• Published 30th Aug 2012
  • 1,965 Views, 135 Comments

The End Is Where We Begin - Sarkastik Menace

Citizens of Cascade Falls, the enemy is dangerously close to your homes, and you must evacuate.

  • ...


Scootaloo's POV


My eyes jolted open as I heard the nearly deafening 'bang!' I saw two creatures sitting, leaning forward, staring at something. I was deathly curious as to what they were looking at. The only thing is I was too weak to move an inch. That and the blankets or whatever that I were lying in were so comfy. As my eyes grew less blurry I noticed something on the floor. It looked like.... A tail? Maybe these creatures had found another creature? Maybe they are like, good guys. Yeah. It's kind of like that Zecora thing Apple Bloom always brags about. I just found two nice things or whatever that help ponies that are lost.

My confidence grew and I displayed a soft smile on my face. My expression slowly turned to one of confusion as I wondered who the pony was. I knew what that tail looked like. The pattern was so familiar, but I couldn't make out the name. I was in deep thought as I grew both surprised, and angry. It was Rainbow Dash!

"Hey man. nice shot"

My train of thought was interrupted as the thing said that. “What?”

"Yeah, I don't think it's dead." the other creature remarked? I grew even more confused, but I also became worried.

The masked creature got up and I saw part of Rainbow Dash's body. I could see from her wings to the tip of her tail. She was laying sideways in the snow, curled up in the fetal position.

"The hell you talkin bout? It's totally dead."

At this point I had stopped thinking, but listened. My disbelief was too hard to express.

"Well... For one, its curled up, twitching. Two, It's eyes are open in shock."

"Fine, but how long do you really think this thing is gonna last, I mean it did get shot, in the chest."

Shot? By what. Pinkie Pie's party cannon? A magic spell? What could be so severe that it could threaten her life?! My mind was buzzing with questions, none of them likely to get answered.

"Well, judging by our little friend here.." I could see the thing's eyes widen As he saw me lying on the blankets.

"Oh shit."

Griggs’ POV

My mind was in a state of chaos. We just shot some awkward flying animal, and another one that looks like a kid or something woke up, and was scared shitless. I was never good with children, so i patted Thomas in the shoulder and asked, “So, what now?” Never taking my eyes off the animal. As I studied it closer it seemed to be shivering and its pupils were small and shaking. Thomas wouldn’t stop looking at it so I slapped him on the back of the head and repeated my question louder.

“W-well.. Hmm... we can’t just leave the other one to die. For all we know these things could be relatives.”

“Hey man, if you didn’t notice.” I said, looking around the cavern for emphasis, “We don’t have a medic, any medical supplies, AND we don’t even know what these things are.” The one thing I never liked about Thomas was that he was too compassionate. He was the kind of guy to run into a hail of gunfire to retrieve a dead soldier in the hopes of reviving him from the dead. Nice guy, but didn’t use his brain much.

“Alright, lemme take a look at its wound real quick.” Thomas slowly move towards the odd rainbow highlighted creature, hoping to examine it’s wounds. It expanded it’s hooves, in a futile attempt to push him away. “There there, I won’t bite. Just let me see what happened.” unphased by Thomas’ not-so-soothing comment. The creature still would not budge and I sighed at his patience and limped over the creature and grabbed it’s two front limbs. Thomas stopped what he was doing and looked confusedly at me,“Sheesh man, if you want to take care of this thing now’s the time!” I annoyingly remarked. The fall hurt my right ankle and I could barely walk, so I was pretty mad. Thomas simply shrugged and got back to examining the near-fatal wound he ironically caused.

“Alright,I’ve got bad news. Wherever I shot this thing it definitely won’t last long unless we get a medic, who miraculously has experience with animals and a lot of luck.” Thomas matter-of-factly stated.

“Don’t you mean we need a vet?” I replied, still questioning whether or not to help this creature.

“Oh whatever! Point is, I, the kind and loving generous soul I am, Will not, leave this creature to die! So, what I intend on doing, is venture out into the forest, and look for anybody else in A US uniform. It’s kind of a longshot, but I don’t see any other options.”

I rolled my eyes under my still present gas mask at his odd boasting and dumbly nodded, having enough of Thomas’ stupid cares for this, admittedly weird, fascinating, and rainbow-colored creature. As Thomas took my pistol and a clip of ammo for it, he ventured out into the snow. As much as I hated the guy, I didn’t want to forsake him to do randomly trek through a forest, but I could not accompany him with my wounded ankle. Instead, I came up with more of a longshot idea. “Hey Tom! If you’re in trouble, just shoot your gun in the air, with luck I’ll be able to hear it!” I suggested, feeling a tad helpless

“If you insist, but I mean not much is out here during the winter. Hibernation, remember?” Thomas amusingly implied. I had enough of him, with an annoyed sighed I layed on the ground and waited to release my unheard assault of obscenities until he was out of hearing range. As I heard the crunching of snow fade until I knew he was out of hearing range, and I waited just another minute to make sure he couldn’t hear me, and I started the onslaught of curses that would make Satan himself blush.

Now I know you guys don’t want to hear the most obscene (creative) combination of curse words the universe has ever seen until SlimShady LP came out, so I will simply say this. I cursed, a LOT. I was three fourths the way threw explicitly blowing off steam until I heard a shout. Not an ordinary shout. Not a plea for help, a funny or sarcastic goodbye, but more of an annoyed shout. I heard two telltale words, trying to get some sort of message across.


