• Published 14th Nov 2020
  • 1,401 Views, 23 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Weapon X - Masterob

Wolverine must protect Fluttershy and his family from an old rival.

  • ...

Striking Back

On the way to the cottage, Remy was moving quickly in hopes of catching up with Logan, knowing full well what type of enemy he was up against.

"Of all the villains to come...I mean, maybe not as dangerous as Magneto but Sabretooth ain't someone to mess around with," Remy continued running to the cottage. "Logan's gonna need help, especially if them others in Creed's group make their move."

Back at the cottage, Logan was still staring down his old rival Sabretooth but he had not left Laura's side, the veteran mutant still very much concerned for his daughter figure.

Laura struggled to stand, to which Logan immediately noticed, "Hey easy, you took a lot of damage."

"It's fine, one useful thing I got from you was my healing factor," Laura said, getting back on her hooves, her cuts healing up. "Still, that fucker hits hard."

"Tell me about it," Logan said.

Sabretooth sinisterly approached the two, looking ready for another showdown. "So, Logan, its been a while, I see you've made yourself comfortable in this world."

"How did you get here?" Logan asked.

"Is that how you greet an old friend?" Sabretooth asked. "No 'Hello'? Or wondering how I'm doing?"

With a SNIKT, Logan angrily approached his rival, "I don't have the patience for your bullshit, now answer me before I tear you to pieces!" He then aimed his foreleg, "Well I just might do it anyway, but if you cooperate, I'll at least leave you with one of your eyes."

"Oh Logan, always quick to violence," Sabretooth bared his claws. "One of your admirable traits."

Logan rushed in to stab Sabretooth, his rival sidestepping him and clawing his back, leaving him open enough for Lady Deathstrike to cut Logan across his chest, and Zero to shoot Logan in the head, Omega Red rushing in to grab Logan by the neck and tossed him through the cottage.

"Logan!" Laura rushed in to help but Lady Deathstrike blocked the way. "Stand down if you don't wanna die!"

"You? Kill me? I had no idea you were such a jester," Lady Deathstrike taunted as she ran in with a swipe of her claws, which Laura quickly blocked.

"The only joke is you!" Laura shouted, reeling back and stabbing Lady Deathstrike in her chest. Her opponent responded with a stab on her own through Laura's shoulder, both mares trying to overpower the other, until Laura had grabbed Lady Deathstrike's forelegs and flipped her over, slamming the evil mutant to the ground.

"Back off girly!" Agent Zero shouted, about to shoot Laura when Logan emerged from the cottage and sliced Zero's rifle in half and kicked the sharpshooter away.

Sabretooth rushed in, swiping at Logan, but his opponent's dodging made him a much more difficult target. "Hold still you-"

Laura then impaled her claws into Sabretooth from behind, giving Logan the opening to impale his abdomen. Together they lifted him into the air and tossed him aside, sending him crashing through a fence.

Before they could continue, Omega Red had grabbed both of them by their hind legs and hoisted them up before slamming them down, repeating the process a few times.

"Neither one of you vill be escaping with lives," Omega Red said, getting ready to slam them again. "We will reign supreme!"

"I beg to differ!" Remy shouted, arriving in time to jam the tip of his staff onto Omega Red's temple, and then twirl it in position to whack him aside, causing him to drop Logan and Laura.

"Kind of glad to see ya Gambit, but where did you come from?" Laura asked.

"Aside from living not to far away from here, after hearing what Lightning Dust had to say, I knew one of Logan's old rivals came back, and he didn't come alone," Remy said.

"Appreciate the help Gambit, but I would have preferred if you had went with Applejack to safety," Logan said.

"Come now Logan, you know I would never leave a pal hanging like that," Remy said, twirling his staff a bit more. "Little strength in numbers can't hurt."

"You sure about that?" Sabretooth said, the moment Remy turned around, he took a punch that knocked him back. "Now you!" He hit Laura with an uppercut that knocked her into a tree.

Logan began clawing at Sabretooth, the mutant parrying the strikes and attempting ones of his own. Both seemed almost evenly matched, their years of fighting allowing them to know one another well in terms of combat.

