• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 9,944 Views, 440 Comments

Prince of Dreams - ShadowStar_IMHP

A lucid dream is a dream during which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. What happens when a human with the ability to lucid dream finds his way to Equestria? Answer he becomes Morpheus the Prince of Dreams, the son of Nightmare Moon.

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Chapter 6

David came through the dolmen and staggered after a few steps. He looked down at his small hooves, then turned to his wings. “What the hell, why am I still in the same body?”

He was so distracted, he didn’t notice Morning Dew blindly plummeting through the portal. The two tumbled to the ground.

“Oh gosh!” Morning Dew scrambled off of him. She backed up and bowed. “I… I’m sorry, Prince Morpheus.”

Morpheus stood up and laughed. “My fault. I’m not used to other ponies coming with me. I should have gotten out of the way.”

She tilted her head, confused. Her ears sprang up and shifted about as she thought about the puzzle of her savior. He ruffled his wings under her gaze and trotted in the center of the island. She shrugged and went after him to the large freshwater pool. She cast him a wary glance, then leaned down and took a sip. “Wow, this water tastes great!”

The two foals didn’t notice the blue mist creeping across the grass from the dolmen and settling in the underbrush. Two teal slit eyes appeared among the leaves. The bush started to change due to Nightmare Moon’s influence, producing purple five-pointed nightshade-like flowers.

Morning Dew looked to the willow tree and smiled as she smelled the lush grass. “You live here?”

Morpheus winced and rubbed the back of his head. He couldn’t tell her he was from another world. “I come here every day when I go to sleep. I don’t dream like normal ponies,” he answered.

“So, every night you dream of this place?” Morning Dew went to the edge of the island and looked down. She quickly backed away, moving so fast she stumbled and fell on her rear.

“What is it?” Morpheus asked as he got trotted up to her. He stared over the edge. The endless sea of stars of the dream realm stared back.

Morning Dew saw the confusion on Morpheus' face. “The ground is gone… There is no there, there!” She motioned to the void. “Where is the rest of the world?”

“Oh, yeah the island is all there is. This is a magical place, made from the same stuff as dreams. Dreams seem real when you have them, but like this island, there is nothing beyond. The island is all there is because it’s all I needed to make.” He sat down and rubbed his chin. “Are you afraid of heights? Is that why you didn’t fly when that monster was after you?”

She looked down, and her front hoof scraped the ground. Her ears lay flat against her head. “If I tell you, you will laugh at me.”

Morpheus shook his head, then walked closer to her. “I swear I will not laugh.”

She looked into his eyes seeing the honesty within. Once she took a few breaths, she softly spoke, “I can’t fly” Her eyes closed right away. She knew it would happen again, it always happened. They laughed, even when they promised, they always laughed.

Morpheus opened his mouth, but someone else spoke. “You are like Scootaloo! She can’t fly either.” Both foals turned to the voice.

Filly Pinkie Pie bounced her way up the stairs leading to the game room. “Welcome to the Island of Dreams. I’m Pinkie Pie, I kind of take care of the place when D…” Pinkie pretended to sneeze and shook her head, “...Morpheus is away.”

Instinctively, Morning Dew moved closer to Morpheus as she eyed the new filly. “So, you are some kind of steward?”

Pinkie tilted her head, then nodded. “Yes, you can consider me the imaginary pony behind the scenes.”

Morpheus draped his wing over Dew’s back. He quickly dismissed the question of how he knew this was akin to a hug. “See, I didn’t laugh. We even know of another pegasus foal who couldn’t fly. We are friends here, no one is going to laugh at you.”

“Besides, here we can all fly,” Pinkie Pie spoke up. Morpheus looked at her, seeing the pink filly’s mischievous grin.

Morning Dew’s eyes widened. “You don’t have wings. How can you fly?”

“In this place, anything you imagine can become real!” Pinkie smiled as she lifted off the ground like a hot air balloon. “See, just use your imagination and want it to happen!”

Dew’s eyes widened and her ears shot up. “She’s flying!” She went over and waved her hoof under Pinkie, expecting some kind of trick.

Morpheus smiled and lifted off the ground just like Pinkie. His instincts kicked in, and his wings started flapping. “Yup, all it takes is imagination and belief. In a dream you can do anything, you just have to believe!”

Dew couldn’t deny what she saw, an earth pony was floating in the air. Her wings flapped at a fast pace. Her tongue slipped out of her mouth as she concentrated. Morpheus couldn’t help but think how cute it was.

