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Days in the Sun

Twilight ran out of the castle. “I’m getting out of here!”

Into the forest she ran. Little did she know the demon was following her.

Sunset fought off the wolves. Exhausted, Twilight carried her up to the house,laying her on the bed.


“Shh.” said Twilight gently. “I’m here. My mother was a medic. She taught me how to tend to injuries when I was 6 years old. I’m gonna leave you to rest, okay? Oh, by the way, thanks for saving me.”

Sunset was dreaming what the days were like when she was human.

Fancy Pants was thinking about his girlfriend, Rarity.

Cheese and Pinkie wanted to be together.

Applejack and her sister were getting ready for bed.

Good Night, sis!” cried Applebloom

“Night, bloom.” said Applejack. “Promise ya won’t pull that Anon-a-miss stunt again?”

“Ah promise, sis.”

Twilight was tending to Sunset. The others were watching.

“I think they have feelings for each other,” whispered Fluttershy.

“Shy, you’re right!” cried Rainbow Dash. “Oh my stars! If they do have feelings for each other, AJ and I can play football again!”

“And Cheese and I can create parties!” cried Pinkie Pie.