"I'm coming Logan!" Remy rushed in to help but Agent Zero blocked his path, attempting to punch the card dealer but Remy had sidestepped and whacked Zero down with his staff. Unfortunately Omega Red had come over, wrapping his tentacle around Remy's neck and tossing him onto a nearby tree.

"I got ya Gambit!" Laura rushed over to attack Omega Red but was hit from the side with a kick by Lady Deathstrike.

"Have you forgotten me child?" The older woman taunted.

"Hard to forget that hideous face," Laura mocked.

That little comment greatly displeased Lady Deathstrike, bringing out ire from the woman, "You little..." She swiped at Laura again, swiping her hard across the face.

Laura wiped off the blood as her cut started to heal and slashed at Lady Deathstrike, returning the favor with a cut across her face and one upping with a swipe that knocked her off her hooves. Laura jumped to land down a strike, but her opponent dodged last second and rushed in to attack with a kick that knocked the young girl back.

Nearby Omega Red was attacking Remy with his tentacles, trying to slam then on the staff wielding mutant. Remy was quick to dodge but it was getting closer each time, "Gotta knock him off balance!" Remy tossed a card at Omega Red, the man dodging but leaving himself open long enough for Remy to sneak up in an attempt to whack him, but the attack was blocked.

"Nice try," Omega Red punched Remy and tried attacking again but Remy was quick in sending a card to knock him back.

Logan and Sabretooth continued to do battle, both of them clawing aggressively at each other, both taking a lot of cuts, healing almost instantly, but they needed to think of something before either one of them got fatigued.

Zero had recovered from his attack from Gambit and was about to assist again, but suddenly took a kick from out of nowhere. He looked to see that Lightning Dust had returned, "I'm back!"

"It's that winged pony," Agent Zero said.

"I prefer the term Pegasus," Lightning Dust corrected. "I'm here to get you away from my family!"

"I am tired of this place already," Agent Zero said, firing his gun at Lightning Dust, the mare quickly dodging out of the way and flying in for a kick, knocking him back to the ground.

"Well no one asked you to come," Lightning Dust taunted, flying in to attack some more, hitting a few kicks to the Agent and knocking him through a fence.

Looking around quickly, Lightning Dust saw Laura engaged with Lady Deathstrike. Flying in, she swiftly kicked the older woman in the sides, giving Laura an opening for a kick-slash, stunning her again for Lightning to deliver a punch to knock her back.

"Awesome teamwork!" Lightning Dust cheered, hoof bumping Laura. "Now let's keep up the-" Suddenly a bullet went piercing through Lightning Dust's hindleg, causing her to fall, holding her leg in pain. "CRAP!"

"Dust!" Laura shouted in worry, leaving her open stab through her torso from Lady Deathstrike, "I swear you're all a bunch of sneaky cowards!"

"We do what we must to eliminate our targets!" Lady Deathstrike shouted, stabbing through Laura again, the mare coughing up some blood.

"Bitch!" Laura shouted through her blood as she tried to elbow Lady Deathstrike away. The mare got off and rushed back in to stab Laura again.

"It won't be long before you draw your last breath, but fear not, your friends won't be too far behind," Lady Deathstrike said taunted, turning the claws inside the mare.

"Laura!" Remy rushed in to help, though Omega Red attempted to restrain him. "Back Off!" Remy pulled a hoof away and tossed a card at the evil mutant's face, causing him to release his grip. Remy quickly rushed over and whacked Lady Deathstrike in the face with his staff.

"Persistent little pest!" Lady Deathstrike swiped her claws hard, getting Remy across the face, but that didn't deter the card user as he struck back harder, not once but twice across her head, then stuff a card on her body just as he ignited it, blasting her back into the cottage.

"We're really gonna need a new place to stay after all this," Laura lamented, coughing up some more blood.

"You know you have a home with us, we'll get this placed fixed up too," Remy said. "Until then we gotta-"

Logan had been tossed over toward where Remy and Laura were, the two quickly catching him, though both were left open as Sabretooth rushed in and clawed Laura across her torso and face, then turned to Remy with a punch, then a claw to his back, drawing a lot of blood from the Cajun fighter.

"Damn!" Remy fell over, blood seeping out of the gashes on his back.

"Remy!" Laura rushed to attack but took another claw that knocked her to the ground, Sabretooth then stomping hard on her.

