• Published 21st Nov 2020
  • 2,426 Views, 54 Comments

Kung-Fu Equestria 2 - Lady Umbra

After fufilling her dream of being a Kung-Fu Master, Twilight must now defend everything she worked for when a villain from her unknown past resurfaces to claim what is rightfully his with the aid of a weapon that can stop Kung-Fu itself

  • ...

Captured and Tortured

The shock of seeing Twilight blown out of the building left the five masters stunned. And in their moment of grief, the changelings took advantage.

In seconds, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Tai were pinned and bound in resin, unable to resist as King Sombra's mad laughter rang through the factory.

"I did it!" he bellowed, cackling from the top of his cannon. "I am the master of my fate! No one will stop me!"

Tai snarled, struggling against the resin that bound him, but all his struggles did was draw attention to himself and the defeated masters. Sombra leaped down from his cannon, pointing his sword at Tai Lung's nose.

"And you all thought you fools could stop me?" Sombra demanded. "I don't know who's stupider: you or the so-called Celestial Warrior."

Tai Lung's eyes dilated in fury, and he tore free of the resin with a bellow. But seconds before he could cave Sombra's stunned face in... the meaty hand of a familiar yak stopped his punch.

"Yay, such a good boy Roar!" the small changeling cried happily, her legs on the yaks shoulders tapping his head. Under his other arm, Rainbow Dash hung limply, barely lifting her head as Roar caught Tai by the head and smashed him back into the ground.

"Tak!" Chrysalis barked. The changeling saluted.

"Yes, Mama!" she declared.

"Take your yak and carry those two to the basement!" she ordered, turning to her daughter. "The same with this traitor..." she waved her hands at the rest of the Furious Five. "And the rest of these lot."

The changelings moved to help Tak and Roar. Yet, as the changelings moved Pinkie, they noticed something that put an aura of dread over them. Pinkie's mane was deflating to a straight curtain. Her eyes had changed from a colorful sky blue to a glacier cold blue. And her ever present grin was rapidly changing to a scowl of anger and rage.

The changelings ordered to move her glanced at each other, before quickly moving her to the basement, eager to get as far away from her as soon as possible.

"Your orders, my King?" Chrysalis asked.

"Do what you want with them" Sombra said, his eyes on Fluttershy as she was more escorted than dragged - on account of her eyes. "But leave the yellow one to me."

"Of course your majesty," the changeling queen replied, before turning to her daughter, who didn't match her gaze.

Urtica stared at the floor of her cell with despair in her eyes. Not only had she fallen right back into her mother's clutches, but she got the one she loved taken by her as well.

"Such sorrow," a familiar voice bemoaned, as her cell door opened, and her mother entered. "My daughter... what troubles you?"

"You know exactly what troubles me," Urtica replied coldly, turning her back on the Queen. "Get out."

"Have you forgotten? she asked. "I still have the leopard."

Urtica glared up at her, but the Queen's gaze was sympathetic.

"It's still your choice," Chrysalis noted. "Do as I say... and he is yours."

Urtica's eyes gazed to the bars of her cell, and the last of her resolve crumbled. She bowed her head in defeat.

"What do you want?" she asked.

The Queen smiled, and with a flare of her magic, lifted her daughter onto her feet.

"Come with me," she said.

Like a beaten dog, Urtica followed her mother down the hall of cells. She saw Rarity, who's head was drooped in unconsiousness. She saw Pinkie, glowering darkly from the shadows of her cell.

Then they reached the third cell... and Urtica whimpered as she saw Tai, still unconsious and restrained with resin.

"Tai!" Urtica cried, lunging at the bars. The leopard lifted his head, his ears flicking back and forth. But his eyes remained shut, a strange green glow around his eyelids.

"He lives," the Queen promised. "He's just under one of my dream spells." She opened the cell and walked in, her finger stroking his chin as she smiled. "You know," she noted. "I didn't even need to alter his dreams with magic." She turned with a grin to her daughter. "He already dreams about you."

Urtica blinked, staring at Tai sadly. However, her sadness turned to shock as green energy started to leak from his body, flowing towards Chrysalis. The Queen shuddered as she breathed in the green energy.

"And his love... is absolutely delicious!" Chrysalis declared with a moan. A moan that was cut short when Urtica charged her, knocking her away from the leopard.

"You promised!!" the princess screamed, putting herself between Chrysalis and the leopard.

"But can't you feel it, daughter?" Chrysalis tempted, wafting the green energy towards Urtica. "It's so intoxicating."

