• Published 4th Oct 2020
  • 9,944 Views, 440 Comments

Prince of Dreams - ShadowStar_IMHP

A lucid dream is a dream during which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming. What happens when a human with the ability to lucid dream finds his way to Equestria? Answer he becomes Morpheus the Prince of Dreams, the son of Nightmare Moon.

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Chapter 15 (Unedited)

Morning Dew had sat on the cliff side as she looked out at the forest where the capital city of Everfree once stood. Her home was barely recognizable now covered with plants, and the speed of the growth of the tree was slower than before but still faster than usual.

She stood and turned to look at the manor she now lived in. The three-story building was constructed in a U-shape. In the courtyard, a statue of Princess Platinum stood proudly decorated with gems harvested from the mines.

Morning Dew walked over and read the description of the statue ‘Of all the treasures I have, the ones I cherish most are my friends’.

Dew’s turned her head to look at one of the windows of Morpheus’s room. Tears escaped her eyes and she sniffled as she lowered her head.

Behind her Sure Strike walked up to his niece and sat down. His left wing moved over her “He be okay, Celestia has the best healers taking care of him.”

She pressed her mussel against his barrel as she whimpered “It’s my fault, I told them about Morpheus. He’s hurt because of me.”

His heart thumped hard in his chest then he took a deep breath “I know how you feel Morning Dew. It’s very easy to blame ourselves for things. We all have to ask ourselves, did we have a choice? I know it’s easy to blame ourselves.”

Dew sniffled and wiped the tears from her face “But, I told them everything.”

Sure Strike looked her in the eyes “Did you have a choice? Did they make you tell them?”

Morning Dew looked out the window again. “No, I remember that nasty Astral Beacon’s eyes glowing… then I couldn’t control myself.”

He nuzzled her “There is your answer, you had no choice. I know you feel guilty, but it wasn’t your fault.” Lifting his head he looked at the room and noticed a maid quickly closed the curtain, then he smiled. “How about we go see how he’s doing?”

Morning Dew lifted her head, her right brow raised a bit higher than her right “The healer said he needed his rest.”

Sure Strike motioned to the window. “Someone had those curtains closed. Who do you know that would not like bright light?”

For a moment Dew’s face was slacked as she thought about what her uncle said. Then her eyes widened, and her ears shot up. “He’s awake?” She didn’t wait for a response as she bolted from her uncle and then flew off.
“No Flying in the …” He chucked and shook his head “Why bother, she's already out of yelling range.” Sure Strike chuckled as he trotted for the manor.

At the other side of the manor, Celestia sat in the office she was provided with. A sigh escaped her as she turned her attention to the room's other occupant. “Are you sure about this Platinum Shine?”

He brushed his mane aside and smiled “Of course Auntie. It makes sense, the mines aren’t producing as many enchantment-quality gems. What’s being found has too many impurities, I thought if we ever have a trade deal with dragons they would love the stuff.”

“My question still holds, are you sure about turning over your estates to be used as the new capital?”

He shrugged “Grandmother was all about appearances, half of these rooms have only been seen by the cleaning staff. It would serve Equestria much better as the seat of government. The ground is not fit for farming, we bring most of the food from the valley below, and like I said the mine’s not going to be financially sustainable for long.” He rises and walks to a window to look at the view.

Then he continued “However, we are nearly at the center of Equestria and it wouldn’t be too much trouble to redirect the roads from Everfree to Canterville. Any other city center would cause increased travel time to half the nation and require far more road construction.”

Celestia nodded “Those are good points but there are a few negatives. First, the roads wouldn’t be too much of a burden, Canterville is a mining town, it would need extensive reconstruction to be considered a city, not to mention the Capital of Equestria.”

Platinum chuckled and turned to face her “That’s more of a plus in my view. True it would need a full reconstruction, but we can get a more unified appearance and make the city a shining beacon to bring hope to the population.”

A smile finally came to Celestia’s lips “Now I see that Platinum's flare for appearances is still alive, as well as generosity.”

Platinum chuckled “The idea was Sweetie’s, though she didn’t articulate it as such.” He sat down and spoke in a higher pitch tone “Daddy! We need to do something for all those homeless ponies. Oh, we can let them live here!” he returned to his normal tone “After that, the idea just stuck in my brain.”

Celestia opened her mouth but a knock at the door distracted her and instead of giving a reply she spoke: “Enter”.
The light pink maid walked into the chamber. She nipped her lower lip and with a soft voice “Sorry to disturb your Highness, but um...”

Platinum Shine raised a brow as Celestia spoke “Be at ease Magenta, now tell us why you are so nervous?”