"You should learn when to quit you little brat," Sabretooth was about to attack again, but nearby, using whatever strength he could muster, Remy had stopped the attack by charging up another card and hitting Sabretooth with it. The blast was not enough to stun Sabretooth enough for a follow up attack, if anything it just made him a bit angrier. "So you want to die first? Fine by me."

Logan had leapt up and stabbed Sabretooth in the chest with both claws, lifting them upwards to increase the damage and pain. However Sabretooth clawed Logan's head, digging his nails into his rival's skull.

Laura jumped in and clawed Sabretooth's back hard, the mutant yelling out in pain. She continued clawing him, trying hard to bring him down. Omega Red rushed in to stop her but Remy had whacked him with this staff the moment he got too close, then used his cards to knock back Agent Zero and Lady Deathstrike.

Sabretooth had knocked Wolverine back, freeing him from his claws and turned to attack Laura, but Remy sent three charged cards this time to knock Sabretooth back a bit more. Remy rushed in and started whacking him with his staff, once across the face, one into his abdomen, once under his chin, once again across his face.

"Gonna knock you out for good!" Remy was about to hit a more devastating attack but Sabretooth had clawed him just before contact was made, Remy holding his foreleg in pain as blood dripped down.

Sabretooth was gonna strike again but Logan had begun relentlessly attacking Sabretooth, cutting hard with his claws, and hit a kick that knocked him into the air. Logan jumped and up and struck Sabretooth down hard, knocking him into the forest. Thinking quickly, the villainous mutant began to retreat, wanting his wounds to heal a bit before fighting again.

Logan took a moment to catch his breath after such a relentless onslaught, then turned to Remy, taking note of his friend's injuries, and there were a lot. "Gotta get you some medical help."

"It's nothing, just a scratch, or two, or more," Remy joked as he tried to stand. "I'll be fine Logan."

"You don't look fine, and unlike me, yer injuries don't heal instantly," Logan said. "Gotta get you to safety."

"Our fight ain't over," Remy reminded. "You should finish off Sabretooth while you have the chance, and his buddies aren't gonna stay down for long. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

"He's right about Sabretooth at least," Laura said. "Don't let him get too far away, you don't want him to recover his injuries."

"Even so-" Logan was then grabbed by Omega Red's tentacles but he quickly fought of his predicament out and cut them off. Agent Zero was about to attack but Logan rushed over and punched him across the face as Laura jumped over for a kick.

"Just go after Sabretooth, I can handle the others," Laura said.

Logan was reluctant to leave Laura behind with a couple of injured friends but she knew he had a point, he can't let Sabretooth recover, plus he may just make his way into the village and that would make everything far worse.

Logan rushed to find Sabretooth as Laura stayed behind near a very injured Remy and a somewhat injured Lightning Dust.

"Don't worry, we'll fight together Laura," Lightning Dust reassured. "One bullet wound won't stop me."

"Actually I need you to get Gambit out of here," Laura said, surprising her friend.

"Wait, you want me to leave you behind?" Lightning Dust asked. "Not my style to ditch a comrade."

"Gambit's hurt, pretty badly, if he stays he'll just be a liability," Laura said.

"Hey I resent that," Remy stated. "I ain't that hurt."

"Oh can it, you're barely able to stand and if you keep bleeding like you are you're not gonna last long anyway," Laura said. "Dust, you gotta take Gambit back to his wife, I'll be fine for the moment."

"Oh no, you're friend already escaped once, we're not letting that happen again!" Lady Deathstrike leapt in to strike, though Laura was quick to block.

"Back the fuck away from my friends!" Laura parried the attack and jammed her claws into Lady Deathstrike's sides. "Go, quickly!"

Lightning Dust wasted little time in propping Gambit on her back, ready to take off, "You better not die on me!"

"Have some faith in me, will ya!?" Laura said, going back to attacking Lady Deathstrike.

Lightning Dust began to fly off. Omega Red went to pursue her but this time he couldn't even reach her, Agent Zero also having some trouble with trying to shoot her out the sky. "Great, that's the second time she got away, she's really making us look bad."

"I vill pursue her, this mockery will not be forgiven," Omega Red said, running toward Lightning Dust's direction.

