• Published 6th Oct 2020
  • 15,611 Views, 463 Comments

A Sparkle's Little Dusk - Mister E-Nonymous

Twilight gets lost in the Everfree Forest, and finds an interesting flower that sprays some mysterious pink pollen at her. Meanwhile, a very sick kid who was stuck with his snobby aunt and cousin died and gets reborn and taken in by Twilight Sparkle.

  • ...

Chapter 14: The Ceremony and the Invasion

Chapter 14: The Ceremony and the Invasion

Dusk and the real Cadance were heading towards the exit of the Gemstone Caverns. Dusk and Cadance saw the light from the exit that led right into Canterlot.

"That must be the way out of these caverns," said Dusk. "We can climb out of that hole, and get to the wedding ceremony before it's too late."

"You're right," said Cadance. "Let's get out of here before it's too late."

"Not gonna happen!" came three voices.

"The bridesmaids?!" Dusk asked. "I thought they were going to be at the wedding."

"The Changeling must've hypnotized them and made them make sure I didn't get out," Cadance said.

"How do we get out of here?" Dusk asked as he and Cadance were backing up.

At the wedding ceremony, all of the ponies in Canterlot were attending. Twilight and Shining were standing at the alter in a trance. The fake Cadance finally made it to the alter.

"Princess Cadance and Shining Armor, it is my great pleasure to pronounce you..." Princess Celestia announced before interrupted.

"Hold up!" came a stallion's voice. From the doors across from the alter, there were Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis. They walked down the aisle and Fancy Pants said, "There's something missing from this wedding. Something very important."

"And that is?" Princess Celestia asked.

"Me!" came the voice of the real Princess Cadance. The crowd looked behind Fancy and Fleur to see Princess Cadance and Dusk coming in. "I was trapped in the Gemstone Caverns under Canterlot for the past week. You would've noticed that she was making me seem different to others if you all weren't concentrating on the wedding, which by the way, should have been inspected by the real bride!"

"And I got teleported to Appleloosa when I saw the fake's real identity!" Dusk said. "By the way, Applejack, Braeburn says 'Hi'."

"We were running late to the wedding ceremony, until we saw these two coming out of the cave entrance to the Gemstone Caverns," said Fleur de Lis.

The fake Cadance growled and then shouted, "How did you two get past my bridesmaids?!"

"Easy," Dusk said with a smirk. "Bridesmaids can't resist the bouquet toss."

"She's a changeling!" Cadance said. "She's been posing as me and hypnotizing ponies and stealing their power for their own personal meal!"

"Princess, she's not just a changeling!" Dusk said. "She's the queen!"

The fake Cadance then started laughing. And then she shapeshifted back into her true form. Then she laughed and said, "Right you two are, Princess and little colt. You are all too late!"

"No!" Cadance said. "Not my Shining Armor!"

"This will never happen!" Princess Celestia announced. She then flew up and fired a blast at Queen Chrysalis, but Chrysalis countered. Chrysalis was winning the magical stalemate, but Dusk came charging in, and shoulder bumped Chrysalis in the chest, making her lose her concentration, and Princess Celestia winning the magical blast duel.

"Why you...!" Chrysalis shouted, but was then lassoed by the legs thanks to Applejack.

"Yeehaw! Get along, evil critter!" Applejack said. Rainbow Dash then flew around Chrysalis with the other end of the rope, tying her up. Then Pinkie Pie got up in front of Chrysalis, and fired off her party cannon, which she pulled out of her dress, and fired it at Chrysalis's face, making Chrysalis have cake frosting all over her face, making her look like a clown. Then the birds for the wedding music came in and started pecking Chrysalis. Then pink fabric in a light blue glow started wrapping around Chrysalis. Then Applejack pulled on the rope, making Chrysalis fall over.

Chrysalis groaned and said, "You are all going to regret that!" She then used her magic to get out of all that was put onto her. Then she charged at Dusk, tackling him, and then shapeshifting into him, confusing all of the ponies.