“The Prince, he’s awake,” Magenta stated then gasped as Celestia bolted up and rushed out of the room, then followed by Plantium Shine.

In the hallway, Platinum spoke up “Antie he’s not going to vanish if we take our time. Besides you are unnerving the staff.”

Celestia slowed down to a more normal trot and let out a breath “It seems you are right. I’m just a bit excited to finally talk to him.”

Platinum smiled “I can understand, he’s part of your herd. Just give him time to wake up fully.”

Her head lowered a tad and her ears lowered, and she whispered barely loud enough for him to hear: “It’s just hard Plantium, I lost so much, first Cosmos, then Luna’s foal, now Luna herself. Now this colt’s magic is nearly identical to Luna’s and she even claimed him as her own.”

With a sigh, Platinum nodded “I can’t imagine how you feel. How this colt came to be is beyond my understanding, I doubt even Starswarl would be able to figure it out.”

Just then the main door burst open with a blur of yellow and red fading down the hall. Outside a voice calls out “No Flying in the …”

The two royals looked at each other before moving to view Sure Strike as he walked into the manor. “My apologies your Masgesties, Morning Dew just figured out Morpheus might be awake.”

Celestia chuckled “It’s understandable, we were on our way there ourselves.”

As Morpheus looked around the room a high pitch softly spoke from the doorway “Are you thirsty?”

The suddenness of the voice caused him to jolt and turn to look at the young unicorn filly with bright sky-blue eyes blond mane and a snow-white coat. On her sides were two saddlebags with her cutie mark of a bow with a gold heart and a green leaf above the bowl. He swallowed then spoke up “Um… I am a little thirsty, but who are you?”

The filly smiled as she pranced into the room “I’m Princess Sweet Heart, but you can call me Sweetie. We are cousins!” Then she tilts her head “I think we are, Aunt Celestia my great great aunt or something. So is Luna, and that makes you my cousin, I think.”

She then runs to a pitcher and a wooden cup on a table. Using her hooves she poured some water. Then she took out a silver loose tea leaf holder and dropped it in the bowl, followed by some honey from a small jar. Her horn then lit up flickering for a few seconds before steam rose from the cup. Prancing she made her way back to his bedside and held out the cup. “The tea is chamam… chamomile with some honey. It’s good to chase away the bad vapers.”

Morpheus took the cup and drank heavily, the water eased his dried mouth. The water was room temperature but still welcomed. “What are vapers?” He asked once he finished his drink.

Sweetie tilted her head “You don’t know about vapers? It’s the bad stuff that makes ponies sick.” She lowered her head and sniffled “Sometimes we can’t stop the vapers and ponies die.”

She takes a deep breath and then looks up determined “I Going to be a healer and save ponies!” With a turn, she revealed a gold heart with a blooming flower. “I got my cutie mark already, I’m going to find a way to prevent vapers from taking ponies away.” Then she sniffled “No pony going to leave me again.”

Morpheus watched as the filly’s emotions shifted and he hopped down from his bed and hugged her. “I lost someone important to me too.”

After returning the hug Sweet Heart stepped back and her lips scrunched up “You’re out of bed. You need rest, the healer said so.”

He smiled at the smaller filly, but before he made it back to bed a blur of orange and red tackled him. “Morpheus!” Morning Dew screamed as she hugged him.

Sweetie spoke up “Don’t hug him so hard! He’s recovering and needs rest.”

Morning Dew let go of her friend and looked at the tiny princess “Sweetie, why are you here? The healers said we needed to leave him alone.”

Sweetie nodded “He was thirsty so I got him some tea.”

Morpheus smiled at the two, “So you two know each other?”

Celestia spoke up as she walked in “Indeed they do. I think they bonded the first day we arrived.”

“Auntie Celestia!” Sweet Heart bound over and hugged Celestia.

“I know why Morning Dew is here, but I thought I told you not to bother Prince Morpheus.” Plantium Shine spoke as he walked in followed by Sure Strike.

Sweetie’s lower lip quivered “I wasn’t bothering him, he was thirsty and no one else was here. So I made him some tea.”

Platinum sighed “I see, you just happened to have all the stuff you need in your saddlebags. You aren’t fooling me, Sweet Heart.”

Celestia let out a sigh “As much as I love to see Morpheus meet new friends. Right now I have to ask Sure Strike to lead Morning Dew and Sweet Heart into the hallway.”

Morning Dew’s eyes widen “No, I want to stay with Morpheus.”

With a smile, Celestia nodded. “I understand, but this is important. You can talk with Morpheus once we are done. You have my word.”