Dew’s front hooves rose off the ground, followed closely by her rear hooves. Her eyes widened as she felt herself lift into the air. “I’m doing it!”

She took off as fast as she could. Years of the frustration of being flightless were swept away with her joy of being airborne.

The Joy she displayed was infectious and a wide smile came to Morpheous' face, he even let out a light chuckle.

This caused the filly to stop. “You said you wouldn’t laugh!”

“I’m not laughing at you, Morning Dew. I’m happy and laughing with joy at your happiness.”

Pinkie came over. “Yeah, he was laughing with you, not at you. We are happy that you are happy. Now let’s have fun!”

Morpheus nodded and clapped his hooves. On the ground, three ponies appeared in a flash of light and started singing an upbeat song.

Morning Dew looked to the singing ponies. “Where did they come from?”

Pinkie Pie flew up next to Dew, her head bobbing to the melody. “Just like how Princess Celestia is the Princess of the Sun, and Princess Luna is the Princess of the Moon, our friend Morpheus is the Prince of Dreams! He can make anything he imagines here and in other ponies’ dreams.”

She blinked and turned to gaze at Morpheus. “The Prince of Dreams? So you are a prince. Can you make anything here?”

“Yeah, anything I can think of. Watch.” He closed his eyes and focused his thoughts. Soon a cloud appeared under them. “See, now we can land on a cloud and listen to the music.”

Once he sat down on the cloud, he started humming along with the song.

Morning Dew smiled as she looked at Pinkie Pie, then at Morpheus. “Thank you for bringing me here.” A sad look crossed her face, and her ears lowered.

“Aww, what the matter, Dew?” Pinkie Pie asked as she leaned against Dew nuzzling the worried filly.

Dew bit her lip. “If this is a dream, and with all that has happened, I can’t deny it, that means when I wake up, I’ll never see you two again.”

Pinkie winked at him with a mischievous smile.

Pinkie, what are you thinking?

Pinkie put her leg over Dew’s shoulder and whispered loud enough that David still heard. “Well, Morning Dew, Morpheus is a very lonely pony. He’s so lonely he makes imaginary friends. I know, because I am one.”

“You’re imaginary?” Morning Dew blinked.

“Yup, I can prove it.” The pink pony took off in the direction of the edge of the island and stuck her hoof out. Once outside of the area that David controlled, her hoof dissolved into mist. “I can’t leave the island. Only real ponies like Morpheus and you can. I and the rest of the dream ponies are bound to the island or dreams of other ponies.”

“No!” In a blur of motion, Dew shot over to Pinkie. She grabbed her and pulled her away from the edge. “Are... are you okay?” Her breath was rapid as she examined her.

Pinkie smiled. Her hoof rematerialized. “Yup. See, as I said, I’m a dream pony. We don’t get hurt even if we look like it. Remember your nightmare? Those ponies that were moaning? They didn’t feel anything because, like me, they were imaginary.”

“They were scary.“ Dew poked Pinkie in the chest. “I like to think we are friends now. Seeing you like that scared me.”

This time it was Pinkie that looked ashamed. “I’m sorry, Dew. I didn’t mean to--”

“What is happening, why am I disappearing!” Dew screamed as she saw her hoof was now translucent.

“Oh, don’t worry, Dew. You're waking up, next time I’m asleep, I will find you again,” Morpheus said.

“I would like that, it’s so pretty here, even the moon looks pretty.” She smiled and faded away.

Morpheus chuckled, then froze. “Wait, the moon?” They turned and saw a bright moon rising behind the willow tree. They both watched as a dark shadow upon its surface took shape the infamous Mare in the Moon.

“Pinkie? Did you make a moon?” His chest felt tight, and his tail swished back and forth as a feeling of dread gripped him.

“No… and we both know you didn’t.” The two looked at each other. “Well, the island has been growing with the magic, perhaps it has something to do with that?”

The shadow on the moon shifted and looked down at them with two teal eyes. A spike of fear ran down their spines.

David sat bolt upright in bed, his heart racing as the last moments of the dream replayed in his head. He rubbed his eyes clear, feeling a tingling sensation just under his eyelids. “What the hell was with that moon?” he mumbled.

After a stretch, he rose out of bed and felt the call of nature. By the time he got to the bathroom, the odd tingling of his eyes was gone. He didn’t even think about it till he glanced into the mirror. His once brown eyes were now teal. “Fuck!”

Later that day, David, Nathan, and Gabriel approached the front door of a ranch-style house isolated in rural hills about an hour outside of the city. The home of the Coven’s High Priestess.
A young woman with dark brown hair answered the door. She smiled. “Hello, David long time no see.” She motioned the three to enter.