As I heard these lied noises I jumped up in surprise, and immediately wondered what made this noise. I could have sworn it came from behind me. I scanned the horizon, “who said that” I said, thinking out loud. I do really think it came from behind me th-


Once again, I jumped up, but as i landed I gave a yelp and fell onto the hard cave floor. I immediately got up, shaky, as my pride may have been somewhat destroyed as I realized what had scared me. I would have been shocked, and by all damn rights I should have. But the first thing that came to my mind was the horrifying thought that she (Atleast I had now presumed) had heard every single curse I heard those black kids I used to live across the street from say in their entire lives. So, embarrassingly, I asked her one thing and one thing only.”Heheh... You didn’t happen to hear those beautiful lyrics I so caringly sang to you and your, err... friend, right?” I nervously chuckled, hoping she would would buy into my horrible, futile (and pretty funny) lie. As she gave me her version of the ‘Are you freaking kidding me?’ look, I scratched the back of my head, which was inconveniently covered by my helmet.

Instead of replying to me, she laid down by her acquaintance’s body. My nervousness was replaced by a mixture of guilt and sadness. I tried to find some words of comfort, but nothing came out. So, dumbly, I watched the child’s look of anger turn into a fit of tears as she rested her head against the larger one’s coat. I only sat down and stared dumbly as they hugged each other for what might be the last time, and I could have sworn I might have felt a tear roll down my cheek. I heard various breaks between the sobs. From what I saw it seemed the youngling ran away, and was sorry. The elder (who can also talk now, to my shock), apparently showed the child not enough attention, and was the driving factor to why she ran away.

I finally remembered one of my medical lessons during PT. If someone sustains severe enough wounds, and if the weather is bad, they will go into shock if they are too cold. I immediately saw the improvised blankets the orange one was laying on, picked them up and walked over to the wounded one, gaining both of their attention. The healthy one picked herself up and purposely stood between me.

I was deciding what to do until I noticed a hissing sound coming from the cyan one’s wound. It was the last thing I wanted to hear. A sucking chest wound. I told the young one to hold her hand (or hoof was it?) over the wound. But of course she wouldn't listen to me. I was never the best negotiator, so I used (what I considered) reason.

Hey, if you don't help me your friend is gonna die!" No, she couldn't listen could she? I went for plan B. I pulled out my knife and said, "If you dont put your foot right here i'm gonna cut it off." That definitely got me her compliance.

And with that, I took out my gauze and use my knife to cut it out of the wrapper and put it on the ground. I then cut the wrapper ends, and folded it open. I had some tape in pocket, thank god. I put the wrapper over the wound and starting taping three sides while the child held it down. It wasn’t until that the older one felt pain again that I felt hope again. The more pain she feels, the better, lets me know she’s not as close from dying.

As I had finished with the wound i had noticed that she was in alot of pain, because she was grunting, and actually screamed a couple times. I knew I could ease her pain from the treatment with my morphine, but i could easily give it to myself to ease mine so i could find Thomas if he fired his gun off. I could probably hoof (no pun intended) it anyway. As I sized her up, I figured I should play it on the safe side. I only gave her as much as I thought she could handle. Although it didn’t work wonders, it did seem to help her take the treatment more. Unfortunately, with barely any medical experience I had no idea whether or not she would make it, but atleast I increased her odds of survival. Not bad if I do say so myself.

Seeing as how these beings could somehow talk, I decided to atleast try to communicate with the little one, with a foolproof line sure to start up a meaningful conversation.

“So, how’s it going?” Welp, nevermind. The young one, once again, gave me her seemingly trademark ‘seriously?’ look. I chuckled nervously, thinking of something to say, settling on something more reasonable, if not a tad personal. “So, umm... you two know eachother?”

“Yes... Rainbow dash went out looking for me after I... Got lost.” What. Did she really just say ‘Rainbow Dash’? I struggled not to collapse into a fit of laughter, and was once again thankful for having a gas mask still present covering my face.

“Riiiight. So, do you have like, a town or something then? Your friend over here may or may not need a doctor... or something.” I was somewhat hoping that there was a form of civilization, where I could settle down or something, y’know? I mean, I was awkwardly optimistic. Would be nice to be with these creatures. Live in a small town full of them, and make a small fuckin cupcake house in the middle of their god damned town (Little did I know there already was one, right where I planned on building mine).

“Yeah, Ponyville is somewhere around here, if you don’t mind walking I guess.” That was a tad sad. She already told me. Then again I did help her friend and like, save her life, because I’m kinda awesome, but still.

“Alright, we can trek out when Tom (Thomas) gets back, speaking of which, where is the bugger?” I just did realize he was gone for a good twenty minutes. He also did forget his now somewhat bloody jacket. He was walking through the forest with his standard non-winterized gear. Friggin idiot. “Well, he’ll turn up eventually” I reassuringly said. I didn’t exactly know they didn’t want him back, since he did shoot this ‘Rainbow Dash’ in an admittedly effective area. It’s not like anyone can be affected by snow in this amount of time anyway.

“So, what’s your names?” I asked the young one.

“I’m Scootaloo, and.. She’s Rainbow Dash.” Replied the newly dubbed Scootaloo.

“Fastest flier in Equestria!” Groggily replied Rainbow Dash between a few coughs.

“These are some crappy names.” I thought to myself, amusedly thinking at how quickly someone named ‘Rainbow Dash’ would get the living crap beaten out of them. She still did seem, even if her color did contradict my statement, tough. She must be either very over-egoed, or actually hold this title to have this be the first thing she say to me in her state. “Cool” I replied. “My names Griggs.”


-authors notes-

sorry for the (ridonkulous) wait guys... heheh, you can thank my editor ASF for getting me back on track again

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vdX_APOnqw&list=FLcIYX1qU3ZSiWsQf_cqEmAg&index=108&feature=plpp_video here's some non-pony related awesomeness