• Published 30th Aug 2012
  • 1,965 Views, 135 Comments

The End Is Where We Begin - Sarkastik Menace

Citizens of Cascade Falls, the enemy is dangerously close to your homes, and you must evacuate.

  • ...

Cold Blooded

Author’s notes- Sorry for the wait my loyal fans. Been pretty busy, Projects and whatnot, also been grieving the loss of a friend, so umm... yeah, here ya go!


Griggs POV

“Soo, Scootaloo? Uhhh, how far are we from this town?” I asked, worried for her friend’s sake at the answer. Of course my (genius) surgeon skills helped her, but without proper treatment, she’d most likely die.

“I dunno, I think I walked for like forty-five minutes from the clubhouse, so yeah.” Scootaloo replied casually, most likely thinking everything was alright. Oh if only she were right.

“Alright, if Tom doesn’t get back in twenty minutes, we’ll just walk back, assuming the tracks are still there, which they should be, we’ll zip down to umm... what’s the town again?”

“Ponyville... PONYVILLE. Do you have a memory problem or something?”

“Yes. So yeah, while I wait I’m going to poke a hole in the ground with my foot.” Quite frankly, I had nothing else to do. Questioning a pony that more than likely wants to ‘buck me into next week.... wait, that sounded completely inappropriate, I’m never saying that again. Anyway, it’s not in my best interests to question the childish... pony

About five minutes later, I had yet to dent the surface of the stone, which was surprisingly resilient, until a sound hit my ears. a faint gunshot could be heard. I did not hesitate to get up, and grab my equipment. “Hey Scootaloo, I gotta-” ‘bang’ I heard it again. “I have to-” ‘bang!’ “GO!” I ran as fast as i could. Even with my damaged ankle i still managed to keep a fair pace.

I was panicking on the way to where thought I heard the gunshots from. I had sprinted for about five minutes, and was running out of breath, until I heard a sinister noise. One that would inspire fear into any lone soldier. Not just because of the noise, but the effects that came with that noise. The infernal and hellish noises that would only come from one weapon. A Russian AK47. I had no doubt in my mind, and any fatigue or pain from my run was gone, as I went into a flat out sprint. The snow, about one foot deep did not slow my progress. Any fatigue or pain I had felt before was replaced by adrenaline.

As I continued my run I began to stop hearing gunshots, and hear shouts.

“Иди, иди, иди!Американский не должны бежать!”

I heard a man shout out... something. I was thankful enough I heard it in the first place. I had spotted an old grizzled man. Clearly a Russian officer, shouting at a young soldier, who clearly suffered what we had called “Shell shock.” The boy, no older than 18, stood still, shaking at his officer, who was obviously frustrated.

“Что вы?Старик, или трус? Получите проклятый двигаться дальше, прежде чем я застрелю тебя сам!”

Me? I could have cared less. I quietly put the M16 into my hands, aiming down the sights. I turned off my safety, gaining the officer’s attention. I could see him mouth out a Russian curse word, which only made me smile. Then, I pulled the trigger.within a handful of seconds both of them were on the floor. The officer lay dead, two 5.56mm cartridges lodged inside of his skull, and another in his neck. The boy however, was shot in the stomach and chest a fair amount. He weakly and futilely reached for his pistol in it’s holster, but I didn’t let him. Throwing my rifle to the ground, I pulled out my pistol with the speed of a cowboy and aimed it at the kid, and fired. *BANG*. What was left of an unfortunate draftee was a rotting corpse, oozing red liquids onto what used to be a pure and beautiful white blanket of snow. The site had made me sick. I put my pistol back and gripped the M16 in my hands, and tactically jogged, observing like a hawk for any signs of movement or noise, following what was now a horde of footsteps. I had heard more gunfire though. “Oh no” I thought to myself, as I tried to quicken my pace through the maze of trees, following the holes in the snow.

One can learn alot from hearing. I had heard shots, and russians yelling, possibly wounded. It wasn’t until I heard an American obscenity that I had really gotten worried. “SHIT I’M HIT! FUCK!” That voice...that didn’t belong to Thomas. I had reached the scene of mayhem. The russians were firing at a giant boulder, with a few american corpses in front of it. I knew they weren’t shooting it for fun. Men were pinned behind it. The Russians were tightly clustered together in a firing line, of what seemed to be 7-8 people. Now I was pissed. I had one chance to kill them all. A grenade. My last grenade, to be precise. The last green ball of death I had known and loved, was to be sacrificed to kill the group of soldiers standing in front. I gleefully pulled the pin, and took a last look at what I had etched into the side of my grenade. “Complaint Department” The pin was marked with a number 1. I chuckled to myself As I let it leave my hands. The impact, which would have normally left a noise similar to a step in the snow, was silenced due to the sheer noise of the guns going off. I knew that if those two ‘ponies’ didn’t get those people in Ponyville’s attention by now, I did it for them. The hails of gunshots was replaced by a deafening explosion.