Urtica turned her head away, batting aside the energy, even as it sent her body into a shudder.

"Mother," Urtica begged as her entire body shivered with the urge to feed. "Stop it!"

"You want it to stop?" Chrysalis asked, motioning to the leopard. "Then give in. Feed on him yourself."

Urtica stared at Tai. An animalistic part rose up in her, begging her to obey. But the mere feeling of that primal urge caused Urtica to grab her heart, backing away from Tai in horror.

"I can't," she insisted, turning pleadingly to Chrysalis. "It doesn't have to be like this! We don't need to take Love!"

Chrysalis glowered at her daughter's words. "You're just as pathetic as your brothers," she growled, turning to the outside of the cell. "I had hoped that Pharynx would have more sense. But, of course, he was too loyal to Thorax."

Urtica paused, resting her hand on the wall. "What happened to them?" she asked.

"Nothing," Chrysalis said darkly. "Thorax refused to feed, and Pharynx defended him." Her head bowed. "Pharynx severed them both from the Hive Mind. I know not where they have gone."

Urtica looked down with a sigh. "At least they're free," she whispered. "Free from becoming monsters."

When she looked up, her face met the back of Chrysalis' hand. She hit the ground as Chrysalis stood over her.

"Do not call your family monsters!" Chrysalis snarled, grabbing her by the head and forcing her onto the leopard. "Now feed on the boy. Now!"

But Urtica pushed herself away, even as that primal urge came up. Stronger. More enticing. She shuddered again.

"I won't," she choked out.

But Chrysalis could hear the struggle in her voice. She shoved her head against Tai's chest before returning to the cell door.

"You hold onto the same delusion your father had," she growled, before her voice cracked with sadness. "And look where that got him..." She looked up, holding back tears of grief and anger. "Beaten to death by ponies for falling in love with a changeling."

"But... Father was right," she insisted, turning back to her mother. "We don't need to steal Love." She gazed at her mother's wings, blinking in shock. "Your wings have lost their luster since his death."

Chrysalis hissed angrily, before spinning and back handing her into the wall. Urtica curled up where she fell, wincing as Chrysalis hissed at her.

"We have no choice," Chrysalis insisted, almost as much to herself as to Urtica. "The ponies of this world will always see us as freaks and monsters! And any who are like your father? They'll die if they're not already dead." Chrysalis rose up, glancing at the leopard with a huff. "Now... do as your told and feed on the leopard. Or I'll come back with twenty changelings, and we'll drain him until he dies."

Urtica eyes shot open in horror. And with her primal urge already rising in her chest like a caged lion, she found herself out of options. Pulling herself up to Tai, she gazed into his unconsious face, stroking his fur sadly.

"I'm sorry, Tai," she whispered. Then, tears in her eye, and with the eye of her mother and her own primal urges driving her forward, her fangs bared, and she began to feed.

Meanwhile, outside the cells, Sombra watched Chrysalis as she began to smirk.

Turning away from the Queen, Sombra turned his attention to the final cell, guarded by Tak and Roar.

Inside, Rainbow Dash lay unconsious, Fluttershy tending to her. Fluttershy's ears perked up as the King strode inside. He smiled as her head turned, her blindfold keeping her from seeing him right in front of her.

"Stand up, pegasus," he ordered.

She ignored him, turning her head back to Rainbow Dash. Sombra's smile faded. With a growl, he seized Fluttershy by the arm. She nearly went for his wrist, but he drew his sword and held it to her throat just before she could break his arm.

"When your king gives you a order," he snarled. "You follow it without question."

Even with a sword to her throat, Fluttershy's face remained devoid of fear. "You are no king of mine," she replied, twisting his wrist painfully.

He chuckled, releasing her and sheathing his sword. "I always heard that the Master of Kindness was a coward," he noted. "I'm pleased to see those rumors were false."

Fluttershy turned back to her friend, but his next words made her yellow coat grow pale.

"Yes... you will make a fine queen for me."

Fluttershy turned to him, disgust written on her face.

"I'd rather be eaten by a hydra than be the Queen to a vile stallion like yourself," she replied.

Sombra narrowed his eyes. His horn lit up, and blasted her across the cell. Rainbow Dash stirred, but he threw another spell her way as he bore down on Fluttershy, ensuring the cyan mare remained asleep.

"Let that be a warning to you, mare," Sombra growled, grabbing her throat and lifting her to his eye level. "You will be mine, or you will die, along with the rest of Equestria."