“Yeah, busy with school and such, Mary,” David replied.

Mary softly sighed under her breath. “Sure, school”.

Fourteen people lounged on a large couch and several folding chairs in the open living area the group was chatted quietly amongst themselves, occasionally nibbling on refreshments from the coffee table in the middle of the room.

An elderly woman stood up and walked over to David, her white hair swinging across her back in a long braid. She was dressed in blue jeans and a simple white shirt. “Welcome back, David. It has been a long time.” She glanced at the bags under his eyes. His teal eyes.

“Bridget, eh… High Priestess, we need your help.” Hearing Gabriel address her with the official title, the other witches quieted down and turned. Some out of respect, others out of curiosity.

“What’s going on?” a blond-haired woman asked.

“Hush, Emily, we'll find out soon,” a fellow she was talking to just a moment ago replied.

Bridget looked at David and motioned over to the sofa. “Everyone please make room on the couch for our guests, this is going to be interesting.” The witches nodded and stood up, giving David and Mama G a wide berth. Nathan chose to stand behind his wife.

Bridget frowned and rubbed her chin. “I see it has developed even more than when you called me. Mary, let in our last guest. She should be here right about…”

With the sound of someone knocking on the door, Mary blinked, then opened the door to reveal David’s mother. “Oh, welcome, Ms. Tanner.”

The High Priestess smirked when she saw the looks of surprise. “Come in, Margaret, now that you have arrived, we can get to unraveling this mystery.”

David looked at the door, then to the High Priestess. “Wait, why is my mother here?”
A black-haired woman leaned over to her partner. “How did she know she was going to knock on the door?”

“It's simple, she saw David’s mother walk to the door out of the window,” the fellow witch replied. The other facepalmed.

The High Priestess shushed them and turned to Margaret. “I am glad you could make it, Ms. Tanner.”

“When Gabriel told me something was happening to my son, I made sure I made it. David, I wish you told me something was wrong.” She went over to her son and hugged him. “What is happening?”

“Your questions will be answered soon, Ms. Tanner.” Bridget addressed the others, “Everyone, our normal meeting is postponed. Nathan and Gabriel called me yesterday, and I can see that their fears are sound. Those who knew David might recall his eyes were brown.” She then sat down in a chair with flower-patterned fabric.

Margret looked to her son and spotted his teal orbs. “What the hell? Are those contacts?” She sat beside him across from the High Priestess. Mary settled down in a light brown recliner beside the High Priestess’s chair. The rest of the witches scooted their seats closer.

Calmly, Bridget answered, “Please, Ms. Tanner, let Gabriel tell us what she knows, then we can ask David directly.”

Gabriel nodded. “We think he met some powerful Fae. His energy shot up beyond anything I have ever seen.”

Mary gasped and whispered, “Oh, shit, it’s that serious?” Bridget shot her a disapproving glare.

“The other day David came to us and told us about him having a very vivid dream. The dreams continued, and then he… he created a truly magical projection. Full image and sound illusion.”

“If anyone else said that, I would think they were lying,” a black-haired man spoke up.

Margret's voice shook as she replied, “I respect your religion, but what you are talking about is not real.” She put her hand on David’s shoulder.

Bridget sighed and looked at David. “Can you call your friend, David? Don’t worry about being bound to the magic in your body, it’s already too late. Judging by your eyes, your very being has already been altered.”

“Come on, David, we are leaving.” Margret turned, then stopped. “Wha…”

“Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie!” The pink pony jumped through the wall. She pranced into the living area. Her form was fully realistic, each hair of her coat easy to make out... Bright sky blue eyes looked around with joy.

The coven gasped, only to be replaced by the High Priestess’s voice. “Judging from everyone’s reactions, we can all see the talking pink pony.”

One of the women reached over. “Is this real?” Her hand went through Pinkie. “It has to be some kind of projection, a hologram.”

Pinkie jumped back. “Hologram my plot! A tech-based hologram is a programmed image. Reacting to your comment would take a complex AI, not to mention multiple light emitters. Those hologram emitters would be blocked by you walking around me and sticking your hand into my business. I react instantly and when you move around me, you don’t disrupt what you are seeing.” She snorted and stomped her hoof.

Margret stepped back and sat down. “David, are you doing that?”

“Yeah, Mom. Pinkie Pie was Jennifer’s favorite character.” He rubbed the back of his head. “Somehow she became self-aware, or some kind of subconscious manifestation.”

Bridget stood up and went to the mare. “Everyone, please don't annoy our guests, including the pony.”

