you do?"

"I have another world to check on," Discord said. "I'm finally ready to unleash that plan I've been working on for quite some time, be sure to check it out, it's sure to be quite the spectacle."

Discord disappeared into the portal, leaving Mystique to her own nefarious plans.

The following day, Fluttershy had returned home, her injury preventing her from doing any lessons at school, Logan offering to substitute for her. It wasn't his best subject but he still tried his best, channeling what he believed his wife would say about being kind.

The students could barely focus, all of them too worried about Fluttershy, but that just gave Logan an idea.

After school, as Fluttershy was trying to check on her critters, despite protests from Laura and Lightning Dust, both of them wanting her to rest, Logan had come home, getting her attention.

"Hey, Fluttershy," the mare turned to her husband and noticed a bunch of students with her. "Got a surprise fer ya."

"Oh my," Fluttershy made her way over. "What a pleasant surprise."

Ocellus was the first to approach her, showing off a bouquet of flowers, "We picked these out for you, we thought it'd help make you feel better."

"Aw, thank you so much," Fluttershy said, taking the bouquet. "That was very thoughtful of you."

"Wow those flowers look tasty," Lightning Dust commented.

Laura met her friend with a deadpanned glare, "Are you serious right now?"

Cozy Glow flew over to Fluttershy, showing off a painting of the mare with various animals around her, and some hearts, a piece that the students made and signed, "This is also for you, it's to show how much we love you and want you to get better."

"You're all so sweet!" Fluttershy said, taking the painting. "This is really kind of all of you, thank you."

"You mean a lot to us Professor, we just want you to get well and come back soon," Ocellus said. "Uh, not that we don't like Mr. Logan but..."

"It's fine kid," Logan said. "I may be the best in the world at what I do, but teaching really isn't my strong suit, especially when it comes to Kindness. I'd take my wife any day."

"Oh Logan, you underestimate yourself," Fluttershy said. "You're kind in your own way, that's why I love you."

Logan blushed a little, "Come on now, we got guests."

"We don't mind," Ocellus said. "We think the love between you two is really special. I hope to find someone like that someday."

"I want that too," Cozy Glow said, then muttered. "Just gotta get past one obstacle."

"Well I appreciate what you all did for me, and thank you," Fluttershy said.

"You're welcome Professor," the class said.

"Alright, she's gotta get some rest, all of you get going," Laura said, then turned to Fluttershy. "I'm gonna get them home. You get back and rest your head Fluttershy."

"I'll help with that," Lightning said, going to Laura. "Let's go everyone."

As the two mares led the ponies home, Logan placed his foreleg around the mare. "You're lucky to have so many who love you. Fer good reason too."

"I appreciate them so much," Fluttershy said. "And I appreciate you as well for being such a caring and supportive husband."

"It's the least I can do fer a mare who puts up with me," Logan said.

"Don't say that, you're a great guy, you're tough on the outside, but soft on the inside, like a loaf of bread."

Logan stifled a laugh, he knows she's trying to be sweet but that came out so weird and corny, "Uh, thanks Shy. Gotta say, yer one tough gal. Maybe I will train you, just to help make sure no one messes with ya."

"I look forward to that," Fluttershy said, facing her husband. "I love you Lolo."

"Love you too darling," Logan said, the two leaning in for a kiss.

All that mattered to the couple was being together and being happy with one another. Even though danger may lurk in the future, they would do what any couple would do, be there for each other and their family.

Author's Note:

That ends this chapter and story, but the series will continue. One more short story before the next major arc. See you next year for more. :pinkiesmile:

Comments ( 6 )

Can you do a sephiroth arc?

It's not a good idea for Luna to force two kids to be close

But its obvious she doesn't know that

I really want naruto to meet cloud

I'll definitely consider finding a way to bring Sephiroth into one of the stories since I'm already using stuff from Square and I want it to be more than appearances from the characters. I just have to wait for the perfect moment to bring him in.

Good ending ,though I'm a little jealous that you got to feature Fluttershy dropping an F-bomb before I could. :rainbowlaugh:

At least it happened :ajsmug: Appreciate the support and that it got your seal of approval.

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