Sure Strike, motioned the two fillies out. “Come on you two, you heard the Princess.”

Sweet Heart turned and looked at Morpheus “Drink your tea before it gets too cold.” Then she walks out of the bedroom.

Once the room’s door closed Celestia’s horn lit up bathing the chamber in a golden glow that clung to the walls. “There, that spell will prevent anyone from overhearing.”

She lowered her head and looked at Morpheus “You have her eyes” then she shook her head to clear her thoughts “Sorry, Morpheus, Luna told me about you during your extended rest. You are older than you appear correct?”

Morpheus looked between the two adults and then sighed. “I… hmm, age doesn’t work given I was a different species not to mention from another reality. There I was considered a fully matured adult, had my job, house, even… had a fiancee until she died.”

He sniffled and wiped his eyes with the back of his hoof. Celestia hesitantly spoke “I know things are difficult, your life has been turned upside down. Not only are you stuck in another world, but you also have a body of a twelve-year-old, with all the emotions and instincts that come with it.”

She then approached the bed and moved her wing to rest on Morpheus’ back. “There are some political issues we must tell you.”

Morpheus looked up at her “What issue?”

Platinum Shine spoke up then, “To state it simply, there is an active attempt to force Celestia to step down from the throne.”

The shock caused Morpheus to bolt out of Celestia’s wing to stand at the edge of the bed his eyes wide as he stared at Platinum. “What?”

The voice of Nightmare Moon came from a shadow that quickly reformed into the dark Alicorn’s shape “Morpheus, consider this your first lesson in the life of a Pony. That cartoon of yours got something wrong. Celestia and I aren’t biological sisters. We were married to the same stallion, the former King.”

Celestia felt a shiver down her spine, that one statement meant Luna, or Nightmare Moon as she calls herself, no longer thinks King Cosmos was alive. Celestia spoke up as well “Our Husband wasn’t king for long, and he couldn’t choose between the two of us. So he said the first to give him a foal would be the first wife, and queen.”

Nightmare’s head lowered “I was the one that became pregnant, right before Discord. He banished King Cosmos, and during the battle between us and Discord. I lost my foal, she was malformed due to the chaos magic.”

Platinum Shine joined in “That brings us to you. The nobility is claiming that you are the foal that Queen Luna lost. Now they are saying Celestia banished Luna to get rid of her, and for your safety take you under their protection.”

Morpheus points to Nightmare “Well, she’s here. So the whole getting rid of Luna argument is…”

Nightmare snorted “Remember Morpheus, I am not Luna. No one who looks at me would see my former self. All they will see is a corrupt Alicorn who is blamed for destroying the former capital city. Not to mention I can only appear as an illusion around you.”

Morpheus plopped down “Damn, so what now?”

Celestia looks over “We give them what they want. I will formally step down as ruling Princess, and you will be the next king when you come of age.”

Platinum Shine smiled “Your Majesty, I am Prince Platinum Shine, and I shall be your Regent and run the nation as we teach you what you need to know.”

Morpheus spoke with a shake of his head “I can’t be King, I’m not even Luna’s son!”

Nightmare Moon “Right now you will pass any test as my Foal. Your magic is nearly identical to mine, and your body is forged by that magic. So your very, what that term you people use… DNA would reflect being my offspring as well.”

She moved closer and looked him in the eyes. “Morpheus, for the good of Equestria, the world must see you as my foal. You will be king, and with your help, you will bring my little ponies to the stars.”

Morpheus stood behind the curtain, he lifts his hoof and messed with the decorative breastplate he had been put in.

Platinum Shine chuckled “Stop messing with it, your Majesty. The peytral is an important part of your gear. Not only is it enchanted, but the gem also stores your magic for emergencies.”

A pout came to Morpheus's face “But it’s uncomfortable.”

The larger stallion gave the young prince a nuzzle. “You get used to it. Your Mother even has it on when she materializes her illusion.”

Morpheus nodded then looked out the curtain to where Celestia stood as she gave her last address as ruling Princess. “I still think this is a bad idea. I understand why, but… I’m not really a pony.” He turned and extended his bat-like wings, “I already know that there plenty of… fear of those like me. Having a King that’s corrupted will not be easy.”

Platinum nodded “I do agree, it’s a bad option out of a list of very bad options.” He looked to the curtain “It is better than not making this move and letting everything that has been done since Discord comes to an end by Eletist, narcissistic nobles.”

With a look to his young charge “Not to mention with all your knowledge we will be able to make some good changes.”