Fluttershy merely glared up at him... and spat in his face. Sombra backed up, and in his moment of distraction, she struck again, catching him between the legs.

Gagging in agony, he backed up as she kicked him into the cell door. Ripping off her blindfold, she shot him with the most contemptuous, angry glare she could muster.

Sombra screamed as the mere sight of her Gorgon's Glare nearly burned his eyes. But right before she could force him to his knees, his horn glowed, and unleashed a blast of light like a flash bang.

Fluttershy shrieked in pain, clutching at her eyes. And in her moment of distraction, Sombra struck back. Summoning a crystal dagger, he rammed his shoulder into her gut, bashing her into the wall. She slumped to the ground, struggling to breath, as he wrenched her head up by the mane.

He struck twice like a viper, and Fluttershy's screams echoed down the hall.

Urtica froze in her feeding, her blood chilling at the sound of Fluttershy's screaming.

"Don't stop," Chrysalis snapped at her. "Keep going."

As Urtica struggled to continue, Sombra stood up, glaring down at Fluttershy as she thrashed, clutching at her eyes as blood began to leak out from under her hands.

"I gave you opportunity," he snarled at her whimpering, crying form. "The chance to rule this world at my side. And you spit in my face?!" He kicked her in the chest, and she tried to roll so her back was to him. Undeterred, he rolled her back towards him, re-positioning his dagger above her already ruined face.

"You don't want to be my queen?" he growled, pressing his dagger into her cheek. "That's fine. I'll just make sure no one else will want you ever again!"

And so, he continued his work. Fluttershy's screams rang long and loud. Echoing not just down the hallway, but even making the changelings above ground freeze and look around in shock. They made the Crystal Ponies shiver in their beds.

They even tore through the spell Sombra was using to keep Rainbow Dash asleep.

As the cyan mare struggled back into consciousness, her waking eyes revealed Sombra, standing over her friend as she thrashed and struggled.

"Huh... Fl... FLUTTERSHY!" Rainbow Dash yelled, jumping at the king. However, the King heard her coming, and vanished with a teleportation spell.

Rainbow Dash landed hard on her friend. And screamed as she backed up off her.

Fluttershy's face was utterly mangled. Cuts zigzagged to and fro across her once beautiful face. Her nose had nearly been completely sliced off, and her teeth showed through holes in her cheeks and lips. And her eyes... Rainbow Dash gagged at what had become of her eyes.

"You..." Rainbow Dash snarled, whirling on the cell door. Sombra smirked at her as she smashed at the barrier he had put over the cell door, fury mixing with grief into a roar for Sombra's blood.

Rainbow's roar for blood, however, was interuppted by another scream, drawing the attention of both Chrysalis and Sombra.

Rainbow grinned darkly. "Oh-ho, you're gonna get it now," Rainbow promised as Sombra raced to investigate.

With her mother distracted, Urtica quickly returned as much love as she could to Tai, before joining her as they raced to Pinkie's cell, where they found two changelings shivering in horror outside.

Inside the cell, a third changeling was thrashing and crying. His horn trapped and rapidly being crushed by Pinkie's teeth.

"Get this freak off of me!" the changeling begged, trying in vain to free himself. Pinkie just growled like a feral animal, trying to draw him closer so her chained hands could grab at his pantsless groin.

"What happened?" Sombra demanded.

"We couldn't find any love in her," the second changeling reported. "So Echo figured he'd breed her! And now..."

Echo wailed, as Pinkie managed to get him closer, her teeth biting further down his horn, while her fingers itched for his exposed groin. The changeling shuddered at the thought of what she'd do if she got her hands on him.

"Well? what are you two waiting for?!" Chrysalis demanded. "Help your brother!"

She shoved the two into the cell. But as they stumbled into Pinkie's chains, she acted. Catching one by the horn, she jumped up and caught the second between her feet. With a spin, she snapped one changeling's neck, and tore the horns from the other two changelings. They both got a brief chance to stumble back, screaming in utter agony and clutching at their hornless heads, before Pinkie hurled the horns she had stolen back at them.

The horns smashed right through their skulls and thudded into the wall inches from Chrysalis own face. She blinked in utter shock and horror as her children slumped to the ground, their cries cut hauntingly short. Pinkie lowered herself back to the ground, somehow not tangled in the chains, and fixed them both with a terrifying glare.

Hissing, Chrysalis moved to enter the cell herself, but Sombra stopped her.