“A talking horse thing? It can’t be real.” Margret kept staring at Pinkie who was the center of attention. Some brave coven members stood up and went over to talk to the pink pony.

Still, in a state of shock, Margret gazed into David’s teal eyes. Her mouth opened and closed a few times, then she turned to the High Priestess. “How did this happen? My son is not a witch, he even told me he tried magic and nothing happened.”

Before she had a chance to answer, David asked, “Why is this happening to me, High Priestess? A week ago I couldn’t even do a simple spell, now my eyes are teal, and I have an imaginary friend who manifested as a pink pony that everyone else can see.” He glanced at Pinkie.

The High Priestess nodded and continued, “That’s something I don’t know, David, but I can guess. Throughout many cultures, there are stories of beings of immense magical power. They often come from other realms, alternate dimensions. From those realms beings that we call Fae arrived at our world. It's a catch-all term for fairies, gnomes, goblins, as well as other such entities. Some still roam around the Earth, maybe they were banished or trapped here. What we do know is that there are stories of the two most powerful Fae, two sisters, one of summer light, the other of winter darkness. Tell me, David, does that dynamic sound familiar to you?"

“Celestia and Luna,” David whispered.

“One day, the other night. Both love each other, both hate each other, the similarities are striking. I believe you were astral projecting when you witnessed the battle between the two. Both these sisters used strong magic, the likes of we humans will not achieve for thousands of generations even if we focus solely on gaining those abilities.”

“The magic followed your spirit back to your body. I believe the magic of Nightmare Moon would have destroyed your soul, but the magic from Celestia and the Elements of Harmony saved your soul.” The High Priestess sighed. “However, given the magic was not aware of humans, it repaired your soul using what it knew.” She looked at Pinkie Pie. “That universe never had humans, the dominant life is equine. So, that's what your soul form was turned into.”

“This is too much for me. You're telling me my son’s soul was turned into a pony?” Margret spoke up again. “I need a drink.”

“Mary, break out the bourbon. Hell, serve everyone, I think we could all use a drink.” The group shared a laugh.

A young man raised his voice. “This could be useful. Many groups would pay big bucks for proof of real supernatural abilities.” He pointed to Pinkie Pie. “A magical talking pony fits the paranormal supernatural category. Not to mention what other abilities David may develop thanks to this magic.”

“No, Frank, we will not parade David around like a show magician. History is full of examples of why that’s a bad idea. The general population tends to go insane at any hint of magic. It is also demeaning and insulting to David,” the High Priestess declared. “The general population is still seeking reasons to condemn us, just look on YouTube. There's that moronic woman who thinks Monster Energy Drink is satanic. Not to mention the Westboro Baptist Church. We can’t trust the general population, we have been hunted too many times. Besides, I don’t think we have much time.”

“What do you mean, High Priestess?” Gabriel asked.

“That magic isn’t from our universe. Sooner or later, it’s going to be drawn back to its native reality. With David's soul having been changed by said magic, I fear his soul will remain in Equestria. I pray I am wrong, by the Goddess, I pray I am wrong.” The High Priestess took her drink from Mary and sat back, sipping the bourbon.

“I don’t know what to think anymore.” Margret glanced at Pinkie Pie. She could tell the pony was depressed. Her once bouncy hair now hung straight, her eyes cast down in thought.

“We can’t just do nothing, Grandma!” Mary spoke up.

Bridget looked at her drink. “Oh, we do something. Beginning tomorrow, David will be given a crash course in every magic trick, spell, technique, and theory we all can think of. We might be lucky, and it might take years before that magic returns to its native reality.” She took another sip of her bourbon before she continued, “So much of this is unknown, but the coven is going to be with you every moment we can.” She looked at the group. “If you don’t like it, you can leave.”

“Wait, tomorrow I have work and school,” David complained.

Bridged raised an eyebrow. “David, you might want to quit school and even your job. Right now you are a walking superhero able to create illusions with a mere thought. Frank is partly right, if the public becomes aware of your abilities, they will swarm you.”

Her eyes focused on everyone in the room one at a time. “News of David will remain in this room. No posts, tweets, gossip, or any word to anyone, even to our fellow witches. Secrecy of this is paramount.”

With determination in her eyes, she settled her gaze on David again. “I will offer my home and every assistance I can.”

Author's Note:

A second primary character! That's right Morning Dew going to be showing up often. The plot in Equestria about to really begin.

So David's eyes changed color. Will he become a Pony on Earth or will the Equestrian magic take him away before that happens?