Morpheus replied. “Making too many changes too fast leads to even more problems. Right now Equus is healthy with very little pollution. Human knowledge had rendered thousands of miles deadly for generations, caused the air to be toxic, and even poison in the water in many places. For each advancement we made, we made just as many mistakes.”

A smile came to Plantium's face “And we have you to help us not to make similar mistakes.” He then lifts his head “She’s about ready to announce you.”

Morpheus heard Celestia’s voice then “So my little ponies, I will be stepping down as the ruler of Equestria. In my stead PrincePlatinumm Shine will serve as regent till my herd son, Prince Morpheus will be crowned king on his 16th birthday.”

Celestia’s horn lit up and she took off the crown on her head and stepped aside. “Ponies of Equestria, I am proud to introduce to you heir Crown Prince Morpheus son of King Cosmos, and Queen Luna.”
Morpheus takes a deep breath and then stepped out onto the balcony. Gasps of shock rose from the crowd.

He took a moment and spoke out with the Royal Voice. “My little ponies, I am Prince Morpheus, and as you can see I am of the new tribe. Some call us corrupted, others call us monsters, I have never been in any other tribe of ponies. Hidden because of the fear you now show.”

With a look up to the sky, “My mother Queen Luna was shunned because her coat was dark blue and she was the Princess of the night.” Then he looked down “So she kept me safe from the same hate and shunning she faced every day in public. Now, there is a population of ponies like me, we have a new tribe, and like the unification before we will become a stronger people by accepting all tribes in Equestria.”

Morpheus then looked to Celestia and then to the crowd. “You accepted the Alicorns as your leaders, King Cosmos lead the fight against Lord Tirek, My Mother Queen Luna, and Princess Celestia defeated Discord. I have been told I was changed by Discord’s magic, but I think I was changed by Harmony. I am an Alicorn of four tribes, not just three, Harmony made me ready to represent everypony.”

He then smiled “I am not corrupted, there is no madness in me, there is no madness in the others who now are nocturnal. Queen Luna was nocturnal and showed no madness, it was her sacrifice that delayed the destruction of Everfree. If it wasn’t for her many more ponies would have lost their lives to the evil actions of the unicorn Astral Beacon. It was she who spared those who were struck by the dark magic, saving them from the insanity that she took on herself. We aren’t corrupted, we are ponies, we are… Thestrals.”

With a turn, he headed through the curtain. Then stopped as he came to the hooves of Nightmare Moon “That's not the speech we had you memorize.”

Morpheus chuckled “Yup, I’m not going to launch a new age industrial revolution if I come off as weak. So I need to present myself as a strong leader so I chose to speak my mind. Besides, I will be damned if I am called a bat pony for the rest of my life. For now…” He yanked off the peytial and let it fall to the ground and started running for the door. “I have two friends waiting for me.”

Nightmare Moon watched as Morpheus ran out of the room. “Pinkie, you have to tell him.”

Celestia and Plantinum Shine both looked at each other than at the fading illusion of Nightmare Moon. Celestia spoke up “What are you talking…” then the illusion vanished. She looked to Plantium Shine.

He shrugged “Guess we find out when Morpheus does.”

It wasn’t long before Morpheus burst into what became the foal’s playroom. The two fillies Morning Dew and Sweet Heart looked at him.

Dew tilted her head “What is a Thestral?”

Morpheus smiled “It’s a creature from a story. They were horse-like creatures but with bat-like wings, so I chose to name the new tribe after the story.” With a shrug “Not like the writer going to find out.”

Suddenly Sweet Heart screamed her eyes widened and pointed to a shadow as it shifted into Nightmare Moon. Morning Dew moved closer to the frightened filly and spoke “Don’t be afraid Sweetie. She’s Queen Luna, just changed like the other ponies.”

Sweet Heart looked to her friends then to the Nightmare “But… she’s the one that…”

Morpheus sighed “Didn’t you listen to my speech? The pony that destroyed the city was Astral Beacon.”

Sweet Heart’s eyes narrowed as she looked at Morpheus. “I heard that, but she” She pointed again to Nightmare Moon. “Hurt aunt Celestia, hurting ponies is bad!” The fear she showed faded as the now angry filly stomped over to Nightmare Moon. “You need to apologize!”

Celestia chuckled as she walked into the playroom. “It’s fine Sweetie. My Luna and I have both made mistakes and hurt each other.”

Sweetie then looked to Celestia “Then you should both apologize.”

Platinum Shine moved up beside his daughter. “My Daughter is correct, two wrongs don’t make a right.”

Celestia lifted her head to look at Nightmare Moon, “Luna, I…”

Nightmare Moon snorted, “I’m Nightmare Moon remember.”