"Oh, no!" said Rainbow Dash. "Which one is the real Dusk?"

"That isn't good!" Rarity said. "We can't tell the two of them apart."

"I'm the real Dusk!" said the Dusk on the left.

"No, you're not! I am! the Dusk on the right argued.

"No, I am!"

"I am!"

"I am!"

"I am!"

"This isn't good," Fluttershy said. "How can we tell the two of them apart?"

"Looks can be deceivin', but let's not forget that one o' 'em was once a human," Applejack said.

"Wait, what's a human," said the Dusk on the left. Then that Dusk was hit by a beam by Princess Celestia. Then that Dusk was revealed to be Queen Chrysalis. She then growled and said, "How?! How did you know it was me?!"

"Dusk Shine would never forget that he was one a human," said Princess Celestia. "Now, release your control on my student and her brother, and get out of Equestria."

"Hmm... Let me think about it... No," Chrysalis said, smirking. "Besides, you're too late. My changelings are already attempting to get into the city as we speak."

Then the sound of something banging came from outside. Dusk and the rest of the Mane 6 and the CMC looked up and saw the changeling swarm banging on the barrier, trying to get into the city of Canterlot.

"Oh, no!" Dusk said.

Celestia used her magic to release Twilight from the mind control that she was under.

"Uhh..." Twilight groaned. "What happened?"

"Twilight, you were being mind controlled by the queen of the Changelings, who was posing as Cadance," said Princess Celestia. "You're lucky that Dusk came back with the real Cadance."

"I knew that Cadance was acting strange to the others," said Twilight. "I should have known it was a changeling."

"Well, it's too late!" said Chrysalis. "My changeling invasion starts... now!"

Then the changelings broke through the barrier, charging at everypony roaming the streets. Some changelings already shapeshifted into the loved ones of ponies before shapeshifting back into their original forms.

"No!" Twilight shouted. "We have to stop them!"

"Get the Elements of Harmony," Princess Celestia said. "I'll handle Chrysalis." Princess Celestia then charged up her magic and got ready to face Queen Chrysalis while the Mane 6, ran out of the wedding hall, stripping off their dresses. Rarity tried to fold them up, but she was called, so she forgot about the dresses and moved on with the task of getting the Elements of Harmony.

The Mane 6 were captured by the changelings, Princess Celestia was trapped in a slimy cocoon, Dusk and the Crusaders were stuck together, wrapped in a slimy rope, and had their backs facing each other.

Chrysalis was looking down at the changelings that were chasing ponies all over the city. Twilight quietly walked towards Cadance, and said, "Quick! Go to him while you still have the chance!" She then used her magic to release Candace's hooves from the slimy bond.

Cadance then walked over towards Shining Armor. Cadance cried and then hugged him. Then electricity emitted from her horn, and then Shining Armor was released from his trance.

"Wha– where... huh? Is...is the wedding over?" Shining asked, putting his right forehoof to his head. Cadance was happy. Along with the Mane 6.

"It's all over!" Chrysalis said to all of them, giving an evil smile.

"Your spell! Perform your spell!" Twilight called out to her brother.

Chrysalis laughed and said, "What good would that do? My changelings already roam free." And she was right. The changelings were chasing ponies all over Canterlot.

"You'll never get away with this!" Dusk shouted.

"Oh, I already have you pathetic little colt!" said Chrysalis. "You came so far, and yet... you failed."

"Not if my uncle Shining stops you!" said Dusk. Chrysalis looked at Shining Armor, and saw him trying to cast a spell.

"No!" Shining said when his barrier spell failed. "My power is useless now. I don't have the strength to repel them."

Cadance nuzzled him and said, "My love will give you strength."

Chrysalis chuckled and said, "What a lovely but absolutely ridiculous sentiment."