“Scheiße! My ears are ringing!” I had yelled with a german curse word, which would, in my younger days, be rewarded with a slap from my grandmother. I had ignored the pain in my ears and went forward to the giant boulder, and looked at the two american corpses. One wasn’t familiar... But the other... No. “No... no, no, no no no!” I ran towards the grave man, overwhelmed with grief. “God damnit!” I had yelled, overstruck with sorrow. One of the only people I could call my friends was dead. “Tom... Why you? God damnit! I’m fucking tired of these stupid ass Russians, and this fucking war!” I paused, my grief replaced with sheer rage. “Someone... Someone’s gonna pay.” I stood up and took out my pistol. I walked towards the mess that was the Russian squad, and saw two survivors. Another boy. His legs were a grotesque version of their former selves, and he was trembling. Another, A more experienced soldier to my right, on the ground crawling towards his severed arm. I didn't let him pick up that useless piece of flesh. without even looking I calmly turned my pistol to the right and fired, hitting him in his throat. He clenched his neck, gagging on his own blood, and fell to the floor dead. I reached the kid, with horrible intentions on my mind.

“Oh hi there kid. How ‘bout we play a little game? It’s called, Russian Roulette. Here, I’ll even play with you. I go first.” I turned on my safety, and smiled like a maniac. I put the harmless gun up to my head and pulled the trigger. *Click* “Damn.. Must be my lucky day, hahaha!” I turned the gun on him and switched off the safety. “Your turn. Here, I’ll pull it for you.”


I dropped to my knees in front of the dead russian, and started laughing, “heheheh... Hahaha!” After my brief moment of joy, i rose up, and was met with a pretty bad sight. Scootaloo, and A... umm... unicorn? purple... But, a unicorn... “Gott verdammt.” I muttered. I also turned my head to see two americans emerge from behind the boulder. Atleast something good happened. Ignoring the two equines, I turned to the Americans and yelled, “Oh, Hi!” The two soldiers displayed looks of sadness on their faces as they passed their fallen comrades, and saluted me. “Huh? Oh...” They were both privates, and I was a corporal. “Umm. At ease.... and, ermm.. never do that again.” They nodded. Must be the quiet type, I thought to myself. and then I realized we weren’t alone. I turned to the ponies, and then I heard the funniest thing all day. “WHAT THE HELL?” the two privates said simultaneously. “Not as quiet as I thought” I mentally chuckled. I would have laughed out loud, but then I realized the two ponies probably witnessed my ‘escapade’ AKA, I thought I was pretty screwed.

The looks on both of the ponies faces was literal fear. Never in their lives could they have seen more death than they just witnessed in mere seconds. The brutality I had displayed scared Scootaloo more than anything. I had saved Rainbow Dash’s life, then killed all these people in cold blood. Twilight tried to mouth out something, but simply couldn’t. Their eyes were the size of beads, and Scootaloo had tears in her eyes. I brought myself to reality and tried to make my way over to her, but Twilight’s horn glowed bright with power as the two Equestrians in front of me disappeared in a bright light, leaving me alone with the two surviving Americans and the bloody victims of this God forsaken war. "Gott verdammt, können die Pferde Magie jetzt zu nutzen. Mein verdammtes Glück." I muttered as I picked up the ammo off of the two deceased Americans, and closed Thomas’ eyelids for the last time. I, once again, followed footsteps. But with me were the two privates following me. We had not even said a word, because as little as we understood this species, they were horrified of us now. I had no idea how to redeem myself for the killings of 8 different people to these ponies, but I had no choice. Even with all our training we could not survive in this winter death trap more than one week. We had our rifles in our hands as we trudged in the cold snow we knew all too well, weary of the new nightmarish presence.

Comments ( 12 )

The only issue I have with this story is why the guy is shooting all the other humans? I have yet to play this game and I don't think I ever will, usually a good crossover explains a few things, like why they are enemies? Why the main character does those things? Instead of just acting, show also and tell.

1983024 Yeah. I'll show it a bit later on, just when it's right. For now, it's just war...

1983024 If you want the short version: The Soviet Union invaded Seattle, they tried to capture the headquarters for SDI, and these are all the "survivors" of the nuclear strike to stop them. But yeah you should add that in for the unaware. If you played World In Conflict you will understand everything.

And god help them if "3 fresh Soviet armored divisions." "Survived" the blast.
I wonder when we will see Bannon.

1992347 Those were Armored Battalions.

1993095 Divisions, battalions it's been a while since I played WiC so my memory is a bit fuzzy.

no, no, go ahead and do your thing with that chapter. It seemed a bit disconnected from the others.

unless maybe it was for your other fic?

It just emailed me about a chapter update but no chapter :fluttercry:

3375083 I posted an update for A Noble Cause on here... dont ask why... :( this story is ded

If The End is dead, then why is it not in cancelled mode dude? 3375153

3375157 i literally forgot about this storeh

Well then, I guess I have to also... later! 3375158

Had my hopes up. Well stop forgetting and start remembering about this story. I would like to see where it goes.

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