"Crap!" Laura kicked Lady Deathstrike away and went to pursue Omega Red but Agent Zero had blocled her path, firing his guns at Laura as the mare quickly dodged the bullets and did a slice kick, knocking Agent Zero over and cutting his foreleg in the process.

Lady Deathstrike rushed over to strike again, but Laura had blocked, delivering two punches, but the third had been blocked as Lady Deathstrike returned a punch of her own, knocking Laura over.

"You are very much out of your league!" Lady Deathstrike struck down on Laura, the mare quickly rolling out the way, and then immediately dodging some gunshots from Agent Zero. "Zero! Go assist Omega Red!"

"On it!" Agent Zero said, going toward the mutant's direction. Laura turned to where the others were going, a little upset she couldn't stop them. Then again, he was heading into a town with capable heroes, plus the Elements, so not all hope is lost.

Back in town, Big Macintosh was resuming the round up, now with help from Cherilee, along with Apple Bloom and The Crusaders.

"Think that's most of them, we still gotta find the missing animals," Apple Bloom said, counting the chickens she rounded up. "Though considering what Remy said about a monster, ah don't even know if they're still alive."

"Don't think like that Apple Bloom, have some faith," Sweetie Belle said.

"Yeah, Peter went to find Scott Lang and they're gonna track down the monster your animals saw," Scootaloo said.

"Ah hope it's not too dangerous fer him," Apple Bloom said.

"Come on, it's Peter, he's the strongest Superhero in the world," Scootaloo said. "We've had scary monsters here before, like the Negative Zone monster and that creature from Capcom, I bet this is just some random monster from the Everfree Forest."

"Little surprised monsters like that still exist, weren't a bunch of them killed by Capcom villains a few years back?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"You should know, you were with them," Scootaloo said.

"I wasn't with them at the time, and don't talk about that, I still regret so many things," Sweetie Belle said.

"You better, ya put us through a lot of worry," Apple Bloom said. "Never mind that, let's keep rounding up the critters, there were a few sheep we still needed to get."

"I thought you rounded up all the sheep?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"A few wandered off, ah didn't realize until we got to the farm," Apple Bloom said. "Let's bring back the last of these chicken so we can go."

"Think somepony beat you to it," Scootaloo said, taking note of some oncoming sheep, who were being escorted by Rumble holding some treats over their heads as he flew backwards to the girls.

"This way little sheep, back to your flock," Rumble said, nearing the Crusaders. "Sup ladies? You're all looking pretty today."

"Oh you tease," Sweetie Belle said with a blush.

Apple Bloom looked a bit jealous but she knew Rumble was mostly just messing around, "Hey Rumble, got the animals fer me?"

"You know it, but not without help," Rumble gestured to one sheep that transformed into Ocellus.

"Hi girls," The Changeling greeted.

"Ocellus, didn't expect you to be here," Apple Bloom said.

"Me and Silverstream were taking a stroll near the school when we noticed the commotion, she went to find Rumble since she knew he'd want to help and I just blended in," Ocellus said.

"Neat, say where is Silverstream then?" Apple Bloom asked.

"She went to see if she could spot any other animals," Rumble said.

"Well ah greatly appreciate the help," Apple Bloom said.

"It's no trouble, maybe Fluttershy's Kindness Lesson is rubbing off on me even more," Ocellus said. "Though today's lesson was more about being assertive in your Kindness."

"Well that works well fer animals, sometimes being nice and sweet ain't enough, gotta get a little tough," Apple Bloom said.

"Don't let others walk all over you, something I've had to learn myself," Rumble said. "Well come on, let's get these creatures back to the barn."

"Thanks Rumble, yer such a dear," Apple Bloom said.

Rumble flew overhead, grinning down on his marefriend, "I think we both know a better way of thanking me."

Apple Bloom playfully rolled her eyes and kissed Rumble on the cheek, "Let's leave it at that few now."

Rumble seemed a bit disappointed, he wanted a bit more but he'll worry about that later. He's ready for a bite out of this Apple, and he'll get it soon, "Alright, let's hurry."

The Crusaders, Rumble and Ocellus continued to lead the animals back into the barn. Nearby Cozy Glow had noticed everything, and she did not look happy.

