• Member Since 11th Jan, 2020
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


Hello all! I’m newer to the MLP fan base, but always enjoy the stories and adventures in Equestria! God is my rock and foundation, but I enjoy a little fiction about the magic of friendship too.


Ever feel like the uncertainties of your future are too scary to face head on? Chase Waters lives a normal life, has a strong work ethic, and a field of study that he loves, yet recently motivation has been hard to come by. His devotion to his studies hasn’t left much time for friends, and the more he ponders what is in store for his future, the more he wonders if he’s doing the right thing or not. But when a fateful series of events bring Chase’s path to Equestria, life will never be quite like it used to be. The question is, how will Chase handle the sudden changes thrust upon him, and what choices will he make when presented with huge challenges to overcome?

Chapters (36)
Comments ( 138 )

Next chapter should be out April 24th, and I plan to try and post an update every day or every other day. Thanks for the support on my first story!

"out of his hands you say?" cues anthropology

Does Chase Waters sound like Chase Young from Xaiolin Showdown?

This was a great chapter!

Keep it up!

“I would ask you to be less dramatic, but from what I’m picking up, your world shares hardly any similarities with ours. A world without magic? Even after a thousands years there’s still so much I don’t know.”

friggin' lol
Ripped away from everything he knows and loves, might never return again, changed into something that is clearly not him, "I am acting upset as I have lost everything."
"Oh stop being so dramatic."

Tonedeaf Celestia is tonedeaf, and it is hilarious.

I think you would benefit from asking someone to be an editor for your writing. You're making a lot of spelling mistakes, forgetting to use quotation marks during dialogue, or misplacing said marks.

“Who is it? Came a nice crisp baritone voice from the inside.”

While I enjoy the thought of Chase narrating his own actions, I don't think that's what you meant to do. 😃

I don't get it, why are the princesses acting so indignant toward Chase? They're treating his confusion as some sort of personal insult. :/ For that matter, I don't understand why Chase is so blasé about everything. It's like he spent 2 minutes in Equestria and then just stopped caring about anything, rolling over for any suggestion without questioning the motives behind it. Even Bluebloods insult didn't even register with him until someone talked to him about it.

I appreciate the feedback. These are the kind of things that I miss since this is one of my first times working with creative writing. I will certainly look into an editor so I won’t have to keep apologizing for all the mistakes (I know there’s a lot), and I will try to look into character flaws as well. No promises that I will change much of that, but I do see why the interactions could be quite controversial.

Also in regards to the indignant attitude. I didn’t pick up on it being too intense, but I thought by him continually questioning the laws of their world, the ignorance would seem like he was directly trying to deny their reality. In which case even though it’s understandable that coming to acceptance is nearly impossible. When he questions The princesses, he’s asking things that are second nature to Equestria, and although they probably shouldn’t express so much annoyance (being royalty), it would be like someone asking you why your hair was brown.

And when I take the power from every being in Equestria, even my ‘teammates’ will be forced to lower their head to me

Could this be a hint towards Tirek?

Dang Homie
That was interesting exercise

Well Buck!
Good luck Blazing

Can’t what to see their plans fail

Oh no, if he gets the Love ❤️ Crush than how is he going to get home if he’s attached in Pony Land.
Unless for some reason in the future when I read the next chapters of this Fanfic he can go back and forth whenever he wants.

but Mrs. Red heart will be in to check on you.

Shouldn't that be Mrs. Red Cross? I mean based on her cutie mark.

she had a red cross on her backside? Flank?

Man I should sleep but I want to keep reading


Obviously this is referring to Queen Chrysalis

“My Lord... the future King does not DISAPPOINT! You would be wise to remember that! You will have his demise, and the elements will be scattered according to plan.

Ok with the wording I'm guessing either King Sombra or Prince Blueballslood

That's what I'm guessing too.

I would imagine you are right. That sounds right anyways. I actually haven't seen much of the show which makes it hard to write a fic since this is my first one. I have to look up quite a bit or use other fan fictions I've read as reference material, which makes the writing take longer, but I have also been trying to watch some as I go.

Good question, “why do pony care?”

There are really two reasons but I somewhat left it up for interpretation. Reason 1: they feel responsible/guilty.
Reason 2: they are literally the embodiments of friendship, and try to promote making friends with everyone, even beings that were once villains such as Discord.

Blazing Waters...
Why do I visualize a trip to a urologist for an inflamed urethra? 😬

It was a good and interesting chapter. l am looking forward to the next one!

Glad to here it! It should be out this week… although some of my latest work got deleted. Nevertheless thanks for reading thus far!

Thank you for the entertainment. I'm sorry you had some problems with unintentional deletions. That is dreadful. Hopefully you can recover them.

interesting story so far keep it up, I am looking forward to see more your story in the futur.

well the princesses sure are mean and this first contact has gone horribly bland.

...you've lost me. 5/10 average story that moves far too fast and is far too blaise and anti-human with its first contact procedure.

This is a good start. Not much for mistakes, I only spotted two. I do hope religion doesn't play a big part in this story though.

This is the guy's first story, won't you cut him some slack?

That sounds painful... I can't imagine it feeling good in any way.

The story is pretty good so far, but you need to find yourself an editor. I'm new to writing myself, but I'd be willing to help you out in catching some of the grammar and spelling mistakes if you'd like.

need transformation and transmutation magical research, which I have at least 8 books on... this will be a looooong night

Transfiguration would fit better in this instance since Blazing went through a complete change of form/appearance from a human into a unicorn.

Using alchemical symbols for his magic. Interesting...

He's what you call a door mat, and the characters in this story are horribly OOC.

It's a door mat story, what'd you expect, him to grow a backbone and justifiably tear into them for nonchalantly ripping him from his home and then pretend they did nothing wrong?

Stories like this piss me off, I gave it a try but I'm out.

yes I had been hoping he'd do that.

While I understand my writing is not great, and there are some issues in this story, please understand that if you don't like my story you don't have to read it. I'm sorry for any frustration you experienced from reading. One of my characters core values is forgiveness and I will extend that same curtesy to you. Your entitled to your opinion, and I don't even mind if you dislike, because that just indicates there's areas that need improvement. I will take suggestions, but if your going to criticize something that could be done better, try to be a little more considerate please. Comments can really make it difficult to stay motivated to create our own unique stories. Side note: This is labeled as an alternate universe since I haven't even seen most of the show, so I will admit to probably making some characters less likeable.

Ok this is cool, I love the details and gore
Also the part on how each group is doing end the reaction of the so wound surrounding and how each character react and decide with their actions

He’ll be fine, maybe

This isn't a bad start It's not so much anti human as the fact that he has just revealed adept level mage power. I have a story where a human is dropped into a magic using society and is found to have this level of talent totally untrained, he is given the choice get trained or get mind blocked.
he compares it to having a 50-megaton weapon with no off switch, no safety and it's ticking. You don't let that much power just run around on its own.

keep up the good work.

Welcome to the world of the typo. Able to insert itself between the push of the publish button and the appearance of the text on the screen
Just dot expect me to believe she is psychic or something" [ don't]
but I suppose you're wondering why were here. [ we're ]
if you eat one of these ill start [ I'll ]

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