"You go in there," he warned. "You will share your childrens fate." He shoved her back, before turning to Pinkie himself. "You're Master Pinkamena, aren't you?" he noted. "The Dark Side of Master Pinkie."

"Go to hell," Pinkamena growled.

"I'll take that as a yes" Sombra said. Careful not to enter the cell, he pressed himself against the bars. "How'd you like to join my ranks? I could really use one as merciless as you."

Pinkamena smirked.

"You killed Twilight," she noted. "You let me out of here... and I'll skin you for her burial shroud."

Sombra didn't rise to her threat. Instead, he turned to Chrysalis.

"Stay out here," he warned. "Use your resin to make sure she is completely restrained."

Chrysalis nodded, and began spray the green resin into the cell, binding Pinkamena even more than before.

"And Chrysalis," he noted, drawing her gaze. "Tell your children to keep it in their pants."

Chrysalis gazed sorrowfully at the corpses of her children inside the cell, and bowed her head, before continuing to turn the cell into a cocoon.

In a forest, far from the Crystal Empire, rain sprinkled down from the trees. They hit the makeshift shelter with a rhythmic beating not unlike a tribal drum, trying and failing to quench the fire that burned in front of the zebra shaman, and the unconsious unicorn behind her.

Twilight's injuries were carefully treated and bandaged. Acupuncture needles poked out from her head, arms and shoulders. Slowly, her eyes opened, lulled awake by the almost musical beating of rain on the roof.

Her eyes slowly shifted, spotting the King's soothsayer, watching a kettle of tea slowly heat up.

Twilight glanced around. She had no idea where she was or what the zebra wanted with her, but the first thing that stood out in her mind was Rainbow Dash. Reaching out for her and screaming.

Panic pushed at Twilight's heart. She needed to go back. She had to help them. But as she tried to lift her body, she saw the zebra shift.

Twilight froze. Though the zebra had seemed against Sombra - in some subtle, deadpan advisor way - she had still been a part of his court. And Twilight didn't know if she could trust her to help her get back to the Empire.

Keeping her body still, Twilight pretended to still be out, watching through eyes narrowed to slits as the zebra poured out a cup of tea. Unfortunately for her, the zebra turned to her, and sat down before her. Twilight shut her eyes completely, wishing she could slow her rapidly beating heart.

The zebra chuckled. "Your beating heart could use a break," she said. "I know that you are awake."

Groaning, Twilight opened her eyes. "Sorry," she muttered, wincing as she shifted into a sitting position. "I... I didn't know..."

"If I wanted you dead," Zecora pointed out, handing her a cup of tea. "I could have let you sink to the river bed."

Nodding at the logic, Twilight took the cup with a nod.

"Thank you," she whispered, lifting the cup to her lips... only to choke and spit it out. "By Celestia," Twilight moaned. "That's so bitter! What did you use?!" She tried to give it back, but Zecora pushed it back to her lips.

"It's not going down a sink," she said sternly. "You need to drink!"

"No way," Twilight said. "That'll just make me sicker..."

Her protests went up into a groan as Zecora jabbed an acupunture needle into Twilight's forehead. Her jaw went slack, and Zecora easily tipped the rest of the tea down her throat, before removing the needle and moving back to the fire.

Twilight moaned as she felt the brew travel into her stomach. "You got a funny idea of saving me," she moaned, clutching her stomach, while pulling the acupunture needles from her body. Curiosity slowed her movements, and she gave the zebra a more inquisitive look. "Why are you helping me, anyway?"

"Your friends and my home are about to suffer a great penalty," Zecora replied. "To save them, you must fulfill your destiny."

"Destiny?" Twilight asked. "But... I already did that when I became the Celestial Warrior."

"Stopping Tai Lung was but one goal," Zecora replied. "You must do more if you hope to be whole."

Twilight groaned, before looking out past the shelter. To... her brow knit. Were those other shelters? Were there others here?

"Where are we?" she asked.

"No memories you have? None?" Zecora asked, looking out at the other shelters with a sigh. "Then again, it happened when you were still very young."

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked. "What is this place?"

Yet, before Zecora could answer, Twilight... heard it. Her ear flicked, and she turned back to the shelters. Were those... screams? Echoes of frightened ponies? And yet... no one was around.

Or were there? Twilight thought she saw someone move into one of the shelters. She pulled herself to her feet, and stepped out into the rain. Without the fire to blind her, she got a better look at the shelters.