"Cozy Glow?" Applejack said, making her way over with a very worried Fluttershy, little Rina on her back. "Ain't you suppose to be with Trixie?"

"Oh, um...we got separated because a bunch of chickens came and spooked her," Cozy Glow said.

"That right?" Applejack asked, almost finding that hard to believe. "Well you shouldn't be here, Peter thinks it's dangerous and he may be right."

"Golly, what's wrong?" Cozy Glow asked.

"Lightning Dust told us about some monster attacking Fluttershy's cottage, and mah husband thinks it's an old enemy of Logan's," Applejack said.

"Oh, is that why Professor Fluttershy looks so sad?" Cozy Glow asked.

"I'm worried about my critters, along with Logan and Laura, plus Lightning Dust went to help, along with Gambit," Fluttershy said. "We were trying to find Peter so he can help stop this villain, but he's hard to track down when he's on the move."

"Kind of want to go there mahself but ah gotta keep Fluttershy and her little filly safe. Now, you need come with us Cozy Glow," Applejack said.

"Uh, alright," Cozy Glow said, still somewhat eyeing the direction Rumble and the others went. At least she can keep a further eye on them if she's on the farm.

The group started making their way toward the farm, but it wasn't long before Lightning Dust had caught up with them, "Hey! Applejack! Fluttershy!"

"Lightning Dust?" Fluttershy turned to see the mare coming, but she wasn't alone. "Oh my! What happened!?"

"What happened with what?" Applejack had noticed the stallion on Lightning Dust's back, and she noticed what bad shape he was in. "REMY!" She quickly rushed over the moment Lightning Dust had landed, immediately checking on her husband "Remy! What happened!? Who did this to ya!?"

"It's like we feared cherrie," Remy said. "Sabretooth is in Equestria, and he ain't alone. Me, Logan, Laura and Lightning all tried fighting him off but he's one strong guy."

"It was so weird, his friends are all ponies but Sabretooth is like something else, he looks like a giant cat but with long sharp teeth and sharp claws," Lightning Dust said. "He was the one who attacked your farm, he tried doing the same to Fluttershy's cottage!"

"There really is a monster!?" Cozy Glow asked in worry. "But Spider-Mane will stop him, right?"

"Wolverine is trying to stop him right now, so is Laura" Lightning Dust reassured. "Gambit here tried his best in the fight, obviously it's how he ended up like this."

"Give him here." Applejack gently assisted Remy off of Lightning Dust's back, the Pegasus helping place Remy on her own back. "I'm gonna take you back home and get you patched up."

"What would I do without you my sweet?" Remy asked.

"That's what I'm asking mahself, I ain't gonna let you die on me, we still got a baby on the way," Applejack said, trotting back to her farm with Cozy Glow by her side, quickly but gently as she focused on Lightning Dust and Fluttershy. "I'll leave the rest to the two of you."

"We won't let you down," Lightning Dust said, saluting the mare.

Fluttershy couldn't help but notice that Lightning Dust had an injury of her own, "Oh no, your hind leg."

"Huh?" Lightning looked to her wound. "It's nothing, one of the guys shot my leg."

"You need that treated before you can go on," Fluttershy said.

"Hey come on, I've had worse," Lightning Dust insisted.

"That doesn't mean you neglect your health," Fluttershy said. "You should go with Applejack, take Rina with you. I need to go find Peter."

"You want me to leave you by yourself?" Lightning Dust asked. "Logan would go ballistic if I did that!"

"He won't, I won't allow that," Fluttershy said and she gave Rina to Lightning Dust. "Just do what I ask of you please."

"But...ugh, alright," Lightning Dust took Rina and started to leave, albeit reluctantly. "The moment this gets patched up, I'm going back out there!"

"I know you will," Fluttershy said, looking toward the direction of her cottage. "I know I said I would go find Peter but...I gotta protect my family!" She flew in the direction to home, hoping to provide any type of assistance.

As Fluttershy went back the direction of the forest, Omega Red, along with Agent Zero who were hiding, turned their attention to Applejack and the others. "We attack now."

As Applejack and her group went toward the farm, Omega Red had leapt in front of them, stopping them in their tracks.

"What in tarnation!?" Applejack asked.