Shining and Cadance hugged each other, and a love of powerful magic surrounded both of them. The Mane 6, the Crusaders and Dusk were smiling at what was happening, but Chrysalis was surprised. Then Shining and Cadance were lifted into the air, having their bodies make a heart. Then a huge barrier emitted from them, pushing out all of the changelings from Canterlot, and releasing those who were bonded by those sticky bonds.

Twilight went to help up Princess Celestia, who responded with, "Don't worry about me. I'm fine. You have a real wedding to put together."

Twilight nodded, and then they all went to go prepare the real wedding.

The real wedding went off with no problems. Cadance liked the sweets Applejack prepared, loved the dress that Rarity made for her, and enjoyed the party that Pinkie set up. Fluttershy's birds did well on the music for the wedding. And the married couple made their vows, and Rainbow Dash did her Sonic Rainboom, and to her point of view:

"Best... wedding... ever!"

At the party, everypony was enjoying themselves. Even Dusk and Sweetie Belle, along with Spike. Cadance was finally happy to meet Dusk after what had happened because of him leading her back up to Canterlot. Eventually, Cadance and Shining Armor had to leave for their honeymoon.

Later that night, Twilight, Spike and Dusk were heading back to the room where they were staying until they bumped into a royal guard in training.

"Oh, I'm sorry," said Twilight.

"Oh, no, it's my fault," said the guard. Then he blushed, making Twilight blush as well. "It's... It's an honor meeting the sister of the captain of the royal guard. Your name is Twilight Sparkle, isn't it?"

"Y-yes," Twilight said. "Are... are you new to the royal guard?"

"Yep," said the guard. "My name is Flash Sentry. It's nice to finally meet you."

"Mom?" Dusk asked. "Are you alright?"

"I'll... I'll be fine," said Twilight. "Now, let's get you to bed."

"Oh ho ho," said Spike. "Twilight's in love." That comment made Twilight blush.

"Well, I am honored," said Flash Sentry. "Maybe... one day... you might want to... I don't know... go out... maybe?"

"I... I would love to," said Twilight. "But, let's keep this from Shining Armor. You know how much he's over protective of me."

"Believe me," said Flash Sentry. "I know. He's talked about you ever since you left Canterlot that day before the Summer Sun Celebration."

"Well, I'll see you soon," Twilight said.

"Will Friday night work for you?" Flash asked.

"Sounds perfect," Twilight said. Then Twilight, Spike, and Dusk walked into the room where they were staying. Twilight stuck her head out and said, "I live at the library in Ponyville. Golden Oaks Library."

"See you there and then," said Flash.

Spike got into the basket he brought, and Dusk got into the smaller bed while Twilight got into the bigger bed. Then all of them fell asleep. But Twilight was thinking of what would happen if Flash came into the family. At least Dusk would have a father figure. Hopefully, the two of them would get along.

The End...

Author's Note:

If anyone wants to see a sequel to this, please comment about it. And if you do, which season of the series would you want it to be?

a) Season 4
b) Season 5

Comments ( 52 )

I would like a sequel! And B) Season 5 (or Season 6)

Same, a sequel would be nice!

I'm glad you worked in Flash after all, and you've considered him a potential father figure for Dusk

I look forward to the sequel :twilightsmile:

I'll go with B.

I don't care which one. I just want a sequel.

definitely a sequel and i'd go with a

Sequel please I'd prefer you start with season 4 and I would also love to see a eqg play a roll

I'd love to see a sequel, and going with a because I have to pick ONE

This was a nice story, an abrupt ending for my taste but still really good. Also Season 4 for sequel.

Yes i'd love a sequel and i vote for season 4 i too want to see how EQG plays out with Dusk in the story. Maybe he makes Sunset nicer before climax of first movie

What about season 3?

Don't know why we are skipping season 3, but if we are Season 4. If we can vote for season 3 I'll do that.