Celestia's ears lay flat but her voice was steady “Luna, you were my first friend, my best friend. We are herd sisters, Please, I want my friend back even if it is just in name only.” Tears started to flow from Celestia’s eyes as she approached the dark alicorn.

Nightmare’s head lowered “Celestia, it going to take time, but with Morpheus’s help I’m recovering.” She then looked to Celestia “I am still angry at you for sending me to the Moon, but I am sorry I thought you were… involved with Astral Beacon’s plan.” For a moment the slit eyes returned to that of a day pony “For family, I will forgive you and let you use my true name.”

Celestia went to nuzzle, and her head just passed through Luna. Nightmare Moon’s dark laugh was the reply “You forgot I’m just a projection didn’t you.”

A blush came to Celestia’s cheeks. “Well, yeah… so what was that about Pinkie needing to tell Morpheus something.”

Morpheus looked between the two “Well that’s a change in topic, but one I do want to know. She has been avoiding me in the dream realm. The excuse of her hunting down those tantabusi doesn’t explain it.”

Nightmare lifted her head “I know you are listening Pinkie Pie, you have to show them.”

Pinkie’s voice came from nowhere but seemed to echo from all around the gathered ponies. “But I’m scared!”

Nightmare rolled her eyes “For a being born to devour fears and nightmares, you can be such a coward.”

Morpheus looked around “Pinkie, you're my friend. We have been through so much together, heck you helped keep me sane back on Earth. Please, whatever the problem is we can face it together.”

Reality moved to part as a curtain and Pinkie’s head pops out of the void. Her head was still a foot higher than Celestia’s and her left eye was now a bright green whereas her right was blue. In the center of her forehead was a Unicorn’s horn in rainbow colors. “Um… I kind of changed, a lot. I was so hungry, the more tantabusi I ate, the more I changed. Now I’m… well…”

She stepped out of the void letting the rip in reality close. Standing on two mixed matching legs, the left was that of a chicken with feathers and claws, the other was the back leg of a zebra. Her body was long and serpentine with pink scales, and on her back, two butterfly wings with Balloons fluttered behind her.

All but Nightmare Moon gasped, Celestia, moved to stand defensively over the foals as her horn lit up. “A Draconequus”

Nightmare Moon sighed “Yes Celestia, turns out that when a Baku grows strong enough they become Draconequus. Now drop that spell, or are you going to follow my mistake and jump to conclusions?”

Once again Celestia’s cheeks flash pink with a blush, “Sorry, Pinkie. Luna’s right I shouldn’t judge a pon… er being on their appearance.”

Morpheus ran forward and hugged Pinkie “Pinkie, I don’t care what you look like. I know you are a good pony, no matter what you are.”
Pinkie reached down and hugged Morpheus with her otter-like hands, tears that form bubbles float around them as she cried with joy. “I’m so happy you aren’t afraid of me!”

Platinum Shine looked at the other adults in the room. “Well, this is certainly a surprise.”

Another world away Margret held the glowing crystal as she finally fell asleep. Bridget made her way to the living room area of the lodge. “She’s finally asleep.”

Gabriel Cox picked up a tea cup and sipped it. Bags were under her red eyes “I wish I can do the same. First Jennifer, now David it’s like I had my heart ripped out all over again.” Nathan gave his wife a loving side hug as the two looked at the fireplace and watched as the flames danced along the wood.

Bridget was about to speak when her head turned to look at the door. “I think we have guests.”

As soon as the words escaped her lip there was a knock at the door. She made her way and opened the oak door to see three tall lean figures. The one up front stood roughly 7 feet perhaps even 7’6” his hair was platinum, and it wasn’t platinum blond but pure platinum like the metal with a metallic shine.

He was an elf, for he clearly was indeed an elf with those long pointed ears and features just a tad too lean and angular than a human. The elf then bowed “High Priestess, I know this is peculiar but may I enter? I sware on the Sun, Moon, and Stars my intentions are honorable.”

Bridget felt the hair on her arms and neck stand with the energy of the being before her command. “Of course, you are welcome as my guest. What shall I call you?”

He motioned to the two other elves to remain outside as he entered. “I have been called the lost King, King under the Mountain, and many others, however, my true name is unpronounceable by humans, but loosely translated it’s King Cosmos.”

Then the fire went out and his hair platinum hair rose “And I really want to know how my wife’s magic manifested here among humans.”

Bridget refused to reveal the dread she felt. “That is a long story, King Cosmos. Allow me the time and I shall tell you all I know about the situation.”

The three humans watched as the elf king made his way to one of the seats and settled down. “You may tell me your tail.”