"It's two of the guys who were attacking us!" Lightning Dust said.

"You are not going anywhere," Omega Red said, readying his tentacle whips. Just before he could attack, he got hit from behind with a gunshot. He turned and saw another face he disliked almost as much as Logan's. "Wilson..."

From the distance, Deadpool, with Pinkie Pie by his side, had indeed fired at Omega Red. "It's one of those days huh? Can't even foo shop in peace."

"Wade, who is that?" Pinkie Pie asked.

"An old enemy," Deadpool said. "Do me a favor and go home, quickly. This guy's gonna be trouble, and I don't want you or our twins in danger."

Omega Red marched toward them, "Perhaps this is good luck, now I can kill you in addition to Wolverine."

Deadpool turned to Applejack, "All of you! Run! Quickly!"

"You got it!" Applejack said. "Hang on Remy!"

She began to dash off with her friends. Zero tried to stop them but Deadpool had shot the gun out of his hoof. He was going to shot again, but Omega Red had knocked him aside.

"Zero! After Gambit and his allies! I will destroy Wilson!" Omega Red ordered.

Agent Zero grabbed his gun again and pursued Applejack's group as Deadpool got back up. "Not good!" He brought out his swords and ran at Omega Red. "Pinkie! Run! I'll keep him busy!"

Deadpool clashed with Omega Red as Pinkie grabbed the grocery bags and reluctantly left her husband behind. "Kick some butt!"

"Will do!" Deadpool said, clashing again with Omega Red. "Time to settle the score."

"It will be pleasure!" Omega Red shouted, the two heavily engaging in their battle.

In the forest area, Sabretooth is seen moving through rather quickly, still trying to avoid Logan and heal up from his injuries. "Hate to admit this, but that runt's gotten stronger, I don't know if it's because him being a puny little pony helped his skills or I'm just not tapping into my full potential."

"CREED!" Logan's voice echoed through the area.

"Little punk's way too persistent," Sabretooth said. "Just need a little more time, then he along with his little clone are dead, same with that stupid card deal and staff wielding jackass and that other flying pony."

Logan continued to stomp through the forest area, keeping an eye out for Sabretooth, and making sure he wasn't ambushed by a wild animal. He sniffed around, trying to find Sabretooth's scent, the trail of blood left behind also provided some good assistance.

"I know yer around here you bastard!" Logan kept his claws ready. "When I find you, yer dead!"

Sabretooth stayed out of sight a bit more, he just needed another minute to feel at full strength. Though he did nee to find some advantage given the fact that Logan's likely all healed himself, but one came in an unexpected way.

As he slowly left the forest to avoid Logan's gaze, he noticed an oncoming pony, that being Fluttershy. She seemed to be heading in the direction of her cottage. Sabretooth took a guess that she probably lived there, and if his hunch was right, this might be Logan's wife. He figured it was worth taking the chance.

"I'm coming Logan!" Fluttershy shouted, getting closer to her cottage. "You too Laura! Please be safe!" As she ran, Sabretooth blocked her path, Fluttershy immediately stopped as she came face to face with this behemoth. "Wh-who are...? Wait, are you...S-s-s..."

"Sabretooth?" The mutant asked, getting a gulp and nod from the mare. "Why yes I am, I take it you've heard of me."

"Y-you're the one who...who..." Fluttershy swallowed her fears, letting her loving wife side take over as she put on a brave face, "You're the one who's rivals with my husband!"

"So you are Logan's wife, I wasn't sure at first," Sabretooth said. "It's very nice to meet you, yes I am Sabretooth but you can also call me Victor."

"I'll stick with Sabretooth, if you don't mind that is," Fluttershy said, while normally sincere, this time around it came off with a bit of sass.

"Whatever floats your boat," Sabretooth said. "Now I've been having a bit of trouble lately, I just reunited with Logan, someone I would call my little brother, and I thought we could have a nice touching reunion, but he seems to be a bit...unreasonable. Now that is pretty normal for Logan, he's always been prideful and a bit full of himself, but that is part of his charm so to say. I was hoping that perhaps you could help me reason with him."

"How exactly do you want me to do that?" Fluttershy asked, trying to remain calm but her nerves were starting to get the better of her.

