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Be our guest

Shining Armor walked towards a small house, a red-gold one. He pushed the door open. He was faced with a living room. On the table was a candelabra and a clock. “Poor soul,” said the candelabra. “Lost in the woods I see.”

The clock folded her stubby arms over her clock chest. “And if the demon sees him, she’ll kill him!”

“Oh holy crap.” muttered the Candelabra. “Do you really think she’ll kill him? She’s nice!”

“Yeah, that was before Sunny committed suicide and turned into that shit!” replied the clock.

“Language, Rainbow.” said the candelabra.

“NO!” cried the clock. “No! That’s her seat!”

Twilight Sparkle was searching for her brother. A red-gold house loomed closer to her.
“Sis! Sis! A girl’s in the house!” cried the cup.

“What in the tarnation?!” cried the teapot. “Bloom, get ter bed. Cheese, is this true?”

“yes! Yes! Yes!” cried the candelabra. “Oh my gosh!”

“Shining?” called Twilight. She sounded like she was on the verge of tears. She grabbed the candelabra, heading towards the tower.

When she found him, she grasped his ice-cold hands. “Oh, brother. I’m glad you’re safe. Go home, you need rest.”

“Twilight, there’s a huge hairy demon behind you!”

“Come into the light,” commanded Twilight, in a quiet but firm voice. “Let me see who you are.”

“I can’t.” whispered the voice. “I’m a monster.”

“Please.” begged Twilight. “Let me see what sort of person you are.”

The demon stepped into the light. Twilight had to stifle a scream.

“Please,” said Twilight. “Let him go. Take him to Canterlot and take me! My brother needs rest. Please. He needs a hospital.”

“Fine.” growled the demon. “You win. But once this door closes, it never opens again.”

“Sorry about that,” said the candelabra cheerfully. “My name’s Cheese Sandwich. This is Rainbow Dash.”

“Hi,” squeaked Twilight. “You talk?”

“Of course we can talk!” cried Rainbow Dash, as though it was very obvious.

“Now, mademoiselle, let me show you to your room.” said Cheese Sandwich.

“What?!” cried Rainbow Dash. “What the fuck are you talking about? She’ll never allow her prisoner to have a room!”

“But what if she is the one?” asked Cheese Sandwich. “Rainbow Dash, once again, LANGUAGE!!!!!!”

“Ooh, a girl! At last!” cried Rarity. “It’s been years since we’ve had a girl in the house!”

“Psst!” hissed Cheese, outside the room. “You should ask the poor girl to dinner.”

“What?!” growled the demon. “She’s scared of me! And she reminds me of Princess Twilight!”

“I know,” said Applejack gently. “Sunset, I know. We all miss Princess Twilight but this is an opportunity to have a fresh start.”

“Fine.” mumbled Sunset. She took a deep breath. “Will you join me for dinner?”


“It’s a request!”

“And I told you no!”

“Fine! Go ahead and starve!”

“Sunny!” cried Pinkie Pie. “That isn’t very ladylike! What would Princess Twilight say?”

“I don’t damn care what the Princess thinks, Pinkie.”

“But what if this girl can break the spell?” hissed Fluttershy. “Sunny, don’t you wanna get your soul back?”

“Flutters, I committed suicide so i didn’t have to face you again!” yelled Sunset. “You betrayed me and how can I ever forgive you? I didn’t want to turn into this crap. I didn’t. But it was the only way. I’m sorry, okay? I was a bad friend, and you don’t trust me and you betray me when I needed you the most!”

“It wasn’t you.” said Applejack. “It was the CMC.”

Twilight stepped out into the hall. “She’s here!” whispered Cheese. “Fancy Pants, play something!” He turned to Twilight. “My dear, Twilight Sparkle. Take a seat as the dining room proudly presents...
your dinner!”

Cheese Sandwich burst into song. Twilight wasn’t really listening. As the song came to a stand still, Twilight bid them goodnight.

“Hmm, I wonder what’s in the top room?” said Twilight

Author's Note:

Sunset Shimmer- the Beast
Cheese Sandwich: Lumiere
Pinkie Pie: Plumette
Fancy Pants: Cadenza
Rarity: Madame de Garderobe
Applejack: Mrs Potts
Applebloom: Chip
Belle: Twilight Sparkle
Maurice: Shining Armor
Gaston: Feather Bangs
LeFou: Grubber
Rainbow Dash: Cogsworth