Sequel please and any chance that it can be set in the season that Twilight would be going to the Human Equestria Girls World and Dusk sneaks in through the portal after her to help her and to see what is on the other side of the portal, only to find himself as human again.

agreed for a sequel season 4

Sequel , season 4 because I see how dusk react to eqg world and becoming human again but season 3 is great see the dusk react to twilight become a alicorn. final choice is A

Okay, everyone. Starting the sequel. It's in... Season 4! Starting with Equestria Girls!


I think they're skipping Season 3 because not much happens in it other than Twilight's ascension, The Crystal Empire, and the release of Discord. Plus, Season 3 was really short.

Definitely do a) Season 4

I think this was my most popular story ever. What do you guys think?

A) Season 4

I vote for a. This was a very good story.

Season 4, though, I'd personally have Discord's magic absorbed by Tirek when he first finds him.

That's more of a personal opinion though (also how I would've done in that part of the Tirek situation.

You're story dude, awesome ending by the way.:twilightsmile::rainbowdetermined2:

I would like a sequel starting in season 3

b) season5 but with a recap of what happened in season's 3 & 4 with Dusk

a) Season 4

I agree with RobotKiller1989!

The Flash ending would have been better if he learned that she was a mother, then immediately lost interest.

Season 4, then season 5

is twi an alicorn in this story?

No but in the sequel she is.

Meanwhile, a kid who has been living with his abusive aunt and cousin make his life miserable when his parents are working in Europe.

Don't you mean who makes his life miserable?

Season 4! Because then we get to see what'd happen with Tirek

You do realize your talking about a movie with a child, that have magic/telekinetic powers right?

AND she was played by a at that time 9 year old, you do know that right?

"Sounds perfect," Twilight said. Then Twilight, Spike,(—— and Dusk walked into the room where they were staying. Twilight stuck her head out and said, "I live at the library in Ponyville. Golden Oaks Library."

I’m referring to her early years when she was 2 or 3 and that she could care for herself.

Is English not your first language?

Ok so I am trying to find adorable childhood stories to regain some sanity points but keep getting increasing weird stuff done by or done to the kids. I'm talking the OC doing Slaanesh worthy crap off screen and it's fine because villains to seemingly normaly stories where a BDSM rape scene casually get thrown into a Teen rated story.

Can someone who canaried this story tell me if this one stops at forced magical pregnancy. Because if a story starts with the premise, which is already full body shudder worthy, I can't tell how skeevy it goes.

While I love the premise, I still feel like this story has an issue of sorts. It's hard to describe it, but I feel like I'm just being told what's happening, and not really reading a story. It's not immersing, I suppose. An editor might be a solution.

Yeah the premise is interesting but if felt like the pregnancy was rushed and the other fan fiction regarding the gender bent universe really had no implications in this story.

The concept is interesting enough, but something just feels kinda... off about the story. Things are moving quickly, and the characters are reacting strangely to things. Twilight seems to lack any sort of panic given she, you know, went through an entire pregnancy in a few hours (at normal speed it's gruelling enough) and now has a kid. It's also way too 'telly'; in chapter two you recap the events of Chapter 1 several times, when you could have summarised. For example, the entire sequence with the letter could have been condensed to 'Twilight wrote the letter and had Spike send it to Celestia'.

This concept, I think, would have worked better if the story had started with Dusk waking up after being born, with no memory of his old life. That way, concepts and characters can be introduced as Dusk learns about them (giving the reader a chance to learn along with the characters; the HBO series Chernobyl does this brilliantly), and you can sprinkle in flashbacks of his old life as you go along.

Excuse me can I put music from different medias in your comments from the stories, it is because when I read "A Sparkle's Little Dust", the first chapter I could feel like if I heard a sad music, also I starterd to sympathize Dusk Shine a lot and I was so sad :fluttercry: when he had a sad life in his previous life as a human.

You could do that. But I think it'd be a real honor to hear some people doing some reading to the story, with voice actors portraying each character in the story. I'd love to actually hear my story be done like that.

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