She gasped. They were no shelters; they were ruins. Destroyed remnants of once great homes.

Zecora hummed as Twilight's breathing began to increase. Her forehead beaded with sweat. She shook her head and turned away.

"Deep in your mind's chamber, perhaps you do remember," she mused. "The place where the sun's final light made way for night. We stand in the ruined village of Twilight."

"T-Twilight?" Twilight whispered, turning around. She saw another movement. Heard the echo of another ghost. She winced, and turned away again.

"N-No," she whispered. "No, it's a nightmare..."

"Nightmare? Careful what you see," Zecora said. "What you glimpse is a memory."

Twilight shook her head. And yet... as she gazed down into a puddle of rainwater, she didn't see herself.

Or rather, not as she was now.

She saw herself as a filly. Purple eyes, unconcerned with the gathering of knowledge or magic. A wide, giggling smile.

She turned. The Town of Twilight was... thriving. Ponies farmed the fields, or flew kites like dragons through the sky.

Three ponies approached her, one of them picking her up with a warm smile.

It was her mother. Those eyes - so scared in her previous visions - now held nothing but warmth and happiness. By her left, a strong, strapping stallion with dark blue fur embraced her mother's side. And on her right, a smaller colt with white fur and a blue mane blowing in the breeze gazed up at them with the loyalty and love only a son could give to his parents.

"This was once a thriving village," Zecora whispered, bringing Twilight out of the vision. "Back before the pillage."

"Pillage?" Twilight whispered, her voice cracking as logic tried to connect the dots emotion would rather remain severed.

"Young Sombra was next in line to rule the Crystal Empire but..." Zecora shook her head, before guilt brought her head down, and she forewent her rhymes. "But he wanted more. I... foretold that someone would stand in his way." She looked up at Twilight. "A warrior... named Twilight."

Twilight's eyes widened as the zebra turned from her, her voice cracking and tears poking at her eyes.

"But I never could have fortold what he would do next," she bemoaned.

Logic connected, and the next memory brought Twilight to her knees.

Fire. Fire burning everywhere. Ponies being lined up by changelings. Forced to their knees as Sombra glowered down at them all, Chrysalis at his side.

"Name!" he demanded of one.

"M-Midnight Sonata," she stammered.

Sombra huffed, before waving her aside. Chrysalis' horn flashed, and two changelings dragged the pony away, as he moved to the next pony.

"Name!" he snapped.

"T-Twilight's Glow!" the mare whimpered.

His sword flashed in the fire. And screams erupted as Twilight's Glow fell to the ground, her head bouncing away into the dust.

Twilight's mother clutched her to her chest, while Twilight hugged a smartypants stuffed animal to her chest. Both of them whimpered as Sombra drew closer.

"Name!" he spat at the pony beside them.

"Star Fire," he claimed. "Star Fire. I swear that's my name!"

But Chrysalis shook her head. "He lies," she hissed.

Sombra's sword once again flashed in the night. The stallion's head joined Twilight's Glow's. Then, almost like a nightmare... Sombra sidled up before Twilight and her mother.

"Name," he growled like a demon.

Twilight's mother glowered up at him, before looking behind him with a grin.

Sombra's brow furrowed, before he turned... and recieved a brutal kick that threw him over Twilight and her mother.

Chrysalis tried to turn to his attacker, only for another stallion to send her tumbling as well.

Twilight's father and brother hoisted her mother up.

"Take her and run," her father said firmly.

"But I can help!" her mother insisted, trying to give her to her father. "It's me he'll want."

"Father!" her brother yelled, as Chrysalis and Sombra rose up, teeth gritted in fury. Sombra blasted a spell at the group, but her brother's horn flashed, and a shield barely managed to deflect the brutal spell.

"No time to argue," her father insisted. "Go! Please!"

Her mother glanced back at Sombra, and grit her teeth in frustration. Planting one final kiss on her husband's lips, she turned and fled, just as another spell broke her brother's shield. The shards blasted Twilight's stuffed animal from her hands, as her mother fled with her into the shadows of the night.

Briefly snapping out of the vision, Twilight found herself before a cluster of black boards... with something underneath them.

Parting the boards, Twilight found her old stuffed doll. Yet even touching it brought back the vision.

Sombra's mark. Her mother leaving her.

Screaming, Twilight turned away, tears slipping down her face with the rain.

"Do what's right, and don't fight," Zecora's soothing voice whispered. "Like a magic's glow... just let it flow."