"I think I know a way, tell me, how loud do you scream?" Sabretooth asked.

Within moments, Logan could hear the fearful cries of a mare, one he recognized immediately as his heart completely sank, "FLUTTERSHY!"

Back with Sabretooth, the villain had the mare by her mane, lifting her off the ground, looking ready to strike. "Come on now, it can't hurt that badly, can't you use your wings to help you fly."

"Please, stop!" Fluttershy cried. "Why are you doing this!?"

"I have my reasons, though I am currious, if grabbing your mane was enough to hurt you," Sabretooth held out his claws. "How would you react to a little blood?"

"GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER!" Logan rushed out of the forest, a look of death in his eyes as he rushed over and impaled Sabretooth from the side.

The villain quickly elbowed Logan once, knocking him off balance and again to completely knock him back, the hero stumbling a bit. Logan was about to strike again when Sabretooth held Fluttershy in front of him like a shield, holding his claws to her neck. "I don't think so."

"Fucking coward! Put my wife down right now!" Logan shouted, looking moments away from brutalizing the beast.

"But we were just having a nice conversation, honestly Logan , getting married again?" Sabretooth asked. "I'm a bit surprised at you, I mean after Silverfox I thought it finally clicked with you that you and love can't coexist."

"Huh? Silverfox?" Fluttershy asked.

"You never told her? What a shame," Sabretooth asked. "You really did your best to put her behind you."

"Do NOT bring Silverfox into this! Especially after what YOU did to her! What you've always done every time I was near a girl!" Logan shouted.

"Why even put yourself through that Logan? What are you hoping to accomplish?" Sabretooth asked. "I mean, when you married this girl, did you really not think that she wouldn't suffer the same fate? Did you really think hiding in some fantasy looking world would help you?"

"I didn't come here to hide, I came for a fresh start, and the last thing I need is you coming back into my life and threatening those that I love!" Logan said.

"Lot of good that did you, isn't that right little wife girl?" Sabretooth asked.

"Don't call me that!" Fluttershy said, then felt her mane tighten as Sabretooth pressed her claws against her neck.

"I suggest you watch your tone, or you're going to end up like the last girl Logan loved," Sabretooth warned. "Of course, it might just happen anyway, but I'll try to make it quick."

"Put, my wife, down..." Logan was really beginning to lose his patience after seeing his wife in any type of pain.

"Why don't you make me?" Sabretooth taunted, beginning to cut the side of Fluttershy's neck.

Logan was starting to really lose his temper, and in an instant he lunged in to attack, hoping to serve around and find an opening to attack Sabretooth, but at the last second the mutant had tossed Fluttershy aside and aggressively slashed Logan across the chest and punched him down.

"Logan!" Fluttershy shouted in worry.

"Stay back!" Logan warned, not wanting his wife to get hurt. He rushed in to attack some more but Sabretooth had grabbed his hoof and punched him hard in the stomach, and once across the face, then lifted him up for a massive headbutt.

"Please stop!" Fluttershy begged. "There's no need for this!"

"I have to disagree," Sabretooth said, kicking Logan back. "This has been a long time coming." Sabretooth again punched Logan, knocking him back to the floor.

That didn't stop Logan from getting back up and trying again but Sabretooth had dodged his attacks and attacked Logan again hard, getting him across the jaw with a vicious blow.

Logan spat some blood out, glaring at his rival. "I'm not dead yet." He tried attacking again, managing to get a large cut in, but it just infuriated Sabretooth and he returned the cut with a mighty swipe of his claws, then began punching him, knocking his rival around, elbowing him to the ground as he kicked his ribs.

"Now to end this," Sabretooth said, ready to strike again.

"That's enough!" Fluttershy rushed over, placing herself over her husband, tears in her eyes from having seen him brutalized like this. "What's the matter with you!? Why are you doing this!? What could my husband have done to you!?"

"Out of my way!" Sabretooth whacked Fluttershy aside, knocking her across the ground.

Seeing someone hit his wife just lit more of a fire under Logan as he angrily began to rush Sabretooth, slashing him ruthlessly, the villain's blood spilling all over the ground. Sabretooth finally fought back, punching Logan across his jaw and impaling his own claws through his rival.