King Cosmos stood in the bedroom where Margret slept. The woman’s emotional exhaustion was still etched on her features. “I was so close, and here all that remains is one enchanted gem.”

He reached down to remove the gem from the sleeping woman but her hand closed up tight. Even in her sleep instincts still reacted, protecting the one link she had to her son.

“Very well, I give you a gift. When you see your son, relay my message.” then he started chanting, a language no human throat could ever produce. A language born of magic, the magic of Harmony.

The Island of Dreams was alive once again, flowers bloom, and the great willow glowed with magic.

Nightmare Moon sat on a large rock as she watched the foals play. Pinkie shrunk herself down to foal size to join in the activity. Morpheus even brought Sweet Heart to the island of Dreams.

Then everything pulsed with magic, the magic she hasn’t felt in years. “COSMOS!” she yelled and leaped to her hooves.

The foals stopped and ran over, Morpheus spoke up “What was that?”

A new pony appeared on the island. She was a light tan coat and dark brown hair, she didn’t have a cutie mark even though she was a fully grown mare. Around her neck was a neckless with a blue glowing gemstone. “Where am I? What is this place?”

Morpheus ears twitch, then his eyes widen “MOM!” The colt bolted for the mare and tackled her in a hug.

Nightmare Moon motioned to the two fillies, and Pinkie, “You three remain here. Let the two enjoy the time they have.”

Pinkie looked at her “What about you?”

With a sigh, Nightmare walked to the Mother and son. “I have to know something. Then I let them be.” Once she got closer she addressed the mare “You must be Margret Tanner. I’m… Queen Luna your son’s caretaker.”

Margret looked up to the dark Alicorn. “You are Luna? I thought you were blue.” With a shake of her head, “He sent me here, to visit. I can come here via dreams, only as long as there is the magic David put into this Gem. After it’s gone… he said there was no other way to recharge it.”

Nightmare Moon nodded “I can feel David’s magic in the gem. Tell me, I must know… who sent you here?”

Margret let Morpheus go and looked at the other mare. “He told me, to tell you and Celestia a message. His words, ‘I am alive, we all are alive, now that the gulf of limbo has been crossed, we know it’s possible to return. It may take years, even decades, but we now have hope. Luna, and Celestia, I love you both. Till we see each other again, Cosmos.”

Tears flowed down Nightmare’s cheeks. “I see, thank you, Margret.” She turned to walk away when Margret’s voice stopped her.

“Luna, I’m trusting you with my Son. Please take care of him in Equestria.”

Nightmare Moon looked back at the two “I will take care of him as if he was my own flesh and blood foal.”

Margret nodded “Thank you” Then she looked down at her son “So, mind introducing me to those friends of yours?”

Luna walked away from the others, her eyes once more normal for a pony, her teeth smooth. Her coat was still black, but her armor faded to leave just her to sit on the edge of the Island to cry.

Author's Note:

I started this story with one goal. To make the transfer part of a Human arriving in Equestria as long as logically can without making it boring. I think I accomplished that task.

I also wanted to address the idea of Humans having magic. Everywhere on Earth, there are stories and myths of magic users. Some are Witches, others Wizards like Merlin, and others are witch doctors and medicine men/women, but every culture has some stories involving magic. So why do so many stories of Humans in Equestria not address this? Humans either have no magic or are resistant to magic for some reason. So I added witches and mentioned other types of human magic lore.

I also had a little fun with the idea that Ponies coming to Earth don't become humans, they became the Elves of our myths.

Hopefully, I inspire more writers to include myths and legends from Earth in their own stories.

This is the last chapter of this story. As of now, I don't see myself writing anymore; my life has become more time-consuming and overall better. If anyone wishes to continue this universe I give you my blessing. Same with any of my other stories.

Comments ( 29 )

interesting ending.... i would love to see a sequel.

Great end to a wonderful story. Well done!

Too bad, the story is good, but we can't force you to write the sequel... Just hope for the best

Good chapter and a great story. Though I think the lead up to this chapter was better, the end feels rushed. Though that might be viewing it from the perspective of the first half. Either way a good story and I'll be looking out for the sequel.

This leaves some riddles don't solve

it definitely has that "manga that got canceled only one third through the story and got one chapter to wrap it up" sort of feel.

It's so cool to see this story finished after so long! You did a great job!

Hehe, lore dump!
It's interesting that you capped this off with many points opening their ends. Perhaps other authors can build upon them and when critical mass has been reached, we'll get a name for this verse. I propose Morpheusverse!

I accept that the second half a little rushed. It’s more tying up loose story threads. I moved somethings I was saving for an Epilogue into this chapter, like the reveal of King Cosmos, David’s Mother appearing in the Dream Realm, and Pinkie the Draconequus.