Her words were like an anchor in a stormy sea. Twilight felt her breathing slow. Her heart steady.

She lifted her head up, letting the drops of rain fall. It almost felt like they were clearing away her doubts.

As her breathing steadied, and she felt her doubts and fears slip away, Twilight began to slide her foot. Copying the motions that she had seen Master Luna use so long ago.

A single raindrop came into reach and Twilight extended her hand, catching it as her vision continued.

She saw her mother, running through the woods. Clutching her daughter tightly to her chest.

A spell shot past her, but her mother spun with the curse, firing a spell right back.

A changeling fell, but another one rose to take its place. Twilight's mother snarled like an angry wolf, and caught the lunging changeling with a strength enhanced arm. Smashing it to the ground, she crushed its carapace, before glaring at the red glow that was slowly approaching her.

She turned and tried to escape the hunters.

But another spell shot through the trees. And this one caught her across the leg.

Her mother stumbled and fell down a small hill. As she clutched at her leg, she shivered as felt obsidian replacing the flesh and bone.

Twilight didn't understand back then, but she knew now that her mother wouldn't be able to run on that leg.

The sound of the hunters grew closer. The hiss of the changelings. The hum of Sombra's aura.

Twilight's mother desperately looked for some form of escape.

Her eyes landed on a cart. Filled with crates of various books and scrolls.

The sound of shattering glass rang through the forest. Forcing herself forward, Twilight's mother limped behind the cart and watched as the changelings ran past and out of view. Looking back at her injuried leg, her mother gave one more look to the cart. Conflicting emotions crossed across her face, before she reluctantly lifted Twilight up towards...

Twilight's eyes shot open. Time itself seemed to freeze, the raindrop hovering in her hands. recgonizing the familiar crate

It was the crate Spike had found her in. Placing her daughter into the crate, Twilight's mother hushed baby Twilight when she fussed, kissing her on the forehead, even as tears began to flood her eyes.

"Hush, my little filly," her mother whispered. "You're going to get out of this alive." She hugged her. "And you're going to have a good life... even without..."

Her voice cracked too much to proceed. She touched Twilight's head to her own, and slipped out of her grip.

"I love you, my baby girl," her mother sobbed. "I love you!"

And as Twilight was only able to gaze on, sobbing as she reached weakly out for her mother. The elder mare limped back up to the hillside, and flared two balls of magic in her hands.

"Sombra!" she bellowed, her voice instantly hushing Twilight's cries, and bringing silence to the forest. "You wanted to know my name!?"

Twilight didn't see her mother's face, but she could assume it was set in a terrifying glare.

"My name is Twilight Velvet!" she declared. "And you can burn in Tartarus!"

She blasted herself forward with one final battle cry. A battle cry that, even when it was cut short, still echoed over the forest... even 19 years later, as the daughter Twilight Velvet had died for deposited the drop of water onto the leaf of a growing plant.

Twilight's breathing remained steady, but her cheeks soaked with tears. Falling to her knees, she wept for her mother; a mother that had not abandoned her, but given her life for her.

'I'm so sorry, Mother,' Twilight couldn't help but think. 'I'm sorry I ever doubted you. I wish you didn't have to do that for me. I wish...'

She could've wished a lot of things. But then Zecora's soothing voice reached her ears. Foregoing her rhymes for straight fact.

"Your story may not have had such a happy beginnning, but that doesn't make you who you are."

When she turned to Zecora, she saw the zebra give her a comforting smile.

"It is the rest of your story that matters," she insisted. "Who you choose to be."

Twilight gazed back up at the sky. "Who I choose to be..." she whispered, smiling as she remembered...

Spike finding her.

Casting her first spell.

Reading her first book about Kung Fu.

The fight with Garble.

Celestia choosing her.

Training with Luna.

Training with the Five.

Saving Tai Lung.

Rainbow Dash bowing to her.

Telling her she couldn't watch her die.

And finally... her and Spike in the Jade Dragon Library. With Spike caring for her like the big brother he was.

Twilight smiled, and breathed. And when Zecora asked, "So... who are you?" Twilight had an answer. Her gaze focused to the North, as the clouds parted to reveal the Crystal Empire.

"I am Twilight Sparkle," Twilight declared. "The Celestial Warrior... and I'm going to save the Crystal Empire."

Author's Note:

In case you all are wondering I modeled the Changeling and Yak[Tak and Roar] after my Favorite character from Mortal Kombat X

No need to worry I'm already this close to the end, so I might as well Finish it while I can