"Logan!" Fluttershy shouted in worry as Sabretooth lifted Logan off the ground, letting his blood drip.

"This might be a surprise, you dying before your girl does? Eh, keeps things interesting," Sabretooth said, punching Logan across the jaw again, knocking him to the ground as the X-Men Hero began coughing up some blood. Sabretooh placed his claw on Logan's head, ready for his final strike. "I'm gonna end this once and for all."

"No..." Fluttershy started tearing up, hating this feeling of helplessness. "NO!" She started to get riled up and angry, seeing someone hurt her loving husband was sending her over the edge. "I...won't...LET YOU!

Fluttershy flew in and kicked Sabretooth right in his jaw with both hindlegs, breaking one of his teeth in the process as he stumbled back in shock.

Fluttershy aggressively shouted as she reeled back and delivered a massive uppercut to knock Sabretooth into the air and falling to the ground.

The normally kind mare was angrily panting and huffing, still feeling a rush of adrenaline, but that started to fade when she remembered her husband. "Logan!" Fluttershy quickly turned to her husband, checking over his injuries. Thankfully they seemed to be healing but much slower than normal, likely due to the fatigue from the fight. "Logan, are you awake?"

Logan had begun to stir, still feeling the effects of Sabretooth's assault. "Fluttershy? Wait, where's..."

From nearby, Sabretooth had recovered, but he was mad, blood was trickling down from the tooth Fluttershy had kicked out. "So, you got some fight in you, little pony?"

"Wait, you attacked him!?" Logan asked.

"I might have lost it when I saw him hurting you," Fluttershy had sheepishly stated.

"...Good thing I never forget our anniversary," Logan replied, still amazed that his wife actually attacked Sabretooth.

Sabretooth readied his claws, "This humiliation will not stand, prepare to die!" Sabretooth rushed in to attack but Logan had blocked with his claws, though immediately took a punch and a large slash from the tiger-ish villain.

"Logan!" Fluttershy went to help but Sabretoth grabbed her by the neck, squeezing her tight in attempt to crush her larynx.

"I'm done with you, both of you," Sabretooth said. Logan tried to save Fluttershy but Sabretooth had knocked him right back down, slamming his foot over Logan's chest. "I'll kill you Logan, but not before you see one more girl of yours die!"

"No! Fluttershy!" Logan struggled to escape and rescue his wife before her neck got crushed. Sabretooth had applied more pressure to keep him down.

Fluttershy struggled to fight Sabretooth off but she started to pass out from the lack of oxygen. Sabretooth readied to deal the final blow when another hero had arrived and kicked Sabretooth, the mutant releasing her from his grip.

The hero in question, that being Peter, had quickly rushed to check on Fluttershy, "Hey, are you with me Fluttershy?"

The mare coughed a bit, finally able to breath again, "Peter?"

"Good, you're alright," Peter said, helping her sit up. "I'm glad."

"Never thought I'd be so relieved to see you Peter," Logan said. "How'd you know we were here?"

"I sensed danger in this direction, so I came as fast as I could," Peter said.

"I'm so glad you're here," Fluttershy said. "But what about Ant Man? Did you find him too?" Fluttershy asked.

"I did, when I told him there might be danger, I asked him to go to Canterlot and let Twilight know," Peter said. "He of course hated the idea of being a messenger boy but it was an important task."

"Spider-Man..." Sabretooth said. "Even as a pony I recognize you, especially with that tattoo of yours."

"It's called a Cutie Mark dude, anyway how did you even get here?" Peter asked.

"Some weirdo Mystique introduced me to, not important right now, what's important is that now you're being added to my list of problems I need taken care of."

"What, you're gonna call an exterminator on me?" Peter joked. "Look dude you're outmatched, why don't you make it easy for everyone and turn yourself in. If you're a good enough kitty, I'll give you warm milk."

"I'd rather have your blood!" Sabretooth shouted.

"Good luck not dying from the radioactive properties," Peter quipped.

Sabretooth stared down al three of them, truthfully he might have some trouble with both Logan and Spider-Man but he was confident that he could figure something out, plus he still has his allies, wherever they were at the moment.

It was gonna be a ruthless fight, the heroes needed to bring down the Weapon X team for good, otherwise it would spell the end of Ponyville.