I did leave a few things open for a sequel. Not sure if I will write it given how little time I have to write now.

I used to have a part time night shift job. This ended up with me awake when everyone I lived with was asleep. So I sat at the computer and wrote.

Now I have a full time job that’s a lot of physical labor so I’m more tired when I get home and I’m home before midnight. What time I have off I’m mostly resting or doing housework. So not sitting at the computer all night.


Nightmare’s head lowered “I was the one that became pregnant, right before Discord. He banished King Cosmos, and during the battle between us and Discord. I lost my foal, she was malformed due to the chaos magic.”

Screw Ball?

No the foal was stillborn. Luna would have named her Snowdrop.

Don't worry,life comes first.I can understand that.
it's your choice,i respect this. Just don't make yourself too tired, okay?


Oh, right, I forgot.


Pinkie the Platypus. A-gent Po-o-onk

This was a good story. I look forward to what comes next.

His left wing moved over her,(—— “He’ll be okay, Celestia has the best healers taking care of him.”

as she whimpered,(—— “It’s my fault, I told them about Morpheus. He’s hurt because of me.”

His heart thumped hard in his chest then he took a deep breath,(—— “I know how you feel Morning Dew.

Dew sniffled and wiped the tears from her face,(—— “But, I told them everything.”

Sure Strike looked her in the eyes,(—— “Did you have a choice? Did they make you tell them?”

He nuzzled her,(—— “There is your answer, you had no choice.

She didn’t wait for a response as she bolted from her uncle and then flew off.
(New paragraph)
“No Flying in the …” He chucked and shook his head “Why bother, she's already out of yelling range.” Sure Strike chuckled as he trotted for the manor.

Celestia opened her mouth but a knock at the door distracted her and instead of giving a reply she spoke: “Enter”.
(New paragraph)
The light pink maid walked into the chamber. She nipped her lower lip and with a soft voice,(—— “Sorry to disturb your Highness, but um...”

Platinum Shine raised a brow as Celestia spoke,(—— “Be at ease Magenta, now tell us why you are so nervous?”

In the hallway, Platinum spoke up,(—— “Auntie he’s not going to vanish if we take our time.

Celestia slowed down to a more normal trot and let out a breath,(—— “It seems you are right. I’m just a bit excited to finally talk to him.”

Platinum smiled,(—— “I can understand, he’s part of your herd. Just give him time to wake up fully.”

doubt even Starswirl would be able to figure it out.”

Outside a voice calls out,(—— “No Flying in the …”

Celestia chuckled,(—— “It’s understandable, we were on our way there ourselves.”

She takes a deep breath and then looks up determined,(—— “I’m Going to be a healer and save ponies!”

Morning Dew let go of her friend and looked at the tiny princess,(—— “Sweetie, why are you here? The healers said we needed to leave him alone.”

Sweetie nodded,(—— “He was thirsty so I got him some tea.”

Sweetie’s lower lip quivered,(—— “I wasn’t bothering him, he was thirsty and no one else was here. So I made him some tea.”

Platinum sighed,(——

Sweet Heart turned and looked at Morpheus,(—— “Drink your tea before it gets too cold.”

She lowered her head and looked at Morpheus,(—— “You have her eyes,(——” then she shook her head to clear her thoughts,(—— “Sorry, Morpheus, Luna told me about you during your extended rest. You are older than you appear correct?”

Morpheus looked up at her,(—— “What issue?”

Platinum Shine joined in,(——

Morpheus points to Nightmare,(—— “Well, she’s here. So the whole getting rid of Luna argument is…”

Nightmare snorted,(—— “Remember Morpheus, I am not Luna.

Morpheus plopped down,(—— “Damn, so what now?”

Platinum Shine smiled,(—— “Your Majesty, I am Prince Platinum Shine,

Morpheus spoke with a shake of his head,(—— “I can’t be King, I’m not even Luna’s son!”

Nightmare Moon,(—— “Right now you will pass any test as my Foal.

Platinum Shine chuckled,(—— “Stop messing with it, your Majesty. The peytral is an important part of your gear. Not only is it enchanted, but the gem also stores your magic for emergencies.”

A pout came to Morpheus's face,(—— “But it’s uncomfortable.”

Platinum nodded,(—— “I do agree, it’s a bad option out of a list of very bad options.”

He looked to the curtain,(—— “It is better than not

With a look to his young charge,(—— “Not to mention with all your knowledge we will be able to make some good changes.”

A smile came to Plantium's face,(—— “And we have you to help us not to make similar mistakes.” He then lifts his head.(—— “She’s about ready to announce you.”

In my stead Prince (——Platinumm Shine will serve as regent till my herd son, Prince Morpheus will be crowned king on his 16th birthday.”

Then he looked down,(——

He then smiled,(—— “I am not corrupted, there is no madness in me,

Morpheus chuckled,(—— “Yup, I’m not going to launch a new age industrial revolution if I come off as weak.

He shrugged,(—— “Guess we find out when Morpheus does.”

Dew tilted her head,(—— “What is a Thestral?”

Morpheus smiled,(—— “It’s a creature from a story. They were horse-like creatures but with bat-like wings, so I chose to name the new tribe after the story.” With a shrug,(—— “Not like the writer is going to find out.”

Dew moved closer to the frightened filly and spoke,(——

Sweet Heart looked to her friends then to the Nightmare,(—— “But… she’s the one that…”

Morpheus sighed,(—— “Didn’t you listen to my speech? The pony that destroyed the city was Astral Beacon.”

“I heard that, but she,(——” she pointed again to Nightmare Moon,(—— “hurt aunt Celestia, hurting ponies is bad!”

Sweetie then looked to Celestia,(—— “Then you should both apologize.”

Nightmare’s head lowered,(—— “Celestia, it is going to take time,

She then looked to Celestia,(—— “I am still angry at you for sending me to the Moon, but I am sorry I thought you were… involved with Astral Beacon’s plan.” For a moment the slit eyes returned to that of a day pony,(—— “For family, I will forgive you and let you use my true name.”

Nightmare Moon’s dark laugh was the reply,(—— “You forgot I’m just a projection didn’t you.”

Morpheus looked between the two,(—— “Well that’s

Nightmare lifted her head,(—— “I know you are listening Pinkie Pie, you have to show them.”

Nightmare rolled her eyes,(—— “For a being born to devour fears and nightmares, you can be such a coward.”

Morpheus looked around,(——

as her horn lit up. “A Draconequus!!?(——”

Nightmare Moon sighed,(—— “Yes Celestia, turns

The foals stopped and ran over, Morpheus spoke up,(—— “What was that?”

Margret nodded,(—— “Thank you” Then she looked down at her son,(——

These are all the mistakes I found. I have another thing I want to add to the 16th birthday.

I did enjoy this. The story's ending is a bit rushed, but it did at least get an ending; that's worth a fair bit IMO. Definite room for a sequel (or several, really), but whether one gets made or not congrats on getting this story done.

And I suppose that this snowdrop would’ve also been blind? :unsuresweetie:

I haven’t thought about all the details. Yes I did choose the name because of the character Snowdrop but I didn’t think if she was the same.

Just that child birth in the timeframe is very risky add that she would have been fighting Discord at the time she was pregnant. So it was miscarried. A sad but very likely outcome.

After that she went into seclusion due to mornings both for King Cosmos but also the foal.

Then Sombra happened and the Nobility started manipulating the population against Luna. “She’s even darker then Sombra, are we sure she not doing anything to our foals in their dreams? Isn’t that like mind manipulation?”

Celestia is still young during this time and didn’t think it was as bad as Luna thought. Now after Nightmare Moon she does know.

In this story however the Nobility starts doing the same things with Celestia as the target.

Yeah I figured you all waited long enough. I might rewrite it and move the epilogue stuff back into an epilogue lol.

Hopefully that would help with the rushing.

I was merely confirming the reference/joking around.
But thanks for the info

Great story, can't wait for its sequel.

Wish I could. Life got in the way and so I’m barely writing anymore. My latest story is me, myself, and I.

I’m not sure when I get back to this universe. I wanted to explore the process of teleporting to Equestria. Other HiE stories only have a brief description I wanted to take that and expanded as long as I could.

I have loved this book thank you so much for writing it. I hope to see a sequel to it in the future!

I'm glad you enjoyed it. Unfortunately, I lost my spark to write, so I'm not thinking of doing it anymore. You can see near the end how I rushed the final chapter. The good news is that I'm more active in other ways, so I don't have time to sit and write down things. So it's nothing terrible, just time-consuming.

The idea of writing a human-turned-changeling "My name is Kevin" has been nagging in my thoughts.

I finally read the last 2 chapters, you did real good with this. Any word on the sequel?

No sequel. For some reason, the desire to write has left me. This might be because I am a Dungeon Master, and my creativity has shifted to running the campaign. It also shows that my life has changed, and I have less time to type.

I will be happy if someone else wishes to continue the story and write in any of my universes.

I still pay attention to comments and read other stories.

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